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Hi jill welcome to a group who understands and reconise some of these symptoms.If you type in google autoimmune or auto-antibodies you will see that a lot of your symptomsare in fact autoimmune in nature. Your TPO test is positive for hashimoto`s or autoimmunethyroiditis, in other words you are having attacks this is the cause of your problems.you need treatment now to stop or slow down these attacks. angel.

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Hi Jill,

You have all the classic symptoms Hope the endo will be one who

listens and not go by the tests only. Look at the 'files' on the website

and find the list of symptoms and tick those that apply and take to

appt- it's probably even more than you think!

Subject: Re: help


Hi my name is Jill, sorry brain fog prevailing again..!! thank you

so much for your considerate and informative reply. I normally find

my GP quite sympathetic and diagnostically good, but when comes to

this just treading water. I have managed to gain the help of a

husband of friend who is a consultant Orthopeadic surgeon, who is

willing to speak to the endo up at Inverclyde Royal, if don't gain

any satisfcation from that route will definitley ask for referral to

the one in Glasgow you are kindly providing.


TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.

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600 calories is not much; your body may have gone into starvation mode and shut itself down;


Pampered Chef

Independent Consultant


From: katratz2001 <katratz2001@...> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:14:20 PMSubject: help

I have not lost any weight in 2 weeks. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I still drink my protien drinks. All i eat is protien. I would say I only eat 600 cal. a day. I also hve been walking. What else should I do? I had my sleeve done on feb. 7th. I really thought I would still be losing. I stared out at 238 now I'm at 211. I konw that is good but nothing for two weeks. any ideals.

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I went through a that same thing and part of mine was that I was constipated--mine lasted about 9 days I think before I figures out what was going on. I started using MiraLax every other day to help with be constipated. I still continue to use it everyone day and it helps keep me more regular. You may not need it as often--but it is a thoguht. That may not be your problem, but that is what was going on with me. Also walk a little more--maybe twice a day or try some swimming if you have an indoor pool close by.


In a message dated 03/26/09 12:17:58 Pacific Daylight Time, katratz2001@... writes:

I have not lost any weight in 2 weeks. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I still drink my protien drinks. All i eat is protien. I would say I only eat 600 cal. a day. I also hve been walking. What else should I do? I had my sleeve done on feb. 7th. I really thought I would still be losing. I stared out at 238 now I'm at 211. I konw that is good but nothing for two weeks. any ideals.

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Are your clothes fitting any differently?  You realize that muscle weighs more than fat...right? you are loosing fat, but you are also gaining muscle, (especially with such a high protein diet, protein creates muscle as does excercise) hang in there.


Best wishes, Jeanie Uhlik


celebrate what you have lost, do not worry about what you haven't.  It probably wouldn't hurt to include some veggies and fruits for a much more balanced diet.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:14 AM, katratz2001 <katratz2001@...> wrote:

I have not lost any weight in 2 weeks. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I still drink my protien drinks. All i eat is protien. I would say I only eat 600 cal. a day. I also hve been walking. What else should I do? I had my sleeve done on feb. 7th. I really thought I would still be losing. I stared out at 238 now I'm at 211. I konw that is good but nothing for two weeks. any ideals.

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Hi. It does sound like you may not be consuming enough calories. From what I understand your body goes into a protective mode and holds into everything in "storage"..  Also, your body is just getting use to the new changes. Congrats on what you have already accomplished! Sent from Sharon L's iPhoneOn Mar 26, 2009, at 10:14 AM, "katratz2001" <katratz2001@...> wrote:

I have not lost any weight in 2 weeks. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I still drink my protien drinks. All i eat is protien. I would say I only eat 600 cal. a day. I also hve been walking. What else should I do? I had my sleeve done on feb. 7th. I really thought I would still be losing. I stared out at 238 now I'm at 211. I konw that is good but nothing for two weeks. any ideals.

