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  • 3 weeks later...

As yet I don’t have that problem, just getting my 8 year old to eat

anything is a battle........and healthy?? Well, what is that word

mean.......hard enough to get her to eat a banana or apple, and refuses

to try any type of vegetable, except french fries [chips]!!!! Cheryl S


new to the group


Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jane Crawford form Oregon. I have

a 13 yr old daughter, named Breck or as I call her " The Queen " I'm

looking for some help with eating. Breck is over weight and does

not have a large variety of foods she will eat. I am also trying to

get her to chew her food and eat slower. It feels like I have tried

everything out there. My bigger concern is that her understanding of

" we are on a diet " or " we are eating healther food " . I have been

to all the Professial with not help at all. So I looking for some

angels out there. If any one has some suggestion I would love to hear



Jane and Th

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Hi Jane

Welcome to the list. My name is Tracey and I live in Ontario, Canada.

I have two daughters Coral, age 12 (nt) and Skylar age 10 (HFA). This

is a great group of people I am sure you will be glad you joined.


" janeandbreck2 " wrote:

> HI,

> Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jane Crawford form Oregon.

> I have a 13 yr old daughter, named Breck or as I call her " The Queen "

> I'm looking for some help with eating. Breck is over weight and does

> not have a large variety of foods she will eat. I am also trying to

> get her to chew her food and eat slower. It feels like I have tried

> everything out there. My bigger concern is that her understanding of

> " we are on a diet " or " we are eating healther food " . I have been

> to all the Professial with not help at all. So I looking for some

> angels out there. If any one has some suggestion I would love to hear


> them.

> Thanks

> Jane and Th




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Diane I to find too that for me and the two daughters we to be same as we to

be to have the ADHD things as well and thus stay thin and eat what we to

want. Yet on my family my mothers side to all be with weight issues and my

fathers side not. With my daughters and I we to always be busy catching up

with our racing thoughts of self play and preoccupations of self interests.

Although we stay thin our biggest is trying to push aside cravings for

healthy food choices. So it is not just staying thin but learning to make

healthy choices in food and learn to moderate things.

For the mom who to shared about her daughter maybe do like the

things and make a chart of daily allowances in certain food choices

for her and teach her through this visual chart to gauge her food and daily

food choices. Help her to understand healthy bodies and what obesity can do

to the health by means of factual things, such as what it does to the organs

such as heart and things and tell her that it is from this angle you are

concerned for health issues. Some kids with AS are concerned of things when

presented in healthy facts about ones own body. I to know when my youngest

AS son to had the health training from school on the basic food groups and

discussed dietary fat ( he was a child with failure to thrive) but he came

home worried about what dietary fat can do to hims body and for much time

refused to eat anything he felt might be of dietary fats. We had to reteach

him the moderations.

Lastly when our son was dx with failure to thrive years ago the specialist

taught us how to add calories to hims foods to increase weight gain, but

same can be done in the home during meal preparations of reducing calories

but no deep fried foods unless using a high antioxidant oil such as olive

oil or safflower oils. Use no butter in the veggies when cooking them, but

if you like butter on them add small pats when serving. Make smaller meals

instead of larger one with left overs( this prevents snacking on it later)

Put a lock on your food pantry and control the snacking by this method as

she cant get into the pantry to get snacks as leisure. Another is to not

allow grazing( snacking here and there all through out the day. If you are

going to allow a unhealthy snack allow it tight after she to eat lunch so

that she to have time to adequately burn it off instead of later where she

sleeps on the calories that turn into stored body fat since the body shuts

down some when melatonin levels begin to emerge to enhance sleep. Do not buy

sugar filled drinks anymore, buy juices that state 100% pure juice without

the fructose syrup in them, and allow her this instead of Kool-Aid's and

soda. Also if she is still on dairy reduce from whole milk to 2% or from 2%

to skim, depending on how often she drinks milk. If she is one who craves it

a lot reduce the milk fat if she is good about this and only has it at meals

it to be okay to leave it at 2%. Another thing to do is not allow her to

fill plate with second helpings without your guidance. Such as if you are

having meal and she has finished her plate but says she is still hungry the

only choice she can have seconds on would be the low caloried food on the

table such as the veggies or maybe the meat depending on the way it was

prepared and the size but not the pastas and or other things of this. I to

hope this will be to help you in helping your daughter and we to have done

all the things I to shared to you with my own children but for other reasons

not from being over weight and they do work well. With the exception my AS

children and I to stay dairy free for most part. Our bodies do not do casein



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" sissycakes4luv <sissycakes@...> " <sissycakes@...> wrote:

