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Re: (unknown)

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Doesn't matter, although some might have some pros or cons.

However works best for you right now.



> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi!

> >

> > In my last e-mail I mentioned receiving a very tiny scoby. I had

> made a full brew in advance of its arrival. When I saw the tiny little

> baby I used half the amount and refrigerated the rest. This morning I

> received a call from a local health food store who said they a scoby

> for me. It was from a friend of one of the girls who worked there. Not

> only that, I was able to find a beautiful empty glass jar in the deli

> section that is just perfect.

> >

> > My question now is:

> >

> > Should I start from scratch with a new brew, or add the tiny scoby

> and the tea as well as the refrigerated liquid to the new scoby. I

> would heat it up to take off the refrigerated chill. A part of me

> thinks I should just start from scratch.

> > Any suggestions?

> >

> > Thanks for all the help I received and the offer of a scoby. Great

> group :)

> > Kathe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I have a few (quick) questions (if you don't mind), regarding two realy

pretty scobies I just got in the mail (each about 1 " thick, and 4 " across).

There IS liquid in the bag, but also some that seeps to have " wept " through

it somehow.... the box was still " solid " , but damp, and the vinegar smell

(from the starter tea?) is strong (but pleasant!). I will need to put these

guys " on hold " till tomorrow....

1. While they are on hold, can I put them in one dish, or do they need to

be kept separate?

2. To make sure they are covered, I may need to add some distilled vinegar

in addition to the tea that is there; is that ok?

3. Can I use them together to make one larger batch of kt, or should I make

two smaller batches?

4. Would it be reasonable to make one batch of " suicide " tea.... letting it

go WAY over to the dark side (the vinegary side) and then using THAT batch

for the 15-20% of " starter tea for a larger " for consumption " batch?

This whole project fascinates me.

B.W., Chicago

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Margret will tell you that, she reckons,

you'll get a tastier brew

using the two.

(Poetic, what?)

In fact I reckon it depends on your intended consumption rate.

Making 2 brews with 2 SCOBYs will give you twice as much in the same

time + 2 *more* baby SCOBYs to brew even more, even faster, *then* you

can double up for flavo(u)r.

Making one brew with 2 SCOBYs *might* give a better flavour and/or brew

faster, but speed, I think, is more dependent upon optimum temperature

than Volume of SCOBY.

Just " IMO "


[Hence the optional (u)]


broo mist wrote:

> Just got 2 more scobies, each 1 " thick and 4 " across. Is it

> possible/permitted/advisable for me to use them both (together) in one

> larger " batch " of kt, or do I have to make 2 smaller batches?


> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 7:43 AM, jacksonj730 <jjrachlin@...> wrote:



>> What Dorene said. :)




>>> Why not leave the original alone as an experiment and start a new


>> one with the new healthy scoby?? That's what I would do, however tiny

>> I would be curious as to how it would make out and would feel bad just

>> ditching it all together.


>>> Just my opinion.

>>> Dorene



>>> (unknown)







>>> Hi!


>>> In my last e-mail I mentioned receiving a very tiny scoby. I had


>> made a full brew in advance of its arrival. When I saw the tiny little

>> baby I used half the amount and refrigerated the rest. This morning I

>> received a call from a local health food store who said they a scoby

>> for me. It was from a friend of one of the girls who worked there. Not

>> only that, I was able to find a beautiful empty glass jar in the deli

>> section that is just perfect.


>>> My question now is:


>>> Should I start from scratch with a new brew, or add the tiny scoby


>> and the tea as well as the refrigerated liquid to the new scoby. I

>> would heat it up to take off the refrigerated chill. A part of me

>> thinks I should just start from scratch.


>>> Any suggestions?


>>> Thanks for all the help I received and the offer of a scoby. Great


>> group :)


>>> Kathe








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Greeting BW/Mr./Mrs./Ms (Delete where inapplicable)


broo mist wrote:

> I have a few (quick) questions (if you don't mind)

Not at all

> There IS liquid in the bag, but also some that seeps to have " wept " through it

somehow.... the box was still " solid " , but damp, and the vinegar smell(from the

starter tea?)


> is strong (but pleasant!). I will need to put these

> guys " on hold " till tomorrow....


> 1. While they are on hold, can I put them in one dish, or do they need to be

kept separate?


Doesn't much matter, kept together *too long* and they may end up like

Siamese twins but won't take harm to be pulled apart.

