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Thanks ...I spent the morning checking out the big bru-haha on the comfrey at the FDA site-it was in connection with a drug/herbal suppliment company case out in Ca. and they were concerned with it being taken internally-It was being studied at one time for burn victims as it heals soooo rapidly it can heal in unwanted debris if the would is too big so it is better used for minor skin problems. also much like eating Noxema -not exactly good for you on the inside :D


The Country Artist

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Deb, so does it say we cant use it in products for external use? I had just bought a plant last year and its doing so well...


ShayeThe Soap Shackwww.mysoapshack.com

-----Original Message-----From: Bob & Deb [mailto:poplar@...]Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 12:02 PM Subject: Re: Deb

Thanks ...I spent the morning checking out the big bru-haha on the comfrey at the FDA site-it was in connection with a drug/herbal suppliment company case out in Ca. and they were concerned with it being taken internally-It was being studied at one time for burn victims as it heals soooo rapidly it can heal in unwanted debris if the would is too big so it is better used for minor skin problems. also much like eating Noxema -not exactly good for you on the inside :D


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Hey Lady,

Have a good time this weekend and a safe trip up there. Sell tons of soap!

Thanks for the info on the moth ball safety. Our dog can't get to where the skunks are hiding, but I'll be sure to put the moth balls under the shed where we can see they are getting in and also warn the kids I watch not to pick them up if they find them in the yard. ( I can see it now.... moth balls being used as throwing weapons like my crab apples are!) I don't think skunks will clean house of them, but hey... this is our yard so anything is possible lol

They only food out there is our veggie garden and my grape vine... no open trash cans or compost piles, this is probably a good place for them to hide in the park that doesn't have a dog tied out for hours on end.


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In a message dated 7/23/01 8:20:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, angelbear1129@... writes:

Deb, Your a SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!

I am?????? How so?????? :::scratch'n head:::


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I'm doing. I started shaking so bad today! Thought it was my sugar, (I'm Hypoglycemic) so ate supper and I still was shaking so bad, then it dawned on me, my B/P, so I took it and sure enough it was high! So sat down to rest for a half an hour and that helped some. Then it was back up to get the girls their baths and hairs washed. That is so tiring to me. I'm so exhausted when I get them done with there baths. Had to set down again, then their father decided to finally show up for the day. They were heading to bed in an hour and a half!!! Sorry, whole different story! Shakes are gone now. B/P is back where it's suppose to be :o) I have two speeds! SLOW and STOP!!! :o) It takes me forever to get anything done. I use to get my housework done in the mornings and then I did what I wanted to the rest of the day! Now it takes me all day to get some of the work done and still not done by nightfall :o( But when the girls go to bed, then I take time for me, as I'm too tired to do anything else anyway. It will all be there waiting for me the next day :o)

Sorry!!! You asked :o)



How's you??


I may never see tomorrow; there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday belong to history!!!

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In a message dated 7/28/01 9:08:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, angelbear1129@... writes:

(I'm Hypoglycemic)

Me too. Had a bad 'attack' last week as a matter of fact. I used to be able to do a certain amount of housework (and job work), too, but not now...Now I can't keep up with it! :(


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I know it's just a typo but I can't resist picking on you here. I don't think

I could eat popcorn out of a "bowel". Yuck!! A bowl, yes, bowel, no!!! (lmao)

That was a GREAT typo, Deb!!


Re: pre-teen/teen products

How about a slumber party kit with clay facial masks, dollar store hair rollers & nail polish, and microwave popcorn etc. all in a $1 store bowel suitable for the popcorn! Oh...and glycerine would be great for lip gloss as it is sweet! Oh great...here comes the nightly "stink" of the local farm's over the hill....I will shortly light the candles to help hide it!


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Oh man, I didn't even notice that typo and I am a medical

transcriptionist. I guess I type bowel so much it looked right to

me! Thanks for the chuckle, Deb!


At 10:34 PM 07/31/2001, you wrote:


I know it's just a typo but I

can't resist picking on you here. I don't


I could eat popcorn out of a

" bowel " . Yuck!! A bowl, yes, bowel, no!!!


That was a GREAT typo,



Re: pre-teen/teen products

How about a slumber party kit with clay facial masks, dollar store hair rollers & nail polish, and microwave popcorn etc. all in a $1 store bowel suitable for the popcorn! Oh...and glycerine would be great for lip gloss as it is sweet! Oh great...here comes the nightly " stink " of the local farm's over the hill....I will shortly light the candles to help hide it!


