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Chicken Pox

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Just thought I'd let everyone know that Kendra didn't break out with the

chicken pox-yet--

but she's still very itchy all over. No fever, but still a lot of joint

pain. But that's to be expected with

the crazy weather changes we've had. Hopefully things will get back to

normal here now.

thanks again for all the info and concern for us!!

Jill & Kendra 11 jra


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Terri Berube

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:31 AM

Subject: Re: chicken pox

Sorry to hear about your news. We will keep your daughter in our


Re: chicken pox


got the Chicken Pox from her Grandpa who had Shingles. I do not

know about the Chicken Pox vaccine though since never got it.

It could be a flare coming on or it could be Chicken Pox. I would call

your Dr and let them know. As you need to keep on top of this. Let us know


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Have you thought of Strep>Terri

Re: chicken pox


got the Chicken Pox from her Grandpa who had Shingles. I do not

know about the Chicken Pox vaccine though since never got it.

It could be a flare coming on or it could be Chicken Pox. I would call

your Dr and let them know. As you need to keep on top of this. Let us know


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No I haven't. What are the symptoms? She still is itchy and very achy.

no fever for the past couple of days.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Terri Berube

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 6:55 PM

Subject: Re: chicken pox

Have you thought of Strep>Terri

Re: chicken pox


got the Chicken Pox from her Grandpa who had Shingles. I do not

know about the Chicken Pox vaccine though since never got it.

It could be a flare coming on or it could be Chicken Pox. I would call

your Dr and let them know. As you need to keep on top of this. Let us know


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She didn't break out. But of course the first day back to school she was

exposed AGAIN to chicken pox. I guess all we do it watch her closely.

It's going to be a long school yr!!


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Robbin40@...

Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 7:48 AM

Subject: Re: chicken pox


Has she broke out yet? The incubation period is about 10 days I think. If

she has not broke out by then you need to call the Dr again and see if he

can write a prescription for Hydrocortisone cream. This is what the Dr gave

when she went through this Period.

Is it related to JRA ummm Possible. As will still be so itchy at

times with no fever.

We found out also she was allergic to one of her medications. Soon as she

took it she would start itching. Culpit was Tylenol 3 lolol. But even after


found this out she will have spells with itchiness. Hope this helps you. The

Hydrocortisone should help with the itches, Ivory soap also. But one thing


advice. Be sure to stay with the same brand of soap, Laundry Detergent and

Fabric softner and even the shampoo. Don't jump from one to another as this


cause a problem.


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PS. Any suggestions on vitamins or topicals? I will run out to the vitamin

store if I need to.

They older ones will be fine, I am guessing, but if the 2 year old starts

itching, I will need a topical. I am glad we have it, but I prefer to avoid


And, yes. I googled. I was right. :)


Jami, Illinois

Chicken Pox

I think we have the Chicken Pox!!!!!

Hurray! I had to post it because I knew you would all be as happy as we are!

The kids are 2,5 and 7, so this is perfect!!!! :)

I am not totally sure yet, because they are not " itchy " . I guess it could be

measles, but I am not sure what those look like. I will start google-ing now. :)

Jami, Illinois

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If you didn't live so far away, we'd come over and join you :)



> From: " Jami Fawley " <pink-think@...>

> Date: 2006/11/25 Sat AM 10:50:51 EST

> <Vaccinations >

> Subject: Chicken Pox


> I think we have the Chicken Pox!!!!!


> Hurray! I had to post it because I knew you would all be as happy as we are!

The kids are 2,5 and 7, so this is perfect!!!! :)


> I am not totally sure yet, because they are not " itchy " . I guess it could be

measles, but I am not sure what those look like. I will start google-ing now.



> Jami, Illinois





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Hi Jami

I'm sure others will advise you otherwise on the vitamin front, but as far

as the itching is concerned I found for my girl that putting her in an *oat

bath* was the most effective way of easing the irritation. There are going

to be homoeopathic remedies that will ease itching as well, but please

remember that putting anything *topical* on the vesicles will be

suppressive. For an oat bath, just put a handful of porridge oats into a

sock/stocking or a muslin, and run the bathwater through it as you draw the

bath. It will release the starch into the water, which will soothe

discomfort and ease irritation/itching.