> 2. To make sure they are covered, I may need to add some distilled vinegar in

addition to the tea that is there; is that ok?


Yep,again. Emphasis on the *distilled*

> 3. Can I use them together to make one larger batch of kt, or should I make

two smaller batches?


See my most recent post (JUST now in fact)

> 4. Would it be reasonable to make one batch of " suicide " tea.... letting it

go WAY over to the dark side (the vinegary side) and then using THAT batch for

the 15-20% of " starter tea for a larger " for consumption " batch?



Again, IMO, it depends on how much you need/want and how fast. You can

very easily use the aforementioned vinegar in lieu of starter if you

haven't " suffish " .


> This whole project fascinates me.


> B.W., Chicago



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I also spent the 20 or so dollars and got a tiny piece of scoby in the

test tube (well 2 actually) but I didn't know any different to be

disappointed or suspicious. I followed the directions and it made a

wonderfully delicious brew that was perfectly bubbly for about 3 months

until my brew got out of balance. Each time this happens now, I clean

out my brewing vessel (continuous brew) and cut down the scoby and it

goes right back to perfect kombucha brew.

Sometimes size doesn't matter I guess :)

My suggestion is to try 2 different brews - one with each scoby that

you have.


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Hi -

where is the best place you have found to buy supplements and can you get

them all at the same place?

Luv - Sheila

It can be expensive at first buying all the

vitamins etc

but I've sussed out the cheapest place to buy all my stuff now. I am

finally beginning to feel a wee bit better. So beg, steal or borrow

the money & get to see him if you can. He will make you better.


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This is the place that you can complain without any repercussions from anyone.

That's why we are here. Side effects are no fun. I am still having pain from

my shingles. I try not to complain, but when I tell my spouse that I am going

to have more injections of Cortisone and lidocaine to get rid of the pain, he

doesn't understand. He thinks that I should just live with it and not look to

put anything

else in my body. So go ahead and tell us all. We will listen.

From: rcd1929@...

Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 10:19:41 -0700

Subject: [ ] (unknown)

Hi everyone, Just went to Ann Arbor for another infusion, I am

getting to not like these things. I know I am a pain for complaining about a

numb tongue, but honest, it is weird, all food has no texture, and feels

slippery, and no taste. I keep telling my self to shut up, if that's the only

side effects, I am a very lucky person.

I saw Len and Ernie, I had made chili, and they came to my motel room, same

place they stay, and we had a picnic. Len made strawberry short cake, yummy,

and it is always so nice to see them.

So far this drug is working real well for me, will keep you posted when I get

the pcr results. Bobby

a (Bobby) Doyle

Brecksville, Ohio, USA

DX 05/1995

02/2000 - Gleevec Trial/OHSU

06/2002 - Gleevec/Trisenox Trial/OHSU

06/2003 - Gleevec/Zarnestra Trial/OHSU

04/2004 - Sprycel Trial/MDACC, CCR in 10 months

#840 - Zavie's Zero Club

09/2006 - out of CCR

04/29/08 - XL228 Trial/ U.of Michigan

06/02/08 - CCR ( in 4 weeks)

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I was playing ping pong Sunday I twisted for a ball and my r calf cramped bad. I

play all the time on wood this was concrete,any one had a camp in this a large

muscle.I get little one's in my chest but  they go away


From: Cohen <scrappygirl123@...>

Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2008 5:09:26 AM

Subject: RE: [ ] (unknown)


This is the place that you can complain without any repercussions from anyone.

That's why we are here. Side effects are no fun. I am still having pain from my

shingles. I try not to complain, but when I tell my spouse that I am going to

have more injections of Cortisone and lidocaine to get rid of the pain, he

doesn't understand. He thinks that I should just live with it and not look to

put anything

else in my body. So go ahead and tell us all. We will listen.

groups (DOT) com

From: rcd1929sbcglobal (DOT) net

Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 10:19:41 -0700

Subject: [ ] (unknown)

Hi everyone, Just went to Ann Arbor for another infusion, I am getting to not

like these things. I know I am a pain for complaining about a numb tongue, but

honest, it is weird, all food has no texture, and feels slippery, and no taste.

I keep telling my self to shut up, if that's the only side effects, I am a very

lucky person.

I saw Len and Ernie, I had made chili, and they came to my motel room, same

place they stay, and we had a picnic. Len made strawberry short cake, yummy, and

it is always so nice to see them.