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Bob & Deb wrote:

ps...Terri-sorry I didn't get your call last night-Bob was at a meeting and

I was in bed recouping from an upper & lower GI series-a bit under the

weather. ;(

Oh Deb how aweful to have to go through that in this heat! No biggy on

the phone call... when you get feeling better I'll be here

Take care!


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In a message dated 8/10/01 10:00:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, angelbear1129@... writes:

is talking about her teeth. If you have Fibro or CFS, root canals and caps don't always work for us, as the pain is still there in the bone under the teeth :o) I have had both procedures done and still had to have the teeth pulled anyways :o( Hugs Helen

The reason I asked is because the teeth that have been r/c'd most recently *still* hurt sometimes and are sensitive as if the root is still there. The dentist said its odd and it'll go away, but then I see you mention this, and I'd like to know more please ?


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In a message dated 8/10/01 12:28:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, dwomann65@... writes:

is talking about her teeth. If you have Fibro or CFS, root canals and caps don't always work for us, as the pain is still there in the bone under the teeth :o) I have had both procedures done and still had to have the teeth pulled anyways :o( Hugs Helen

Oh, and also, with one of them he didn't at first know it needed an r/c so he started doing a filling, but he discovered once inside the tooth that it needed the r/c and attempted to numb the nerve so he could do it, but after numerous shots (OUCH) directly into the nerve, it was still 'awake' so he went ahead and did the r/c anyway.

Alls I got to say is, I'm d*mned glad I had my cd player and the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian to listen to at the time! lol


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I sent some links on for ya to look at. They can explain it better than I can :o) I have been fighting with the pain in my mouth and teeth for almost 20 years :o( I have toothaches where I don't have teeth anymore!!! Hope these links help!

{{{ Many Hugs }}}


The reason I asked is because the teeth that have been r/c'd most recently *still* hurt sometimes and are sensitive as if the root is still there. The dentist said its odd and it'll go away, but then I see you mention this, and I'd like to know more please ?


I may never see tomorrow;        there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday            belong to history!!!      

          {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}


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Do you have Fibromyalgia??? If you have never been diagnosed with it, I would be seeing a Good Rheumatologist soon, as a lot of the things you say you are suffering from sound like they link back to Fibro!



Oh, and also, with one of them he didn't at first know it needed an r/c so he started doing a filling, but he discovered once inside the tooth that it needed the r/c and attempted to numb the nerve so he could do it, but after numerous shots (OUCH) directly into the nerve, it was still 'awake' so he went ahead and did the r/c anyway. Alls I got to say is, I'm d*mned glad I had my cd player and the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian to listen to at the time! lol


I may never see tomorrow;        there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday            belong to history!!!      

          {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}


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I'm Glad you are feeling better!!! Those walks with our four footed friends are nice to do amd exercise too!!!

{{{ Stay Well Hugs }}}


How ya doing tonight Deb???               Oh I'm good tonight. Had a really good chat with Dave earlier (he's a brease! a brease I tell ya!) Then picked up poop in the yards (front and back) then watered, then took Tora for a walk around the yard with the dogs, then watched 'scary movie' then took Tora out some more! lol She *really* loves it! I've been 'warned' by at least one person (too late mind you!) that I shouldn't leash train her, as that will make her 'miss' being out there and she'll then try to get out (which she has already), but its another way for me to make sure I get out of the house on hopefully a daily basis, even if it is just out in the backyard! She found the back porch 'skirt' tonight and followed Martha around it, then when Martha jumped off, so did she! lol A flying tiger! She is FEARLESS!!! The moment I saw her, I thought 'Tora' (which means 'attack' in Japanese) because she was too busy attacking her mother, sister and toys, to pay me any mind! lol It fits her to a tee! She will not take any lip from the dogs and loves to stalk *and* attack them! Its a *beautiful* evening here, nice and cool (66 degrees!) with a nice delta breeze! I *love* a good delta breeze! Anyway, I'm waffling again! :X


I may never see tomorrow;        there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday            belong to history!!!      

         {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Deb, How are ya doing??? How's the paper work coming along??? Keep us updated!!!




Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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In a message dated 8/31/01 1:03:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, angelbear1129@... writes:

Hey Deb, How are ya doing??? How's the paper work coming along??? Keep us updated!!! Hugs Helen

I've been thinking about writing...Have had a lot going on this week. I ran out of money, and in fact, called the bank tonight to see if the two checks I had out had cashed yet (don't'cha just love it when you *know* you really have nothing, but some idiot place hasn't cashed the check you wrote them a week before so the bank says you have money you *know* you don't???? lol), and not only have the two checks cleared, but......AOL took their bit of flesh today, then the bank charged me because I didn't have enough funds (thought I had another day to get another account for 45 free days!) to cover THAT, plus they charged me $2 something for not having sufficient funds, so now I'm in the hole $44! I have to call my dental insurance tomorrow and cancel them before they take THEIR bit of flesh! Oh and the bank also charged me $2 and something for calling too many times to find out if I was in the hole yet! ARG!!!

Since I have no money, I can't get smokes (I have food).....Do *NOT* say anything to me about smoking, k? I *know* its unhealthy, but its an addiction and not easily broken. I'm finding out this week. (I knew before, but things are often much more clearer at certain times) I smoke very heavily, anywhere from 2 to 3 or 4 packs a day (yes, that's a day, not a typo) and I've gone from that to nothing...Then I mugged my piggy banks and scraped enough to get a pack, smoke that, next day I mugged them some more to get a pack...Yesterday I counted out the remaining change, which was about 500 pennies, I took 400 of them to the store and told the woman 'you're going to hate me in a minute' she says 'why?' I said 'because I'll be paying in pennies' she smiled and laughed until I plopped the baggy full of pennies onto the counter!! Anyway, got a pack of smokes...I've been having a lot of anger but otherwise feeling OK, the cravings really aren't that bad, just the anger..its because I feel as if (and am) I'm being forced quit and that just chaps my hide for anyone to be forced to do anything. So I've gone from 3 to 4 packs a day to 1 pack a day and while that's still not best, I'm hardly coughing, sleeping soundly (usually wake myself up coughing) and other than a mixed brain feeling (like brain is floating and trying to right itself) I've felt OK. Tonight I found another piggy bank (well two, but there's so much in the one I haven't got to the other yet! lol) and got enough to buy TWO packs! Since then I've smoked all but 3 of one pack. I'm feeling light headed and a bit dizzyish (smokers buzz) and have a very slight headache for which I've taken two tylenol. I *want* to quit, but its not something I can be forced to do. When the GA money comes (which I hope will be today, friday), I'll buy some and restrict myself to 1 pack a day, that way I will have access to them so there shouldn't be so much of the anger. I have good thoughts when not smoking...Like 'hey, I can ride my bike now!' etc...stupid for a lot of reasons because there are so many who can't do that for reasons not of their choosing and here I am smoking...but its NOT a choice! I have discovered that if one is an alcoholic or drug addict, they get MORE 'respect'! There are programs to deal with those addictions, but not smoking....Drugs are illegal (not all of them that are addicting though), booze is legal, smoking is legal...but smokers are pond scum! Drugs kill, booze kills, smoking kills, there are programs to help you get off drugs and booze, nothing to help you get off smoking...Insurance's won't even cover the patch! But they cover rehab for alkies and druggies.......

Anyway....I have completed all paperwork needed to apply for GA and am currently waiting to find out if I'll be allowed to get a whopping $206 a month plus *maybe* food stamps, dunno about them yet though. Don't ask me how I'll pay house payment, gas, electricity, water, city, phone et all with $206 a month! I went to 'cross roads' for assessment weds and talked so much (2 hours!) that we didn't finish so I have to go back there today. They're working with rehab, so once they assess me, I may be able to get job training or go back to school or take courses or whatever, and eventually be able to go back to work. I want to so much, not because 'oh joy, work!' but because I would much rather support myself then be supported! She asked me if I would mind min wage, I said 'min wage would get me more than $206 a month wouldn't it?' she said 'and then some' so I said 'well there ya go then!' lol

Anyway, I have some dishes to do, then I'm gonna see if I can finagle Jessi into a game of pool.... :X


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In a message dated 8/31/01 2:59:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, oplbeach@... writes:

What would you like to work at (if you had the choice?) Jeannie

If I had a choice???? Entrapentuer! (spck) lol Seriously though (I was! lol) a writer, actor...I'll get back to you more seriously, gonna go beat Dave at pool! lol sssssshhhhhhhhh don't tell Jessi, she'll come and beat us both! lol


