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Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

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yeah but you are assumeing this parasite is doing all this bad stuff. if its doing good stuff its no more wacked out then putting good bacteria or good yeast in you. (probiotics and sacc B) you are also assume this helps a low % of people which the results show much differently. you are also assumeing that the parasite is causing illness when again it isn't. I know families with autism who have done this and seen amazing things (not just GI related) you are also making an assumption that iodine is a solve all for all things. which is absurd to think that one thing will cure all things. if that was the case we would again have whole people walking around and the market of iodine would be flooded. coming from someone with a throid disorder that iodine could have KILLED....this is a scary thing for me to watch you assume that blanket wise this covers all things for all people and solves all medical problems. iodine will not solve and IGA defiency (it's an immune problem) or celiac diesase or metal issues ect. which can be the base root of some of these other issues. you don't live by iodine alone. you have to look at people as individuals and see what is going haywire in THEM, and what things can effect that....and I think I am safe to say that doesn't come back to ONE thing being the defect in all society. for years I have watch drs scream that about one vitamine (like vit D was the crazy a few years back) and that if we all had good levels in that we wouldn't have cancer, or colds, or flu, or autism ect ect ect. they are dangerous band wagons to watch people on. that being said vit D IS important, and we need to look and say ok how are my levels??? same for iondine! but I wouldn't run and say ALL people need iodine and all things going haywire in a body are because all people are low. infact that can do great harm.....look at our vaccination program....life is just simpley NOT a one size fits all shirt! I had to avoid iodine to the place I had to have them REPREP my C-section because they didn't read my birth plan! I could have gone into shock had I not noticed. we as the autism community as a whole are out tring a lot of "wacked out thing" because there are NO ONE answers. HBOT, CHELATION, MASSIVE DIET CHANGES, UNGODLY LEVELS OF PROBIOTICS, GOOD YEAST, TONS OF MEDS AND SUPPLIMENTS, that the world looks as wacked out. are they really??? NO we are healing looking at the individual.....you can't replace iodine in for a lot of those things and expect it suddenly makes autism go away any more then just removing gluten would do. it may help a few areas, but there is a whole big picture to look at, don't get lost In the forest looking at just one tree.....when there is a whole forest infront of you yet to conquire!

From: Cheryl

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 10:02 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

I agree. I think we have let the norm get so far from normal most of us accept illness as normal. This putting worms in peoples' bodies really sounds like whacked out science to me. A parasite that attaches to the body and sucks out oxygen, glucose and blood has consequences. It seems to me thr researcher got a "bright" idea that lack of worms created the problems and went with it, unable to look past anything but his own theory. Kinda like some researcher decided that mercury in babies was ok. We have all seen where researchers get focused on their own cause and can make anything they create look good. Granted, the worms may be doing some good (a few people report relief of symptoms) but to what extent is the rest of the body suffering? Why use a known parasite that can and does cause illness when giving the body something it needs and is lacking would accomplish the same end? Kinda like the really expensive drug for Alzheimers they created cause there was sooo much of a certain peptide in the brains of Alzheimers patients that they assumed it must be the cause ! Only when given this drug the Alzheimers got worse and many died. Ooops. Turns out the amyloid beta peptides were protecting the brains. I think what this worm researcher did (besides the inability to get past his own theory) and so many others do, is look at portions of the body in isolation. They isolate the GI tract, the liver, the reproductive organs, etc. They fail to consider the body as a whole. The end result for worm theory is that it helps the intestine create mucus. Colitis is thought to be a lack of mucus. Iodine deficient bodies cant creat mucus as efficiently as iodine sufficient bodies. Need mucus? Got Iodine?Cheryl >> Just because something is "the norm",  it does not necessarily make it Ok or > healthy. Why are GI kids low in whipworm? Could be due to alot of things. > Treaments for other symptoms might be killing them off. Bigger, stronger > invaders could be taking over....there's a number of possiblities. With that > said, there probably aren't as many NT kids walking around with these problems > because their bodies are healthy and strong enough to keep parasites at a safe > level. Let's not forget that these kids are so ill that their bodies can not > handle the same burden as an NT. So, just in the same way many of our children > will feel the effects of say... low vitamin d levels more than an NT would, I'm > sure the effects would be the same with parasites. The majority of nt's are > probably not seeing 3-4 days go by without bowel movements. A chronically > constipated child is a perfect host. A child with leaky gut is a perfect host > as parasites will develop from undigested food rotting in the gut. These > parasites are in a perfect environment to not merely exist, but to thrive in > great abundance.   > > > When a 4 year old child poops out a 7 1/2 foot tapeworm, I will never be > convinced that it wasn't affecting that baby's health. Thank God for and > Stan catching that.> >  I recently watched a news piece about a woman who was undergoing emergency > brain surgery for a "tumor" that turned out to be a worm residing on her brain. > The surgeon said this is becoming more and more common and instead of doctors > seeing maybe one case in a lifetime, they are seeing multiples! > So this is something "NT" 's may be dealing with as well.  Crazy.> > -Tammy> > > > ________________________________> > To: mb12 valtrex > Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 10:10:45 PM> Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...> >  > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in our > bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people with GI > issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it’s being used a treatment. see you > can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look at what our kids have > that NT kids don't have......> > > > From: allrpossible@... > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM> To: mb12 valtrex > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...>  > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also, > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also, > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.> > Love and prayers,> > Heidi N>

