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Mother's Day Hell

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I love mother's day but my mom is a saint. Father's day on the other

hand....not good. FD and his BD are the same week so we manage to have

only one family gathering for both but after last year's scene (my

fiancee's first--boy was he floored!) we have decided that we would

honor dad's wishes to skip the party since 'I never asked for a GD

party anyway.' Hardest part for me is picking out a card. I truly

never understood why the cards are so mushy. I can't ever imagine

buying a card about being a 'daddy's girl.' They just don't make a

card that says exactly what I want to say--thanks for the good times

but no thanks for the rest of the time.



> LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...


> Jackie



> hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!



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I love mother's day but my mom is a saint. Father's day on the other

hand....not good. FD and his BD are the same week so we manage to have

only one family gathering for both but after last year's scene (my

fiancee's first--boy was he floored!) we have decided that we would

honor dad's wishes to skip the party since 'I never asked for a GD

party anyway.' Hardest part for me is picking out a card. I truly

never understood why the cards are so mushy. I can't ever imagine

buying a card about being a 'daddy's girl.' They just don't make a

card that says exactly what I want to say--thanks for the good times

but no thanks for the rest of the time.



> LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...


> Jackie



> hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!



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I love mother's day but my mom is a saint. Father's day on the other

hand....not good. FD and his BD are the same week so we manage to have

only one family gathering for both but after last year's scene (my

fiancee's first--boy was he floored!) we have decided that we would

honor dad's wishes to skip the party since 'I never asked for a GD

party anyway.' Hardest part for me is picking out a card. I truly

never understood why the cards are so mushy. I can't ever imagine

buying a card about being a 'daddy's girl.' They just don't make a

card that says exactly what I want to say--thanks for the good times

but no thanks for the rest of the time.



> LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...


> Jackie



> hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!



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Thanks for a good laugh Barb! That's exactly the card I need for my


> >

> > LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> >

> > hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> > mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

> >

> >


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Thanks for a good laugh Barb! That's exactly the card I need for my


> >

> > LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> >

> > hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> > mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

> >

> >


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Thanks for a good laugh Barb! That's exactly the card I need for my


> >

> > LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> >

> > hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> > mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

> >

> >


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Mothers day should be like Christmas. Good mothers get lots of presents and

roses and dinner, phone calls, words of love even a cheap card with " I love

you " would mean so much. But for naughty mothers (who act like naughty

self centered three year olds.) get " nada. " yes the pun is intended.


PS i love the Bunnoween idea too.

> >

> > LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> >

> > hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> > mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

> >

> >


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Mothers day should be like Christmas. Good mothers get lots of presents and

roses and dinner, phone calls, words of love even a cheap card with " I love

you " would mean so much. But for naughty mothers (who act like naughty

self centered three year olds.) get " nada. " yes the pun is intended.


PS i love the Bunnoween idea too.

> >

> > LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> >

> > hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> > mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

> >

> >


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Mothers day should be like Christmas. Good mothers get lots of presents and

roses and dinner, phone calls, words of love even a cheap card with " I love

you " would mean so much. But for naughty mothers (who act like naughty

self centered three year olds.) get " nada. " yes the pun is intended.


PS i love the Bunnoween idea too.

> >

> > LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> >

> > hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

> > mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

> >

> >


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Thanks so much Bunny! Your posts are always so sweet. Really, we all have nearly

the same nada/fada so we might as well be sisters/brothers!! I like that

thought. I have A LOT of siblings lol.


Beach Bunny wrote:

Big squeezes to you Jae....wow...what a tool! You know after reading your

part about being a good child and always keeping yourself out of trouble...I

immediately flashed back to a part in the wizard of oz when Dorothy was told

to keep herself out of trouble...to which Dorothy replied " A place where

there isn't any trouble....do you think there is such a place Toto? " We all

know the answer to that is yeah...but it's the furthest spot from YOU!

(Meaning Nada...oh please don't anyone take that one personally...I would

never do that to any of you :) )

The twisting and giving credit to another sibling...that is so classic Nada.