So far this drug is working real well for me, will keep you posted when I get

the pcr results. Bobby

a (Bobby) Doyle

Brecksville, Ohio, USA

DX 05/1995

02/2000 - Gleevec Trial/OHSU

06/2002 - Gleevec/Trisenox Trial/OHSU

06/2003 - Gleevec/Zarnestra Trial/OHSU

04/2004 - Sprycel Trial/MDACC, CCR in 10 months

#840 - Zavie's Zero Club

09/2006 - out of CCR

04/29/08 - XL228 Trial/ U.of Michigan

06/02/08 - CCR ( in 4 weeks)

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, my daughter still has horrendous pain from shingles on her face, and she

had them over 3 months ago.  I would not wish that pain on anyone, in fact I

asked Dr. Talpaz this week if I could get the new shingles shot, he said no. 

The terrible itching is there, and so is the pain, I never knew shingles could

be so bad.  My sympathies, Bobby

a (Bobby) Doyle

Brecksville, Ohio, USA

DX 05/1995

02/2000 - Gleevec Trial/OHSU

06/2002 - Gleevec/Trisenox Trial/OHSU

06/2003 - Gleevec/Zarnestra Trial/OHSU

04/2004 - Sprycel Trial/MDACC, CCR in 10 months

#840  -   Zavie's Zero Club

09/2006 -  out of CCR

04/29/08 - XL228 Trial/ U.of Michigan

06/02/08 - CCR ( in 4 weeks)


From: Shipley <paulorkay@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] (unknown)

Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 10:44 PM

I was playing ping pong Sunday I twisted for a ball and my r calf cramped bad. I

play all the time on wood this was concrete,any one had a camp in this a large

muscle.I get little one's in my chest but  they go away

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Cohen <scrappygirl123@ hotmail.com>

groups (DOT) com

Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2008 5:09:26 AM

Subject: RE: [ ] (unknown)


This is the place that you can complain without any repercussions from anyone.

That's why we are here. Side effects are no fun. I am still having pain from my

shingles. I try not to complain, but when I tell my spouse that I am going to

have more injections of Cortisone and lidocaine to get rid of the pain, he

doesn't understand. He thinks that I should just live with it and not look to

put anything

else in my body. So go ahead and tell us all. We will listen.

groups (DOT) com

From: rcd1929sbcglobal (DOT) net

Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 10:19:41 -0700

Subject: [ ] (unknown)

Hi everyone, Just went to Ann Arbor for another infusion, I am getting to not

like these things. I know I am a pain for complaining about a numb tongue, but

honest, it is weird, all food has no texture, and feels slippery, and no taste.

I keep telling my self to shut up, if that's the only side effects, I am a very

lucky person.

I saw Len and Ernie, I had made chili, and they came to my motel room, same

place they stay, and we had a picnic. Len made strawberry short cake, yummy, and

it is always so nice to see them.

So far this drug is working real well for me, will keep you posted when I get

the pcr results. Bobby

a (Bobby) Doyle

Brecksville, Ohio, USA

DX 05/1995

02/2000 - Gleevec Trial/OHSU

06/2002 - Gleevec/Trisenox Trial/OHSU

06/2003 - Gleevec/Zarnestra Trial/OHSU

04/2004 - Sprycel Trial/MDACC, CCR in 10 months

#840 - Zavie's Zero Club

09/2006 - out of CCR

04/29/08 - XL228 Trial/ U.of Michigan

06/02/08 - CCR ( in 4 weeks)

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I think over 65 years old is generally not recommended - maybe for rare exceptions. That's our policy, anyway. Maybe other programs are different.

From: <shelldee12@...> Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:36:08 AMSubject: (unknown)

Does anyone know of the age limit for Gastric Bypass? Is it mostly up to the surgeon? MS RD LDN

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The hospital that refers bariatric surgery pts to me also will not accept pts over 65.Dara Bergen, MPH, RD, CDNRegistered Dietitian & Nutritionist718-544-0770www.darabergen.com

From: Swilley Dana <danaeswilley@...>Subject: Re: (unknown) Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 12:06 PM

I think over 65 years old is generally not recommended - maybe for rare exceptions. That's our policy, anyway. Maybe other programs are different.

From: <shelldee12hotmail (DOT) com>BariatricNutritionD ietitiansSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:36:08 AMSubject: [bariatricNutrition Dietitians] (unknown)

Does anyone know of the age limit for Gastric Bypass? Is it mostly up to the surgeon? MS RD LDN

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what about how young have you accepted patients? I have a 16 y/o wanting the surgery and her parents will consent.


