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Re: (unknown)

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Marge (Kathi's Mom)

What a great advocate you are for your daughter. The news certainly is

good, and I do hope that Kathi continues to do well. I'll be rooting for you



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that's what I mean we get all these messages then othrs should chat there rather than go back and forth I don't know it's nice to get information but some of it really doesn't pertain to HepC

-- RE: (unknown)

Hi Laurie, you can use this sites chat room anytime you want. The official meeting time is Thursday nights, but it is open 24/7

Have fun,

Hi everyone I have to agree the messages are getting way too long. It's nice to share then you need a froum and bravenet offers those too.

We need to develop a chat room do you know there is free website's??? with free chat room

This is too much getting all these messages. I enjoy receiving messages like the ones that Jules Levin posts they really explain a lot.

If you are interested Deb or Liz please email me and I will walk you through it, that's what I have and people love it!!

it would be like my www.HopeforHepC.bravehost.com site.

And you can inform a lot of people there too.

~ Laurie

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I had to laugh at the "stand up to authority". I'm not really like that either, unless it comes to my kids, and then it's like "You people don't know who you are messing with" LOL I can't do anything until I have a diagnosis, but once I do, I'll be calling for a meeting and I will be there with a lawyer AND an advocate and they WILL put Cameron into the PPCD Pre-K and they WILL be giving him OT. I'm on a mission!!!

Anyhow, I'm so grateful that I joined this group. Everyone has been so supportive and I appreciate that SO much!!! Thank you!


-- (unknown)

Anne,I have been reading your posts, and like someone else said, it brings back many memories for me also. I have a 16 year old with Asperger's (diagnosed 2 years ago) and an 11 year old with autism (diagnosed when he was 2). When you do get your diagnosis, you will feel better, I think, because the unknown is much scarier than the known. Once you find out for sure what it is, then you can begin to do your research and busy yourself in doing whatever you can to get your son into the program (and the therapies) that he needs. My 16 year old son with Asperger's was always in the SLD (learning disabilities) because even though we knew something wasn't right with him, we didn't know exactly what. So the school system did give him OT for years, which really helped. Now that he just started high school, regular classes (changing classes since it's high school) is now way too stressful for him...the noise, lights, etc. So we are in the process of having to have him reevaluated by the school so he can be put in their autism/asperger's class. There are only 8 students in this class, they stay in the same classroom all day and it is quiet and does not have fluorescent lighting. I showed up WITH a letter from a very highly respected psychiatrist stating that my son has Asperger's, bipolar and ADD. The school system then informed me that this wasn't GOOD enough...that he couldn't get into this class until THEY determine that he was autism....HUH???? I asked "since when does a school system determine if someone is autistic and a letter from a doctor isn't good enough?" They gave me some convoluted explanation that they must "determine his eligibility". Baloney! Anyway, we are almost done with all the testing and it will be worth it in the end.Sorry I'm rambling here, but I do feel your pain and remember well. It does get better, I promise. I had many days of tears, frustration, depression, etc. What helped me work my way through the grieving process was busying myself with research, etc.And the "mama bear" instinct kicks in and you would slay a dragon to get your child what he needs. I was never a "go up against authority" type of person..on the shy side. One positive that came out of having two sons on the spectrum is that that doesn't apply to me anymore at all!Thinking of you and hoping you get your diagnosis for him soon!

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sari, sari,

the always joyful Sari, sorry you are not having a good time right now, do you

think the band is making you somehow have periods everyother week, or what. did

you have this problem before the surgery.

Also, are you still loosing any weight even though you are eating junk food.

Well I hope things get better, for you. And quick question, from reading all

the post on here, from the people who have gone to local doctors vs. going back

to Dr. Aceves' for a fill, it seems that Dr. Aceves's gave alot more fill then

these local doctors are giving. wonder why, is it just everyone is different.

because if I was going to pay 600 for a fill, I would want them to make it as

tight as possible.


Just to let ya'll know, for some reason my husband decided we were going to try

to buy a new house, which is something I have wanted for ever. So I am waiting

to see if we qualify, because if we do then I have to put off surgery, if we

don't then it is back to planning the surgery...

take care everyone, love hearing everyone's stories.