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Hi,I can tell you 1st hand at what your body is doing!! With eating so little your body is shutting down what it doesn't need to use. In other words it's starving itself. It's holding on to everything it gets just to do normal things. Be careful this is a DANGEROUS trap. I will tell you the very samething that Dr A and Dr C said to me... "eating and drinking are NOT the samething".. So when you say your getting 600 cals in/drinking your protein shakes/drinks please understand you do need your protein BUT protein drinks/shakes are only a stage-NOT a life time.. You do need to get to real food. I have had both the band and now the sleeve... I LOVE my sleeve.. Like the band the sleeve is just a tool that you have to work with, not have it work you!! My advice to you would be to call Nina or Dr A/Dr C and let them know what is going on. Because what works for one person may/may not work for you.I have had my sleeve for 1 1/2 yrs now and Im 5 months pregnant.. I'm eating about 1200 cals day and I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. Even with all of this I have only gained 8 pounds. My curtain weight is 138. Before I got pregnant I was training for a marathon and Irongirl with VERY intense training 6 days a week .. My weight before the pregnancy floated between 128-130.. I wish you all the luck in the world. But please increase your intake of food.. If you don't trust me then have Nina and Dr A tell you the samething. The body is a weird machine..Be careful and MANY hugs!!Donna Sent from my iPhoneOn Mar 26, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Burson <burson.carrie@...> wrote:

600 calories is not much; your body may have gone into starvation mode and shut itself down;


Pampered Chef

Independent Consultant


From: katratz2001 <katratz2001 > Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:14:20 PMSubject: help

I have not lost any weight in 2 weeks. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I still drink my protien drinks. All i eat is protien. I would say I only eat 600 cal. a day. I also hve been walking. What else should I do? I had my sleeve done on feb. 7th. I really thought I would still be losing. I stared out at 238 now I'm at 211. I konw that is good but nothing for two weeks. any ideals.

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If you look at the total, that is 27 pounds in less than two months! That is a great weight loss. I have a friend who just had the sleeve and I tell her the same thing.....it seems that the weight loss will go along fine for awhile, then it will seemingly stall. But all of a sudden a big chunk will fall off...so don't weigh yourself everyday. Weigh yourself once a week. That will give you a better idea of how your weight loss is going. Even if you don't lose,,,,be thankful for EVERY pound that you lose.....every pound is better than what you went through before!

Keep on going!


From: SuzanneSH <SuzanneSH@...>Subject: Re: help Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 12:41 PM


I went through a that same thing and part of mine was that I was constipated- -mine lasted about 9 days I think before I figures out what was going on. I started using MiraLax every other day to help with be constipated. I still continue to use it everyone day and it helps keep me more regular. You may not need it as often--but it is a thoguht. That may not be your problem, but that is what was going on with me. Also walk a little more--maybe twice a day or try some swimming if you have an indoor pool close by.


In a message dated 03/26/09 12:17:58 Pacific Daylight Time, katratz2001 writes:

I have not lost any weight in 2 weeks. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I still drink my protien drinks. All i eat is protien. I would say I only eat 600 cal. a day. I also hve been walking. What else should I do? I had my sleeve done on feb. 7th. I really thought I would still be losing. I stared out at 238 now I'm at 211. I konw that is good but nothing for two weeks. any ideals.

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Protein helps to maintain muscle, exercise builds muscle. On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Jeanie Uhlik <jeanuhlik@...> wrote:

Are your clothes fitting any differently?  You realize that muscle weighs more than fat...right? you are loosing fat, but you are also gaining muscle, (especially with such a high protein diet, protein creates muscle as does excercise) hang in there.


Best wishes, Jeanie Uhlik


celebrate what you have lost, do not worry about what you haven't.  It probably wouldn't hurt to include some veggies and fruits for a much more balanced diet.

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  • 1 month later...
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There is one thing you can control and that is your own thought process. The

words you share are full of fear. Afriad to take medicine afraid not to. The

focus is currently on fear. Switch the focus to love in your mind and heart.