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leaky gut from celiac disease can cause all that to leach as well....or low IGA total levels, or mito issues in and of itself which can be genetic

From: Caryn_Reid

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:41 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

I have heard that parasites eat folic acid, B12 and coQ10. This could account for both speech delays and mitochondrial disfunction.> > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and will resume once we are further along.> > > > > > > > Caryn> >>

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leaky gut from celiac disease can cause all that to leach as well....or low IGA total levels, or mito issues in and of itself which can be genetic

From: Caryn_Reid

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:41 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

I have heard that parasites eat folic acid, B12 and coQ10. This could account for both speech delays and mitochondrial disfunction.> > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and will resume once we are further along.> > > > > > > > Caryn> >>

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leaky gut from celiac disease can cause all that to leach as well....or low IGA total levels, or mito issues in and of itself which can be genetic

From: Caryn_Reid

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:41 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

I have heard that parasites eat folic acid, B12 and coQ10. This could account for both speech delays and mitochondrial disfunction.> > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and will resume once we are further along.> > > > > > > > Caryn> >>

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hair loss can also be from low biotin

From: Tammy Farmer

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:09 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

Hi Chery.I have tried many, many things for my son, including iodine. He got very sick on it,just like everything else I try(except valtrex).Yesterday I found some blood work that had been done on my son,and his iodine levels where flagged as high.Do you know why his would be high? It was not at the time that I tried the iodine on him. Last year I got my son a series of foot baths and the first few foot baths where so full of a bleach smell you could hardly be in the same room.Someone said(maybe it was you) that ,that means my son needs more iodine .The body holds onto the bleach if it does not have enough iodine. Any thoughts on why his iodine level was high? Thank You,Tammy F.

Cheryl, is 12.5 mgs a safe dose of iodine? I am struggling with hair loss and waiting on labs. My son is hypothyroid. Just wondering where to begin at?> > >> > > As this group is now very intereted in parasites, I wanted to post to this group what I posted to the borrelia board recently.> > > > > > I have been treating myself for lyme, strep, etc for over 3 years and have been very sick. I was easily able to relate to my son's illness (AKA autism) and have him dx with autism before he was 1 years old b/c I was sooo sick myself with many symptoms similiar to autism. > > > > > > After many, many years of treatment, I am doing very well, finally, just shortly after beginning an extensive worm protocol with allinia and an herbal parasite formula in addition to the augmentin I take for strep.> > > > > > I know many families have found success treating for yeast, strep, lyme, herpes, measles, but I am truly wondering if the root of our problem is worms. This would certainly explain the gut issues and the malnutrition. > > > > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and will resume once we are further along.> > > > > > Caryn>

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hair loss can also be from low biotin

From: Tammy Farmer

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:09 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

Hi Chery.I have tried many, many things for my son, including iodine. He got very sick on it,just like everything else I try(except valtrex).Yesterday I found some blood work that had been done on my son,and his iodine levels where flagged as high.Do you know why his would be high? It was not at the time that I tried the iodine on him. Last year I got my son a series of foot baths and the first few foot baths where so full of a bleach smell you could hardly be in the same room.Someone said(maybe it was you) that ,that means my son needs more iodine .The body holds onto the bleach if it does not have enough iodine. Any thoughts on why his iodine level was high? Thank You,Tammy F.

Cheryl, is 12.5 mgs a safe dose of iodine? I am struggling with hair loss and waiting on labs. My son is hypothyroid. Just wondering where to begin at?> > >> > > As this group is now very intereted in parasites, I wanted to post to this group what I posted to the borrelia board recently.> > > > > > I have been treating myself for lyme, strep, etc for over 3 years and have been very sick. I was easily able to relate to my son's illness (AKA autism) and have him dx with autism before he was 1 years old b/c I was sooo sick myself with many symptoms similiar to autism. > > > > > > After many, many years of treatment, I am doing very well, finally, just shortly after beginning an extensive worm protocol with allinia and an herbal parasite formula in addition to the augmentin I take for strep.> > > > > > I know many families have found success treating for yeast, strep, lyme, herpes, measles, but I am truly wondering if the root of our problem is worms. This would certainly explain the gut issues and the malnutrition. > > > > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and will resume once we are further along.> > > > > > Caryn>

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hair loss can also be from low biotin

From: Tammy Farmer

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:09 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

Hi Chery.I have tried many, many things for my son, including iodine. He got very sick on it,just like everything else I try(except valtrex).Yesterday I found some blood work that had been done on my son,and his iodine levels where flagged as high.Do you know why his would be high? It was not at the time that I tried the iodine on him. Last year I got my son a series of foot baths and the first few foot baths where so full of a bleach smell you could hardly be in the same room.Someone said(maybe it was you) that ,that means my son needs more iodine .The body holds onto the bleach if it does not have enough iodine. Any thoughts on why his iodine level was high? Thank You,Tammy F.