Hi, My name is Sherri. Just wandered if anyone could relate to my 4

Yr. old Caitlin. She was diagnosed a year ago at TEACCH center in

Gastonia, NC as severly autistic. She is in a TEACCH classroom in

public school system with 6 other boys. She is the only girl. I do

not think that the TEACCH way is helping her. She is so extremely

hyper, has no language, motor skills are poor, as well as cognitive

skills. We have her on Fluoxetine for aggression and anxiety, and

clonidine for hyperactivity (she has been on clonidine for a few

months now, and I do not like it). I am so depressed. I want her to

learn. Does anyone have there child in ABA therapy? I think Caitlin

would benefit from this. I do know that it is very expensive. If


out there has a child similiar to mine could you please tell me what

kind of therapy she is receiving? Any info would be greatly

appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Hi Sherri and welcome to the group! my daughter was also diagnosed in n.c.with

autism and after extensive research i too came to same conclusion about teacch i

think it has its merits for older children but aba is designed for early

intervention well to make a long story short we moved to california 3 months ago

where autism is taken seriously my daughter has an aba program and is recieving

30 - 35 hours a week of therapy (fully funded) and what a difference it is

making The optins in n.c. are limited and in my opinion TEACCH is not the way to

begin treatment.There is a web site called aba resources for recovery from

autism/hyperlexia put out by a man named richard i dont have access to the site

address at the moment but you can probally find it he has been a great help to

my family his site is awsome and he has done a ton of research.My attitude is

that autism can be overcome but we are in a war and must fight it with all

resources available the price is high and autism plays unfair but as im sure you

realize we are the only hope for our children! I would love to help you in any

way possible you can email me any time @ 4sabrina@... I wish you all

the best and you are on the right track with your thinking.

Best Wishes Steve

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-My daughter sounded a lot like yours at that age. We started ABA a

few months before her fourth birthday. It was the best thing we ever

did. It gave her the ability to imitate and therefore speak. She is

not a child who recovered or even close but it did teach her how to

learn. She is in a regular kindergarten class this year with an

aide. She can do much of what the kids do academically but still has

big communication problems and we are still dealing with her

hyperactivity, haven't found a solution to that yet. Her language is

pretty much limited to requesting and answering simple questions but

that elimates tantrums because she can tell us what she wants. Her

receptive language increased dramatically with ABA too. She

basically had none when we started. We live in a college town and

hire students to work with her 2 hours a day 7 days a week. I am

sure she could have benefited from more hours but we also wanted to

continue in a preschool for the social benefits. Please let me know

if you have any further questions. Good luck. Joanna

-- In Autism_in_Girls , " sissycakes4luv

<sissycakes@m...> " <sissycakes@m...> wrote:

> Hi, My name is Sherri. Just wandered if anyone could relate to my 4

> Yr. old Caitlin. She was diagnosed a year ago at TEACCH center in

> Gastonia, NC as severly autistic. She is in a TEACCH classroom in

> public school system with 6 other boys. She is the only girl. I do

> not think that the TEACCH way is helping her. She is so extremely

> hyper, has no language, motor skills are poor, as well as cognitive

> skills. We have her on Fluoxetine for aggression and anxiety, and

> clonidine for hyperactivity (she has been on clonidine for a few

> months now, and I do not like it). I am so depressed. I want her to

> learn. Does anyone have there child in ABA therapy? I think Caitlin

> would benefit from this. I do know that it is very expensive. If

> anyone

> out there has a child similiar to mine could you please tell me


> kind of therapy she is receiving? Any info would be greatly

> appreciated. Thanks in advance!

> Sherri

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Sissy cakes I to be new here and on spectrum, I to be to know that for some

the one approach that is to be most effective is ABA and so hope you can be

to search this for your child soon, maybe later she to be ready for the

TEACCH method but until she is able to imitate, communicate via whatever

means she to be able to adapt to and is engaged with another ( which ABA can

address) it might be hard for her to have another approach to learn for now.


