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I will say many a prayer for Connie and her family today as I have since

meeting her here as I have for everyone with this dreaded disease.

It seems like she had more than her share of heartaches and physical woes

but she was always there with a kind word and a funny little saying and yes,

always so strong. I will miss seeing her posts. I know she is in a better

place where she will not have to suffer anymore. May we all remember that

life is short and make the most of it.

Good-bye Connie



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I will say many a prayer for Connie and her family today as I have since

meeting her here as I have for everyone with this dreaded disease.

It seems like she had more than her share of heartaches and physical woes

but she was always there with a kind word and a funny little saying and yes,

always so strong. I will miss seeing her posts. I know she is in a better

place where she will not have to suffer anymore. May we all remember that

life is short and make the most of it.

Good-bye Connie



Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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Thank you so much for your response. To be truthful, my GP (who is

new for me too) already suggested the RAI. He still wants me to see

an endo. I told him I was not interested in going to that extreme

just yet.

However, I don't think my dose is very high, compared to what I have

been reading. He prescribed 5mg 3x per day. Total of 15mg a day.

And I am spacing them out 8 hours. I started the Tap (actually the

generic methimazole) about 3 weeks ago and have been told that that

is exactly when they show up. (the hives) I never had itching before

the ATD's though. But they appear to be under control after having

been off the methimazoe for 4 days. Started them again yesterday and

I don't have any itching yet. Keeping fingers crossed.

I'm incredibly new to this and appreciate you taking the time to give

me some advice. I will look into that board as well.

Thanks again....Connie

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Hi Connie,

First thing I would want, if I were you, would be copies of the lab results BEFORE and then the ones which I hope were done the day before you stopped the meds. By comparing these two, you will then know for sure.

THEN...it it does turn out the generic Tap is a problem for YOU...switching to PTU will most likely solve the problem. It is very rare for anyone to be TRULY allergic to both. A TRUE allergy is seen in a lowered white blood cell count. But again, you need a baseline reading of your WBC BEFORE starting ATDs for comparison. Same with the tests that check your liver function. You need before and after reading to make ANY judgements. Graves' itself alters these tests without any medication.

There is no way you can really compare your dose to others we see on the Internet without all your lab results laid out in front of you, and thus be comparing apples to apples. We all have different starting points and require different doses.

You really should join the other group too, as this list is so slow, and I work full time . <grin> Lots of answers to your questions as you go along will sure give you a bigger view.

-Pam L -

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  • 4 months later...

What a coincidence! My husband is Type 2 diabetic too. He takes 2 different

insulin shots, but will not watch what he eats and he works swing shift and does

not eat at regular times. I am right now as fat as I have ever been in my life,

and I am 51 years old, it is a real struggle to lose weight. I quit smoking and

that has just slowly added and added weight. I have made up my mind that I WILL

lose! I am trying to quit the junk sweet foods that I overdose on. I can do

all things through Christ who strengthens me. :)

RE: RE: February Honor List?


> I think that is a great idea. When I get my tapes (hopefully this week) I

would love to join in. Body Flex is hurting my neck and chest. I was hoping

this was gentler. I love the benefits of using oxygen to exercise. I have so

much more energy and feel better! Have you lost any weight with life lift?



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My husband is still just taking oral medication, but if he's not careful (and

he's not!), I'm afraid he'll end up having to take insulin, too. He rotates

shifts, and I know that doesn't help things to not eat at regular times.

I looked up a couple of books today and am thinking about getting one of them on

the way home from work if I can find it at Books-a-Million. One is " Diabetes

for Dummies, " and the other is " Diabetes Cooking for Dummies. " Do you have

either of these? It was hard to tell just looking at the reviews on Amazon

which I would rather get. Both have info on diabetes and also recipes, both of

which I feel I need to get me started. I want to keep it simple to understand.

LOL I checked our library online, and it doesn't have either of them,


I remember there was a book Karma recommended awhile back, but I think I would

have to order it, and I'd like to start today (of course!). I may follow up

with that one later, too.

Maybe we can work on this together! And I know Wanda will help (she's Type II

also) if she has anything to add.