I'll forward Sheri's list of remedies again - we found pulsatilla worked for

us, but the remedy is indicated by the symptoms specific to your child(ren).





> PS. Any suggestions on vitamins or topicals? I will run out to

> the vitamin store if I need to.


> They older ones will be fine, I am guessing, but if the 2 year

> old starts itching, I will need a topical. I am glad we have it,

> but I prefer to avoid scarring.


> And, yes. I googled. I was right. :)

> Thanks.


> Jami, Illinois


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  • 1 month later...

Both myself and my kids got CP from a pox party. If your friend is

interested there is a pox party group on livejournal.

In a message dated 1/15/2007 10:17:25 A.M. Central Standard Time,

myadoni1@... writes:

Has any purposely exposed their children to chicken pox?

I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would like

to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them from

contacting it when they are older and having more severe complications.

Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune system

was strong enough to prevent serious complications?

~Alyssa in IL

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" Knowledge is power but how you use that power defines wether you are good

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I did 13 years ago, before the vaccine was in mass use. If a person is

susceptible, they will get the illness, if not, they won't. Both of my

children got chicken pox (they were 2 and 4), and did just fine with it.

I don't know that I would purposefully expose my child to the strain of

chicken pox that is out there today. It's not the " wild " chicken pox as we

used to know it. It's a mutated strain.


Chicken Pox

> Has any purposely exposed their children to chicken pox?

> I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would like

> to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them from

> contacting it when they are older and having more severe complications.


> Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune system

> was strong enough to prevent serious complications?



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I think the true wisdom comes from letting things happen naturally. Not every

child is meant to have chicken pox. I was exposed as a child and never got it. I

would let it be...Anita

<myadoni1@...> wrote: Has any purposely exposed their children to

chicken pox?

I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would like

to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them from

contacting it when they are older and having more severe complications.

Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune system

was strong enough to prevent serious complications?

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I exposed my oldest to chicken pox via a chicken pox party. He was two years

old at the time, he had a pretty bad case, but nothing too serious. The chicken

pox came from an adult with shingles, so I am pretty sure that it wasn't a

vaccine strain. My younger son got it on his own at three years old, we were so

not prepared for that! His was a mild case compared to his brother's, but I

still think that it was enough for immunity, fingers crossed!

Would I do it again? YES! It was great knowing when he would be coming down

with it and being able to stay away from people who shouldn't be exposed and to

be able to plan around it. He didn't get it when he was sick with anything

else, so that helped too. I wanted to make sure that he got them when he was

young because I had them at 17 at it was a really bad case because I was so

" old " for a childhood disease, I wanted to spare him from that. When you are

doing it on purpose you can be more prepared, you can get remedies in advance,

oatmeal for baths and vitamin C to help with healing.

If you don't plan on homeschooling, it will mean that your kids won't be

excluded from school during a chicken pox outbreak, which could be awhile.


---- <myadoni1@...> wrote:

> Has any purposely exposed their children to chicken pox?

> I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would like

> to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them from

> contacting it when they are older and having more severe complications.


> Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune system

> was strong enough to prevent serious complications?




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Hi Sara,

The fact that your older child had a stronger response is a good thing and

possibly due to catching it from a person who had a wild case of cp before

experiencing the shingles. It is also possible that your younger son did not

experience as strong an expression of the disease because his case of cp might

have been caught by a person who had the vaccinated, lab created, mutated strain

of cp.

Mind, I'm only speculating. But this is the basis for my concern with

purposely exposing. Chicken Pox is literally " blown in the wind " , so

theoretically everyone in the vicinity of the disease would be exposed; no need

to have a play date and swap suckers. I know this list is split on the issue of

pox parties. Just giving my reasons for anyone who might benefit from them.


Sassygirl1218@... wrote:

I exposed my oldest to chicken pox via a chicken pox party. He was two years

old at the time, he had a pretty bad case, but nothing too serious. The chicken

pox came from an adult with shingles, so I am pretty sure that it wasn't a

vaccine strain. My younger son got it on his own at three years old, we were so

not prepared for that! His was a mild case compared to his brother's, but I

still think that it was enough for immunity, fingers crossed!