.even to this very day it takes me half way into the next conversation to

realize she wasn't kidding...every single time...it just seems to ridiculous

to think that people believe her...i mean, in one moment she will go on and

on about how my brother can't hold down a job, doens't even have money to

put gas in the car, how she's put out thousands and thousands of dollars

just in the past couple of days (which in itself is completely ridiculous)

buying him coffee and clothes and nonsense items...and in the very next

breath say " oh...isn't this grill nice? It was the most expensive one in the

store...my son bought it for me for Christmas! " People actually BELIEVE her!

It's insane! I'm like...uh...hello...first of all, you just said he hasn't

held down a job in 3 years, how did he buy you a $2000 grill...secondly..

the grill is obviously at LEAST a year old and even the biggest idiot on

earth knows it is not a really expensive grill...lastly...that grill belongs

to my husband and it isn't even in YOUR yard!! Umm...yeah....everyone builds

a pool in their neighbors yard on the opposite side of the block...why do

people believe her? I just sit and shake my head...no use wasting my breath

..I don't want to converse with people stupid enough to believe her

ridiculous stuff anyway.

Truth be told, I would trade in my entire Foo for a sister like you any day

of the week and twice on Sunday...head up my sister....the cream always

rises to the top!

Kisses and Nibbles,


-- Re: Mother's Day Hell

Me too! I hated, hated, hated, HATED Mother's Day!!! First off, I had a lot

of trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of celebrating the Oppressor.

Second, she demanded so much attention and so many gifts. Even if she got

everything she wanted, she still felt slighted. And the worst thing,

coincidentally one the main things that got me thinking she might not be all

there, was that every year I made a big deal of it to keep out of trouble. I

made her breakfast in bed, bought her a dozen rose, a nice gift, most years

two, and took her out to her favorite restaurant. Oh, not to mention the

cards and notes around the house saying " Happy Mother's Day, I love you " so

she'd see it when she made coffee or used the computer etc. I made it the

biggest holiday of the year for her. Oddly enough, little sister has never

bought her a Mother's Day or a birthday present. She just says some nice

things and is done with it. Of course, little sis can't really hold down a

job, and didn't

work in high school, so she never has the money for gifts.

Anyway, on little sis's birthday (June 3), among sis's gifts and attention,

she would start complaing about how she didn't get treated as nicely as

sister. I would always say that I did a few things for her and she would

deny it! To this day, she insists every gift given came from little sis. She

even tells nada that those gifts were from me, but nada continues to insist

otherwise. She even shows guests favorite gifts I gave her (like a TV tray

that matched her living room decor and holds her dinner since she likes to

eat while watching TV) and says things like " isn't this nice, my youngest

gave it to me " .

I can't understand how she does that for gifts I sent after leaving home.

Why would little sis, who lives WITH nada, have roses delivered? I mean,

forgetting, disassociating, whatever, that's just plain dumb.

I was always the bad child though. She even refered to me as that by way of

introduction, even to her new employees! " This is my daughter, Jae. She's

the bad child. And this, (little sis) is the good one. She's my little angel

" That used to make me SO mad. I really did do everything I was supposed to.

I doted on her, waited on her hand and foot, never got in trouble at school,

got a job at 16 and still worked for free at her office, graduated with

honors, went to a good college and never asked her for money for tuition of

books, etc. Sister? Ignored nada, or complained when asked to do something,

always in trouble at school, caught with boys in her room, cigarettes, pot,

alcohol, never got a job, demanded payment to help nada at the office, never

graduated from high school and had nada pay for her to attend community

college, which she flunked out of after bankrupting me by running up my

credit cards at the mall while I was at work and she was SUPPOSED to be in


Yet, in nada's eyes, little sis can do no wrong. Even when she had to

explain to nada why she has HPV and uterine damage from an abortion, she's

the good child. I got yelled at for that, by the way. I was apparently

supposed to keep a better eye on her.

Sorry, that went on a while. It's just so very frustrating. I don't think it

would bug me quite so much if the two of them didn't have the whole extended

family convinced that I'm a terrible daughter and all little sis's problems

are my fault. If nada/sis can't blame a problem on me, they just don't tell

the extended family about it. My NC doesn't help of course. It gives them a

great case to claim I abandoned the family. Oh well. I'm set up to have some

truly fantastic in-laws and a goddess for a wife. A girl really only needs

one family, I guess. Better to have a great one late than have none at all.