Cheryl, is 12.5 mgs a safe dose of iodine? I am struggling with hair loss and waiting on labs. My son is hypothyroid. Just wondering where to begin at?> > >> > > As this group is now very intereted in parasites, I wanted to post to this group what I posted to the borrelia board recently.> > > > > > I have been treating myself for lyme, strep, etc for over 3 years and have been very sick. I was easily able to relate to my son's illness (AKA autism) and have him dx with autism before he was 1 years old b/c I was sooo sick myself with many symptoms similiar to autism. > > > > > > After many, many years of treatment, I am doing very well, finally, just shortly after beginning an extensive worm protocol with allinia and an herbal parasite formula in addition to the augmentin I take for strep.> > > > > > I know many families have found success treating for yeast, strep, lyme, herpes, measles, but I am truly wondering if the root of our problem is worms. This would certainly explain the gut issues and the malnutrition. > > > > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and will resume once we are further along.> > > > > > Caryn>

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so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her

probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw

2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.

I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def. know

something is up with my son!!

or maybe I should have put them back in..........


> > >

> > > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in

our bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people with GI

issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it's being used a treatment. see you

can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look at what our kids have

that NT kids don't have......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From: allrpossible@

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like

> > > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in

> > > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he

> > > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been

> > > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the

> > > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural

> > > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still

> > > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all

> > > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also,

> > > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation

> > > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having

> > > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of

> > > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be

> > > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also,

> > > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism

> > > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that

> > > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.

> > >

> > > Love and prayers,

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> >


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put them back in! Too funny.

Were you giving something else for the worms (Sorry i cant remember who all is

on what!) or just the Probiotics. I am looking to try some kind of worm thing

(So far thinking Black walnut hulls and wormwood, if i dont just do a megadosage

of iodine) not adding a worm but to remove them.



> so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her

probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw

2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.


> I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def.

know something is up with my son!!


> or maybe I should have put them back in..........


> H

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put them back in! Too funny.

Were you giving something else for the worms (Sorry i cant remember who all is

on what!) or just the Probiotics. I am looking to try some kind of worm thing

(So far thinking Black walnut hulls and wormwood, if i dont just do a megadosage

of iodine) not adding a worm but to remove them.



> so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her

probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw

2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.


> I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def.

know something is up with my son!!


> or maybe I should have put them back in..........


> H

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put them back in! Too funny.

Were you giving something else for the worms (Sorry i cant remember who all is

on what!) or just the Probiotics. I am looking to try some kind of worm thing

(So far thinking Black walnut hulls and wormwood, if i dont just do a megadosage

of iodine) not adding a worm but to remove them.



> so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her

probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw

2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.


> I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def.

know something is up with my son!!


> or maybe I should have put them back in..........


> H

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That was rich.Sent from my iPhone

so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw 2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.

I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def. know something is up with my son!!

or maybe I should have put them back in..........


> > >

> > > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in our bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people with GI issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it's being used a treatment. see you can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look at what our kids have that NT kids don't have......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From: allrpossible@

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like

> > > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in

> > > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he

> > > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been

> > > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the

> > > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural

> > > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still

> > > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all

> > > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also,

> > > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation

> > > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having

> > > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of

> > > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be

> > > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also,

> > > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism

> > > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that

> > > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.

> > >

> > > Love and prayers,

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> >


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That was rich.Sent from my iPhone

so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw 2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.

I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def. know something is up with my son!!

or maybe I should have put them back in..........


> > >

> > > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in our bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people with GI issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it's being used a treatment. see you can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look at what our kids have that NT kids don't have......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From: allrpossible@

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like

> > > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in

> > > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he

> > > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been

> > > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the

> > > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural

> > > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still

> > > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all

> > > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also,

> > > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation

> > > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having

> > > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of

> > > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be

> > > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also,

> > > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism

> > > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that

> > > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.

> > >

> > > Love and prayers,

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> >


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That was rich.Sent from my iPhone

so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw 2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.

I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def. know something is up with my son!!

or maybe I should have put them back in..........


> > >

> > > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in our bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people with GI issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it's being used a treatment. see you can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look at what our kids have that NT kids don't have......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From: allrpossible@

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like

> > > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in

> > > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he

> > > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been

> > > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the

> > > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural

> > > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still

> > > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all

> > > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also,

> > > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation

> > > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having

> > > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of

> > > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be

> > > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also,

> > > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism

> > > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that

> > > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.

> > >

> > > Love and prayers,

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> >


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no worm stuff for her, just giving her a 1 capsule a day of my son's High

potency Kirkman's Lacto-Duo.

I am not seeing the snotty yeasty stuff come out of my son...pretty normal

looking stools aside from his crazy behaviors. I am doing the Paranil/BW &

Wormwood for him

> >

> > so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her

probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw

2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.

> >

> > I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def.

know something is up with my son!!

> >

> > or maybe I should have put them back in..........

> >

> > H


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no worm stuff for her, just giving her a 1 capsule a day of my son's High

potency Kirkman's Lacto-Duo.

I am not seeing the snotty yeasty stuff come out of my son...pretty normal

looking stools aside from his crazy behaviors. I am doing the Paranil/BW &

Wormwood for him

> >

> > so my daughter has been pretty yeasty lately and I've been giving her

probiotics. she's been passing snotty looking yeast and then this morning I saw

2 worms in it----white and about an inch (just over maybe) long.

