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Mother's Day Hell

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How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.

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Growing up it wasn't ever particularly hellish, but it's become a big

PITA as an adult, especially since she usually has a big rage in the

weeks leading up to it, which she usually tosses in " and don't bother

getting me anything for Mother's Day! " This year, I'll actually

accomodate that request.

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Growing up it wasn't ever particularly hellish, but it's become a big

PITA as an adult, especially since she usually has a big rage in the

weeks leading up to it, which she usually tosses in " and don't bother

getting me anything for Mother's Day! " This year, I'll actually

accomodate that request.

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Growing up it wasn't ever particularly hellish, but it's become a big

PITA as an adult, especially since she usually has a big rage in the

weeks leading up to it, which she usually tosses in " and don't bother

getting me anything for Mother's Day! " This year, I'll actually

accomodate that request.

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Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is borderline BPD..

but more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total nightmare

for me...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has always...ALWAYS

created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our undivided

attention on Mother's Day...my grandmother used to live where we live now

(next door) so she would always use my grand-mother as a back up plan...we

needed to be here at her house in order to honor my mother AND my

grandmother. One of the last year's my grandmother was alive my mother

feigned a heart attack to drag us all to the hospital...because we were

there we missed an outing at my mother-in-laws (major sin there...for some

reason in that family when she has an event not attending is not an option).

well my husband's grandfather (mother in-law's father) got ahold of my

husband and unleashed a fury on him like I had never seen...because he made

his mother cry (oh boo-freaking-hoo...she had almost 80 people there). I've

never seen anything like it...my husband was actually SOBBING when he hung


Finally, I put my foot down and we started going out of town that weekend.

That first year, I was so desperate I even agreed to camping! (Keep in mind,

my idea of roughing it is staying somewhere without a concierge.) Our

campsite ended up being about 50 yards from a very active railroad (which

came through, horns blaring every 20 minutes...no exceptions). All things

being equal it ended up being a magnificent weekend...we had a great time.

made sure to make the obligatory phone calls on Sunday...and enjoyed every

moment of the weekend. We had a great time, and because we were out of town

and didn't spend time with either one of them, neither one of them got mad!

(Well...they were probably both mad...but they couldn't express it because

we had a legit. excuse) For the life of me, I don't know why we don't do

this for ALL of the holidays!

Kisses and Nibbles,


-- Mother's Day Hell

How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.

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Me too! I hated, hated, hated, HATED Mother's Day!!! First off, I had a lot of

trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of celebrating the Oppressor. Second,

she demanded so much attention and so many gifts. Even if she got everything she

wanted, she still felt slighted. And the worst thing, coincidentally one the

main things that got me thinking she might not be all there, was that every year

I made a big deal of it to keep out of trouble. I made her breakfast in bed,

bought her a dozen rose, a nice gift, most years two, and took her out to her

favorite restaurant. Oh, not to mention the cards and notes around the house

saying " Happy Mother's Day, I love you " so she'd see it when she made coffee or

used the computer etc. I made it the biggest holiday of the year for her. Oddly

enough, little sister has never bought her a Mother's Day or a birthday present.

She just says some nice things and is done with it. Of course, little sis can't

really hold down a job, and didn't

work in high school, so she never has the money for gifts.

Anyway, on little sis's birthday (June 3), among sis's gifts and attention, she

would start complaing about how she didn't get treated as nicely as sister. I

would always say that I did a few things for her and she would deny it! To this

day, she insists every gift given came from little sis. She even tells nada that

those gifts were from me, but nada continues to insist otherwise. She even shows

guests favorite gifts I gave her (like a TV tray that matched her living room

decor and holds her dinner since she likes to eat while watching TV) and says

things like " isn't this nice, my youngest gave it to me " .

I can't understand how she does that for gifts I sent after leaving home. Why

would little sis, who lives WITH nada, have roses delivered? I mean, forgetting,

disassociating, whatever, that's just plain dumb.

