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Dear Sarwat,

Welcome! I am a member of the group dealing with my own Scoliosis, but also have a teenage daughter with a " C" type curve, at thirty degrees. Are you braced? It looks like my daughter has reached full height and we've gotten through without surgery. I'm hoping when we see Dr. Kumar in April, that she'll be released from care, then only have to be seen every two years, keep your fingers crossed for us. I wish you answers after your MRI, this is a hard thing to go through when you are so young. I have a nephew who is bipolar too, he's a mess since he refuses to take his med's, I'm so sorry that you are going through both of these trials, but know there are many people out there living full lives with both of these challenges, so when bad thoughts creep into your mind make sure your doc helps you, or you get your med's changed.

Let us know how the MRI goes, I'm very curious, since you and my daughter have the same type of curve. I wish you peace!


Colorado Springs

[ ] new> hi dear mmebers> carole had invited me to join here andim also a member of the salvaged> sisters at delphi .. im 19 .. having dorso-lumbar scoliosis.. since> 1997 .. my degree was 18 in 2002 and today its 35 .. hmm and wat> else .. im not here seeking help .. but im here trying to help> myself ,.. thz all ..> tak care guys see ya arnd>>>>>>>>> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates>

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Ok, so you like Sarwat best? I will call you Sarwat. You will be the only Sarwat in the group!

I'm so glad you like the group, and perhaps you will discover that some people do understand, and yes you have a reason to live.

I am glad we haven't scared you, and if you fear only God you are both wise and brave.

I am old enough to be your mother, and Carole could be your grandmother. We have lived a lot, and lived with pain, and life is worth living.

You will see. The people who are unkind do not deserve you, and the kind ones will be your friends. Don't mistake kindness for pity.

If you had no disability perhaps you would not be such a good student, because you would be too busy with parties and silliness. A good education and a kind and caring spirit will make you very attractive to those who see beyond appearances.


Re: [ ] new


I am so glad that you came to this site! Wait and see. Many people will be writing to you!



- Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

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Huh? Unethical? No. I wanted Sarwat here also, because I read and post more here. If you are selfish so am I!



Re: [ ] new


You don't think I did anything unethical, do you? I guess it's done, anyway. There is so much concern for one another on this site; I just wanted her here! Selfish me!


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You like being called Sarwat better than Amina? I think Amina is a beautiful name. I have a granddaughter named Meaghan, who will be 17 on Feb. 23. She has been diagnosed as bipolar, and will not take her medications. I wish she would, because her doctor says that, if she did, she could become anything she wants -- you know, for a livelihood, etc. She, too, has hurt herself. I love her so hard, and when she hurts herself, she doesn't realize that she hurts everyone around her who love her so! Do you think maybe your family is having a hard time saying what they mean? I have a feeling that they love you very hard, also! For many, many people life is not easy. That is something that we learn as we go through life -- that we do not suffer alone. We do not want you to suffer alone, either, and are very glad that you have come here!

Your are in my prayers, and on my mind. I will call you whatever name YOU choose!



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I think you may have come to the right place.

I would read the files section, especially herpes.

Apprentice godzilla, using electrodes directly for the eruptions.

Place the electrodes on each side of the area, move around it every 5

minutes or so. Treat each eruption area for about 20 minutes a day

if you can. Zapping yourself won't put much electricity into these

parasites. Forget Dr. and Dr. Beck, and Rife for a few days

while you do this. Use the Apprentice Godzilla with the wires

direcly connected to the battery terminals, since this is a local

skin infection. Move all around it with the electrodes, and finally,

put an electrode right on top of the wound, and the other one go

around the outside of it bit by bit all around. You want DC current

in there. Do not use 9volts for anything it is dangerous unless you

are very expert. 6volts is plenty.



> I just joined this group and would like to introduce myself.


> I am a Dutchman from Amsterdam, living for many years in the South

> Portuguese country side.

> Alternative health systems always had my interest, but it is out of

> necessity that I join NOW.

> I got 'Black Fever' (Leishmaniose) and so have my 5 dogs ; we must

have been

> bitten by the same 'sandfly' (some tiny mosquito). If left

untreated this

> diease is lethal ; with treatment humans can completely recover -

dogs will

> need treatment their entire life and that will only keep sysmptoms

down, if

> one is lucky.