> >

> > I've been reading that families will usually have them together, so I def.

know something is up with my son!!

> >

> > or maybe I should have put them back in..........

> >

> > H


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Actually i wasnt assuming, it was what i read. The worms can and does do bad

things to people. Kinda like antibiotics can and does do bad things to people.

I am more inclined to do no harm. Giving the body what it needs to fix itself is

my idea of doing no harm.

We are actually starting to see a market for iodine with whole people walking

around healthy. Just have to read the iodine board for a few days to see this.

Doctors are now recommending it 10 times more than they were just a few years

ago. Granted many docs arent on board yet, and some will never be, but many are

there now. And seeing the results.

You say: " iodine will not solve and IGA defiency (it's an immune problem) or

celiac diesase or metal issues ect. "

That is a false statement. Iodine has shown and is showing effect on all those

issues. Iodine solves it because the gut needs iodine to work correctly. Iodine

lowers or eliminates antibodies. Iodine helps the body chelate metals. Consider

the possibility the research into celiac didnt exactly point to a genetic

disease but actually if they looked further they would find iodine deficiency.

Not saying its true, saying it's not known.

I personally think most research is flawed because all researchers fail to have

baseline nutritional levels. Without knowing if iodine (or other necessary

nutrients) levels are deficient how can they know the real cause? I dont think

they can. Perhaps they are only seeing the effect, not the cause.

New research is proving that iodine helps and cures those with a thyroid

disorder.Both hyper and hypo. Iodine never killed anyone. That is a myth

perpetuated by doctors that are iodiophobic. Make someone so sick with dieoff

they think they were dying, maybe.

I have never said it was THE one thing. Iodine is the main thing, probably cause

it is one thing most deficient in all people. It is one of many nutrients the

body is lacking. And when the body is lacking iodine the entire body goes

haywire.To different degress. This is proven. And being proven still in the many

people that are fixing their problems with iodine. And magnesium and Vit C and

Selenium and D3 and Natural Salt. And clean water. And protein. All in

combination. Take away the iodine and you dont have the healing effect, so yeah

i tend to think it's the iodine.

Iodine doesnt suddenly remove autism. Never said it did. Always said it takes

time to effect healing in the body. It doesnt happen overnight.

I think that we see the forest differently. Altho we seem to agree on many

things, there is this one thing we dont, iodine. With the utmost respect for

your biomedical knowledge, I think you have a lack of iodine knowledge, as this

post in my opinion reflects. And it effects your perception of the forest more

than you realize. And it scares me to think people will not try iodine because

of it.

And i think a person with your experience and knowledge could do so many people

a favor (because you know so much and share so much of that knowledge) by

learning the truth about iodine.



> yeah but you are assumeing this parasite is doing all this bad stuff. if its

doing good stuff its no more wacked out then putting good bacteria or good yeast

in you. (probiotics and sacc B) you are also assume this helps a low % of

people which the results show much differently. you are also assumeing that the

parasite is causing illness when again it isn't. I know families with autism

who have done this and seen amazing things (not just GI related) you are also

making an assumption that iodine is a solve all for all things. which is absurd

to think that one thing will cure all things. if that was the case we would

again have whole people walking around and the market of iodine would be

flooded. coming from someone with a throid disorder that iodine could have

KILLED....this is a scary thing for me to watch you assume that blanket wise

this covers all things for all people and solves all medical problems. iodine

will not solve and IGA defiency (it's an immune problem) or celiac diesase or

metal issues ect. which can be the base root of some of these other issues.

you don't live by iodine alone. you have to look at people as individuals and

see what is going haywire in THEM, and what things can effect that....and I

think I am safe to say that doesn't come back to ONE thing being the defect in

all society. for years I have watch drs scream that about one vitamine (like

vit D was the crazy a few years back) and that if we all had good levels in that

we wouldn't have cancer, or colds, or flu, or autism ect ect ect. they are

dangerous band wagons to watch people on. that being said vit D IS important,

and we need to look and say ok how are my levels??? same for iondine! but I

wouldn't run and say ALL people need iodine and all things going haywire in a

body are because all people are low. infact that can do great harm.....look at

our vaccination program....life is just simpley NOT a one size fits all shirt!

I had to avoid iodine to the place I had to have them REPREP my C-section

because they didn't read my birth plan! I could have gone into shock had I not

noticed. we as the autism community as a whole are out tring a lot of " wacked

out thing " because there are NO ONE answers. HBOT, CHELATION, MASSIVE DIET


that the world looks as wacked out. are they really??? NO we are healing

looking at the individual.....you can't replace iodine in for a lot of those

things and expect it suddenly makes autism go away any more then just removing

gluten would do. it may help a few areas, but there is a whole big picture to

look at, don't get lost In the forest looking at just one tree.....when there

is a whole forest infront of you yet to conquire!

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Actually i wasnt assuming, it was what i read. The worms can and does do bad

things to people. Kinda like antibiotics can and does do bad things to people.

I am more inclined to do no harm. Giving the body what it needs to fix itself is

my idea of doing no harm.

We are actually starting to see a market for iodine with whole people walking

around healthy. Just have to read the iodine board for a few days to see this.

