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Ah,yes...my enlightened one!! hehehe. The long trips are WAAYY out of the question!! I don't know what I'm using, except maybe Windows Internet Explorer? That is what I click on (the 'e' icon), from my Home Page and I use Windows 2000 NT technology,and SBC DSL as my ISP 2 COM. W/U. See? I can be technical...wonder if they are hiring?? haha Del Motley <dmotley@...> wrote: Changing your font depends on your email program. Which one are you using? I use outlook. May people use outlook express. I’m

so glad you’re feeling good. I guess I’d have to come to you for a motorcycle ride, because of your lactulose, huh? No road trips for the Deliman? De -----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Del ComptonSent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:44 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Re: Connie Good Morning Everybody! I hope you slept well, I did!!! First time in a while...I woke up once, had a little snack and I'm still wondering if it is 7:30 AM hehehe... Deb, I'm doing fine. Since I've been off all the exrta meds I was taking and I'm down to Lactulose,Amiloride,Inderal LA, Furosimde and Zolft(y), heh.heh I'm walking KIRBY 3 X a day, I cleaned and polished the Jeep I need to sell, I'm riding my motorcycle to Wal Mart etc...AND... I can actually see my carpet! Connie, I consider myself a newbie at this, I don't know all of your particulars, but in the spirit of love and trying to help, could it be that your not expelling the poison in your body and maybe (ammonia?) or some other level is way high and the Jaundice is actually liquid that is not being flushed out? I hope it's somrthing simple. Could anyone tell me how to change my font/color/size/style so I don't have to do it each time I write? Hey, Deb, Thanks for checking in on me. Good Luck Connie

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Deb, I'm seein my liver doctor monday at 10, cuz something is obviously amiss, but all i was sayin is that every single time someone i loved died or got divorced or my pipes bursted under my sink or jasper got sick, or someone took my baby, three days later blam yellow eyes and this has been goin on for years, even immediately after I cleared, then the eyes would clear up again till the next batch of harshness. ConnieThe light at the end of the tunnel may be you

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Hi, Connie,

You know those women who have babies and a week later they are thin? We

all want to hurt her. Same with being a conference room secretary with a CI!

LOL Just teasing you - sooooo amazing and I'm very thrilled for you!!!

:o) Jackie

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Hey Connie, I was just kidding... mostly anyway. Hubby tries telling me what to do too, no biggie , dont sweat the small stuff honey. Im geographically challanged too, always have been; my shrink that they forced on me to get disability told me i have no spatial awareness, to which i responded i bet i got a pretty good idea how much space is between my fist and your mouth. Im a little, um......shall we say...um COMBATIVE, but im alive dammit, and without my fight i woulda not been so. Sometimes i have trouble crossing that fine line between a good healthy fight and all out anger, ill admit that, but these ribas arent helping rassum frassum. anyway dont feel like the lone ranger, you are WOMAN!! rrrr. connie

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Connie,

<<At this point, I wouldn't mind staying in

traction till my son is fully grown...I never thought

I'd say that before the halo was put on but it's been

so great for him, and actually more comfortable.>>

I hear ya, that has always been my thought too!

I don't know if you've read posts about my daughter

Kylie, but she has had 3 halos and is scheduled

January 8th for halo #4. She loves having halos

because she feels great and it allows her to do things

easier, then when she is out of the halo. She has

muscle myopathy so she doesn't have much strength.

When shes in traction, I know she can't get worse!

Take care,

(mom of Kylie, age 9)

--- tovi39@... wrote:

> Hi Carmell

> Do you think that nerve function being compromised

> during growing rod surgery is more likely then in

> VEPTR surgery?

> While we were in the hospital getting the halo

> traction put on , there was a boy who

> underwent growing rod implementation surgery and he

> woke up unable to move his legs.... Through the past

> few weeks he has been able to first move his toes

> then his foot but are still doing intense physical

> therapy to get his legs moving...It was, is very

> scary. They are expecting full recovery however they

> are not sure.

> At this point, I wouldn't mind staying in traction

> till my son is fully grown...I never thought I'd say

> that before the halo was put on but it's been so

> great for him, and actually more comfortable.



