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Hello Bekah, welcome to the group. I use a cane or a 4 wheeled walker with a seat and basket if I have to walk far, as I do have spinal stenosis with a peripheral neurapathy. I have a handicap sticker that I use. I like Heidi live in Florida. I went and got the form for one, with being that I was a nurse, I filled it in, then took it to my primary care Dr and had him sign it. I did the work for him and he gave me trouble with it. I did put down my back and my asthma as reason. Every 4 years I just go to the tax collector and get it renewed. In fact I got a permanent plate for the car I drive, and have the rear view mirror tag to use if I am riding in someone else's car or have to use a rental. You may want to go to your primary care to get one. Sandie > Hi! My name is Bekah and I am a 34-year-old school teacher. I also > work part time cleaning and tutoring to make extra money. I have a > 10-year-old-daughter--it's just the two of us. > > I was diagnosed with fibro a year ago, but that came after a > diagnosis of chronic costochondritis about three years prior. In > addition to these ailments, I also have Type II diabetes, IBS, GERD, > gastroparesis, migraines, depression, and panic/anxiety disorder. I > was diagnosed with ADD as an adult, but I often wonder if many of my > symptoms are related to the fibro and not ADD. > > My pain and my ability to tolerate it are getting worse. I am > extremely overweight and wonder how much a role that plays in my > pain. I avoid taking medications when I can, but I do take my > diabetes meds,depression and anxiety meds. I don't take anything for > the pain, but I do have a prescription for Ultram. I am wondering if > you have found that an effective tool for managing pain. > > Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself. Fibro has begun to > interfere with my quality of life and my ability to do my daily > tasks at times. Almost no one in my life understands this ailment > and I often feel like they think I'm making it up as an excuse for > why I'm exhausted and in pain ALL THE TIME!! > > One more question: do any of you use a handicap parking sticker? I > asked my rheumetologist for her signature to get one becuase my back > and thigh muscles cramp up when I have to walk long distances but > she refused to sign for me. It made me feel like a fraud. Just > wondering if anyone can empathize. > > Take care! >

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Reactions aren't necessarily seen immediately. A " reaction " could be

developing asthma, for example. Some people believe that vaccines cause

autism by pushing the immune system over the edge. One vax, or one round

of vaxes, might not do it, but enough over a period of time might.

I don't know if vaccines cause all the diseases some people attribute to

them. I do know that the diseases themselves are generally


My son is crying. Must go.

Hope this has helped a bit...


Beth Jacomet wrote:


> Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if my kids

have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut getting second and

third doeses of the same thing, why would they now have a reaction? Also, this

may keep us from being able to travel with my husband. When he leaves he is

gone for 3 yrs at a time.......Also, what about school?????


> Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but I am not

seeing it :)


> Thanks again,

> Beth




> Re: New to group


> I live in Ohio and we are scheduled to go to South Korea....after that who

> knows.......


> My youngest son is the one I worry about....not because he is not develping

> fine but because of his age. My oldest is almost 4 so I do not worry about

> him so much. Anyways, I am just trying to figure out if my kids have already

> had most of the vaccines if I should just finish them out. There is such

> contradiciting information out there. I do not like the idea of them not

> being vaccinated but I also do not like the risk that is believed to be

> associated with the vaccines. So I am trying to make the best decision

> possible. Maybe trying to find a way to still get the vaccines but do it

> maybe a little slower and use the homeopathic drops. However, I am not set

> against not getting them....I just am trying to find a happy medium so to

> speak.


> I look at my kids and want to protect them the best way possible.... I just

> do not know what that is in this case. I am VERY confused!!!! ! And

> stressed....can you tell :)


> Much Love,

> Beth



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Sorry about that. I wasn't sure if DS would go down or not. He did, so I

can finish.

The diseases. Most of them are not that bad.

Chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, Hepatitis A - all

of these may be annoying to have, and may sometimes cause problems in

some people, but, overall, they're not that scary. On the other hand,

most of those vaccines contain formaldehyde and aluminum, and three of

those vaccines contain human diploid cells, aka material from an aborted


Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease, or transmitted by

needle-sharing. It has NO BUSINESS being in the bodies of children,

especially infants.

Diphtheria is not an issue in the US. It is big in Russia. If you know

what to look for, then it's not incurable.

Tetanus is a disease of the old. It's very, very hard to get tetanus,

because the bacteria are anaerobic. You would have to get a DEEP

puncture wound from something buried in the ground (at the time of

injury), then not clean the wound properly, and even then, kids have

such good circulatory systems, it's rare.

The flu and pneumonia vaccines rarely cover the strains that seem to be

going around. There's been a lot of media coverage about how the flu

vaccine this year was " the wrong one. "

Polio doesn't exist in the US, or most of the Western Hemisphere.

Hib is only an issue in children under 2.

I hope this helps a bit. I have a lot of links on my web site as well.

What sealed our decision was the list of ingredients:



Beth Jacomet wrote:


> Mavis - thank you for your reply to my post. I am glad to be speaking

> with someone wo has children that are not vaccinated. I look at tall

> the information I have gathers not only from here but also the

> numerous articles I have read before finding this forum. Everything

> tell me to run in the other direction of vaccines and my gut tells me

> they must not be safe...but the diseases also scare me. I was watching

> a progrma yesterday about the debate over vaccines. One mother

> vaccinated her children and her twin boys both began autistic. I felt

> so bad for her but yet admired her for being the brave mother she was

> to tell her story. Then there was another mother who did not vaccinate

> her 3rd child (she did her first 2) and at 11 months, her daughter

> went to a b-day party and ended up with one of the disease (can not

> remember which one). Then it depends on who you talk to on what the

> opinion is. I have spoke to many RN's, doctors, and even some ND's that

> says vaccines are protective to kids and they should have them. Then I

> speak to other friends, and medical professionals who say NO WAY!!!! I

> feel very confused.