> From: " Miskinis, Connie S " <cmiskini@...>

> Date: 2003/01/27 Mon PM 03:07:24 EST

> <LifeLift >

> Subject: RE: Connie


> What a coincidence! My husband is Type 2 diabetic too. He takes 2 different

insulin shots, but will not watch what he eats and he works swing shift and does

not eat at regular times. I am right now as fat as I have ever been in my life,

and I am 51 years old, it is a real struggle to lose weight. I quit smoking and

that has just slowly added and added weight. I have made up my mind that I WILL

lose! I am trying to quit the junk sweet foods that I overdose on. I can do

all things through Christ who strengthens me. :)


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No, It sounds like something I could use too. Diabetes is an epidemic I think.

My husband has had it for about 4 years. We tried the first year to do and cook

and eat correctly but he got tired of it, and went back to the way he always ate

before. He is NOT overweight and has never been but it is in his family. Go

figure. If I can loose 30 pounds I will be happy! How about you?

RE: Connie


> What a coincidence! My husband is Type 2 diabetic too. He takes 2 different

insulin shots, but will not watch what he eats and he works swing shift and does

not eat at regular times. I am right now as fat as I have ever been in my life,

and I am 51 years old, it is a real struggle to lose weight. I quit smoking and

that has just slowly added and added weight. I have made up my mind that I WILL

lose! I am trying to quit the junk sweet foods that I overdose on. I can do

all things through Christ who strengthens me. :)


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My husband and I could both stand to lose more than that. The doctor is

hoping that if he will lose, he won't have to take medication anymore. He

mentioned to me the other day that he's concerned with the amount he's

having to take for various things. I'm sure he'd like to be medication-free

one day soon.



RE: RE: Connie

> No, It sounds like something I could use too. Diabetes is an epidemic I

think. My husband has had it for about 4 years. We tried the first year to

do and cook and eat correctly but he got tired of it, and went back to the

way he always ate before. He is NOT overweight and has never been but it is

in his family. Go figure. If I can loose 30 pounds I will be happy! How

about you?

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Thank you for checking on my order, as of now it hasn't been charged to my

charge card either. Do you think it got lost? Connie

Re: Hello Everyone

HI Rashelle,

It is so great to hear from you. I'm also glad to hear you are doing so

well. Is hubby better? He's got to be with you caring for him!!! I've

missed seeing you here but know how incredibly busy you are. Hope you have

a blessed rest of the day!


Click here:


To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

Hello Everyone

> Hello my beautiful Life Lift Angels, all of you, even the guys! (although

you are handsome, rather than beautiful!)


> I am having one of those weeks when I wake up every morning feeling like

it is my birthday and I have been given a new gift. I am incredibly busy,

but each day is filled with new promise and I love it!

> I am experiencing that great Life Lift high.

> Can you tell I have done my Life Lift breaths this morning? ***smile***


> I am so pleased to see so many of you starting up again with your Life

Lift program. You will not be sorry. I know that for certain. You have so

much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose except inches, pounds, toxins

and stress, illness and feeling tired. How are these for some reasons to get

back at it????


> Welcome to all of our new Life Lifter's. It is so great to have you here

with us.


> I am also happy to see how you have all rallied around Helene in her time

of need. I was writing to her off the list and I just knew the ,minute she

reached out to you that you would be there for her. I am always pleased and

amazed at the quality of women who belong to our lists. You are all so busy,

yet when someone needs help, there you are to support and inspire.


> I am missing a few of you, R, where are you? Gaylynn?


> I am so pleased to see how happy you seem now Kista. I knew you would be

able to make the best of any situation. You are great!


> I have to run out to a meeting, but I will try to get back on line later

when I return. I miss all of you!


> Take good care,


> Rashelle



> Your success is important to us. We offer exceptional products to insure

your permanent success.

> You will receive a Free Gift with every $40.00 order on my web sites

> Just click here http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.lifelift.net



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Hi Connie,

I will double check this for you. It should have been processed at my shipping

department before shipping. I will make certain it is taken care of for you.

Take care,


Hello Everyone

> Hello my beautiful Life Lift Angels, all of you, even the guys! (although

you are handsome, rather than beautiful!)


> I am having one of those weeks when I wake up every morning feeling like

it is my birthday and I have been given a new gift. I am incredibly busy,

but each day is filled with new promise and I love it!

> I am experiencing that great Life Lift high.

> Can you tell I have done my Life Lift breaths this morning? ***smile***


> I am so pleased to see so many of you starting up again with your Life

Lift program. You will not be sorry. I know that for certain. You have so

much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose except inches, pounds, toxins

and stress, illness and feeling tired. How are these for some reasons to get

back at it????