Would I do it again? YES! It was great knowing when he would be coming down with

it and being able to stay away from people who shouldn't be exposed and to be

able to plan around it. He didn't get it when he was sick with anything else, so

that helped too. I wanted to make sure that he got them when he was young

because I had them at 17 at it was a really bad case because I was so " old " for

a childhood disease, I wanted to spare him from that. When you are doing it on

purpose you can be more prepared, you can get remedies in advance, oatmeal for

baths and vitamin C to help with healing.

If you don't plan on homeschooling, it will mean that your kids won't be

excluded from school during a chicken pox outbreak, which could be awhile.


---- wrote:

> Has any purposely exposed their children to chicken pox?

> I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would like

> to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them from

> contacting it when they are older and having more severe complications.


> Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune system

> was strong enough to prevent serious complications?




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My 2yo just came down with Chicken Pox from my DH who has Shingles. So,

it's a 45yo strain, so I'm sure it's fine. I also hosted one family

today and another tomorrow who want to expose their kids. My 2yo has

lots of spots. I'm hoping my 5yo gets it as I did have him vaxxed for

CP at 12mo (before I stopped vaxxing).

Kristie in VA

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Hi --

When I was a child (back in the early 60's) it was common practice for moms

to purposely expose their children to chicken pox, to get it over with.

I did not do this with my kids, but both did get chicken pox.

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On 1/15/07, <myadoni1@...> wrote:


> Has any purposely exposed their children to chicken pox?

> I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would like

> to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them from

> contacting it when they are older and having more severe complications.


> Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune system

> was strong enough to prevent serious complications?




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> I think the true wisdom comes from letting things happen naturally.

Not every child is meant to have chicken pox. I was exposed as a child

and never got it. I would let it be...Anita

I agree, Anita. I was really hoping my son would catch the measles

when they were going round here but he has not, in spite of not being

vaccinated... what does that tell us? He was just simply not

sucsebtible at the time and I wouldn't go out of my way to expose him,

it will happen naturally or not.


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> Hi Sara,


> The fact that your older child had a stronger response is a good

thing and possibly due to catching it from a person who had a wild

case of cp before experiencing the shingles. It is also possible that

your younger son did not experience as strong an expression of the

disease because his case of cp might have been caught by a person who

had the vaccinated, lab created, mutated strain of cp.

I think these childhood diseases are very, very contagious and should

be contagious so children catch them but only if it is the wild

strain. I don't know if the measles that is circulating here is the

wild or the vaccine strain, it is so hard to know. If it was the wild

one, maybe my son would have gotten it by now. Edda from VRAN has a

daughter who developed atypical measles after MMR, at least I have

spared my son that one.


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I am not sure if it is that, or if it has to do with his being vaccinated as a

baby and getting sick after every one. Colin (my older one) is usually knocked

down by anything he catches. If he gets a fever, it will last a few days and he

will barely move. Jack (my younger one) has NEVER been vaccinated and was

hardly sick as a baby. When Jack does get a fever, he is still up and running

around (most of the time), he has it usually for a day and then it is gone and

he is fine. Most of the illnesses that have come through this house have

effected Colin much more than they have Jack, so part of me wonders if chicken

pox was no exception.

Yes, it does blow in the wind, but if you expose your child to a source that you

are sure is wild, it is a way to ensure that they don't contract the vaccine

strain. Before the vaccine, I would have had the same attitude about it, as all

chicken pox used to be wild, but these are different times and you don't know

what you will get.

---- Anita Durney <mydurney@...> wrote:

> Hi Sara,


> The fact that your older child had a stronger response is a good thing and

possibly due to catching it from a person who had a wild case of cp before

experiencing the shingles. It is also possible that your younger son did not

experience as strong an expression of the disease because his case of cp might

have been caught by a person who had the vaccinated, lab created, mutated strain

of cp.


> Mind, I'm only speculating. But this is the basis for my concern with

purposely exposing. Chicken Pox is literally " blown in the wind " , so

theoretically everyone in the vicinity of the disease would be exposed; no need

to have a play date and swap suckers. I know this list is split on the issue of

pox parties. Just giving my reasons for anyone who might benefit from them.