> I plan to keep doing m research. I may come up with more and more

> questions for you but if you have anything at all to share that you

> feel may be helpful, please feel free to do so. I am a very open,

> caring and loving women, wife and mother. I am open to any and all

> opinions and advice.


> Thanks again and I look forward to staying in touch with you tbhrough

> this very important decision. I honeslty think if my mind could be put

> more at ease for them to go without the vaccines, I would rather not

> vaccinate. I jsut worry then about the disease...even more so going

> overseas to who knows where!!!!


> Much Love,

> Beth


> Re: New to group


> Hi Beth,

> I am a mother of 5 unvaccinated children ages 22-3 and so have a lot of

> years under my belt here. They have all been very healthy without

> vaccines.

> There are lots of children who were able to take 2 or 3 rounds of

> vaccines and

> then on the next one, they had the terrible reaction and there are many

> stories from parents who have written in their grief about how their

> child was

> developing normally and then after another round of vaccines, totally

> changed,

> lost their ability to talk and retreated into a world of their own

> that many

> call autism. There are others who's child became allergic to a lot of

> things

> and not to mention the overall diminishing of their immune systems. I

> would

> point out that if you start the shots when they are young, you really

> have no

> way of knowing what their personalities or health might have been without

> them and though it may not seem that they have had reactions, you may

> not be

> able to tell what is going on in their bodies on a molecular level. I

> just

> could not risk all the unknowns.


> You can travel without them and you can get into school without them.

> Sheri's website is one in my signature below _Vaccination Information

> & Choice

> Network - _ (http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/ vaccine.htm)


> and please do look into the others. If you do a google search of " vaccine

> damage " or vaccine adverse reaction " or " vaccine injured " you will find

> plenty to read. There are lots of children out there who have been so

> very

> injured and all of their parents would tell you that ya never know

> which shot is

> going to send them over the edge and that if they knew then what they

> know now

> that they would have never given their children the vaccines. They want

> nothing more than for their stories to inspire caring mothers like you

> to learn

> all that you can about the potential reactions to vaccines that can

> happen.


> I will be happy to help you in any way that I can because I believe

> with all

> my heart that vaccines are not safe for anyone!


> Mavis


> ***Are Vaccines Safe?***



> (http://www.vran. org/links/ story-links. htm)


> _The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_

> (http://www.newstarg et.com/Report_ HPV_Vaccine_ 0.html)


> _Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _

> (http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/ vaccine.htm)


> _Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib. org/index. htm)


> _ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

> (http://thinktwice. com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_

> (http://909shot. com/)


> In a message dated 3/12/2008 7:30:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> tommygirl18_ 1981 (DOT) com writes:



> Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if my

> kids

> have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut getting

> second and

> third doeses of the same thing, why would they now have a reaction? Also,

> this may keep us from being able to travel with my husband. When he

> leaves he

> is gone for 3 yrs at a time.......Also, what about school?????


> Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but I am

> not seeing it :)


> Thanks again,

> Beth


> ************ **It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money &

> Finance. (http://money. aol.com/tax? NCID=aolprf00030 000000001)



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Dear Beth

You may also want to try vaclib.org. Can answer all your questions.

Good luck


New to group

Hi everyone, I just joined this group and I am looking for

information regarding whether or not to get my kids their vaccines.

I have 2 kids ages 3 1/2 and 18 months. As of right now, they are

both up to date on their shots and thus far have had no reaction to

the vaccines. They have not even have a fever from them.

I have just recently started my research on the safety of them. I

am considering doing a slower pace of getting them. Is it believed

that this will or could be helpful? Also, I currently see a

naturopath (that is also a MD). I have made him aware of my

concerns and this is a recommendation he gave me. He said there is

a homeopathic formula (which I have) for childhood vaccines. He

told me the first 72 hours are the most critical time frame for

having a bad reaction. He told me the homeopathic formula will help

offset the reactions allowing the vaccine to provide the " protection

they say it provides " while minimizing the risk of problems. He

said it acts as a dumping agent and gets rid or " dumps " the extra's

that are in vaccines so they are not absorbed and stored in the cell

tissue to manifest and create problems. Has anyone heard of

this??? He is a great ND and I do value his opinion.

On an ending note, I want to point out that my husband's job takes

us overseas ALOT. His work requires us to have our vaccines and

also for the kids to be accepted into the schools they need

vacinated. I found that out this year sending my oldest to

preschool. I have seen the info regarding that we as parents do not

have to legally give our children vaccines but they may be denied

going to public schools and things like that. This would also pose

a problem for us traveling overseas. Any suggestion?

If this is the wrong support group for this type of post, I am

sorry. Could someone point me in the right direction???

Thanks for any advice/help on this matter. I look forward to

speaking to and getting to know each of you.

Much Love,




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Hi Bekah,

I am close to your age (32) and have wondered about a handicap sticker

as well. I think I am going to ask my GP about it (now that I've

finally found a good doctor). I'll let you know how it works for me.

I agree with the other ladies - if one doctor said no, ask another!

Welcome to the group!


Amity in Oklahoma


> Hi! My name is Bekah and I am a 34-year-old school teacher. I also

> work part time cleaning and tutoring to make extra money. I have a

> 10-year-old-daughter--it's just the two of us.


> I was diagnosed with fibro a year ago, but that came after a

> diagnosis of chronic costochondritis about three years prior. In

> addition to these ailments, I also have Type II diabetes, IBS, GERD,

> gastroparesis, migraines, depression, and panic/anxiety disorder. I

> was diagnosed with ADD as an adult, but I often wonder if many of my

> symptoms are related to the fibro and not ADD.


> My pain and my ability to tolerate it are getting worse. I am

> extremely overweight and wonder how much a role that plays in my

> pain. I avoid taking medications when I can, but I do take my

> diabetes meds,depression and anxiety meds. I don't take anything for

> the pain, but I do have a prescription for Ultram. I am wondering if

> you have found that an effective tool for managing pain.


> Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself. Fibro has begun to

> interfere with my quality of life and my ability to do my daily

> tasks at times. Almost no one in my life understands this ailment

> and I often feel like they think I'm making it up as an excuse for

> why I'm exhausted and in pain ALL THE TIME!!


> One more question: do any of you use a handicap parking sticker? I

> asked my rheumetologist for her signature to get one becuase my back

> and thigh muscles cramp up when I have to walk long distances but

> she refused to sign for me. It made me feel like a fraud. Just

> wondering if anyone can empathize.


> Take care!


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Hi Beth,

I was fully vaccinated as a child (I was born in Poland in the late 70s

so I probably got fewer vax's than kids get today) and I think it

weakened my immune system. I'm 31 and have only had fever once in my

life. I seem to linger in my sickness: it takes a long time for me to

get better. OTOH, my 3.5 YO unvaxed son gets a 102 fever and is better

in a flash no matter what is wrong with him. I think my immune system

does not respond " right " . Even though I've been eating very healthy for

several years now, I am now discovering a sensitivity to casein (milk).

I'm also looking into gluten intolerance. There are so many people out

there now with allergies, intolerances and sensitivities to

many " regular " foods !!! Growing up I NEVER heard of food allergies -

not one. Now it seems to be mainstream - there are lists on the walls

of daycares with lines like " - no dairy; - no peanuts; etc " .

Seems like you have some reading to do - I don't know much about

traveling overseas and other countries. My MIL in Czech Republic keeps

convincing me that you " have to " have vaccines there - there is no way

out. I doubt that, but...

Good luck,


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my kids are 17, 15, 12, 6 and are unvaxed. i

personally wouldn't worry about going out of the

country. just keep reading and learning!


--- Beth Jacomet <tommygirl18_1981@...> wrote:

> Mavis - thank you for your reply to my post. I am

> glad to be speaking with someone wo has children

> that are not vaccinated. I look at tall the

> information I have gathers not only from here but

> also the numerous articles I have read before

> finding this forum. Everything tell me to run in

> the other direction of vaccines and my gut tells me

> they must not be safe...but the diseases also scare

> me. I was watching a progrma yesterday about the

> debate over vaccines. One mother vaccinated her

> children and her twin boys both began autistic. I

> felt so bad for her but yet admired her for being

> the brave mother she was to tell her story. Then

> there was another mother who did not vaccinate her

> 3rd child (she did her first 2) and at 11 months,

> her daughter went to a b-day party and ended up with

> one of the disease (can not remember which one).

> Then it depends on who you talk to on what the

> opinion is. I have spoke to many RN's, doctors, and

> even some ND's that

> says vaccines are protective to kids and they

> should have them. Then I speak to other friends,

> and medical professionals who say NO WAY!!!! I feel

> very confused.


> I plan to keep doing m research. I may come up with

> more and more questions for you but if you have

> anything at all to share that you feel may be

> helpful, please feel free to do so. I am a very

> open, caring and loving women, wife and mother. I

> am open to any and all opinions and advice.


> Thanks again and I look forward to staying in touch

> with you tbhrough this very important decision. I

> honeslty think if my mind could be put more at ease

> for them to go without the vaccines, I would rather

> not vaccinate. I jsut worry then about the

> disease...even more so going overseas to who knows

> where!!!!


> Much Love,

> Beth




> Re: New to group


> Hi Beth,

> I am a mother of 5 unvaccinated children ages 22-3

> and so have a lot of

> years under my belt here. They have all been very

> healthy without vaccines.

> There are lots of children who were able to take 2

> or 3 rounds of vaccines and

> then on the next one, they had the terrible reaction

> and there are many

> stories from parents who have written in their grief

> about how their child was

> developing normally and then after another round of

> vaccines, totally changed,

> lost their ability to talk and retreated into a

> world of their own that many

> call autism. There are others who's child became

> allergic to a lot of things

> and not to mention the overall diminishing of their

> immune systems. I would

> point out that if you start the shots when they are

> young, you really have no

> way of knowing what their personalities or health

> might have been without

> them and though it may not seem that they have had

> reactions, you may not be

> able to tell what is going on in their bodies on a

> molecular level. I just

> could not risk all the unknowns.


> You can travel without them and you can get into

> school without them.

> Sheri's website is one in my signature below

> _Vaccination Information & Choice

> Network - _ (http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/

> vaccine.htm)


> and please do look into the others. If you do a

> google search of " vaccine

> damage " or vaccine adverse reaction " or " vaccine

> injured " you will find

> plenty to read. There are lots of children out there

> who have been so very

> injured and all of their parents would tell you that

> ya never know which shot is

> going to send them over the edge and that if they

> knew then what they know now

> that they would have never given their children the

> vaccines. They want

> nothing more than for their stories to inspire

> caring mothers like you to learn

> all that you can about the potential reactions to

> vaccines that can happen.


> I will be happy to help you in any way that I can

> because I believe with all

> my heart that vaccines are not safe for anyone!


> Mavis


> ***Are Vaccines Safe?***



> LINKS " _

> (http://www.vran. org/links/ story-links. htm)


> _The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_

> (http://www.newstarg et.com/Report_ HPV_Vaccine_

> 0.html)


> _Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _

> (http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/ vaccine.htm)


> _Vaccination Liberation Home Page_

> (http://www.vaclib. org/index. htm)


> _ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine

> Reactions_

> (http://thinktwice. com/) _National Vaccine

> Information Center_ (http://909shot. com/)


> In a message dated 3/12/2008 7:30:42 P.M. Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> tommygirl18_ 1981 (DOT) com writes:



> Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me

> the most is if my kids

> have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are

> jsut getting second and

> third doeses of the same thing, why would they now

> have a reaction? Also,

> this may keep us from being able to travel with my

> husband. When he leaves he

> is gone for 3 yrs at a time.......Also, what about

> school?????


> Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right

> under my nose but I am

> not seeing it :)


> Thanks again,

> Beth


> ************ **It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and

> advice on AOL Money &

> Finance. (http://money. aol.com/tax?