Doctors are now recommending it 10 times more than they were just a few years

ago. Granted many docs arent on board yet, and some will never be, but many are

there now. And seeing the results.

You say: " iodine will not solve and IGA defiency (it's an immune problem) or

celiac diesase or metal issues ect. "

That is a false statement. Iodine has shown and is showing effect on all those

issues. Iodine solves it because the gut needs iodine to work correctly. Iodine

lowers or eliminates antibodies. Iodine helps the body chelate metals. Consider

the possibility the research into celiac didnt exactly point to a genetic

disease but actually if they looked further they would find iodine deficiency.

Not saying its true, saying it's not known.

I personally think most research is flawed because all researchers fail to have

baseline nutritional levels. Without knowing if iodine (or other necessary

nutrients) levels are deficient how can they know the real cause? I dont think

they can. Perhaps they are only seeing the effect, not the cause.

New research is proving that iodine helps and cures those with a thyroid

disorder.Both hyper and hypo. Iodine never killed anyone. That is a myth

perpetuated by doctors that are iodiophobic. Make someone so sick with dieoff

they think they were dying, maybe.

I have never said it was THE one thing. Iodine is the main thing, probably cause

it is one thing most deficient in all people. It is one of many nutrients the

body is lacking. And when the body is lacking iodine the entire body goes

haywire.To different degress. This is proven. And being proven still in the many

people that are fixing their problems with iodine. And magnesium and Vit C and

Selenium and D3 and Natural Salt. And clean water. And protein. All in

combination. Take away the iodine and you dont have the healing effect, so yeah

i tend to think it's the iodine.

Iodine doesnt suddenly remove autism. Never said it did. Always said it takes

time to effect healing in the body. It doesnt happen overnight.

I think that we see the forest differently. Altho we seem to agree on many

things, there is this one thing we dont, iodine. With the utmost respect for

your biomedical knowledge, I think you have a lack of iodine knowledge, as this

post in my opinion reflects. And it effects your perception of the forest more

than you realize. And it scares me to think people will not try iodine because

of it.

And i think a person with your experience and knowledge could do so many people

a favor (because you know so much and share so much of that knowledge) by

learning the truth about iodine.



> yeah but you are assumeing this parasite is doing all this bad stuff. if its

doing good stuff its no more wacked out then putting good bacteria or good yeast

in you. (probiotics and sacc B) you are also assume this helps a low % of

people which the results show much differently. you are also assumeing that the

parasite is causing illness when again it isn't. I know families with autism

who have done this and seen amazing things (not just GI related) you are also

making an assumption that iodine is a solve all for all things. which is absurd

to think that one thing will cure all things. if that was the case we would

again have whole people walking around and the market of iodine would be

flooded. coming from someone with a throid disorder that iodine could have

KILLED....this is a scary thing for me to watch you assume that blanket wise

this covers all things for all people and solves all medical problems. iodine

will not solve and IGA defiency (it's an immune problem) or celiac diesase or

metal issues ect. which can be the base root of some of these other issues.

you don't live by iodine alone. you have to look at people as individuals and

see what is going haywire in THEM, and what things can effect that....and I

think I am safe to say that doesn't come back to ONE thing being the defect in

all society. for years I have watch drs scream that about one vitamine (like

vit D was the crazy a few years back) and that if we all had good levels in that

we wouldn't have cancer, or colds, or flu, or autism ect ect ect. they are

dangerous band wagons to watch people on. that being said vit D IS important,

and we need to look and say ok how are my levels??? same for iondine! but I

wouldn't run and say ALL people need iodine and all things going haywire in a

body are because all people are low. infact that can do great harm.....look at

our vaccination program....life is just simpley NOT a one size fits all shirt!

I had to avoid iodine to the place I had to have them REPREP my C-section

because they didn't read my birth plan! I could have gone into shock had I not

noticed. we as the autism community as a whole are out tring a lot of " wacked

out thing " because there are NO ONE answers. HBOT, CHELATION, MASSIVE DIET


that the world looks as wacked out. are they really??? NO we are healing

looking at the individual.....you can't replace iodine in for a lot of those

things and expect it suddenly makes autism go away any more then just removing

gluten would do. it may help a few areas, but there is a whole big picture to

look at, don't get lost In the forest looking at just one tree.....when there

is a whole forest infront of you yet to conquire!

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Actually i wasnt assuming, it was what i read. The worms can and does do bad

things to people. Kinda like antibiotics can and does do bad things to people.

I am more inclined to do no harm. Giving the body what it needs to fix itself is

my idea of doing no harm.

We are actually starting to see a market for iodine with whole people walking

around healthy. Just have to read the iodine board for a few days to see this.

Doctors are now recommending it 10 times more than they were just a few years

ago. Granted many docs arent on board yet, and some will never be, but many are

there now. And seeing the results.

You say: " iodine will not solve and IGA defiency (it's an immune problem) or

celiac diesase or metal issues ect. "

That is a false statement. Iodine has shown and is showing effect on all those

issues. Iodine solves it because the gut needs iodine to work correctly. Iodine

lowers or eliminates antibodies. Iodine helps the body chelate metals. Consider

the possibility the research into celiac didnt exactly point to a genetic

disease but actually if they looked further they would find iodine deficiency.

