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I Did It!

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Just think how much more time you'll have to yourself now!! Emma and Nicki

share a room and they stay really quiet until I've left the room and then

they PARTY!!!!! I have 2 shifts with bed time. Emma and Nickers first at

about 7-7.30pm and on and at about 8-8.30pm. We keep things

really simple with a book and then we say goodnight and RUN LIKE CRAZY!!!!

Ofcourse I have to listen to the giggling and shouting in the monitor but it

doesn't take long for them to drift off. They wake up at 6.30am and start

the party once again......and so starts another day which is often very

similar to the day before......IT'S GROUNDHOG DAY!!! Anyone seen that

movie??? That's my life.

Carolyn - mum to on, , Emma (ds) and Nicki (ds)

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Carolyn it is so funny you refer to your life as " Groundhog Day " , I swear I

say that at least 3 times a week and THINK it daily. It is so hard some

days to get out of bed when you know exactly what is going to go on.

Eventually I start thinking about their sweetness and that helps me want to

go get them and then I remember COFFEE and I practically jump out of bed. I

have started making my coffee before I get the girls. Just knowing it is

perking away gives me strength. I gotta go to bed myself.

Re: I did it!

From: " tonycarolyn " <tonycarolyn@...>


Just think how much more time you'll have to yourself now!! Emma and Nicki

share a room and they stay really quiet until I've left the room and then

they PARTY!!!!! I have 2 shifts with bed time. Emma and Nickers first at

about 7-7.30pm and on and at about 8-8.30pm. We keep things

really simple with a book and then we say goodnight and RUN LIKE CRAZY!!!!

Ofcourse I have to listen to the giggling and shouting in the monitor but it

doesn't take long for them to drift off. They wake up at 6.30am and start

the party once again......and so starts another day which is often very

similar to the day before......IT'S GROUNDHOG DAY!!! Anyone seen that

movie??? That's my life.

Carolyn - mum to on, , Emma (ds) and Nicki (ds)


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That's WONDERFUL! You keep up the good work!

We're being BIG chickens! We're still holding them til they fall asleep.And

Sloan is still getting up once a night and I'm taking her to bed with me,because

I have to get up at 6am to get ready for work.

~,moma to (DS) & Sloan {18 months on 11/6}

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This does take a lot of courage!! I can't stand

letting babies that I baby-sit cry themselves to

sleep... I can't imagine how rough it is on the


Your girls sound like they are doing great! And

please... NEVER promise us that you WON'T post! I love

reading your posts!


--- Dean Stauffer <sandds@...> wrote:

> From: " Dean Stauffer " <sandds@...>


> Hi everyone,


> No where else I can truly brag. For the past year I

> have been putting all

> my children to bed separately. Tonight I changed

> things. I gathered them

> all together around the rocking chair. The twins

> were on my lap and Quinn

> was standing/sitting/jumping next to me. We read

> one book and then Quinn

> was kicked out for hitting Sara. He had to go to

> his room and read stories

> by himself. After 3 books and some rocking, I laid

> the girls in their

> cribs, gave them small bottles (4 ounces) and left

> the room. They both

> cried while I sat out in the family room gripping a

> pillow and staring at

> the clock. It took 13 minutes before both cried it

> out and fell asleep. I

> can't tell you how proud I am. We had Quinn totally

> off the bottle and

> falling asleep on his own by 11 1/2 months. I think

> bedtime is the most

> important rule to stick with. I am pretty easy

> going with the rest of the

> day. I don't adhere to schedules or

> routines.........except bedtime. It

> would seem the girls are going to do fine.


> I promise I won't write anymore tonight!



> Quinn 3 Sara and Maggie 1

> Fwd: pics



> Hi Everyone,

> I would like to introduce you to Ashton and

> Landon.

> I finally learned how to work the scanner. Yes!!

> I've

> got my fingers crossed that this will post right.

> There are two more pictures to follow if this works.

> Sara, I thought you might want to use these for the

> website. I know that you already have several

> pictures

> of them so you decide. The next two are individual

> shots because they wouldn't cooperate together;

> however, I did take some more of them together in

> their Halloween attire on another day and maybe

> those

> will come out. They are in the process of being

> developed.


> Note: forwarded message attached.



> =====


> ---------------------------

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  • 1 year later...

Well done Candy,

Here's to your brilliant success.

Hope I can post a similar message of my own one day.

Chrissy G

So officially I am a business women and will soon have my own

> store!

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How wonderful! My best to you!!


He everyone. I just received news that my loan was approved at the

bank. So officially I am a business women and will soon have my own

store. I just wanted you to know that if you are contemplating this

to give it alot of thought, go into detail, and promote yourself and

your products. You never know until you try.

