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Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLY

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Mhm... Well, only my TSH and FT4 was test in 1997. TSH was at 1.21 (I have no clue what the range was back then) and FT4 was like 12.5 or something. Again, no clue about the range, but I am guessing 12.5 is towards the lower end which is normally around 9.Hashimotos. Interesting that you mention it. I never had any anibodies, and I test themevery month (don't ask me why - I just do, just in case!) - I do: ANTI-TPO and TRAS.Is this enough to test? I believe antibodies were tested back in 1997 too, but nothingwas found. The main endocrinology dept. hailed me Healthy back then. I was NOT.What I was told by them last year, when _I_ myself found that nodule (it's small,4 x 6 mm in size), was that "it's perfectly normal to have one of several nodules on the thyroid, and it doesn't do you any harm!" - Can you explain to me what this nodule

can do?Do I need to remove it? Partial removal of the Thyroid? How can I find out what's with the nodule?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:21 PM

That your thyroid WAS normal 13 years ago is not proof it is normal

today. SOMETHING was wrong causing your hypo symptoms and if T4 fixed

them, I woudl assume it wa NOT RT3 but low thyroid production. What

doctors term NORMAL thyroid funciotn often means a normal TSH. I alsmost

died of myxedema Coma with a normal TSH. SO unless oyur free thyroid

levels were alos NORMAL an by that I mena midrange FT4 adn upper third

of range FT3, you can have normal labs and still have an underfuctioning

thyroid. This tends to worsen over time. A nodule on your thyroid is

fairly good PROOF ther is a problem as nodules are NOT normal. They can

be harmless but the fact you have one is room enough to be fairly

certain you have Hashi's which si progressive.

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Thanks . I will start to take Iron two times daily. Is it dangerous to go up on the iron supplementing dose too fast? I went from 50 mg daily to 100 mg daily last week, and took 100 mg at one time. Midnight. The next day my heart was all irregular and weak. Nick told me to split the iron in two doses, so I will. Thanks you guys - Your words of experience mean everything to me (and I mean that!) - If these words will help me solve my mystery, well.. I will be the happiest person in the world!I will take 25 mg Iron now 1 hour after taking my first 5 mcg of T3 today (though 5 hours late). With the 50 mg's at midnight, this will be 75 mg of iron daily. I will increase the dose to 100 in a week. Does that sound ok or can I raise the iron faster?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:23 PM

Yes you can take iron an hour after swallowing T3. The t3 absorbs rather

quickyl even when swallowed so ti is fully absorbed within an hour. Iron

absorbs slowly so it takes at least FOUR hours after takign iron before

oyu can take more T3 wihtout interferance wqoiht absirbtion. This is

talking about absorbtion, not utilization. Utilizat9ion will not improve

until your over all ferritin levels come up bnetter.

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Thanks . I will start to take Iron two times daily. Is it dangerous to go up on the iron supplementing dose too fast? I went from 50 mg daily to 100 mg daily last week, and took 100 mg at one time. Midnight. The next day my heart was all irregular and weak. Nick told me to split the iron in two doses, so I will. Thanks you guys - Your words of experience mean everything to me (and I mean that!) - If these words will help me solve my mystery, well.. I will be the happiest person in the world!I will take 25 mg Iron now 1 hour after taking my first 5 mcg of T3 today (though 5 hours late). With the 50 mg's at midnight, this will be 75 mg of iron daily. I will increase the dose to 100 in a week. Does that sound ok or can I raise the iron faster?Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:23 PM

Yes you can take iron an hour after swallowing T3. The t3 absorbs rather

quickyl even when swallowed so ti is fully absorbed within an hour. Iron

absorbs slowly so it takes at least FOUR hours after takign iron before

oyu can take more T3 wihtout interferance wqoiht absirbtion. This is

talking about absorbtion, not utilization. Utilizat9ion will not improve

until your over all ferritin levels come up bnetter.