> Anita


> Sassygirl1218@... wrote:

> I exposed my oldest to chicken pox via a chicken pox party. He was two years

old at the time, he had a pretty bad case, but nothing too serious. The chicken

pox came from an adult with shingles, so I am pretty sure that it wasn't a

vaccine strain. My younger son got it on his own at three years old, we were so

not prepared for that! His was a mild case compared to his brother's, but I

still think that it was enough for immunity, fingers crossed!


> Would I do it again? YES! It was great knowing when he would be coming down

with it and being able to stay away from people who shouldn't be exposed and to

be able to plan around it. He didn't get it when he was sick with anything else,

so that helped too. I wanted to make sure that he got them when he was young

because I had them at 17 at it was a really bad case because I was so " old " for

a childhood disease, I wanted to spare him from that. When you are doing it on

purpose you can be more prepared, you can get remedies in advance, oatmeal for

baths and vitamin C to help with healing.


> If you don't plan on homeschooling, it will mean that your kids won't be

excluded from school during a chicken pox outbreak, which could be awhile.


> Sara



> ---- wrote:

> > Has any purposely exposed their children to chicken pox?

> > I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would like

> > to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them from

> > contacting it when they are older and having more severe complications.

> >

> > Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune system

> > was strong enough to prevent serious complications?

> >

> >

> >






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Sara - I get so confused about whether or not getting this particular disease is

good or bad. I know I wouldn't want to contract cp at 44. But I do take some

comfort in knowing I won't get the shingles. I just take it as it comes. To me,

there is something *allopathic* about trying to manipulate disease. Do you know

what I mean?

Despite your first borns' vaccinations, it sounds like he has quite a vital

force working for him. My 5-yr-olds' Homeopath was delighted to know he threw up

the other day (he never seems to get sick or experience any symptoms except an

occassional runny nose). She thinks perhaps he is getting stronger and better

able to purge his toxins. Never thought I'd be so happy about a vomiting child.


Sassygirl1218@... wrote:

I am not sure if it is that, or if it has to do with his being vaccinated as a

baby and getting sick after every one. Colin (my older one) is usually knocked

down by anything he catches. If he gets a fever, it will last a few days and he

will barely move. Jack (my younger one) has NEVER been vaccinated and was hardly

sick as a baby. When Jack does get a fever, he is still up and running around

(most of the time), he has it usually for a day and then it is gone and he is

fine. Most of the illnesses that have come through this house have effected

Colin much more than they have Jack, so part of me wonders if chicken pox was no


Yes, it does blow in the wind, but if you expose your child to a source that you

are sure is wild, it is a way to ensure that they don't contract the vaccine

strain. Before the vaccine, I would have had the same attitude about it, as all

chicken pox used to be wild, but these are different times and you don't know

what you will get.


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> Despite your first borns' vaccinations, it sounds like he has quite a

vital force working for him. My 5-yr-olds' Homeopath was delighted to know

he threw up the other day (he never seems to get sick or experience any

symptoms except an occassional runny nose). She thinks perhaps he is

getting stronger and better able to purge his toxins. Never thought I'd be

so happy about a vomiting child. ;~)....Anita

The lack of physical symptoms is not always a good thing. Not every

getting a 'cold' is not always a good thing

Sometimes we are too sick on a deep level to ever get more minor things.

The body is too busy dealing with something more serious and doesn't have

the energy to rouse symptoms for something else.

When you are putting out a fire in your kitchen you aren't going to deal

with the toys on the floor in the living room. you won't even notice them.

Kind of like that




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

earthmysteriestours@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm

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I have to comment on your post on CP. My dd had the shot:( I never got the

shot or CP at all either and was exposed to it. The less the viruses we have to

get through the better. Natural is so much better. Jenn L

Re: Chicken Pox


> I think the true wisdom comes from letting things happen naturally.

Not every child is meant to have chicken pox. I was exposed as a child

and never got it. I would let it be...Anita

I agree, Anita. I was really hoping my son would catch the measles

when they were going round here but he has not, in spite of not being

vaccinated... what does that tell us? He was just simply not

sucsebtible at the time and I wouldn't go out of my way to expose him,

it will happen naturally or not.