> I have been zapping myself on a more or less regular basis - 3

times per day

> would keep symptoms under control - and also used for a few weeks a


> Frequency Generator (GB4000 - Future Technology). After one session

with AF

> (Audio Frequency ; RF - Radio Frequency - is the other one) I was

free of

> symptoms for 34 hrs., but the second time I did not feel any

benefits, so I

> stuck to the 's zappers, that I have.


> The dogs are 'zapped' about 3 x one hour per day ; I find that many


> are better than few sessions and many long sessions better than few


> sessions.

> Parasites - protozoa - are causing the disease : they get into


> multiply, 'blow up' the cell and find a new one where they can


> their 12 hour cycle.


> I have 9V zappers and ordered a VVZ - variable voltage zapper -

that will

> go from 9 to 24 V. I have the feeling that something stronger than

9V is

> definitely needed, in order to get deeper into the tissues and want

to make

> a couple of them myself as well.


> Is there anybody who has experiences with one celled parasites of

this type

> ( protozoa) ? Anybody who can give me suggestions WHAT to make ?

Thank you.


> I have some experience curing cancer - with MEGAdoses of Ascorbic

Acid - and

> consider this disease 'a piece of cake' when compared to Leish.


> wanting to hear more, just let me know.


> Dirk Chardet


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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 18/03/2006 17:38:13 GMT Standard Time, asorthodox@...


I am new to this list but not to our disease. I began having symptoms about

nine years ago after falling down. I am a 57 year old. I lately have been

trying fish oil for some of the inflamation. I have PA from neck to

toes-worse parts in shoulders, knees, wrists, ankles, toes...I shall look

forward to sharing.

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I'm glad you found us but sorry you had to. You have me

beat with where you PA is. My knees are ok at the moment! lol I hope you get

what you are looking for from us. You probably will.

Take care,

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--HI Sheei,

Welcome to our little group :o)) Although sadly, its not so little.

I have never heard of JRA being classified with the numbers.

Interesting. I have heard from many that the 50mg shot does sting,

something to do with what its mixed with. My son did great on Enbrel

to begin with, but after 9 months its stopped being so effective. We

are now doing remicade, which was going great until recently.

My son is 8, dx with Systemic onset JRA at age 5. He currently takes

remicade, MTX, prednsisone, folic acid, indomethacin, prilosec,

zofran and multi-vits.

I just wanted to let you know that we also have a newly started JRA-

list group that is just for the kids. Its closely moderatored by

LISA, a 21 yr old great gal. Only those that we know are allowed to

join, its a closed group. But it might be somehting your daughter

would be interested in. I think the list is mostly made up of 12-14

year old girls at the current time and is somewhat SLOW, we need to

get it going more.

Anyhows if you are interested for your daughter, let me know and i

can approve her membership. It would be best if she has her own

email address.

hugs Helen and (8,systemic)

- In , Sherri G <sherriag29@...> wrote:


> I am new to the group. I just wanted to introduce myself. I have a

13 year old daughter who was diagnosed with stage-3 Rheumatoid

Arthritis. (Stage-3 meaning she has it throughout her whole body and

will never outgrow it).

> She started on methotrexate and predisone, but failed. 2-months

ago she started taking 50mg of embrel while tapering off of the

prednisone. But with the pain of taking a 50mg shot was unbearable

for both of us. So Tuesday we are going to switch her to the 25mg 2x

week embrel. Hopefully this will be better and with hope from her

rhuemtologist we will suppress the arthritis for a few years so she

may have somewhat of normalcy.


> Sherri



> ---------------------------------

> Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using

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In a message dated 3/26/06 11:02:16 PM Central Standard Time,

brian.taylor@... writes:

> He Sherri,

> Yes those 50 mg shots can hurt. I have heard the 25 mg shots do not hurt so

> I

> hope that is true. I have seen post after post on here of the kids taking

> two shots of 25 or 1 of 50. I take 1 of 50 and it does wonders for me. Are

> there any of you out there that only take 1 25 per week? Just curious to

> know if they start children on a lower dose?

> (poly 35)

My daughter started with 1 25 mg shot per week and she did it for a couple of

months. When her rheumatologist asked her how she felt. She said fine. I

told him that she was doing well for a 3 day stretch. He decided to go with 2

25 mg shots per week.