I was always the bad child though. She even refered to me as that by way of

introduction, even to her new employees! " This is my daughter, Jae. She's the

bad child. And this, (little sis) is the good one. She's my little angel. " That

used to make me SO mad. I really did do everything I was supposed to. I doted on

her, waited on her hand and foot, never got in trouble at school, got a job at

16 and still worked for free at her office, graduated with honors, went to a

good college and never asked her for money for tuition of books, etc. Sister?

Ignored nada, or complained when asked to do something, always in trouble at

school, caught with boys in her room, cigarettes, pot, alcohol, never got a job,

demanded payment to help nada at the office, never graduated from high school

and had nada pay for her to attend community college, which she flunked out of

after bankrupting me by running up my credit cards at the mall while I was at

work and she was SUPPOSED to be in school.

Yet, in nada's eyes, little sis can do no wrong. Even when she had to explain

to nada why she has HPV and uterine damage from an abortion, she's the good

child. I got yelled at for that, by the way. I was apparently supposed to keep a

better eye on her.

Sorry, that went on a while. It's just so very frustrating. I don't think it

would bug me quite so much if the two of them didn't have the whole extended

family convinced that I'm a terrible daughter and all little sis's problems are

my fault. If nada/sis can't blame a problem on me, they just don't tell the

extended family about it. My NC doesn't help of course. It gives them a great

case to claim I abandoned the family. Oh well. I'm set up to have some truly

fantastic in-laws and a goddess for a wife. A girl really only needs one family,

I guess. Better to have a great one late than have none at all.


PS. Anyone remember the Pink Floyd song Mother from The Wall? I've listened to

it every Mother's Day since I was 10. It's like a ritual to help me get through

it. Even though I'm NC, I still do it. It's comforting, makes me feel like I'm

sending her a telepathic message containing all the things I always wanted to

say and feared the consequences of. Of course, I used to jump like rabbit if she

walked in on me with my headphones on, like she could hear my thought-letter

floating on the air or something. I must have looked SO guilty lol.

" mr.zarkley " wrote: How

many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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Me too! I hated, hated, hated, HATED Mother's Day!!! First off, I had a lot of

trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of celebrating the Oppressor. Second,

she demanded so much attention and so many gifts. Even if she got everything she

wanted, she still felt slighted. And the worst thing, coincidentally one the

main things that got me thinking she might not be all there, was that every year

I made a big deal of it to keep out of trouble. I made her breakfast in bed,

bought her a dozen rose, a nice gift, most years two, and took her out to her

favorite restaurant. Oh, not to mention the cards and notes around the house

saying " Happy Mother's Day, I love you " so she'd see it when she made coffee or

used the computer etc. I made it the biggest holiday of the year for her. Oddly

enough, little sister has never bought her a Mother's Day or a birthday present.

She just says some nice things and is done with it. Of course, little sis can't

really hold down a job, and didn't

work in high school, so she never has the money for gifts.

Anyway, on little sis's birthday (June 3), among sis's gifts and attention, she

would start complaing about how she didn't get treated as nicely as sister. I

would always say that I did a few things for her and she would deny it! To this

day, she insists every gift given came from little sis. She even tells nada that

those gifts were from me, but nada continues to insist otherwise. She even shows

guests favorite gifts I gave her (like a TV tray that matched her living room

decor and holds her dinner since she likes to eat while watching TV) and says

things like " isn't this nice, my youngest gave it to me " .

I can't understand how she does that for gifts I sent after leaving home. Why

would little sis, who lives WITH nada, have roses delivered? I mean, forgetting,

disassociating, whatever, that's just plain dumb.

I was always the bad child though. She even refered to me as that by way of

introduction, even to her new employees! " This is my daughter, Jae. She's the

bad child. And this, (little sis) is the good one. She's my little angel. " That

used to make me SO mad. I really did do everything I was supposed to. I doted on

her, waited on her hand and foot, never got in trouble at school, got a job at

16 and still worked for free at her office, graduated with honors, went to a

good college and never asked her for money for tuition of books, etc. Sister?