PS. Anyone remember the Pink Floyd song Mother from The Wall? I've listened

to it every Mother's Day since I was 10. It's like a ritual to help me get

through it. Even though I'm NC, I still do it. It's comforting, makes me

feel like I'm sending her a telepathic message containing all the things I

always wanted to say and feared the consequences of. Of course, I used to

jump like rabbit if she walked in on me with my headphones on, like she

could hear my thought-letter floating on the air or something. I must have

looked SO guilty lol.

" mr.zarkley " wrote: How many of you out there HATED

mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

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Thanks so much Bunny! Your posts are always so sweet. Really, we all have nearly

the same nada/fada so we might as well be sisters/brothers!! I like that

thought. I have A LOT of siblings lol.


Beach Bunny wrote:

Big squeezes to you Jae....wow...what a tool! You know after reading your

part about being a good child and always keeping yourself out of trouble...I

immediately flashed back to a part in the wizard of oz when Dorothy was told

to keep herself out of trouble...to which Dorothy replied " A place where

there isn't any trouble....do you think there is such a place Toto? " We all

know the answer to that is yeah...but it's the furthest spot from YOU!

(Meaning Nada...oh please don't anyone take that one personally...I would

never do that to any of you :) )

The twisting and giving credit to another sibling...that is so classic Nada.

.even to this very day it takes me half way into the next conversation to

realize she wasn't kidding...every single time...it just seems to ridiculous

to think that people believe her...i mean, in one moment she will go on and

on about how my brother can't hold down a job, doens't even have money to

put gas in the car, how she's put out thousands and thousands of dollars

just in the past couple of days (which in itself is completely ridiculous)

buying him coffee and clothes and nonsense items...and in the very next

breath say " oh...isn't this grill nice? It was the most expensive one in the

store...my son bought it for me for Christmas! " People actually BELIEVE her!

It's insane! I'm like...uh...hello...first of all, you just said he hasn't

held down a job in 3 years, how did he buy you a $2000 grill...secondly..

the grill is obviously at LEAST a year old and even the biggest idiot on

earth knows it is not a really expensive grill...lastly...that grill belongs

to my husband and it isn't even in YOUR yard!! Umm...yeah....everyone builds

a pool in their neighbors yard on the opposite side of the block...why do

people believe her? I just sit and shake my head...no use wasting my breath

..I don't want to converse with people stupid enough to believe her

ridiculous stuff anyway.

Truth be told, I would trade in my entire Foo for a sister like you any day

of the week and twice on Sunday...head up my sister....the cream always

rises to the top!

Kisses and Nibbles,


-- Re: Mother's Day Hell

Me too! I hated, hated, hated, HATED Mother's Day!!! First off, I had a lot

of trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of celebrating the Oppressor.

Second, she demanded so much attention and so many gifts. Even if she got

everything she wanted, she still felt slighted. And the worst thing,

coincidentally one the main things that got me thinking she might not be all

there, was that every year I made a big deal of it to keep out of trouble. I

made her breakfast in bed, bought her a dozen rose, a nice gift, most years

two, and took her out to her favorite restaurant. Oh, not to mention the

cards and notes around the house saying " Happy Mother's Day, I love you " so

she'd see it when she made coffee or used the computer etc. I made it the

biggest holiday of the year for her. Oddly enough, little sister has never

bought her a Mother's Day or a birthday present. She just says some nice

things and is done with it. Of course, little sis can't really hold down a

job, and didn't

work in high school, so she never has the money for gifts.

Anyway, on little sis's birthday (June 3), among sis's gifts and attention,

she would start complaing about how she didn't get treated as nicely as

sister. I would always say that I did a few things for her and she would

deny it! To this day, she insists every gift given came from little sis. She

even tells nada that those gifts were from me, but nada continues to insist

otherwise. She even shows guests favorite gifts I gave her (like a TV tray

that matched her living room decor and holds her dinner since she likes to

eat while watching TV) and says things like " isn't this nice, my youngest

gave it to me " .

