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Intro and Question

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for Peggy Rose

And the thyimersol in the Rhogam has very bad erffect on sulfhydryl groups

Transfusion 1984 vol.24 p 130-235 J T Jamison et al

Re: Intro and question

,It is obvious from your post that your Ped either outright lied, or he is misinformed. What was his reaction when you read that the Hib had thimerisol in it after he told you they were thimerisol free? If I were you I would quit while you were a head. My granddaughter had only one MMR. She got measles anyway. Of course they never diagnosed it because the Ped on hearing her symtoms and what the rash looked liked, would not allow her to come into his office. She sailed through it fine. As a bonus of getting the measles her developemental problems improved drastically. Strange? She also got chikenpox even though she had the vaccine. As an added bonus from their poison shots she just got over a case of shingles. Last year when she came down with chickenpox her Ped refused to diagnos it becasue she had the vaccine. Well about a month ago she started complaining about burning pain under her right arm going across into her back. This is classic shingles pain. I did not put it together. I thought she had pulled some muscles hanging from monkey bars in the school yard. Then one night I went in to check on her while she was showering. She had her arm up letting the hot water hit under her arm because the heat made the pain feel better. I was just about to yell at her for wasting the hot water when I saw three lesions under her arm. When I got her out of the shower they were pustules. I knew right then and therr it has the shingles. I called her Ped and brought her in. He confirmed it looked like shingles to him. He asked her what kind of pain she was having. She said burning and tingling. He said sounds like shingles pain to me. I couldn't let the opportunity pass and reminded him that last year I thought she had chickenpox and he said no. I said now she has shingles. I said how many people do you know get shingles if they havn't had chickenpox first. He agreed. Then he said well they are working on a vaccine for shingles. I said I'm not surprised. Give them a vaccine for chickenpox, that doesn't work, and then cause them to get shingles, which use to be a disease elderly people got and then come up with a vaccine for that. Its a classic case of them creating the disease and coming up with the cure. If I were you I would quit while I was ahead. The truth is we don't know the truth. They can say all they want the thimerisol is out of the vaccines. I would not believe these pharmaceuticals, CDC, FDA, IOM, or your Pediatrician if they were sitting on a stack of bibles. They are all lying unscrupulous bastards.Peggy-- In EOHarm , "melissa33432" <aaoccasion@A...> wrote:> Hello, My name is and I have a daughter who is 15 months > old. Unfortunately, I believed my Ped when he told me that all the > vaccinations he uses are mecury free. I went ahead and let him give > my daughter all the required vaccinations at the wellness visits up > to her 12 month. > > She has not had any side affects from receiving them, thankfully and > seems to be developing normally. >

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Can we tone down the fonts?  My eyeballs are exploding!(Those who read directly from the web site may not know what I'm talking about, but those who get e-mail or digest will.)On Jul 9, 2005, at 1:29 PM, H. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. wrote:for Peggy RoseAnd the thyimersol in the Rhogam has very bad erffect on sulfhydryl groupsTransfusion 1984 vol.24 p 130-235  J T Jamison et al

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Did you measure red blood cell heavy metal levels? copper? Which were significantly increased?

We have effective inexpensive oral therapy for 12 of them.

Re: Intro and question

Thanks. I forgot to mention I do have that book as well and have read her recommended vaccination schedule.

Based on past experiences, is my daughter "out of the woods" from her past vaccinations causing any problems?

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Vaccines adminitered bt nasal or gsastric mucosa-e.g. polio or intradermally

e,g. smallpox are safe, Statements like yours will make people think all of us are nuts.

I gave those 2 and no others to my 4 sons; 2 are now University professors.