Ignored nada, or complained when asked to do something, always in trouble at

school, caught with boys in her room, cigarettes, pot, alcohol, never got a job,

demanded payment to help nada at the office, never graduated from high school

and had nada pay for her to attend community college, which she flunked out of

after bankrupting me by running up my credit cards at the mall while I was at

work and she was SUPPOSED to be in school.

Yet, in nada's eyes, little sis can do no wrong. Even when she had to explain

to nada why she has HPV and uterine damage from an abortion, she's the good

child. I got yelled at for that, by the way. I was apparently supposed to keep a

better eye on her.

Sorry, that went on a while. It's just so very frustrating. I don't think it

would bug me quite so much if the two of them didn't have the whole extended

family convinced that I'm a terrible daughter and all little sis's problems are

my fault. If nada/sis can't blame a problem on me, they just don't tell the

extended family about it. My NC doesn't help of course. It gives them a great

case to claim I abandoned the family. Oh well. I'm set up to have some truly

fantastic in-laws and a goddess for a wife. A girl really only needs one family,

I guess. Better to have a great one late than have none at all.


PS. Anyone remember the Pink Floyd song Mother from The Wall? I've listened to

it every Mother's Day since I was 10. It's like a ritual to help me get through

it. Even though I'm NC, I still do it. It's comforting, makes me feel like I'm

sending her a telepathic message containing all the things I always wanted to

say and feared the consequences of. Of course, I used to jump like rabbit if she

walked in on me with my headphones on, like she could hear my thought-letter

floating on the air or something. I must have looked SO guilty lol.

" mr.zarkley " wrote: How

many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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Chugga chugga choo choo! Bunny, you make me laugh. I can see how

that camping experience would have been a relaxing alternative.



> Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is

borderline BPD..

> but more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total


> for me...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has


> created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our


> attention on Mother's Day...my grandmother used to live where we

live now

> (next door) so she would always use my grand-mother as a back up


> needed to be here at her house in order to honor my mother AND my

> grandmother. One of the last year's my grandmother was alive my


> feigned a heart attack to drag us all to the hospital...because we


> there we missed an outing at my mother-in-laws (major sin

there...for some

> reason in that family when she has an event not attending is not

an option).

> well my husband's grandfather (mother in-law's father) got ahold

of my

> husband and unleashed a fury on him like I had never

seen...because he made

> his mother cry (oh boo-freaking-hoo...she had almost 80 people

there). I've

> never seen anything like it...my husband was actually SOBBING when

he hung

> up.


> Finally, I put my foot down and we started going out of town that


> That first year, I was so desperate I even agreed to camping!

(Keep in mind,

> my idea of roughing it is staying somewhere without a concierge.)


> campsite ended up being about 50 yards from a very active railroad


> came through, horns blaring every 20 minutes...no exceptions).

All things

> being equal it ended up being a magnificent weekend...we had a

great time.

> made sure to make the obligatory phone calls on Sunday...and

enjoyed every

> moment of the weekend. We had a great time, and because we were

out of town

> and didn't spend time with either one of them, neither one of them

got mad!

> (Well...they were probably both mad...but they couldn't express it


> we had a legit. excuse) For the life of me, I don't know why we

don't do

> this for ALL of the holidays!


> Kisses and Nibbles,

> Bunny



> -- Mother's Day Hell


> How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

> (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act


> like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

> always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.







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Guest guest

Chugga chugga choo choo! Bunny, you make me laugh. I can see how

that camping experience would have been a relaxing alternative.



> Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is

borderline BPD..

> but more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total


> for me...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has


> created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our


> attention on Mother's Day...my grandmother used to live where we

live now

> (next door) so she would always use my grand-mother as a back up


> needed to be here at her house in order to honor my mother AND my

> grandmother. One of the last year's my grandmother was alive my


> feigned a heart attack to drag us all to the hospital...because we


> there we missed an outing at my mother-in-laws (major sin

there...for some

> reason in that family when she has an event not attending is not

an option).