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Steve you to be right autism to not be to play fair but what is worst is our

government is not to play fair as there is help to us but only the wealthy

or elite can obtain it. Autism is often discriminated against by insurance

companies, MRDD and many other programs have the small printed exclusion to



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Welcome! We all have a different way of looking at autism and our children are

all different. I have two girls with Mercury... one is Autistic... and the other

is in 6th grade and so-called normal, but she did have eye movement disorder and

processing problem. Both ate cilantro and made improvement, but for other

children it does not work. I must say it does seen strange that something so

simple could make a difference but it did. Kim seems to be normal now and as for

Jen (Autistic) she is talking, but at age 14 years old she has a great deal to

learn! I think you name it... we tried it! Diet, A.I.T., brush therapy and the

list goes on!

So glad you join us!

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen and Kim

New to the group

I recently posted " My beautiful Abby " on the site. I am new to this

whole computer thing so please bear with me. This site seems to be

exactly what I am looking for. My husband and I have been attending a

support group in the area however it is not really suiting our needs.

If you dont do the Gluten free/Casein free diet and ABA then you are

kinda left out of the group. When I think of a support group I think

of talking about our childrens progress and backslides and whatever

problem they are having at the time, this site seems to be that way.

I can only hope that I can be support to somebody. Thank you for

having such a wonderful website.

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Welcome! We all have a different way of looking at autism and our children are

all different. I have two girls with Mercury... one is Autistic... and the other

is in 6th grade and so-called normal, but she did have eye movement disorder and

processing problem. Both ate cilantro and made improvement, but for other

children it does not work. I must say it does seen strange that something so

simple could make a difference but it did. Kim seems to be normal now and as for

Jen (Autistic) she is talking, but at age 14 years old she has a great deal to

learn! I think you name it... we tried it! Diet, A.I.T., brush therapy and the

list goes on!

So glad you join us!

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen and Kim

New to the group

I recently posted " My beautiful Abby " on the site. I am new to this

whole computer thing so please bear with me. This site seems to be

exactly what I am looking for. My husband and I have been attending a

support group in the area however it is not really suiting our needs.

If you dont do the Gluten free/Casein free diet and ABA then you are

kinda left out of the group. When I think of a support group I think

of talking about our childrens progress and backslides and whatever

problem they are having at the time, this site seems to be that way.

I can only hope that I can be support to somebody. Thank you for

having such a wonderful website.

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I agree with what you are saying. Abby is doing a Headstart program-WIthout a

parapro I might add, and a PPI program in the afternoon. Next year she will

go to a mainstream kindergarten and a Speech/Occupational therapy program in

the afternoon. Abby has had the same PPI Teacher for 4 years, Ellen got

her when she was just 2 1/2. I as very nervous about a new program since Abby

and ellen are so close, I have been reassured by Ellen that all will

be ok, but I still worry.

Abby is speaking very well,She is " Obsesed " with s and the " Sound

of Music " Abby can yoddle with the best of them. That movie has taught her

how to fluxuate her voice rather then a monatone. Music is a wonderful form

of therapy.

Actually I will always be gratefull to the Backstreet boys as their music

seem to bring her out of shell and got her vocal skills going, Since then she

has quite the CD Collection and when things get to much for her she puts on

her headphones and it soothes her.

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Sounds like Allie is doing well, That is wonderful to hear. Abby has had

actual conversationsl lately. I am having a new problem with her. She is

sounding very snotty when she says things like , " No " or " I dont want to " .

Today she has had quite the attitude. I told her that her tone of voice

needed to change and it was not nice tone. Abby replied " I feel crabby, I

dont want to be nice. " I was so excited that she has expressed feelings at

the approriate moment. Meanwhile I still need to teach her that just because

we feel crabby that we cant be mean to other people. This is a problemI I

also have for myself.LOL..

I have yet to decide what to do for Ellen (Abby's teacher) for the end of

the school year. ISince I work for a jeweler I saw a beautiful diamond heart

pendant which has 20 small diamonds in it, this is also Ellens 20th year

of PPI. I get the necklace at cost but I will still have to see how we do

with income tax before I know rather I get that or not. She doesnt expect

anything and that is all the more reason I want to do something nice for her.

