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Hey Elly..thank you for the note.. I am glad that methotrexate is helping. I am probably going to start plaquinil...oh the koy!! Ha ha ha Talk to you again and say hello to my 12 or so cousins that live in Michigan..(my husband loves all michigan sports teams .Liz

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Hi Liz,

I didn't check the email until today. I have 4 kids, 3 girls and a

boy. 23, 21,18 and 10 yrs. and 2 grandchildren. I have been seeing a

Dr. Norden. He was trained at U of P. I have alot of family in NJ and

have a house in Sea Isle. Maybe we can get together over the summer.

Hope you had a good weekend.

Judy, PA.

> Hi Judy ..I live in moorestown NJ..about 7miles north of Philly. I

was going

> to Dr Albert at the university of penn..I just changed to another

> rheumy..they are going to start me on plaquinil. I do have some


> days..but that still means I need a 2 hour rest period and that I

can stand

> up after 6 for more than 10 minutes...I lie down..for 20 and get up


> 10....my kids are 7 and 3. I am 47 had them late. What doctor do

you use?? I

> hope you are having a good one today . Liz

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Hi, Liz. We just moved here about a year and half ago, but for some reason her name is a little familiar -- don't know why. I'll hang onto your number. The next week is crazy because of Passover, but let's talk soon! Have a great week,

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well, you certainly have a great sense of humor! I feel like we have to

though, don't you?!Remind me where stown is...why do I think I was just

talking to someone about stown (OK -- was it you and I really have no

brain left?!) I live in Edison.

It sounds like you have been through a lot healthwise.

How old are your kids?

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Liz, Forgive my lack of brain cells about where you and your sister live. I

would love to come visit you and hang out at the pool. Maybe once my kids

are out of school for the summer, I could come up one day. My kids are 8, 7,

4, and 2 -- though i don't know that I'ld bring all of them.

I have been on Plaquenil for almost a year. I think it helps some and my

doctors seem to feel strongly about keeping me on it -- I think they feel it

is the most mild thing and that the other drugs work well in conjunction with

it. I was on Methotrexate for about 6 months but we didn't think it was

helping so much. I dropped that for Enbrel but I have only been only to take

the Enbrel 3 times since I have had bronchitis for the past few weeks. I'm

hoping to be able to take it tomorrow and get back on schedule. I

'm a bit frustrated because I know it takes 2-3 months for the Enbrel to have

any effect (or some I'm told). In the meantime, being off the MTX, I have

swelled up a lot so i think it must have been helping somewhat...just not

enough! Finally, I'm on prednisone -- I had been down to 9 mgs. then tried a

chiropractic treatment that sent me to the hospital -- now I'm up to 30 mgs.

which upsets me a lot. I am hoping once the Enbrel is effective I can reduce

the prednisone significantly.

OK, that was a really long story about my meds -- didn't realize it was so

complicated! Remind me -- when do you find out about your liver?

Your children sound precious by the way! Enjoy them!

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Hope everything goes well friday!! If it is any help my sister, who is a

wuss. { two of us hold her down when a third removes a sliver, twice on

footonce on hand...and she only weighs like 100 lbs.lol] has had two

cervical cysts removed and 4 from her breast and she does fine. A little

sore , but fine.

So I hope yours goes as well!

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I'm hanging in there. I worked again today, but only made it 6hrs instead of

8.. I have a lot of swelling and hurt today, but I didn't want to overdue

it.. So I will rest today and give it another go tomorrow.. Thanks Liz.. Kelley

in Colorado

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LOL! You sweet lady.. hehehe

I too hope that I can make it up with Tracey. It would be wonderful

to meet you all.

Take care,


> Beano is cheaper at Costco. LOL! Don't shoot me, I am just the

> messenger.


> I hope you do come to my pool party. I would love to see you! So

> would the others, I know.


> Marta

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thank you friend for the well wishes, and I know that you must be struggling with the rain also. It's just been horrible here. Too much rain. It is pouring today again and hasn't let up one bit. I am so sore. It is very nice of you to care. Be well friend and I will talk to you soon.

