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Intro and Question

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Yes, it is possible to have CP with normal x-rays and no known injury. My

x-rays turned out fine, in fact my MRI wasn't too bad either. It was only

once I had the arthroscopy that the surgeon could see how tore up the

cartridge was.

intro and question

Hi all,

Guess it's as good a time as any to introduce myself. I was seeing a

rheumatologist because I had a high ANA, who dx me with Undifferentiated,

thought maybe RA, then dx with chondomalacia. I have pain in many joints

not only my knees. He said I had chondomalacia patella in January, and just

a couple weeks ago did x-rays of my knees, views for chondomalacia. The

x-rays were normal. I never injured myself, in fact I deffinetly have a

systemic autoimune illness, and am wondering if without an injury and normal

x-rays, does that mean I don't have chondomalacia? The nurse was the one

who called me back and when I asked her she said she didn't know, would I

like another appointment? I've had it with this guy and am going to a new

Dr., but thought maybe on this list I could find out if someone can have

chondomalacia with normal x-rays and without injury? My knees hurt below

and around my kneecap and get very stiff. My right kneecap does pop a

little bit but I think it may be secondary.




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  • 2 years later...


Try this

http://www.tax.state.ny.us/ and click on the search word in the upper left

section. For the tax ID form type in- sales tax id -when the search thing pops

up. It is in PDF form that you have to print out and then send in. For the

resale certificates, needed to purchase item's tax free for resale type in-

resale certificate -in the same search box and the links to those will also

appear. Those can be printed out and then used as needed when making a purchase.

Hope that helps.


I get a headache every time I go on the NY gov. web page and can't

* seem to find what I need - i.e. sales tax exemption status, DBA etc. Can

* anyone help?



* Barbara G

* Poughkeepsie, NY




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Hi nne -

I guess I've been lurking a long time as I remember you announcing your

pregnancy right after the crew got together. Sure wish I could have been

there - everyone seems so nice. But DH and I were in Dallas Texas for a

professional conference and I was able to meet some of his family who have

never been to the NE.

We love Poughkeepsie and the Hudson Valley. I was born in Niskayuna and

lived from age three to 18 in the south western most point of Saratoga Co. I

graduated from Potsdam State many moons ago. Moved about with Ex -

Schenectady - Latham - Cazenovia - Erieville - Binghamton - Fabius -

Fayetteville (DH left the kids and I). I moved the kids and I to Syracuse in

the University section and stayed there several years until I married my

Beloved in '97. In 2000 he received a cold call from a Pastor here in

Poughkeepsie who was looking for a music Pastor. (DH has his MS in music, is

a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory). This was a turn of events we had not

thought of but after much prayer knew we were headed here.

We have a rediculous home. I say that only half tongue in cheek. The kids

are grown and gone (DD with BS in Physics and Philosophy is teaching english

in Japan, DS is on a break from college and working for HSBC in Syracuse)

so it's just the two of us and 3 cats and a Papillion! We got here and just

before 9/11 we were approached by a couple to buy their house for a reduced

price. So now we have a 3 story, 6 bedroom, 5 fireplaces behemoth that eats

energy bills for h'ordevores! It's a gorgeous n headache, but we

sure have enough room for my quilting studio, DH Music lab and my toiltries


I make soaps, lotions, bath salts and milk baths, bath teas, shampoo bars,

lip balms, pot-pourri, creams, lotion bars - I'm game for about anything. I

have a lot of people asking to buy my goodies - mostly since I gave out

samples all summer to people in our congregation to try. I have made several

wedding and graduation baskets and several birthday and get well bags. I

have 3 baby baskets to get ready and all of these have been great

advertising for me.

My local quilt shop is taking a bunch of my soaps on the road with them to

shows. The owner has been one of my guinea pigs and has been after me to

let her sell some in her store. I'll be delivering 36 bars to her next


I will be doing a fund raiser for our school for Mother's Day and look

forward to seeing how that works.