> NCID=aolprf00030 000000001)


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]










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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Hi Beth,

I understand your concerns. DD is fully vaxed and she didn't have any issues

(or any I could tell right away) until her 15 month shots. I have a 16 month

old son who is not vaxed, and besides a fever and a cold, has never been sick.

He had thrush once, but that was not a big deal. He's happy and

healthy...without being vaxed. Just comparing DD's vax schedule when she was a

baby and looking up the vax schedule now...it's ridiculous.

I have also been blessed with a strong immune system. I've had strep throat

once and I think I might have had the flu once when I was 8. I got the chicken

pox naturally at the age of 12...and other than a few colds here and there, I

would say I am healthy. I have my shot records from when I was born and the

shots that I received do not even come close to the amount my DD has received.

I think besides Polio, DTP, and one MMR shot. I received another one years ago.

Anyways, I feel for you because I have been in the same situation. But as I see

my son develop and see how healthy he is, I know in my heart I made the right

choice in not vaxing him.

I truly believe in my heart that the more we try to dodge these natural

diseases by making up something to try and " prevent " them in the lab, the more

harm we are ultimately doing to ourselves.

Good luck!! I am the only person in my family with an unvaxed child...and I

think besides gaining more knowledge and doing research, the next best thing is

a support system. :)


Beth Jacomet <tommygirl18_1981@...> wrote:

I know there is alot of information there.....the thing is, we are

scheduled to go overseas in 3 months. I am going to have to make my decision in

the next few weeks.

Does anyone think the homeopathic drops will be effective???

Re: New to group

Hi Beth


Oh goodness.... .......where t start.

At 03:48 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

>Hi everyone, I just joined this group and I am looking for

>information regarding whether or not to get my kids their vaccines.

>I have 2 kids ages 3 1/2 and 18 months. As of right now, they are

>both up to date on their shots and thus far have had no reaction to

>the vaccines. They have not even have a fever from them.

That's good probably - I'll address why it might not be good after I

hear back from you.

How is their health otherwise?

How is the health of the other people in your family - you, your

husband and both your parents and other family members?

>I have just recently started my research on the safety of them. I

>am considering doing a slower pace of getting them.

There is no guarantee that that is safe.

Vaccines are dangerous given one by one or in multiples at any age.

I have seen injury and death at any age and from one or more vaccines

at a time.

> Is it believed

>that this will or could be helpful? Also, I currently see a

>naturopath (that is also a MD). I have made him aware of my

>concerns and this is a recommendation he gave me. He said there is

>a homeopathic formula (which I have) for childhood vaccines.

That is ludicrous, I'm sorry to say. If it were so easy we would not

have vaccine injury.

I am a homeopath and there is no such thing. He is not doing anyone

any favors by making people have a false sense of security.


>told me the first 72 hours are the most critical time frame for

>having a bad reaction.

This is not necessarily ture.

>He told me the homeopathic formula will help

>offset the reactions allowing the vaccine to provide the " protection

>they say it provides " while minimizing the risk of problems.

This is not guaranteed.


>said it acts as a dumping agent and gets rid or " dumps " the extra's

>that are in vaccines so they are not absorbed and stored in the cell

>tissue to manifest and create problems. Has anyone heard of

>this??? He is a great ND and I do value his opinion.

I'm glad you like him but there is no way what he says can be proved

to be true.

You need to question everyone about this stuff, not just mainstream MD's

He may be good on some things and not necessarily have all the answers.

Unless he has extensive training in homeopathy and in vaccine

dangers, he may not know all he needs to.

>On an ending note, I want to point out that my husband's job takes

>us overseas ALOT. His work requires us to have our vaccines and

>also for the kids to be accepted into the schools they need


This also is probably not true.

His work cannot demand that you have vaccines as far as I know. Who

does he work for and where do you go.

And all states in the US have exemptions you can use except West

Virginia and Mississippi.

And most countries in the world do NOT mandate vaccines

> I found that out this year sending my oldest to


What state do you live in. They will tell you that but it is

untrue. They don't tell you about the exemptions.

> I have seen the info regarding that we as parents do not

>have to legally give our children vaccines but they may be denied

>going to public schools and things like that. This would also pose

>a problem for us traveling overseas. Any suggestion?

See above.

>If this is the wrong support group for this type of post, I am

>sorry. Could someone point me in the right direction???

Perfect for this list

Please tell us more.

>Thanks for any advice/help on this matter. I look forward to

>speaking to and getting to know each of you.


>Much Love,


Welcome and thanks for the great questions



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At 08:33 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:

>Sheri - thank you for taking the time to respond and help me in this



>I thought Ohio had strict laws. I guess I need to check into that further.


>The reason I believe my hubby's job will MAKE us give vaccines is

>because he works for the govt. He works in communications for the

>US State Dept. They have to " clear " us before we can go. This

>means being up to date on all our shots...... He is checking into

>it to see if we can waive them but I honestly do not think we

>can. PLus, I also worry about traveling overseas......



The government cannot force you to vaccine yourself and your

children. Maybe his job will depend on it, but you do not work for them.

Has he ever tried to refuse?


All you have to say is a note with the wording of the law below;

Current as of 2007

Quick Fact:

A pupil who presents a written statement of the pupil's parent or

guardian in which the parent or guardian declines to have the pupil

immunized for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions,

is not required to be immunized

> Re: New to group


>At 06:30 PM 3/12/2008, you wrote:


> >

> >Thank you for the response. I guess what confuses me the most is if

> >my kids have not had reactions to the vaccines and they are jsut

> >getting second and third doeses of the same thing, why would they

> >now have a reaction? Also, this may keep us from being able to

> >travel with my husband. When he leaves he is gone for 3 yrs at a

> >time....... Also, what about school?????