> well my husband's grandfather (mother in-law's father) got ahold

of my

> husband and unleashed a fury on him like I had never

seen...because he made

> his mother cry (oh boo-freaking-hoo...she had almost 80 people

there). I've

> never seen anything like it...my husband was actually SOBBING when

he hung

> up.


> Finally, I put my foot down and we started going out of town that


> That first year, I was so desperate I even agreed to camping!

(Keep in mind,

> my idea of roughing it is staying somewhere without a concierge.)


> campsite ended up being about 50 yards from a very active railroad


> came through, horns blaring every 20 minutes...no exceptions).

All things

> being equal it ended up being a magnificent weekend...we had a

great time.

> made sure to make the obligatory phone calls on Sunday...and

enjoyed every

> moment of the weekend. We had a great time, and because we were

out of town

> and didn't spend time with either one of them, neither one of them

got mad!

> (Well...they were probably both mad...but they couldn't express it


> we had a legit. excuse) For the life of me, I don't know why we

don't do

> this for ALL of the holidays!


> Kisses and Nibbles,

> Bunny



> -- Mother's Day Hell


> How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

> (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act


> like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

> always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.







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Guest guest

Chugga chugga choo choo! Bunny, you make me laugh. I can see how

that camping experience would have been a relaxing alternative.



> Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is

borderline BPD..

> but more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total


> for me...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has


> created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our


> attention on Mother's Day...my grandmother used to live where we

live now

> (next door) so she would always use my grand-mother as a back up


> needed to be here at her house in order to honor my mother AND my

> grandmother. One of the last year's my grandmother was alive my


> feigned a heart attack to drag us all to the hospital...because we


> there we missed an outing at my mother-in-laws (major sin

there...for some

> reason in that family when she has an event not attending is not

an option).

> well my husband's grandfather (mother in-law's father) got ahold

of my

> husband and unleashed a fury on him like I had never

seen...because he made

> his mother cry (oh boo-freaking-hoo...she had almost 80 people

there). I've

> never seen anything like it...my husband was actually SOBBING when

he hung

> up.


> Finally, I put my foot down and we started going out of town that


> That first year, I was so desperate I even agreed to camping!

(Keep in mind,

> my idea of roughing it is staying somewhere without a concierge.)


> campsite ended up being about 50 yards from a very active railroad


> came through, horns blaring every 20 minutes...no exceptions).

All things

> being equal it ended up being a magnificent weekend...we had a

great time.

> made sure to make the obligatory phone calls on Sunday...and

enjoyed every

> moment of the weekend. We had a great time, and because we were

out of town

> and didn't spend time with either one of them, neither one of them

got mad!

> (Well...they were probably both mad...but they couldn't express it


> we had a legit. excuse) For the life of me, I don't know why we

don't do

> this for ALL of the holidays!


> Kisses and Nibbles,

> Bunny



> -- Mother's Day Hell


> How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

> (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act


> like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

> always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.







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Uncomfortable in childhood, pure yuck in adulthood! Who wants to go

through celebrating someone when it's all underhandedly orchestrated

and the person feels " entitled " to thanks for all the millions of

things they bother to do to " serve " their ungrateful family who really

couldn't care less (in the BPD nada opinion), but it's nice you showed

up anyway because it's expected! LOL



> How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

> (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

> like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

> always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


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Guest guest

Uncomfortable in childhood, pure yuck in adulthood! Who wants to go

through celebrating someone when it's all underhandedly orchestrated

and the person feels " entitled " to thanks for all the millions of

things they bother to do to " serve " their ungrateful family who really

couldn't care less (in the BPD nada opinion), but it's nice you showed

up anyway because it's expected! LOL



> How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

> (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

> like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

> always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


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Big squeezes to you Jae....wow...what a tool! You know after reading your

part about being a good child and always keeping yourself out of trouble...I

immediately flashed back to a part in the wizard of oz when Dorothy was told

to keep herself out of trouble...to which Dorothy replied " A place where

there isn't any trouble....do you think there is such a place Toto? " We all

know the answer to that is yeah...but it's the furthest spot from YOU!