> Connie



> Re: How Surgery Saved

> My Life



> Hi Shellie,


> <<Did they choose to fuse her because her spine

> stopped growing?>>


> Yes, mostly. Yes, they suspected her spine had

> stopped growing. And also the growing rod docs

> typically fuse at age 10-11 anyway. Why? I'm not

> sure there's another reason than this fact that the

> child's spine stops growing naturally. At the SRS

> conference in Sept 2006 there was a presentation

> that

> talked about the percentage of growth a child's

> spine

> goes through. I'll have to look it up again, but it

> suggested that the adolescent growth spurt didn't

> offer as much vertical growth of the spine (bone

> structure) as I thought. Some orthos believe the

> adolescent growth spurt is not a problem with early

> fused kids. Hopefully they change their minds.


> <<Why didn't she have a VEPTR when she was 2?>>


> Probably several reasons (they didn't give other

> options in the show - they just stated that her

> curve

> was so severe, one night she could roll over and her

> spine would break and she would die - how

> dramatic/Hollywood is that??? ugh). The family

> probably didn't know about VEPTR. She had idiopathic

> scoliosis which was not a qualifying factor for


> back then. Dr. Boachie doesn't do VEPTRs now. Lots

> of reasons.


> <<Did they do any halos on either of the kids prior

> to

> surgery? I have heard very little about the boy from

> Africa?>>


> No halos. The growing rod acted as the stabilizer

> for

> the little girl, so no need for halo for her. The

> boy

> in Africa is a different story. They indicated that

> there is a home for kids who have severe spine

> problems due to illness early in life. These kids

> who

> contracted polio or tuberculosis or tumors or

> whatever

> would develop severe scoliosis in their early teens

> because of lack of treatment. The team had ONE day

> to

> do surgery that would typically be done in a series

> of

> surgeries in the USA. The show did point this out -

> the fact that they were not under the best of

> circumstances. The team had to do their best to give

> him the best outcome in ONE surgery. No time or

> money

> or conditions to do proper spine care. Very sad.

> During the surgery, his nerve function was

> compromised

> at least twice (twice that they showed). Having to

> re-stretch the spinal cord in ONE big surgery is so

> risky. I'm sure Dr. Boachie would have preferred to

> bring him to the USA to do a proper procedure (in

> stages) but he would have to do that with all the

> others and that just isn't an option. This boy's

> lung

> function is still poor, but improved. He is

> malnourished, etc. Not a good situation. The show

> hinted to the fact that he still lives in this home

> for spine patients rather than with his family (dad

> was killed years ago, mom struggling, etc).


> Carmell


> mom to Kara, idiopathic scoliosis, Blake 16, GERD

> and Braydon 11, VACTERL, GERD, DGE, Titanium Rib

> Project patient #137 (dbl implant 8/01), thoracic

> insufficiency, rib anomalies, congenital scoliosis

> (fusion surgery 5/96), missing coccyx, fatty

> filum/TC (released 4/99), anal stenosis, chronic

> constipation, horseshoe (cross-fused) kidney, dbl

> ureter in left kidney, ureterocele (excized 6/95),

> kidney reflux (reimplant surgery 1/97), neurogenic

> bladder, bilateral hip dysplasia, right leg/foot

> dyplasia, tibial torsion, clubfoot with 8 toes

> (reconstructed 2/96, 3/96, 1/97, 3/04), pes cavus,

> single umblilical artery, tonsil-adnoidectomy and

> ear tubes (3/98), etc.

> http://carmellb-ivil.tripod.com/myfamily/




> Have a burning question?

> Go to www.Answers. and get answers from

> real people who know.





> Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of

> free safety and security tools, free access to

> millions of high-quality videos from across the web,

> free AOL Mail and more.



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Can I ask you why Kylie is always in traction? Are you avoiding surgery as long

as you can? My son is extremely hypotonic as well. I know if we stop traction

his spine will curve as it was before in no time. Has Kylie had any surgeries? I

think I remember seeing a picture of her rods in the photo section.