> >

> >Where can I find Sheri's website? It may be right under my nose but

> >I am not seeing it :)

> >

> >Thanks again,

> >Beth


>Tell me about your kids and the illnesses they have had since infancy.


>And just because they haven't reacted before does not mean they won't

>react to the next one. There is no safety in that idea.


>Why could you not travel with your husband? How can a job make any

>demands on a family? Please clarify this. And most countries have

>NO laws mandating vaccines

>Ohio has easy exemptions from vaccines.


>http://www.wellwith in1.com/vaccine. htm












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Hi Beth

Tell me about your kids and the illnesses they have had since infancy.

And just because they haven't reacted before does not mean they won't

react to the next one. There is no safety in that idea.

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Tell me about your kids and the illnesses they have had since infancy.

And just because they haven't reacted before does not mean they won't

react to the next one. There is no safety in that idea.

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Hey Sandie, I couldn't help but notice your email addy. I've never seen another "memommy" Its what my grandsons call me. I was only 33 when my first one was born and, at 33, I thought I was too young for my grandson to call me "gramma" or "memaw" which is common here in KY, so I thought a few minutes and came up with memommy. I thought it sounded younger and different. Anyway, I'm not sure if that's why your handle is memommy but, if it is, all I can say is great minds think alike...either that, or we're terribly vain...lol! Anway, its sure nice to meet another memommy! Gentle Hugs,

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I am also new to the group. Only been on here for a couple of days!!!! I have

2 kids also ages 3 1/2 and 18 months. I also vaccinate but I am trying to take

more precautions to doing it maybe a little slower and spacing them out. Do you

find it beneficial to do it the way you are????

I just wanted to say welcome and hope to talk with you regarding your schedule

you do and how you feel about it.

Much Love,


new to group

Hi Everyone,

Thought I would introduce myself. I have two children age 3 and 10

months. I do vaccinate my children but on a different vaccination

schedule than recommended. I also don't do certain vacccines because I

would really rather they contract them by naturally. I come from the

camp that certain diseases actually make your body stronger and you

shouldn't try to avoid them. I wait until my kids are one and then

they get one shot at least one month apart. My doctor is very

supportive of this, in fact he insist on it. He also won't give any

vaccinations if he sees they have any signs of illness (runny nose,

coughing, etc...). So as a result they really get one shot every few


I look forward to learing more about vaccines and talking with everyone

about the latest news and issues related.



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At 05:28 PM 3/13/2008, you wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Thought I would introduce myself. I have two children age 3 and 10

months. I do vaccinate my children but on a different vaccination

schedule than recommended. I also don't do certain vacccines because I

would really rather they contract them by naturally. I come from the

camp that certain diseases actually make your body stronger and you

shouldn't try to avoid them. I wait until my kids are one and then

they get one shot at least one month apart. My doctor is very

supportive of this, in fact he insist on it. He also won't give any

vaccinations if he sees they have any signs of illness (runny nose,

coughing, etc...). So as a result they really get one shot every few


Hi ,


But I will tell you there is NO guarantee that this is safe. I have seen injury

and death from one vaccine, or multiples, or delayed and separated ones.

The key is to learn about the reality of the diseases - the true risk of even

getting them, the risk of them, and alternative treatment.

Vaccines are filled with toxic ingredients and are very harmful to the immune

system and there is no safe way to take them

And you probably don't realize as they don't tell you, they do not give


Start with my webpages


Also ask questions.

Tell us the diseases you fear most and why?

I know they have brainwashed us all to fear disease to sell vaccine and drugs.

The healthiest children I know are unvaccinated children, in most cases



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Hi again,

I wanted to make you aware of this forum where there is a lot of good

information and a lot of archives that you can look through. This is one story

that I read this morning and I am sure that it will interest you in your quest

to figure it all out.





***Are Vaccines Safe?***



_The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_


_Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _


_Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib.org/index.htm)

_ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

(http://thinktwice.com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_


In a message dated 3/14/2008 2:20:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kisses4chuly@... writes:

For the lady with the 3 year old and 10 month old, can you please share with

me what vaccines you don't give and why? I only ask because I am trying to

receive as much info as possible without missing something. I personally have

decided against the MMR and now looking towards the DTAP which is due

according to the " schedule " at my daughter's next month 15 month check up.


advise......For the

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As I said earlier, I have 5 unvaccinated kids ages 3-22 and have never had

any of the diseases besides chicken pox. However, because I joined a

Homeopathic study group when my oldest was young, I learned not to fear the


That was way before there was the internet and you are in a much better

position now to get the support that you would need should either of your

children get the measles or whooping cough. There are just so many valid ways


deal with them if they ever became an issue. But, they probably won't get

them anyway even overseas. And, there is not guarantee that the vaccines will

protect them against them anyways. I just don't believe that they do what

they are saying they do. After all of these years, I am sure that I have had to

deal with far less illness in my children than the parents of vaccinated

children. They basically were only feverish when they were teething, no ear

infections, never a need for antibiotics. I treated them mostly with


whenever they caught a little bug and needed help getting through it. I

applaud you for trying to learn all that you can and hope that you will be able

to confidently decide to wait until you fully research the risks associated

with each and every vaccine. The Mothering Forum that I sent before is very

active and you can subscribe to the ones that mostly interest you to get

updated daily.



***Are Vaccines Safe?***



_The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_


_Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _


_Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib.org/index.htm)

_ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

(http://thinktwice.com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_


In a message dated 3/14/2008 4:23:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tommygirl18_1981@... writes:

Mavis - thank you for the link....I will take a look at it. I believe I was

at the other forum (maybe this one) that you are mentioning. I noticed this

forum was more for parents trying to make the decision instead of ones that

laready had made the decision. However, it did not appear to be as much

activity as this one so I decided to spend most of my time here :)

I honestly think the best way to go is no-vax or slow-vax but I am still in

the stage of being also afraid of the disease themselves..I hon

I also am having trouble with my hubby agreeing that no-vax is the way to

go. Even more so if it mean we can not join him....we have been living apart

for 16 months...keep in mind we have an 18 month baby. He has missed his whole

life this far. Now, I am not willing to risk my health or that of my kids to

go over there but it does make my situation a little more difficult!!!I

I truely am jsut searhing for answers. I was wondering if I decide to stop

vax all together, wht should I do to help prevent these diseases or any

others?? Anything special besides common sense???? Should I ever worry about


being around other kids whether they are vaxed or not???



