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No, Rae, I don't have any bad side effects from Enbrel. Lately I have a

mild injection site reaction once in a while, but that's no big deal.

Enbrel has made it seem almost as if I don't even have RA. Sue

On Sunday, November 14, 2004, at 06:07 PM, Rae Sandberg wrote:


> THANKS, SUE... oooppppss... did not know i was yelling, hahahahaha..

> do you have any bad side effects from enbrel? i took thre

> methotrexate friday, we will see on thursday what is going to happen,

> i hate waiting, i wanted to have this all under control before the

> holidays, does not look like we will make it..

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oh, that is so good, sue... i am hoping for one day i will be able to say that!


well, it is late and the AMA is almost over... so glad that toby keith won!!! i

love his music.. well it is getting late and i should get to bed... i need all

the beauty rest i can get.. haha ha ha ha....

good night to all...


Re: [ ] New

No, Rae, I don't have any bad side effects from Enbrel. Lately I have a

mild injection site reaction once in a while, but that's no big deal.

Enbrel has made it seem almost as if I don't even have RA. Sue

On Sunday, November 14, 2004, at 06:07 PM, Rae Sandberg wrote:


> THANKS, SUE... oooppppss... did not know i was yelling, hahahahaha..

> do you have any bad side effects from enbrel? i took thre

> methotrexate friday, we will see on thursday what is going to happen,

> i hate waiting, i wanted to have this all under control before the

> holidays, does not look like we will make it..

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We care. Post as much or as little as you like, but know we are here for you, if you do want to talk about it, or anything else going on in your life. You have your youth going for you. -dz-fowlereagles2004 <fowlereagles2004@...> wrote:

I'm kinda new don't post much. I'm 19 with hep c from blood trans as a babby. It sucks bad, but who cares.Gabby

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  • 2 weeks later...


Have you not had a thyroid test?? Yet you have had MRI and CAT

scans?? I thought they would have done a thyroid test first. Well,

I have cognitive problems and I am trying to see if I am hypothyroid

too. I feel space out and lose my balance and can't concentrate. I

have had a diagnosis of ME/CFS for 12 years and have had remissions

and relapses. This time the neurological symptoms are the worst. I

don't have any pain much. Sometimes I get nerve kind of pains down

my leg. I don't know what's wrong with me either and nor do my docs.

I just had another thyroid test done so I gotta see if it is that or

not. Did you have a sudden onset of your symptoms or any viral



> >

> > Hi, I'm new here. I have not been diagnosed yet with

> hypothyroidism,

> > but I have a doctor's appointment in 3 weeks. I've had numerous

> tests

> > done over the past year to try to figure out what is wrong with


> > I've been to neurologist and seen a psychologist. Had MRI's, CAT

> > scans, blood work, EEG's and have found nothing wrong. My


> > tired ALL the time

> > sever PMS

> > horrible mood swings (crabby most of the time)

> > low metabolism and pulse

> > mental fogginess, VERY forgetful, poor concentration, easily

> confused

> > cold feet and foot pain (my feet have been killing me!)

> > gain 10 lbs. in the past year

> > very depressed, sad, crying spells

> > sometimes feel dizzy

> > loss of interest-no energy

> >

> > and the list goes on...

> > can anyone tell me if this is what i have? my worst symptoms are

> the

> > mental fogginess, i just feel real spaced out all of the time


> have

> > a very hard time concentrating and paying attention to anything.

> I've

> > had to quit my job due to his....anyone else have these problems?

> > Please help!!

> > Thanks,

> >

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Sam: My name is . I have had RA for about 8 years or so. What

questions do you want to ask? People are different. Some things help some and

then other things don't.

We usually all have pain. Although even that is different with different

people. Some can bear it with some medication others need to take more. The

best advice I could give you is to tell your Dr. everything about your


Don't keep anything from him. That is the only way to help yourself. Be

honest with him and yourself and you will do okay.

Sincerely, Colletti


PS: Write me anytime you want.