She is Abby's miracle worker. I can never repay her properly. She did mention

that she wanted a Convertable Black Jetta, I told her that unfortunatly that

wasent in the budget.LOL.. Nice to know there are others who apprciate their

teachers and just because they arent a ABA therapist they are indeed

" Miracle Workers "

I think the plaque is a wonder ful idea, Abby has so many para-pro's and

OT/ST that I could go broke with buying things for them. Have a wonderful



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I feel that God has blessed me with this wonderful child that I have.

Everything that Abby has ever needed, Abby recieved. She has the best

teachers, best doctors and lots of family that loves her more then life

itself. I dont believe she got all these by chance, I belive thatGod has

provided her with all she has needed. We are a a religious family. Abby is

just now getting used to going to meetings at church and is getting used to

it. Our congregation has 3 children with autism, Abby is 5, and there is

another boy that is 10 and another that is 15. It is nice to go to a place

besides your own home where people accept you and dont think twice about a

tamtrum of stimming. God provides us with the strength to do what we need to

do, just when we think we can handle no more he will provide us with the

needed encouragment. The bible says that we will never be given more then we

can bear. I truly belive that.


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No we dont have any program like that in our church however we are just

starting Abby on play dates with other kids, I dont want to add anything else

at this point and she has been working really hard at school and home and

really cant handle anything more at this point, The summer time may be better

since she wont have school.


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I to be to find much people in life have been to enter my world in various

times of the growing up and this did be to impact my life much so because I

to never forgetted the true sense of acceptance and gentleness some to be to

bringed to me. I to be to still have this when I to be to feel as though

can't be to carry on anymore then God to send one in my life who by the way

of their life be to bring me to a new place in the thinking and life and

helped me to tarry on longer in this confusing of life I to be to know much

deeply in me. God to be to bringed me a husband and to be to gived me life

to birth 4 children's and now have strong family my own and for this feel

connected to life in ways never to be to think could be for me but feel God

to have this in hims plan for me as he to know I to be to needed this in

life to be to grow and flourish. I to not be alone in life for this but even

though in the real of life have little friends I can be to say I to be to go

out and be to meet or see for the wanting, yet am not lonely . I to be

content. When allowed to be self and home am much content, it to be only

when I to step outside my door that others to see me differently and for

this feel the strong convictions I to be different and not understood or

accepted by society , this is what to be hard in life.

I to be happy some here to be of faith and it to not be a bad things to be

to share of it here.


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{Going through a regression is so worth

it when a burst like that comes out the other side.}

Happens much times in many with autism, do not be to know reasons for it but

often regressions come and can be severe for a time period and then recouped

with much added gains.


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Very true pennie, nice to know there are some christian women in this

group. My child is 8, and she has been going to church since the day she

was born. It would be so interesting to have other kids with autism

around, I am afraid there are some people who really cannot understand

autism, and don't wish too, but most are fine, once I have explained a

few things, and they try to get to know hannah. God Bless, Cheryl s


Re: Re: New to the group

I feel that God has blessed me with this wonderful child that I have.

Everything that Abby has ever needed, Abby recieved. She has the best

teachers, best doctors and lots of family that loves her more then life

itself. I dont believe she got all these by chance, I belive thatGod has

provided her with all she has needed. We are a a religious family. Abby


just now getting used to going to meetings at church and is getting used


it. Our congregation has 3 children with autism, Abby is 5, and there is

another boy that is 10 and another that is 15. It is nice to go to a


besides your own home where people accept you and dont think twice about


tamtrum of stimming. God provides us with the strength to do what we

need to

do, just when we think we can handle no more he will provide us with the

needed encouragment. The bible says that we will never be given more

then we

can bear. I truly belive that.


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I think that our congregation at church can probably tell you all you need to

know about autism and more, Since we have 3 autistics in our congregation

they are very educated, rather they want to be or not. LOL. We also happen to

have a little boy with Downs Syndrome, Cute as a button, He needs to be part

of the " Beutiful Faces " down syndrome calender.

So your in Australia? Steve Erwin and the Wiggles are staples in our house.

Actually its my husband and his friends that watch the videos more then Abby

does.LOL. (my husbannd) says that he and his friend missed the boat.