I can't understand how she does that for gifts I sent after leaving home.

Why would little sis, who lives WITH nada, have roses delivered? I mean,

forgetting, disassociating, whatever, that's just plain dumb.

I was always the bad child though. She even refered to me as that by way of

introduction, even to her new employees! " This is my daughter, Jae. She's

the bad child. And this, (little sis) is the good one. She's my little angel

" That used to make me SO mad. I really did do everything I was supposed to.

I doted on her, waited on her hand and foot, never got in trouble at school,

got a job at 16 and still worked for free at her office, graduated with

honors, went to a good college and never asked her for money for tuition of

books, etc. Sister? Ignored nada, or complained when asked to do something,

always in trouble at school, caught with boys in her room, cigarettes, pot,

alcohol, never got a job, demanded payment to help nada at the office, never

graduated from high school and had nada pay for her to attend community

college, which she flunked out of after bankrupting me by running up my

credit cards at the mall while I was at work and she was SUPPOSED to be in


Yet, in nada's eyes, little sis can do no wrong. Even when she had to

explain to nada why she has HPV and uterine damage from an abortion, she's

the good child. I got yelled at for that, by the way. I was apparently

supposed to keep a better eye on her.

Sorry, that went on a while. It's just so very frustrating. I don't think it

would bug me quite so much if the two of them didn't have the whole extended

family convinced that I'm a terrible daughter and all little sis's problems

are my fault. If nada/sis can't blame a problem on me, they just don't tell

the extended family about it. My NC doesn't help of course. It gives them a

great case to claim I abandoned the family. Oh well. I'm set up to have some

truly fantastic in-laws and a goddess for a wife. A girl really only needs

one family, I guess. Better to have a great one late than have none at all.


PS. Anyone remember the Pink Floyd song Mother from The Wall? I've listened

to it every Mother's Day since I was 10. It's like a ritual to help me get

through it. Even though I'm NC, I still do it. It's comforting, makes me

feel like I'm sending her a telepathic message containing all the things I

always wanted to say and feared the consequences of. Of course, I used to

jump like rabbit if she walked in on me with my headphones on, like she

could hear my thought-letter floating on the air or something. I must have

looked SO guilty lol.

" mr.zarkley " wrote: How many of you out there HATED

mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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Thanks so much Bunny! Your posts are always so sweet. Really, we all have nearly

the same nada/fada so we might as well be sisters/brothers!! I like that

thought. I have A LOT of siblings lol.


Beach Bunny wrote:

Big squeezes to you Jae....wow...what a tool! You know after reading your

part about being a good child and always keeping yourself out of trouble...I

immediately flashed back to a part in the wizard of oz when Dorothy was told

to keep herself out of trouble...to which Dorothy replied " A place where

there isn't any trouble....do you think there is such a place Toto? " We all

know the answer to that is yeah...but it's the furthest spot from YOU!

(Meaning Nada...oh please don't anyone take that one personally...I would

never do that to any of you :) )

The twisting and giving credit to another sibling...that is so classic Nada.

.even to this very day it takes me half way into the next conversation to

realize she wasn't kidding...every single time...it just seems to ridiculous

to think that people believe her...i mean, in one moment she will go on and

on about how my brother can't hold down a job, doens't even have money to

put gas in the car, how she's put out thousands and thousands of dollars

just in the past couple of days (which in itself is completely ridiculous)

buying him coffee and clothes and nonsense items...and in the very next

breath say " oh...isn't this grill nice? It was the most expensive one in the

store...my son bought it for me for Christmas! " People actually BELIEVE her!

It's insane! I'm like...uh...hello...first of all, you just said he hasn't

held down a job in 3 years, how did he buy you a $2000 grill...secondly..

the grill is obviously at LEAST a year old and even the biggest idiot on

earth knows it is not a really expensive grill...lastly...that grill belongs

to my husband and it isn't even in YOUR yard!! Umm...yeah....everyone builds

a pool in their neighbors yard on the opposite side of the block...why do

people believe her? I just sit and shake my head...no use wasting my breath

..I don't want to converse with people stupid enough to believe her

ridiculous stuff anyway.

