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Hi Julius,

Welcome to the list.

A couple of ppoints mate: -

Firstly, if the data base was an attachment the list will automatically

scrub it as an anti virus precaution.

Secondly, pardon my ignorance (and knowing the type of humor that we work

with I am probably going to regret asking this.) but how do you get the 0.5

kid in 1.5 kids?

Good luck with the job hunt,


>From: " juliusparamour " <paramour@...>



>Subject: Hello All

>Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 23:38:30 -0000



> I am new to this database and will take the opportunity to introduce



>My Name is Julius, I was trained as a paramedic by the Navy here in

>Australia, specialising in hyperbaric medicine. I have over 10 years

>of experience in the job.


>I am currently working as an injury consultant with a large insurer.

>I am actively seeking offshore employment and have 1.5 children.


>I look forward to joining in on your chats and info.


>I have created a new Database of a us all, it simply details where we

>are from and what we do. With no detail information stored.


>So please feel free to click on the Database icon and enter your







Stay in touch with absent friends - get MSN Messenger


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  • 5 weeks later...


Gaz Rothwell,

Is this the Gaz Rothwell that did his CMT 1 course with me in 1994. If so

remember the beans Gaz, any info you

want about the oil industry contact me offline gaz.


-- hello all 

Hi my name is Gaz, Im a medic in the RAMC, ive done 14 years in the

army, ive been to various places including bosnia, kosovo, canada,

poland and germany, im looking at getting out and going into the

offshore industry, just looking for some advice, on best courses to

do and how hard/easy it is to break into the industry. Hope i can

pick some of your brains.


Gaz Rothwell

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The Remote Medics Team

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Hi Gaz

i got out in January also RAMC. Its been hard getting work at the moment as

it has been really quiet, it is useful to get a heli handling course or

safety officers course as well as your offshore medics cse, as a lot of

companys have dual roles for medics.

Well hope this helps things are picking up again and i ahve had a lot of

work offers in the last few weeks so lets hope it stays like this

Steve Hall

>From: " gazroth70 " <gazroth70@...>



>Subject: hello all

>Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 08:58:25 -0000


>Hi my name is Gaz, Im a medic in the RAMC, ive done 14 years in the

>army, ive been to various places including bosnia, kosovo, canada,

>poland and germany, im looking at getting out and going into the

>offshore industry, just looking for some advice, on best courses to

>do and how hard/easy it is to break into the industry. Hope i can

>pick some of your brains.



> Cheers

> Gaz Rothwell





Stay in touch with absent friends - get MSN Messenger


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Marty Man......

Boy.....it's been so long since we've heard from you but glad to hear you

have a bike now. Are you still in California? I don't think California has a

helmet law so you be real careful unless you are wearing one anyhow.

How are you feeling? Are you reading all our " silly party " posts?

Aaaaaahhhh....I just love this group. I had a hard day today and this is really

perking me up. I'm already looking forward to attending next year's Stills


I agree with Caroline, though..... No hurricane states, please.. :o)

Keep in touch Marty. I hope your family life has improved.



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  • 3 weeks later...

> I haven't had much energy to post since I have been home but I


> to let everyone that contacted me by email and phone while I was


> the hospital that I am doing ok. It's been about 7 weeks now


> surgery and I am slowly getting back my energy. Some days are


> than others. I had a bad wound infection that kept me down for a

> couple of weeks but that has cleared up now and my incision is

> starting to close up. I have lost about 35lbs so I am happy with

> that. The best part is that for the first time in about 3 years I

> can eat without throwing up all the time. The VBG that I had done

> before really screwed up my eating so it's nice to be able to eat

> again. The only pain I have left is the hospital bills, LOL.


> to everyone that had me in their thoughts.


> Randy



So glad that all is starting to feel better and you are on your

way to a new and different life.I had a vb also,was so happy to

get rid of it..lol

God's blessings to you and your family


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  • 3 months later...

I'm with you there, Lynn. There simply aren't enough hours in the day

to sit with a coffee, a muffin and a good book. That's my idea of

heaven. Have you discovered the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series by

Mccall ? 5 wonderful books. I'm passing my copies to all

my friends.

Sorry you've hit another flare so soon. How's the skin? Did that clear

up a bit? Hope this flare is a short lived affair.

