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Hi Casey,

Thanks for the welcome. I'm sorry that I haven't gotten back to you yet, I

was going backwards in my e-mail. I'm happy to meet you! That's wonderful

about not having any health problems. I also would like to see

some pictures. Have you posted any at the club? I'm waiting for some

pictures to come in and when I get them I will send them out.

We're not sure if Abbi's speach delay is from birth or from 7 ear infections

and numerous fluid behind her ears from 5 months to 18 months old. which is

when she would have been learning to form her words from listening. With all

the ear problems during that time she was listening to everything all

garbled. She has made alot of progress since she started therapy at another

place but could not continue because of an age limit. So we are just


and Abbi were tested and they both had moderate hearing delays.

was cleared up with tubes, but Abbi doesn't have fluid anymore so

it's just a matter a learning, they think.

Well it's late I better go. Talk to you again!

Kim mom to Abbi and ds - 3yrs and Mikayla - 5 1/2 yrs

Re: Hello

> Hi Kim,


> It is nice to hear from a new person. I am new to the group also, and


> boy/girl twins who are 14 months old. It sounds like great news about

> getting his feeding tube out! You must be very excited about that. You

> mentioned that Abbi doesn't speak very well yet. . . . do you know if


> is a specific reason, or is she just taking her time getting started?

> has an ASD that will require surgery when she is 4 or 5, but


> than that is really healthy. I feel very lucky about that. Well, just a

> quick note to say hello. I'm sure we'll hear more from each other as the

> weeks go on. Congratulations getting back on line!! I'd love to see a

> picture of your kids if you have one that you can send as an attachment.


> Casey, mom to (DS) and , 14mo.


> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples


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I know ther is a chat room there but I haven't been able to enter it since I

got my computer back up. Still trying to figure that one out. I am going to

have to go for tonight :~( I have to teach at my daughters school

tomorrow. Maybe we could schedule a time. I don't know if they still have

chats on Monday night in the chat room

Kim mom to Abbi and ds - 3yrs and Mikayla 5 1/2yrs

Re: Hello

> is there a " chat spot " on the club site? Want to hang out on line for a


> or do you want to get to sleep?


> Casey, mom to (DS) and , 14 mo.


> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Ellen,

Sounds like you have your hands full. Remember that with God, all things are

possible. Have you ever seen the movie entitled, " The Broken Cord " ? It is

about a man who adopts a Native American Child with fetal alcohol syndrome.

I have to give our hard-working school teachers alot of credit, but until you

have a child with special needs you just don't quite understand.

Good Luck,


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Hi Ellen,

Welcome to our group. There are other parents who have adopted children

who have developed ocd. They may be able to share their unique experiences.

Aside from this, we do understand the torment you are going through!!

Is working with a therapist? The first line of treatment for ocd

in children is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, using the Exposure and

Response Prevention method. Sometimes its necessary to add medication to

help deal with the depression, rage, and other things that interfere with

the kids lives. You mention that he has a diagnosis - is the person who did

the assessment also treating him??

Do you have special conditions set up for in his school? Can the

therapist be an advocate at the school for ? Do you have a copy of

the excellent book: TEACHING THE TIGER? It is written specifically for

students with OCD, AD/HD, and Tourettes Syndrome.

Unforntunatly, often one parent becomes the primary care giver and the

other helps according to his/her her ability. This level of ability can

really make a difference. Perhaps, in time, your husband will grow to

understand that is being controlled by something he does not know

how to stop and it really isnt his fault!! Eventually, with therapy (and

meds??), life will be easier and will learn to gain back this


A good book for family members is " OCD in the FAMILY " by Dr. Herbert

Gravitz. Its about 200 pages and costs about $20US, I think. There are also

several recently published books that explain the therapy used to control

the uncertainty caused by OCD. Dr. Tamar Chansky, from this list, and Dr.