I have already been purchasing from Bill, who was patient with us when we

hit bad traffic and were late to pick up our order. Too bad the kittens

weren't available then or I'd have tried to take home the orange one. (Like

we need another cat - LOL! But we sure have the room!) Thanks, Bill for

sharing your knowledge on this list!

That's me in a long nut shell. Guess I'm no longer a " lurker " .


Barbara G

Poughkeepsie, NY

RE: Intro and question

Hi there, Barbara! My husband goes to Poughkeepsie on occasion for work. We

have friends who live in Clinton Corners, near Rhinebeck. Just wanted to

say hi and introduce myself ... I'm nne, 28, in Columbia County,

married for four years and expecting our first child in March! Welcome to

the group ... it's a wonderful place. I count myself honored to be a

member! What types of products do you make?

~nne :)



mail2web - Check your email from the web at

http://mail2web.com/ .

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Yes, Barbara ~ I'd say that you're definitely no longer a lurker! hehe :)

Sorry, I thought for some reason that you had *just* joined our list.

We're happy to have you here! Your home sounds beautiful ~ I love how

you call it a " n headache. " LOL! We just moved into our first

house in November, and we're LOVING it!!! Always an ongoing project,

though! Sounds like you make some really cool stuff. We aren't too far

from Schenectady or Latham.

Take care!

nne :)



mail2web - Check your email from the web at

http://mail2web.com/ .

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  • 3 weeks later...


Thanks for sharing your story.

Those type of old fashioned body casts sound horrible, and that is the perception of casts that most adults have.

Its been my experience that when casts are mentioned to adults with scoliosis, they want nothing to do them. They remember their own experience with plaster body casts, after their surgery. The plaster casts that they experienced are very different from the EDF casts/POP jackets that we are advocating.

Those old casts were applied to hold instrumentation, not to correct gently. Not to mention, the amount of time they were left on a patient...yikes!

Unfortunately, POP jackets are not removed under anesthesia. If the anesthesia wasnt risky, Im sure it would be used for plaster removal. Olivia and I hate the sound, too. Although, to me the sound of a cast saw is less scary than early surgery. Though, I know its a difficult experience for my little girl. (It will just make her tough!)

Betty, would you be interested in watching a video about the treatment we are all talking about? I can send it to you at no cost. If you decide that you want to keep the video to share with others, you can pay ISOP $15.00 for it. If not, send it back so it can be circulated to other families. Please e-mail me privately with the address, if your interested.

About double posts...I dont have that problem. Does anyone else?



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Hi Betty

Thanks for coming on and saying hi. My daughter

is in a cast and has recently had her first one

removed. It was done with clippers and didn't disturb

her one bit. In fact, she lay quietly while they did

it with no problem, thank goodness.

I don't have the problem with multiple messages


--- HRHandCO@... wrote:

> Betty,

> Thanks for sharing your story.

> Those type of old fashioned body casts sound

> horrible, and that is the

> perception of casts that most adults have.

> Its been my experience that when casts are mentioned

> to adults with

> scoliosis, they want nothing to do them. They

> remember their own experience with

> plaster body casts, after their surgery. The

> plaster casts that they experienced

> are very different from the EDF casts/POP jackets

> that we are advocating.

> Those old casts were applied to hold

> instrumentation, not to correct gently.

> Not to mention, the amount of time they were left on

> a patient...yikes!

> Unfortunately, POP jackets are not removed under

> anesthesia. If the

> anesthesia wasnt risky, Im sure it would be used for

> plaster removal. Olivia and I

> hate the sound, too. Although, to me the sound of a

> cast saw is less scary than

> early surgery. Though, I know its a difficult

> experience for my little

> girl. (It will just make her tough!)

> Betty, would you be interested in watching a video

> about the treatment we are

> all talking about? I can send it to you at no cost.

> If you decide that you

> want to keep the video to share with others, you can

> pay ISOP $15.00 for it.

> If not, send it back so it can be circulated to

> other families. Please e-mail

> me privately with the address, if your interested.


> About double posts...I dont have that problem. Does

> anyone else?



> Sincerely,





Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.

