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If you have or if you get legal custody, he won't have a choice. The courts

will make him pay till she's 18 or he'll be the one in jail.

Contact Legal Aid in your state.


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Why on earth should you have to pay support for your son? Does your ex make

more than you? Are the support laws really different in Louisiana? When I

got my divorce, the husband was responsible for child support.


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If my daughter ever turned her life around, I would feel that she was like

the prodigal son returning. I would be so proud of her. I am very proud of my

son, but if does have this illness and she made such an effort to get

better, how could I not be proud of her?


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Why would he be able to make you pay support for someone you lost legal

custody of? Was this a lawyer you spoke to? Although, with my experience


with lawyers I don't think half of them know what they're talking about.


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Well legal battles ARE strressful, so probably best for you to leave well

enough alone.

He doesn't know where your daughter is living?

Life is never easy, is it?


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It is inhumane, and I don't get paid near what I should for the amout of work I

do, so I am going to go back to school or look else where for a job...even

Mc's would pay me more than I make now, and not so stressful, cause you

are assigned to fries or whatever. I was so tempted today to tell then where to

stick their job, when my co-workers won't even break down their own boxes....I

have to and take them out to the dumpster...

cascorsam@... wrote:

With the amount of work you do, it sounds inhumane. I never saw my daughter

look stressed when she was waitressing. If things ever got too busy, the

managers used to help out. She never complained about anything other than an

annoying customer once in awhile.

And if there had been a problem she certainly would have complained. She

used to brag that she was the fastest waitress so she may have liked the

pressure. If she had 5 tables, she would ask them to give her an extra of a


waitress who didn't want as many.


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No, I must to have missed it or not gotten to it yet...I won't ask Brit's dad

for nothing and he told me " You have had 8 years to save up for her. " Ha what a

laugh, I was an addict most of those years....I am planning on it...I heard they

work better with you to...my boss throws a fit from you know where every time I

have to take off for my daughters therapy...

cascorsam@... wrote:

Did you read my post about getting your ex to pay child support?

And my word, if you can make more at Mc's why don't you go there as

fast as you can. I spent a lot of time at Mickey D's with my grandsons and I

never saw anyone look stressed.

Aren't there state work laws in Indiana (that' s where you are, right?)

regarding breaks, etc?

Be assertive, get another job and go back to school. If you're not so

exhausted you can work and go to school. Do one part time.

You have your whole life ahead of you, you should have a job you enjoy.


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I talked to them when I first got her back, and they told me I would have to go

back to Louisiana, cause first I would have to get legal custody... only

gave me a noterized paper saying she was in my care and that I was totally

responsible for her....see I lost my parental rights when my daughter was

8.....but then he could make me pay support on my son, who he has, and I can't

afford that for a while...

cascorsam@... wrote:

If you have or if you get legal custody, he won't have a choice. The courts

will make him pay till she's 18 or he'll be the one in jail.

Contact Legal Aid in your state.


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Not that I don't want to pay support on my son....I only bring home $240 every

other week....sad I know, especially when I use to work DOC and make 3 times

that. I would love to be a part of my son's life, but my son don't want me

there in his life...So see your daughter might pay in the long run with her

children too...

cascorsam@... wrote:

If you have or if you get legal custody, he won't have a choice. The courts

will make him pay till she's 18 or he'll be the one in jail.

Contact Legal Aid in your state.


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See, when I got my divorce, my BPD was in wild swing...and I was so

confused...and homeless...nobody told me the state would give me an attorney, so

even though my ex husband slept with a minor before our divorce, I was the " bad "

one because of my behaviors and he got custody and I got visitation. Well, my

BPD got really bad again, and I was sick, I got behind on my child support...yes

I had to pay child support...so my ex told me either catch up on my lump sum of

child support I was behind or go to jail.....I couldn't do either, I couldn't be

a function drug addict in jail...I was so selfish then, so I lost my parental

rights. Now, in hindsight, I would have went to jail.....Yes my ex makes 12

dollars an hour....

cascorsam@... wrote:

Why on earth should you have to pay support for your son? Does your ex make

more than you? Are the support laws really different in Louisiana? When I

got my divorce, the husband was responsible for child support.


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I have my daughter on medicaid...and they wanted her dad's name, and I told them

I didn't know where he was, cause I don't want him to know how little money I

make....I know it might be wrong, but once he gets involved it turns into a

nightmare....he is not a nice person...

cascorsam@... wrote:

Can you get any kind of state assistance? In RI, it's on a sliding scale

depending on what you earn? If you get that, they'll go after the ex.


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He would do it just to do it....to put me in a bad situation, my ex husband is

not a nice person....think about it, he turned his back on his own daughter, who

is only 16, because of her behaviors....

cascorsam@... wrote:

Why would he be able to make you pay support for someone you lost legal

custody of? Was this a lawyer you spoke to? Although, with my experience


with lawyers I don't think half of them know what they're talking about.