Truth be told, I would trade in my entire Foo for a sister like you any day

of the week and twice on Sunday...head up my sister....the cream always

rises to the top!

Kisses and Nibbles,


-- Re: Mother's Day Hell

Me too! I hated, hated, hated, HATED Mother's Day!!! First off, I had a lot

of trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of celebrating the Oppressor.

Second, she demanded so much attention and so many gifts. Even if she got

everything she wanted, she still felt slighted. And the worst thing,

coincidentally one the main things that got me thinking she might not be all

there, was that every year I made a big deal of it to keep out of trouble. I

made her breakfast in bed, bought her a dozen rose, a nice gift, most years

two, and took her out to her favorite restaurant. Oh, not to mention the

cards and notes around the house saying " Happy Mother's Day, I love you " so

she'd see it when she made coffee or used the computer etc. I made it the

biggest holiday of the year for her. Oddly enough, little sister has never

bought her a Mother's Day or a birthday present. She just says some nice

things and is done with it. Of course, little sis can't really hold down a

job, and didn't

work in high school, so she never has the money for gifts.

Anyway, on little sis's birthday (June 3), among sis's gifts and attention,

she would start complaing about how she didn't get treated as nicely as

sister. I would always say that I did a few things for her and she would

deny it! To this day, she insists every gift given came from little sis. She

even tells nada that those gifts were from me, but nada continues to insist

otherwise. She even shows guests favorite gifts I gave her (like a TV tray

that matched her living room decor and holds her dinner since she likes to

eat while watching TV) and says things like " isn't this nice, my youngest

gave it to me " .

I can't understand how she does that for gifts I sent after leaving home.

Why would little sis, who lives WITH nada, have roses delivered? I mean,

forgetting, disassociating, whatever, that's just plain dumb.

I was always the bad child though. She even refered to me as that by way of

introduction, even to her new employees! " This is my daughter, Jae. She's

the bad child. And this, (little sis) is the good one. She's my little angel

" That used to make me SO mad. I really did do everything I was supposed to.

I doted on her, waited on her hand and foot, never got in trouble at school,

got a job at 16 and still worked for free at her office, graduated with

honors, went to a good college and never asked her for money for tuition of

books, etc. Sister? Ignored nada, or complained when asked to do something,

always in trouble at school, caught with boys in her room, cigarettes, pot,

alcohol, never got a job, demanded payment to help nada at the office, never

graduated from high school and had nada pay for her to attend community

college, which she flunked out of after bankrupting me by running up my

credit cards at the mall while I was at work and she was SUPPOSED to be in


Yet, in nada's eyes, little sis can do no wrong. Even when she had to

explain to nada why she has HPV and uterine damage from an abortion, she's

the good child. I got yelled at for that, by the way. I was apparently

supposed to keep a better eye on her.

Sorry, that went on a while. It's just so very frustrating. I don't think it

would bug me quite so much if the two of them didn't have the whole extended

family convinced that I'm a terrible daughter and all little sis's problems

are my fault. If nada/sis can't blame a problem on me, they just don't tell

the extended family about it. My NC doesn't help of course. It gives them a

great case to claim I abandoned the family. Oh well. I'm set up to have some

truly fantastic in-laws and a goddess for a wife. A girl really only needs

one family, I guess. Better to have a great one late than have none at all.


PS. Anyone remember the Pink Floyd song Mother from The Wall? I've listened

to it every Mother's Day since I was 10. It's like a ritual to help me get

through it. Even though I'm NC, I still do it. It's comforting, makes me

feel like I'm sending her a telepathic message containing all the things I

always wanted to say and feared the consequences of. Of course, I used to

jump like rabbit if she walked in on me with my headphones on, like she

could hear my thought-letter floating on the air or something. I must have

looked SO guilty lol.

" mr.zarkley " wrote: How many of you out there HATED

mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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I quit with the cards crap looong time ago. I made one by hand for her. (art

major) and then in one of her tirades she screamed " how could you treat me

this way after YOU led me on with that nice mothers day card.?!! " Since the

card was basically an open invitation for more abuse i quit sending anything.

