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In a message dated 3/7/02 11:51:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,

joan@... writes:

> Is that the gross motor article or th eOT article? The photo of her bathing

> with her **ball**?

OT (sensory) Joan. Maddie is actually in there 3x. She's on page 10 in

's article (I think she was newly 3 yo in that one), on page 23 (Gross

motor development) getting a hug from Alison (they were 3 and 4 in that one)

and then lastly on page 32 in Lashno's article, taking a bath with her

ball. I love all the pictures of our kids in that!!! The one of Andy in

his ninja turtle toasties is adorable!! And Ben cuddled up reading

with Dad!! They're all great!! HEY, where's Gareth??? Diane, I didn't

realize you haven't read that *very* famous issue of Joan's!!! It's become

like the bible for parents of kids with ds/autism. Also, I go to our files

all the time and pull up pics of our kids!! IT's so fun!! Diane, you HAVE

to get Rochelle in there, so I can gaze at her too.....;-)


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In a message dated 3/8/02 8:54:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, duffey48@...


> Diane, I didn't

> realize you haven't read that *very* famous issue of Joan's!!! It's

> become

> like the bible for parents of kids with ds/autism. Also, I go to our

> files

> all the time and pull up pics of our kids!! IT's so fun!! Diane, you


> to get Rochelle in there, so I can gaze at her too.....;-)

> Donna




I've only been in the files once and forgot how to get back in. Quite the

novice with the computer. I am really bad with getting pictures taken. But I

will work on it.

Diane :)

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In a message dated 3/8/02 2:09:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dben937342@... writes:

> I've only been in the files once and forgot how to get back in. Quite the

> novice with the computer. I am really bad with getting pictures taken. But

> I

> will work on it.

> Diane :)


That's ok Diane. We all started out as novices and I've been on this thing

for a while and am STILL far behind everyone else.....;-) If you have a

picture you want put on the site, you can snail mail it to me and I'll do it.

I have a scanner. Let me know if you want me to, and I'll privately send

you my address. I'm sure Rochelle is a cutie petutie too!!!!


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In a message dated 3/8/02 3:54:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, duffey48@...


> Let me know if you want me to, and I'll privately send

> you my address. I'm sure Rochelle is a cutie petutie too!!!!

> Donna




Thanks Donna, I think the first thing for me to do is get a good picture. I

am terrible at taking pictures. I need a more up to date one. Actually there

are some friends and neighbors with scanners I could use. I appreciate the

offer. You all are so sweet.

Diane :)

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In a message dated 3/11/2002 2:52:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

duffey48@... writes:

> . HOw'd it go today?


Hi Donna,

He did ok, going for day 2. You may not hear from me much either this week. I

am taking the trailer out for St. 's Day events this weekend. I have a

PPT meeting, thankfully not for me, and a school meeting with the behavoirist

for me. I usually don't start my season this early but the weather has been

so nice I decided I would try it. After I wrote that about the aide my

rational self came back.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 3/11/02 10:56:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

charlyne1121@... writes:

> He did ok, going for day 2. You may not hear from me much either this week.

> I

> am taking the trailer out for St. 's Day events this weekend. I have

> a

> PPT meeting, thankfully not for me, and a school meeting with the

> behavoirist

> for me.

Ok Charlyne. But good luck and know that we're thinking of you. Keep us

posted on Zeb when you get the chance.



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Hey Donna,

Have you seen the Planet Herbs website Dawn just mentioned? I went there and

they said they have items for Native American rituals and ceremonies.

Thought you might be interested.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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In a message dated 3/13/2002 5:20:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Yaaruln@... writes:

> Have you seen the Planet Herbs website Dawn just mentioned? I went there

> and

> they said they have items for Native American rituals and ceremonies.

> Thought you might be interested.


Nope havent looked at it yet. Thanks


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In a message dated 3/13/2002 5:20:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Yaaruln@... writes:

> Have you seen the Planet Herbs website Dawn just mentioned? I went there

> and

> they said they have items for Native American rituals and ceremonies


I couldnt find them. All I found was products and classes. :(

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This is the address I have book marked:


On that first page of the site you should see a picture of a mandela/dream

catcher. On the right side of the screen is a menu and one of the choices is

Ritual Items. Good luck.

¸..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Sage -:¦:-

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 3/21/02 2:48:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, DPLigon@...







> Hey Donna!! How are you and Maddie? Just wondering when I read one of


Hi Dawn,

Maddie does not take any meds for behaviors. One reason is that Duff

and I are VERY drug shy!!! Actually, terrified of them is more the word.

Dr. Capone has spoken with us a few times about a couple to try for Maddie

and we opted out each time. But we keep it in the back of our minds should

behaviors seem out of control. Another main reason why no drugs is that

Maddie is already on meds.....for GERD. AND she has hypothyroidism, so she

gets meds 7x a day respectively. More than enough in my book!! We have to

disguise them when we give them to her and the thought of adding one more

drug to the list is more than we want to handle.

