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> Hello,

> After reading this list for a while, I think I am ready to drink

from the fountain of its collective wisdom ;-)


> I am 39yo male. Around June 1st I went to local emergency room with

progressing muscle pains in my legs and sore throat. Pain got to the

point where I had problems walking. I had very invasive dental

surgery few weeks before so from the beginning doctors suspected some

sort of auto-immune reaction. In subsequent weeks symptoms came and

went while I underwent complete neurological evaluation (they

suspected GBS). All neuro stuff including million bucks worth of

MRIs came out clean. Additional symptoms appeared later and warranted

visit to the RD (my PCP is a nice guy but this is way over his head).

> My blood was totally normal on all counts. RD introduced me to the

AOSD and symptoms to watch for and took me off my blood pressure meds

and Lipitor both of which _may_ produce muscle pain related symptoms.


> In the last two months my symptoms progressed more and currently I

do have:


> Faint pink rash coming and going on my arms and chest;

> Well-defined daily cycle - I am a lot worse between 5-8 pm;

> Larger " flare " cycle - about every 4-5 weeks;

> Feeling feverish and then chilly, typically at the same time rash

is present;

> Muscle pains all over body, mostly in feet and legs;

> Joint pain that comes and goes - hips, lower back, knees, elbows,

wrists and weird places like individual finger joint;

> Stiff in the morning;

> Terrible sore throat and pain around larynx with " clicking " , just

like someone else described;

> Chest discomfort, not the heart-attack type but feeling full

and " coughy " .


> However, I do _NOT_ have:

> High fever;

> Changes in the blood cell counts.


> RD put me on Meloxicam (NSAID), it is hard to tell if it relieves

the symptoms but at least I now move around (barely)


> I have another followup visit in a week.


> So based on this info, what do you think? Do I have Stills? What

else should I ask my doctor? She seems to be very knowledgeable.


> Mikhail





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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Ali,

Have you tried TAG teaching? www.tagteaching.com/autism (look under " a parents

view " ) It can be a very effective way to get the desired behaviors.

The first step is to figure out what her currency is. Something that is very

important to her that you could use as a reward and use it to shape her behavior

in the direction that you want. What does she want more than anything? It could

computer games, a specific food, time or space to be on her own etc.

Feel free to contact me privately if you want to brainstorm.

Donna Hill B.Sc. B.Ed.

Behavior Interventionist

Nanaimo, BC


> My name is Ali, and although I am not a parent of a child with > I do have one

behavioral need that I need help on.


> I have a young lady, 15 years old, who refuses to wear a bra and underwear.

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An uterine ablation would stop menses permanently, if that was ever a viable

option. If it was decided that she should be able to procreate for many reasons,

then an ablation is an easy and non too envasive out patient procedure with very

little recovery. I am surprised this option has not been prevented.

There used to be a product that was a rubber vaginal cup that inserted around

the openng of the uterus and collected the menses blood and was emptied when

full. This could be an option that would work if she would learn to do that.

I do not get that their is some medical reasons why Birth control would not

work, they make them so that you only get 4 periods a year. Never heard of any

condition that would make them ineffective. I think the prescription side should

be delved into deeper.



Russian Adoption was our Option.

Live and Love everyday!

---- ofcourseitquacks <ofcourseitquacks@...> wrote:


Hey Ali,

A couple of thoughts...

1) When my son's school was toilet training him, they told me that they'd often

have the kid being trained sit on the toilet most of the day, so that when he

urinated, it would just automatically go in the toilet, and he'd get used to the

idea. Can something similar be done when she is menstruating ? If the blood just

collects in the toilet, no one will care...

2)What about keeping disposable chux (they're throw away large fake fabric

items, about twice the size of a pillowcase) under her when she's sitting ? It

would at least protect the furniture, so that the school might be willing to

have her come in on those days.

3)Can you teach her to use tampons ? She might be having a sensory reaction to

anything that fits close to the skin, which is why she's resiting underwear. (If

you really want her to wear something, try loose fitting boxers.) You might have

to practice by having her put tampons into a cup, and then little by little

reduce the size of the opening till it matches up with the opening she'd be

dealing with for practical usage. Look at it as a new OT exercise ! From what

you're describing, I don't think anyone will be able to get close enough to

demonstrate on her. Perhaps a family member would be willing to demonstrate on

themselves ? What about writing up a " social story " for her about it ?

4) How does she feel about having her period ? Does she mind the sight of blood

? If she does, telling her you're going to make the blood " go away " , and then

covering it up with pads, etc. might help. If she doesn't mind it, if her flow

isn't too heavy you might be able to let her wear loose sweats with a chux under

her, and just change the sweats every couple of hours .

5)What about checking with some incontinence companies ? If you can find a very

loose pair of shorts for her that's made to absorb a lot of fluid, maybe that

would help.

Hope some of this helps, and welcome to the group !



> My name is Ali, and although I am not a parent of a child with Autism,

sometimes I feel like it! I currently work in a residential program for kids

with Autism and related disorders. I also finished my masters in Applied

Behavior Analysis last year and am sitting for my board certification next week.


> I've joined this group because I have learned that parents are the best

resources. Their knowledge and experience goes beyond any degree or in

classroom knowledge that I will ever have.


> Most of the kids I work with have great parents, but their behavioral needs

have caused such damage (physically/ emotionally/ mentally) that they need extra

help and therefore come to live in our program.


> I'm not really sure how to search for previously asked questions. I have so

many current questions, but don't want everyone to post if it has already been

discussed. Any reccommendations on how to search past topics?


> I do have one behavioral need that I need help on.


> I have a young lady, 15 years old, who refuses to wear a bra and underwear.

She will only wear stretchy pants and loose shirts. We have tried many

different textures and styles of bras and underwear, but to no success. When we

tell her she has to wear them, she get very aggressive. She has ripped toilets

out of the ground and cabinets out of the wall.


> I really just want to say that no bra/ no underwear is just fine with me, but

the no underwear is a major issue when she has her menses. We tried to stop her

period with Depo (no success,) extra dosages of Depo (no success,) extra

estrogin pills (can't use long term and didn't help,) birth control to regulate

it (not helping.) All the doctors we discuss this with are amazed that not of

that has't stopped her period. We are concerned that something is internally

wrong, and after she kicked the doctor who attempted to examine her (once

without sedation the other time with) she doesn't know what to do. We have an

order for full sedation, but no doctor will help us.


> We are trying to get her into a new school inorder to get some more intensive

services, but when she has her menses, she can't even go to school because she

won't leave anything on to protect her pants and inturn the chairs/ desks and in

turn other students.


> I have worked with this family for four and a half year, and we have been

running this battle for three and a half. Any help would be greatly



> Also, thank you in advance for everything I will learn though this group!


> ----Ali


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  • 2 months later...
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Hello, I am a married mom to two under two (son 16months, daughter 4 months) and

decided not to vax while I was pregnant with my son. After doing some research I

knew for sure I would at least delay but then after some more research I decided

to not vax all together. The ingredients alone, such as aborted fetal cells and

formaldehyde, was enough to do it for me. Not to mention, my 23 year old cousin

was vaccine injured at 18 months. She had a seizure after receiving a vax and

has never been the same again.

Now to my question....

We are moving overseas this fall. My husband works for the government and he is

being stationed overseas. Can the government make me vax my children to move

overseas? Would my state religious exemption letter work in this case?

Any help would be great! Thanks!

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