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Good for you! But before you get too smug, LOL, you MUST have your letter of

exemption in your file in order to be in compliance with the law -

homeschooling or not! There is a loophole in some state laws, maybe all,

that if you don't have a letter of exemption, your children can be removed

from your care because of " medical neglect " . That is too tragic for me to be

joking. I'm not kidding. Please investigate further.


In a message dated 9/5/2001 7:53:50 AM Central Daylight Time,

luvmyfam77@... writes:

> and then I replied that I can

> take an exemption for them but I am homeschooling anyways.

> Tami

> Michigan


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Yikes! Your poor daughter! Those lessons in gravity can really be painful :(

I would love to have your doctor's name. Hopefully, he'll be on our insurance.

The doctor we went to for " the lump " was in Reston, so Manassas really isn't

that much more of a drive. I wasn't able to get your e-mail from this message,

so if you wouldn't mind e-mailing me at bluephish16@...

, I'd really appreciate it.

Take care,



... we were told that due to our unwillingness to

follow the physicians recommendations to immunize our children she would


longer be able to serve as our children's pediatrician. I was fuming


Anyone else run into similar problems?



Yep! The first pediatrician we went to here in Arlington said the same

thing. (I knew there would be problems, though, the moment we walked into

the office. Pharmaceutical ads *everywhere*!). It's good that you do have

someone who is willing to work with you, though... even if it is a longer

drive :)


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In a message dated 9/5/01 2:21:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

HolisticMomma@... writes:

<< There is a loophole in some state laws, maybe all,

that if you don't have a letter of exemption, your children can be removed

from your care because of " medical neglect " . >>

From what I have found for Michigan they have requirements for children

entering school. This is what I have found:

Exceptions: There are two, MCL §14.15(9215):

A child is exempt from the requirements of this part as to a specific

immunization for any period of time as to which a physician certifies that a

specific immunization is or may be detrimental to the child’s health or is

not appropriate.

A child is exempt from this part if a parent or guardian presents a written

statement of the administrator of the child’s school or operator of the group

program to the effect that the requirements of this part cannot be met

because of religious convictions or other objection to immunity.

Definitions: " Religious or other exemption " – " means a written statement

signed by the parent, or guardian " of a child which certifies that

immunization is in conflict with his or her religious or other convictions

and which includes the name and birthday of the child " MAC §325.3502.

So do I need to just make up a signed statement with dh and my signatures to

be on the safe side and have on hand even though my children are not in



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My email is dina.mason@....

Re: Intro


Yikes! Your poor daughter! Those lessons in gravity can really be painful


I would love to have your doctor's name. Hopefully, he'll be on our

insurance. The doctor we went to for " the lump " was in Reston, so Manassas

really isn't that much more of a drive. I wasn't able to get your e-mail

from this message, so if you wouldn't mind e-mailing me at


, I'd really appreciate it.

Take care,



... we were told that due to our unwillingness to

follow the physicians recommendations to immunize our children she would


longer be able to serve as our children's pediatrician. I was fuming


Anyone else run into similar problems?



Yep! The first pediatrician we went to here in Arlington said the same

thing. (I knew there would be problems, though, the moment we walked into

the office. Pharmaceutical ads *everywhere*!). It's good that you do


someone who is willing to work with you, though... even if it is a longer

drive :)


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See if this answers some of your questions.

<A HREF= " http://www.mothering.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/000754.html " >Please, get your

papers in order..... - Mothering Boards</A>

By the way, do check out the Vaccine Forum at Mothering. There is lots of

info about all vaccine issues including exemption letters.


In a message dated 9/5/2001 3:12:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

luvmyfam77@... writes:

> In a message dated 9/5/01 2:21:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> HolisticMomma@... writes:


> << There is a loophole in some state laws, maybe all,

> that if you don't have a letter of exemption, your children can be removed

> from your care because of " medical neglect " . >>


> From what I have found for Michigan they have requirements for children

> entering school. This is what I have found:

> Exceptions: There are two, MCL §14.15(9215):


> A child is exempt from the requirements of this part as to a specific

> immunization for any period of time as to which a physician certifies that

> a

> specific immunization is or may be detrimental to the child’s health or is

> not appropriate.

> A child is exempt from this part if a parent or guardian presents a written

> statement of the administrator of the child’s school or operator of the

> group

> program to the effect that the requirements of this part cannot be met

> because of religious convictions or other objection to immunity.

> Definitions: " Religious or other exemption " – " means a written statement

> signed by the parent, or guardian " of a child which certifies that

> immunization is in conflict with his or her religious or other convictions

> and which includes the name and birthday of the child " MAC §325.3502.


> So do I need to just make up a signed statement with dh and my signatures

> to

> be on the safe side and have on hand even though my children are not in

> school?