She call relatives up and goes visiting. They all comment on what nice things

thier kids did for them on mothers day. Then she bitches at us " everyone

elses family does something for thier mother but my family doesnt "

We dont dare attend funerals for her FOO simply because we dont want to be

with her. Its a nice break when she leaves the house and i can go visit my

dad. She of course bitches " everyone elses family was there but mine wasnt "

geesh you'd think that would be a clue....


> >

> > Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is

> borderline BPD..but

> > more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total

> nightmare for

> > me ...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has always


> > created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our

> undivided

> > attention on Mother's Day...

> >


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I quit with the cards crap looong time ago. I made one by hand for her. (art

major) and then in one of her tirades she screamed " how could you treat me

this way after YOU led me on with that nice mothers day card.?!! " Since the

card was basically an open invitation for more abuse i quit sending anything.

She call relatives up and goes visiting. They all comment on what nice things

thier kids did for them on mothers day. Then she bitches at us " everyone

elses family does something for thier mother but my family doesnt "

We dont dare attend funerals for her FOO simply because we dont want to be

with her. Its a nice break when she leaves the house and i can go visit my

dad. She of course bitches " everyone elses family was there but mine wasnt "

geesh you'd think that would be a clue....


> >

> > Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is

> borderline BPD..but

> > more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total

> nightmare for

> > me ...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has always


> > created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our

> undivided

> > attention on Mother's Day...

> >


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Jae....I know the feeling of doing everything right for nada on

Mother's Day....and it still isn't right.

I read all these postings about Mother's Day and I just wanted to hug

each of you and say I understand.

Starting with the Mother's Day card being thrown away. That was just

so sad and disappointing.

My nada also takes this day to mourn her mother's death. I deny no

one their pain. One more time though nada will use this moment to

make her case. I will hear about how much she misses her mother..and

how she took care of her mother. How her mother took of her

mother ....and well you get it. The brainwashing of taking care of

her the queen.

In the midst of all of this...nada never acknowledges that this is my

Mother's Day too. It is just her day.

In all these Mother's Day threads it is so clear on more time our

feelings are non existence. No validation again, so we are learning

to find it else where....thank God.


How many of you out there

> HATED mother's day during your childhood

> > (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act

> out

> > like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD


> > always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

> >

> >

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Jae....I know the feeling of doing everything right for nada on

Mother's Day....and it still isn't right.

I read all these postings about Mother's Day and I just wanted to hug

each of you and say I understand.

Starting with the Mother's Day card being thrown away. That was just

so sad and disappointing.

My nada also takes this day to mourn her mother's death. I deny no

one their pain. One more time though nada will use this moment to

make her case. I will hear about how much she misses her mother..and

how she took care of her mother. How her mother took of her

mother ....and well you get it. The brainwashing of taking care of

her the queen.

In the midst of all of this...nada never acknowledges that this is my

Mother's Day too. It is just her day.

In all these Mother's Day threads it is so clear on more time our

feelings are non existence. No validation again, so we are learning

to find it else where....thank God.


How many of you out there

> HATED mother's day during your childhood

> > (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act

> out

> > like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD


> > always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Jae....I know the feeling of doing everything right for nada on

Mother's Day....and it still isn't right.

I read all these postings about Mother's Day and I just wanted to hug

each of you and say I understand.

Starting with the Mother's Day card being thrown away. That was just

so sad and disappointing.

My nada also takes this day to mourn her mother's death. I deny no

one their pain. One more time though nada will use this moment to

make her case. I will hear about how much she misses her mother..and

how she took care of her mother. How her mother took of her

mother ....and well you get it. The brainwashing of taking care of

her the queen.

In the midst of all of this...nada never acknowledges that this is my

Mother's Day too. It is just her day.

In all these Mother's Day threads it is so clear on more time our

feelings are non existence. No validation again, so we are learning

to find it else where....thank God.