Fred Penzel, both have books published in 2000. To purchase books and info

guides, check out http://www.ocfoundation.org/ocf1110a.htm

Where do you live? We try and connect to each other geographically as well

as through the net!! It is tough to know that your child is struggling so

much. Please remember to take care of yourself, too.

take care, wendy in canada



>I am new to the group.

>I have four older children (26/25/21/19) who are out of the nest and a son

>10 and daughter 7 who are adopted. and were removed from

>their mothers care when they were 4 and 1 She was addicted to crack cocaine

>and neglected them severely.

> is doing wonderful and is excelling in first grade .

> was not so lucky. Being in that enviroment for a much longer time

>he has many problems. He is ADHD and OCD.

>The first 2 yrs we had him I did not even realize what the OCD was or how

>to handle it. Its only in the last yr that we realized his behavior had a

>name. I am having a hard time dealing with the OCD. My husband does not

>want to deal with it at all. He does not understand that can not

>control these impusles.

>He shreds everything he can get his hands on and tears his clothing

>constantly. He does not have contamination fears that I have read about or

>the counting.....

>He is a bright little boy but the school calls me constantly about his need

>to always touch someone. He has a thing about hair and always reaches out

>to touch it and stroke it.

>His schoolwork suffers because even tho he knows the answers most of the

>time .....he does not do well on written tests .

>I worry about him going to middle school next yr and do not know what the

>right thing to do is.

>We are having a meeting soon at school to discuss this.

>I dont feel any of his teachers have made an effort ot educate themseves

>about OCD children. They treat like he is just a bad kid.... a

>behavior problem.

>Sometimes I am very overwhelmed by all of this.....

>I love him very much but I dont know if I can deal with this all alone. I

>am sorry I have rambled on....

>I have been unable to locate a local support group .

> Ellen Goss


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Hi Ellen, has given you some good information to get started, but I wanted to also welcome you to the group. So much you have written about is common experience for our OCDers who may be labeled as bad or oppositional when in truth they are being ruled by a biological brain disorder that insists they touch others, for example, despite being asked to stop repeatedly.

How is 's OCD being treated? Does he do Exposure and Response Prevention therapy and/or take an SSRI? You mention you worry about him entering middle school next year, but with appropriate and effective treatment the problems he's having currently can be in the background by then. Many OCD kids are bright but their grades don't show it, there are dozens of ways that OCD can interfere with homework and test-taking.

Several parents on this list are actually single parents, or are effectively single parents when it comes to OCD as their spouses are not involved in the disorder or its treatment. Untreated or undertreated OCD can tear a family apart and set spouses against one another. I certainly understand your feeling overwhelmed, when a child is very symptomatic and having problems at school and elsewhere it can seem there are simply too many problems for one person to address. Perhaps is feeling overwhelmed too. If his OCD is being treated at this point, it may be time to reassess this and try a new med, etc. If he is not receiving E & RP, I highly suggested you find a therapist who is experienced in this therapy for OCD. Since you mention 's OCD and ADHD as effects from a poor early environment, I wonder if perhaps he's been receiving talking therapy rather that E & RP. E & RP is a form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and is the *only* therapy that reduces OCD symptoms.

Kathy R in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

From: mary3591@... I am new to the group. I have four older children (26/25/21/19) who are out of the nest and a son 10 and daughter 7 who are adopted. and were removed from their mothers care when they were 4 and 1 She was addicted to crack cocaine and neglected them severely. is doing wonderful and is excelling in first grade . was not so lucky. Being in that enviroment for a much longer time he has many problems. He is ADHD and OCD. The first 2 yrs we had him I did not even realize what the OCD was or how to handle it. Its only in the last yr that we realized his behavior had a name. I am having a hard time dealing with the OCD. My husband does not want to deal with it at all. He does not understand that can not control these impusles. He shreds everything he can get his hands on and tears his clothing constantly. He does not have contamination fears that I have read about or the counting..... He is a bright little boy but the school calls me constantly about his need to always touch someone. He has a thing about hair and always reaches out to touch it and stroke it. His schoolwork suffers because even tho he knows the answers most of the time .....he does not do well on written tests . I worry about him going to middle school next yr and do not know what the right thing to do is. We are having a meeting soon at school to discuss this. I dont feel any of his teachers have made an effort ot educate themseves about OCD children. They treat like he is just a bad kid.... a behavior problem. Sometimes I am very overwhelmed by all of this..... I love him very much but I dont know if I can deal with this all alone. I am sorry I have rambled on.... I have been unable to locate a local support group . Ellen Goss You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. You may subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at parentsofadultswithOCD . You may access the files, links, and archives for our list at . Our list advisors are Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., and Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan, Kathy Hammes, Jule Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy , Roman, and Jackie Stout. Subscription issues or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .

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Hi :

Welcome to the list. Many of us are very familiar with cognitive behavior

therapy for OCD as it has helped our kids tremendously. I even get this

therapy myself for my GAD.

Are you in Canada? Sorry couldn't help but notice your spelling of

behavio(u)r. We have a number of Canadian members and they may know

suitable referrals for you. I know about resources in Vancouver, British

Columbia as I research them for my nephew who lives there.

Our son, Steve, now 14, has done very well with CBT, mainly exposure and

response prevention. It has literally given him back his life. Good luck,

take care, aloha, Kathy (h)


At 10:31 PM 01/29/2001 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi, my name is . I was very happy to find this group for OCD. My

>9 year old daughter was diagnosed with it by our family doctor. I

>noticed a few strange things going on with her about a year ago, but

>just kept ignoring it, hoping that it would go away. I recognized the

>symptoms, because I have it also. I've had it since I was teenager at

>least. No one knew that I had it and I didn't tell anyone until I

>started to see it in my daughter and it scared me. I don't want her


>go through life thinking that shes crazy and that she has no control

>over it. I've learned to control it somewhat, but its hard. She

>started out with the worrying about everything. Then she started

>compulsive hand washing. Then she started doing certain things over

>and over again. The latest thing was she started having thoughts that

>made no sense to her and that she couldn't control about wanting

>people to die, then repeating things over and over to try to make it

>better. But the reason that I finally took her to the doctor is

>because she came up to me one day and told me about the thoughts and

>she was so unhappy and crying a lot. I was so upset to see her

>suffering with it so much. So here I am. Any advice? We're waiting to

>here from the mental health clinic so that we can make an appointment

>to hopefully get her help. I've heard of cognitive behaviour therapy.

>Anyone tried it? Does it work? I'd rather that than put her on

>medication. Thanks for listening. I'm so stressed out about it.

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I would love to have the bath kisses recipe, too! I just joined this

group yesterday and caught the last responses to making them, but

missed the recipe. I'd love to try making them!

Many Thanks,

Ellen O'Donnell

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Hi Chelle!

Please rest up and take care of yourself. :-) We'll all be here so you just

concentrate on yourself now. *hugs*

love ya!

folchel@... wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> I am really trying hard to get my life sorted out. Just wanted to let you

> all know that I am here, thinking and wishing you all well.


> I need to just sit back for a while and work on a few issues I have going on

> in addition to everything else. The sadness inside is the most difficult to

> deal with and I just don't know what to do. I am thinking of calling my

> doctor and seeing what he has to say.


> This past weekend, my family and I went to a hotel for the weekend and I took

> a FABULOUS BOX OF CHOCOLATES with me and ate most of them myself. They

> certainly were yummy!


> I am going back to bed now cause I am so exhausted and my body aches all

> over. My love to all of you and welcome to all the new people! You are

> going to love us!


> Chelle (michelle4)


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> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you

believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do

even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to

let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

From my own experience, it's really hard to say what will sell and what

won't. I find that the biggest challenge in doing craft shows. The only

advice I would have would be to pick scents that go with the season, so for

summer I would pick maybe some berry or floral scents (lilac is nice). And

maybe have a range of products.