> Tami




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In a message dated 9/6/01 3:56:09 PM GTB Daylight Time,

annetteonly@... writes:


I look forward to learning more from this group.

Regards, Annette


Welcome Annette and best wishes on the birth of your first child!

sara in ohio

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Yeah, I did. My fam doc had suggested vaxxes but didn't seem pushy. We had been

his patient for 5 yrs. Then out of the blue, when I called and left a message to

make an appt for my son as he was having diarrhea 5 times or more a day(at 2

yo), they called back and I was informed that as we didn't vax, he would no

longer be our doctor. Which worked out ok for me(and this won't work for

everyone) as 2 years later I married a family doc who doesn't believe in the

nonsense behind vaxxes! :)

You also have to realize there are " standards of care " that the peds have to

follow to prevent losing a malpractice suit. Vaxxing your kids is one of them.

If they don't vax your kid and your child becomes damaged or worse from a

" vaccine-preventable " disease, your ped would be responsible and lose the court

case if you choose to sue. And who decides standard-of-care? Well, the

insurance companies. And the people on the jury who allow the responsiblity for

health care to bypass the individual and place it on the " professional " . And if

an individual chooses to ignore the standard of care, they face the real

possibility of losing their license to practice and major suings. Who would

want to undergo that emotional,mental,financial,spiritual,stressful trauma?

Their family would suffer as well. And even if proven they did no harm, their

reputation would almost certainly be ruined forever and they could possibly be

blackballed from the medical community. Altho I see conspiracies

everywhere(LOL) I do believe their ARE docs out there who want to be the good

guys and some of them DO risk everything. I am just so lucky my DH is a family

doc and doesn't have to vax and we don't have to deal with that possibility.

And he does prescribe mainstream medical standard of care but he also can

prescribe alternatives for those who ask. Wow. Didn't mean for this to be so




" The decision to have a child is to accept that your heart will forever walk

about outside of your body. " Katharine Hadley

we were told that due to our unwillingness to

follow the physicians recommendations to immunize our children she would no

longer be able to serve as our children's pediatrician. I am still shocked

that pediatricians or dr.s in general can

discriminate like that. Anyone else run into similar problems?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you a student midwife going to school or studying under a lay midwife?

Were you a certified Doula? What type of childbirth " style " did you teach?

Sorry about all of the questions but this is what I want to do. I want to be

a childbirth educator and doula until my children are older and then I will

be a midwife.

I am . I have two daughters. One born at the hospital (never again)

and my baby who was born at home in the water two months ago.

Come read the birth story at my site.

SAH-AP mom to Skyler (2/4/99) and

my home/water birth baby Sylvia Marie (7-16-01)

wife to (6/14/97)



" Whoso would be a man, must be a non-

conformist. He who would gather immortal

palms must not be hindered by the name of

goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.

Nothing is at least sacred but the integrity

of your own mind... "

Ralph Waldo Emerson " Self Reliance " 1844


> I am a student midwife, childbirth educator and former doula. I have

> been studying this issue informally for years, but I always find I can

> benefit from more information from other partents and professionals.

> Especially now that I am home with my kids, and a student, I don't have

> as much time to do the research and reading I was once able to do, so a

> list like this is very helpful.



> Toronto




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welcome back

are you studying at Ryerson? my 2nd dd was born at home with 2 midwifes and 1

student midwife. the student did all the work!!

Kathy in Whitby

Hi there,

My name is and I left this list last winter after my second

daughter was born, and we moved (10 days later!). Now I finally have a

little bit of free time, so I'm happy to be back.

I have 2 daughters, Mischa, 2 years and Yael, 9 months. They were borth

born at home, breastfed, family bedded, and of course, not vaccinated.

My partner and I chose not to vaccinate them after doing years of

research, fortunately before they were born. We are very happy with our

decision, and have no intention of changing our minds. Both of thenm

are very healthy, suffering only from the odd cold, and never for very


I am a student midwife, childbirth educator and former doula. I have

been studying this issue informally for years, but I always find I can

benefit from more information from other partents and professionals.

Especially now that I am home with my kids, and a student, I don't have

as much time to do the research and reading I was once able to do, so a

list like this is very helpful.


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K & T wrote:

> welcome back

> are you studying at Ryerson?

I am at Ryerson - in my 4th year of 7!

> my 2nd dd was born at home with 2 midwifes and 1 student midwife. the student

did all the work!!

Yes, towards the end the student generally does all the work - she acts as the

primary midwife. I hope you had a good experience.


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Blanco wrote:

> Are you a student midwife going to school or studying under a lay midwife?

In Ontario we have a university-based degree program, which is one of only 2

ways to become a registered midwife in Ontario (the other is for midwives from

other countries who must complete a roughly 18 month program).


> Were you a certified Doula?

I never got my certification - I was starting to work toward it when I was

accepted into the midwifery program.