> Welcome to all of our new Life Lifter's. It is so great to have you here

with us.


> I am also happy to see how you have all rallied around Helene in her time

of need. I was writing to her off the list and I just knew the ,minute she

reached out to you that you would be there for her. I am always pleased and

amazed at the quality of women who belong to our lists. You are all so busy,

yet when someone needs help, there you are to support and inspire.


> I am missing a few of you, R, where are you? Gaylynn?


> I am so pleased to see how happy you seem now Kista. I knew you would be

able to make the best of any situation. You are great!


> I have to run out to a meeting, but I will try to get back on line later

when I return. I miss all of you!


> Take good care,


> Rashelle



> Your success is important to us. We offer exceptional products to insure

your permanent success.

> You will receive a Free Gift with every $40.00 order on my web sites

> Just click here http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.lifelift.net



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Thanks! I appreciate that. :) Connie

Re: Connie

Hi Connie,

I will double check this for you. It should have been processed at my shipping

department before shipping. I will make certain it is taken care of for you.

Take care,


Hello Everyone

> Hello my beautiful Life Lift Angels, all of you, even the guys! (although

you are handsome, rather than beautiful!)


> I am having one of those weeks when I wake up every morning feeling like

it is my birthday and I have been given a new gift. I am incredibly busy,

but each day is filled with new promise and I love it!

> I am experiencing that great Life Lift high.

> Can you tell I have done my Life Lift breaths this morning? ***smile***


> I am so pleased to see so many of you starting up again with your Life

Lift program. You will not be sorry. I know that for certain. You have so

much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose except inches, pounds, toxins

and stress, illness and feeling tired. How are these for some reasons to get

back at it????


> Welcome to all of our new Life Lifter's. It is so great to have you here

with us.


> I am also happy to see how you have all rallied around Helene in her time

of need. I was writing to her off the list and I just knew the ,minute she

reached out to you that you would be there for her. I am always pleased and

amazed at the quality of women who belong to our lists. You are all so busy,

yet when someone needs help, there you are to support and inspire.


> I am missing a few of you, R, where are you? Gaylynn?


> I am so pleased to see how happy you seem now Kista. I knew you would be

able to make the best of any situation. You are great!


> I have to run out to a meeting, but I will try to get back on line later

when I return. I miss all of you!


> Take good care,


> Rashelle



> Your success is important to us. We offer exceptional products to insure

your permanent success.

> You will receive a Free Gift with every $40.00 order on my web sites

> Just click here http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.lifelift.net



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  • 3 weeks later...

Why was he taken off diuretics?? Sounds like he needs them for releif

now. There are many - perhaps he can find one he can take???

I know I was allergic to lasix and another, but I now take bumex with

no trouble. I only take 20mg aday, so it keeps me comfortable and

I tolerate the low dose.


Odis & Connie England wrote:


husbands doctor took him off water pills last year. Now he is haveing

trouble with leg swelling. Other then stopping salt intake.

Is there anything safe he can do for releif? He is also wearing

support socks. thanks connie e.

Please visit the Zapper homepage at


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Oh I understand that completely, I just thought maybe Nick may know

what the equivilant to the Duragesic patch may be. Of course everyone

is different, well know that all to well here that some of us have

the same exact disc giving us hell but different meds/things work for

diff people. I had asked b/c like I said, my doc is not that familiar

with the patch and she personally would not have prescribed that for

me, and now we're at a point where we're asking questions and I'm

just wondering what others are on instead of using that patch is all,

the more info I can get, the more she has to go by and can decide

from there what she thinks is best. My pharmacist didnt know what it

even looked like till I showed it to her, I'm the only one at that

particular pharmacy that picks up the patch prescription. I'm

guessing when you mention pump you are talking about morphine? I

talked to a guy once, LONG time ago before my first surgery that had

been through 9 on the same disc and had his pump after his 2nd

surgery, I didnt ask him where it was at or how it was " implanted " .

He just had heard me tell my daughter " hopefully after this surgery

mommy will be back to normal, working and things will all be

better " ... that was 3 years ago, how much we learn unfortunately. I

was hopeful then. If you have any links on where I can take a looksy

at this, just in case its what my doc suggests, I'd really appreciate

it... I hope to start looking for the info myself as soon as I finish

getting my computer re-set up but in the meantime if anyone has a

link handy, I'd appreciate it, even all my old links that are saved

are still on floppy so I'll take anything right now. Thanks bunches

ahead of time!!