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Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

> Despite your first borns' vaccinations, it sounds like he has quite a

vital force working for him. My 5-yr-olds' Homeopath was delighted to know

he threw up the other day (he never seems to get sick or experience any

symptoms except an occassional runny nose). She thinks perhaps he is

getting stronger and better able to purge his toxins. Never thought I'd be

so happy about a vomiting child. ;~)....Anita

The lack of physical symptoms is not always a good thing. Not every

getting a 'cold' is not always a good thing

Sometimes we are too sick on a deep level to ever get more minor things.

The body is too busy dealing with something more serious and doesn't have

the energy to rouse symptoms for something else.

>That's why we are so happy to know he is strong enough to vomit. Now if he

would only get a good fever or a rash we'd have even more to celebrate. Most

people would think I'm nuts for requesting such things.....Anita

When you are putting out a fire in your kitchen you aren't going to deal

with the toys on the floor in the living room. you won't even notice them.

Kind of like that



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With chickenpox, do you worry that if you do not vaccinate and then

your child does not get cp that it will hurt them later? If they get

cp at 18 or 44 it is much more severe? It also does provide immunity

to shingles. So at any point in time are you planning on giving it to

your children? why or why not? I have not yet, but my doc wants us to

reconsider it at the age of 10 for the reasons I have stated. What

are your thoughts?


> > Has any purposely exposed their children to chicken pox?

> > I have some friends who refused the chicken pox vaccine and would


> > to purposely expose their child to chicken pox to prevent them


> > contacting it when they are older and having more severe


> >

> > Is there wisdom in this? How would you know your child's immune


> > was strong enough to prevent serious complications?

> >

> >

> >


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What are you saying provides immunity to shingles? If you mean getting cp, it

does not. Though I can get the chicken pox as an adult (and yes, it would be

harder to endure), I can't get shingles because I have never had cp. Somehow

that gives me comfort....Anita

yaffasebaymom <yaffasebaymom@...> wrote:

With chickenpox, do you worry that if you do not vaccinate and then

your child does not get cp that it will hurt them later? If they get

cp at 18 or 44 it is much more severe? It also does provide immunity

to shingles. So at any point in time are you planning on giving it to

your children? why or why not? I have not yet, but my doc wants us to

reconsider it at the age of 10 for the reasons I have stated. What

are your thoughts?



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My husband is only 30 yrs. old and has had the cp as a child and shingles when

he was just 14yrs old. Does this sound good to you concerning the immune system

or no..? Jenn L

Re: Re: Chicken Pox

What are you saying provides immunity to shingles? If you mean getting cp, it

does not. Though I can get the chicken pox as an adult (and yes, it would be

harder to endure), I can't get shingles because I have never had cp. Somehow

that gives me comfort....Anita

yaffasebaymom <yaffasebaymom@...> wrote:

With chickenpox, do you worry that if you do not vaccinate and then

your child does not get cp that it will hurt them later? If they get

cp at 18 or 44 it is much more severe? It also does provide immunity

to shingles. So at any point in time are you planning on giving it to

your children? why or why not? I have not yet, but my doc wants us to

reconsider it at the age of 10 for the reasons I have stated. What

are your thoughts?



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I'm not sure how to answer that question, Jenn. I suspect you can get shingles

more than once, but I'm not sure. That would be my concern. Sheri, Kay,


J Lessard <jlessard1@...> wrote: My husband is only 30 yrs. old and

has had the cp as a child and shingles when he was just 14yrs old. Does this

sound good to you concerning the immune system or no..? Jenn L

Re: Re: Chicken Pox

What are you saying provides immunity to shingles? If you mean getting cp, it

does not. Though I can get the chicken pox as an adult (and yes, it would be

harder to endure), I can't get shingles because I have never had cp. Somehow

that gives me comfort....Anita

yaffasebaymom wrote:

With chickenpox, do you worry that if you do not vaccinate and then

your child does not get cp that it will hurt them later? If they get

cp at 18 or 44 it is much more severe? It also does provide immunity

to shingles. So at any point in time are you planning on giving it to

your children? why or why not? I have not yet, but my doc wants us to

reconsider it at the age of 10 for the reasons I have stated. What

are your thoughts?



Bored stiff? Loosen up...

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