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Sam, welcome to the group. Sorry that you have RA, but glad that you

found us. This is a good place to get support and answers to your


I hope that you are going to a rheumatologist. They are best equipped

to deal with these devastating autoimmune diseases. There are better

medications today than in the past, so people with RA don't have to

become crippled. It sometimes takes a while for the rheumy to find the

right combination of meds to control the pain and inflammation.

I have had RA for about four years. I have been on methotrexate, then

Arava, and now Enbrel, one of the new, expensive biologicals. Enbrel is

working very well to keep my RA under control. I am also taking Bextra,

but getting more and more afraid to, with all of the news about Vioxx,

and now Celebrex.

What medications are you on?


On Friday, December 17, 2004, at 08:06 PM, Sam wrote:


> I was recently diagnosed with RA, and am searching for some real

> people to talk to and get some answers concerning what to expect.

> Anyone feel like talking to a confused man?


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Sam,welcome to the group, glad your here, Tawny



> I was recently diagnosed with RA, and am searching for some real

> people to talk to and get some answers concerning what to expect.

> Anyone feel like talking to a confused man?

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Hi there, Sam. You are in the right place!! I was diagnosed a

little over 2 years ago with RA, Fibromyalgia, Sjogrens. Evcen

today they go back and forth with the diagnosis of RA, RA with

Lupus, RA with Lupus tendencies, or even Lupus. I get so frustrated

sometimes. But, like said, I tell my rheumatologist

everything. Even if it seems insignificant. I am a nurse, so I

have access to a lot of literature. But, in all the research I did,

I have found that this group is the best place for information.

There is nothing that replaces the answers you can get form people

who are going through this. You will also find it easier to discuss

your issues in here because we understand exactly what you are going

through because we are going through it too. and a also

post Research news and other important information that can help you

out. So, feel free to ask what ever questions you come up with. We

will do our best to answer if we can and with heart and honosty.

Take care.....Blessed Be.........Marina in Ohio



> I was recently diagnosed with RA, and am searching for some real

> people to talk to and get some answers concerning what to expect.

> Anyone feel like talking to a confused man?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Joyce,

I would say most likely that the herbal pills were not of high quality. A

real colon cleanse - something that will truly make a difference in your

life - takes time and effort. If you want to cleanse with herbs you will

need to get high quality, organic/wildcrafted herbs. My recommendation

(this is just my opinion) is to go with the Ejuva or Arise and Shine

cleanses. They are generally the best, take 4 to 6 weeks to accomplish and

they rid the intestines of mucoid plaque (THAT is what you want to get rid

of and which is the cause of your health and weight issues).

You won;t have any real success in colon cleansing unless you first change

your body's pH from acidic to alkaline. You need to have an alkaline pH to

be healthy. If you don;t your not.

My suggestion (depending on how serious you are about your health and how

much you are willing to spend to gain great health) is to:

1. Begin to transition to a living foods (raw fruits, veggies, soaked seeds

and nuts) lifestyle (at least for a month if not forever). This in and of

itself will transform your life. If you eat living foods you are taking

life into your body. All cooked or processed foods are dead and only bring

dealth into your life.

2. Drink living water. What is that? Living water is not tap water, not

bottled water, not filtered water, not even distilled water. Living water

is pure water that has been restructured at the molecular level into

hexagonal water. It has life to it and is what is generally called

" clustered " , " micro-clustered " or " structured " water. Go to te follow sites

to understand what living water is and that it is essential for health in

the body:

http://www.aquatechnology.net/VITALIZER_PLUS.html (has the Vitalizer Plus)

http://www.karinya.com/water.htm (also has great links to other living water



If you only did one thing for your health your entire life, it should be to

invest in a product like Vitalizer Plus to provide you with living water.

Just this will transform your life.

3. In my opinion, now, the greatest threat to our health today (besides

drinking dead, fluoride water) is electro-toxins. What are electro-toxins,

your PC, your cellphone, your t.v., your microwave, electric currents in

your home, all EMFs....all these produce low frequency waves (negative

energy) that interferes with our delicate body electricity. Yes, our bodies

do have and produce bio-electricity. Every cell in our body uses electrical

pulses to communicate and to function, otherwise we, too, would be dead.