She did take the 1 50 mg shot for a month. She says it stings and hurts. I

called the doctor and changed it again to the 25 mg ones.

Sometimes it is trial and error and try to find what works best.

o Salas

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Hi- welcome

Wow, I never heard of JRA being classifed in stages either or told that

remission is impossible. I would want to know where your doctor bases this

on because I have spent a lot of time with Rheumatology and never heard that

not to mention I have known lots of children, teens who have had it very

very severely and indeed, they did outgrow it. Of course damage is a

different story...

I heard Embrel is harder to manage at a higher dose but two injections,

while a pain is mostly the best way to go.

Anyways, best of fortune.. welcome to the group

Issadora (28, JRA- dx at age 5)

On 3/26/06, hburger64 <hburger64@...> wrote:


> --HI Sheei,


> Welcome to our little group :o)) Although sadly, its not so little.


> I have never heard of JRA being classified with the numbers.

> Interesting. I have heard from many that the 50mg shot does sting,

> something to do with what its mixed with. My son did great on Enbrel

> to begin with, but after 9 months its stopped being so effective. We

> are now doing remicade, which was going great until recently.


> My son is 8, dx with Systemic onset JRA at age 5. He currently takes

> remicade, MTX, prednsisone, folic acid, indomethacin, prilosec,

> zofran and multi-vits.


> I just wanted to let you know that we also have a newly started JRA-

> list group that is just for the kids. Its closely moderatored by

> LISA, a 21 yr old great gal. Only those that we know are allowed to

> join, its a closed group. But it might be somehting your daughter

> would be interested in. I think the list is mostly made up of 12-14

> year old girls at the current time and is somewhat SLOW, we need to

> get it going more.


> Anyhows if you are interested for your daughter, let me know and i

> can approve her membership. It would be best if she has her own

> email address.


> hugs Helen and (8,systemic)



> - In , Sherri G <sherriag29@...> wrote:

> >

> > I am new to the group. I just wanted to introduce myself. I have a

> 13 year old daughter who was diagnosed with stage-3 Rheumatoid

> Arthritis. (Stage-3 meaning she has it throughout her whole body and

> will never outgrow it).

> > She started on methotrexate and predisone, but failed. 2-months

> ago she started taking 50mg of embrel while tapering off of the

> prednisone. But with the pain of taking a 50mg shot was unbearable

> for both of us. So Tuesday we are going to switch her to the 25mg 2x

> week embrel. Hopefully this will be better and with hope from her

> rhuemtologist we will suppress the arthritis for a few years so she

> may have somewhat of normalcy.

> >

> > Sherri

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using

> Messenger with Voice.

> >

> >

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He Sherri,

Yes those 50mg shots can hurt. I have heard the 25mg shots do not hurt so I

hope that is true. I have seen post after post on here of the kids taking

two shots of 25 or 1 of 50. I take 1 of 50 and it does wonders for me. Are

there any of you out there that only take 1 25 per week? just curious to

know if they start children on a lower dose?

(poly 35)


I am new to the group. I just wanted to introduce myself. I have a 13 year

old daughter who was diagnosed with stage-3 Rheumatoid Arthritis. (Stage-3

meaning she has it throughout her whole body and will never outgrow it).

She started on methotrexate and predisone, but failed. 2-months ago she

started taking 50mg of embrel while tapering off of the prednisone. But with

the pain of taking a 50mg shot was unbearable for both of us. So Tuesday we

are going to switch her to the 25mg 2x week embrel. Hopefully this will be

better and with hope from her rhuemtologist we will suppress the arthritis

for a few years so she may have somewhat of normalcy.



Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using

Messenger with Voice.

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Hi, Sherri and welcome to the group. We too have been told that our son would

have to deal with his arthritis for the rest of his life - basically because he

was 13 when it all started and it seems that if you are older, you may not

outgrow it. Plus, he has spondylitis which is a bit different form of JRA. Chris

is doing quite well right now and seems to be in pretty good control. The

methotrexate has worked well for him overall; he still has some back issues and

at his age has not been really compliant with his meds lately. I hope that your

daughter does well with the two shots rather than one, at least it may be less

painful. I hope that at some point your daughter is able to be in a remission -

even a medicated remission will bring her relief. Good luck and let us know how

your daughter is doing, Michele ( 18, spondy)


I am new to the group. I just wanted to introduce myself. I have a 13 year old

daughter who was diagnosed with stage-3 Rheumatoid Arthritis. (Stage-3 meaning

she has it throughout her whole body and will never outgrow it).

