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I have the older edition of Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution, in paperback. The

stuff about having the sticks be dark purple is on page 130; the stuff about

acidosis is on page 12.

Yes, he says ketosis causes the bad breath, NOT acidosis.

I found a got a lot more out of the book the second and third time around.



Nita's Nest, with " Beginning with Birds " basic care sheet.

Re: Welcome to Atkins-A-WayOfLifeonelist

> From: GRSHOPER1@...


> In a message dated 08/10/1999 2:24:52 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

> nitag@... writes:


> << There is no acidosis when ketosis occurs

> as a normal concomitant of this diet. "

> >>


> So, even when people display signs of acidosis (like fruity breath,


> loss of appetite) it really isn't? What are these things attributed to


> Can you give me the pages in the book...I need to re-read them. I will

> absorb better this time around since I am actually living the diet.


> Marilyn


> ---------------------------

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from what I have been told being in moderate is right where you want to be!

have a great day, Love Heidi

Re: Welcome to Atkins-A-WayOfLifeonelist

> From: MizPres@...


> In a message dated 8/10/99 9:50:55 AM Central Daylight Time,

> nitag@... writes:


> << 've read this book several times over, and paid particular attention to


> parts about ketosis and acidosis, and my take is that when ketosis occurs

> due to the reduction of carbohydrates taken in, he states over and over


> there is no acidosis occurring, and it would seem that this is regardless


> the strength of the ketosis as evidenced by the color change on the


> The quote I used yesterday pointed out that he felt the darker the purple

> the better, because the darker color went along with less hunger.


> Nita

> >>

> This was the idea I had gotten from the book too. I finally bought some

> ketostix and I registered in the moderate range. Is that good?


> Louann


> ---------------------------

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Hi Sue,

I don't know how much detail you want so forgive me if I get carried away.

I'm way to fat for my own good. I was always a big girl, it never really

bothered me but recently I've been feeling fat. I know it sounds crazy. In

May I started the weight watchers 123 thing-it took me 2 months to lose 16

pounds. Which is great if you have a small amount to lose. I need to lose

alot more than that and I was very discouraged. I heard alot about Atkins

and even read the book. I decided to commit to the two week induction. I

lost 8 pounds in two weeks and decided to stick it out for another week. I

lost 10 pounds the third week. I still can't believe how easy this woe is.

I've been hitting the net looking for tips and recipes and fell upon this

list. I've heard alll the bad things ppl say about this diet (my own dr.

wants me to stop) but I can't see how it can be harmful. I was 320 when I

started Atkins and am now 302. I would love to be 180. I don't know if you

need anymore info, please let me know. I'm fairly new to the net and hope I

posted this correctly, I'm sorry if I didn't. Anywho--I look forward to

hearing from this group.


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Welcome to the list Lynette!!!!!!!!

In a message dated 8/13/99 6:21:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

lsettles@... writes:


Hi, I'm on a couple of other lists as well. I have been on Atkins for about

a year. I started at 425, am now 330 and have been stalled there for a few

months. I'm a 38- year old biochemist, I live alone except for a great dog.


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