> What type of childbirth " style " did you teach?

I mostly taught private classes, and so they were tailored to the clients

needs. I don't follow any particular style - I just teach on the principle of

giving clients good, reliable info so they become equipped to make informed

decisions about their care.


> Sorry about all of the questions but this is what I want to do. I want to be

> a childbirth educator and doula until my children are older and then I will

> be a midwife.

If you don't have a childbirth educators program in your area, I'd recommend

taking workshops and becoming certified throu ALACE or ICEA. DONA is the

certifying body for doulas, and they offer workshops a couple of times a year.

Where do you live? You are very wise to pursue midwifery after your kids are

older. I know several people who are training while their children are VERY

young, and it is very challenging. Our midwifery program is not very

child-friendly, believe it or not, and so we often have a hard time combining

our ideal way of parenting with school (eg, sometimes some of us are sent away

for 3-6 month long placements, and so some women are separated from their

children. The program is also currently giving us a hard time about bringing

our breastfeeding babies to class - although it hasn't always been like this).

Fortunately, I have will be part time until my kids are 3 1/2 and 2, but it

still be hard to be in clinic, rounds, meetings, home visits and school 5 days a

week, have assignments due every week, AND be on call for at least 5 births a

month! Depending on where you live you may have direct-entry training programs

or you may may be limiited to nurse-midwifery, with your alternative being to

train with an underground midwife. Good luck to you, and congratulations on

your new home-birthed baby!


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oh yes, it was a wonderful experience! much better than my first

(hospital) birth




> K & T wrote:


> > welcome back

> > are you studying at Ryerson?


> I am at Ryerson - in my 4th year of 7!


> > my 2nd dd was born at home with 2 midwifes and 1 student midwife.

the student did all the work!!


> Yes, towards the end the student generally does all the work - she

acts as the primary midwife. I hope you had a good experience.


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At 11:40 AM 10/10/2001 -0400, you wrote:


> I am a SAHM of 3 boys ages 4 months, 2 1/2 years, and 4 years. They

are all unvaccinated, breastfed, homebirthed, intact babies. I am an RN by

degree, a LLL leader applicant, doula, and aspiring midwife. My husband

and I have been married for 6 years and have settled (finally) in Maine. I

am very busy with 3 little ones so I do more listening than talking but am

looking forward to getting to know all of you.



>wife to Jim ('95)

>mama to Logan ('97), Owen ('99), and (2001)


So glad to have another RN! Welcome.

And if you are in Maine, you may be close to one of the most incredible

homeopaths in the US - Will .


Glad you are so aware and your children have not been damaged!




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Best option would be to postpone until you can research more. What could a

few days more hurt? You don't want to have regrets that you can't reverse.

Cancel your apt. If you go tomorrow your doc will pressure you. Go with your

gut. Good luck and welcome to the group


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-It sounds as if you should wait to vax until you become fully

informed and can make an educated decision on this. You

certainly so not have to vax tomorrow just because " its time " .

You can decide to vax when and IF you want to at anytime. Jill

-- In Vaccinations@y..., " shelby " <discombobulated@q...> wrote:

> Hello! I'm Shelby, SAHM to 3 boys ages 6, 5, and 8mo. My 8mo

old is due to get vaccines tomorrow as a matter of fact, I wish I

found this list before yesterday! I'm at a toss up, I don't know if I

should vax or not. I look forward to reading the email!

> Shelby




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Thanks :) My baby has a cold anyway and I don't feel comfortable giving him

anything when he's sick. At least they inform you of that much! I've already

voiced my concerns about vax to him. I know as much as them harvesting the

disease in animal organs, which just makes me sick. I know about the mercury.

I'm sure there are some other things I know I forgot about LOL! I'm searching

archives now.


Best option would be to postpone until you can research more. What could a

few days more hurt? You don't want to have regrets that you can't reverse.

Cancel your apt. If you go tomorrow your doc will pressure you. Go with your

gut. Good luck and welcome to the group


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Thrower(parent) article:


Find a replacement for MMR vaccine ordered:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=004674228628431 & rtmo=qxetR9K9 & atmo

-rrrrrrrq & pg=/et/01/3/29/nmmr29.html


1. Over a period of four years, in the UK, 66% of all measles cases were in

vaccinated children.

2. In a 1986 measles outbreak in Corpus Christi, Texas, 99% of the children

had been vaccinated.

3. 26% of children rubella-vaccinated developed arthralgia or arthritis. (US

Science magazine.)

4. Trials on the rubella vaccine, in the USA and Australia, show a fallure

rate of between 80 and 93%.

5. Dr Glen Dettman found that one third of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers

had live rubella viruses in their joints.

6. The Lancet reported that West German authorities had listed 27

neurological reactions to the mumps vaccine, including meningitls, febrile

convulsions and epilepsy.