(Meaning Nada...oh please don't anyone take that one personally...I would

never do that to any of you :) )

The twisting and giving credit to another sibling...that is so classic Nada.

..even to this very day it takes me half way into the next conversation to

realize she wasn't kidding...every single time...it just seems to ridiculous

to think that people believe her...i mean, in one moment she will go on and

on about how my brother can't hold down a job, doens't even have money to

put gas in the car, how she's put out thousands and thousands of dollars

just in the past couple of days (which in itself is completely ridiculous)

buying him coffee and clothes and nonsense items...and in the very next

breath say " oh...isn't this grill nice? It was the most expensive one in the

store...my son bought it for me for Christmas! " People actually BELIEVE her!

It's insane! I'm like...uh...hello...first of all, you just said he hasn't

held down a job in 3 years, how did he buy you a $2000 grill...secondly..

the grill is obviously at LEAST a year old and even the biggest idiot on

earth knows it is not a really expensive grill...lastly...that grill belongs

to my husband and it isn't even in YOUR yard!! Umm...yeah....everyone builds

a pool in their neighbors yard on the opposite side of the block...why do

people believe her? I just sit and shake my head...no use wasting my breath

...I don't want to converse with people stupid enough to believe her

ridiculous stuff anyway.

Truth be told, I would trade in my entire Foo for a sister like you any day

of the week and twice on Sunday...head up my sister....the cream always

rises to the top!

Kisses and Nibbles,


-- Re: Mother's Day Hell

Me too! I hated, hated, hated, HATED Mother's Day!!! First off, I had a lot

of trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of celebrating the Oppressor.

Second, she demanded so much attention and so many gifts. Even if she got

everything she wanted, she still felt slighted. And the worst thing,

coincidentally one the main things that got me thinking she might not be all

there, was that every year I made a big deal of it to keep out of trouble. I

made her breakfast in bed, bought her a dozen rose, a nice gift, most years

two, and took her out to her favorite restaurant. Oh, not to mention the

cards and notes around the house saying " Happy Mother's Day, I love you " so

she'd see it when she made coffee or used the computer etc. I made it the

biggest holiday of the year for her. Oddly enough, little sister has never

bought her a Mother's Day or a birthday present. She just says some nice

things and is done with it. Of course, little sis can't really hold down a

job, and didn't

work in high school, so she never has the money for gifts.

Anyway, on little sis's birthday (June 3), among sis's gifts and attention,

she would start complaing about how she didn't get treated as nicely as

sister. I would always say that I did a few things for her and she would

deny it! To this day, she insists every gift given came from little sis. She

even tells nada that those gifts were from me, but nada continues to insist

otherwise. She even shows guests favorite gifts I gave her (like a TV tray

that matched her living room decor and holds her dinner since she likes to

eat while watching TV) and says things like " isn't this nice, my youngest

gave it to me " .

I can't understand how she does that for gifts I sent after leaving home.

Why would little sis, who lives WITH nada, have roses delivered? I mean,

forgetting, disassociating, whatever, that's just plain dumb.

I was always the bad child though. She even refered to me as that by way of

introduction, even to her new employees! " This is my daughter, Jae. She's

the bad child. And this, (little sis) is the good one. She's my little angel

" That used to make me SO mad. I really did do everything I was supposed to.

I doted on her, waited on her hand and foot, never got in trouble at school,

got a job at 16 and still worked for free at her office, graduated with

honors, went to a good college and never asked her for money for tuition of

books, etc. Sister? Ignored nada, or complained when asked to do something,

always in trouble at school, caught with boys in her room, cigarettes, pot,

alcohol, never got a job, demanded payment to help nada at the office, never

graduated from high school and had nada pay for her to attend community

college, which she flunked out of after bankrupting me by running up my

credit cards at the mall while I was at work and she was SUPPOSED to be in


Yet, in nada's eyes, little sis can do no wrong. Even when she had to

explain to nada why she has HPV and uterine damage from an abortion, she's

the good child. I got yelled at for that, by the way. I was apparently

supposed to keep a better eye on her.