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For the lady with the 3 year old and 10 month old, can you please share with me

what vaccines you don't give and why? I only ask because I am trying to receive

as much info as possible without missing something. I personally have decided

against the MMR and now looking towards the DTAP which is due according to the

" schedule " at my daughter's next month 15 month check up. Please

advise......thank you

vaccineinfo@... wrote: At 05:28 PM 3/13/2008, you wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Thought I would introduce myself. I have two children age 3 and 10

months. I do vaccinate my children but on a different vaccination

schedule than recommended. I also don't do certain vacccines because I

would really rather they contract them by naturally. I come from the

camp that certain diseases actually make your body stronger and you

shouldn't try to avoid them. I wait until my kids are one and then

they get one shot at least one month apart. My doctor is very

supportive of this, in fact he insist on it. He also won't give any

vaccinations if he sees they have any signs of illness (runny nose,

coughing, etc...). So as a result they really get one shot every few


Hi ,


But I will tell you there is NO guarantee that this is safe. I have seen injury

and death from one vaccine, or multiples, or delayed and separated ones.

The key is to learn about the reality of the diseases - the true risk of even

getting them, the risk of them, and alternative treatment.

Vaccines are filled with toxic ingredients and are very harmful to the immune

system and there is no safe way to take them

And you probably don't realize as they don't tell you, they do not give


Start with my webpages


Also ask questions.

Tell us the diseases you fear most and why?

I know they have brainwashed us all to fear disease to sell vaccine and drugs.

The healthiest children I know are unvaccinated children, in most cases



Rina Barillas


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Mavis - thank you for the link....I will take a look at it. I believe I was at

the other forum (maybe this one) that you are mentioning. I noticed this forum

was more for parents trying to make the decision instead of ones that laready

had made the decision. However, it did not appear to be as much activity as

this one so I decided to spend most of my time here :)

I honestly think the best way to go is no-vax or slow-vax but I am still in the

stage of being also afraid of the disease themselves.......

I also am having trouble with my hubby agreeing that no-vax is the way to go.

Even more so if it mean we can not join him....we have been living apart for 16

months...keep in mind we have an 18 month baby. He has missed his whole life

this far. Now, I am not willing to risk my health or that of my kids to go over

there but it does make my situation a little more difficult!!!!

I truely am jsut searhing for answers. I was wondering if I decide to stop vax

all together, wht should I do to help prevent these diseases or any others??

Anything special besides common sense???? Should I ever worry about them being

around other kids whether they are vaxed or not???



Re: new to group

Hi again,

I wanted to make you aware of this forum where there is a lot of good

information and a lot of archives that you can look through. This is one story

that I read this morning and I am sure that it will interest you in your quest

to figure it all out.

_http://www.motherin g.com/discussion s/showthread. php?t=862966_

(http://www.motherin g.com/discussion s/showthread. php?t=862966)



***Are Vaccines Safe?***


(http://www.vran. org/links/ story-links. htm)

_The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_

(http://www.newstarg et.com/Report_ HPV_Vaccine_ 0.html)

_Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _

(http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/ vaccine.htm)

_Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib. org/index. htm)

_ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

(http://thinktwice. com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_ (http://909shot.


In a message dated 3/14/2008 2:20:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kisses4chuly writes:

For the lady with the 3 year old and 10 month old, can you please share with

me what vaccines you don't give and why? I only ask because I am trying to

receive as much info as possible without missing something. I personally have

decided against the MMR and now looking towards the DTAP which is due

according to the " schedule " at my daughter's next month 15 month check up.


advise...... For the

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Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:19:29 -0700 (PDT)

X-ASG-Orig-Subj: Re: new to group

Subject: Re: new to group


X--Newman-Property: groups-email-tradt-m

X-Barracuda-Connect: n46c.bullet.mail.sp1.[]

X-Barracuda-Start-Time: 1205518823

X-Barracuda-Virus-Scanned: by Barracuda Spam Firewall at nccn.net

For the lady with the 3 year old and 10 month old, can you please share with me

what vaccines you don't give and why? I only ask because I am trying to receive

as much info as possible without missing something. I personally have decided

against the MMR and now looking towards the DTAP which is due according to the

" schedule " at my daughter's next month 15 month check up. Please

advise......thank you


We are getting a lot of you on here who have only read Dr. SEars book - don't

know if that is the case with you.

But just because he says you can get them safely, does not make it so.

ALL vaccines are harmful at any age and in any amount. I can't say that loud


Why do you have fears of

D & T & P?

Key is to educate yourself about the diseases Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis.

Once you do you will lose your fear of them and feeling the need to vaccinate

(which does nothing anyway to give immunity, only injects illness into your


See my webpages

Look at the tetanus pages


to see the reality of the risk of tetanus

After 6 months of age, the risk goes way down for serious complications from

pertussis because they ahve grown and their airways are larger and can handle

the secretions. Also homeopathy can treat very nicely.

Diphtheria is a disease of poverty and not even seen in the US anymore.

So please please all of you - I don't want to see you back here with vaccine

injured children because the next vaccine could do just that.

The key is to get over the fear programmed into by the drug companies and


Sheri listowner

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Mavis - thank you - if it were solely up to me, I would definately hold off.

However, my hubby wants them vaccinated (although I am sure he would back off if

we could move without them). Also, I believe his work demands it. I am

checking into this further. I will not be taking him for the next few weeks to

get his vaccines if I do at all so I have some time to gather as much info as I

can. That is why I am on here constantly.... :)

If I can get them " cleared " without the shots then I will most likely do that

and give myself more time to see how I feel about all of this.