One of the very best things we could do for ourselves is to get EMF

protection. I believe that ElectroMagnetic Frequency (EMF) is the NUMBER

ONE cause for failed and poor health in the world today.

The very best EMF devices on the market can be found here:

http://www.ewater.com/ The FlexoElectric eCrystal Technology is the

cheapest, most effective protection out there. Check the " Energy

Appliances " .

http://www.planet-tachyon.com/products/topprod.asp Tachyon products are

amazing (as well as the FlexoElectric eCrystal Technology). They both are

based on Quantum Mechanics.

4. Herbal Cleanse of Ejuva You can research this at:



If you or anyone were to begin eating living foods, drink living water,

apply strong EMF protection, intake organic green super-foods of spirulina

and blue-green alge, and use a great herbal cleanse like Ejuva and you will

transform your life in such an amazing way that words could not even begin

to describe.

I myself am just about to do all of the above. I've purchased the Vitalizer

Plus, the Ejuva cleanse, several energy appliances from both ewater and

Advanced Tachyon Technologies, and am going to change my diet to a raw,

living foods diet, along with green superfoods. I am very serious about my

health because I know that my physical health directly effects my

emotional/mental health and especially my spiritual health. We are

Body/Mind/Spirit beings and a toxic physical body will effect all the other

aspects on our Selves.

Okay, i'm getting off my soapbox. Don't mean to step on anyones toes if I

did. :-)



>From: " adamselev " <adamselev@...>

>Reply-bowel cleanse

>bowel cleanse

>Subject: new

>Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 15:19:56 -0000



>Hi, I am new at this, I was reading up on colon cleansing and

>decided that I should try it because, I keep gaining weight, even

>after dieting and excercising.

>I bought these herbal, pills.. from LIFE BRAND, colon cleanse.

>ok, so nothing happened. what am I doing wrong, is it because the

>pills were no good. or is it because I didn't take enough water?

>someone help








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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Jayson This part of your introduction really caught my eye. Did you

notice a particular worsening of the numbness/tingling while in the Dentist's

office? I assume so because you felt compelled to mention that particular


There are many possible causes for the neurological symptoms you describe. It

could be restricted blood flow or pinched nerves due to swelling associated

with PA. Restricted bloodflow fits well for the hands if you do have

significant swelling there but in the thigh is a lot less likely to be from lack


bloodflow. The thigh is more in line with nerve impingement in the spine due to

spondylitis and nerve impingement could account for the symptoms in the hands

as well.

A second possibility, one that is much less likely, is that you have a

mercury problem. You mentioned the Dentist's office which is one of the most


places for the average individual to be exposed to a large dose of mercury

vapor. Make a point to eat a meal that contains fresh cilantro, lemon and garlic

once a week for several months to help address that potential problem. If you

dont normally eat any cilantro then go easy the first time or two and

increase the amount each week until you are eating about 1/8 to 1/4 cup a week.

The lemon and fresh garlic work together with the cilantro. You might also

want to increase your water intake for a day or two after the cilantro meal.

Another possibility, and this one is more worrysome is that you could be

having a side effect from the Enbrel. The other potential causes should be ruled

out before acting on this suspicion.