Much love

C 2

On 5 Feb 2004, at 16:44, Lynn D wrote:


> Hi everyone,

> Just want to send my sympathies to all that are suffering.  I have

> been fairly well since my last flare in December.  Just starting

> another flare now.  Just want you all to know that I am thinking of

> you.  I have been mostly working on my pet art and reading  a lot.  I

> realized the other day that I will most surely die before I can read

> all the books in the world that I want, so I am on quite the mission!!

> Hugs

> Lynn





> ---

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> Visit the Still's Disease Message Board

> http://disc.server.com/Indices/148599.html


> The materials and information contained in this message are not

> intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or

> to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other

> health care professionals. The International Still's Disease

> Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical

> services. You should consult your physician on specific medical

> questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical

> attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no

> representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action,

> application, medication or preparation by any person following the

> information offered or provided within this support form. 


> ion by any person following the information offered or provided within

> this support form. 







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I'm with you there, Lynn. There simply aren't enough hours in the day

to sit with a coffee, a muffin and a good book. That's my idea of

heaven. Have you discovered the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series by

Mccall ? 5 wonderful books. I'm passing my copies to all

my friends.

Sorry you've hit another flare so soon. How's the skin? Did that clear

up a bit? Hope this flare is a short lived affair.

Much love

C 2

On 5 Feb 2004, at 16:44, Lynn D wrote:


> Hi everyone,

> Just want to send my sympathies to all that are suffering.  I have

> been fairly well since my last flare in December.  Just starting

> another flare now.  Just want you all to know that I am thinking of

> you.  I have been mostly working on my pet art and reading  a lot.  I

> realized the other day that I will most surely die before I can read

> all the books in the world that I want, so I am on quite the mission!!

> Hugs

> Lynn





> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.577 / Virus Database: 366 - Release Date: 2/3/2004



> Visit the Still's Disease Message Board

> http://disc.server.com/Indices/148599.html


> The materials and information contained in this message are not

> intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or

> to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other

> health care professionals. The International Still's Disease

> Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical

> services. You should consult your physician on specific medical

> questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical

> attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no

> representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action,

> application, medication or preparation by any person following the

> information offered or provided within this support form. 


> ion by any person following the information offered or provided within

> this support form. 







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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Now it's my turn to get difficult. You better get some rest, you hear me?!?!?! (of course you can't, I'm typing, but I'm typing very loudly!) LOL....Take care please?


-----Original Message-----From: angelbear1129@... [mailto:angelbear1129@...] Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 7:12 PM Subject: HELLO aLLImportance: High

Hi Everyone,

Hope to find you all doing as well as can be... I have been very ill for the last few weeks... I'm doing somewhat better now... I'm able to breath a little better... My heart is still giving me problems but am coping... I will try and answer some of your emails, but please bear with me... Have missed you all very much... How are all that have been having the terrible weather???

Hope you all had a nice Easter... We went to our daughters house, I was so exhausted by the time we came home, that I vegitated the rest of the evening... I tire very easy at the moment, I have no energy at all...

Much Love to all,

((( Caring Hugs )))


Surnames I am following:Mc Intosh/Mac Intosh/MackIntosh -- Lambert -- Sweeny --Osterhout -- Spring -- Fauver -- Tilden -- Handy -- Haller -- Leininger -- Beckham -- Godden -- Brown -- -- Barbara -- Losure -- Spade -- Ferris -- -- Chroninger/Croninger -- Myles -- Weirich -- Shonk -- Inches -- Burditt -- 's -- Frosch/Frozeck -- Turrittin -- Proudfoot/Stoltzfuss -- Mattocks -- Oliver -- Pethangelbear1129@...


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 4/9/2004

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I got tired just reading about all that you have done! LOL

Please keep us posted on your test results. I will be praying for you!