Intro and question> Hello, My name is and I have a daughter who is 15 months> old. Unfortunately, I believed my Ped when he told me that all the> vaccinations he uses are mecury free. I went ahead and let him give> my daughter all the required vaccinations at the wellness visits up> to her 12 month.>> She has not had any side affects from receiving them, thankfully and> seems to be developing normally.>> As this connection has hit the airwaves recently I decided before> allowing her to get her 15 month booster of HIB & DTAP I would read> EOH. Boy am I glad I did, I went to my Ped's office and asked to> read the vaccination insert and saw that the HIB he is using STILL> has mecury in it! I am sick I didn't ask to read this before. The> DTAP reads a trace is added.>> I already told me Ped even before I read EOH that we would be giving> the MMR as individual shots and delay them to start at 18 months old.>> My question is...her 15 month appt is Monday. I bought an extra copy> of the book to give my Ped which I am sure he won't read. Obviously,> I am not allowing her to get the HIB he has so do I have them run> titers on her to check her levels for HIB & DTAP? Or do I have him> order the HIB that is mecury free?>> Also, is she out of the woods with her shots she has already received> as far as not showing signs of any delays? Would she already show> signs of a problem from the HIB & DTAP that she got at 2,4,6 months?>> Sorry to ask so many questions. I am sick to my stomach after> reading the book. I just want to make the best decision for my> daughter on Monday.>> Thanks in advance,> >>>>>>

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For Hawkins What are his red BLood cell mercury levels?

Re: Re: Intro and question

Are we ever out of the woods?????

My son regressed when he was 14-15, following boosters and the newly required series of Hep B. I had no clue at the time what was happening. It was downhill all the way since then, until we started biomed this year to try to turn the tide. He's now 20.

You are so right to be cautious. Follow your gut and don't be pressured into anything. There's plenty of time to do your research and make educated decisions later.


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Her excuse was that she was going through a divorce. I contend that

she shouldn't have been anywhere near the patients. How can you

mistake a 7 mo old for a 15 month old? The doctor assured me that

there would be nothing other than " the ususal side effects " and that I

wouldn't be charged for the MMR. Damn right I wasn't going to be

charged. My son wasn't diagnosed with Asperger's until long past the

statute of limitations.


> Lila,

> That is shocking! I can't believe the nurse could make a mistake

like that,

> really terrible.

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Re: Intro and question

Hi Deb,I keep hearing this about vaccines making diseases milder, but I've never seen any medical research to back it up. Do you have anything in writing? Clinical research?I've also heard that children who get measles or chickenpox after vaccine may get cases that are not milder, but abnormal (there is a particular term which I can't remember) and actually more dangerous.A few years back I was working at a school where there was an outbreak of chickenpox. Most of the second grade had it. No one had any complications and they were all back in school within a few days. The child of the janitor, who was vaccinated had also had chickenpox. Since he attended a different school, I don't think he "caught" it through his dad, and it wasn't in the same time frame, either. He had complications, including temporary paralysis. It was almost a year before he reached something like full recovery and his legs were still a bit problematic.My granddaughter, unvaccinated, had chickenpox. Her case was extremely mild and totally uncomplicated. She had a nice developmental leap immediately afterwards. Personally, I think that childhood illnesses serve a purpose and the drive to eradicate them is misguided.Deborah> Just becuase you get the vaccine, doesnt mean you wont get the measles,> chicken pox. You may still get it, but you may not be as bad. The vaccine> isnt 100%, it will just make it a "not as bad" incident when you do get it.

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SUE him. You'll wib So they'll cancel his msalpractice insurance, he'll quit and never have the