From: darabergen@...Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 11:15:31 -0800Subject: Re: (unknown)

The hospital that refers bariatric surgery pts to me also will not accept pts over 65.Dara Bergen, MPH, RD, CDNRegistered Dietitian & Nutritionist718-544-0770www.darabergen.com

From: Swilley Dana <danaeswilley >Subject: Re: (unknown) Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 12:06 PM

I think over 65 years old is generally not recommended - maybe for rare exceptions. That's our policy, anyway. Maybe other programs are different.

From: <shelldee12hotmail (DOT) com>BariatricNutritionD ietitiansSent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:36:08 AMSubject: [bariatricNutrition Dietitians] (unknown)

Does anyone know of the age limit for Gastric Bypass? Is it mostly up to the surgeon? MS RD LDN See how Windows® connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life Click here

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OH me I can really relate to that. I was not feeling that bad until the

temperature dropped nearly 40 degrees here in 24 hours. I kid you not it was in

the high 70s one day the next it was barely 40 degrees. I have been aching and

throbbing since then. UGGGH

I hope that you get some relief Sue!


Went to my pm dr. today. Going to have a stellate nerve block tomorrow. I'm

having a flare in my entire body, Hopefully, this will help calm down the pain

in my hands as well as the neck and shoulders.

The cold weather is also affecting me. My pain is much greater now than in

the warm weather. The cold and dampness just worms its way into the body and

won't let go.

Sue C


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Good luck with the nerve block. I hear you about the cold weather, that's why I

decided I was cut out for IL (well, that and no doctors where I was living!!!)

Take Care,



Went to my pm dr. today. Going to have a stellate nerve block tomorrow. I'm

having a flare in my entire body, Hopefully, this will help calm down the pain

in my hands as well as the neck and shoulders.

The cold weather is also affecting me. My pain is much greater now than in the

warm weather. The cold and dampness just worms its way into the body and won't

let go.

Sue C


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There's a definite connection between the barametric pressure and how a person

in pain feels. The more moisture in the air, the worse we feel. I'm also better

at predicting the weather than the weaterman. In my case, the cold also affects

me, I can't warm up.


Sue C


From: robbd1980 <robbd1980@...>

Subject: (unknown)


Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 5:37 PM

Hope the block helps with your pain.

I've noticed a huge difference this year with pain since it's gotten

cooler. I hadn't really paid much attention to it before. I think

part of the problem is that we had a really dry summer here in

Kentucky and now moisture is moving in with the cold weather. I

think its more the weather in terms of rain/fronts/ high-low

pressures/etc. than the coolness that is affecting me. After 12 yrs.

with RSD I've become pretty good at predicting the weather. I always

know when a front is moving into Kentucky.


> Went to my pm dr. today. Going to have  a stellate nerve block

tomorrow. I'm having a flare in my entire body,  Hopefully, this will

help calm down the pain in my hands as well as the neck and



> The cold weather is also affecting me. My pain is much greater now

than in  the warm weather. The cold and dampness just  worms its way

into the body and won't let go.


> Sue C

> Moderator








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I am glad that you brought that up. The past couple of years I have been way way

more sensitive to cold than I have been in the past. I did not know if it was my

age or what was going on. I do know that the cold, damp, weather changes, etc do

make my pain flare up and cause problems with pain flares.

I have noticed though that when I get chilled I cannot seem to get warm to save

my life. I will sit and shake I am so cold. I have never ever done that before.

The doc did some blood work to see if my thyroid was ok and it was on the low

end of normal.

This is the first time I have heard anyone else with pain issues talk about they

could not get warm once they got cold though. I try to keep myself from getting

real cold if I can because it takes for ever for me to get warm again.




Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 5:37 PM

Hope the block helps with your pain.

I've noticed a huge difference this year with pain since it's gotten

cooler. I hadn't really paid much attention to it before. I think

part of the problem is that we had a really dry summer here in

Kentucky and now moisture is moving in with the cold weather. I

think its more the weather in terms of rain/fronts/ high-low

pressures/etc. than the coolness that is affecting me. After 12 yrs.

with RSD I've become pretty good at predicting the weather. I always

know when a front is moving into Kentucky.


> Went to my pm dr. today. Going to have a stellate nerve block

tomorrow. I'm having a flare in my entire body, Hopefully, this will

help calm down the pain in my hands as well as the neck and



> The cold weather is also affecting me. My pain is much greater now

than in the warm weather. The cold and dampness just worms its way

into the body and won't let go.