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Dear Deb: Since I'm new I don't know your illness. I do have one question though- What would you like to work at (if you had the choice?) Jeannie

working with rehab, so once they assess me, I may be able to get job training or go back to school or take courses or whatever, and eventually be able to go back to work. I want to so much, not because 'oh joy, work!' but because I would much rather support myself then be supported! She asked me if I would mind min wage, I said 'min wage would get me more than $206 a month wouldn't it?' she said 'and then some' so I said 'well there ya go then!' lol Anyway, I have some dishes to do, then I'm gonna see if I can finagle Jessi into a game of pool.... :X Deb

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Sounds like you have had your plate full also. Hope all works out for you.




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Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Hi Deb, Sorry you are having so many problems again. They can not bill you and insurance for the same bill. I would report it!!! That is against the law :o( How are you doing health wise??? Take care as best ya can.

{{{ Many Hugs }}}


How about 'We're glad you've sent us the $51 you owe us, however, we have decided not to cash it and instead send your file to a collection agency, JUST to make your life more interesting!' ?????

Ayup, that's correct......I got a bill from a collection agency for a doctor bill I paid in July. They have not cashed the check and instead sent my file to a collection agency.

But...it *could* be worse.....They could have the check in their possession and decide to cash it and give me a break. BUZZ!!!!!!! If they did that, it would bounce! Because I only have $12.91 in the account!

I have had trouble with this place before, as I 'used' to be able to write a check at the time of doc visit and no problem, but NOW when I write the check at time of visit, its not cashed and instead I'm sent a bill. To me, this does not make sense!!! They don't like 'cash payers'! They prefer to bill the insurance, and since I don't have it, I pay at time of visit, but they don't accept it, they'd rather bill me like some insurance company because they can get more that way! They *always* double bill the insurance! They can't do that to someone who pays at time of visit, but they've figured out how I guess! Like Al Pacino said 'Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!' As every time I think I've broken even for now, something happens and I'm in the hole again. Sigh.


Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm sorry I missed this post the other day. I don't know if you found your

shrink bands but you might want to check Sunburst Bottle. They have a

ton of clear shrink bands. The only thing is I can't tell what sizes they are.

They give measurements but they don't seem to be in inches. Maybe I'm

wrong so you can check it out. They do sell tins so maybe some of these

shrink bands are made to go on them. You may have to call them or

email them to find out for sure.


hi & ?shrink bands

I need the name of a supplier of shrink bands for my 4 oz salve tins. I do both the flat and the deep for my spa salts.

I just got a wholesale account in downtown Syracuse at a basket company as well as one up in Utica with a Mommy/Baby store. And here I was trying to downsize...

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  • 1 month later...

So sorry folks-I got the order place and paid for on Monday AM-thanks for

getting all your checks right to me-they are due to ship on 12/14. I have

been under the weather.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Deb,

Nope Dreamscape still doesn't like aboutcny.net's emails... they think it's

spam :(

whats B & N I probably know, but it's not coming to me (only 2 cups of

coffee so far this morning)

I'm staying put today! I was totally exausted after my day yesterday ...

so much that I fell asleep on the couch and the hubby tried to wake me up,

but I slept right through it and slept there all night. Even slept through

him heading out the door this morning for work. Maybe we could hook up on

the phone later today?


Bob & Deb wrote:

Hi there! just about to go off and make cookies with robbie. We are heading

to B & N in Dewitt when Bob gets home from his class today if my back

hold up.

I am heading to Martha's site to get her "destructions" on the checkerboard

ones she did on tv yesterday. I make a coconut pyramid macroon she does


is good too. Maybe i will see you out shopping? Have you tried to e-mail


privately lately-the mail seems to be working rather well-ssshhh I better

not speak too loudly huh? I joined that group but stayed web-only till after

the holidays.

Anyone know of any buys on oakmoss FO ?


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Can you explain how those shrap wrap tubes work? Are they one long roll of

a tube and you cut and heat heal each end? If so, how wide are they? I mean,

can you fit a decent size basket in one? If so, that sounds like a lot easier way

to do baskets. Darn, I just placed an order with them last week, too, since they

had waved the larger "min. order" down to $25.


Re: Gift Baskets

Nashville also does a tube style shrink wrap on a roll that is very cost effective.

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