opportunity to misinform parents again

Re: Intro and question

Hi ,Why don't you cancel the appointment on Monday and give yourself 2 weeks or a month to complete your research? This pediatrician hasn't done too well so far in giving you accurate information, so I think you need to do your own thinking and your own digging.Deborah> Hello, My name is and I have a daughter who is 15 months > old. Unfortunately, I believed my Ped when he told me that all the > vaccinations he uses are mecury free. I went ahead and let him give > my daughter all the required vaccinations at the wellness visits up > to her 12 month. > > She has not had any side affects from receiving them, thankfully and > seems to be developing normally. > > As this connection has hit the airwaves recently I decided before > allowing her to get her 15 month booster of HIB & DTAP I would read > EOH. Boy am I glad I did, I went to my Ped's office and asked to > read the vaccination insert and saw that the HIB he is using STILL > has mecury in it! I am sick I didn't ask to read this before. The > DTAP reads a trace is added. > > I already told me Ped even before I read EOH that we would be giving > the MMR as individual shots and delay them to start at 18 months old.> > My question is...her 15 month appt is Monday. I bought an extra copy > of the book to give my Ped which I am sure he won't read. Obviously, > I am not allowing her to get the HIB he has so do I have them run > titers on her to check her levels for HIB & DTAP? Or do I have him > order the HIB that is mecury free? > > Also, is she out of the woods with her shots she has already received > as far as not showing signs of any delays? Would she already show > signs of a problem from the HIB & DTAP that she got at 2,4,6 months?> > Sorry to ask so many questions. I am sick to my stomach after > reading the book. I just want to make the best decision for my > daughter on Monday.> > Thanks in advance,>

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This message was designed for Peggy Rose. Had no idea anyone else other than EOH would read it.

I have severe photophobia and because of it these are my standard fonts. Don't read anything coming

from me

Re: Re: Intro and question

Can we tone down the fonts? My eyeballs are exploding!

(Those who read directly from the web site may not know what I'm talking about, but those who get e-mail or digest will.)

On Jul 9, 2005, at 1:29 PM, H. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. wrote:

for Peggy Rose

And the thyimersol in the Rhogam has very bad erffect on sulfhydryl groups

Transfusion 1984 vol.24 p 130-235 J T Jamison et al

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SUE him. You'll win So they'll cancel his malpractice insurance, he'll quit and never have the opportunity to misinform parents again

Re: Intro and question

Hi ,Why don't you cancel the appointment on Monday and give yourself 2 weeks or a month to complete your research? This pediatrician hasn't done too well so far in giving you accurate information, so I think you need to do your own thinking and your own digging.Deborah> Hello, My name is and I have a daughter who is 15 months > old. Unfortunately, I believed my Ped when he told me that all the > vaccinations he uses are mecury free. I went ahead and let him give > my daughter all the required vaccinations at the wellness visits up > to her 12 month. > > She has not had any side affects from receiving them, thankfully and > seems to be developing normally. > > As this connection has hit the airwaves recently I decided before > allowing her to get her 15 month booster of HIB & DTAP I would read > EOH. Boy am I glad I did, I went to my Ped's office and asked to > read the vaccination insert and saw that the HIB he is using STILL > has mecury in it! I am sick I didn't ask to read this before. The > DTAP reads a trace is added. > > I already told me Ped even before I read EOH that we would be giving > the MMR as individual shots and delay them to start at 18 months old.> > My question is...her 15 month appt is Monday. I bought an extra copy > of the book to give my Ped which I am sure he won't read. Obviously, > I am not allowing her to get the HIB he has so do I have them run > titers on her to check her levels for HIB & DTAP? Or do I have him > order the HIB that is mecury free? > > Also, is she out of the woods with her shots she has already received > as far as not showing signs of any delays? Would she already show > signs of a problem from the HIB & DTAP that she got at 2,4,6 months?> > Sorry to ask so many questions. I am sick to my stomach after > reading the book. I just want to make the best decision for my > daughter on Monday.> > Thanks in advance,>

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These are for the benefit of Dr. Fundenberg.

His eyesight is not strong and large, bold font allow him to participate in this group.

Re: Re: Intro and question

Can we tone down the fonts? My eyeballs are exploding!

(Those who read directly from the web site may not know what I'm talking about, but those who get e-mail or digest will.)

On Jul 9, 2005, at 1:29 PM, H. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. wrote:

for Peggy Rose

And the thyimersol in the Rhogam has very bad erffect on sulfhydryl groups

Transfusion 1984 vol.24 p 130-235 J T Jamison et al

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Hi,  I think you need to read a book about

vaccines, there is more to them than just the thermisol.  2 that I just read

were from Neil (sorry, don’t remember the titles) and basically what

he said is that vaccinations cause MANY other side effects at a higher rate

than if the child just got the virus on their own and the vaccinations only have

a few years of protection.  It is better if your child would get the measles

and mumps because they INCREASE immunity to other diseases.