Sorry I couldn't help more :(


Another newbie, with another request........best selling ideas for craft


I am attending several summer " festivals " , and in the past have sold mostly

hand-painted articles. This year, I would like to branch into toiletries,

in a smallish way. I had some success at Christmas with fizzy bath bombs,

and would like to make and market some other inexpensive items, like

imbedded soaps, loofa soap, etc. But I would like to " pick " the brains of

those of you who market, and what you have had success with. I live near

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and do not wish to step on any other toes, but

would appreciate any help, and would like to communicate with any local

" soapers " !

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Hi Barb,

I just had the ultrasound only to be told that although its totally

clear that it doesnt mean all that much. Great huh? So I think the

biopsy is the best way honey. And I agree, insurace system over there

in the USA is bullshit. Total bullshit. The one reason that stops me

ever wanting to live in the USA. (Besides the gun laws.)

Will be thinking of you sweetie. Not long now!!

Love Aisha.

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Speaking of the gun laws i had been wondering about all you guys in other

countries. Do you guys have these problems? Kids shooting at kids in

school? Is it a big deal over there??


At 05:13 AM 3/9/01 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi Barb,


>I just had the ultrasound only to be told that although its totally

>clear that it doesnt mean all that much. Great huh? So I think the

>biopsy is the best way honey. And I agree, insurace system over there

>in the USA is bullshit. Total bullshit. The one reason that stops me

>ever wanting to live in the USA. (Besides the gun laws.)


>Will be thinking of you sweetie. Not long now!!


>Love Aisha.





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> " Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

>you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what

>you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even

>if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer



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Absolutely nothing like the USA in Aussie. Nothing like it. But it

still does happen from time to time depending upon the area you live

in. Guns are not that common with the kids though, its more knives

and stabbings here.

Congrats on your big decision Melinda, all we have is this moment so

live your life now, as you want to, dont wait for " something to

happen " - make it happen!

How are you feeling from your flu? Better?

Much love,


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Hi Melinda,

Guns are not common at all with kids here in Singapore. Only grown-up

crimminals use guns, for robbery, drug trafficking, etc. The major crimes

that youngsters make here are getting involved in secret societies and gang

fights, using recreational drugs such as Ice or estacy, etc.


Re: Re: Hello

Speaking of the gun laws i had been wondering about all you guys in other

countries. Do you guys have these problems? Kids shooting at kids in

school? Is it a big deal over there??


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Hi Barb

You must be frustrated to say the least. I am thinking of you and hope that you can relax some over the week-end. Praying that they can find what is needed to make it better for you.

Love you


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Sorry you're having a rough go at it right now, hon. Hopefully

the biopsy will provide what the insurance company is looking for, and

you can get some better help from there. I know it sucks, tho. There were

so many times (and still are, since I'm still fighting with them) that

I wanted to just strangle whoever is in charge of Matty's insurance. I'm

still trying to get them to make good on bills that are almost 2 years

old. :-( And so, of course, the hospital is threatening to sue ME

for non-payment. GRRRRR. Oh well. Can't squeeze blood from a turnip, so

if they want money from me, they're gonna have to just take a number and

stand in line. LMAO


Barbara wrote:


to All! Hope everyone is having a good evening! I just wanted

to let everyone know that my surgery has been cancelled for tomorrow.

It has to do with insurance bullshit. (excuse my lango) I'm

just tired of all of this crap. I am now scheduled for an endometrial

biopsy on Monday, which is done in his office. The results don't

take long to come back & maybe that is what the insurance co. wants.

I think they want proof of illness before any kind of surgery is done.

It is either that or an ultrasound. Oh well,.....just another day

huh? I'll keep you all informed & thank you for all of your well

wishes. Really do care for you & love you all! Take care! Love, Barb

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“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold

on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold

on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your

life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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, Thank you for thinking about me. I have been pretty busy lately & I am so behind on my posts. I am so sorry for all that your little one has to go through. How is she now?? {{{HUGE HUGS}}} for your whole family. I hope the bleeding has stopped by now. I have been thinking & praying for you all. Please know that you are always in my thoughts. Take care! Love, Barb

Re: Hello

Barb, *hugs* Sorry you're having a rough go at it right now, hon. Hopefully the biopsy will provide what the insurance company is looking for, and you can get some better help from there. I know it sucks, tho. There were so many times (and still are, since I'm still fighting with them) that I wanted to just strangle whoever is in charge of Matty's insurance. I'm still trying to get them to make good on bills that are almost 2 years old. :-( And so, of course, the hospital is threatening to sue ME for non-payment. GRRRRR. Oh well. Can't squeeze blood from a turnip, so if they want money from me, they're gonna have to just take a number and stand in line. LMAO *hugs* Barbara wrote:

Hello to All! Hope everyone is having a good evening! I just wanted to let everyone know that my surgery has been cancelled for tomorrow. It has to do with insurance bullshit. (excuse my lango) I'm just tired of all of this crap. I am now scheduled for an endometrial biopsy on Monday, which is done in his office. The results don't take long to come back & maybe that is what the insurance co. wants. I think they want proof of illness before any kind of surgery is done. It is either that or an ultrasound. Oh well,.....just another day huh? I'll keep you all informed & thank you for all of your well wishes. Really do care for you & love you all! Take care! Love, Barb ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick Community Help with Merger /files/ Visual problems with colors? Click the link below and select the modify link to your right. Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving emails with colored or enlarged fonts. /join Members Lounge:- Photo Album, memorial page, members profiles, birthdays, locations, medical resources, counselling via email and a whole bunch of free things. http://www.elderwyn.com/members Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:- /messages Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet. /files/chat.htm Bookmarks:- Add a website URL you have found useful. /links Personal Complaints or problems:- Please contact a moderator either via email <-owner > or visit:- /files/Moderators.htm Subscription Details:- 1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive. 2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email. 3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email. To modify your subscription settings, subscribe or unsubscribe, please visit /join ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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How come you didn't take something before the procedure to

help relieve the pain afterward as well as lower whatever

might have occurred during the procedure? I was just


I just had a vaginal biopsy on Thurs and I made sure to

take a pain pill beforehand. Also during the actual

procedure I made sure to sleep some.

I hope that the pain eases up real soon for you and know

that I'm always here if you ever need to talk about

anything at all.

Take it easy for a few days just in case you are finding

that it's too painful to sit for a long period of time.



Kristy :)



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I'm Denisa from Central Ohio. I was born with mild cerebral palsy that

effects my right side. I walk with a limp and have very little use of right

arm and hand. As a result of the CP, I have an 8 centimeter cyst in my

head, filled with spinal fluid. Ive had that all my life or since early

infancy. How it was explained was that the brain needed to fill the damaged

part up, so it did.

Anyway, my psychiatrist and I are in agreement that the cyst is causing

problems. Slurred speech, wobbly on my feet, memory loss is awful,

confusion, incontenence etc. I am on medication for bipolar disorder, but

he temporarily stopped meds to rule out meds for these symptoms. Today is

my first day of two weeks without meds, so I dont know of any difference yet

LOL. If theres no change or I get worse in two weeks, then he'll refer me

to a neurologist. If it is the cyst, the most likely outcome is surgery to

put a shunt in. That will keep it permently drained.

My GP laughed at me, blew me off. I honestly believe they dont like each

other-they work in the same practice. I feel like I'm in the middle of a

family squabble, and i'm suffering.

Wow, I did not mean to go on and on. Welcome again....



Hello, my name is Michele and have joined the group to find others

that can relate to the experiences I have had. I am 28 yrs old and have a

history of endometriosis, hernia repair, and the worst is the incorrect

treatment of a basal cell skin cancer on my chest. A 2x2 mm lesion was

diagnosed on by chest by a Physician's Assistant in the AirForce (my husband

is a dentist in the AF, and that is where I " had " my health coverage.) This

PA treated the lesion without my consent incorrectly with a 4x3 cm excision.

I am now suffering from the anguish of having a large scar across my chest

(located on the left side of my chest under my clavicle). The director of

this same clinic also injested cortisone , so the area has thinned resulting

in further spreading and pain in the scar. I am unable to do the things I

formally enjoyed due to pain, nor can I wear a lot of clothing that does not

adaquetly cover the area. I feel so violated, and a real sense of loss. I

have not spoken to many people about this, for fear of being judged and


disappointed. I am speaking to a psychologist, and she has diagnosed Post

Traumatic Stress, along with depresson and anxiety. I am tormented that if

properly treated, with what I consented to (electrodessication ie: scraping


burning it off), I would not need to go through all of this. It is so

important to check credentials for yourself when considering treatment, and

not to just assume that a practioner is competent. I am really struggling

with this, and hope others are out there that can relate to this type of


and pain. I hope we can be of support to one another in regards to the loss

that disfigurement creates, the anger that results from medical malpractice

or the lonliness that health concerns create at a young age.

Best Regards,

Michele (please feel free to e-mail me privately as well, Bleylink@...)

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~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

" Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Hi Barb!

Thanks hon. She seems to be doing much better now, but still talks

about the yucky stuff that made the blood be in her diaper. :-( She

hates the sight of blood, so it was really hard for her.


Barbara wrote:


Thank you for thinking about me. I have been pretty busy lately &

I am so behind on my posts. I am so sorry for all that your little

one has to go through. How is she now?? {{{HUGE HUGS}}} for

your whole family. I hope the bleeding has stopped by now.

I have been thinking & praying for you all. Please know that

you are always in my thoughts. Take care! Love, Barb

Re: Hello



Sorry you're having a rough go at it right now, hon. Hopefully

the biopsy will provide what the insurance company is looking for, and

you can get some better help from there. I know it sucks, tho. There were

so many times (and still are, since I'm still fighting with them) that

I wanted to just strangle whoever is in charge of Matty's insurance. I'm

still trying to get them to make good on bills that are almost 2 years

old. :-( And so, of course, the hospital is threatening to sue ME

for non-payment. GRRRRR. Oh well. Can't squeeze blood from a turnip, so

if they want money from me, they're gonna have to just take a number and

stand in line. LMAO


Barbara wrote:


to All! Hope everyone is having a good evening! I just wanted

to let everyone know that my surgery has been cancelled for tomorrow.

It has to do with insurance bullshit. (excuse my lango) I'm

just tired of all of this crap. I am now scheduled for an endometrial

biopsy on Monday, which is done in his office. The results don't

take long to come back & maybe that is what the insurance co. wants.

I think they want proof of illness before any kind of surgery is done.

It is either that or an ultrasound. Oh well,.....just another day

huh? I'll keep you all informed & thank you for all of your well

wishes. Really do care for you & love you all! Take care!

Love, Barb

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The Being Sick Community

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~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold

on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold

on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your

life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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It has been proven that, in most cases, it is more harmful to the body to submit it to painful procedures, than it is to take pain medications. I believe in eliminating or decreasing the pain in procedures, as much as humanly possible.


Barbara <molesareus@...> wrote:

Hello All! Well I had my endometrial biopsy today.........felt like I was giving birth all over again. OUCH!!!! Big time hurt!!! Anyways, I should have results by Thursday! I will keep you all informed. Take care!

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Lee..........I believe you are right! I can't believe that anyone has this done with no pain relief......like me. YUCK! It hurt pretty bad. I know better next time (hopefully there will not be a next time!) Love, Barb

Re: Hello

It has been proven that, in most cases, it is more harmful to the body to submit it to painful procedures, than it is to take pain medications. I believe in eliminating or decreasing the pain in procedures, as much as humanly possible.