Love, Sue #2

-- Re: Sue #2

Try to get warm..a hot bath..and some tea.. this weather on the east coast is so cold...I hope with some rest your flare hits the dust..Sounds like a nice buisness..trees are beautiful....rest the best you can Liz NJ

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Thats awesome Liz like u said baby steps me too walking,cutting lawn,swimming ect never could run 22 miles like super anyways lol.Who cares how long it takes to walk 1 mile as long its sumthin right i seem better if i do a little each day get away from the damn computer for awhile.Today i got outside weedeated and set up my tent for my Alaska trip ill be leavin Sunday i geuss, tommorow im gonna go into work get 1 day in before i go just last nite my neck started feeling better.Acually recently took a arthritis course called Jionts In Motion we used those floatatin things u put around urself umm there like flexible foam u can wrap around urself i liked this,but i didnt care for the classroom part the lady didnt really know her stuff,shoulda known when i walked in class was called arthritis 101 lol.Was kinda funny when i showed up to pool a few minutes late i walked up said is this the arthiritis course she looked at me and said U HAVE ARTHRITIS.Sounds like ur on good course Liz good luck,im gonna be doin alot of walkin in Alaska u can bet on that.Take care

Re: Superman

Hey supe you R super.!!!!!!!!.I have been taking baby steps back to fitness...it was only 3 years ago this litlle chubby then 44 year old lady beat the state champs in the pool...(one lap..but by lots!! more than 1/4 of the pool )...I want so badly to get fit again..I recently swam..then today since it was nice I took a walk....1 mile in 45 min....that is how out of shape I am... I have done atkins for 3 days..and my strips are showing Ketones.....I am a looooonnnngggg way from 6% body fat....but as we know the journey of a million miles...etc etc Liz NJ..

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Thank you so much liz. I hope that I will stay healthy, as I hope you and

everyone else will get that way too. But if it does come back on anyone of

us, I am confident we will endure and overcome yet again.


>From: lizdaly101@...



>Subject: Re: Superman

>Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 14:03:02 EDT


>This disease is so different for so many of us yet the same..I have had


>drug free remiissions....then I have years where I am just a bit

>yukie(comparitively speaking )...we have to do the best we can with each

>day...I know you

>are super motivated..sooo I can bet you will be well for a long looong

>time..maybe forever! This disease is soo weird!!! Grrrr Liz NJ


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Liz, it's Lorie in Seattle

I was originally diagnosed with stills this past Jan., but my new rheumy is

not convinced of that, yet. He said it is extremely rare and can't be it, but

he's still searching and doing the process of elimination.

The Sarcoid is in my liver, I guess nothing bad happens as long as it doesn't

cause any scar/fibrosis in the ducts of the liver. That is why they are doing

the biopsy next week. We don't know for sure if it's in the lungs or

anywhere else but the skin. We'll have to wait and see.

My liver is still very swollen and now the spleen is again. I have felt very

toxic for the past 3 days, can't eat, can't sleep from having the chills and

sweats all night. My last blood test showed once again that my ACE test is

Positive at 75 and my Anti smooth muscle (which is part of the ANA test) came

back positive @1:60 titer with a positive gamma gobulin protein banding,


that means? I don't know.

Thanks for the Irish hug...have a wonderful day

Sincerely, Lorie in Seattle

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thank you friend. We are both frustrated. I will be talking to him

tomorrow and hopefully we will make a decison about Remicade and just move

on. I agree...the newspaper thing sounds like a truly wonderful idea!!

Would love to do it. Thanks friend for thinking of me.