I would say that from your description the most likely cause is the

spondylitis but it wouldnt hurt to look in to the other potential causes and


yourself so you can weigh it out for yourself. Orin

In a message dated 3/6/05 10:53:09 PM Central Standard Time,

jbarsic@... writes:

~~~Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion of my


thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie down even

in the dentist's chair. ~~~Jayson

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I also experience the numbness/tingling in my hands and in my thighs so I wonder

if you are right about the nerve impingement. I really notice it in my hands

when I use the mouse a lot or a hair dryer or am trying to hold something for a

long time. In my thighs, I experience more when laying down on my back. It

seems to get better if I lay on my side. I feel like I need to rub my legs to

" wake them up " . It's kind of like they are going to sleep but not really. My

hand has been tingling a lot today and my back has also been really bothering me

today so maybe it is related. I'm not sure what it is but am interested in

others input and wonder if anyone else out htere experiences the same thing. I

unfortunately forgot to mention to my Rhuematologist last time about the

tingling but am going for a follow up in a couple of weeks so will see what he

has to say then.


orinok@... wrote:

Hi Jayson This part of your introduction really caught my eye. Did you

notice a particular worsening of the numbness/tingling while in the Dentist's

office? I assume so because you felt compelled to mention that particular


There are many possible causes for the neurological symptoms you describe. It

could be restricted blood flow or pinched nerves due to swelling associated

with PA. Restricted bloodflow fits well for the hands if you do have

significant swelling there but in the thigh is a lot less likely to be from lack


bloodflow. The thigh is more in line with nerve impingement in the spine due to

spondylitis and nerve impingement could account for the symptoms in the hands

as well.

A second possibility, one that is much less likely, is that you have a

mercury problem. You mentioned the Dentist's office which is one of the most


places for the average individual to be exposed to a large dose of mercury

vapor. Make a point to eat a meal that contains fresh cilantro, lemon and garlic

once a week for several months to help address that potential problem. If you

dont normally eat any cilantro then go easy the first time or two and

increase the amount each week until you are eating about 1/8 to 1/4 cup a week.

The lemon and fresh garlic work together with the cilantro. You might also

want to increase your water intake for a day or two after the cilantro meal.

Another possibility, and this one is more worrysome is that you could be

having a side effect from the Enbrel. The other potential causes should be ruled

out before acting on this suspicion.

I would say that from your description the most likely cause is the

spondylitis but it wouldnt hurt to look in to the other potential causes and


yourself so you can weigh it out for yourself. Orin

In a message dated 3/6/05 10:53:09 PM Central Standard Time,

jbarsic@... writes:

~~~Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion of my


thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie down even

in the dentist's chair. ~~~Jayson

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Jayson, I have had numbness in my forearms. My rheumy said it was a sort of

carpal tunnel syndrome due to nerve impingement from my arthritis.

Best of luck with your appt.!


ajaxjkb <jbarsic@...> wrote:

Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion of my right

thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie down even

in the dentist's chair.


Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web

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Dear Debbie, Not to make you worry, but I had the very same symptoms for a

year or more and ignored them. Now I'm in chronic pain with 6 lumbar

vertebrae bludging, not to mention facets disease, Spondylitis, and lumbar

disc disease. My PA just seemed to attack that area or if anything has

caused an already problem area to be much worse. I don't know if going to

the doctor about this would have made any difference in the beginning or

not. So many times, they just mark things up to fibromyalgia or PA without

checking it out.

Now I deal with numbness in both my feet, my thigh area hurts all the time,

and both my legs are very much affected with pain and numbness. If you can

get your doctor to do an MRI at least you can rest assured you are catching

a problem early or at least see if there is anything they can do.

I really wish now I had paid more attention to the numbness at the time.

When it first started I was having so many other problems with PA and my

other health problems that I put it out of my mind until it got so bad one

day I couldn't walk. I hope your problem is nothing big and you never have

to through what I've had too. Take care and don't forget to ask the doctor.

Love, Fran


I also experience the numbness/tingling in my hands and in my thighs so I

wonder if you are right about the nerve impingement. I really notice it in

my hands when I use the mouse a lot or a hair dryer or am trying to hold

something for a long time. In my thighs, I experience more when laying down

on my back. It seems to get better if I lay on my side. I feel like I need

to rub my legs to " wake them up " . It's kind of like they are going to sleep

but not really. My hand has been tingling a lot today and my back has also

been really bothering me today so maybe it is related. I'm not sure what it

is but am interested in others input and wonder if anyone else out htere

experiences the same thing. I unfortunately forgot to mention to my

Rhuematologist last time about the tingling but am going for a follow up in

a couple of weeks so will see what he has to say then.


orinok@... wrote:

Hi Jayson This part of your introduction really caught my eye. Did you

notice a particular worsening of the numbness/tingling while in the


office? I assume so because you felt compelled to mention that particular


There are many possible causes for the neurological symptoms you describe.


could be restricted blood flow or pinched nerves due to swelling associated

with PA. Restricted bloodflow fits well for the hands if you do have

significant swelling there but in the thigh is a lot less likely to be from

lack of

bloodflow. The thigh is more in line with nerve impingement in the spine due


spondylitis and nerve impingement could account for the symptoms in the


as well.