Again,if anyone can tell me what the equivalent(s) may be to the

patch, any dosage of it, it would be very helpful. I just dont know

how these meds go up in strength, maybe that's a job for my

pharmacist, I keep joking with her that she doesn't have enough t o

do so thats why I bring her scripts all the time Haha :) It helps to

have a good relationship with your pharmacist, mine happens to be the

wife of a guy that my brother used to share a condo with in their

single days, small world. Thanks again! :)


> Connie, None of us can really tell you what pain meds to take or

what will work for you. That is between you and your doctor. Every

one of us react differently to each medication and what works for you

may not work for each of us. You have to find what works for you.

Everyone that I know that has been on the patch has had trouble with

it in some way. But if the benefits outweigh the bad.....then it

works for them. It is completely YOUR decision. The patch and

percocet both are a lot of pain medication..... added on top of

Neurontin. If it still isn't giving you relief maybe you should look

into getting a pump implanted. That is about the next level in pain

control. Many have good luck with it.

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> " The tragedy of life is not in how short it is, but in how long we take to

truly start living it. " <

...just wanted to say that I really like your quote! Very insightful. Every

time I read it, I take a stronger stand on my quality of life and work to do

what I can with what I have going for me, dwelling less on what I cannot do.

Just wanted you to know that it has made a difference in at least one person's

life. Thanks!

Vivian H.

Vivian H.

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> " The tragedy of life is not in how short it is, but in how long we take to

truly start living it. " <

...just wanted to say that I really like your quote! Very insightful. Every

time I read it, I take a stronger stand on my quality of life and work to do

what I can with what I have going for me, dwelling less on what I cannot do.

Just wanted you to know that it has made a difference in at least one person's

life. Thanks!

Vivian H.

Vivian H.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Tomorrow is great--I have been praying the list anyway. But could you change my

prayer requests for July? My brother Troy has been reconciled to us, so you can

delete him. But my brother Mark in Georgia's wife passed away---she just

turned 42 the first of May. She was on birth control pills and had a blood clot

to her heart. Who really believes all those warnings about side effects? I

certainly do now. Anyway they had a very special marriage, she was a very

special person. My brother and their 11 year old daughter needs a lot of

prayer. And his job is still very bad.

He is a Christian also and his faith is what is sustaining him, so I know he

will appreciate all the prayers. Thanks Connie

RE: Adding Leigh to Honor List


> Hi Darlene, I missed June but could you put me back on for July? Thanks



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Sure and yes! That is so sad...




> From: " Miskinis, Connie S " <cmiskini@...>

> Date: 2003/06/24 Tue PM 12:18:25 EDT

> <LifeLift >

> Subject: RE: Connie


> Tomorrow is great--I have been praying the list anyway. But could you change

my prayer requests for July? My brother Troy has been reconciled to us, so you

can delete him. But my brother Mark in Georgia's wife passed away---she just

turned 42 the first of May. She was on birth control pills and had a blood clot

to her heart. Who really believes all those warnings about side effects? I

certainly do now. Anyway they had a very special marriage, she was a very

special person. My brother and their 11 year old daughter needs a lot of

prayer. And his job is still very bad.

> He is a Christian also and his faith is what is sustaining him, so I know he

will appreciate all the prayers. Thanks Connie


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Hi Connie,

I am so sorry to hear about your sister in-law. I will pray for your brother

and daughter and also for the rest of your family.

God Bless,


RE: Adding Leigh to Honor List


> Hi Darlene, I missed June but could you put me back on for July? Thanks



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Dear , Thank You so much. Prayer is the answer to all heartaches. :)


Re: Connie

Hi Connie,

I am so sorry to hear about your sister in-law. I will pray for your brother

and daughter and also for the rest of your family.

God Bless,


RE: Adding Leigh to Honor List


> Hi Darlene, I missed June but could you put me back on for July? Thanks



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Your'e welcome, you hang in there, these times are tough but God always heals

the hurts.


RE: Adding Leigh to Honor List


> Hi Darlene, I missed June but could you put me back on for July? Thanks



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Guest guest


It is so good to hear of reconciliation. Praise God!

I'm so sorry that Mark lost his wife and their daughter her mother.

There are really no words that can take the loss away but there is hope

because scripture tells us that God can be our mother or father when we no

longer have one or have one that is unable to function in that capacity.