Love, Sue #2

-- Sue#2.....grrrr..insurance companies

This story about your wonderful rheumy and the horrible insurance company

should be put in an editorial in your local news paper..how dare these

morons do

this...I am so sorry that your dragon is being very bad..I would kick him


you if it would help.....I know you have kids...but try to rest..I believe


does help....the prednisone may be giving you some energy...rest ....if you

can my friend Liz NJ

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  • 1 month later...
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Wow..it is supposed to be a nice town..I bet you love it...I live in Nj near

philadelphia and Cherry Hill ( 5 miles from )...stown..I misss Ny.. I

will go by train on wed to meet a friend who lives in Huntington ..we went to

high school together...are you feeling well? Liz

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Wow..it is supposed to be a nice town..I bet you love it...I live in Nj near

philadelphia and Cherry Hill ( 5 miles from )...stown..I misss Ny.. I

will go by train on wed to meet a friend who lives in Huntington ..we went to

high school together...are you feeling well? Liz

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Have fun in Manhattan. I love to walk around there when both the weather and

my body feel good. (It's been a while though as I also do a lot of


Lately my bursitis is acting up, but it usually clears up by early


How are you doing?

I'll hang out for a little longer, but my husband is getting upset that I

haven't gone to bed yet, so I will have to say goodnight in about 5 minutes.

Hope you feel well and have a good nights sleep. That's the one that eludes

me the most

Ann K

Re: Liz

> Wow..it is supposed to be a nice town..I bet you love it...I live in Nj


> philadelphia and Cherry Hill ( 5 miles from )...stown..I misss Ny.. I

> will go by train on wed to meet a friend who lives in Huntington ..we went


> high school together...are you feeling well? Liz




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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Liz,

thank you friend for caring and for posting to me. I am sorry to hear that

you have to have a liver biopsy next month Liz. My thoughts will be with

you and I will be thinking about you. Is this an out-patient procedure and

is it very painful? Thank you for understanding my insominia. Isn't it

horrible Liz? It just makes the disease that much worse. Have a good

weekend friend. Many hugs.

Love, Sue #2

-- everyone

I was away for a few days..Happy birthday to Traci and Bob!!..Hugs big time

for Sue#2 and Dave...try to rest..Sue ..I get really bad insomnia too. I


to take something..its been my story for years..I hope you get some peace


way or the other and can sleep..Dave. I hope the meds are starting to work.


Hang in there...I get a liver biopsy next month(grrreat!! )...Love Liz nj

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  • 1 month later...

Liz, you are very lucky to have had such a good biopsy done. I was the

unlucky one in a 10,000 who bleed internally afterwards and extreme pain for


afterwards. Glad to hear all went well. I am not sure of your results though.

I think I missed that part.

Lorie in Seattle

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  • 5 months later...
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In a message dated 3/31/2004 10:46:19 PM Central Standard Time,

mjs93311@... writes:

You look super! WOuld you mind posting pics of your arms?

Inquiring minds, you know! lol


saving her pennies for more reconstruction


I can't believe I didn't ask her to show her arms.....I was just so amazed at

how good her tummy work looks. I just hope I look as good as you or Liz...Or

any of the rest of you.

in Bama

VBG 1982 (lost from 433lbs to 270's)

VBG -RNY1996 revision(Lost from 343 to 299)

RNY-DS revision Dec 2002 -down 135 lbs (377.7 to 242.2 and still going)

Homepage address- http://hometown.aol.com/mdl1031/myhomepage/profile.html

Many thanks to Dr. K willing to take on a 3rd timer....LOL

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In a message dated 3/31/2004 10:46:19 PM Central Standard Time,

mjs93311@... writes:

You look super! WOuld you mind posting pics of your arms?

Inquiring minds, you know! lol


saving her pennies for more reconstruction


I can't believe I didn't ask her to show her arms.....I was just so amazed at

how good her tummy work looks. I just hope I look as good as you or Liz...Or

any of the rest of you.

in Bama

VBG 1982 (lost from 433lbs to 270's)

VBG -RNY1996 revision(Lost from 343 to 299)

RNY-DS revision Dec 2002 -down 135 lbs (377.7 to 242.2 and still going)

Homepage address- http://hometown.aol.com/mdl1031/myhomepage/profile.html

Many thanks to Dr. K willing to take on a 3rd timer....LOL

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