Hope this helps as a start and welcome!





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Hi Joyce:

I'm Joan, Mom of Andy who is 12 and has autism/ds. Andy is nonverbal,

though he does say " yah " fairly reliably (though y ou might have to cue

him). We use a number of things to communicate.

Before I go on and on....

Tell me what you mean by " scripting " ? That will help me understand a bit


Welcome to our list! We're glad you stopped by.


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Welcome Joyce ,

Just wanted to say hi and Thank You for what you've shared . I'm just

a parent of a 13 yr.old , whom you've described with the same

behavior when working with one of your students . I'm just learning

all this , as I've finally had confirmation on his dual diagnosis

this year. The school has finally added autism to his IEP Goals .

Everything that Joan , Donna & Kathy and several others that will

join in later have been so much help with this issue . As a parent

its such a relief to have many dealing with the same issues . I get

a along with the school staff as now they understand how to work with

him . I've been receiving daily notes , phone calls of how much great

progress my son has improved in his speech , he is speaking

about 2 to 3 words . If it weren't for this list , my son would

probably never have progressed as much as he has now with the trials

I've tried at home , going on 2 weeks . Thanks for sharing on the

Home Program , I've requested it on his IEP , so its just waiting on

the paper work to get filed in . Now , I know what to look forward

to .

Irma, 13,DS/ASD.

> Hi,


> I am new to this list. I am an SLP and work primarily with


> with autism. Some of the kids are mainstreamed into their home

> schools for part of the day or a few days per week, but most of the

> kids are at our school for the whole day. There are a few kids at

> the school who have a dual diagnosis of autism/ds. I'm hoping to


> ideas/share ideas of what has worked and what hasn't.


> I feel like one of the kids is " stuck " ...actually, I am stuck --I

> haven't been able to figure out what to do to increase his

> communication skills. Some days he is able to communicate with

> photos & limited speech, and some days he doesn't communicate at

> all. On days when he doesn't communicate, he does a lot of


> and seems like the scripts interfere with his ability to hear what


> said to him and with his ability to express himself. He is my

> mystery kid ...I'm hoping this list will shed some light for me.


> Joyce

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nice to see you on the list, good to see you are well and still working.

As you can see the list has grown somewhat since our humble beginnings we

now have around 208 members since our start on the 18th Jan 2000.

Our only problem as listowner and editor is where to take the list from now?

Suggestions on a postcard....

Best wishes



Hi Guys,My names Rab Aitken,Just joined the group,but Ive watched

with interest in its growth,as I met Ian some 2 years ago,when there

was some 10-20 members.Anybody who knows me,drop us a line.In the

Persian Gulf at the moment,on the Soorena,back to back with Nick

Farrell another member.Speak to you again soon.

Rab Aitken.

Member Information:

List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...

Post message: egroups

Subscribe: -subscribeegroups

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Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.

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Hi Sue, both my girls have asthma and allergies and also the youngest has

reflux. How long have you had asthma? Did it just pop up?? We live in Texas,


I look foward in getting to know you. What all are you taking for your

asthma?? Marsha

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Welcome Sue !!! Nahhh don't just lurk :o( Join in !!! I'm Helen from Ohio-USA ... We have several asthmatics on here that will be Happy to talk with you, won't ya lady's !!! Jessi and Marsha I know, who else is asthmatic out here ???

My step Grandmother lived in Berlin, Germany... My step Mother was born there and now lives here in the states... I have several diseases also, but not asthma, I do have emphysema and that's troublsome enough :o) Please keep us posted !!! How about telling us how you feel about your asthma ??? That always helps some to just get to TALK !!!

Again welcome!!!!

{{{ Welcoming Hugs }}}


Hi everybody !I have just joined this list. My name is Sue, I live in Germany and I suffer with asthma.I have very big problems accepting my illness.For the time being I guess that I will just be *lurking* and learning from other list members.Best wishesSue

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Welcome Sue!

There are many people here with Asthma, me included. My asthma has gotten

much better since childhood, with flares when I get sick. How do you manage

your asthma? Do you use a nebulizer?


To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the

affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one

life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

--- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hi everybody !

I have just joined this list.

My name is Sue, I live in Germany and I suffer with asthma.

I have very big problems accepting my illness.

For the time being I guess that I will just be *lurking* and learning

from other list members.

Best wishes


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“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Welcome Sue!! Nice to have you here with our little cyber family.....This

is a wonderful place to be, especially for support & love.

My name is Barb, & I'm from Ohio & suffer from various back & neck problems.

There are quite a few others here with asthma, so you already have something

in common with some....anyways, welcome! Take care!




Hi everybody !

I have just joined this list.

My name is Sue, I live in Germany and I suffer with asthma.

I have very big problems accepting my illness.

For the time being I guess that I will just be *lurking* and learning

from other list members.

Best wishes


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" Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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