Sorry, that went on a while. It's just so very frustrating. I don't think it

would bug me quite so much if the two of them didn't have the whole extended

family convinced that I'm a terrible daughter and all little sis's problems

are my fault. If nada/sis can't blame a problem on me, they just don't tell

the extended family about it. My NC doesn't help of course. It gives them a

great case to claim I abandoned the family. Oh well. I'm set up to have some

truly fantastic in-laws and a goddess for a wife. A girl really only needs

one family, I guess. Better to have a great one late than have none at all.


PS. Anyone remember the Pink Floyd song Mother from The Wall? I've listened

to it every Mother's Day since I was 10. It's like a ritual to help me get

through it. Even though I'm NC, I still do it. It's comforting, makes me

feel like I'm sending her a telepathic message containing all the things I

always wanted to say and feared the consequences of. Of course, I used to

jump like rabbit if she walked in on me with my headphones on, like she

could hear my thought-letter floating on the air or something. I must have

looked SO guilty lol.

" mr.zarkley " wrote: How many of you out there HATED

mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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Guest guest

Big squeezes to you Jae....wow...what a tool! You know after reading your

part about being a good child and always keeping yourself out of trouble...I

immediately flashed back to a part in the wizard of oz when Dorothy was told

to keep herself out of trouble...to which Dorothy replied " A place where

there isn't any trouble....do you think there is such a place Toto? " We all

know the answer to that is yeah...but it's the furthest spot from YOU!

(Meaning Nada...oh please don't anyone take that one personally...I would

never do that to any of you :) )

The twisting and giving credit to another sibling...that is so classic Nada.

..even to this very day it takes me half way into the next conversation to

realize she wasn't kidding...every single time...it just seems to ridiculous

to think that people believe her...i mean, in one moment she will go on and

on about how my brother can't hold down a job, doens't even have money to

put gas in the car, how she's put out thousands and thousands of dollars

just in the past couple of days (which in itself is completely ridiculous)

buying him coffee and clothes and nonsense items...and in the very next

breath say " oh...isn't this grill nice? It was the most expensive one in the

store...my son bought it for me for Christmas! " People actually BELIEVE her!

It's insane! I'm like...uh...hello...first of all, you just said he hasn't

held down a job in 3 years, how did he buy you a $2000 grill...secondly..

the grill is obviously at LEAST a year old and even the biggest idiot on

earth knows it is not a really expensive grill...lastly...that grill belongs

to my husband and it isn't even in YOUR yard!! Umm...yeah....everyone builds

a pool in their neighbors yard on the opposite side of the block...why do

people believe her? I just sit and shake my head...no use wasting my breath

...I don't want to converse with people stupid enough to believe her

ridiculous stuff anyway.

Truth be told, I would trade in my entire Foo for a sister like you any day

of the week and twice on Sunday...head up my sister....the cream always

rises to the top!

Kisses and Nibbles,


-- Re: Mother's Day Hell

Me too! I hated, hated, hated, HATED Mother's Day!!! First off, I had a lot

of trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of celebrating the Oppressor.

Second, she demanded so much attention and so many gifts. Even if she got

everything she wanted, she still felt slighted. And the worst thing,

coincidentally one the main things that got me thinking she might not be all

there, was that every year I made a big deal of it to keep out of trouble. I

made her breakfast in bed, bought her a dozen rose, a nice gift, most years

two, and took her out to her favorite restaurant. Oh, not to mention the

cards and notes around the house saying " Happy Mother's Day, I love you " so

she'd see it when she made coffee or used the computer etc. I made it the

biggest holiday of the year for her. Oddly enough, little sister has never

bought her a Mother's Day or a birthday present. She just says some nice

things and is done with it. Of course, little sis can't really hold down a

job, and didn't

work in high school, so she never has the money for gifts.