A second possibility, one that is much less likely, is that you have a

mercury problem. You mentioned the Dentist's office which is one of the

most likely

places for the average individual to be exposed to a large dose of mercury

vapor. Make a point to eat a meal that contains fresh cilantro, lemon and


once a week for several months to help address that potential problem. If


dont normally eat any cilantro then go easy the first time or two and

increase the amount each week until you are eating about 1/8 to 1/4 cup a


The lemon and fresh garlic work together with the cilantro. You might also

want to increase your water intake for a day or two after the cilantro meal.

Another possibility, and this one is more worrysome is that you could be

having a side effect from the Enbrel. The other potential causes should be


out before acting on this suspicion.

I would say that from your description the most likely cause is the

spondylitis but it wouldnt hurt to look in to the other potential causes and


yourself so you can weigh it out for yourself. Orin

In a message dated 3/6/05 10:53:09 PM Central Standard Time,

jbarsic@... writes:

~~~Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion of my


thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie down even

in the dentist's chair. ~~~Jayson

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hi beth, jayson,

i have exactly the same thing as you beth - though for me it's not

so much a numbing tingling sensation, it is shooting pains up my

arms past my elbows, if i type too much (or use the upper case -

lol!)... my rheumy has told me the same thing - the arthritis in my

wrists are impinging on my nerves... for sure, not fun. have you

tried icing your wrists?


> Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion

of my right

> thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie

down even

> in the dentist's chair.


> ---------------------------------

> Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

> Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web



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I will mention it to the doctor when I go a week from Monday. I guess I need to

write down my questions because I had intended to bring it up last time but you

get in there and talk about this and that and it seems like you always forget to

ask something. Sometimes I think I might be afraid to hear the answer even

though I know that if there is something wrong, I need to get it addressed right

away. I appreciate your response and will let you know what the doctor says.



Fran Mishler <fran@...> wrote:

Dear Debbie, Not to make you worry, but I had the very same symptoms for a

year or more and ignored them. Now I'm in chronic pain with 6 lumbar

vertebrae bludging, not to mention facets disease, Spondylitis, and lumbar

disc disease. My PA just seemed to attack that area or if anything has

caused an already problem area to be much worse. I don't know if going to

the doctor about this would have made any difference in the beginning or

not. So many times, they just mark things up to fibromyalgia or PA without

checking it out.

Now I deal with numbness in both my feet, my thigh area hurts all the time,

and both my legs are very much affected with pain and numbness. If you can

get your doctor to do an MRI at least you can rest assured you are catching

a problem early or at least see if there is anything they can do.

I really wish now I had paid more attention to the numbness at the time.

When it first started I was having so many other problems with PA and my

other health problems that I put it out of my mind until it got so bad one

day I couldn't walk. I hope your problem is nothing big and you never have

to through what I've had too. Take care and don't forget to ask the doctor.

Love, Fran

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In a message dated 3/7/05 4:53:09 AM GMT Standard Time, jbarsic@...


Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion of my


thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie down even

in the dentist's chair. My shoulder joints have been razor painful. Has

anybody experienced this as a part of PA? I'm seeing my rheumy in a few

weeks, but thought I'd ask for experiences.

Hi Jayson,

Welcome to the group. I'm sorry that you have this disease but glad you

found us. You will find it refreshing, as you said yourself, to be able to vent

and know that the people you are talking to understand what you are saying.

There is a wealth of personal experience within the group some have medical

knowledge on top of that so you can usually get any info you require, you can

vent if you feel the need, you can have a laugh if you are in the mood. We've

got the lot. lol

Regarding pain in the shoulders, I have had problems with my right one

although its not too bad at the moment. I describe it as a feeling of someone

sticking a knife under my shoulder blade and twisting it! lol Seriously though,

it can be very painful.

Do you really have pugs or did you just tell Kathy you did so she would let

you join the group? She doesn't let you in unless you have