-- Hello All

Hello to Everyone,

Sorry for being gone again... For four days I had a terrible migrain :o( Have had 3 dentists appointments for the girls, all three have to go back :o(, a DR's. appointment for Bre, she's doing great :o) , a week of Bible School for the girls, they had a ball, two days a week for the girls at the reading program at the library for the next six weeks, they really like that :o) A family birthday picnic last weekend, a fourth picnic Fri. night plus fire works up town, the zoo on Sunday, (With storms coming in:o( ) I was Supposed to go get my follow up mammogram in the morning (Fri) as six months ago they seen a mass forming they said and considered it a suspicious area on the right, (I just went through this all last year on the left side) so they called to confirm my appointment and all was fine, but then she asked about insurance and I told her we still have the same i think, only ythe did send us new cards, so i told her what was on it and I Can't go to Toledo Hospital anymore for tests or as a patient !!! Almost All my records are there!!! So I was on the phone for over an hour this morning trying to get this mess figured out and I will be going to St. Lukes now instead, as I have to have my mammograms read at the time of them being taken for some reason... Which is fine with me, St. Lukes is closer to my place :o) So will be able to go next week as I was suppose to have it done now for a follow up... I figured I have to wait a few months again...

This Grama is very tired out!!! I'm not used to all this running around and it is taking its toll... This week (after this weekend) things sholdn't be as hectic for at leadt another week, then dentist appointments start again for the girls...

So CATCH me up on whats going on please!!! I've been trying to scan through the emails, but they are too overwhelming (too many) :o) so forgive me... I'll try and catch up best I can in a day or two here...

All take care... how ya doing??? Anne, my Prayers to your friends and you!!! 's, how are you holding up??? thank-fully your test was all right, definate Prayers for Matt and all our service folks... Sue how about you??? CZ, how are you doing???


/ /Ariadne/Carleene/And EVERYONE ELSE!!!


((( 4th of July Hugs )))


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:o) Thanks ,

I go wens. night...

((( Happy 4th Hugs )))


I got tired just reading about all that you have done! LOL

Please keep us posted on your test results. I will be praying for you!

Signature Creations by PANDORASBOX8

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Thanks Lee,

I got ill last night with my heart, so we didn't go to the zoo today :o( Told the girls we would try tomorrow (Mon.) It was suppose to rain today anyways, but it didn't here... The ole ticker telling me its time to slow down... I asked for this one more outing then I will try and be good :o) I said Try. How was your fourth???

((( Fourth Hugs )))


Dear Helen: It's no wonder your poor head hurts! You sure are busy! I'm glad the girls are doing well.

I got tired just going to the County Fair!

It sounds like the weekend will be fun.

Hope your mammogram shows nothing bad.

Love, Lee

Signature Creations by PANDORASBOX8

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I'm a little slow in getting back to you Helen but wanted to welcome you back !!!! Sounds like you've been through a whirlwind. On my end with my father's Alzheimer's it's been very hairy and exhausting around here. He went into the hospital again last week ANS came home again today... but keeps telling me he's not staying home. We are trying to work out med issues to make him feel better and decrease his sense of urgency in fleeing for who knows where and his major paranoia. I am one who prefers natural medcine but that's not so easy in a case like his when you need to be able to stay someplace for treatment he has the illness quite severely. We're all rather burned out and at the same time bleeding for how lost he is and his dignity issues. As for myself my asthma was rough today because of all the stress but was starting to get better when I had a few days of being able to take care. Craziness!! Welcome back again..... Hugs!!! Ariadne

Message: 7

Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 01:04:45 EDT

From: angelbear1129@...

Subject: Hello All

Hello to Everyone,

Sorry for being gone again... For four days I had a terrible migrain :o(

Have had 3 dentists appointments for the girls, all three have to go back :o(,

a DR's. appointment for Bre, she's doing great :o) , a week of Bible School

for the girls, they had a ball, two days a week for the girls at the reading

program at the library for the next six weeks, they really like that :o) A

family birthday picnic last weekend, a fourth picnic Fri. night plus fire works up

town, the zoo on Sunday, (With storms coming in:o( ) I was Supposed to go get

my follow up mammogram in the morning (Fri) as six months ago they seen a

mass forming they said and considered it a suspicious area on the right, (I just

went through this all last year on the left side) so they called to confirm my

appointment and all was fine, but then she asked about insurance and I told

her we still have the same i think, only ythe did send us new cards, so i told

her what was on it and I Can't go to Toledo Hospital anymore for tests or as a

patient !!! Almost All my records are there!!! So I was on the phone for

over an hour this morning trying to get this mess figured out and I will be

going to St. Lukes now instead, as I have to have my mammograms read at the time

of them being taken for some reason... Which is fine with me, St. Lukes is

closer to my place :o) So will be able to go next week as I was suppose to have

it done now for a follow up... I figured I have to wait a few months again...