We are doing fine Dawn. Yesterday was not the best as I couldn't get

a babysitter for her and I had to take n (16) to the orthoped. I

probably should have cancelled, but I had been running from hopsital to

hospital picking up MRI's and X-rays all week, and did not want to wait to

hear about his sprained knee (did it skiiing). So I drug poor Maddie with

us who totally freaked being in this new sterile place. I felt so bad for

n.....I had to take her out to the car and he had to go in to see the

doc himself (this was his second visit, so I told him to come out when he was

done and I'd go in and talk to the doc). Course when Bren came out to stay

with Maddie, I went in and the doc was with someone else....URGH!!!! But

Bren's a bright kid and remembered eveyrthing the doc said. Still, I was

pretty frazzled by the time it was over. Duff has been on me like crazy to

find someone to come in and help. So that's my goal today. To call my

pastor and a few local ladies to see if they know someone hardy enough to

help out. Maddie's climbing keeps getting worse and not better, and we're

going to have to build more contraptions in the house to keep her safe.

Sure, we are working on the behavior, but obviously there can be no room for

error (we have a three story house with center hall all the way up----a

killer---we have gates, but I'm not kidding when I say this kid could climb

Everest) My niece across the street babysits often, but we're just too

worried about leaving Maddie in her care. And I just can't keep taking

Maddie to all the things/events for the other kids; it's not fair to them or

to her (never mind that I don't want to have spinal fusion surgery

again....;-). This weekend we have a big family christening that is at the

local club!! If it were at their house, Maddie would handle it better (you

know, houses with kids have rooms to hide and get away from everyone and

Barney movies to watch), but we're already planning that I will have to leave

with her. And since our sitters are all family members, I have no one.

Me and Maddie will be making a familial appearance...;-) So I have to get

working on finding someone else. I'll let you guys know if I have any luck

hiring a hardy person who doesn't mind a spontaneous schedule.

Thanks for asking about us Dawn!!!! How are things going with you??


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In a message dated 3/22/02 8:07:09 AM Central Standard Time, duffey48@...


> So that's my goal today. To call my

> pastor and a few local ladies to see if they know someone hardy enough to

> help out. Maddie's climbing keeps getting worse and not better, and

> we're

> going to have to build more contraptions in the house to keep her safe.

> Sure, we are working on the behavior, but obviously there can be no room

> for

> error (we have a three story house with center hall all the way up----a

> killer---we have gates, but I'm not kidding when I say this kid could climb


> Everest)


I can totally relate to the climbing. We moved from a two story house with an

open staircase to a ranch style house just so I could stop worrying. Of

course, there were still the times that I found him on top of the

entertainment center. Yikes. We have no bookcases around the house so he

can't climb them. It is amazing what we do to adapt. Now at 13 he rarely

climbs, of course he doesn't have the opportunity but playgrounds aren't good

for us.

As far as help goes you may want to try sp. ed. majors at local universities.

That is where we find good help. They are bright and generally easy to train.

And, we are teaching future teachers.


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In a message dated 3/22/2002 9:07:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

duffey48@... writes:

> Maddie's climbing keeps getting worse and not better, and we're

> going to have to build more contraptions in the house to keep her safe.

Hi Donna,

I wish I were closer, I would babysit for you. My husband recently blocked an

entire staircase with framing and sheetrock for his dr. It didn't look

wonderful but not bad either.He dressed it up with some fancy mouldings etc.

The dr. was concerned about their child's safety as well. She has severe ADHD

and is just fearless too. They haven't had a problem since, just a thought.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 3/22/02 9:40:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, DPLigon@...


> We are going to Fl. for spring break and

> I want to but know it will be hard on in some ways. Also my

> older son (hope I dont cry when writing this) is in Fl. but 7 hr.

> away from my sister's where we are going (son in College). Just wrote

> a long e-mail saying we couldnt come rest of way to Gainesville. I

> feel so frustrated that I cant do all I want to do.

Giant {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Dawn!!! It IS so difficult. We

do travel with Maddie, but it takes a REAL lot to gear myself up for it.

The last family vacation we took was this time last year. We flew to

Disneyworld. The plane was loaded with families and babies and little

kids. Believe it or not, Maddie was the best one!!!! We had a horrific

flight home (total fl was over 5 hours, was supposed to be 2...we flew into a

N'easter) and kids were screaming, parents frazzled....even adults were

throwing up in their bags. But Maddie sat between me and Duff and did

fine!! Now, I know why that is!!! Because I blew bubbles for FIVE

HOURS!!!!!!!! My lips hurt when we landed!!!! LOL Also, a plane is

different.....she can't really see other people from her position. Er, she

did lop a saliva soaked sock at the lady in front of us a couple times....;-)

(Oh gosh, a few years before that, she sucked on a lady's beautiful blazer on

a plane from Philly all the way to Arizona!!!! I couldn't PRY her off...the

lady was so sweet and refused my offers to buy her a new jacket, or at least

let me try and have it cleaned)

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that maybe will surprise you!!! I

sure hope he does. But your right, we have to make so many adaptations for

kids with DS/autism. Maddie actually ate in all the restaurants with us

in DW. Many on the list remember my story of her hurling a large buttered

piece of bread clear across the room in Morocco (we ate at a restaurant in

Epcot) and smacking an unsuspecting woman right in the cheek!!!! And we

always have to request a table in the FARTHEST corner, and we have a lot to

clean up when we leave. (the year before we went to Chicago and restaurants

were an impossiblity---so my oldest son Joe (20) would stay with her while

the rest of us went out to dinner....he says he never minded since he likes

to order up room service, but WE minded not having them at dinner with us).

So when we try and gear ourselves up for another vacation or even an event, I

try to remind myself that she had indeed made progress from the year before.

Dawn, I am so sorry about your disappointment at not seeing your son!!

Maybe something can be arranged?!?!? Like your sister stay with

while you meet halfway with your son for a couple hours??? I'm trying to

think of some way!! It's a shame you'd be in the same state and not be able

to see him!!! I KNOW how it is!!! Sheesh, my (newly 19) goes to AU

in DC, a mere three hours away, and is transferring to a university here

since she's so painfully homesick!!!


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In a message dated 3/22/02 11:19:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

KVanRyzin@... writes:

> . It is amazing what we do to adapt. Now at 13 he rarely

> climbs, of course he doesn't have the opportunity but playgrounds aren't

> good

> for us.


Playgrounds aren't too good for us either Karyn. You know, they have all

these other kids there and all.....LOLOL She HIDES under the monkey bars

cause she doens't wnat to have to bump into any live human beings!!!!

Sheesh!!!!! But you give me hope when you say that your son doens't climb

as much!! I was hoping to hear that this might be something she'd outgrow


And thanks for the tip on the universities. I may go that route if I don't

find a neighborhood woman. Maddie's ex-teacher (who is fabulous and I'm

hoping will have Maddie again next year) has babysat once before for us when

we went to St. for my brother's wedding. She will babysit again in

April when we go to the Greenspan conference. But since she's a teacher,

she's not available for day things, like doc visits, which are so brutal for

us. I may have to go down a few avenues.


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In a message dated 3/22/02 1:23:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

charlyne1121@... writes:

> Hi Donna,

> I wish I were closer, I would babysit for you. My husband recently blocked

> an

> entire staircase with framing and sheetrock for his dr. It didn't look

> wonderful but not bad either.He dressed it up with some fancy mouldings

> etc.

> The dr. was concerned about their child's safety as well. She has severe


> and is just fearless too. They haven't had a problem since, just a thought.

Aw...thanks Charlyne!!!!! I just love you guys!!!

Your dh is a handy guy!!!! Sounds really nice!! What we have up it NOT!!

Duff was a little bummed and wanted to *pretty* it up a bit, but I said

no...leave it be. It's made of wood and heavy duty plexiglass....but now,

we're going to have to wrap it around and take it further down to keep her

from climbing the railing from the top of the first flight of stairs.

She's actually quite agile (amazingly so), but the problem is, she wants to

sit horsey back on the second floor landing railing....also tries to go

headfirst....must look like fun for her. She likes to throw things over and

watch them fall, and I think she's trying to do the same thing for herself!!!

YIKES!!!!!!! We LOVE our house, our neighbors and our neighborhood

(it's where I grew up) and ALL my other kids keep telling us to NEVER sell

this house (well, some day we will---when they all leave---it'll be too big

then). We may just have to keep coming up with ideas for a while to keep

her safe. The plexiglass thing works, so we'll probably just wrap it

around further. THEN, since it's so ugly, we'll take it down when we have

to sell the house....;-)


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In a message dated 3/22/02 1:02:32 PM Central Standard Time, duffey48@...


> Playgrounds aren't too good for us either Karyn. You know, they have all

> these other kids there and all.....LOLOL She HIDES under the monkey bars

> cause she doens't wnat to have to bump into any live human beings!!!!

> Sheesh!!!!! But you give me hope when you say that your son doens't

> climb

> as much!! I was hoping to hear that this might be something she'd outgrow


> too!!!


You'll have to send Maddie to get educated by . You don't hide from

those kids you push them all off the equipment. Yikes! I have vivid memories

of hair raising experiences at parks. just climbs on top of the bars.

Those damn hamster tunnel play places are another nightmare. Ain't


Part of it is probably because he can reach most things now. LOL!!!!


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In a message dated 3/22/2002 2:36:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

duffey48@... writes:

> THEN, since it's so ugly, we'll take it down when we have

> to sell the house....;-)

Hi Donna.

I 'm not sure how my husband did this but it was made to remove so they could

take it down when they decide to sell. He put the sheetrock all the way up to

the ceiling. You miss the dramatic effect of the staircase but it really

looked nice when he was finished. If all fails you could fly here with

Maddie. We have no stairs just a ranch. The furniture has been puked,peed and

jumped on, nothing else to destroyLOL.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 3/22/2002 2:36:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

duffey48@... writes:

> THEN, since it's so ugly, we'll take it down when we have

> to sell the house....;-)

Hi Donna.

I 'm not sure how my husband did this but it was made to remove so they could

take it down when they decide to sell. He put the sheetrock all the way up to

the ceiling. You miss the dramatic effect of the staircase but it really

looked nice when he was finished. If all fails you could fly here with

Maddie. We have no stairs just a ranch. The furniture has been puked,peed and

jumped on, nothing else to destroyLOL.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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What part in FL? Do you need any information about

places in FL? I've lived in FL, so I might be able to

tell you some stuff. I hope you have a great and a

safe trip.

--- duffey48@... wrote:

> In a message dated 3/22/02 9:40:43 AM Eastern

> Standard Time, DPLigon@...

> writes:



> > We are going to Fl. for spring break and

> > I want to but know it will be hard on in

> some ways. Also my

> > older son (hope I dont cry when writing this) is

> in Fl. but 7 hr.

> > away from my sister's where we are going (son in

> College). Just wrote

> > a long e-mail saying we couldnt come rest of way

> to Gainesville. I

> > feel so frustrated that I cant do all I want to

> do.


> Giant {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Dawn!!!

> It IS so difficult. We

> do travel with Maddie, but it takes a REAL lot to

> gear myself up for it.

> The last family vacation we took was this time last

> year. We flew to

> Disneyworld. The plane was loaded with families

> and babies and little

> kids. Believe it or not, Maddie was the best

> one!!!! We had a horrific

> flight home (total fl was over 5 hours, was supposed

> to be 2...we flew into a

> N'easter) and kids were screaming, parents

> frazzled....even adults were

> throwing up in their bags. But Maddie sat between

> me and Duff and did

> fine!! Now, I know why that is!!! Because I blew

> bubbles for FIVE

> HOURS!!!!!!!! My lips hurt when we landed!!!! LOL

> Also, a plane is

> different.....she can't really see other people from

> her position. Er, she

> did lop a saliva soaked sock at the lady in front of

> us a couple times....;-)

> (Oh gosh, a few years before that, she sucked on a

> lady's beautiful blazer on

> a plane from Philly all the way to Arizona!!!! I

> couldn't PRY her off...the

> lady was so sweet and refused my offers to buy her a

> new jacket, or at least

> let me try and have it cleaned)

> Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that maybe

> will surprise you!!! I

> sure hope he does. But your right, we have to make

> so many adaptations for

> kids with DS/autism. Maddie actually ate in all

> the restaurants with us

> in DW. Many on the list remember my story of her

> hurling a large buttered

> piece of bread clear across the room in Morocco (we

> ate at a restaurant in

> Epcot) and smacking an unsuspecting woman right in

> the cheek!!!! And we

> always have to request a table in the FARTHEST

> corner, and we have a lot to

> clean up when we leave. (the year before we went

> to Chicago and restaurants

> were an impossiblity---so my oldest son Joe (20)

> would stay with her while

> the rest of us went out to dinner....he says he

> never minded since he likes

> to order up room service, but WE minded not having

> them at dinner with us).

> So when we try and gear ourselves up for another

> vacation or even an event, I

> try to remind myself that she had indeed made

> progress from the year before.

> Dawn, I am so sorry about your disappointment at not

> seeing your son!!

> Maybe something can be arranged?!?!? Like your

> sister stay with

> while you meet halfway with your son for a couple

> hours??? I'm trying to

> think of some way!! It's a shame you'd be in the

> same state and not be able

> to see him!!! I KNOW how it is!!! Sheesh, my

> (newly 19) goes to AU

> in DC, a mere three hours away, and is transferring

> to a university here

> since she's so painfully homesick!!!

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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What part in FL? Do you need any information about

places in FL? I've lived in FL, so I might be able to

tell you some stuff. I hope you have a great and a

safe trip.

--- duffey48@... wrote:

> In a message dated 3/22/02 9:40:43 AM Eastern

> Standard Time, DPLigon@...

> writes:



> > We are going to Fl. for spring break and

> > I want to but know it will be hard on in

> some ways. Also my

> > older son (hope I dont cry when writing this) is

> in Fl. but 7 hr.

> > away from my sister's where we are going (son in

> College). