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Re: Armour and Glaucoma

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You wrote:


> Chuck, can the same thing about iodine in Armour be said for Thyrolar

> too?...

Yes, the T4 is bioidentical, whether synthetic or from a natural source.

> ... Which test should I ask for to find out if my HypoT is hashis?

If you are on a full replacement dose, or close to it, I wouldn't bother

testing antibodies. It won't change the treatment options. If you are

still on a fairly low dose, you may be facing the up and down reactions

best described as a roller coaster. That can be an uncomfortable period,

if you do not have flexible dosing options or a doctor willing to keep

up with the changes.

There are several different antibodies that could be involved, and there

is a different test for each one. Unfortunately, it is quite likely that

you may never detect any antibodies, even though you truly have

Hashimoto's. The attacks may be intense but sporadic. Consequently, more

general tests are used that detect secondary activity due to any of

several antibodies. The most sensitive of these is the Anti-Thyroid

Peroxidase Antibodies (AThPA, TPO, or TPOAb, also called microsomal with

a list of acronyms to match) test, which detects antibodies to a

specific thyroid enzyme. Second most common is the Anti-Thyroid Globulin

Antibodies (AThGA or TGA) test, which detects antibodies to the main

storage mechanism for T4 and T3 in the blood.


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Gracia means well, and has found something that seems to work for her.

But be aware that there is ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT for her recommendations

in peer reviewed literature on iodine. As a matter of fact I think she

recommends something like 1000% or 2000% of the usual maximum suggested


And there is I believe a massive quantity of peer reviewed literature

that iodine is not recommended with Hashi's.



> Re: Armour and Glaucoma








> Posted by: " alexisandtim_fl " alexis@...

> <mailto:alexis@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Armour%20and%20Glaucoma>

> alexisandtim_fl <alexisandtim_fl>



> Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:46 am (PST)


> Gracia,


> I'm not saying you are wrong but I don't really understand how if 24

> mg dose of iodorol makes the hashi's, goiter and hypo worse that

> raising it even more will help. I have Dr. Brownstein's iodine book

> and the maximum dose it says to take is 50 but I can't find anything

> stating that a lower dose would cause MORE problems and then raising

> higher would solve it. You take a large dose of Armour right? If

> iodine solved everything wouldn't you not need so much? For me the

> larger dose of Armour is what finally shrunk the goiter and took away

> the hypo symptoms.


> Again - you may be right but I don't understand the mechanism. If one

> had a vitamin C deficiency and symptoms from it wouldn't at least SOME

> of the symptoms improve if they took a smaller than optimal dose of

> Vitamin C - certainly wouldn't get worse. I guess I'm asking WHERE

> it is stated that one can be worse on 24 mg of iodorol as opposed to

> none and yet get better on 50?


> Also I get more pimples (yep - a little acne left at 58!) when I take

> iodorol. I was on 24 and sometimes more for 9 months and it was still

> a problem with breakouts. Doctor finally told me to just not take it.

> I take one of them once or twice a week now because I do feel the

> body needs iodine for many things. I tend to be rather strange and

> never fit the norm in most things anyway - often contradictory things

> going on so who knows?



> >

> >

> > Iodoral is the cure for antibodies and goiter so I suspect you

> were not taking enough (50mg per day). I am glad your doc did not

> underdose you on Armour.

> > Gracia

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Okay, but what if you take the 180 mgs and labs still say your hypo?


-- Re: Re: Armour and Glaucoma


You wrote:


> it is pretty well accepted that the normal dose of Armour is

> 180--300mgs. I am not recommending anything unusual...

Well accepted by whom? The manufacturer says that 180 mgs is the

MAXIMUM recommended dose. I would think more people would take the

manufacturer's recommendation at face value.


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You wrote:


> is that why peeps on thyroid meds have higher cancer rates?

Because it has iodine in it?

I think you have that confused with the risks following radioiodine

treatment of hyperT. Also, TSH is known to stimulate growth of thyroid

tumors, so one of the treatments for suspect nodules is to suppress the

TSH by deliberately going hyperT. I have also seen papers that say that

hypoT actually suppresses certain cancers. If you have some published

research to the contrary, please share it.


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Crystal wrote:



> Okay, but what if you take the 180 mgs and labs still say your hypo?

I would consider that a legitimate reason to consider going higher. This

can happen due to binding issues or excess RT3 production. However, I

would also keep looking to identify the real culprit.