This Grama is very tired out!!! I'm not used to all this running around

and it is taking its toll... This week (after this weekend) things sholdn't be

as hectic for at leadt another week, then dentist appointments start again

for the girls...

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Hi ,

How ya doing now??? Yes, I'm being lazy this week... Only have (had) one Dr's. appointment and twice to the libray for the girls, (Wens & Fri) Sat going to festival (maybe) then have two library classes for the girls next week and three dentist appointments... No wait, thats the week after... Just the library twice next week :o)

The storms have all passed by us this last month... Now we need some rain for the garden... All around us got rain but we didn't...

Sorry most of your family was away for the 4th... Glad to hear from ya when you do get a chance to get on... :o) STAY OUT of the SUN!!! it does cause lots of problems doesn't it...

Keep us posted as to how you are doing...

((( Love and Happy Hugs )))


Hi Helen!

I hope you get to take it easy this week! You know you cant do that much. I know one appointment wrecks the whole day. Get up and claim the day off, first chance you get.

It is always so nice to hear the girls are doing well!

Hope you had a nice 4th. We dont get fireworks till tonight. Go figure. Guess someone decided we couldnt have the 4th of July on a Sunday? This is stupid. We are going to BBQ some burgers, but wont have much company. The kids are back in SF, dtr dearest needed another vacation. I guess she just doesnt understand what she is taking away from us, or what she is missing.

Sorry I've been such a lurker lately. Once in a while I can get on and read & catch up, but am always disrupted, usually some kid that HAS to use the phone.... Or, have to stay off cause someone is waiting for a call. Someday I will miss this....

I have been busy, but I dont know where the days go, it doesnt seem like I accomplish anything. The yards look real nice... I have many boxes filled, in the living room, for givaway or a yard sale. (the grandkids have enjoyed them) I've been working on a denim quilt, from the old levis- thats going real slow, still cutting peices, a small pile a day. I remember why I quit sewing....

We went to Farmington Sat to see the inlaws. And I wore a sleeveless dress, it is so hot there, and an hour and a half drive thru the desert- and now I'm breaking out bad. The old "immune complexes" come back, mainly on my back & neck now, which was completely covered. And I wore sunblock. The headaches started that night, and you know how you can just feel the domino effect coming down? Will be a lovely week.

Hope you get some r & r! Please take it easy.


Signature Creations by PANDORASBOX8

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Thanks Ariadne,

You are in a tough situation yourself... Isn't there Hospice around you that could help out??? Or is it time to put him in a nursing home to get the help that he needs and that you and your family needs??? I Know it is a rough and tough decision to make, but you may have no other options here soon... For his own safety and yours he might be better off in a nursing home... :o( My Aunt took care of my Uncle through most of his time with alzheimer's, she was so devoted to him through out the whole ordeal, but he kept getting out of the house no matter what she did to keep him in, she had so many different types of locks on the doors and he still managed to get out and would start walking down the road... He was always picked up by the police, now mind you he lived in the country, and he wasn't always found right away... Sometimes he was stark naked when they found him... They asked him where did he think he was going??? He always told them he was going home, as he was late and he didn't want to be in trouble with his father and mother... He was in his 70's... He was heading in the right direction to the home of his boyhood years... he finally was put in a nursing home where the doors are secured and he could not get out... It was the hardest thing my gr. aunt had to do she said... They had been married for over 50 years...

My heart goes out to you and yours and my hats off to such dedication that you are giving your father... Do rest as best as you can... Stress doesn't help any illnesses...