Either take the medicine with love for yourself or do not take the medicine with

love for yourself. Both end results will be love and perfect health. -

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Hi Bran,

Your story is very similar to that of many others. To mine as well.

I would never suggest you to start medicines saying " they are going to save

you life!! " , etc (if anything I wouldn´t do it to save me from being banned

from these groups..).

Nor I would suggest you that " you are a FOOL if you take that POISON!! " ,

etc, like it happens often.

What I can say, is that if your situation is worrying you, maybe is not such

a bad idea to start ARV. They did help me a lot. In a few months I was

" back " , healthwise. Sadly I am now on these pills again...

And, again, my situation was one that no other natural medicine could do

much about.

I am really not happy about taking the ARV, but I know it wont be for ever,

plus, they don´t give me any side effects, plus I am much better now than a

month ago.

Let me/us know if we can help in any other way.


On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 2:10 PM, bran_son2000 <Bran_son2000@...>wrote:




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Once again, and as always, I will continue to write in telling everyone the

success I have had with 1 Company (SHAKLEE) and a couple of their pure

organic, no frills, nothing but pure science products. Yes I am HIV+ and

have been for 14 years. Been on the cocktail since 1997, when T cell count

hit 250 and viral load was tanking at over 200,000. Plus the fact that I

also had cancer did not help. Well I beat the cancer and it was a Blessing

in itself. However, 5 years ago I was introduced to Shaklee and decided

after 4 months of vast internet study, looking for something to be wrong

with it and not being able to find anything, like you can Anyway, NutriLife,

Avon, The Pink Lady, etc. I decided what the heck, I had spent small

fortunes on all the others so why not give this a try. At least it was more

health centric.

The 1st. thing that hit me was I could only spend $299 for the ultimate

package (which contained over $500 of valuable products and info about the

Company and how to make money with it.). So I thought OK, in a month or so

I am going to get hit with the whammy. It's been 5 years and still no

whammy hit yet. Instead, I am making over $4000 a month from just telling

people about the products that do just what the label says they will do.

IN PARTICULAR: the NETURFERON (which is sold exclusively by Shaklee) is

actually a plant based form of INTERFERON developed by the same Dr. who

discovered interferon some 40 years ago and Shaklee bought up his patents.

And then the other product is IMMUNITY - I. This product taken 1 in the

morning & 1 in the evening also keeps the virus in check.

Between the two, I have been able to reduce my meds in half and take 6

Neturferon's & 2 Immunity-I's. I am able to give the overage of my cocktail

drugs to my caseworker to help someone who cannot afford them.

Just doing my part, and have helped many, many people who are HIV+ who

decided to take a chance and found out SHAKLEE was for real.

I know I did and will continue to take " SHAKLEE " for the rest of my life.



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> Hello folks,


> I tested positive for HIV back in 2003 and have been terrified of taking meds.

I have lived a very normal life since then and have had very few issues until

very recently, first i developed psoriasis, I have been taking topical

treatments only and have " dealt " with it the best I could. Other than that I

have really not had any serious health issues but I have LOST AN INSANE AMOUNT

OF WEIGHT. I have experienced some diarrhea and abnormal bowel movements on and

off but overall I would say I have not sufferd from too many ailments. I've gone

from being 230-240 two to three years ago to a now very scary 193. My freinds

nad family have noticed the weight loss and constantly point it out which is

only causing me to become more withdrawn, sad and depressed. I tried drinking

ensures , and trying to step up weight lifting at the gym but not very



> I'm thinking it is time to look into seeing an HIV specialist but I am still

terrified of going on meds and the whole process that this would involve. Im



> does anyone have any advice. I am in Los Angeles by the way.

> Thanks


hi there...do some research on mms and colodial silver and yoga should get u

back on shape and back on your feet.and also watch the cureguy on u tube. use a

holistic approach to tackle your ailment and i also believe a cure is nearing so

keep positive and lead a healthy life frm here on probably u can read a book by

robert young ph miracle that will help 2.good luck and have faith and be


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> Hello folks,


> I tested positive for HIV back in 2003 and have been terrified of taking meds.