In contrast, Gracia seems to be recommending that everyone START with

180 mgs.


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I don't think I would recommend starting at 180mg Armour b/c it could be hard

on a person with weak adrenals (like me).

I would really recommend taking Iodoral first, then support adrenals, then get

(enough) Armour.


Crystal wrote:



> Okay, but what if you take the 180 mgs and labs still say your hypo?

I would consider that a legitimate reason to consider going higher. This

can happen due to binding issues or excess RT3 production. However, I

would also keep looking to identify the real culprit.

In contrast, Gracia seems to be recommending that everyone START with

180 mgs.


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ppl on thyroid meds have higher rates of certain cancers like breast. I will

look for the research on this. Iodine prevents sex organ cancers. maybe




You wrote:


> is that why peeps on thyroid meds have higher cancer rates?

Because it has iodine in it?

I think you have that confused with the risks following radioiodine

treatment of hyperT. Also, TSH is known to stimulate growth of thyroid

tumors, so one of the treatments for suspect nodules is to suppress the

TSH by deliberately going hyperT. I have also seen papers that say that

hypoT actually suppresses certain cancers. If you have some published

research to the contrary, please share it.


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this doesn't have anything to do with genetics. It has to do with tissue

iodine saturation.

iodine docs take 50-100mg Iodoral every day. Albert Szent Gyorgy apparently

took grams of iodine/iodide.


what I was referring to is THAT since EVERYONE has different genetics [except

for identical twins] NOT all doses will work for everyone. that is there is NOT

one dose of iodine for all. your experience with high doses of iodine Will not

work With EVERYONE.

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of course it has to do with genetics- your genetics control your tissues and

every cell in your body. ergo your genetics Control how your tissues absorbed

substances. ergo your genetics control how much iodine your body will absorb.

if your genetics are faulty in one area that may be the difference between

absorbing iodine or not; or being allergic to iodine [ like I am] or not; having

a disease like thyroid disease or not. etc.

what works for one doesn't work for all and I bet the iodine docs will agree.

Re: Re: Armour and Glaucoma

this doesn't have anything to do with genetics. It has to do with tissue

iodine saturation.

iodine docs take 50-100mg Iodoral every day. Albert Szent Gyorgy apparently

took grams of iodine/iodide.


what I was referring to is THAT since EVERYONE has different genetics [except

for identical twins] NOT all doses will work for everyone. that is there is NOT

one dose of iodine for all. your experience with high doses of iodine Will not

work With EVERYONE.

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I am in no way debating the fact that when hypoT people start getting hypoT

symptoms their meds should be raised. And of all the people here I think I

really do have an open mind about armour as I am very regularly taking 7 +


a day. My only objection is using yourself as an example in a way that is

misleading. You are actually absorbing soooo much less than 240 mg. I know that

you are just trying to help people and I and many others really value you here.

Take care,

it is pretty well accepted that the normal dose of Armour is 180--300mgs. I

am not recommending anything unusual. If a person doesn't feel well, has hypo

symptoms, then it only makes sense to increase. I think many peeps stay on

lower doses b/c of low adrenals. (which docs don't treat)


Yeah, Gracia is <<<taking>>>> 240 mg but she drinks coffee right afterwards

which means she is <<<<actually getting>>>>> much much much much less.


if you want to take it that way that's fine but sometimes it seems like you

make this argument of how people should increase there meds and make a

comparison to what you take. It's false advertisement.

Take care,

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Tsk tsk tsk, ...iodophobic too, eh?

Go read about TPO in regards to thyroid hormone production, and read

about TPO " antibodies " and why they come about.

Massive quantity of peer reviewed literature, eh? Oh brother...too too

bad not one of them even thought to treat their subjects' low cortisol

and low aldosterone, let alone test them. Yea, that's right...when we

say people with antibodies need to treat weak adrenals before starting

iodine/iodide, that's what we mean. Unfortunately almost everyone only

goes half way. Cortisol " AND " aldosterone, people.

Seriously, , the more and more I read about inorganic iodine, the

more and more I am coming to realize that there is a lot more idiocy in

modern medicine than even I thought existed. Those people are letting

patients suffer and DIE rather than take common sense approaches to

simple issues. But then again I guess maybe the gene pool does need to

be thinned out a bit, doesn't it...

