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Sounds like a great day to me! I love when things like that happen. I didn't

even know you can get bottled water like that delivered. I like the bottles

too, but we've been using ones (reusable) that I picked up at Target over

the Summer.

I wonder if my local store has those crystal light packets, those sound neat


What great finds :)

> I just had to share my good fortune! My employer (I work for a

> federal judge, so the federal government) was sponsoring a health

> fair in the federal building next door (I work in the courthouse)

> today, so I dropped by to see if I could grab any freebies. I picked

> up an apple and banana (I'll have those for snack if I get hungry

> this afternoon), some energy bars from a local organic store, some

> cold brew lemon tea bags from celestrial seasonings (this is new to

> me!), and a box of single serve Crystal Light packets (I am majorly

> excited about these!!!) that you mix with water. I also got a stop

> watch keyring and some great brochures from the American Cancer

> Society about healthy eating w/tips and portion reminders (reminds me

> of the little handouts WW gives). I also signed up for bottled water

> delivery to my house. I've been meaning to do this, but haven't

> because I keep forgetting. I like the 24 oz. sport bottles, but they

> are very expensive buying them at the store. This way, they are

> cheaper and I don't have to lug them home. Plus, I bought the first

> two cases and he threw in the third for free!


> It is amazing how the little things can still motivate me... : )


> April



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You can usually find a local spring water delivery service in the phone

book or even check out Lowes, Home Depot, or your grocery store. The

place we " buy " from charges $6 per 5 gallon jug and there's no delivery

or pickup charge. You also have to pay a deposit on the bottles which

is an additional $6 per bottle in our case, but we only have to pay that

once as long as we receive as much as we return. And it all comes back

in the end. =)

-----Original Message-----

From: Spirittalker2

I didn't even know you can get bottled water like that delivered. I like

the bottles too, but we've been using ones (reusable) that I picked up

at Target over the Summer.

What great finds :)

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 12/15/2003 4:17:02 PM Central Standard Time,

apes213@... writes:

" I'll go on a diet, but I'm living it up until after

the holidays! "

My leader says that the day after New Years people will be lined up out front

to sign up with WW.

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Isn't wonderful how we've changed or modified our eating AND our thinking

about eating??

It's hard but possible to do, once we give ourselves time. We think that we

just can't do without certain things and after awhile on the program, we

sometimes just don't think about that anymore or when we do it's a sort of

wistful nostalgia.

Good going for the season!!!!!!


These posts about meals we used to eat (before WW) that were horribly

unhealthy has gotten me to thinking. I used to eat without abandon,

and then I would wonder why I was gaining weight. I felt I ate like a

normal person--yea, a normal NFL linebacker.

I would go to this country buffet we have here once every week or so

(it's called Brown's Country Kitchen) and have fried catfish, french

fries, mashed potatoes with gravy, fried corn on the cob, mac &

cheese, rolls with butter, and about three desserts on top of all

that! Hello, arteries, are you calling?

t after dinner.

How did I ever get all that food in my tummy? Eating that way now

would make me barf. I go to these places still, but I eat reasonably

and count my points.

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Yup, they classes are often filled to capacity and then as the months go on,

then it weeds out. Swimsuit season is another high volume time.

Running26point2@... wrote:My leader says that the day after New Years people

will be lined up out front to sign up with WW.

Gymmie in Cali °Ü°

The difference between fit and fat is " I "

WW Baby-No Mo' Flab born 10/13/2K3 Wt. 6.5 lbs

Ya Ya Name--Marchioness Whispering Thunder

Bond Girl Name--Sasha Sparks

Matrix Name--Solana

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  • 5 weeks later...

I say set it at the top of your range so you can get your WW charm and stop

paying as soon as possible. There is no point (in my opinion) to set your

goal lower than you have to. If you want to keep loosing after you have

reached your goal then that's fine, but paying WW $12 every week isn't going

to help you get there any sooner.

I haven't set mine yet but when I do it will be the highest number I'm

allowed. That's not because I want to stop loosing at that point but because

I want to stop paying. I have been at this for almost 2 years now also and I

have 12 pounds to go to the top of my range and I can't wait to stop paying

for meetings.