> Sue C

> Moderator








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I also have problems with my thyroid and pituitary glands. My thyroid is

underactive and my pituitary isn't working at all. I recently starting

medication for both. These organs regulate the whole body. I'm feeling better,

but not great. I've heard that it takes a long time for the meds to work and

they had to adjust it. Maybe in time it will help me warm up. LOL.  Has you

doctor suggested you try meds for you thyroid since it's low? Do you have any of

the typical symptoms of an underactive thyroid that would require meds? It could

make a difference in how you feel, if you need them.


Sue C


From: robbd1980 <robbd1980 (DOT) com>

Subject: (unknown)

Stimulator@gro ups.com

Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 5:37 PM

Hope the block helps with your pain.

I've noticed a huge difference this year with pain since it's gotten

cooler. I hadn't really paid much attention to it before. I think

part of the problem is that we had a really dry summer here in

Kentucky and now moisture is moving in with the cold weather. I

think its more the weather in terms of rain/fronts/ high-low

pressures/etc. than the coolness that is affecting me. After 12 yrs.

with RSD I've become pretty good at predicting the weather. I always

know when a front is moving into Kentucky.


> Went to my pm dr. today. Going to have a stellate nerve block

tomorrow. I'm having a flare in my entire body, Hopefully, this will

help calm down the pain in my hands as well as the neck and



> The cold weather is also affecting me. My pain is much greater now

than in the warm weather. The cold and dampness just worms its way

into the body and won't let go.


> Sue C

> Moderator








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You wrote:

" . I began experiencing sudden, strange sensations of warmth many times

throughout the day. In connection with this sensation, I felt drained. No

one around me recognizes that I'm not feeling well and I am able to carry on

with my normal activities. "

This is precisely me. I don't know what causes it but I think it is slight

changes in potassium. No one around me recognizes that anything is wrong

except my husband. He says I get a strange look in my eyes. I'm on

spironolactone and it is not as bad but it still happens daily. I always

get up between 2 and 4 in the morning to urinate. Then, my sweats and

nervousness start. I don't sleep well after that. Movement makes them

worse. Doing a bit of vacuuming or 15 min on the treadmill causes sweats

and weakness for a couple of hours.

Normal potassium does not preclude PA. Where is your K? You need

aldosterone and renin tests. Did you get your urinary sodium and potassium

checked while you were doing 24-hr tests? Always get copies of your tests.

How many times/night do you get up to urinate?


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Francine Klein

I've had foot and leg cramping at night for awhile. And some isolated

instances of muscle twitching. I'm told my blood potassium is normal. When

I collected 24-hour urine samples, I produced 4000 milliters and 2900

milliters of urine. The doctors ruled out pheochromocytomas, but are

surprised when I suggest hyperaldosteronism.

They say it's rare and I get the impression that with a normal potassium

level (though I've told them I've upped my intake of foods rich in potassium

and decreased salt intake), they don't want to proceed with the tests that

might be needed to diagnose it.

What tests would be useful? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Thanks for your response.  I don't know if they checked my urine for potassium

or sodium.  I will find out.  I've always gotten up at least once a night to

urinate, so that's not new.  Sorry to have to ask this, but what does PA stand

for?  I will press for aldosterone and renin tests. 

" . I began experiencing sudden, strange sensations of warmth many times

throughout the day. In connection with this sensation, I felt drained. No

one around me recognizes that I'm not feeling well and I am able to carry on

with my normal activities. "

This is precisely me. I don't know what causes it but I think it is slight

changes in potassium. No one around me recognizes that anything is wrong

except my husband. He says I get a strange look in my eyes. I'm on

spironolactone and it is not as bad but it still happens daily. I always

get up between 2 and 4 in the morning to urinate. Then, my sweats and

nervousness start. I don't sleep well after that. Movement makes them

worse. Doing a bit of vacuuming or 15 min on the treadmill causes sweats

and weakness for a couple of hours.

Normal potassium does not preclude PA. Where is your K? You need

aldosterone and renin tests. Did you get your urinary sodium and potassium

checked while you were doing 24-hr tests? Always get copies of your tests.

How many times/night do you get up to urinate?