Re: How Surgery Saved

> My Life



> Hi Shellie,


> <<Did they choose to fuse her because her spine

> stopped growing?>>


> Yes, mostly. Yes, they suspected her spine had

> stopped growing. And also the growing rod docs

> typically fuse at age 10-11 anyway. Why? I'm not

> sure there's another reason than this fact that the

> child's spine stops growing naturally. At the SRS

> conference in Sept 2006 there was a presentation

> that

> talked about the percentage of growth a child's

> spine

> goes through. I'll have to look it up again, but it

> suggested that the adolescent growth spurt didn't

> offer as much vertical growth of the spine (bone

> structure) as I thought. Some orthos believe the

> adolescent growth spurt is not a problem with early

> fused kids. Hopefully they change their minds.


> <<Why didn't she have a VEPTR when she was 2?>>


> Probably several reasons (they didn't give other

> options in the show - they just stated that her

> curve

> was so severe, one night she could roll over and her

> spine would break and she would die - how

> dramatic/Hollywood is that??? ugh). The family

> probably didn't know about VEPTR. She had idiopathic

> scoliosis which was not a qualifying factor for


> back then. Dr. Boachie doesn't do VEPTRs now. Lots

> of reasons.


> <<Did they do any halos on either of the kids prior

> to

> surgery? I have heard very little about the boy from

> Africa?>>


> No halos. The growing rod acted as the stabilizer

> for

> the little girl, so no need for halo for her. The

> boy

> in Africa is a different story. They indicated that

> there is a home for kids who have severe spine

> problems due to illness early in life. These kids

> who

> contracted polio or tuberculosis or tumors or

> whatever

> would develop severe scoliosis in their early teens

> because of lack of treatment. The team had ONE day

> to

> do surgery that would typically be done in a series

> of

> surgeries in the USA. The show did point this out -

> the fact that they were not under the best of

> circumstances. The team had to do their best to give

> him the best outcome in ONE surgery. No time or

> money

> or conditions to do proper spine care. Very sad.

> During the surgery, his nerve function was

> compromised

> at least twice (twice that they showed). Having to

> re-stretch the spinal cord in ONE big surgery is so

> risky. I'm sure Dr. Boachie would have preferred to

> bring him to the USA to do a proper procedure (in

> stages) but he would have to do that with all the

> others and that just isn't an option. This boy's

> lung

> function is still poor, but improved. He is

> malnourished, etc. Not a good situation. The show

> hinted to the fact that he still lives in this home

> for spine patients rather than with his family (dad

> was killed years ago, mom struggling, etc).


> Carmell


> mom to Kara, idiopathic scoliosis, Blake 16, GERD

> and Braydon 11, VACTERL, GERD, DGE, Titanium Rib

> Project patient #137 (dbl implant 8/01), thoracic

> insufficiency, rib anomalies, congenital scoliosis

> (fusion surgery 5/96), missing coccyx, fatty

> filum/TC (released 4/99), anal stenosis, chronic

> constipation, horseshoe (cross-fused) kidney, dbl

> ureter in left kidney, ureterocele (excized 6/95),

> kidney reflux (reimplant surgery 1/97), neurogenic

> bladder, bilateral hip dysplasia, right leg/foot

> dyplasia, tibial torsion, clubfoot with 8 toes

> (reconstructed 2/96, 3/96, 1/97, 3/04), pes cavus,

> single umblilical artery, tonsil-adnoidectomy and

> ear tubes (3/98), etc.

> http://carmellb-ivil.tripod.com/myfamily/




> Have a burning question?

> Go to www.Answers. and get answers from

> real people who know.





> Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of

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> free AOL Mail and more.



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

I took my lovely daughter's advice and started on " baby " things...nope,

she ain't pregnant, and nope, she ain't married...but she figures it

will take me so long to finish anything I should start now for about 3

years from now....ROFL

I am crocheting baby afghans...I love the colors and the " idea " so...

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I did scarves all winter. I made them extra wide and extra long to

keep my kids and friends warm. It was fun! Connie :-)


> I took my lovely daughter's advice and started on " baby "


> she ain't pregnant, and nope, she ain't married...but she figures it

> will take me so long to finish anything I should start now for about


> years from now....ROFL



> I am crocheting baby afghans...I love the colors and the " idea " so...