Hey, remember when the treatment for goiter was just iodide? What is it

now? Surgery, RAI, synthroid, antidepressants, insulin, Jennie Craig,

cancer surgery, chemotherapy, psychiatry, zoloft, wellburtin, atavan,




> Gracia means well, and has found something that seems to work for


> But be aware that there is ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT for her


> in peer reviewed literature on iodine. As a matter of fact I think


> recommends something like 1000% or 2000% of the usual maximum


> dosage.


> And there is I believe a massive quantity of peer reviewed literature

> that iodine is not recommended with Hashi's.


> Luck,


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This was talked about on one of the hormone groups I'm on. It was

higher rates of cancers in people taking thyroid meds which were of

the synthetic variety.


> >

> > is that why peeps on thyroid meds have higher cancer rates?


> Because it has iodine in it?


> I think you have that confused with the risks following


> treatment of hyperT. Also, TSH is known to stimulate growth of


> tumors, so one of the treatments for suspect nodules is to

suppress the

> TSH by deliberately going hyperT. I have also seen papers that

say that

> hypoT actually suppresses certain cancers. If you have some


> research to the contrary, please share it.


> Chuck

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I plan on being tested in a couple of week but I know the TSH will be

low. Just want the T3 levels. Every time I was tested both before

and after the armour - each time the T4 would be about the same and

the T3 kept getting lower - it was even lower after I was on 60 mg of

armour and the TSH was below normal - it just kept going down instead

of up!

As to heart damage - I monitor my pulse quite regularly and it's not

fast - at times it's still in the high 60's. I can exercise

aerobically and get it up to nearly the max for my age and have no

problems and then it recovers quite nicely. I do know what hyper

feels like because 14 years ago I had Graves also and was hyper.

> Actually, you can feel fine and still be causing heart damage and

> osteoporosis. You might want to test every once in awhile, just to

be safe.


Cadmium exposure - I have no idea - no job or anything else that would

cause it but I did read that some people have a gene that causes them

to not be able to eliminate it. I had the highest my doctor had seen.

Detection was on challenge tests after chelation. More and more just

keeps coming out. The lead I could see some chance for exposure as a

child but not since other than what we all are exposed to from things

like exhaust fumes. Cadmium is high in cigerettes but I never smoked

one in my life and my parents didn't smoke very much and I've not had

exposure to smoke for years now. I was tested due to chronic pain, the

thyroid problems and such because correcting nutritional deficiencies

didn't solve the problems. The pain has improved but that could be

from the armour because that was when I started feeling better.


> Where did you get cadmium exposure? How did you detect it?


> Chuck


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you go by the Frees, OR go by how you feel which should correspond to the

Frees. Frees should be in upper quadrant of range. I took 240mg Armour and

then a few hours later had blood drawn (I wasn't expecting doc to do the test or

I would not have taken meds). Free T3 was just over range and free T4 was top

of range, and that's perfect IMO.


Okay, but what if you take the 180 mgs and labs still say your hypo?


-- Re: Re: Armour and Glaucoma


You wrote:


> it is pretty well accepted that the normal dose of Armour is

> 180--300mgs. I am not recommending anything unusual...

Well accepted by whom? The manufacturer says that 180 mgs is the

MAXIMUM recommended dose. I would think more people would take the

manufacturer's recommendation at face value.


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I recommend that ppl go to other sites where there are more ppl doing what I

am doing--also very knowledgeable. I am not doing anything unusual! It's

just holistic medicine as opposed to allopathic. Hormones and supplements that

holistic docs use cannot be patented.




Gracia means well, and has found something that seems to work for her.

But be aware that there is ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT for her recommendations

in peer reviewed literature on iodine. As a matter of fact I think she

recommends something like 1000% or 2000% of the usual maximum suggested


And there is I believe a massive quantity of peer reviewed literature

that iodine is not recommended with Hashi's.




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you really must start taking iodine/iodide to remove the toxins. join the

iodine group on .


I plan on being tested in a couple of week but I know the TSH will be

low. Just want the T3 levels. Every time I was tested both before

and after the armour - each time the T4 would be about the same and

the T3 kept getting lower - it was even lower after I was on 60 mg of

armour and the TSH was below normal - it just kept going down instead

of up!

As to heart damage - I monitor my pulse quite regularly and it's not

fast - at times it's still in the high 60's. I can exercise

aerobically and get it up to nearly the max for my age and have no

problems and then it recovers quite nicely. I do know what hyper

feels like because 14 years ago I had Graves also and was hyper.