Not saying its true, saying it's not known.

I personally think most research is flawed because all researchers fail to have

baseline nutritional levels. Without knowing if iodine (or other necessary

nutrients) levels are deficient how can they know the real cause? I dont think

they can. Perhaps they are only seeing the effect, not the cause.

New research is proving that iodine helps and cures those with a thyroid

disorder.Both hyper and hypo. Iodine never killed anyone. That is a myth

perpetuated by doctors that are iodiophobic. Make someone so sick with dieoff

they think they were dying, maybe.

I have never said it was THE one thing. Iodine is the main thing, probably cause

it is one thing most deficient in all people. It is one of many nutrients the

body is lacking. And when the body is lacking iodine the entire body goes

haywire.To different degress. This is proven. And being proven still in the many

people that are fixing their problems with iodine. And magnesium and Vit C and

Selenium and D3 and Natural Salt. And clean water. And protein. All in

combination. Take away the iodine and you dont have the healing effect, so yeah

i tend to think it's the iodine.

Iodine doesnt suddenly remove autism. Never said it did. Always said it takes

time to effect healing in the body. It doesnt happen overnight.

I think that we see the forest differently. Altho we seem to agree on many

things, there is this one thing we dont, iodine. With the utmost respect for

your biomedical knowledge, I think you have a lack of iodine knowledge, as this

post in my opinion reflects. And it effects your perception of the forest more

than you realize. And it scares me to think people will not try iodine because

of it.

And i think a person with your experience and knowledge could do so many people

a favor (because you know so much and share so much of that knowledge) by

learning the truth about iodine.



> yeah but you are assumeing this parasite is doing all this bad stuff. if its

doing good stuff its no more wacked out then putting good bacteria or good yeast

in you. (probiotics and sacc B) you are also assume this helps a low % of

people which the results show much differently. you are also assumeing that the

parasite is causing illness when again it isn't. I know families with autism

who have done this and seen amazing things (not just GI related) you are also

making an assumption that iodine is a solve all for all things. which is absurd

to think that one thing will cure all things. if that was the case we would

again have whole people walking around and the market of iodine would be

flooded. coming from someone with a throid disorder that iodine could have

KILLED....this is a scary thing for me to watch you assume that blanket wise

this covers all things for all people and solves all medical problems. iodine

will not solve and IGA defiency (it's an immune problem) or celiac diesase or

metal issues ect. which can be the base root of some of these other issues.

you don't live by iodine alone. you have to look at people as individuals and

see what is going haywire in THEM, and what things can effect that....and I

think I am safe to say that doesn't come back to ONE thing being the defect in

all society. for years I have watch drs scream that about one vitamine (like

vit D was the crazy a few years back) and that if we all had good levels in that

we wouldn't have cancer, or colds, or flu, or autism ect ect ect. they are

dangerous band wagons to watch people on. that being said vit D IS important,

and we need to look and say ok how are my levels??? same for iondine! but I

wouldn't run and say ALL people need iodine and all things going haywire in a

body are because all people are low. infact that can do great harm.....look at

our vaccination program....life is just simpley NOT a one size fits all shirt!

I had to avoid iodine to the place I had to have them REPREP my C-section

because they didn't read my birth plan! I could have gone into shock had I not

noticed. we as the autism community as a whole are out tring a lot of " wacked

out thing " because there are NO ONE answers. HBOT, CHELATION, MASSIVE DIET


that the world looks as wacked out. are they really??? NO we are healing

looking at the individual.....you can't replace iodine in for a lot of those

things and expect it suddenly makes autism go away any more then just removing

gluten would do. it may help a few areas, but there is a whole big picture to

look at, don't get lost In the forest looking at just one tree.....when there

is a whole forest infront of you yet to conquire!

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My husband had Crohn's and it went away on clindamycin, rifampin and flagyl

combo for several months.

> > >

> > > actually it BEING the norm can means we are meant to co-exist, which is

> > the point of the whip worms, they keep the mucus in the gut like it should

> > (IGA lining) which you are also linking into the vit A discussion. it being

> > the norm and people NOT having problems WITH having them and our kids being

> > LOW in them and having issues WITH OUT Them suggests we NEED them for proper

> > health.....they treat by taking the the eggs of the whip worms which hatch

> > on their way down and take root (and before you get grossed out- it's really

> > no different then talking about probiotics) it's taking something that is in

> > all bodies (again we ALL have bacteria in our body, we all have yeast in our

> > body, we all have worms in our bodies, we all have parasites in our bodies)

> > its not just kids seeing benefits with the whip worms eggs, it also adults,

> > those with IBD and IBS completely better when reinhibited.....the theory is

> > from it allowing the body to have the mucus lineing that the person can't

> > produce and is our IGA production then needing this and THIS is why we are

> > low when we have IGA issues....

> > >

> > >

> > > From: T Lynn

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 11:26 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Just because something is " the norm " , it does not necessarily make it Ok

> > or healthy. Why are GI kids low in whipworm? Could be due to alot of things.