She started on methotrexate and predisone, but failed. 2-months ago she

started taking 50mg of embrel while tapering off of the prednisone. But with the

pain of taking a 50mg shot was unbearable for both of us. So Tuesday we are

going to switch her to the 25mg 2x week embrel. Hopefully this will be better

and with hope from her rhuemtologist we will suppress the arthritis for a few

years so she may have somewhat of normalcy.



Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using

Messenger with Voice.

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started out taking 1 shot of 25 a week and is now actually

dividing that to 2 shots of 12.5 a week. I must say, though he hates

the additional shot, it seems to be working better without being a

higher dose.

Misty & (7, systemic)


> He Sherri,

> Yes those 50mg shots can hurt. I have heard the 25mg shots do not

hurt so I

> hope that is true. I have seen post after post on here of the kids


> two shots of 25 or 1 of 50. I take 1 of 50 and it does wonders for

me. Are

> there any of you out there that only take 1 25 per week? just

curious to

> know if they start children on a lower dose?

> (poly 35)


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Hi, Ashton. My son was diagnosed with JRA/spondy when he was your

age and he was a catcher too, for his baseball team. It was really hard

for him sometimes to get up and down and running became really hard too

with his ankles and Achilles tendon hurting. He did play the whole

season though. His rheumy put him on a strong medicine - methotrexate -

and it has helped to get rid of his pain. Your dr should really be

trying to get rid of your pain - that is what Chris' dr told us. A lot

of people here on the list go to ped rheumys in Cincinnati, I think your

mom should look into going there. Even if it is a far drive, it would

perhaps be worth it if it gets rid of your pain. You should not be made

to feel crazy. However, my son, and some others here on the list, have

gone to therapy to help deal with feeling different or stressed because

of the arthritis. It is really hard when you are teenager and trying to

deal with normal stuff and then this too. I know someone told you about

the teen list and it would be good for you to check it out. By the way,

I am a softball coach and former player - I love the game and am so glad

when I hear of a girl playing! Good for you! Both of my daughters have

played (my 15 y.o. still does) - we are just getting ready to start our

season and I can't wait! Hugs to you and let us know how you are doing,

ask any questions you or your mom might have, Michele ( 18 spondy)


Hi my name is Ashton I am 13 and I have spondy. I am on Enbrel

Methotrexate and Naprosyn. I am a very athletic girl I love to play

softball. I am a catcher but sometimes my arthritis hurts too much

to play. This really frustrates me. I am looking for other kids to

talk to with this stupid disease. I do not know anyone else who

deals with this. Teachers at my school think I am crazy. Sometimes I

think my stupid dumb doctor does not believe the pain that I am

going though and basically says I have some fibramialgia. I know i

am not making this pain up and it would be nice to see if other kids

doctors pretty much tell them that they are crazy too. I am so mad

right now because 3 weeks ago i had swollen lymph nodes for no

reason, no other symptoms, he said i must have a virus, no fever.

Last week i was diagnosed with strep on Thursday and i was still

feeling crappy today. I went to see my rheumy and he said suck it up

and go back to school. And he wants me to see a counselor to help me

eal with my anxiety and pain. This really upsets me because my pain

is real!!

Does any one know a good rheumy in Ohio? Am I the only person in the

world dealing with these issues?

Thanks for listening

Tonya (mom) and Ashton 13 Spondy

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-- In Lexapro , " nm10001 " <nm10001@...> wrote:


> Hi I am new to lexapro--just started last nite and was wondering what

> to expect. I've suffered from mild bouts of depression on and off but

> since a surgery I had about a month ago I have hit rock bottom. This

> is the first time I've tried any form of anti depressant.


> I also joined a gym today hoping that that would help alleviate some

> of my depression.


> Any suggestions or ideas or comments on what to expect or tips would

> be so appreciated.


> Thanks

Hi and welcome to the group!