((( Heavenly Hugs )))


I'm a little slow in getting back to you Helen but wanted to welcome you back !!!! Sounds like you've been through a whirlwind. On my end with my father's Alzheimer's it's been very hairy and exhausting around here. He went into the hospital again last week ANS came home again today... but keeps telling me he's not staying home. We are trying to work out med issues to make him feel better and decrease his sense of urgency in fleeing for who knows where and his major paranoia. I am one who prefers natural medcine but that's not so easy in a case like his when you need to be able to stay someplace for treatment he has the illness quite severely. We're all rather burned out and at the same time bleeding for how lost he is and his dignity issues. As for myself my asthma was rough today because of all the stress but was starting to get better when I had a few days of being able to take care. Craziness!! Welcome back again..... Hugs!!! Ariadne

Signature Creations by PANDORASBOX8

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Amber,

Congratulations on your new baby!!! My oldest, Cameron, had

scoliosis do to a tethered cord. We were told that the possibility

of our next having scoli. was almost none. The x-ray at birth came

back neg. the x-ray at 10 mo. came back at 26 degrees, then 40 at 12

mo. Both are being casted on July 28th. They had the tech. check

during his 5 mo.(inside) ultrasound, she didn't see anything, but

said its hard to know because of the way they lay in the womb. I

don't want to scare you, just wanted to let ya know its very rare,

but happened to us. Take Care!


- In infantile scoliosis treatment , " Amber " <ambernay917@y...>


> Hello all.. Well, I know it's been a while.. Zane is 13 months now

> and sits at 11 degr. not to bad for starting off at 33. I just


> god that it has gotton better in time... well for another


> I am 6 weeks pregnant with our second.. and I hope this one doesn't

> have scoliosis. Does anyone have any suggestions, or know of any

> tests we can do to find out before he or she is born??


> Thanks for everyones help.


> Love, Amber, Zane & new baby.

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Thank you so much for that information. Very helpful. They say that

Zane (my first son) developed scoliosis becuase he was simply too big

and i was young, and small.. They say he didn't have enough room to

grow so he was growing " sideways " or leaning.. also when he was born

his left ear was bent like he was resting on something in my body for

quite some time... so I believe the docs... and his scoliosis wasen't

conginital so.. well, whatever happens... happens.. God has a plan

for everyone, and we delt with Zanes scoliosis okay..

Thank you again..


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  • 2 months later...

You poor thing.... Prayers and well wishes are on the way.


Hello all

> Small communication here...


> Just got out of the hospital - very ill. Had mild heart attack and

> blood-filled lungs due to ER nurse giving me too much epinephrin (sp).

> Ended up in ICU.


> Home now - doctors say I may have lupus. Feels like my body is quitting

> on me. Hard to breathe, move, walk. Everything's going numb - yet

> constantly itches - the reason I went to ER in the first place. Stop my

> heart but not the itching...gotta love doctors.


> Anywho, send prayers - lots of them. Going to lie down now.


> Lori






> Best priced essential oils! Eucalyptus leaf and flax seed on Sale this

week! Cotton Blossom Fragrance oil on Sale!

> http://glenbrookfarm.com/store/specialsseeds_1.html

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WOW! Sure sounds like you have been through the ringer! Get some rest!

Hope you get to feeling a bit better soon!

For the itching, did they tell you to use Benadryl? You can take it in

liquid form or tablet form. The liquid, in my opinion, works a tad quicker.

That is what they gave us when my daughter was itching so bad she was scratching

herself raw.

OMG, sure hope the nurse got reprimanded but good. That is NOT a good

thing! They are supposed to watch that stuff closely. I understand that nurses

in many areas are working 2 times as much as they should be due to a shortage of

nurses, but wow, that is sure scary.

I hope that they can figure out all that is wrong and get you on the road to

feeling better soon.

Take care.

Alice in SD

Hello all

Small communication here...

Just got out of the hospital - very ill. Had mild heart attack and

blood-filled lungs due to ER nurse giving me too much epinephrin (sp).

Ended up in ICU.

Home now - doctors say I may have lupus. Feels like my body is quitting

on me. Hard to breathe, move, walk. Everything's going numb - yet

constantly itches - the reason I went to ER in the first place. Stop my

heart but not the itching...gotta love doctors.

Anywho, send prayers - lots of them. Going to lie down now.


Best priced essential oils! Eucalyptus leaf and flax seed on Sale this week!

Cotton Blossom Fragrance oil on Sale!