Barbara <molesareus@...> wrote:

Hello All! Well I had my endometrial biopsy today.........felt like I was giving birth all over again. OUCH!!!! Big time hurt!!! Anyways, I should have results by Thursday! I will keep you all informed. Take care!

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dear michele::

i think you and i are the new kids on the block i am 43, and i suffer from

generalized dystonia back when i was about 4 years old, though back then

they didn't even know there was going to be a disease called dystonia.

it started in my face with facial contortions and eye ticks that were

very embarrassing, but the doctors then chalked it up to nerves. i know have it

throughout my entire body, causing me to inadvertantly twist into contorted

shapes with the impecable timing to anways embarrass myself. the best way i can

explan this disease is to ask

you if you have ever woken up with a bad leg cramp. my entire body feels like

this leg cramp 24/7. have been on doses of brain chemical altering drugs for

the past few years - as many as 18 pills aday at one point. to date, nothing

has helped, or - the ones that do

cause the most dreadful side affects. i also went off all meds to see if some

of my problems were drug interaction related (though i had to get twist the

doctor's are to do so), and was managing o.k. for about 4 weeks when all heck

broke loose. so i'm once again on a

new med, and within 3 days the hallucinations started. i see the good dr.

tomorrow... don't know where we go from here. i don't work, but i have a lovely

husband who is very indulging and not only supports my crochet habit, but

encourages is.

my support groups have been forming for years, because many of my childhood

friends have troubles of their own, making me wonder if we all didn't live on a

secret nuclear waste dump cleverly disquised as neighborhoods. LOL i couldn't

go to actual physical support


even if i wanted to, since i can no longer drive. fortunately, i have

always been a home body, and the internet is such an important resource

for someone who can't move around much.. i love my neurologist and family

doctor, but for some reason they won't even write to each other, so i am always

the middle man and - since most of the medications rob me of memory and

deduction abilities, it makes for

interesting times. i have been misdiagnosed, given improper medications, nearly

killed in an er due to incorrect medications, and even told by one dr. to quit

being a baby and get over it. at the time i was so contorted that i was looking

at my feet as they wrapped

around my ears, and somehow the remark seemed inappropriate. i have never seen

that dr. yet. yes - i get very discouraged on a regular basis and take

medication for depression , but am told that constant pain can cause a person to

have these troubles. so, while our

problems are different, our responses to them are the same. thank you so much

for writing and introducing yourself. i'm a firm believer that shared loads are

lighter loads, and if we all hold hands, these darn diseases can't win no matter

how hard they try. i can't

tell you the freedom of being part of this group has given me in just the past

12 hours or so since i have joined. fondly - mrs. claws

Denisa Lynn Hinkle wrote:

> Hello, my name is Michele and have joined the group to find others

that can relate to the experiences I have had. --

the only thing better than a house full of felines, is a house full of felines,

yarn and chocolate!




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I am the one with cervical dystonia and I was on nine different meds at one point. I saw a video of myself at that time and I looked like the living dead. I'm so glad to be off everything but prn meds.


Jan Spafford <mrsclaws@...> wrote:

dear michele::i think you and i are the new kids on the block i am 43, and i suffer from generalized dystonia back when i was about 4 years old, though back thenthey didn't even know there was going to be a disease called dystonia.it started in my face with facial contortions and eye ticks that werevery embarrassing, but the doctors then chalked it up to nerves. i know have it throughout my entire body, causing me to inadvertantly twist into contorted shapes with the impecable timing to anways embarrass myself. the best way i can explan this disease is to askyou if you have ever woken up with a bad leg cramp. my entire body feels like this leg cramp 24/7. have been on doses of brain chemical altering drugs for the past few years - as many as 18 pills aday at one point. to date, nothing has helped, or - the ones that docause the most dreadful side affects. i also went off all meds to see if some of my problems were drug interaction related (though i had to get twist the doctor's are to do so), and was managing o.k. for about 4 weeks when all heck broke loose. so i'm once again on anew med, and within 3 days the hallucinations started.

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