> Actually, you can feel fine and still be causing heart damage and

> osteoporosis. You might want to test every once in awhile, just to

be safe.


Cadmium exposure - I have no idea - no job or anything else that would

cause it but I did read that some people have a gene that causes them

to not be able to eliminate it. I had the highest my doctor had seen.

Detection was on challenge tests after chelation. More and more just

keeps coming out. The lead I could see some chance for exposure as a

child but not since other than what we all are exposed to from things

like exhaust fumes. Cadmium is high in cigerettes but I never smoked

one in my life and my parents didn't smoke very much and I've not had

exposure to smoke for years now. I was tested due to chronic pain, the

thyroid problems and such because correcting nutritional deficiencies

didn't solve the problems. The pain has improved but that could be

from the armour because that was when I started feeling better.


> Where did you get cadmium exposure? How did you detect it?


> Chuck


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well I completely disagree!!!!! I have never heard anyone talk about genetics

regulating iodine absorption. Why do you believe you are allergic to iodine I



of course it has to do with genetics- your genetics control your tissues and

every cell in your body. ergo your genetics Control how your tissues absorbed

substances. ergo your genetics control how much iodine your body will absorb. if

your genetics are faulty in one area that may be the difference between

absorbing iodine or not; or being allergic to iodine [ like I am] or not; having

a disease like thyroid disease or not. etc.

what works for one doesn't work for all and I bet the iodine docs will agree.

Re: Re: Armour and Glaucoma

this doesn't have anything to do with genetics. It has to do with tissue

iodine saturation.

iodine docs take 50-100mg Iodoral every day. Albert Szent Gyorgy apparently

took grams of iodine/iodide.


what I was referring to is THAT since EVERYONE has different genetics [except

for identical twins] NOT all doses will work for everyone. that is there is NOT

one dose of iodine for all. your experience with high doses of iodine Will not

work With EVERYONE.

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Gracia wrote:


> ppl on thyroid meds have higher rates of certain cancers like breast. I

> will look for the research on this.

Here's a Canadian study from last year that says the opposite, that

taking T4 results in a significant reduction in breast cancer. I have

seen several papers about animal models that say the same thing.


" Autoimmune hypothyroidism protects against breast cancer development in

the elderly, " M. Sandhu, B. Zagorski, K. Sykora, G. Booth and C.

Brezden-Masley, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2006 ASCO Annual Meeting

Proceedings Vol 24, No 18S (June 20 Supplement), 2006: 588

Background: An association between breast cancer and autoimmune

hypothyroidism has been suggested. While a biological role for thyroid

hormone in breast tumorigenesis has been demonstrated in vitro,

epidemiological evidence is lacking. Methods: A retrospective,

population-based cohort study was conducted to examine the risk of

postmenopausal breast cancer (BRCA) in women with or without autoimmune

hypothyroidism, identified on the basis of prescriptions for

levothyroxine (LT4). Administrative health records were used to capture

information on all women aged 66 and older living in Ontario, Canada at

baseline (April 1, 1993 to March 31, 1996) and during a 10-year follow

up. Propensity scores were used to create a matched cohort of LT4 and

non-LT4 users. proportional hazards modeling was used to evaluate

the impact of LT4 use on the 5-year incidence of BRCA and benign breast

disease, and on all-cause mortality rates among women diagnosed with

breast cancer during follow-up. Results: LT4 users (N=89,093) and

non-LT4 users (N=89,093) were well-matched with respect to baseline

sociodemographics, estrogen use, comorbidity, and health care

utilization, including the likelihood of receiving mammography or a

breast biopsy. The 5-year incidence of BRCA was 0.86% in LT4 users

compared to 0.97% in non-LT4 users (p=0.002). Adjustment for baseline

characteristics did not alter these results (hazard ratio

0.86; 95%

confidence interval [CI] 0.77–0.95; p= 0.004). Among women who developed

BRCA, all cause mortality was significantly lower in LT4 users than in

non-users (43.9% vs. 56.1%; adjusted HR 0.82; 95% CI 0.70–0.96; p=

0.01). The incidence of benign breast disease did not vary between

groups. Conclusions: Elderly women with autoimmune hypothyroidism

appeared to have a protective advantage in the incidence of BRCA and in

mortality following a breast cancer diagnosis. These results suggest a

biological role for thyroid hormone in the development of breast cancer,

with a modulating effect of treated autoimmune hypothyroidism in

promoting a less aggressive disease course. Further studies exploring

the effect of thyroid hormone in breast cancer development are needed

and may uncover novel therapeutic targets in the management of breast

cancer in the future.