To unsub send an e-mail to :


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Joanna!!! Welcome to the group!! I have 5 kids and 3 are on the autism

spectrum. I have 2 with Asperger's and one is drifting from PDD-NOS to

Asperger's. I understand what you mean about being a handful, my 2

youngest(5 & 3) sure can be!! My 5yrold has a major aggression problem but

thankfully has kept it in check at school.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

I am who I am because that's who I am

--, 5

All kids are gifted; some just open their

packages earlier than others.

-- Carr

Hello all



> I just wanted to say hello to the group and just introduce myself

> amd my kids....My name is Joanna, I am 24 years old and have 2

> kids , my son Alec is 6 years old and has Autism....I thought he had

> aspergers, but after he was diagnosed in 0ctober 2002, i wa told it

> was autism...He can be a handfull at times, recently he has started

> to swear alot, so I am trying to get him to stop, but I am

> failing... :-( does anyone have any suggestions? I also have a

> daughter who is 4 her name is Kiera and she has really bad eczema

> and also being assesed for aspergers...I hope to make friends here

> and also if anyone has children age 4-8 years and want a pen pal my

> son would love a friend as he doesn't have many



> thanks to the owner for allowing me to join



> ml


> Joanna









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Hi Joanna,

I am happy to meet you! You are about the same age I was when I started my long journey down this long road with an autistic and brain damaged kid. Wow! My son, Marty, was just a baby then, and he is 40 now! He was about two years old when all of a sudden he started having seizures one day. They were real mild at first, and none of the medications we gave him ever stopped them, and they got real bad. They labeled him retarded back then, they didn't know much about autism, and so pretty much every type of behavior management program they tired on him made him nuts because he could not handle the stimulation and the changing demands all the time.

But here we are still! Have gone through many a battle, and here we are! Anyway just jump right in sharing what ever you want to, and we will jump in with our perceptions and insights and hopefully we can help you along your way. Just talking out my frustrations has helped me more than anything else I think, and realizing I am not alone in my own personal trials. That helps a lot!

I take care of three of my grandchildren while my daughter, Tara, works, and as to the swearing I have found that my little 4 year old, , likes to do that to get a rise out of me once in awhile. I just play it down, don't react to dramatically to it, and it seems to be fizzling out. Kids are always looking to get a rise out of us I have found, especially little boys. My granddaughter, Sierra, who is 7, isn't like her brother at all instead is a little perfectionist and is always instructing him on how to behave, which I think is very good for him.

You said your daughter has eczema, where does she have it and what are you doing for it? I am asking because my other little grandson, Lucas, who is only 4 months old has it. Anyway the doctor said he did. It is on his face, and head, mostly on one side, and on both the thighs of his legs. We thought it was just that acne that babies are sometimes born with, but it has not gone away. He takes formula and I was wondering if it wasn't a reaction to it. Sometimes it hardly seems to be there, and other times is bright red and bumpy.

Oh yes, I also have two other grown sons, and a daughter besides Marty, who I write about sometimes. They are my oldest Tom, who has a daughter, , who is 18, and Jeff has two children, , 8, and Timmy 6. I was married for 31 years, divorced for 10, and have been a widow now for 3 years, but I do have a man who lives with Marty and I and he takes most of the care of Marty, bathing him and walking him to his chair, etc.

Hope to hear from you again soon!


Carolyn in Oregon

Hello all

I just wanted to say hello to the group and just introduce myself amd my kids....My name is Joanna, I am 24 years old and have 2 kids , my son Alec is 6 years old and has Autism....I thought he had aspergers, but after he was diagnosed in 0ctober 2002, i wa told it was autism...He can be a handfull at times, recently he has started to swear alot, so I am trying to get him to stop, but I am failing... :-( does anyone have any suggestions? I also have a daughter who is 4 her name is Kiera and she has really bad eczema and also being assesed for aspergers...I hope to make friends here and also if anyone has children age 4-8 years and want a pen pal my son would love a friend as he doesn't have manythanks to the owner for allowing me to joinmlJoanna

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Hi, and welcome! I'm Annie, in Albuquerque. My crew is my dh Ron, our

daughter Kris, 35, in Washington, and our son Louie, 24, High

Functioning Autistic/Asperger's Syndrome Autistic. You'll find lots of

information and support here!

Glad to meet you!

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


Love is a choice--not simply, or necessarily, a rational choice, but

rather a willingness to be present to others without pretense or guile.