Candy Cain

Scentimints, LLC

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  • 3 weeks later...
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In a message dated 3/16/01 5:30:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Prchrmom4hm@... writes:

<< I made my first batch of soap today! What a trip! I think I'm hooked.

My only problem...how do you keep from lifting up the blanket to see how


doing?? The suspense is driving me crazy.... >>

LOL! Yep. You're hooked. Before you know it, you'll be telling your

significant other, that you need more ROOM. You'll be tripping over buckets

of oils, and jars of this and bags of that!




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In a message dated 3/16/01 7:41:02 PM Central Standard Time,

Jeepers199@... writes:

> You're hooked. Before you know it, you'll be telling your

> significant other, that you need more ROOM. You'll be tripping over

> buckets


See, this is sad...I made a batch today, but I'm planning on two batches

tomorrow. I just keep finding these recipes! I've been thinking of good

places to cure the soap, and wondering if I can build more shelves!! Good

grief, I'm already a homeschooler and have books in almost every room....why

not soap, right?

Cuimhnich co' leis a tha thu.

Remember the men from whence you came.

~An Old Gaelic proverb

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And isn't it fun. My husband who is a carpenter is wondering if we could

build a house of soap. Enjoooy Enjoy

one little peek won't hurt. hehehe

> I made my first batch of soap today! What a trip! I think I'm hooked.


> My only problem...how do you keep from lifting up the blanket to see how


> doing?? The suspense is driving me crazy....

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It turned out....I am so pleased. It is a rich yellow color, kind of the

color of Dial. And boy does it smell nice...

A question...has anyone used soapwart in their soaps? How did it work? I am

planting that this year in my herb garden.

<3 Terri

Cuimhnich co' leis a tha thu.

Remember the men from whence you came.

~An Old Gaelic proverb

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Hi Terri,

Soapwort contains natural chemicals called saponins that work a bit

like soap and produce some lather (but not much). It's a very mild

cleanser - until recently it was still used by fabric conservators to

clean very old and fragile textiles!

You could put it in your soap by making a strong water infusion and

use that to mix with the lye.

Creaful though, the saponins are quite toxic and you shouldn't allow

large quantities to get into ground water because it can kill fish.

> A question...has anyone used soapwart in their soaps? How did it

work? I am

> planting that this year in my herb garden.


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CONGRATS for fulfilling a promise that you made to yourself 12 weeks

ago and finishing!!!!!

I know what a wonderful accomplishment that is and your results were

phenomenal! You should feel very proud right now.

Enjoy your week off and savor the feeling of success :)


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Congratulations !

Great job completing your first, twelve week program! And great

job articulating your impressive progress!

You've got just the right ideas about taking a week off and about

setting new goals after that. Enjoy!




Fitness and the Mind-Body Connection


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Excellent work.

I imagine that 10.8% BF must feel good as well as that size 33

waist. Time to go shopping for new pants, huh?!

> Hey everybody,


> For months I've visualized posting this message. And now I can.


> Yesterday was my last day of my first BFL Challenge. I started on


> 01/01, and did the program exactly as presented in the book. It


> more discipline and inner strength than I thought I had, and you


> what? That was an achievement in and of itself.


> Independent of the end results, the sheer fact that I made and kept


> three-month commitment to myself has really awakened a new sense of

> strength and possibility. I used to think that Bill '

> invocation of " Crossing the Abyss " was pretty cornball, but I now


> the truth of it. Once you stop making excuses to yourself, there's


> turning back.


> I'm 5' 11 " , age 38. Here are my stats from Day 1:


> 192 pounds

> 39 " waist

> 24% bodyfat


> Day 84:


> 179 pounds

> 33 " waist

> 10.8% bodyfat


> If my calculations are correct this represents:


> 27 pounds of fat lost

> 14 pounds of muscle gained


> Believe me, I feel like a different person. All I can say is BFL


> really and truly and simply. There were several weeks when I felt


> I was making insufficient progress, and many days when I didn't

want to

> get off the couch. But I slogged on, and the efforts eventually


> up.


> Now I'm taking a week " off " --I can lay off the weights and cardio,


> my body is craving activity like swimming and yoga. Then I'll


> the lessons I've learned over the past 12 weeks, set some new goals


> keep the momentum going.


> Thanks, everyone, for the support and inspiration.



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Congrats!!!!! You did so well. I just started my 4th week and I cant

wait to say I have done what you did. You must look fabulous! - Amy

> Hey everybody,


> For months I've visualized posting this message. And now I can.