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism] On Behalf Of Francine Klein

I've had foot and leg cramping at night for awhile. And some isolated

instances of muscle twitching. I'm told my blood potassium is normal. When

I collected 24-hour urine samples, I produced 4000 milliters and 2900

milliters of urine. The doctors ruled out pheochromocytomas, but are

surprised when I suggest hyperaldosteronism.

They say it's rare and I get the impression that with a normal potassium

level (though I've told them I've upped my intake of foods rich in potassium

and decreased salt intake), they don't want to proceed with the tests that

might be needed to diagnose it.

What tests would be useful? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

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If you look at my

Graph in the evolution of

PA you will note that those

with PA who have a low K are the tip

Of the iceberg or maybe we should use the term aldoberg

This has been known since 1964!

Print out my art and take to your DES

Sent from my iPhone

May your pressure be low!


Specializing in Difficult Hypertension

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Education Comsulting Inc


On Nov 15, 2008, at 12:57 AM, Francine Klein <fkklein5@...> wrote:

> I am a woman of 58, post-menopausal, who has been overweight for

> many years.. Until recently I always had a heartbeat in the mid-70's

> and normal blood pressure, 120/80. In 2006, I began following a

> diet for 18 months to lose weight and lost about 55 lbs. One of the

> diet's benefits was low salt intake. Recently, because of family

> illness ending in the death of both my parents within a month, I

> abandoned the diet. My salt intake was greatly increased and I

> regained more than 10 lbs in a short period of time. Upon my return

> to work at the beginning of October 2008, I began experiencing

> sudden, strange sensations of warmth many times throughout the day.

> In connection with this sensation, I felt drained. No one around me

> recognizes that I'm not feeling well and I am able to carry on with

> my normal activities.


> When I went to doctors with this problem, my heartbeat was low: 55

> bpm and 51 bpm. But at the same time, my blood pressure is somewhat

> elevated, up to 177/57 at one point and routinely 140/70. I've had

> foot and leg cramping at night for awhile. And some isolated

> instances of muscle twitching. I'm told my blood potassium is

> normal. When I collected 24-hour urine samples, I produced 4000

> milliters and 2900 milliters of urine. The doctors ruled out

> pheochromocytomas, but are surprised when I suggest

> hyperaldosteronism.

> They say it's rare and I get the impression that with a normal

> potassium level (though I've told them I've upped my intake of foods

> rich in potassium and decreased salt intake), they don't want to

> proceed with the tests that might be needed to diagnose it.


> What tests would be useful? Your thoughts would be appreciated.

> Thanks.



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We have a list of abbreviations in our files

Sent from my iPhone

May your pressure be low!


Specializing in Difficult Hypertension

Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Education Comsulting Inc


On Nov 15, 2008, at 4:33 PM, Valarie <val@...> wrote:

> PA = primary aldosteronism = hyperaldosteronism


> Val


> From: hyperaldosteronism

> [mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Francine

> Klein


> Sorry to have to ask this, but what does PA stand for? I will press

> for

> aldosterone and renin tests.



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> I am especially interested in the best way to create solid perfumes

> from various botanicals I am beginning to grown on my own mini-farm.

Mini-farm is a term I rarely see. Am I right in thinking you use bio-

intensive methods? Or have spent time around Ecology Action and/or


> In other words, if I wanted to do a simple rose-sandalwood, would

> it be possible to use the rose-petal infused jojoba/beeswax,

> remelted and with sandalwood EO or absolute added.

If you infused the oil enough times to give it a high odor intensity,

this would work fine.

I've never done it myself, but my impression from reading the old

tomes on the subject and contemporary wisdom is that it is possible

to capture the fragrance of virtually anything (within reason). I

think it boils down to how much labor-intensiveness you'll put up with.

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I'm also interested in seeing whether extracting the essential oil is necessary

if I want to use the original medium (e.g., jojoba thickened with beeswax) in

the solid perfume. In other words, if I wanted to do a simple rose-sandalwood,

would it be possible to use the rose-petal infused jojoba/beeswax, remelted and

with sandalwood EO or absolute added.



Hi and welcome Hermione!

Just to add to what Adam already wrote, do be careful when re-melting the

jo-ro-wax not to apply too much heat or heat for very long 'cause you'll lose

some (or all)of your rose scent that way.



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thanks for the explanation

From: Valarie <val@...>

Subject: RE: (unknown)


Date: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 11:33 PM

PA = primary aldosteronism = hyperaldosteronism


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism] On Behalf Of Francine Klein

Sorry to have to ask this, but what does PA stand for? I will press for

aldosterone and renin tests.

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