kidding. lol

Actually I didn't even know what they were until I joined this group. lol

Hope you enjoy it here.

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In a message dated 3/11/2005 12:52:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

martincoyless@... writes:

Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion of my


thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie down even

in the dentist's chair. My shoulder joints have been razor painful. Has

anybody experienced this as a part of PA? I'm seeing my rheumy in a few

weeks, but thought I'd ask for experiences.

Hi ,

I also get some numbness in my feet and occasionally other places as well.

I think some others on this board have said the same. I think mine may be a

result of inflammation pressing on the nerves, however, you should

definitely talk to your doctor about it.

Oh, and about your saneness!!! I think you are as sane as the rest of us

but I don't know if that is saying much. LOL


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Hi Janet,

Actually that passage came from Jayson. I was just answering it. Thanks

anyway. lol

Take care

Jayson wrote:

Lately I've started to have burning numbness in the upper portion of my


thigh and numbness and tingling in my hands when I sleep or lie down even

in the dentist's chair. My shoulder joints have been razor painful. Has

anybody experienced this as a part of PA? I'm seeing my rheumy in a few

weeks, but thought I'd ask for experiences.

Janet wrote:

Hi ,

I also get some numbness in my feet and occasionally other places as well.

I think some others on this board have said the same. I think mine may be


result of inflammation pressing on the nerves, however, you should

definitely talk to your doctor about it.

Oh, and about your saneness!!! I think you are as sane as the rest of us

but I don't know if that is saying much. LOL


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May I also add - review your state pharmacy board website to determine the

requirements for technicians in your state. It may not be as simple as

" wanting to be a tech " . Many states allow hiring techs off the street, but


have educational, licensing or certification policies. For example - In

Louisiana a technician must be licensed by the state, or have a training


To get a training permit, you must be in a board approved structured program

that has a didactic portion. Some large employers have their own training

which qualifies, but many are relying on Community Colleges and Proprietary


Good luck in both your search for a job and med school

Anne LaVance, BS, CPhT


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Have you taken the MCATS already? If I were you, I'd concentrate on

my GPA and scoring high on the MCATS rather than jeopardizing

becoming a physician over a pharm tech job. Your in for the fight of

your life trying to get accepted. I would devote 110% on your

realistic goals and not let anything else create any distractions. I

would focus on how to take an interview. There are some very good

people with high GPA's and MCATS and can't get into med school cause

they can't interview. If you haven't volunteered in a hospital as of

yet, thats what I would be focusing on. They will ask you about that.

Do you belong to any clubs at your college? That's what they look for.


> Hello everybody. I have just applied to a bunch of pharmacy tech


> and I would like to take the PTCB exam in July. I know a lot of

> pharmacy already so I think that's feasible. I'm applying to medical

> school this summer, so I have about 1.5 years before I can go to

> medical school, during which time I need to work. Being a pharmacy

> tech seems appealing to me. so that's what I hope to do. I have a BA

> and some work on a PhD, but I'm not sure if that will help me get a

> job. I applied online to a local CVS and Acme pharmacy (a local

> supermarket chain). I suppose in a few days I will call to make sure

> my application was processed, though I'm not sure who to call.


> Anyway, can I mention during a job interview that I'm willing to


> the PTCP exam in July, and will that help me get a job? Also, I


> really have money to pay for any expensive review books or anything.

> I'm glad to see the numerous files available through this group.


> thanks for any help!

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My husband is currently in med school, so I know all about the

admissions process. I am not in school; I was in graduate school but I

disliked it and left. I am taking the MCAT in April and hope to start

working immediately after that. I will be applying this summer for

admission to medical school beginning in fall 2006, so in the meantime

I need a job, and I would like to work as a pharmacy tech for that time.


> Have you taken the MCATS already? If I were you, I'd concentrate on

> my GPA and scoring high on the MCATS rather than jeopardizing

> becoming a physician over a pharm tech job. Your in for the fight of

> your life trying to get accepted. I would devote 110% on your

> realistic goals and not let anything else create any distractions. I