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I know, cause I feel so much pride in the little improving my daughter has

done...I brag on her constantly....my mom is a tough cookie...I guess seeing two

daughters die and having to watch me live on the border of life and death for so

many years has hardened her....she was not very affectionate to begin

with...sometimes i wonder if she don't have traits...she keeps everybody, even

my dad at arms length...in my 36 years of life, I can never remember them

hugging or kissing...

cascorsam@... wrote:

If my daughter ever turned her life around, I would feel that she was like

the prodigal son returning. I would be so proud of her. I am very proud of my

son, but if does have this illness and she made such an effort to get

better, how could I not be proud of her?


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Yes, he knows she is with me, and he never contacts her and he has our

number...so go figure..


cascorsam@... wrote:

Well legal battles ARE strressful, so probably best for you to leave well

enough alone.

He doesn't know where your daughter is living?

Life is never easy, is it?


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Times have changed re child support. When I was divorced 30 years ago, only

the husband paid, at least in my case, but he made more money than God---as the

saying goes.


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both parents are obligated to support the children. You don't have to ask him

for anything, just file in court a request for child support. Legal Aid can help

you with the papers, and he does have an obligation!

Did you pay child suport when she was not living with you?




No, I must to have missed it or not gotten to it yet...I won't ask Brit's dad

for nothing and he told me " You have had 8 years to save up for her. " Ha what a

laugh, I was an addict most of those years....I am planning on it...I heard they

work better with you to...my boss throws a fit from you know where every time I

have to take off for my daughters therapy...

cascorsam@... wrote:

Did you read my post about getting your ex to pay child support?

And my word, if you can make more at Mc's why don't you go there as

fast as you can. I spent a lot of time at Mickey D's with my grandsons and I

never saw anyone look stressed.

Aren't there state work laws in Indiana (that' s where you are, right?)

regarding breaks, etc?

Be assertive, get another job and go back to school. If you're not so

exhausted you can work and go to school. Do one part time.

You have your whole life ahead of you, you should have a job you enjoy.


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Wel that makes sense , but you should make that legal custody.




I talked to them when I first got her back, and they told me I would have to

go back to Louisiana, cause first I would have to get legal custody...

only gave me a noterized paper saying she was in my care and that I was totally

responsible for her....see I lost my parental rights when my daughter was

8.....but then he could make me pay support on my son, who he has, and I can't

afford that for a while...

cascorsam@... wrote:

If you have or if you get legal custody, he won't have a choice. The courts

will make him pay till she's 18 or he'll be the one in jail.

Contact Legal Aid in your state.


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Both parents are responsible for child support. In most states it doesnt matter

who makes the most money either. However in this case, it might just wipe

itself out. Each of them has one child. So why pay each other?




Why on earth should you have to pay support for your son? Does your ex make

more than you? Are the support laws really different in Louisiana? When I

got my divorce, the husband was responsible for child support.


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Parents are obligated to pay child support whether or not they visit the child

or have contact with the child in any way.



Why would he be able to make you pay support for someone you lost legal

custody of? Was this a lawyer you spoke to? Although, with my experience


with lawyers I don't think half of them know what they're talking about.


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most judges do not put you in jail the first time you dont pay back owed child

support, they will work out a payment plan.

Sorry you had to go through all that.



See, when I got my divorce, my BPD was in wild swing...and I was so

confused...and homeless...nobody told me the state would give me an attorney, so

even though my ex husband slept with a minor before our divorce, I was the " bad "

one because of my behaviors and he got custody and I got visitation. Well, my

BPD got really bad again, and I was sick, I got behind on my child support...yes

I had to pay child support...so my ex told me either catch up on my lump sum of

child support I was behind or go to jail.....I couldn't do either, I couldn't be

a function drug addict in jail...I was so selfish then, so I lost my parental

rights. Now, in hindsight, I would have went to jail.....Yes my ex makes 12

dollars an hour....

cascorsam@... wrote:

Why on earth should you have to pay support for your son? Does your ex make

more than you? Are the support laws really different in Louisiana? When I

got my divorce, the husband was responsible for child support.


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Glad your therapy session went well today. It is important for your daughter

to have you thinking and behaving emotionally at your peak, otherwise you

wouldn't be able to help her.

I think that is why many of us should be in therapy, so we could be a more

positive influence on our BP children and young adults.

Sometimes we may think we are OK, but others see that we could use a mental

" tune-up " .


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When you were creating chaos, did you always make sure your family knew

about? Was it mainly your family's attention you were looking for or would

anyone's attention be okay?


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Yes, and it did alot to help me to get things out, where I could be " raw " with

my emotion, and let my true feelings out...I have these red flags that start

going up. But, as my therapist said, that most parents of BPD children should

seek therapy to help them with the feelings and things they go through dealing

with their child...

cascorsam@... wrote:

Glad your therapy session went well today. It is important for your daughter

to have you thinking and behaving emotionally at your peak, otherwise you

wouldn't be able to help her.

I think that is why many of us should be in therapy, so we could be a more

positive influence on our BP children and young adults.

Sometimes we may think we are OK, but others see that we could use a mental

" tune-up " .


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