From: arminor75

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:03 PM

To: Serious-Weight-Watchers

Subject: (unknown)

Well, as I approach what I think will be my WW goal weight, I'm

plagued with some questions, and I'd appreciate some advice,

suggestions, imput.

I currently weight 137.7, and I'm about 5'3 1/2 " tall, so WW rounds

up and gives me 5'4 " . That would make my weight range 116-140 (I'm

almost 29). I talked with my leader last week about possibly setting

a goal weight, and she encouraged me to think about it before the

next meeting. Here's the dilemma, I think I want to set my WW goal at

135, and then try for a personal goal of around 125 because I really

don't feel " done " yet. I look fine in clothes, but I would like to

look a little different when nekkid, if you know what I mean. My

leader warned me that " too many young girls set their goals too low,

and then have a hard time maintaining that loss. " I'm not too

concerned though, because I just want to keep on until I get to 125

and see what happens. If I stall out at 130 and can't lose eating at

my target points, then I'll be happy with that and stay there. I just

don't want to not try. I'm really active, and I don't think 125 would

be inappropriate for my body type. So far my losses have been fairly

consistent, although my body does seem to lose at a rate of half a

pound, half a pound, then a whopping two and a half pounds. But, that

has been that way since I started.

My major dilemma is when to declare goal. Should I do it once I hit

135, then go on maintainance upping points, then go back to my target

for losing points to drop the last few pounds once the six weeks are

over? Should I declare goal at 135, but during maintanance still stay

in losing points and drop the last few before ever upping points?

Should I wait to declare goal of 135 when I hit my personal goal?

(The last one is what my leader said WW recommends, but that just

seems to encourage me to spend more money. I've been going for over

two years, I think they have enough of my money.) What did those of

you on this board do that set your goal weight higher than what you

wanted your actual weight to be?

I know 135 is completely realistic for me to maintain in the long

run, but I have to admit I'd like to venture down to 125 and see how

I feel, I just don't want to be stuck with that as a goal weight as I

get older. I like the idea of being between 125 & 130, so I always

know I'm free at lifetime weigh-ins.

Any suggestions?



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  • 2 years later...

Thanks nne,

I'm not the best person about regularly going to the Dr. so it's been 5 years since I last saw my OB-GYN, (after the birth of my daughter).

Needless to say she found a lump in my left breast and scheduled a mammogram. I had a diagnostic mammogram, then another more specific mammogram and then an ultra sound.

It really wasn't the lump that necessarily caused all the concern from the Radiologist. It was two small areas in my breast that looked like small white pin-pricks.

I'm now waiting for the Hospital to call and schedule a biopsy and already have an appointment with the breast surgeon for next week.

I've been reading everything I can and I know what I have are micro calcifications and that is the type that does cause cancer. That a lump and at least two areas of calcifications on top of that is not good.

I don't know what to think. I just want answers so I can figure out what to do next.

I'm trying to be strong but it does scare me.


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Thanks for the info and good wishes.

My Dr. found the lump last Wednesday, I had my mammogram on Monday, (my first ever) and now I'm waiting for the Hospital to call to schedule the biopsy. I do already have an appointment with a breast surgeon that my Dr. recommended for next Wednesday.

I keep telling myself that this is all precautionary, it feels like a bad dream though. I don't want to be away from the phone in case someone calls to schedule something.

I'm strong, I can do this, but being in limbo is the hardest. I am an impatient person normally and just want answers. Then I can plan, I can know how to feel, I can start living again... wether it's fighting cancer or just living normally again. I'd know.

I don't really have anyone to discuss this with but a friend 3 states away. I don't want to tell my mother until I know more. She really freaks out and worries about everything and would suffocate me with her love and concern.

Thanks you all. Just "talking" about it helps clear my mind a little and plan.


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Welcome to the group Alyssa. The waiting IS the hardest. Once you know then you can move forward with what needs to be done. Please feel free to ask questions, vent etc. We are here for you. Please tell us a little bit about yourself, when the tests will be etc. I will keep you in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com


Hi,I'm new to the group too. I haven't had a chance to read any of the posts yet. I just need someone to talk to.I don't know if I have cancer yet but I've already been told that I need a needle biopsy and probably a surgical biopsy as well.I know that the odds are on my side but this all just happened so fast and it scares me.I'm pretty good most of the time but every once in a while it gets to me.I know I need to wait for all the tests to be done but it's the wait that's hard. I just want to know so I can plan from there. I feel like I'm holding my breath.I don't know what else to say and I don't really know what I want to hear. I just needed to talk.Thanks,Alyssa

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I hear you... I'm going through the same thing. Its the waiting and not knowing that is hard. I did see the surgeon yesterday and feel much better. I'm sure part of it was that the report wasn't as bad as I imagined, part of it because I now know what is going to happen next and what is going to be done to fight it. The unknown is always far more scary than the known.