The good news is Jesus is the healer of the brokenhearted and knows what it

is like from every aspect. A short prayer for them...Father, you have known

from the beginning how these lives would turn out and the events that would

take place in each of them. Thank you for being there to be a comforter. I

never understand why one is taken and another is not but this I do know; you

have made every provision for salvation and when a person belongs to you

your word says there is no burden that cannot be borne because we can turn

and lay it on you. I ask, make petition that you would incline Mark and his

daughter's ears and hearts toward you and that they would pull in close in

their pain and allow you to place a healing balm on them. I ask for

direction for their lives and that they would be anchored to you in this

time of heartbreak and changes. I ask that you would send your angels to

have charge over the safety of these two lives that in their time of

darkness that they would not be overwhelmed and choose to walk away but that

they would hear your words that you have a good plan for them and that with

you they can face anything together. In Jesus' name, Amen


RE: Adding Leigh to Honor List

> >

> > Hi Darlene, I missed June but could you put me back on for July?

Thanks Connie

> >





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Thank You for the prayer Virginia, I said it with you and it was beautiful.

Your sister in Christ , Connie

Re: Connie


It is so good to hear of reconciliation. Praise God!

I'm so sorry that Mark lost his wife and their daughter her mother.

There are really no words that can take the loss away but there is hope

because scripture tells us that God can be our mother or father when we no

longer have one or have one that is unable to function in that capacity.

The good news is Jesus is the healer of the brokenhearted and knows what it

is like from every aspect. A short prayer for them...Father, you have known

from the beginning how these lives would turn out and the events that would

take place in each of them. Thank you for being there to be a comforter. I

never understand why one is taken and another is not but this I do know; you

have made every provision for salvation and when a person belongs to you

your word says there is no burden that cannot be borne because we can turn

and lay it on you. I ask, make petition that you would incline Mark and his

daughter's ears and hearts toward you and that they would pull in close in

their pain and allow you to place a healing balm on them. I ask for

direction for their lives and that they would be anchored to you in this

time of heartbreak and changes. I ask that you would send your angels to

have charge over the safety of these two lives that in their time of

darkness that they would not be overwhelmed and choose to walk away but that

they would hear your words that you have a good plan for them and that with

you they can face anything together. In Jesus' name, Amen


RE: Adding Leigh to Honor List

> >

> > Hi Darlene, I missed June but could you put me back on for July?

Thanks Connie

> >





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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 7/22/2003 5:42:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ccurran1@... writes:

> is finally scheduled for his surgery next week, a Nissan

> fundoplication and a pyloroplasty, with no g-tube, since most docs seem to

agree that

> he will pull it out.

Hi Connie,

I will keep you and in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the surgery is

sucessful and the boys do ok with Dad. You are really gutsy traveling the

road with the boys. Good for you. I'm happy to hear that it went well. Keep us

posted on 's surgery and recovery.


Mom to Zeb 10 DS/OCD ?

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  • 5 months later...


I love the stretch band one

I believe you get a discount if you order 2 or more

It is worth a thought if you can


Re: Liz's Workouts

I don't know that I would say that. I'm just so glad that I'm able to do

my regular workouts again. I really miss them when I can't do them, I

even feel a little depressed when I can't do them. Is that insane or

what???????? :o)

How are you doing Connie? I was thinking about you yesterday while I was

watching Dr. Phil. Have you finished his book yet? Is it helping you?

Take care!

Love ya!!!



On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:29:00 -0600 " Miskinis, Connie S "

<cmiskini@...> writes:

You are sooo good!!!! :-) Connie

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Thanks and Liz

I like hearing which videos are your favorites.

I hope to finally get the new ones made soon. Last year was a crazy year. I am

hoping I will be able to carve out a little more time this year to complete all

of my great new projects.

Take care,


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Re: Liz's Workouts

I don't know that I would say that. I'm just so glad that I'm able to do

my regular workouts again. I really miss them when I can't do them, I

even feel a little depressed when I can't do them. Is that insane or

what???????? :o)

How are you doing Connie? I was thinking about you yesterday while I was

watching Dr. Phil. Have you finished his book yet? Is it helping you?

Take care!

Love ya!!!



On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:29:00 -0600 " Miskinis, Connie S "

<cmiskini@...> writes:

You are sooo good!!!! :-) Connie

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