-- Heyward (theologian)

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Hi Joanna,

I think my daughter would penpal with your son. She's also 6. My son is 4.


-- Hello all

I just wanted to say hello to the group and just introduce myself amd my kids....My name is Joanna, I am 24 years old and have 2 kids , my son Alec is 6 years old and has Autism....I thought he had aspergers, but after he was diagnosed in 0ctober 2002, i wa told it was autism...He can be a handfull at times, recently he has started to swear alot, so I am trying to get him to stop, but I am failing... :-( does anyone have any suggestions? I also have a daughter who is 4 her name is Kiera and she has really bad eczema and also being assesed for aspergers...I hope to make friends here and also if anyone has children age 4-8 years and want a pen pal my son would love a friend as he doesn't have manythanks to the owner for allowing me to joinmlJoanna

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  • 1 month later...

Although I am a newbie myself and feel alittle odd tackling such a question...I

will give my 2 cents on the smoking.

I quit smoking in October. I have smoked since I was 14- I am now 32- quick

math- 18 years! If you are serious you need to stop- period. Cold

turkey...it's a tough thing to do but so is getting serious about your health

and making BFL a lifetime commitment.

I still " crave " a smoke here and there, but I stick a piece of sugar free gum in

my hole and move on! It gets easier- you just have to make up your mind and

know you don't need that nasty, smelly old butt hanging out of your mouth


Good luck : )


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Hey Beej!

First of all, kudos for getting your plans in gear to " Come alive in '05 "

with everyone else!

Second, I don't know what you can do to work out without putting yourself in

agony with that injury... but I do hope you get some great suggestions!

Finally, I gave up tobacco on August 12 of last year. My son made it easy by

giving me $100 to quit with the stipulation that if I have a single puff

from a cigarette after accepting his deal, I had to give the money back. I

don't know about you, but I don't want a cigarette bad enough to pay $100

for it... probably never will.

Anyway, I can fully empathize with that particular struggle, and wish you

the very best all the way!



Hello All

Good morning everybody! It's me, the slacker, back for another round

of advise, laughs and encouragement. I have made the committement

to " Come alive in '05 " with everybody else, however, as per my luck,

or lack thereof, I ended up wounded before I could even start :(

New Years Eve, we decided to go race go carts, all was fine and dandy

until my BF slammed me into the wall, then his brother finished me

off! I ended up going hitting sideways and smacked my ribs on the

seat, instant pain. I know they are not broken, as I am able to

breathe better than when I had the same injury last summer. I think

they are just badly bruised, but I can't bend over, if I twist to

fast it hurts, and has REALLY put a damper on starting my challenge.

ANy suggestions on what to do that wont put me in tears?

Here are my goals for '05:

I want to learn to run. I am 36 years old, and have never been a

runner, but would like to. I went to www.coolrunning.com and got an

awesome workout for beginners. Lets hope it works.

My 2 bad vices......smokes and alchol. I have pretty much quit

smoking, only 1 here and there, but that is not doing me any good,

need to just say no. Jagermeister is a different story. I ususally

have at least 1 a night, need to get that down to ONLY 1 a week.

Tough, but I can do it.

I am currently 5'3 " and 144 pounds, would like to get down to around

120ish. not sure about my BF%, but I know it is not good.

Sorry this was so long, so much to say. I will TRY to be better at

posting and getting involved, that may help me more than anything.

Everybody have a great day!!

Beej in Idaho


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


Welcome to the group! I am a basic EMT, as well as an EMD, and a basic EMT

instructor in Michigan. My husband Troy is a CC-NREMT-P, and a Paramedic

Instructor. He is getting ready to head to Iraq really soon. My best advice

is get your medic, get a few years on the streets before applying for a remote

medics job. That is just my opinion. It took my husband quite some time to get

an opening with a US based company. Over in the war zone the US requires that

you have a medic cert to work over there.

You can try applying with some of the companies based in the UK. I am sure the

gents on this group would be tickled to help you out. This is a great group.

My husband belongs to medics in Iraq. Most of them on that group work for KBR.

A few for the other companys. Good luck in Medic school. If you have any Q's

you can ask this group or email us privately.

Have a great day,



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