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Hi Betty

Thanks for coming on and saying hi. My daughter

is in a cast and has recently had her first one

removed. It was done with clippers and didn't disturb

her one bit. In fact, she lay quietly while they did

it with no problem, thank goodness.

I don't have the problem with multiple messages


--- HRHandCO@... wrote:

> Betty,

> Thanks for sharing your story.

> Those type of old fashioned body casts sound

> horrible, and that is the

> perception of casts that most adults have.

> Its been my experience that when casts are mentioned

> to adults with

> scoliosis, they want nothing to do them. They

> remember their own experience with

> plaster body casts, after their surgery. The

> plaster casts that they experienced

> are very different from the EDF casts/POP jackets

> that we are advocating.

> Those old casts were applied to hold

> instrumentation, not to correct gently.

> Not to mention, the amount of time they were left on

> a patient...yikes!

> Unfortunately, POP jackets are not removed under

> anesthesia. If the

> anesthesia wasnt risky, Im sure it would be used for

> plaster removal. Olivia and I

> hate the sound, too. Although, to me the sound of a

> cast saw is less scary than

> early surgery. Though, I know its a difficult

> experience for my little

> girl. (It will just make her tough!)

> Betty, would you be interested in watching a video

> about the treatment we are

> all talking about? I can send it to you at no cost.

> If you decide that you

> want to keep the video to share with others, you can

> pay ISOP $15.00 for it.

> If not, send it back so it can be circulated to

> other families. Please e-mail

> me privately with the address, if your interested.


> About double posts...I dont have that problem. Does

> anyone else?



> Sincerely,





Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.

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I'm surprised the Dr's. let you in the cast room with Olivia. Of course this was back in the old days (uggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Am I really old enough to say that? Lol). The Dr's. wouldn't let my mom near me while I was in there. Age didn't matter either. I hated that. How old is Olivia?

I have had other casts other than the body cast on due to surgeries on my legs. But that didn't matter, when I heard that ungodly sound I wanted to run. I forgot to mention that I went to the Shriners Hospital in Chicago Illinois. Every Monday they had cast day, all the kids who had casts on were lined up in the hallway and it actually felt like an assembly line, they would take 2 or 3 kids at one time, they would usually have like 3 saws going at once, triple the sound, so that didn't help much. I was lucky though when I had my body cast they wouldn't take me on Mondays. They told me that since I had that type of cast on they couldn't just change it that easily. Which I was happy about.

Please let me know if that email I sent came thru right.


Madison, WI

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I had my hip and feet operated on when I was 3 years old at the same time. For that I was in the hospital for 6 months, I don't remember none of it. In 1975 I had my feet operated on again.

When I was 9 I had to have my ribcage rebuilt on my right side because it was caved in and as I got older it was getting worse so they had to operate on that. Now that was one scary surgery. I was transferred out of Shriners to another hospital in Chicago. That whole experience was scary. I was so used to Shriners Hospital that any other hospital scared me.

Betty Madison, WI

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I'm in Madison. Though I have to keep my chatting online right

now; I work full time and am taking two classes and next week

have to be away for a week due to work and my DH started a new

job and is working insane hours, so things are very crazy around

here right now. Next summer, when I am done with my classes, I

think things will be better. ;-)

I know you said you went to Shriners in Chicago (so do we), but

have you seen any ortho docs here in town? Just wondering.

We've seen Dr. Kahle at Dean and Dr. Mann at the UW. Though

they both might be solely pediatric so you probably haven't seen



On 27 Sep 2004 at 10:31, Betty Hicks wrote:

> Nola,


> Really? Cool. Where abouts?


> If close enough maybe we could get together and chat.


> Betty

> Madison, WI







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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks. I forgot to mention I do have that book as well and have read her recommended vaccination schedule.

Based on past experiences, is my daughter "out of the woods" from her past vaccinations causing any problems?

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Hi Deborah,

Thanks for your response. I have no problem keeping the appt to get her weight and height recorded. I am NOT allowing her to get any shots at that appointment with or without his approval end of story.

Where are we at in this world when as parents we have to protect our children from the very people who are supposed to be doing the protecting?