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The nodule I woudl ot wory about but they are usually caused by

antibodies attackin the thyroid gland. I had negative antibpdy testign

for many years but let me take a TINY bit of iodine and they skyrocket!

I knew I had Hashi's from sympotms (mainly thyroid levels going high

then low ) for years before they actually showed up oin a blood test.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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The nodule I woudl ot wory about but they are usually caused by

antibodies attackin the thyroid gland. I had negative antibpdy testign

for many years but let me take a TINY bit of iodine and they skyrocket!

I knew I had Hashi's from sympotms (mainly thyroid levels going high

then low ) for years before they actually showed up oin a blood test.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Interesting. Very interesting.So... After being Hypo from the age of 13 to 18, I finally did a blood test, and because my TSH and FT4 was withing the normal ranges, they said I was healthy. I also didn't have any antibodies. I know ANTI-TPO was done. Not sure about TRAS.My weight went up and down through my teens. I was 300 lbs at a point. But I found a journal last night from the hospital, written in 1996 and 1997, that said I lost like 60-70 lbs BEFORE I started taking my T4 through the private specialist. Weight going up and down... Is that commong with Hashis?I think like this now: A nodule is found in a helthy person - Means nothing.A nodule is found in a sick person - Means something! Am I right?I only found that nodule last year, after being sick for like 16 years. However, I only found it because my condition got MUCH

worse last year. And the search for answers started...This is SO interesting!!!!!!Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:40 PM

The nodule I woudl ot wory about but they are usually caused by

antibodies attackin the thyroid gland. I had negative antibpdy testign

for many years but let me take a TINY bit of iodine and they skyrocket!

I knew I had Hashi's from sympotms (mainly thyroid levels going high

then low ) for years before they actually showed up oin a blood test.

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>I apologize for all the messages I've written. But what else can I do. I feel

it's life or death here. I appreciate your reply, Nick. (And Valirie, and the

others who wrote their experiences with tightness in the chest!)

I'm doing my best to catch up but have been busy. It may feel life and

death, that's the adrenaline still. Hopefully things will settle down



>Can I take synthetic T3 under my tongue? Wow. I only thought this was possible

>with dessicated thyroid?

Yep, the Grossman even tastes nice, don't know about yours. That gets

rid of all the iron issues.


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>The more I wrote, the more I chatted with people, the more

>tightness in my chest... Does that make any sense?

It's a stress reaction then by the sounds of it, and with that sort of

issue the more you worry about it the harder it is to sort out. Yet

another of those vicious circles.


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>The more I wrote, the more I chatted with people, the more

>tightness in my chest... Does that make any sense?

It's a stress reaction then by the sounds of it, and with that sort of

issue the more you worry about it the harder it is to sort out. Yet

another of those vicious circles.


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>SO much uncertainty!!!!!


>It's driving me absolutely insane... :(

You have a LOT of T4 floating about in your blood stream and that will

still be converting to T3, possibly better than when the levels were a

bit higher. Part of why you need to go up higher on T3 is to suppress

your own T4 production and stop that feeding RT3.


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>However, splitting it in four, is hard. Not impossible, but the small

>itty bitty pieces mostly end up in a 4/6 split. One piece is 4 mcg,

>the other one is 6 mcg. Soemtimes the split is even worse. So....

>I just cannot take anything less than 1/4'th of a pill. Which is

>around 5 mcg.

As long as you try and take the 2 parts one after the other it doesn't

matter if it's a 4/6 split, it all averages out in the end


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>Is it base don a daily basis, like, if I take 10 mg HC at 09.30,

>then I will be fine taking my 5 mcg of T3 at 10? Or doesn't it matter

>at all, like I can take my T3 first and then HC 30 minutes later?

>How fast do they work up on each other?

Either take them together or take the HC first.

T3 " uses up " HC getting into the cells and if you are low you don't

want to start using it before you supplement.


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>Is it base don a daily basis, like, if I take 10 mg HC at 09.30,

>then I will be fine taking my 5 mcg of T3 at 10? Or doesn't it matter

>at all, like I can take my T3 first and then HC 30 minutes later?