I read (maybe by you) a post here that says " you can always get the vaccines

later buyt can not do a vaccine that has already been given " . I agree 110%!!!!!

I am recovering myself from some illnesses that occured by using something that

was " safe " !!!! I seriously doubt the medical system anyways.

However, my big question is WHY did these diseases kill so many people yet it

seems no one on here says we should fear these diseases. If I am correct on

this, the vacines were started because the diseases we so bad. I am sure the

chance of getting a disease is far less than the autism odds but to me, it works

the same way. Does not matter what the odds are if you are the 1 who gets

it...... Am I making sense here????

Mavis - thanks again - I will stay close and be in touch through the next

several weeks. I hope and pray I can get my boys and myself over there without

the vaccines. I will then most likely not vaccinate right away....



Re: new to group


As I said earlier, I have 5 unvaccinated kids ages 3-22 and have never had

any of the diseases besides chicken pox. However, because I joined a

Homeopathic study group when my oldest was young, I learned not to fear the


That was way before there was the internet and you are in a much better

position now to get the support that you would need should either of your

children get the measles or whooping cough. There are just so many valid ways to

deal with them if they ever became an issue. But, they probably won't get

them anyway even overseas. And, there is not guarantee that the vaccines will

protect them against them anyways. I just don't believe that they do what

they are saying they do. After all of these years, I am sure that I have had to

deal with far less illness in my children than the parents of vaccinated

children. They basically were only feverish when they were teething, no ear

infections, never a need for antibiotics. I treated them mostly with homeopathy

whenever they caught a little bug and needed help getting through it. I

applaud you for trying to learn all that you can and hope that you will be able

to confidently decide to wait until you fully research the risks associated

with each and every vaccine. The Mothering Forum that I sent before is very

active and you can subscribe to the ones that mostly interest you to get

updated daily.



***Are Vaccines Safe?***


(http://www.vran. org/links/ story-links. htm)

_The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_

(http://www.newstarg et.com/Report_ HPV_Vaccine_ 0.html)

_Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _

(http://www.nccn. net/~wwithin/ vaccine.htm)

_Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib. org/index. htm)

_ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

(http://thinktwice. com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_ (http://909shot.


In a message dated 3/14/2008 4:23:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tommygirl18_ 1981 (DOT) com writes:

Mavis - thank you for the link....I will take a look at it. I believe I was

at the other forum (maybe this one) that you are mentioning. I noticed this

forum was more for parents trying to make the decision instead of ones that

laready had made the decision. However, it did not appear to be as much

activity as this one so I decided to spend most of my time here :)

I honestly think the best way to go is no-vax or slow-vax but I am still in

the stage of being also afraid of the disease themselves.. I hon

I also am having trouble with my hubby agreeing that no-vax is the way to

go. Even more so if it mean we can not join him....we have been living apart

for 16 months...keep in mind we have an 18 month baby. He has missed his whole

life this far. Now, I am not willing to risk my health or that of my kids to

go over there but it does make my situation a little more difficult!!! I

I truely am jsut searhing for answers. I was wondering if I decide to stop

vax all together, wht should I do to help prevent these diseases or any

others?? Anything special besides common sense???? Should I ever worry about


being around other kids whether they are vaxed or not???



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Finance. (http://money. aol.com/tax? NCID=aolprf00030 000000001)

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>>>>>From Beth

However, my big question is WHY did these diseases kill so many people yet it

seems no one on here says we should fear these diseases. >>>>>>>>

What diseases and who specifically. I just sent an email and graphs.

>> If I am correct on this, the vacines were started because the diseases we so


You have to look at sanitation in the past

Wherever smallpox vaccination went, smallpox followed.

You basically have to realize everything you thought you knew about vaccines and

diseases was wrong and start over

Vaccines now are made because they are huge money makers

An allopaths don't always have a good way to treat things they think are caused

by viruses - but homeopathy does

>>> I am sure the chance of getting a disease is far less than the autism odds

but to me, it works the same way. Does not matter what the odds are if you are

the 1 who gets it...... Am I making sense here????

Yes.............but the key is to learn the truth, not what you have been told


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>>>>>From Beth

However, my big question is WHY did these diseases kill so many people yet it

seems no one on here says we should fear these diseases. >>>>>>>>

What diseases and who specifically. I just sent an email and graphs.

>> If I am correct on this, the vacines were started because the diseases we so


You have to look at sanitation in the past

Wherever smallpox vaccination went, smallpox followed.

You basically have to realize everything you thought you knew about vaccines and

diseases was wrong and start over

Vaccines now are made because they are huge money makers

An allopaths don't always have a good way to treat things they think are caused

by viruses - but homeopathy does

>>> I am sure the chance of getting a disease is far less than the autism odds

but to me, it works the same way. Does not matter what the odds are if you are

the 1 who gets it...... Am I making sense here????

Yes.............but the key is to learn the truth, not what you have been told


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> However, my big question is WHY did these diseases kill so many people

> yet it seems no one on here says we should fear these diseases.

Most of the diseases the world vaccinates for today are NOT the killers

of yesteryear.

Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, tetanus - none of these routinely

killed children. The chicken pox vaccine was developed because someone

figured out that the US lost about one billion dollars in lost

productivity per year when working moms had to take time off work to

take care of their sick children. It wasn't about the disease killing

people. The vaccine was rushed through trials, and the lifelong immunity

it was thought to transmit was completely bogus. We all found that out

when the high school and college kids were getting chicken pox. Since

the vax was introduced, there have been 3 boosters added to the schedule.

Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease. In 1996, the year the US

started the Hep B vax in babies, there were 54 cses of Hep B in children

under age 5. There were over 17,000 reports of moderate to severe

adverse effects to VAERS.