Lots of very supportive people here. I got lots of responses to my first post and honestly put me in tears to know so many women are going through the same thing or have been through it. My doctor and my family are great support, but being able to talk to someone who knows first hand is.... priceless, I guess.



Hi,I'm new to the group too. I haven't had a chance to read any of the posts yet. I just need someone to talk to.I don't know if I have cancer yet but I've already been told that I need a needle biopsy and probably a surgical biopsy as well.I know that the odds are on my side but this all just happened so fast and it scares me.I'm pretty good most of the time but every once in a while it gets to me.I know I need to wait for all the tests to be done but it's the wait that's hard. I just want to know so I can plan from there. I feel like I'm holding my breath.I don't know what else to say and I don't really know what I want to hear. I just needed to talk.Thanks,Alyssa

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I totally understand about not wanting to freak your mother out. I

did the same thing. I was diagnosed just a few days before my

parents were scheduled for a long overdue vacation. I went thru all

the testing and had a lumpectomy, which didn't get it all, while

they were gone. When they returned home (they live just a few miles

from me), I invited them to dinner at their favorite restaurant (it

was my mother's birthday). My daughter and my ex met them there and

told them I had a stomach virus. After dinner, they told them what

was really going on and that I was having a mastectomy 2 days later.

Mama was a bit " put out " that I hadn't told them as soon as I knew,

but I knew they needed the vacation, and frankly, I wasn't ready to

talk about it yet...actually, I couldn't talk about it without

crying. They were so supportive all through my recovery and chemo,

bringing food nearly every day, taking me to dr. appointments, even

staying overnight the days I had chemo.

I hope your mother lives nearby, too. It was kinda nice to

be " babied " again! Hugs,


> Iza,


> Thanks for the info and good wishes.


> My Dr. found the lump last Wednesday, I had my mammogram on

Monday, (my

> first ever) and now I'm waiting for the Hospital to call to

schedule the biopsy.

> I do already have an appointment with a breast surgeon that my


> recommended for next Wednesday.


> I keep telling myself that this is all precautionary, it feels

like a bad

> dream though. I don't want to be away from the phone in case

someone calls to

> schedule something.


> I'm strong, I can do this, but being in limbo is the hardest. I am


> impatient person normally and just want answers. Then I can plan,

I can know how to

> feel, I can start living again... wether it's fighting cancer or

just living

> normally again. I'd know.


> I don't really have anyone to discuss this with but a friend 3

states away.

> I don't want to tell my mother until I know more. She really

freaks out and

> worries about everything and would suffocate me with her love and



> Thanks you all. Just " talking " about it helps clear my mind a

little and

> plan.


> Alyssa


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Thanks Barb,

I just got my appointment with the hospital. I am having a double needle S something, next Thursday. I won't know anything really until a week from Tuesday.


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My mother is near by. It's just that she always over reacts. If I call her, (which I do every day) she'll ask if everything's alright or what's wrong. EVERY DAY!

I just want to find out what's going on and then go from there, sit her down and have information to give her. Not just "they found a lump and some suspicious areas but that's all I know.....


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Alyssa of course it scares you. We all go through that. Not knowing is the absolute worst.

I would tell them at the hospital that you are really stressed out and need the appointment asap. You could also ask the dr for something for your nerves to get you through this rough time. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

Re: (unknown)

Thanks nne,

I'm not the best person about regularly going to the Dr. so it's been 5 years since I last saw my OB-GYN, (after the birth of my daughter).

Needless to say she found a lump in my left breast and scheduled a mammogram. I had a diagnostic mammogram, then another more specific mammogram and then an ultra sound.

It really wasn't the lump that necessarily caused all the concern from the Radiologist. It was two small areas in my breast that looked like small white pin-pricks.