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Hi Peggy,

I only spoke to the Nurse on Friday when I asked for copies of the inserts to which she said I was not allowed. Then I asked to read them and she said she wasn't sure I was allowed, yea right.

My plan was to confront him with this on Monday's appt. I have interviewed all the Ped's in my area and of course they are all pro-vacc. I did find one Ped who at least agreed to order the MMR separately if I wanted.

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Thank you. Sorry to hear about your son. I am an avid organic food shopper so she has very little non-organic food unless we are at a restaurant.

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Thanks ,

Just to be clear your daughter had everything but MMR up to the 6 month recommended? So far my daughter has already had everything up to 12 months which included chicken pox but NOT the 4th booster of HIB & DTAP or MMR.

I am going to make some appts again to our area Ped's and bring Cave's book with me and gauge them from that stance. I so can't stand my Ped for many reasons. This has sealed his fate. I am going to pick up my daughters records on Monday and call it a day.

I will try and get the insert again or at the very least the lot number should be on her records.

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Thanks Patti.

I so am grateful for your board. It is just the support I need. Thank you all for being so kind to answer my questions so quickly.


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Hi Peggy,

Yes, she is our first and will be our only. We are late getting in the baby game, I am 39 and my Husband is 49. We had trouble getting pregnant and we had many scare throughout the pregnancy until she was delivered.

Thankfully, she has only been sick one time with a fever and it was not anytime near when she was vaccinated.

From what I just reread in Cave's book she doesn't recommend the 15 month booster of DTAP and is OK with the HIB (of course mercury free) but would rather check the titers.

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Both my Husband and myself went through numerous tests when trying to get pregnant. We are both very outgoing, perhaps a little too much, lol... Our daughter thus far is on schedule developmentally eye contact, babbling, a few words, understanding commands, walking/running etc.

Good for you that at 8 months you saw a delay. Most books that you read on milestones always say that it varies at that age and not to worry. I am happy to hear that she is doing well thanks to you getting her therapy she needed.

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I don't know if it's common here or not, but I will never give my kids any

vaccine again, mercury or not. They just aren't safe.

Having said that, go for the titres, everytime. make them prove to you that

you need it. Make sure you space them out and that they are giving your

child whatever shots when they are the most beneficial to your child - not

just regarding illness but also as immunity wears off, ask when is the most

important time to have immunity. I think it's critical. Also, getting

allergy testing for ALL of the components of the vaccines (ie eggs etc) is

very important. EOH talks about the mercury and that's fine but get a copy

of Cave's What your doctor may not be telling you about your

child's vaccines. http://tinyurl.com/cxblw if you are having overall

vaccine questions.

Intro and question

> Hello, My name is and I have a daughter who is 15 months

> old. Unfortunately, I believed my Ped when he told me that all the

> vaccinations he uses are mecury free. I went ahead and let him give

> my daughter all the required vaccinations at the wellness visits up

> to her 12 month.


> She has not had any side affects from receiving them, thankfully and

> seems to be developing normally.


> As this connection has hit the airwaves recently I decided before

> allowing her to get her 15 month booster of HIB & DTAP I would read

> EOH. Boy am I glad I did, I went to my Ped's office and asked to

> read the vaccination insert and saw that the HIB he is using STILL

> has mecury in it! I am sick I didn't ask to read this before. The

> DTAP reads a trace is added.


> I already told me Ped even before I read EOH that we would be giving

> the MMR as individual shots and delay them to start at 18 months old.


> My question is...her 15 month appt is Monday. I bought an extra copy

> of the book to give my Ped which I am sure he won't read. Obviously,

> I am not allowing her to get the HIB he has so do I have them run

> titers on her to check her levels for HIB & DTAP? Or do I have him

> order the HIB that is mecury free?


> Also, is she out of the woods with her shots she has already received

> as far as not showing signs of any delays? Would she already show

> signs of a problem from the HIB & DTAP that she got at 2,4,6 months?


> Sorry to ask so many questions. I am sick to my stomach after

> reading the book. I just want to make the best decision for my

> daughter on Monday.


> Thanks in advance,








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