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alexisandtim_fl wrote:


> As to heart damage - I monitor my pulse quite regularly and it's not

> fast - at times it's still in the high 60's. I can exercise

> aerobically and get it up to nearly the max for my age and have no

> problems and then it recovers quite nicely....

The cardiac changes are more subtle than that. They do not show up in

pulse response until it is too late. Bone density is probably easier to

monitor, if you want to push the envelope.


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Interesting. However, on a lower dose I'm tired, get more headaches,

sleep worse and go back to burning only about 1400 calories a day even

with exercise (I'm almost 5'10 " and now weigh 170 but had gained 33

pounds while trying to lose before armour - I didn't lose on 1400

calories at 204 - and after losing 5 pounds on 60 mg - and seeing the T3

DROP I wasn't losing then either), body temp goes down and pulse slows

some. If I have to live like that I am not sure it would be worth it.

If I have Free T3 tested and it is still in the normal range then

what? When I was hyper the FIRST thing I noticed was racing pulse! It

could go from 85 sitting (which was already high for me) and just walk

12 feet and it would go up to 135. Also I have bones like someone in

their 30's so I guess I do have some leeway.

I've read about 7 books by various doctors that are more integrative and

holistic. There are varied opinions but all say it depends mostly on

how the person feels. Since they use armour to SUPPRESS thyroid

function then it would have to cut down one's own thyroid - which should

mean that when you replace with a high dose of armour you are just

getting what you would get anyway.

I don't think I've ever seen anything so controversial as the whole

thyroid/adrenal/hormone issue! And it seems there are as many opinions

and varying experiences as there are people with problems!

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Actually I'm already in the iodine group. But I was getting worse while

taking iodine - perhaps it had nothing to do with it - just coincidence

- no way to tell. I'm thinking of starting to take it every day again

and see what happens. But - Gracia, since you take both iodine and a

large dose of Armour then apparently it didn't cure your thyroid?? Of

course I know other parts of the body need it too - read the book - and

my own doctor said that when he had me start on it. I just don't know

anymore. For the detox, by the way, I had 32 IV EDTA chelations and

cadmium, lead and aluminum was STILL coming out. Now taking a bunch of

glycine every day for three days while doing DMSA - 3 on 11 days off -

because they have learned that Glycine helps get it out of organs where

it hides so the chelator can take it out the rest of the way. I feel I

have been hiding it in my legs that are bigger than they should be

compared to the rest of me - for years. Doctor said I may be right. I

can't help but wonder how many others that have various problems really

have metal toxicity and just don't know it. I'm not even one that you

would expect to have it - have lived healthy for years, eaten right and

taken supplements. If I'm in this kind of situation what about those

that smoke, work at jobs with exposure, live in polluted big cities, eat

junk food, etc and take lots of prescriptions thereby compromising the

liver and other detox systems? Yet they generally can't get help

unless they pay cash because insurance would rather drug symptoms and

keep them getting sicker.

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I certainly have to agree with you there. The thyroid mechanism seems to be

much more complex than we have been lead to believe, but then again there

could be other factors in here that are totally unsuspected.


is Baranek <alexis@...> wrote:

Interesting. However, on a lower dose I'm tired, get more headaches,

sleep worse and go back to burning only about 1400 calories a day even

with exercise (I'm almost 5'10 " and now weigh 170 but had gained 33

pounds while trying to lose before armour - I didn't lose on 1400

calories at 204 - and after losing 5 pounds on 60 mg - and seeing the T3

DROP I wasn't losing then either), body temp goes down and pulse slows

some. If I have to live like that I am not sure it would be worth it.

If I have Free T3 tested and it is still in the normal range then

what? When I was hyper the FIRST thing I noticed was racing pulse! It

could go from 85 sitting (which was already high for me) and just walk

12 feet and it would go up to 135. Also I have bones like someone in

their 30's so I guess I do have some leeway.

I've read about 7 books by various doctors that are more integrative and

holistic. There are varied opinions but all say it depends mostly on

how the person feels. Since they use armour to SUPPRESS thyroid

function then it would have to cut down one's own thyroid - which should

mean that when you replace with a high dose of armour you are just

getting what you would get anyway.