I have lived a very normal life since then and have had very few issues until

very recently, first i developed psoriasis, I have been taking topical

treatments only and have " dealt " with it the best I could. Other than that I

have really not had any serious health issues but I have LOST AN INSANE AMOUNT

OF WEIGHT. I have experienced some diarrhea and abnormal bowel movements on and

off but overall I would say I have not sufferd from too many ailments. I've gone

from being 230-240 two to three years ago to a now very scary 193. My freinds

nad family have noticed the weight loss and constantly point it out which is

only causing me to become more withdrawn, sad and depressed. I tried drinking

ensures , and trying to step up weight lifting at the gym but not very



> I'm thinking it is time to look into seeing an HIV specialist but I am still

terrified of going on meds and the whole process that this would involve. Im



> does anyone have any advice. I am in Los Angeles by the way.

> Thanks


hi there...do some research on mms and colodial silver and yoga should get u

back on shape and back on your feet.and also watch the cureguy on u tube. use a

holistic approach to tackle your ailment and i also believe a cure is nearing so

keep positive and lead a healthy life frm here on probably u can read a book by

robert young ph miracle that will help 2.good luck and have faith and be


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I have yet to see a doctor should I try to find an hiv spwcialist first or go to

an internal med doctor. I just looked at myself again and my face is all sucked

in I need to talk to someone fast. Is it too late for me to get back to my

normal self. I'm worried that an hiv dr will jst give me anything and I'm

afraid a regular doctor I will be turned away or kicked off my med insurance


> >

> >

> >




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I have yet to see a doctor should I try to find an hiv spwcialist first or go to

an internal med doctor. I just looked at myself again and my face is all sucked

in I need to talk to someone fast. Is it too late for me to get back to my

normal self. I'm worried that an hiv dr will jst give me anything and I'm

afraid a regular doctor I will be turned away or kicked off my med insurance


> >

> >

> >




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I would suggest that you live a healthy lifestyle, eat right and take

supplements. Many of us have given up the HAART and we are doing just fine. I

will tell you that I am an AIDS rethinker and after years of studying all of

this, over three years ago, chose to stop these drugs. To me, the cd4 test and

the viral load test are not very good indicators of one's health. My CD4's are

69 and my viral load is 3,200,000, yet I am not sick or dying. My case in not

unique. Many others are in the same position. In fact, my numbers are lower now,

than when I had full-blown AIDS. The doctors cannot explain this. It's simple,

they need to reevaluate their theories.

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I would suggest that you live a healthy lifestyle, eat right and take

supplements. Many of us have given up the HAART and we are doing just fine. I

will tell you that I am an AIDS rethinker and after years of studying all of

this, over three years ago, chose to stop these drugs. To me, the cd4 test and

the viral load test are not very good indicators of one's health. My CD4's are

69 and my viral load is 3,200,000, yet I am not sick or dying. My case in not

unique. Many others are in the same position. In fact, my numbers are lower now,

than when I had full-blown AIDS. The doctors cannot explain this. It's simple,

they need to reevaluate their theories.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > you should find a case manger they are very helpful > > [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]

> >


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> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > you should find a case manger they are very helpful > > [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]

> >


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Hi Bran I just started this journey in march of this year I found out

after a bad case of the shingles then was tested for hiv thats how I

found out then I was directed to a case manager office called care

direction and they helped me thru the system of findig the right health

care .Good luck and take charge!!!

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Bran I just started this journey in march of this year I found out

after a bad case of the shingles then was tested for hiv thats how I

found out then I was directed to a case manager office called care

direction and they helped me thru the system of findig the right health

care .Good luck and take charge!!!

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Coconut oil works magic! By yourself a jog of Organic Virgin Coconut oil and

apply it on your skin! A lot take a spoonful of it in the morning and a

spoonful at evening! You'll be feeling great in no time!