> > Treaments for other symptoms might be killing them off. Bigger, stronger

> > invaders could be taking over....there's a number of possiblities. With that

> > said, there probably aren't as many NT kids walking around with these

> > problems because their bodies are healthy and strong enough to keep

> > parasites at a safe level. Let's not forget that these kids are so ill that

> > their bodies can not handle the same burden as an NT. So, just in the same

> > way many of our children will feel the effects of say... low vitamin d

> > levels more than an NT would, I'm sure the effects would be the same with

> > parasites. The majority of nt's are probably not seeing 3-4 days go by

> > without bowel movements. A chronically constipated child is a perfect host.

> > A child with leaky gut is a perfect host as parasites will develop from

> > undigested food rotting in the gut. These parasites are in a perfect

> > environment to not merely exist, but to thrive in great abundance.

> > >

> > > When a 4 year old child poops out a 7 1/2 foot tapeworm, I will never be

> > convinced that it wasn't affecting that baby's health. Thank God for

> > and Stan catching that.

> > >

> > > I recently watched a news piece about a woman who was undergoing

> > emergency brain surgery for a " tumor " that turned out to be a worm residing

> > on her brain. The surgeon said this is becoming more and more common and

> > instead of doctors seeing maybe one case in a lifetime, they are seeing

> > multiples!

> > > So this is something " NT " 's may be dealing with as well. Crazy.

> > >

> > > -Tammy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----------------------------------------------------------

> > > From: Christel Church <revchristelking@>

> >

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 10:10:45 PM

> > > Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in

> > our bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people

> > with GI issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it’s being used a

> > treatment. see you can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look

> > at what our kids have that NT kids don't have......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From: allrpossible@

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like

> > > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in

> > > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he

> > > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been

> > > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the

> > > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural

> > > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still

> > > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all

> > > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also,

> > > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation

> > > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having

> > > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of

> > > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be

> > > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also,

> > > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism

> > > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that

> > > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.

> > >

> > > Love and prayers,

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Toni


> ------

> Mind like a steel trap...

> Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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My husband had Crohn's and it went away on clindamycin, rifampin and flagyl

combo for several months.

> > >

> > > actually it BEING the norm can means we are meant to co-exist, which is

> > the point of the whip worms, they keep the mucus in the gut like it should

> > (IGA lining) which you are also linking into the vit A discussion. it being

> > the norm and people NOT having problems WITH having them and our kids being

> > LOW in them and having issues WITH OUT Them suggests we NEED them for proper

> > health.....they treat by taking the the eggs of the whip worms which hatch

> > on their way down and take root (and before you get grossed out- it's really

> > no different then talking about probiotics) it's taking something that is in

> > all bodies (again we ALL have bacteria in our body, we all have yeast in our

> > body, we all have worms in our bodies, we all have parasites in our bodies)

> > its not just kids seeing benefits with the whip worms eggs, it also adults,

> > those with IBD and IBS completely better when reinhibited.....the theory is

> > from it allowing the body to have the mucus lineing that the person can't

> > produce and is our IGA production then needing this and THIS is why we are

> > low when we have IGA issues....

> > >

> > >

> > > From: T Lynn

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 11:26 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Just because something is " the norm " , it does not necessarily make it Ok

> > or healthy. Why are GI kids low in whipworm? Could be due to alot of things.

> > Treaments for other symptoms might be killing them off. Bigger, stronger

> > invaders could be taking over....there's a number of possiblities. With that

> > said, there probably aren't as many NT kids walking around with these

> > problems because their bodies are healthy and strong enough to keep

> > parasites at a safe level. Let's not forget that these kids are so ill that

> > their bodies can not handle the same burden as an NT. So, just in the same

> > way many of our children will feel the effects of say... low vitamin d

> > levels more than an NT would, I'm sure the effects would be the same with

> > parasites. The majority of nt's are probably not seeing 3-4 days go by

> > without bowel movements. A chronically constipated child is a perfect host.

> > A child with leaky gut is a perfect host as parasites will develop from

> > undigested food rotting in the gut. These parasites are in a perfect

> > environment to not merely exist, but to thrive in great abundance.

> > >

> > > When a 4 year old child poops out a 7 1/2 foot tapeworm, I will never be

> > convinced that it wasn't affecting that baby's health. Thank God for

> > and Stan catching that.

> > >

> > > I recently watched a news piece about a woman who was undergoing

> > emergency brain surgery for a " tumor " that turned out to be a worm residing

> > on her brain. The surgeon said this is becoming more and more common and

> > instead of doctors seeing maybe one case in a lifetime, they are seeing

> > multiples!

> > > So this is something " NT " 's may be dealing with as well. Crazy.

> > >

> > > -Tammy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----------------------------------------------------------

> > > From: Christel Church <revchristelking@>

> >

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 10:10:45 PM

> > > Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in

> > our bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people

> > with GI issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it’s being used a

> > treatment. see you can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look

> > at what our kids have that NT kids don't have......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From: allrpossible@

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like

> > > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in

> > > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he

> > > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been

> > > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the

> > > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural

> > > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still

> > > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all

> > > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also,

> > > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation

> > > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having

> > > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of

> > > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be

> > > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also,

> > > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism

> > > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that

> > > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.

> > >

> > > Love and prayers,

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Toni


> ------

> Mind like a steel trap...

> Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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My husband had Crohn's and it went away on clindamycin, rifampin and flagyl

combo for several months.