I'm now waiting for the Hospital to call and schedule a biopsy and already have an appointment with the breast surgeon for next week.

I've been reading everything I can and I know what I have are micro calcifications and that is the type that does cause cancer. That a lump and at least two areas of calcifications on top of that is not good.

I don't know what to think. I just want answers so I can figure out what to do next.

I'm trying to be strong but it does scare me.


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Ditto here too, but since I'm the only child that lives in the state, was married over 10 years earlier than either of my siblings and had children 10 years earlier than anyone else - guess who's life she's really involved in!

I love her dearly and looking back I realize how much she sacrificed for me and supported me.

I too see my children growing up and though I'm reluctant to let go, I am. I just hope and pray they are successful in what they want to do and are safe.

Oh, here I go all sentimental again!


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I know Mom will be all over me as soon as she knows. I just want to spare her the anxiety and worry before I even know anything.

Mom and I really are very close. Best friends, we have fun together, can get mad and yell at each other, actually not even talk for a day or two and then we makeup and everything's all right.

She did come right out and "camp" with me when I was going through a severe depression.

Still nosey though!


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Alyssa, it sounds like we have the same mother! LOL ! !


> ,


> My mother is near by. It's just that she always over reacts. If I

call her,

> (which I do every day) she'll ask if everything's alright or what's




> I just want to find out what's going on and then go from there, sit

her down

> and have information to give her. Not just " they found a lump and


> suspicious areas but that's all I know.....


> Alyssa


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Yup...wants to know everything that's going on in my life! Sometimes I

wish she'd get a life of her own and stop interfering so much in her

3 " kid's " lives...ages 47-55! At least I'm aware of how annoying it

can be so I don't do that to my own daughter! Hugs,

- In breastcancer2 , AZKope@... wrote:


> Nosey too, isn't she!


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That wait is the hardest and longest part of our journey. But think positive. Even if it is cancer you have a great chance to catch it early. And radiation and chemo have improved so much that I'm glad I have cancer now, instead of ten years ago. There are some websites that are very helpful This one is my favorite. http://www.breastcancer.org/


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I would give anything to have my Mother/Father/Sister interfering in my life. I lost them all years ago. I was 22 when my Mother died, 33 when My Father died, and 39 when my only sibling, my Sister died. You don't realize how much someone means to you until they are gone.


Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

Re: (unknown)

Yup...wants to know everything that's going on in my life! Sometimes I wish she'd get a life of her own and stop interfering so much in her 3 "kid's" lives...ages 47-55! At least I'm aware of how annoying it can be so I don't do that to my own daughter! Hugs, - In breastcancer2 , AZKope@... wrote:>> Nosey too, isn't she!>

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-Amen nne.

- In breastcancer2 , " & nne Svihlik "



> I would give anything to have my Mother/Father/Sister interfering

in my life. I lost them all years ago. I was 22 when my Mother died,

33 when My Father died, and 39 when my only sibling, my Sister died.

You don't realize how much someone means to you until they are gone.

> nne

> Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life

> http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html


> Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:

> http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.html

> also check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:

> http://www.cancerclub.com

> Re: (unknown)



> Yup...wants to know everything that's going on in my life!

Sometimes I

> wish she'd get a life of her own and stop interfering so much in


> 3 " kid's " lives...ages 47-55! At least I'm aware of how

annoying it

> can be so I don't do that to my own daughter! Hugs,


> - In breastcancer2 , AZKope@ wrote:

> >

> > Nosey too, isn't she!

> >











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I live an ocean apart from my parents. When I called them with my news

they packed and came over! They are both retired now, fortunately. They

have been here for about a month now and are planning on staying a

couple more weeks. My mom is taking care of all the cooking and

housework, and my father is helping around the house and driving me to

my medical appointments. I can hardly express how grateful I am. All

this pampering!!! And also my fiance, you already know about him, he is

being just wonderful. I feel more loved and supported than ever before

in my whole life.


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Thast's for sure, nne. I lost my father when I was seven, my closest sister when I was 42 and my Mom when I was 61. I feel so lonely at times that I want to call my sons.....and since they call me only once or twice a month......I can call, but I don't want to be an intrusive Motherinlaw.... as I had one of those running my life for thirteen years. I have found so many close friends who are widowed like me, and they are so important and take care of me, as I have done for them.


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