> would focus on how to take an interview. There are some very good

> people with high GPA's and MCATS and can't get into med school cause

> they can't interview. If you haven't volunteered in a hospital as of

> yet, thats what I would be focusing on. They will ask you about that.

> Do you belong to any clubs at your college? That's what they look for.

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Dear elishevafranke,

You need to get a job as a tech. I understand this. But put yourself

in the shoes of the pharmacist. What would you look for in a tech?

1. Someone I can teach and train

2. Someone who will abide by the law and help protect the public and

therefore ME, the licensed RPh.

3.Someone responsible to get to work everyday on time, who will work

over when needed. Who is not going to demand a set schedule.

4. Someone who dose not have to worry about a broken nail or

whitening their teeth. (ie not a princess or prince).

5. Some one who will do the work of a tech and not begrudge it.

6. Some one who will respect my the RPh Authority and not undermine


7. Someone with good, shall I say GREAT common sense.

8. someone with good aptitude.

9. A PhD or BS or AS is not necessary, but if they can do the job

without thinking that I owe them something because of their previous

non-pharmacy related education, then I will consider them because

they usually have good math skills.

10. Someone who is not going to leave right after I train them for

school in the fall.

It is not necessary for you to mention all that you have done to get

a tech job. For some RPh they might admire you, but when it comes

downto hiring if you fit the mold of what they are looking for the

basic requirements that is all they need. If you happen to have

above and beyond the min requirements this may or may not help you

depending upon the hiring pharmacists.

Sell your self on your responsibility, integrity, honesty,

dependability and your ability to adapt, ability to be flexible,

have a flexible schedule, work what ever hours they need you for.

and thensell your self on your math skills and quick ability to

learn and being detail oriented and lastly GREAT communications:

both written and oral. That is WHAT THEY WANT!!!

OH YEAH! one more very IMPORTANT thing! MULTITASKING!! And give

examples of it.

I hope this helps you to better focus on what will get you the job

most, and it is not your past education. It is you and your


I had a BS in Chemistry and was a successful chemist for 10 yrs

before I changed career paths into pharm tech. My degree did not

necessarily help me. I still had to have a registration in the state

of CA and that meant PT school for me at that time. Your degrees

will help you on the job more than in landing an interview.

My degree is required to be the program director, but not to teach.

My chemistry background helped me to learn about drugs quicker and

better than most techs, but did not make me a better or more

efficient tech. That is quick thiniking and multitasking abiliity.

That is something no pt program or degree can give you. Think

cowardly lion. You want courage, but you just may need a heart.

The list is endless, but now where in there will the main focus be

degreed education. Key: following directions, and being a team

player. I know what pharmacists want in a tech because I have them

on my advisory board, they tell me and I send techs on inerviews etc

Okay I hope this helps.

I am glad you like this site. Read and study my tutorials and then

ask questions. Here to help you as much as possible.


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


> >

> > Have you taken the MCATS already? If I were you, I'd concentrate


> > my GPA and scoring high on the MCATS rather than jeopardizing

> > becoming a physician over a pharm tech job. Your in for the

fight of

> > your life trying to get accepted. I would devote 110% on your

> > realistic goals and not let anything else create any

distractions. I

> > would focus on how to take an interview. There are some very


> > people with high GPA's and MCATS and can't get into med school


> > they can't interview. If you haven't volunteered in a hospital

as of

> > yet, thats what I would be focusing on. They will ask you about


> > Do you belong to any clubs at your college? That's what they

look for.

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Please read carefully Jeanettas message to you which she has listed

as #10, " Someone who is not going to leave right after I train them

for school, in your case, Med School in the Fall. " What say you to

this ? So the Pharmacist trains you, puts much effort into you

only for you to divorce him because you need to go to med school?

Well, golly, gee-whiz! You telling him I'm here for a short period

only. Why should any pharmacist even look at you when there are so

many people applying who wish to make pharm tech their lifes work?

What say you to this?


> My husband is currently in med school, so I know all about the

> admissions process. I am not in school; I was in graduate school

but I

> disliked it and left. I am taking the MCAT in April and hope to