> Yesterday was my last day of my first BFL Challenge. I started on


> 01/01, and did the program exactly as presented in the book. It


> more discipline and inner strength than I thought I had, and you


> what? That was an achievement in and of itself.


> Independent of the end results, the sheer fact that I made and kept


> three-month commitment to myself has really awakened a new sense of

> strength and possibility. I used to think that Bill '

> invocation of " Crossing the Abyss " was pretty cornball, but I now


> the truth of it. Once you stop making excuses to yourself, there's


> turning back.


> I'm 5' 11 " , age 38. Here are my stats from Day 1:


> 192 pounds

> 39 " waist

> 24% bodyfat


> Day 84:


> 179 pounds

> 33 " waist

> 10.8% bodyfat


> If my calculations are correct this represents:


> 27 pounds of fat lost

> 14 pounds of muscle gained


> Believe me, I feel like a different person. All I can say is BFL


> really and truly and simply. There were several weeks when I felt


> I was making insufficient progress, and many days when I didn't

want to

> get off the couch. But I slogged on, and the efforts eventually


> up.


> Now I'm taking a week " off " --I can lay off the weights and cardio,


> my body is craving activity like swimming and yoga. Then I'll


> the lessons I've learned over the past 12 weeks, set some new goals


> keep the momentum going.


> Thanks, everyone, for the support and inspiration.



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Congrats!!!!! You did so well. I just started my 4th week and I cant

wait to say I have done what you did. You must look fabulous! - Amy

> Hey everybody,


> For months I've visualized posting this message. And now I can.


> Yesterday was my last day of my first BFL Challenge. I started on


> 01/01, and did the program exactly as presented in the book. It


> more discipline and inner strength than I thought I had, and you


> what? That was an achievement in and of itself.


> Independent of the end results, the sheer fact that I made and kept


> three-month commitment to myself has really awakened a new sense of

> strength and possibility. I used to think that Bill '

> invocation of " Crossing the Abyss " was pretty cornball, but I now


> the truth of it. Once you stop making excuses to yourself, there's


> turning back.


> I'm 5' 11 " , age 38. Here are my stats from Day 1:


> 192 pounds

> 39 " waist

> 24% bodyfat


> Day 84:


> 179 pounds

> 33 " waist

> 10.8% bodyfat


> If my calculations are correct this represents:


> 27 pounds of fat lost

> 14 pounds of muscle gained


> Believe me, I feel like a different person. All I can say is BFL


> really and truly and simply. There were several weeks when I felt


> I was making insufficient progress, and many days when I didn't

want to

> get off the couch. But I slogged on, and the efforts eventually


> up.


> Now I'm taking a week " off " --I can lay off the weights and cardio,


> my body is craving activity like swimming and yoga. Then I'll


> the lessons I've learned over the past 12 weeks, set some new goals


> keep the momentum going.


> Thanks, everyone, for the support and inspiration.



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Congrats!!!!! You did so well. I just started my 4th week and I cant

wait to say I have done what you did. You must look fabulous! - Amy

> Hey everybody,


> For months I've visualized posting this message. And now I can.


> Yesterday was my last day of my first BFL Challenge. I started on


> 01/01, and did the program exactly as presented in the book. It


> more discipline and inner strength than I thought I had, and you


> what? That was an achievement in and of itself.


> Independent of the end results, the sheer fact that I made and kept


> three-month commitment to myself has really awakened a new sense of

> strength and possibility. I used to think that Bill '

> invocation of " Crossing the Abyss " was pretty cornball, but I now


> the truth of it. Once you stop making excuses to yourself, there's


> turning back.


> I'm 5' 11 " , age 38. Here are my stats from Day 1:


> 192 pounds

> 39 " waist

> 24% bodyfat


> Day 84:


> 179 pounds

> 33 " waist

> 10.8% bodyfat


> If my calculations are correct this represents:


> 27 pounds of fat lost

> 14 pounds of muscle gained


> Believe me, I feel like a different person. All I can say is BFL


> really and truly and simply. There were several weeks when I felt


> I was making insufficient progress, and many days when I didn't

want to

> get off the couch. But I slogged on, and the efforts eventually


> up.


> Now I'm taking a week " off " --I can lay off the weights and cardio,


> my body is craving activity like swimming and yoga. Then I'll


> the lessons I've learned over the past 12 weeks, set some new goals


> keep the momentum going.


> Thanks, everyone, for the support and inspiration.



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That's awesome , thanks for sharing your success! The newbies around

here really appreciate a good success story! Today is my first day, and

I'll tell you what, 84 days is seemin pretty far away right now! :)

Congrats and good luck for future success!



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