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


mollynevarez <mollynevarez@...> wrote: Hi Connie here are a few

links . Hope you find one you like .

Molly : O )

Prayer Shawls


Prayer Cloths






> > > >

> > > > Hi Molly,

> > > > I can only crochet " simple " things, like afghans (that is


> I

> > am

> > > > making now) and this winter I made extra wide and extra long

> > scarves

> > > > for my girls to wrap around them and keep them warm. It is

> Very

> > > > relaxing...what do you crochet Molly?

> > > > Connie :-)

> > > >

> > >

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Autos.



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Not sure if I was still on tx at the time??

RE: Connie

I DID say “possum flinger”. It was quite the nice revenge for Ms. Patty Pooh, perhaps while you were MIA.

-----Original Message-----From: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of connie mcclainSent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 10:28 AMTo: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: Suzie Q

I have trouble sometimes seeing but I could have sworn you said "possum flinger????" LMAO STILL. Connie

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Not sure if I was still on tx at the time??

RE: Connie

I DID say “possum flinger”. It was quite the nice revenge for Ms. Patty Pooh, perhaps while you were MIA.

-----Original Message-----From: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of connie mcclainSent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 10:28 AMTo: HepatitisCSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: Suzie Q

I have trouble sometimes seeing but I could have sworn you said "possum flinger????" LMAO STILL. Connie

I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.It has removed 4001 spam emails to date.Paying users do not have this message in their emails.Try SPAMfighter for free now!

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  • 5 weeks later...


Hooooo, Connie! Great news!



i miss you guys so much. arrgh. its killin

me. hey my final 3.5 year pcr results are back NEGATIVE so can i come and

party with you Suzlett? Connie

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  • 3 months later...

Hi , I have not been doing as good as I want, I have been baking too

much for Christmas ---but it is fun! I haven't went into bootcamp buddies yet,

but I will!!! How are you doing? Connie



> Connie, how are you doing with ww? Did you have time to check

> out

> Bootcamp Buddies?





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I haven't been baking, but I have been going places where other

people have! We went to my son's Church last night to see two of our

grandchildren in the Christmas play. Of course, there was

refreshments afterward.

Maybe when the holidays are over we can get down to business. I am

doing my exercise and LL. Although, I am not doing very well doing

the reflexology tape at night.


> Hi , I have not been doing as good as I want, I have been

baking too much for Christmas ---but it is fun! I haven't went into

bootcamp buddies yet, but I will!!! How are you doing? Connie


> Connie

> LifeLift


> > Connie, how are you doing with ww? Did you have time to check

> > out

> > Bootcamp Buddies?

> >

> >

> >

> >




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Dear , At least you are doing your LL and exercises! I have to get on

the ball! Thanks that was encouraging! Connie


> > LifeLift

> >

> > > Connie, how are you doing with ww? Did you have time to

> check

> > > out

> > > Bootcamp Buddies?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Connie,

Thanks for your positive comparisons. I love that you love LifeLift so much.

Be blessed, be healthy and take good care,


Harness the Powerful Benefits of Oxygen with LifeLift.

Oxygen burns fat, tones muscles, reduces stress

Be healthier with each breath you take with LifeLift www.lifelift.com

Animated animals to entertain your whole family while you workout




> Hi...my name is Amie and I am interested in weight loss and

> energy. I

> ordered oxycise about 10 years ago and didnt do much with it for the

> simple fact it seemed so rediculous the faces you had to

> make. How is

> life lift different? Has anyone used both and chosen

> lifelift over

> oxycise.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Happy Birthday, Connie! I hope you're having a great one!!


Melinda :o)


Hey Connie,

Happy Birthday wishes are being sent to you. Hope you

have a nice one.

;-) Virginia

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsover things are honest,

whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be

any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8


Never miss a thing. Make your home page.


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Thanks Melinda, I am! Hugs, Connie




> Hey Connie,


> Happy Birthday wishes are being sent to you. Hope you

> have a nice one.