I don't think I've ever seen anything so controversial as the whole

thyroid/adrenal/hormone issue! And it seems there are as many opinions

and varying experiences as there are people with problems!


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No; not iodophobic [is that a word???]. Personally I just don't see a

need for it. If I did see a need I wouldn't have a problem starting

with a small dose and experimenting with increasing the dose and

monitoring closely my reactions. AFTER educating myself as to the

possible negative results to be on the lookout for.

BUT, even if I did the above and it worked well for me I would simply

report my results to the group. I WOULD NOT give everyone who happens to

stumble upon this site a " prescription " for whatever worked for me.

AND even if my personal results were contrary to the published peer

reviewed literature I would still maintain an immense respect for same.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. Try to stay

out of jail! [ggg]


> Re: Armour and Glaucoma








> Posted by: " Sam " k9gang@...



> stealthwind <stealthwind>



> Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:13 am (PST)


> Tsk tsk tsk, ...iodophobic too, eh?

> Go read about TPO in regards to thyroid hormone production, and read

> about TPO " antibodies " and why they come about.

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I don't care what you do with iodine, ...use it to save you life

if there comes a time when you need to (like if you get cancer

somewhere, like in your prostate or stomach) or skip it and invite me

to the wake. I just get quite annoyed with some people (not you

directly) who scare other people from taking something that will save

their lives. Seriously, advice is fine, but no fair causing someone's

death because they're scared off from taking something that will save

their lives... Ok? Almost had that happen a number of months ago in

another group. Don't underestimate the power that brain fog has on

human thought processes...

But, uh, did you actually read about TPO, what it does, what it's

used for, what it works with, etc? It's really cool to know that

stuff. Why? because it helps in the understanding of the mechanisims

of the human body and it's requirements to run like a well oiled

machine. I mean, like, uh, would you run a 2008 Maserati Granturismo

at 120mph with only a half quart of cheap oil in it? I doubt it...

Is the human body worth any less?

I don't go to jail, I'm a smart girl. hahaha

I couldn't get into any trouble during Xmas because I either had a

heck of a cold or there's something in that house that I react badly

to... Well, mmm, I was with hot hot boyfriend/fiance, and we could

get arrested for the fun we have in private, tho...<grin>

I've been a little absent here due to moving him into a new place,

and then there's that getting engaged thing and all... :D



> No; not iodophobic [is that a word???]. Personally I just don't

see a

> need for it. If I did see a need I wouldn't have a problem


> with a small dose and experimenting with increasing the dose and

> monitoring closely my reactions. AFTER educating myself as to the

> possible negative results to be on the lookout for.


> BUT, even if I did the above and it worked well for me I would


> report my results to the group. I WOULD NOT give everyone who

happens to

> stumble upon this site a " prescription " for whatever worked for me.


> AND even if my personal results were contrary to the published peer

> reviewed literature I would still maintain an immense respect for



> Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. Try to


> out of jail! [ggg]



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every cell in your body has DNA and RNA which are the cell's brains so to

speak. they regulate every ion and molecule that is allowed into and out of the

cell, including medications, herbs, supplements, electrolytes. the DNA and RNA

are genetic material.

every tissue is made up of cells and tissues make up organs and organs make up

organ systems and they are all controlled by your genes. the study of how your

genes work is called genetics.

something [ environmental; or inherent in the gene expression itself or other]

that can cause a single gene or 2 genes or a sequence of genes can cause your

body to not work correctly. in diabetics, the genes that control insulin

production and secretion are faulty so the cells in the pancreas either don't

secrete enough or none at all. or in the case of iodine absorption- a gene is

changed that controls iodine absorption and ergo that person can't absorb iodine

or is allergic to it or on the other hand- a gene can be upregulated or amped up

to absorb too much iodine into the tissues and that can cause problems.

Re: Re: Armour and Glaucoma

this doesn't have anything to do with genetics. It has to do with tissue

iodine saturation.

iodine docs take 50-100mg Iodoral every day. Albert Szent Gyorgy apparently

took grams of iodine/iodide.


what I was referring to is THAT since EVERYONE has different genetics [except

for identical twins] NOT all doses will work for everyone. that is there is NOT

one dose of iodine for all. your experience with high doses of iodine Will not

work With EVERYONE.

----- Original Message -----

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