Hepatitis A is comparable to the flu, and rarely causes complications in

anyone. Speaking of the flu, I concede that influenza can kill. However,

the flu vaccine is a " best guess " and there has been plenty of press

about how the vax didn't protect against the strains that are out there


Diphtheria was once a threat. It's major cause is living in close

quarters, without access to clean water. It's big in Russia, but not

found in other Western countries. If you read the DTaP vaccine inserts,

you will find that there are very few cases per year in the US. I

believe one of the inserts estimated 5 cases in one year.

This leaves pneumonia, Hib (a type of meningitis), and polio. Polio has

been discussed in-depth here recently. The pneumonia vaccine, like the

flu vaccine, is a best guess. The Hib vaccine appears to work, but cases

of other types of meningitis are on the rise. We're trading one disease

for another.

The single most important " invention " in medicine was the washing of

hands. That, combined with sterilization of instruments and items used

with sick individuals, has saved more lives than we realize.

And, think about all the other killers for which there are no vaccines,

but we're not seeing anymore: the plague, scarlet fever, cholera,

tuberculosis (technically there is a vax, but even pro-vaxers admit it

doesn't work), and so on.

I hope this helps!


Beth Jacomet wrote:


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robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>


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Hi again Beth,

I think it would be very wise of you to simply answer " YES " to their

question about whether vaccines are current. That would really be the truth


they are current according to your decision at the moment. If they do not

ask for the records, then I would hope that you will be okay here. I know

that they cannot make you get them just to travel. Good luck with your noble

attempt to delay them until you can do the research that you want to do in

order to make a more educated decision. It would be important for you to know

your rights so that you can stand up for what you really want.



***Are Vaccines Safe?***



_The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed_


_Vaccination Information & Choice Network - _


_Vaccination Liberation Home Page_ (http://www.vaclib.org/index.htm)

_ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Avoid Vaccine Reactions_

(http://thinktwice.com/) _National Vaccine Information Center_


In a message dated 3/15/2008 10:50:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tommygirl18_1981@... writes:

Robyn - yes, this does help and makes sense. I was just reading about the

HIB vax and that there are other types of menigitis. From what I jsut read,

viral is the most common with no vax yet.

I was looking on my papers that I need to have filled out and sent in. The

only question on there is are vaccinations current. I am still unsure if this

will keep us from being cleared but I am going to try to put it through the

ay things are now and not go forth with the vacsines until I feel more

confident in my decisions...I was looking on my papers that I need to have


out and sent in. The only question on there is are vaccinations current. I



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I agree--good overview. I do have a couple of clarifications to make. On the

chicken pox vaccine, the failure of the vaccine was found many times in

outbreaks of preschoolers, not high schoolers and that's when the boosters

began. One example was in 2001 in Suffield, CT where 35 children came down with

chicken pox and 20 had been vaccinated. At that time there were no booster


Second, I recall that the Hep B vaccine was given to babies in 1991. One of my

sons was born in 1992 and I remember the pediatrician explaining that there

wasn't enough of the vaccine for our area, that it was being given in cities

first because of the higher need there. I vaccinated my kids back then and was

upset that my child would have to wait.

About two years later, I started questioning vaccines and saw a NY Times article

(that was written I believe in 1991) about how those " at risk " of Hep. B were

refusing the vaccine so it was decided to market it to kids because parents will

do what's recommended. The article actually stated that! And, there was

something in there about how it had never been tested on children at that point.

FYI--soon after, I also noticed that the kids from his class had peanut

allergies--no one from my older son's class had this problem. I think the Hep. B

vaccine is the cause.


Re: new to group


> excellent summary, Robyn

> Sheri

> listowner


> At 11:27 PM 3/14/2008, you wrote:

> > > However, my big question is WHY did these diseases kill so

> many people

> > > yet it seems no one on here says we should fear these diseases.

> >

> >Most of the diseases the world vaccinates for today are NOT the

> killers>of yesteryear.

> >Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, tetanus - none of these

> routinely>killed children. The chicken pox vaccine was developed

> because someone

> >figured out that the US lost about one billion dollars in lost

> >productivity per year when working moms had to take time off

> work to

> >take care of their sick children. It wasn't about the disease killing

> >people. The vaccine was rushed through trials, and the lifelong

> immunity>it was thought to transmit was completely bogus. We all

> found that out

> >when the high school and college kids were getting chicken pox. Since

> >the vax was introduced, there have been 3 boosters added to the

> schedule.>Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease. In

> 1996, the year the US

> >started the Hep B vax in babies, there were 54 cses of Hep B in

> children>under age 5. There were over 17,000 reports of moderate

> to severe

> >adverse effects to VAERS.

> >Hepatitis A is comparable to the flu, and rarely causes

> complications in

> >anyone. Speaking of the flu, I concede that influenza can kill.

> However,>the flu vaccine is a " best guess " and there has been

> plenty of press

> >about how the vax didn't protect against the strains that are

> out there

> >now.

> >Diphtheria was once a threat. It's major cause is living in close

> >quarters, without access to clean water. It's big in Russia,

> but not

> >found in other Western countries. If you read the DTaP vaccine

> inserts,>you will find that there are very few cases per year in

> the US. I

> >believe one of the inserts estimated 5 cases in one year.

> >This leaves pneumonia, Hib (a type of meningitis), and polio.

> Polio has

> >been discussed in-depth here recently. The pneumonia vaccine,

> like the

> >flu vaccine, is a best guess. The Hib vaccine appears to work,

> but cases

> >of other types of meningitis are on the rise. We're trading one

> disease>for another.

> >

> >The single most important " invention " in medicine was the

> washing of

> >hands. That, combined with sterilization of instruments and

> items used

> >with sick individuals, has saved more lives than we realize.

> >

> >And, think about all the other killers for which there are no

> vaccines,>but we're not seeing anymore: the plague, scarlet

> fever, cholera,

> >tuberculosis (technically there is a vax, but even pro-vaxers

> admit it

> >doesn't work), and so on.

> >

> >I hope this helps!

> >~Robyn

> >

> >



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