Just take your time on your decision.


Intro and


Hello, My name is and I have a daughter who is

15 months

old. Unfortunately, I believed my Ped when

he told me that all the

vaccinations he uses are mecury free. I went

ahead and let him give

my daughter all the required vaccinations at the

wellness visits up

to her 12 month.


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on 7/9/05 6:41 PM, Kerbob at robertbloch@... wrote:

These are for the benefit of Dr. Fundenberg.

His eyesight is not strong and large, bold font allow him to participate in this group.

he could change the size on his computer screen and make everything bigger. my 69 year old father does that.


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hi melissa. just wanted to send you this link. it's


vaccination board. many of the mothers there

selectively vaccinate or don't vaccinate at all.


--- melissa33432 <aaoccasion@...> wrote:

> Hello, My name is and I have a daughter who

> is 15 months

> old. Unfortunately, I believed my Ped when he told

> me that all the

> vaccinations he uses are mecury free. I went ahead

> and let him give

> my daughter all the required vaccinations at the

> wellness visits up

> to her 12 month.


> She has not had any side affects from receiving

> them, thankfully and

> seems to be developing normally.


> As this connection has hit the airwaves recently I

> decided before

> allowing her to get her 15 month booster of HIB &

> DTAP I would read

> EOH. Boy am I glad I did, I went to my Ped's office

> and asked to

> read the vaccination insert and saw that the HIB he

> is using STILL

> has mecury in it! I am sick I didn't ask to read

> this before. The

> DTAP reads a trace is added.


> I already told me Ped even before I read EOH that we

> would be giving

> the MMR as individual shots and delay them to start

> at 18 months old.


> My question is...her 15 month appt is Monday. I

> bought an extra copy

> of the book to give my Ped which I am sure he won't

> read. Obviously,

> I am not allowing her to get the HIB he has so do I

> have them run

> titers on her to check her levels for HIB & DTAP?

> Or do I have him

> order the HIB that is mecury free?


> Also, is she out of the woods with her shots she has

> already received

> as far as not showing signs of any delays? Would

> she already show

> signs of a problem from the HIB & DTAP that she got

> at 2,4,6 months?


> Sorry to ask so many questions. I am sick to my

> stomach after

> reading the book. I just want to make the best

> decision for my

> daughter on Monday.


> Thanks in advance,






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Get a grip.

Re: Re: Intro and question


That is a smashing idea. I am glad someone finally said something. Not only the size of the font, but those who use all caps aren't very computer savvy. All caps in computer talk is YELLING! Etiquette please....

Unless someone has vision difficulties small font is appropriate......

Thanks !

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  • 8 months later...
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Hi and welcome-

I'm new too. I would definately have the trainer write out what you

are doing! I just finished with a trainer for six months. AND he

sometimes wrote it out, sometimes he did not. I think writing is

better because sometimes they get lazy and don't switch your routine

or weights. I fired my trainer! He wouldn't go up in weights any

more since I peaked in his view and would BULK UP. HIS words. Duh.

I don't agree. The following week I started BFL. :) Feeling much

better now.

Write everything down and you can track your progress.


-- In , Felicity

<Felizatee@...> wrote:


> OK

> I've posted a few times but I haven't introduced myself.


> just the essentials: 2O0 pound 52 year old female 40% fat

> and ready to kick a** and get going with BFL



> I'm almost done reading BFFM and getting ready to start my 1st 12

> week challenge (I've already started, I'm just going to start a

> challenge) and my question is:



> I want to get really organized about keeping track of my progress,


> list for me everything you track.


> I'm not keeping track of WHAT weight training I do, 'cause I'm

> working with a personal trainer right now, so let him keep track


> that.


> What else should I track? And how do you keep it organized? Any


> all suggestions welcome.


> Felicity

> felizatee@...







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Ok, first off take your before photo and post it in the photos section

and in your profile. Then buy a small notebook and keep track

of what exercises you do each day and the food/calories you intake.

This is the simple method. Look at my profile and see what just 6

weeks can do and I weigh a lot more than you. Also, keep you friends,

co-workers, and family off your back--tell them this is what you want

to eat and how you want to exercise. They can join in or shut-up.

You need to be very firm in this area as the ones closest to you can

be your worst adversaries when it comes to losing weight--everyone

tells you they love you like you are and it isn't going to work

anyway. Been there, heard it, and ignored them. Jim.

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Felicity, I keep my tracking fairly simple. I like to track what I eat

on fitday.com, that way I know if my calories are in line, my

macronutrients (protein, carb, fat). It is really there to keep me

honest more than anything. You can do a challenge with the palm/fist

portions and not track anything. I find it helpful to track food

because I'm a numbers freak (lol), but also then I keep my free day in

check to ensure I have a weekly calorie defecit.

I also track my weight training in a little book that I carry around

the gym. I list the date, exercises, weight, set/reps, and if it was

too easy/hard. Before any workout day, I set up my 'program' so I

know exactly what I'm going to do, where I am going to push myself. I

also list my HIIT workouts, but I'm less of a stickler on this. My

exercise/calories burned are covered in the Activities tab in

fitday.com so I know whether I'm burning enough based on my eating.

I also have a list of goals I wrote down at the beginning of the

challenge. I followed the BFFM advice and have affirmations, too. I

read these pretty well every morning so I stay on course.

I use an excel spreadsheet to track my weight, bf%, lean mass, fat

mass, change since last measurement, and change since the beginning of

the challenge. I have a crappy accumeasure that I use to do a 1 site

measure (baseline), I attempt a 3 site measure, and I also use a tape

measure to note changes in waist, abdomen, hips, thighs, calf. This

lets me estimate bf based on 1 site, 3 site or biofitness tape

measure. I only measure every 2 WEEKS otherwise, I have 'freakouts'

because I'm not changing fast enough. As long as SOMETHING improves

every 2 weeks, I am happy.



IT> Felicity

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do you feel like sharing your excel spreadsheet?

-- i was thinking about creating something like that

thanks for all your suggestions

you seem to have this very thought out


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Felicity, it is quite the ugly spreadsheet, not very elegant. I

just plugged in a few columns based on the appendix at the back of

bffm. Do you have that?

I don't think you need to track all this stuff, I am just a bit of a

nut-case. lol



> thanks

> do you feel like sharing your excel spreadsheet?

> -- i was thinking about creating something like that


> thanks for all your suggestions

> you seem to have this very thought out

> Felicityet







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Hi Felicity,

There is a journal out there, from BFL. I bought it and I plan opn using

it. it is very good, and has inspirational messages in it.

I would keep track of your workouts so that you can always look back and see

what you have done, what you havent, and all that jazz.

Good luck!

intro and question


I've posted a few times but I haven't introduced myself.

just the essentials: 2O0 pound 52 year old female 40% fat

and ready to kick a** and get going with BFL

I'm almost done reading BFFM and getting ready to start my 1st 12

week challenge (I've already started, I'm just going to start a

challenge) and my question is:


I want to get really organized about keeping track of my progress, so

list for me everything you track.

I'm not keeping track of WHAT weight training I do, 'cause I'm

working with a personal trainer right now, so let him keep track of


What else should I track? And how do you keep it organized? Any and

all suggestions welcome.



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  • 2 months later...
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Bill my personal thinking - which may be way off - is that anytime

the immune system is down it probably gives the virus a chance to

replicate. Your high measles titres got my attention. That would

make me want to get rid of that with a viral protocol, I did read

the OLE got the measles (assuming I am remembering correctly).