> > >

> > > actually it BEING the norm can means we are meant to co-exist, which is

> > the point of the whip worms, they keep the mucus in the gut like it should

> > (IGA lining) which you are also linking into the vit A discussion. it being

> > the norm and people NOT having problems WITH having them and our kids being

> > LOW in them and having issues WITH OUT Them suggests we NEED them for proper

> > health.....they treat by taking the the eggs of the whip worms which hatch

> > on their way down and take root (and before you get grossed out- it's really

> > no different then talking about probiotics) it's taking something that is in

> > all bodies (again we ALL have bacteria in our body, we all have yeast in our

> > body, we all have worms in our bodies, we all have parasites in our bodies)

> > its not just kids seeing benefits with the whip worms eggs, it also adults,

> > those with IBD and IBS completely better when reinhibited.....the theory is

> > from it allowing the body to have the mucus lineing that the person can't

> > produce and is our IGA production then needing this and THIS is why we are

> > low when we have IGA issues....

> > >

> > >

> > > From: T Lynn

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 11:26 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Just because something is " the norm " , it does not necessarily make it Ok

> > or healthy. Why are GI kids low in whipworm? Could be due to alot of things.

> > Treaments for other symptoms might be killing them off. Bigger, stronger

> > invaders could be taking over....there's a number of possiblities. With that

> > said, there probably aren't as many NT kids walking around with these

> > problems because their bodies are healthy and strong enough to keep

> > parasites at a safe level. Let's not forget that these kids are so ill that

> > their bodies can not handle the same burden as an NT. So, just in the same

> > way many of our children will feel the effects of say... low vitamin d

> > levels more than an NT would, I'm sure the effects would be the same with

> > parasites. The majority of nt's are probably not seeing 3-4 days go by

> > without bowel movements. A chronically constipated child is a perfect host.

> > A child with leaky gut is a perfect host as parasites will develop from

> > undigested food rotting in the gut. These parasites are in a perfect

> > environment to not merely exist, but to thrive in great abundance.

> > >

> > > When a 4 year old child poops out a 7 1/2 foot tapeworm, I will never be

> > convinced that it wasn't affecting that baby's health. Thank God for

> > and Stan catching that.

> > >

> > > I recently watched a news piece about a woman who was undergoing

> > emergency brain surgery for a " tumor " that turned out to be a worm residing

> > on her brain. The surgeon said this is becoming more and more common and

> > instead of doctors seeing maybe one case in a lifetime, they are seeing

> > multiples!

> > > So this is something " NT " 's may be dealing with as well. Crazy.

> > >

> > > -Tammy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ----------------------------------------------------------

> > > From: Christel Church <revchristelking@>

> >

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 10:10:45 PM

> > > Subject: Re: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I hate to bust this thread but we ALL have worms, and parasites living in

> > our bodies, you can do a quick thread on whip worms and they find people

> > with GI issues are actually LOW in whip worms and it’s being used a

> > treatment. see you can't just look at what our kids have, you have to look

> > at what our kids have that NT kids don't have......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From: allrpossible@

> > > Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 9:39 PM

> > > To: mb12 valtrex

> > > Subject: Re: Vit A procotol and Parasites...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't think it's worms as much as it's protozoa -- which are like

> > > microscopic worms. A researcher I know says that he found a protozoa in

> > > all of those with autism that he has tested. He further stated that he

> > > can not identify the protozoa, feeling that it has not yet been

> > > discovered in mainstream science. For the record, some of the

> > > antibiotics and worm medications, also kill protozoa. But, the natural

> > > things that kill protozoa are also often anti-viral. So, it's still

> > > unclear. At this point, I still believe it's best to treat for all

> > > pathogen types (protozoa, worms, bacteria, viruses, and yeast). Also,

> > > keep in mind that some of those with autism and/or mental retardation

> > > are getting it from worms. If you Google, you will learn that having

> > > worms while very young can cause mental retardation and all kinds of

> > > developmental delays, which would include autism symptoms. So, yes be

> > > aware that treating for worms and protozoa should be considered. Also,

> > > Google to learn how the testing is very unreliable. The good autism

> > > docs know this. It's about getting a good health practitioner that

> > > knows about which labs and testing to use or knows how to go by symptoms.

> > >

> > > Love and prayers,

> > >

> > > Heidi N

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Toni


> ------

> Mind like a steel trap...

> Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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Yes. And for protozoa it is to stop coQ10 metabolism. Starve or poison.


> > > > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are

> > optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually

> > stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and

> > will resume once we are further along.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Caryn

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Toni


> ------

> Mind like a steel trap...

> Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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Yes. And for protozoa it is to stop coQ10 metabolism. Starve or poison.


> > > > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are

> > optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually

> > stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and

> > will resume once we are further along.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Caryn

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Toni


> ------

> Mind like a steel trap...

> Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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Yes. And for protozoa it is to stop coQ10 metabolism. Starve or poison.


> > > > > > My son is only about 2 weeks into his worm protocol, but we are

> > optimistic for great things (he potty trained in 24 hours.) We have actually

> > stopped his other supplements b/c I think many are feeding the worms and

> > will resume once we are further along.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Caryn

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Toni


> ------

> Mind like a steel trap...

> Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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