> working immediately after that. I will be applying this summer for

> admission to medical school beginning in fall 2006, so in the


> I need a job, and I would like to work as a pharmacy tech for that




> >

> > Have you taken the MCATS already? If I were you, I'd concentrate


> > my GPA and scoring high on the MCATS rather than jeopardizing

> > becoming a physician over a pharm tech job. Your in for the fight


> > your life trying to get accepted. I would devote 110% on your

> > realistic goals and not let anything else create any

distractions. I

> > would focus on how to take an interview. There are some very good

> > people with high GPA's and MCATS and can't get into med school


> > they can't interview. If you haven't volunteered in a hospital as


> > yet, thats what I would be focusing on. They will ask you about


> > Do you belong to any clubs at your college? That's what they look


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While at Kroger (I left there last Friday and start with Walmart this

coming Monday), I hired several technicians who were only going to be

with Kroger for a while.

One of 'em, I happily transferred to another Kroger (she was driving

me nuts), but she was in her pre-reqs for a Physical Therapy program.

Kaleem, who was a pharmacist in Pakistan, has passed his NAPLEX and is

waiting on results from the Law portion, then he'll be going to CVS to

do his 1500 hours of Pharmacist Intern to be able to be licensed in

Texas as a Pharmacist. I knew he would be doing that when I hired

him. But I needed him at the time he was applying.

Kelley is in pre-reqs for Pharmacy School. She'll transfer to another

Kroger (or maybe even another company) when she starts Pharmacy

School, which should be in another year, max. And she's was hired

about 6 months ago.

was looking for something temporary that would be portable. I

knew her through rescue, and knew she had a brain. She's learned

well, and is taking the PTCB exam this Saturday. She was an emergency

veterinary technician (Certified Veterinary Technician), and has

worked as a tech in an ER situation. (But she's not a nurse.)

So yes, I have hired folks to work as Technicians knowing they'd be

there for less than 2 years. In some cases, less than 6 months.

But I'm a little different than some. :) I don't have a problem with

folks using the pharmacy I'm in as a leap board to other things they

want to do. As long as they tell me up front what's going on. If you

want to look for another job while you're working with/for me, that's

fine with me. Just don't up and leave me in a lurch. Give me some

time to find your replacement. I want us BOTH to be happy where we


But I also know that lots of other folks don't think that a way.


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 17:33:27 -0000, microword77 <microword77@...> wrote:


> Please read carefully Jeanettas message to you which she has listed

> as #10, " Someone who is not going to leave right after I train them

> for school, in your case, Med School in the Fall. " What say you to

> this ? So the Pharmacist trains you, puts much effort into you

> only for you to divorce him because you need to go to med school?

> Well, golly, gee-whiz! You telling him I'm here for a short period

> only. Why should any pharmacist even look at you when there are so

> many people applying who wish to make pharm tech their lifes work?

> What say you to this?

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Hi Elisheva,

You can check out review books through your library and if they

don't have them, get them through interlibrary loan. Please do tell

them you are training for healthcare as it makes you more

marketable. As far as CVS is concerned, call one of the stores and

ask the pharmacist who is in charge of pharmacy technician hiring.

Call that person, e-mail them and sell yourself. If you completed

an online app, they will be able to tell you which stores are

looking to train techs. One thing that is a sure way to get noticed

is to inquire in person. Some pharmacists will call other stores in

the area and recommend you for an interview. Good luck.




> Hello everybody. I have just applied to a bunch of pharmacy tech


> and I would like to take the PTCB exam in July. I know a lot of

> pharmacy already so I think that's feasible. I'm applying to


> school this summer, so I have about 1.5 years before I can go to

> medical school, during which time I need to work. Being a pharmacy

> tech seems appealing to me. so that's what I hope to do. I have a


> and some work on a PhD, but I'm not sure if that will help me get a

> job. I applied online to a local CVS and Acme pharmacy (a local

> supermarket chain). I suppose in a few days I will call to make


> my application was processed, though I'm not sure who to call.


> Anyway, can I mention during a job interview that I'm willing to


> the PTCP exam in July, and will that help me get a job? Also, I


> really have money to pay for any expensive review books or


> I'm glad to see the numerous files available through this group.


> thanks for any help!

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