Anyway, on little sis's birthday (June 3), among sis's gifts and attention,

she would start complaing about how she didn't get treated as nicely as

sister. I would always say that I did a few things for her and she would

deny it! To this day, she insists every gift given came from little sis. She

even tells nada that those gifts were from me, but nada continues to insist

otherwise. She even shows guests favorite gifts I gave her (like a TV tray

that matched her living room decor and holds her dinner since she likes to

eat while watching TV) and says things like " isn't this nice, my youngest

gave it to me " .

I can't understand how she does that for gifts I sent after leaving home.

Why would little sis, who lives WITH nada, have roses delivered? I mean,

forgetting, disassociating, whatever, that's just plain dumb.

I was always the bad child though. She even refered to me as that by way of

introduction, even to her new employees! " This is my daughter, Jae. She's

the bad child. And this, (little sis) is the good one. She's my little angel

" That used to make me SO mad. I really did do everything I was supposed to.

I doted on her, waited on her hand and foot, never got in trouble at school,

got a job at 16 and still worked for free at her office, graduated with

honors, went to a good college and never asked her for money for tuition of

books, etc. Sister? Ignored nada, or complained when asked to do something,

always in trouble at school, caught with boys in her room, cigarettes, pot,

alcohol, never got a job, demanded payment to help nada at the office, never

graduated from high school and had nada pay for her to attend community

college, which she flunked out of after bankrupting me by running up my

credit cards at the mall while I was at work and she was SUPPOSED to be in


Yet, in nada's eyes, little sis can do no wrong. Even when she had to

explain to nada why she has HPV and uterine damage from an abortion, she's

the good child. I got yelled at for that, by the way. I was apparently

supposed to keep a better eye on her.

Sorry, that went on a while. It's just so very frustrating. I don't think it

would bug me quite so much if the two of them didn't have the whole extended

family convinced that I'm a terrible daughter and all little sis's problems

are my fault. If nada/sis can't blame a problem on me, they just don't tell

the extended family about it. My NC doesn't help of course. It gives them a

great case to claim I abandoned the family. Oh well. I'm set up to have some

truly fantastic in-laws and a goddess for a wife. A girl really only needs

one family, I guess. Better to have a great one late than have none at all.


PS. Anyone remember the Pink Floyd song Mother from The Wall? I've listened

to it every Mother's Day since I was 10. It's like a ritual to help me get

through it. Even though I'm NC, I still do it. It's comforting, makes me

feel like I'm sending her a telepathic message containing all the things I

always wanted to say and feared the consequences of. Of course, I used to

jump like rabbit if she walked in on me with my headphones on, like she

could hear my thought-letter floating on the air or something. I must have

looked SO guilty lol.

" mr.zarkley " wrote: How many of you out there HATED

mother's day during your childhood

(and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.


Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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Wow, I really do have it easy. I don't see Yeti for her birthday, mother's

day, or Christmas. Or any other time. Once I saw her in a shopping mall .

and just walked past without saying anything. Didn't look back. What would I

have to say to her, and why say it to her? I've had enough drama.


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Wow, I really do have it easy. I don't see Yeti for her birthday, mother's

day, or Christmas. Or any other time. Once I saw her in a shopping mall .

and just walked past without saying anything. Didn't look back. What would I

have to say to her, and why say it to her? I've had enough drama.


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Wow, I really do have it easy. I don't see Yeti for her birthday, mother's

day, or Christmas. Or any other time. Once I saw her in a shopping mall .

and just walked past without saying anything. Didn't look back. What would I

have to say to her, and why say it to her? I've had enough drama.


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You know I was in the store the other day and looked at mothers day

cards as I always have felt I " had " to get her one even just as a

token is easier then having her get mad ya know? The last couple years

I got her nice ones as we actually got along for the first time in my

life and thought things had resolved.. but then she had a breakdown

and Im of course bad again according to her. Of which I did nor said a

thing to warrant that. In any case I was trying to find a " generic "

type card that just said happy mothers day.. It made me literally ill

to read all the cards that said I love you , your the best, blah blah

blah... Also made me sad I never had that kind of mother. I dont even

want to get her a card and may not I may go with an email card. My

heart is NOT in it. and I hate being a hypocrite. I want to be true to

myself but also keep the peace. She always says I dont have to get her

something but have because I wanted to the past couple years but am

back to not wanting to. ugh... So any suggestions out there?