> >

> > Hello folks,

> >

> > I tested positive for HIV back in 2003 and have been terrified of taking

meds. I have lived a very normal life since then and have had very few issues

until very recently, first i developed psoriasis, I have been taking topical

treatments only and have " dealt " with it the best I could. Other than that I

have really not had any serious health issues but I have LOST AN INSANE AMOUNT

OF WEIGHT. I have experienced some diarrhea and abnormal bowel movements on and

off but overall I would say I have not sufferd from too many ailments. I've gone

from being 230-240 two to three years ago to a now very scary 193. My freinds

nad family have noticed the weight loss and constantly point it out which is

only causing me to become more withdrawn, sad and depressed. I tried drinking

ensures , and trying to step up weight lifting at the gym but not very


> >

> > I'm thinking it is time to look into seeing an HIV specialist but I am still

terrified of going on meds and the whole process that this would involve. Im


> >

> > does anyone have any advice. I am in Los Angeles by the way.

> > Thanks

> >

> hi there...do some research on mms and colodial silver and yoga should get u

back on shape and back on your feet.and also watch the cureguy on u tube. use a

holistic approach to tackle your ailment and i also believe a cure is nearing so

keep positive and lead a healthy life frm here on probably u can read a book by

robert young ph miracle that will help 2.good luck and have faith and be



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Coconut oil works magic! By yourself a jog of Organic Virgin Coconut oil and

apply it on your skin! A lot take a spoonful of it in the morning and a

spoonful at evening! You'll be feeling great in no time!

> >

> > Hello folks,

> >

> > I tested positive for HIV back in 2003 and have been terrified of taking

meds. I have lived a very normal life since then and have had very few issues

until very recently, first i developed psoriasis, I have been taking topical

treatments only and have " dealt " with it the best I could. Other than that I

have really not had any serious health issues but I have LOST AN INSANE AMOUNT

OF WEIGHT. I have experienced some diarrhea and abnormal bowel movements on and

off but overall I would say I have not sufferd from too many ailments. I've gone

from being 230-240 two to three years ago to a now very scary 193. My freinds

nad family have noticed the weight loss and constantly point it out which is

only causing me to become more withdrawn, sad and depressed. I tried drinking

ensures , and trying to step up weight lifting at the gym but not very


> >

> > I'm thinking it is time to look into seeing an HIV specialist but I am still

terrified of going on meds and the whole process that this would involve. Im


> >

> > does anyone have any advice. I am in Los Angeles by the way.

> > Thanks

> >

> hi there...do some research on mms and colodial silver and yoga should get u

back on shape and back on your feet.and also watch the cureguy on u tube. use a

holistic approach to tackle your ailment and i also believe a cure is nearing so

keep positive and lead a healthy life frm here on probably u can read a book by

robert young ph miracle that will help 2.good luck and have faith and be



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  • 1 month later...

, welcome! First off you need to read Pounds and Inches, which is the

manuscript Dr. Simeons wrote on this protocol. It should be in the files

section of this group otherwise google it. Make sure it is the 'original'.

Second, there isn't any difference in success btw oral and injections, its just

a matter of preference. The average loss for women is .5 pounds per day over

all. That doesn't mean your body is going to drop that exact amount everyday.

It is normal to have fluctuaitions and some stalls. You can order real rx hcg

to mix yourself from online pharmacies. I use alldaychemist.com bc they had the

best prices until lately. Bestdiscountpharmacy.com is selling it the cheapest

right now from what I've read. Your supplies needed will depend on the method

you choose.

hope that helps :) Sheree

--- Original Message ---

From: " lisac5804 " <lisac5804@...>

Sent:Sun 9/13/09 7:46 pm

Subj: Help

I'm interested in the Hcg diet, but would like some help in getting started.

Where do I get it? What is everybody eating? How do the injections compare

with the sublingual? What's the " real " average weight loss?



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