Tracie in Texas

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Dear Tianna Hite,

Thank you for your input of questions.

1)Federal law requires patient package inserts to be distributed with which of

the following medications?

1. Prilosec - Proton pump inhibitor to help reduce acid, and therefore GI ulcers

2. Dilantin - AntiEpileptic or anticonvulsant drug

Correct Answer 3. Premarin - Post Menopausal Replacement Hormone

4. Minocin - Antibiotic in the TCN class

Jeanetta's answer is : '3' Premarin. Premarin contains conjugated estrogens

from the Pregnant Mare's Urine (Pre-Mar-In). the Federal Law requires that ANY

time a product that contains Estrogen is dispensed it must contain a package

insert so that the patient can have all the information available to decide for

herself/himself if she/he wants to take the risks associated with taking



FYI: Premarin may be used for the " Advanced Androgen-Dependent Carcinoma of the

Prostate, for Palliation Only " . Cancer of the prostate, a male gland which

secretes a thin fluid that forms part of the seminal fluid (in ejaculate). The

prostate gland is found at the base of the bladder in males. " Prostate cancer is

the second highest cause of cancer-related deaths in men. "

2) A pharmacy receives an order for acetaminophen with codeine elixir (120 mg

and 12 mg/5 mL) that reads:

Sig: 1 tbsp PO q6h p.r.n.

Disp: 4 oz

Each prescribed dose will contain:

1. 120 mg acetaminophen and 12 mg codeine.

2. 240 mg acetaminophen and 24 mg codeine.

3. 300 mg acetaminophen and 30 mg codeine.

Correct answer 4. 360 mg acetaminophen and 36 mg codeine.

Jeanetta's answer is '4'. 360 mg acetaminophen and 36 mg codeine.'

The sig is the 'key': 1 tbsp = 3 tsp. 1 tsp = 5ml

3 x 5ml = 15 ml = 1 tbsp

3 x the ingredients of 5ml =

3 x 120mg + 3 x 12 mg =

360 mg acetaminophen and 36 mg codeine

this is answer: " 4. 360 mg acetaminophen and 36 mg codeine. "

Let's add on another questions here: How long will this Rx last? or how long

will the 4 oz last?

1 tbsp = 15 ml

q6hr prn = 4 doses per day maximum, as needed

4 doses/day x 15 ml/dose = 60 ml/day = 2 ounce/day or 2 oz /day

4 oz / 2 oz /day = 2 days

This prescription will last 2 days.

3)A pharmacy receives the following prescription: “Fosamax 10mg #30 Sig: 1 q.d.

w/food, 2 refills.” The pharmacy tech. questions the pharmacist about this

prescription because:

1. this product is not available in the strength specified.

2. this medication is usually prescribed q.i.d.

Correct answer 3. this medication is not supposed to be administered with food.

4. prescription for this medication are not renewable.

Jeanetta's answer: 3. do not take with food: FOSAMAX must be taken at least

one-half hour before the first food or drink of the day or the first medication

of the day with plain water ONLY. Fosamax is a drug that allows the bone to heal

and make new bones celles. (bone = fossil max = build bone more to the max for a

strong bone )

4)Which of the following formulas will produce a 1000ml soln. of 3.5% amino acid

in 15 % dextrose?

1. Amino acid 10% 500ml+dextrose 30% 500ml

2. Amino acid 10% 300ml+dextrose 30% 700ml

correct: 3. Amino acid 7% 500ml+dextrose 30 500ml

4. Amino acid 7% 400ml+dextrose 30% 600ml

Jeanetta's answer is ' " 3. Amino acid 7% 500ml+dextrose 30 500ml "

This problem is an alligation problem worked backwards and on this site about 6


set up an alligation problem with 7 high, 0 low (no AA in Dextrose 30) and 3.5

in the center. Plug in 1000 ml as the qty to be made. Do the math which will

result as:

3.5 / 7 x 1000 ml = 500ml of 7%


3.5 / 7 x 1000 ml = 500 ml of 0% solution. ( or Dextrose 30% has no AA)

Dextrose 30 is now substituted for water:

3.5 / 7 x 1000 ml = 500ml of 7%


3.5 / 7 x 1000 ml = 500 ml of 30% Dextrose

5)A patient with a penicillin allergy is most likely to exhibit a sensitivity


1. tetracycline

correct answer is: 2. cephalexin

3. gentamicin

4. erythromycin

Jeanetta's answer is 2. cephalexin which is a cephalosporin antibiotic. It is

chemically structured like PCN. It is said to be it chemical relative.

Errythromycin would be a great choice for a pt with an allergy to PCN. TCN does

not have a broad enough spectrum to be interchanged in all cases. Gentamicin is

the only antibiotic that has a mi not my!

Gent is an aminoglycoside and is a very strong AB especially used in elderly pts

with UTI's in which PCN or ESS will not help.

I hope this helps you out Tianna!


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BSChem


Tianna Hite <tianna_5@...> wrote:

Hello everyone, I have a few questions that I am concern about- hope someone can

help me.

P.S. Good Luck to eveyone who is taking the exam on saturday :)

1)Federal law requires patient package inserts to be distributed with which of

the following medications?

[input] 1. Prilosec

[input] 2. Dilantin

[input] 3. Premarin

[input] 4. Minocin

2)A pharmacy receives an order for acetaminophen with codeine elixir (120 mg and

12 mg/5 mL) that reads:

Sig: 1 tbsp PO q6h p.r.n.

Disp: 4 oz

Each prescribed dose will contain:

[input] 1. 120 mg acetaminophen and 12 mg codeine.

[input] 2. 240 mg acetaminophen and 24 mg codeine.

[input] 3. 300 mg acetaminophen and 30 mg codeine.

[input] 4. 360 mg acetaminophen and 36 mg codeine.

3)A pharmacy receives the following prescription: “Fosamax 10mg #30 Sig: 1 q.d.

w/food, 2 refills.” The pharmacy tech. questions the pharmacist about this

prescription because:

· this product is not available in the strength specified.

· this medication is usually prescribed q.i.d.

· this medication is not supposed to be administered with food.

· prescription for this medication are not renewable.

4)Which of the following formulas will produce a 1000ml soln. of 3.5% amino acid

in 15 % dextrose?

· Amino acid 10% 500ml+dextrose 30% 500ml

· Amino acid 10% 300ml+dextrose 30% 700ml

· Amino acid 7% 500ml+dextrose 30 500ml

· Amino acid 7% 400ml+dextrose 30% 600ml

5)A patient with apenicillin allergy is most likely to exhibit a sensitivity to:

· tetracycline

· cephalexin

· gentamicin

· erythromycin

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What is a PK protocol and what is live cell analysis? I am curious about this?I sppoke to a few women that got rid of brain fog as you called it, so did they, they said it was just something that went away after time being explanted and after they sweated it all out or something like that.


anita kessler <AnitaK001@...> wrote:

Since many of us have shown hypercoagulation with the live cell analysis and many of us also have brain fog I am thinking that the PK protocol which is a detox protocol that targets the liver and restoration of the cell wall through phospholipid therapy and glutathione by fast IV push would be a great therapy for many of us. The visual constrast test is available online at Richie Shoemaker's site for $8.99. Taking this test would tell if one has Chronic Neurotoxic Syndrome and therefore be a candidate for this therapy. I can also provide a phone number for BodyBio. They maintain a list of practitioners who have completed the course for the PK protocol. http://www.cnm-inc.com/art_nattokinase_1.pdf This is a link that provides information about the protocol. Love, Anita

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I have bleph and so does my 3/12 month old daughter. I knew it was genetic, but I thought I had congenital ptosis, I wash surprised to find out that I have bleph. I also could have never imagined how difficult this would be, all the emotions and pain that my husband and I and my parents would experience.

I think you will find this group helpful. At first I was too hurt to find anything helpful, but as I adjusted, it got better. I think experience with bleph varies, and much of it is your perception and attitude. I know I was hurt as a little kid, but I really tuned it out, and whether it's good or bad I don't know but it definitely shaped my personality. I definitely wished my daughter wouldn't have it, but she does and she is here and we love her so much. I look at pictures of me as a little girl, and I don't really know what people saw to make fun of, I think I was quite pretty. And my baby is beautiful. She had surgery so she has stitches and I don't know if people are just being polite or they don't really look at her, but we haven't had any bad experiences with strangers. I actually think it's worse explaining it to friends, inlaws, coworkers, etc., I guess because I want them to be kind and accept my daughter, and I always hated it when people talked about me behind

my back, about what was "wrong" with my eyes, and I can't stand to think that they will talk about my baby that way. But I will just get used to it. She doesn't know any of it yet and I want to enjoy that as long as possible.

Where do you live? Find the best doctors you can, shop around. You and your family will be fine.

Beth <maryelisabethball@...> wrote:

yes hi my name is mary and i have bleph. and now my son was born with it . I had no idea that it was genatic. I.m so sad i wen tthru all those operations and now my son has to. i hope technology is a lot better than back in 1979. I remember how cruel kids were to me. now my son. is there any hope etc

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I thought I had congenital ptosis too. Thank goodness someone else thought the same. I had no idea it was bleph either; When I started looking it up on the internet, they sometimes refer to blep but I just thought - no I dont have that, I dont need to look at any information on it.

Beth Gordon <bethgordon03@...> wrote:

I have bleph and so does my 3/12 month old daughter. I knew it was genetic, but I thought I had congenital ptosis, I wash surprised to find out that I have bleph. I also could have never imagined how difficult this would be, all the emotions and pain that my husband and I and my parents would experience.

I think you will find this group helpful. At first I was too hurt to find anything helpful, but as I adjusted, it got better. I think experience with bleph varies, and much of it is your perception and attitude. I know I was hurt as a little kid, but I really tuned it out, and whether it's good or bad I don't know but it definitely shaped my personality. I definitely wished my daughter wouldn't have it, but she does and she is here and we love her so much. I look at pictures of me as a little girl, and I don't really know what people saw to make fun of, I think I was quite pretty. And my baby is beautiful. She had surgery so she has stitches and I don't know if people are just being polite or they don't really look at her, but we haven't had any bad experiences with strangers. I actually think it's worse explaining it to friends, inlaws, coworkers, etc., I guess because I want them to be kind and accept my daughter, and I always hated it when people talked about me behind

my back, about what was "wrong" with my eyes, and I can't stand to think that they will talk about my baby that way. But I will just get used to it. She doesn't know any of it yet and I want to enjoy that as long as possible.

Where do you live? Find the best doctors you can, shop around. You and your family will be fine.

Beth <maryelisabethball@...> wrote:

yes hi my name is mary and i have bleph. and now my son was born with it . I had no idea that it was genatic. I.m so sad i wen tthru all those operations and now my son has to. i hope technology is a lot better than back in 1979. I remember how cruel kids were to me. now my son. is there any hope etc

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Seyfi Bey selam,

Ben bu siteye 3 aydýr üyeyim.Benim oðlum iki yaþýnda ve Yaklaþýk 13 aydýr

problemlerimiz devam ediyor.Benim oðlumun ateþi çok yüksek seyrediyor.Ýlk 3 gün

ateþ 38-38.5'u görünce seviniyoruz.Ve Ýbufen saati gelmesine yakýn ateþi 41C'e

kadar çýkabiliyor.Ancak nihai teþhis aylarca birçok antibiyotik iðneleri

vurulduktan sonra yaklaþýk 6 ay önce doktorumuz Mustafa Bakýr tarafýndan

kondu.Sitede birkaç Türkle daha karþýlaþtým ve hepsinin doktoru ayný.Siz nasýl

ve kimle sonuca ulaþtýnýz merak ettim.Ben bizim doktorun önerisini size


1.%70 sonuç veren tedavi önerisi tonsilektomi yani bademciklerin alýnmasý

2.Prednisone tarzý kortizonlu ilaçlar

3.Sadece ateþ düþürücü ile geçmesini dua ederek direnip beklemek.

Biz ne yaptýk derseniz,daha çok küçük olduðundan henüz ameliyata cesaret

edemedik.Ancak ataklarda Ata yüksek ateþin ve aðýz yaralarý nedeniyle çok

yýpranýyor.Yaz dönemi aralýklar daha uzundu ancak son atakta süre 3 haftaya

indi.Ve ameliyat fikri küçük olmasýna raðmen doðru gelmeye baþladý.

Þimdiye kadar sadece Ýbufen verip beklemeyi tercih ettik.Bizde þimdiye kadar

rutin olamamakla birlikte ortalama 30-45 günde bir atak yaþanýldý.Siteden

gördüðüm kadarýyla bu ataklar genel istatistiklere göre 2-6 hafta arasý

deðiþiyor.Biz kullanmadýk ama görüyorum ki Prednisone alýmý ataklarý

azaltmýyor.Hatta bazý hastalarda periyotlarý kýsalttýðý da iddia ediliyor.

Bizim doktor bu konuda karþýlaþtýðýmýz en tecrübeli doktor.Buna raðmen tecrübe

ettiði toplam hasta sayýsý 12 civarýnda.Söylediðine göre ameliyat olan

hastalarda iyileþmeyen yok ama dünya çapýnda ameliyatýn baþarý þansý %70.Pfapa

belki çok daha önce varolan ama adý yeni konan (99 yýlýnda)bir sendrom.Ve

genetik olup olmadýðýný tam bilemiyorlar.Ancak bulaþýcý olmadýðý kesin.Zira

oðlumun bir ikizi var ve o ataklardan etkilenmiyor.

Bu arada genelde çocuk yaþlarda geçse de bunun garantisi yok 20'li yaþlarda

Pfapa'lý hastalarda var.Bu siteyi takip etmeye devam ettiðinizde göreceksiniz.

Sizlere saðlýk,bol þans ve dayanýklýlýk diliyorum.Bu uzun ve sabýr gerektiren

bir süreç,ama yalnýz olunmadýðýný bilmek kýsmen insaný rahatlatýyor.

Ýyi günler,

Begüm Yýldýrým

Ata(2 yaþ)


Hello to all!

My son Ongun was diagnosed a week ago. He is 6 and just started

school. Although we had many episodes of fever in the past we never

knew such a syndrome before. After the last attack, which lasted

almost six days and never responded to three different antibiotics,

and after many tests, he was given some steroids, which in two hours

normalized the fever (36.5 C). Now I want to learn what expects Ongun

in the future. I have read a lot of documents on the internet but

still have some question marks on my mind. I hope I can find answers

to them through your help. Three specific questions:

1. After the first dose of prednisone, his doctor says, they don't

expect another attack for almost a year. However some parents say

that the periods between attack shorten when prednisone is used. What

is the answer?

2. Is tonsilloctomy really helpful?

3. What is the expected age when the disease totally disappear?

Thanks for help.

Seyfi Durhan

dad to Ongun, who is 6

Ankara, Turkey


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If you aren't going to sustain your response (you were 1b, right?), you will

know when they do the one month post treatment test. If you don't sustain your

response, the virus replicates very fast. Hope you can sustain your response.


As I posted, I got the 6 month test results back showing no virus.

How often does the virus come back by the end of the next 6 months

and treatments? Six months after that?


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If you aren't going to sustain your response (you were 1b, right?), you will

know when they do the one month post treatment test. If you don't sustain your

response, the virus replicates very fast. Hope you can sustain your response.


As I posted, I got the 6 month test results back showing no virus.

How often does the virus come back by the end of the next 6 months

and treatments? Six months after that?


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Yes, I am a 1b. So, am I reading your response right? I should be

virus free through treatment, but afterwards is the real test?


> If you aren't going to sustain your response (you were 1b, right?),

you will know when they do the one month post treatment test. If you

don't sustain your response, the virus replicates very fast. Hope you

can sustain your response.

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Yes, I am a 1b. So, am I reading your response right? I should be

virus free through treatment, but afterwards is the real test?


> If you aren't going to sustain your response (you were 1b, right?),

you will know when they do the one month post treatment test. If you

don't sustain your response, the virus replicates very fast. Hope you

can sustain your response.

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You got your mid treatment / first 6 mo pcr right? to see if you should continue

treatment the next 6 mo.

You will probably get a pcr at the end of treatment or close to it, then if you

are clear, another pcr 6 mo or so after finishing treatment. If you are clear at

the 6 mo post treatment pcr, you should stay clear quite a while.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!


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HI.In my case they took a pcr after 6 months stopping treatment,after that one

more 6 months after.If that one is clear too,negative,then you.re called a

sustained responder.

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Yep, afterwards is the biggie. I was undetectable at 2 months during treatment

and stayed undetectable all the way through treatment. My first post lab at one

month got lost so we did another one and my viral load was already up to

4milion. At 4 months post treatment, my viral load was 8million. It is so hard

to eradicate the virus when you are a 1b.

Keep Willem as your role model. After 3 rounds of treatment he finally has

sustained his response...and it's been probably a year+.


Re: (unknown)

Yes, I am a 1b. So, am I reading your response right? I should be

virus free through treatment, but afterwards is the real test?


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Hello, Jan

Go to the home page on the web. In the upper right hand portion of the page is a link titled "Edit My Membership". Click on that.

Notice under "Email Address" you can select the email address you wished group messages to be sent to. Next to that is a link titled "Add new email address". If the e-mail address is not available under the drop-down menu (i.e. it is a brand new email address), then click on "add new email". Just follow the instructions from there and you should be good to go ;)

Best regards from Rochester, NY


[ ] (unknown)

Hey I need to add my other e-mail addy to the group..Can someone help me?? It is Janet4359@... way I can check the mail from either addy..Sure would appreciate it..Thanks..


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Thanks Jim..I'll try that ok??? I appreciate it..I'm just glad to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!JAMES HAMPTON <james.hampton6@...> wrote:

Hello, Jan

Go to the home page on the web. In the upper right hand portion of the page is a link titled "Edit My Membership". Click on that.

Notice under "Email Address" you can select the email address you wished group messages to be sent to. Next to that is a link titled "Add new email address". If the e-mail address is not available under the drop-down menu (i.e. it is a brand new email address), then click on "add new email". Just follow the instructions from there and you should be good to go ;)

Best regards from Rochester, NY


[ ] (unknown)

Hey I need to add my other e-mail addy to the group..Can someone help me?? It is Janet4359@... way I can check the mail from either addy..Sure would appreciate it..Thanks..

Jan Jan __________________________________________________

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Jan, where did you move to? BobJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Thanks Jim..I'll try that ok??? I appreciate it..I'm just glad to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!JAMES HAMPTON <james.hampton6@...> wrote:

Hello, Jan

Go to the home page on the web. In the upper right hand portion of the page is a link titled "Edit My Membership". Click on that.

Notice under "Email Address" you can select the email address you wished group messages to be sent to. Next to that is a link titled "Add new email address". If the e-mail address is not available under the drop-down menu (i.e. it is a brand new email address), then click on "add new email". Just follow the instructions from there and you should be good to go ;)

Best regards from Rochester, NY


[ ] (unknown)

Hey I need to add my other e-mail addy to the group..Can someone help me?? It is Janet4359@... way I can check the mail from either addy..Sure would appreciate it..Thanks..




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Hi Bob..I moved 20 miles from where I was..I loved living in the country but it was so far out of town..My daughter had no social life and she is a teen..Now I live 1 mile from town but it is still pretty private so I think I'll like it but first I have to get this house in order!!!!!!!! WHEW!!!!!Bob <mellowcargo2003@...> wrote:

Jan, where did you move to? BobJanet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Thanks Jim..I'll try that ok??? I appreciate it..I'm just glad to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!JAMES HAMPTON <james.hampton6@...> wrote:

Hello, Jan

Go to the home page on the web. In the upper right hand portion of the page is a link titled "Edit My Membership". Click on that.

Notice under "Email Address" you can select the email address you wished group messages to be sent to. Next to that is a link titled "Add new email address". If the e-mail address is not available under the drop-down menu (i.e. it is a brand new email address), then click on "add new email". Just follow the instructions from there and you should be good to go ;)

Best regards from Rochester, NY


[ ] (unknown)

Hey I need to add my other e-mail addy to the group..Can someone help me?? It is Janet4359@... way I can check the mail from either addy..Sure would appreciate it..Thanks..




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  • 2 weeks later...


welcome!!! I think you've gotten some great advice from Kassia already.

I'll add in my quick two cents, I would start with something a little on the

gentler side like Walk Away the Pounds and the starter workout from Slim in

6 - just so you don't get discouraged.

As for dieting/eating plans, I don't have any specific information, just

read labels and watch portion sizes. It is very easy to over-eat because we

have set ideas of what our plates should look like. My DH just started

South Beach and that seems like a sensible plan so far.

HTH and Welcome!!




>Hello all, I am new to this chat but have been exercising on and off

>for years. I am 32 years old with 127 pounds to lose. I am at the

>point that I need help, I cannot do it by myself and I do need a

>push. I have the firm system, slim n 6 and walk away the pounds. I

>like all the exercises and I do agree with you'll the music to slim n

>six do put you to sleep. I kind of like the music to the firm but at

>258 pounds I find it to hard to keep up the firm tapes. I know that

>the firm will give me the body I want but I think that I need to do

>walk away the pound and the starter tape to slim n 6 to build up my

>heart. I really need to work on my diet as well do anyone have any

>advice for me and please help?




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Dear Carol,

I started exercising at 450lbs two years ago. After the first year, I was only

down to 433, and decided I needed help too. I was using Body for Life for the

exercise program (book by Bill ), but his advice to have one day a week

without any food rules was a disaster for me. So I now also attend Weight

Watchers to provide more structured help with the food. I like the live

meetings, but there is also an online group. This year, that combination has

helped me lose 90lbs. My wife did a similar approach and lost 67 lbs.

You can do it! Feel free to write if youd' like to talk more.





> Hello all, I am new to this chat but have been exercising on and

> off

> for years. I am 32 years old with 127 pounds to lose. I am at

> the

> point that I need help, I cannot do it by myself and I do need a

> push. I have the firm system, slim n 6 and walk away the pounds.

> I

> like all the exercises and I do agree with you'll the music to

> slim n

> six do put you to sleep. I kind of like the music to the firm but

> at

> 258 pounds I find it to hard to keep up the firm tapes. I know

> that

> the firm will give me the body I want but I think that I need to

> do

> walk away the pound and the starter tape to slim n 6 to build up

> my

> heart. I really need to work on my diet as well do anyone have

> any

> advice for me and please help?







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In a message dated 12/20/2004 2:12:49 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nwd30@... writes:


steroids are really tough roid rages and all. he is three years old.


Can they give the steroids to only before IVIG?? That way it

would help him with reactions but not be enough to run havoc on his attitude?

might grow more and his immune system would be less suppressed if he

were to stop taking it daily. My son takes Prednisone with sinus infections and

it can be tough. He doesn't get angry, but he does get emotional on it.

Sandi, Mom to , age 11. Polysaccharide deficiency, IgG1 subclass

deficiency, Tetrology of Fallot, Pulmonary valve transplant (2003), Mitral valve

stenosis, chronic ear, nose and throat infections--including strep, COPD,


severe allergies (including meds), Carnitine deficiency, GERD, suspected

Velocardiofacial syndrome.

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We've been well below zero for some time. We're just crawling out of it

now. It's around 20 degrees now. It was -14 Christmas morning.


At 07:00 PM 12/24/2004, you wrote:

>It's snowing in Houston. I'm 48 years old and it's the first time it's

>snowed here at Christmas. For everyone snowbound, I send my best and hope

>you thaw out soon. For me I hope we get just enough to stick. I doubt it


> Sharon

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