How many of you out there HATED mother's day during your childhood

> (and beyond). It was one of nada's supreme excuses to really act out

> like crazy. My sister's birthday is right around MD, so her BD was

> always tainted big-time. MD still sends shivers.







> ---------------------------------

> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.



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mothers day was " invented " by Teddy Roosevelt in the early 1900's :-( so

yes, I think we can wipe it off the books !!


Let's organize! STAMP OUT MOTHER'S DAY!!! The world will be a better

place. We can replace that evil holiday with a variation of

HALLOWEEN-- but everyone can wear rabbit costumes. Rabbits procreate,

yet they're cute and fuzzy. Rabbits generally do not inflict pain and

suffering upon the masses. (If they hate their young, they kill them

immediately and eat them...a few moments of physical pain, but no

psychological torture). We can call the new day BUNNOBEEN...kind of

like a flamboyant follow-up to EASTER. What do you say?

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hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!


> mothers day was " invented " by Teddy Roosevelt in the early 1900's

:-( so

> yes, I think we can wipe it off the books !!


> Jackie



> Let's organize! STAMP OUT MOTHER'S DAY!!! The world will be a better

> place. We can replace that evil holiday with a variation of

> HALLOWEEN-- but everyone can wear rabbit costumes. Rabbits procreate,

> yet they're cute and fuzzy. Rabbits generally do not inflict pain and

> suffering upon the masses. (If they hate their young, they kill them

> immediately and eat them...a few moments of physical pain, but no

> psychological torture). We can call the new day BUNNOBEEN...kind of

> like a flamboyant follow-up to EASTER. What do you say?


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LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...


hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

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LOL guess Teddy had a nice mother...


hmmm I never knew the origin of Mothers day,,,, Guess Teddy loved his

mother... But wasnt thinking about the rest of us!

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Bunny, why you should go all out this mothers day. Invite the both of them MIL

and your momster out for a (non) mother's day dinner. Arrange for them

to " meet " you somewhere. Then cancel out at the last minute. Then they can

keep each other company.

Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is borderline BPD..but

more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total nightmare for

me ...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has always ALWAYS

created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our undivided

attention on Mother's Day...

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hahahahahah That is a great idea lol!!!

Im greatful my nada lives several states away I dont have to worry

about seeing her on mothers day just have to worry about the phone

call and stupid mothers day card... ugh

but better then the in person visit.. hehe

-- In WTOAdultChildren1 , " westwindspirit "



> Bunny, why you should go all out this mothers day. Invite the both

of them MIL

> and your momster out for a (non) mother's day dinner. Arrange for them

> to " meet " you somewhere. Then cancel out at the last minute. Then

they can

> keep each other company.




> Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is

borderline BPD..but

> more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total

nightmare for

> me ...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has always ALWAYS

> created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our


> attention on Mother's Day...


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hahahahahah That is a great idea lol!!!

Im greatful my nada lives several states away I dont have to worry

about seeing her on mothers day just have to worry about the phone

call and stupid mothers day card... ugh

but better then the in person visit.. hehe

-- In WTOAdultChildren1 , " westwindspirit "



> Bunny, why you should go all out this mothers day. Invite the both

of them MIL

> and your momster out for a (non) mother's day dinner. Arrange for them

> to " meet " you somewhere. Then cancel out at the last minute. Then

they can

> keep each other company.




> Oh absolutely! My nada is waif BP and my mother-in-law is

borderline BPD..but

> more of a queen/witch. Mother's Day has always been a total

nightmare for

> me ...my MIL is so unbelievable demanding and my nada has always ALWAYS

> created a TON of drama around that time to ASSURE that she had our


> attention on Mother's Day...


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