How many of you out there

> HATED mother's day during your childhood

> > (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act

> out

> > like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD


> > always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

> >

> >

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same here...on that same idea...when I was kid, nada NEVER had any of our

" stuff " ( art, A+ tests, awards) hanging of the fridge. My friends parents

always hung their kids stuff on the fridge...the only thing I ever remember

that was hanging there was a test I had taken and failed ...missed all but

one ( I am dyslexic and had a lot of problems in school) she kept THAT on

the fridge for 2 weeks, constantly yelling at me everytime she looked at

it...then gave my dog away because I " refused " to improve my grades


That reminds me of the cards I would make for my mother on mother's

day when I was in kindergarten and later. Every year, I would see it

in the trash THAT VERY DAY after I gave it to her. How that hurt 5

year old Deanna's feelings!

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same here...on that same idea...when I was kid, nada NEVER had any of our

" stuff " ( art, A+ tests, awards) hanging of the fridge. My friends parents

always hung their kids stuff on the fridge...the only thing I ever remember

that was hanging there was a test I had taken and failed ...missed all but

one ( I am dyslexic and had a lot of problems in school) she kept THAT on

the fridge for 2 weeks, constantly yelling at me everytime she looked at

it...then gave my dog away because I " refused " to improve my grades


That reminds me of the cards I would make for my mother on mother's

day when I was in kindergarten and later. Every year, I would see it

in the trash THAT VERY DAY after I gave it to her. How that hurt 5

year old Deanna's feelings!

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Guest guest

same here...on that same idea...when I was kid, nada NEVER had any of our

" stuff " ( art, A+ tests, awards) hanging of the fridge. My friends parents

always hung their kids stuff on the fridge...the only thing I ever remember

that was hanging there was a test I had taken and failed ...missed all but

one ( I am dyslexic and had a lot of problems in school) she kept THAT on

the fridge for 2 weeks, constantly yelling at me everytime she looked at

it...then gave my dog away because I " refused " to improve my grades


That reminds me of the cards I would make for my mother on mother's

day when I was in kindergarten and later. Every year, I would see it

in the trash THAT VERY DAY after I gave it to her. How that hurt 5

year old Deanna's feelings!

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Although I don't have children, I have understood for many years now

that everyone, even a child (smile) deserves to be treated with

respect! What a horrible way to shame your child. I am sorry she did

that to you.


> same here...on that same idea...when I was kid, nada NEVER had any

of our

> " stuff " ( art, A+ tests, awards) hanging of the fridge. My friends


> always hung their kids stuff on the fridge...the only thing I ever


> that was hanging there was a test I had taken and failed ...missed

all but

> one ( I am dyslexic and had a lot of problems in school) she kept


> the fridge for 2 weeks, constantly yelling at me everytime she

looked at

> it...then gave my dog away because I " refused " to improve my grades


> Jackie



> That reminds me of the cards I would make for my mother on mother's

> day when I was in kindergarten and later. Every year, I would see it

> in the trash THAT VERY DAY after I gave it to her. How that hurt 5

> year old Deanna's feelings!


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Guest guest

Although I don't have children, I have understood for many years now

that everyone, even a child (smile) deserves to be treated with

respect! What a horrible way to shame your child. I am sorry she did

that to you.


> same here...on that same idea...when I was kid, nada NEVER had any

of our

> " stuff " ( art, A+ tests, awards) hanging of the fridge. My friends


> always hung their kids stuff on the fridge...the only thing I ever


> that was hanging there was a test I had taken and failed ...missed

all but

> one ( I am dyslexic and had a lot of problems in school) she kept


> the fridge for 2 weeks, constantly yelling at me everytime she

looked at

> it...then gave my dog away because I " refused " to improve my grades


> Jackie



> That reminds me of the cards I would make for my mother on mother's

> day when I was in kindergarten and later. Every year, I would see it

> in the trash THAT VERY DAY after I gave it to her. How that hurt 5

> year old Deanna's feelings!


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Guest guest

Although I don't have children, I have understood for many years now

that everyone, even a child (smile) deserves to be treated with

respect! What a horrible way to shame your child. I am sorry she did

that to you.