They act stupid and sing dumb little songsYou know, the stuff the Wiggles are

makeing a mint off of. Eriic is a great dad and has so much patience with

Abby,. They are very close.

Hope you have a great day!


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Oh yes, the wiggles are good to watch too. They even have a 10 minute tv

show on here at the moment, which is action packed, I find even my 10

year old sits for a look occassionally...hahaha. Steve Irwin is good

for a laugh.......i think he portrays aussies a little bit overboard,

but I guess it sells in the states......hahaha, got to get the show to

sell I guess, I sure don’t go wrestling crocs and talking to snakes that

is for sure!!!!

You sound like your in the ideal church, with people who want to

understand. Not saying that our little church doesn’t, they are learning

when Hannah goes out to creche, instead of the actual Sunday school. I

think she needs a break after going to actual school all week, so I

don’t force her to sit and do the listen, I just want her to relax and

do the craft for the littlies........but even this becomes a drama some

days, as she flatly refuses sometimes, " until she is

ready " .........which is usually, when the others are about to pack

up.....grrrrr. My husband has been a pastor and still preaches, and he

could be doing a bit of interim pastoring soon [just a few pastor

probs...hahaha] Stay in touch, cheryl S [aussie]

Re: Re: New to the group

I think that our congregation at church can probably tell you all you

need to

know about autism and more, Since we have 3 autistics in our


they are very educated, rather they want to be or not. LOL. We also

happen to

have a little boy with Downs Syndrome, Cute as a button, He needs to be


of the " Beutiful Faces " down syndrome calender.

So your in Australia? Steve Erwin and the Wiggles are staples in our


Actually its my husband and his friends that watch the videos more then


does.LOL. (my husbannd) says that he and his friend missed the


They act stupid and sing dumb little songsYou know, the stuff the

Wiggles are

makeing a mint off of. Eriic is a great dad and has so much patience


Abby,. They are very close.

Hope you have a great day!


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How's your day going? I was a little disappointed that you dont wrestle

crocks or snakes or anthing like that. LOL. :) How's your daughter doing? I

am getting Abby ready for school, I should probably get off line, but of

course I wont. In a couple of weeks Abby has a field trip to the Detroi Zoo.

They have a really cool polar bear excibit there. I think I am more excited

then she is. Better run, have a great day. Its only 10 degress outside and

that without the windchill factor. I am trying to work myself up to that.

Brrrr. Talk to you later.


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You are so funny, You gave me my laugh today, Bad day at work, but I am home

now and all is good. Hope your day went well. Abby tried a bite of a egg roll

today, on her own, She didnt like it, but she tried it. Progress is progress

no matter how little it is, She is such a picky eater, I wish she would eat a

larger variety of foods. She would live on fruit if I let her.


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Got enough on just raising 3 kids than wrestling crocs and kissing

snakes, of course we make time to watch to wiggles, and eat meat pies

and chips...yummmy, so tired after a real busy day of swimming. Cheryl S

Re: Re: New to the group

How's your day going? I was a little disappointed that you dont wrestle

crocks or snakes or anthing like that. LOL. :) How's your daughter

doing? I

am getting Abby ready for school, I should probably get off line, but of

course I wont. In a couple of weeks Abby has a field trip to the Detroi


They have a really cool polar bear excibit there. I think I am more


then she is. Better run, have a great day. Its only 10 degress outside


that without the windchill factor. I am trying to work myself up to


Brrrr. Talk to you later.


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Well at least you can get yours to enjoy fruit.........Hannah will eat

bananas and apples, but that is about it for fruit.........i am a funny

person at times...........haha, got too when you have a Hannah believe me!!!

Cheryl S

-- Re: Re: New to the group

You are so funny, You gave me my laugh today, Bad day at work, but I am home

now and all is good. Hope your day went well. Abby tried a bite of a egg


today, on her own, She didnt like it, but she tried it. Progress is progress

no matter how little it is, She is such a picky eater, I wish she would eat


larger variety of foods. She would live on fruit if I let her.


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Mine cost me about $30 a week on fruit, She would live on Rasberries and

blueberries and blackberries and come tro think of is strawberries to.Come to

think of it, she just basically likes the expensive-out of season fruit.LOL

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