However if you are able to chelate well enough and just see positive

gains all the way and decent pulls, keep doing what you are doing.

If not, you may want to stop and get after the viruses.

My 2 cents.


PS If you have Stan's luck you might not have to chelate at all and

Valtrex might do it for you. Has anybody compared their measles

titres prior to and after a viral protocol and seen them drop



> Hello good people,


> I'm the hands-on dad of a 6 y.o. boy dxed severe ADHD w/ autistic

> symptoms (whatever that dx means). Following biomed w/ many supps,

> chelating 1 year w/ td-dmsa, daily td-gsh, mb-12 shots for 1.5


> high-dose daily for 2 mos. SCD for nearly 3 months after GFCF,


> free and IgG allergy free for 2 years. Big MB-12 responder.

> Occasional viral rashes that come and go usually in a day or two.

> Very high measles titers; no MMR booster based on titers tests.


> the infant chicken pox vaccine.


> After battling yeast the whole way, we seem to be winning the


> now thanks to SCD. Solid stools for 2 mos. now, and no yeasty

> symptoms. A day or 2 of classic die-off symptoms at the 1-month


> that's about it.


> Just filled a prescription for Valtrex for a 1-month trial, based

> largely on research and his having had the pox vaccine. And my own

> recent bout of shingles (age 40) that responded well to Valtrex.


> we have a quandry:


> Since we are seeing what seems to be gut healing on SCD, and no


> of yeast at present, I'm reluctant to start the Valtrex, which I


> can get the yeast a-stirring. Is the Valtrex kicking up yeast for

> everybody? Since we're chelating, I'd rather not introduce


> to add to his liver stress if I don't have to.


> So I'm trying to decide if I should postpone the Valtrex a couple

> more months to give the gut more time to heal, then perhaps I'll


> able to start the Valtrex just with the SCD. Any thoughts?


> Thanks, Bill


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Bill my personal thinking - which may be way off - is that anytime

the immune system is down it probably gives the virus a chance to

replicate. Your high measles titres got my attention. That would

make me want to get rid of that with a viral protocol, I did read

the OLE got the measles (assuming I am remembering correctly).

However if you are able to chelate well enough and just see positive

gains all the way and decent pulls, keep doing what you are doing.

If not, you may want to stop and get after the viruses.

My 2 cents.


PS If you have Stan's luck you might not have to chelate at all and

Valtrex might do it for you. Has anybody compared their measles

titres prior to and after a viral protocol and seen them drop



> Hello good people,


> I'm the hands-on dad of a 6 y.o. boy dxed severe ADHD w/ autistic

> symptoms (whatever that dx means). Following biomed w/ many supps,

> chelating 1 year w/ td-dmsa, daily td-gsh, mb-12 shots for 1.5


> high-dose daily for 2 mos. SCD for nearly 3 months after GFCF,


> free and IgG allergy free for 2 years. Big MB-12 responder.

> Occasional viral rashes that come and go usually in a day or two.

> Very high measles titers; no MMR booster based on titers tests.


> the infant chicken pox vaccine.


> After battling yeast the whole way, we seem to be winning the


> now thanks to SCD. Solid stools for 2 mos. now, and no yeasty

> symptoms. A day or 2 of classic die-off symptoms at the 1-month


> that's about it.


> Just filled a prescription for Valtrex for a 1-month trial, based

> largely on research and his having had the pox vaccine. And my own

> recent bout of shingles (age 40) that responded well to Valtrex.


> we have a quandry:


> Since we are seeing what seems to be gut healing on SCD, and no


> of yeast at present, I'm reluctant to start the Valtrex, which I


> can get the yeast a-stirring. Is the Valtrex kicking up yeast for

> everybody? Since we're chelating, I'd rather not introduce


> to add to his liver stress if I don't have to.


> So I'm trying to decide if I should postpone the Valtrex a couple

> more months to give the gut more time to heal, then perhaps I'll


> able to start the Valtrex just with the SCD. Any thoughts?


> Thanks, Bill


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