> same here...on that same idea...when I was kid, nada NEVER had any

of our

> " stuff " ( art, A+ tests, awards) hanging of the fridge. My friends


> always hung their kids stuff on the fridge...the only thing I ever


> that was hanging there was a test I had taken and failed ...missed

all but

> one ( I am dyslexic and had a lot of problems in school) she kept


> the fridge for 2 weeks, constantly yelling at me everytime she

looked at

> it...then gave my dog away because I " refused " to improve my grades


> Jackie



> That reminds me of the cards I would make for my mother on mother's

> day when I was in kindergarten and later. Every year, I would see it

> in the trash THAT VERY DAY after I gave it to her. How that hurt 5

> year old Deanna's feelings!


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My parents actually did the same thing. They NEVER would allow

anything to hang up that I made. Not any art or projects nothing!

Not in my room not on my door not on the fridge no place in the

house. But as soon as I did bad on a test or report card they made

sure to display it. I forgot all about that and didn't think much of

it until you brought it up. I was on medication for my seizures and

my mom often messed with the dosage. When she screwed around with my

Phenobarbital, depakot and other meds I was often uncoordinated, I

would fall asleep, be very drowsy and have many headaches and hard

time concentrating. So no wonder I got bad grades. Now that I am

the one administering my own medication I feel very alert and I can

concentrate and function quite well.

Now as a mother of 2 small boys I have purchased large picture

frames and I have lots of magnets and nails! I always display my

children's art all over the house. I frame it and place it all over.

Some water color for my room some it construction paper and sand

art in the boys room and the latest addition to our collection was

just added yesterday, a turquoise colored vase my oldest made we

placed a bright orange daisy in it and put it smack dab in the

middle of the living room! Not to mention the countless pieces or

art and tests that I place on the fridge every week, and when I take

them down I save them in a big plastic filing system. The boys love

to take out their work and play with it from time to time or just

look and remember what they made. I don't save every last scrape

just the things I know they really cherish but I try not to throw

things away in front of them. I cant save everything of course my

oldest comes home with a half a dozen papers every day but I use my

judgment. I hope when they grow older that they have fun looking

back and seeing what they made and how they developed over the

years. I hope it will bring them many good memories! I cant reverse

the past or change my mother but I can do my part to make the future

better for my children and give them a happy today and a happy

future. Love Lizzy

How many of you out


> > HATED mother's day during your childhood

> > > (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really


> > out

> > > like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her


> was

> > > always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > > Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

> > >

> > >

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My parents actually did the same thing. They NEVER would allow

anything to hang up that I made. Not any art or projects nothing!

Not in my room not on my door not on the fridge no place in the

house. But as soon as I did bad on a test or report card they made

sure to display it. I forgot all about that and didn't think much of

it until you brought it up. I was on medication for my seizures and

my mom often messed with the dosage. When she screwed around with my

Phenobarbital, depakot and other meds I was often uncoordinated, I

would fall asleep, be very drowsy and have many headaches and hard

time concentrating. So no wonder I got bad grades. Now that I am

the one administering my own medication I feel very alert and I can

concentrate and function quite well.

Now as a mother of 2 small boys I have purchased large picture

frames and I have lots of magnets and nails! I always display my

children's art all over the house. I frame it and place it all over.

Some water color for my room some it construction paper and sand

art in the boys room and the latest addition to our collection was

just added yesterday, a turquoise colored vase my oldest made we

placed a bright orange daisy in it and put it smack dab in the

middle of the living room! Not to mention the countless pieces or

art and tests that I place on the fridge every week, and when I take

them down I save them in a big plastic filing system. The boys love

to take out their work and play with it from time to time or just

look and remember what they made. I don't save every last scrape

just the things I know they really cherish but I try not to throw

things away in front of them. I cant save everything of course my

oldest comes home with a half a dozen papers every day but I use my

judgment. I hope when they grow older that they have fun looking

back and seeing what they made and how they developed over the

years. I hope it will bring them many good memories! I cant reverse

the past or change my mother but I can do my part to make the future

better for my children and give them a happy today and a happy

future. Love Lizzy

How many of you out


> > HATED mother's day during your childhood

> > > (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really


> > out

> > > like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her


> was

> > > always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> > > Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

> > >

> > >

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