> ;-) Virginia


> Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsover

> things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things

> are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any

> praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8


> __________________________________________________________

> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs







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Thank You Virginia, it has been a good one so far! Hugs, Connie


Life Lift <LifeLiftgroups>

> Hey Connie,


> Happy Birthday wishes are being sent to you. Hope you

> have a nice one.


> ;-) Virginia


> Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsover things

> are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of

> good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,

> think on these things. Philippians 4:8






____Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

The kitchen should work perfectly for us because we do not spend much time

there, and it is the furthest room away from the bedrooms. Now I just have to

clean up some space for it--I think it is time to get some more shelves up...




> I know you'll love the Excalibur! Good luck with it. Like I mentioned to

Thia, it is noisy, so I keep mine on a table downstairs in the laundry room.

It's not that much trouble there.....and I have a low noise threshold, so it

works for me.

> Sherry


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Hi Connie! I'm sorry that you lost your friend. If I lived closer I would be

your exercise buddy. Do you think that you could get your hubby to walk with

you. Tell him that you need a new exercise buddy and he's it. :-)

Try and do 10 LL breaths today, tomorrow, Mon. etc. etc. Tell yourself that it's

only 10, think....surely I can do 10 a day, this will get you into the LL mode

and i bet that you'll soon be doing more each day. Remind yourself that you're

doing it for you. You can do it Connie!

What would your hubby think if you got a part time job?

I love you Connie! If you would like to talk on the phone, I can call you, I

have unlimited long distance. Just let me know, email me off line with your


Love, Liz


Dear , I loved this " love Letter " . This is just the inspiration that I

needed today. I have been so down since my job ended 3 years ago.....my

husband retired early at age 55 and asked me to try to stay home with him.  I

have but have lost all motivation to exercise and have been eating sugar like

crazy....also my best friend and weight watcher buddy and walking buddy died. Â

I am going to try all suggestions from you and Rashelle's newsletter and start

doing my LL again.   I always feel so much better and look better why did I

stop. Reading all the posts from everyone else has motivated me too.  I am


Love to you and all



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Hi Connie, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your best friend and

" health " buddy. I'm glad you're back posting. I think the last time I

was regularly posting and deciding to really get down to business with

this, you were on too. Like with you, the newsletters and all the good

results everyone is getting have inspired me too. Liz has an excellent

idea. If we can just start with 10 breaths a day, we will keep going.

Why is it so easy to get into a bad habit but so hard to train ourselves

to stick with what is good for us???? I hope you keep posting because I

think this group is great and I know they will keep you going.

Your friend,



Click now and enjoy a fantastic vacation in the wine country.



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Lizzy is right we are all here

Think of us on a walk or call lizzy when walking she is a great supportive


Hang in there

God's Blessings

Rettig (Army Mom of 2)

(Chaplain for Chapter 2 BSM SE WI)

The opinions reflected above are strictly my own and in no way reflect the views

of the Blue Star Mothers or the Proud Military Moms

Re: Connie

Hi Connie! I'm sorry that you lost your friend. If I lived closer I would be

your exercise buddy. Do you think that you could get your hubby to walk with

you. Tell him that you need a new exercise buddy and he's it. :-)

Try and do 10 LL breaths today, tomorrow, Mon. etc. etc. Tell yourself that

it's only 10, think....surely I can do 10 a day, this will get you into the LL

mode and i bet that you'll soon be doing more each day. Remind yourself that

you're doing it for you. You can do it Connie!

What would your hubby think if you got a part time job?

I love you Connie! If you would like to talk on the phone, I can call you, I

have unlimited long distance. Just let me know, email me off line with your


Love, Liz


Dear , I loved this " love Letter " . This is just the inspiration that I

needed today. I have been so down since my job ended 3 years ago.....my husband

retired early at age 55 and asked me to try to stay home with him.  I have but

have lost all motivation to exercise and have been eating sugar like

crazy....also my best friend and weight watcher buddy and walking buddy died. Â

I am going to try all suggestions from you and Rashelle's newsletter and start

doing my LL again.   I always feel so much better and look better why did I

stop. Reading all the posts from everyone else has motivated me too.  I am


Love to you and all



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Coil Binding Machine Offers. Compare Coil Binding Machine



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