>How fast do they work up on each other?

Either take them together or take the HC first.

T3 " uses up " HC getting into the cells and if you are low you don't

want to start using it before you supplement.


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>When does T3 spike? It's now been 50 minutes since I took it and I

>feel more intense pressure/tightness now... So I guess it's T3 doing

>this to me

For me T3 peaks gently after an hour or so and sinks after a few


Natural spiked sooner and slumped sooner for me but I think this may

have been the T2 in it (which I was relatively more sensitive to as I

was resistant to T3)

>So I guess it's T3 doing

>>this to me

Or rather the low ferritin causing issues with the T3.

Have you investigated an Iron IV, Venofer I think it's called??


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>When does T3 spike? It's now been 50 minutes since I took it and I

>feel more intense pressure/tightness now... So I guess it's T3 doing

>this to me

For me T3 peaks gently after an hour or so and sinks after a few


Natural spiked sooner and slumped sooner for me but I think this may

have been the T2 in it (which I was relatively more sensitive to as I

was resistant to T3)

>So I guess it's T3 doing

>>this to me

Or rather the low ferritin causing issues with the T3.

Have you investigated an Iron IV, Venofer I think it's called??


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I understand. My Ferritin is just too low. I am taking 75 mg iron today, 25 mg more than yesterday.So if I took 10 mcg T3 the first 3 days, then 15 mcg T3 for the following 2 days, and 10 mcg T3 yesterday.. What do I do today? I took 5 mcg T3 today at 2:30 pm, the first dose of today.Should I take another 5 mcg T3 now at 9pm-ish with my last 2.5 mg HC dose? Then it's 10 mcg T3 total today. Maybe that's even too much?T.Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:01


It is not just the iron interfering wiht T3 absorbtion. It is thta LOW

FERRITIN causes extreme adrneal stress and anxiety and the herat symptom

when oyu try to take T3 when it is still too low. Your Ferirtin of 66

whiel not stoppign supplements is probabyl no higher than 25-30. WAY too

low to tolerate and USE T3 by your body. When they body can;t USE T3

correctly it revolts with these horrid symptom oyu are haivng. It will

prvent you from optimizing HC at any dose. I would lower your Total T3

dose for the dy. I am not sure what oyu were taking but take a bit less.

Sublingual will not matter. it is what is happening iopnec it is in the

blood thta is causing the issues due to low ferritin.

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I understand. My Ferritin is just too low. I am taking 75 mg iron today, 25 mg more than yesterday.So if I took 10 mcg T3 the first 3 days, then 15 mcg T3 for the following 2 days, and 10 mcg T3 yesterday.. What do I do today? I took 5 mcg T3 today at 2:30 pm, the first dose of today.Should I take another 5 mcg T3 now at 9pm-ish with my last 2.5 mg HC dose? Then it's 10 mcg T3 total today. Maybe that's even too much?T.Subject: Re: Re: Help - Heart just started beating VERY slowly and IRREGULARLYTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 2:01


It is not just the iron interfering wiht T3 absorbtion. It is thta LOW

FERRITIN causes extreme adrneal stress and anxiety and the herat symptom

when oyu try to take T3 when it is still too low. Your Ferirtin of 66

whiel not stoppign supplements is probabyl no higher than 25-30. WAY too

low to tolerate and USE T3 by your body. When they body can;t USE T3

correctly it revolts with these horrid symptom oyu are haivng. It will

prvent you from optimizing HC at any dose. I would lower your Total T3

dose for the dy. I am not sure what oyu were taking but take a bit less.

Sublingual will not matter. it is what is happening iopnec it is in the

blood thta is causing the issues due to low ferritin.

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HC does work that fast but I suspect your body can tolerate the 10mcg T3

and just not much more due ot the low ferritin.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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HC does work that fast but I suspect your body can tolerate the 10mcg T3

and just not much more due ot the low ferritin.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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