I am pretty new here as well and don't post much, but I just wanted to

tell you that you're not alone, and wish you the best in getting

yourself back together. You'll find tons of info here, and some very

nice people as well.

BTW, how much are you taking to start? 10mg? I started on 10mg's, and

just like many others here, it worked for me for a few weeks and then

kinda stopped helping as much. Now I'm on 20mg's and I really starting

to feel better than I have in over 2 years.

Good luck to you!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi na:

I'm also new to Bee's diet and have recently given up grains. When

I first started a candida diet one year ago, I found that eating

lots of veggies filled the gap from a bulk standpoint, and now I am

realizing the benefit of coconut oil. It can provide the energy

that you would get from the carbs in grains. I just tried the

coconut oil in my tea yesterday and that works really well.

You might find that you need to gradually wean yourself of the high-

carb foods. Try finding interesting ways to prepare veggies and

make them more the focus of your meal. Simply cooked meats and eggs

go well with spicy (i.e. Indian style) veggies.

Keep track of any meal ideas that work well for you so that you can

easily repeat them. This is a whole new lifestyle and it will get

easier, although planning is required.

I look at this as an opportunity for exploration rather than some

sort of deprivation. Finding new favorite foods is very helpful.


Also...I recently made jerky with ground venison and that makes a

great travel food. Sardines are a good travel food as well. These

are new foods for me and I'm adding them to my repertoire.


> Hello, this is na. Im new to all this, so I'm having some


> time adjusting. .....Im very hooked

> on bread and potatoes and have hard time getting those out of my

diet. .... Is is there anything I can replace

> them with?

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> Hello, this is na.

==>Hi na. Welcome to our group my friend!

>I'm new to all this, so I'm having some hard time adjusting. Im

doing my research and trying to change my lifestyle, and the way I

see food. Never had any weight problems, lot of health problem though

(headaches, backaches, neck problems, joints, nausea, digestive

problems, been sick a lot, catch every cold and flu....)everyone

always thought I was a hypochondriac.

==>Now you know you are not a hypochondriac eh?


> Now, I've cut out dairy and breads (still have certain cereals-

> amaranth, millet and 1 type of bread - spelt)and no fruits. Been

doing it for only a month and already feeling a bit better. Im very

hooked on bread and potatoes and have hard time getting those out of

my diet. I sneak some in every-now-and-then. Is is there anything I

can replace them with?

==>Try having more " good " fats instead of breads or potatoes, i.e.

butter, coconut oil, lard, etc. Also see the Withdrawal article in

our Digestion folder which will give you some ideas. When you crave

something drink water first, and take some ocean sea salt (the lemon

and ocean sea salt drink is ideal for this); also take extra vitamin

C per the Withdrawal article. It's an addiction which is very hard

to break. But you are well on your way!

> Anyway, thank you for all these files and this whole group you

> created. Would know where to go without it :-)

==>You are so very welcome! It's onward and upward!

Hugs, Bee

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Good luck Camilla, you will be just fine. Be sure to check in often. We are all here for you. Virginia DOB 3/13/06 198/178/135cmc4cmycats <cmc4cmycats@...> wrote: Hi all, My name is Camilla and I will be having my band done on April 27th. I'm nervous and excited. I want to thank you all as you were a big part of my decision. you'll be hearing from me after surgery. Thanks and Best Regards to you all, Camilla ( Washington)225/145 Virginia

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Nice to hear from you Camilla....we look forward to having you on the board. If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us, majority of us have had the surgery. Take Care! Welcome Aboard!!Kelli>> Hi all, My name is Camilla and I will be having my band done on April > 27th. I'm nervous and excited. I want to thank you all as you were > a big part of my decision. you'll be hearing from me after surgery. > Thanks and Best Regards to you all, Camilla ( Washington)225/145>

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Hi Camilla!! Welcome to the best bunch of people you will ever find!!!!! Good Luck on your surgery!! I will be banded on the 20th and I am looking forward to it very much!!!! Welcome, Were glad your here!! Tammy I.

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Good luck! I can't wait to here how it went. Tonitammy irish <tammyntod@...> wrote: Hi Toni!! Just wanted to welcome you to the boards!! I am being banded on th 20th (next week) YIPPEE!!!!! Tammy I.

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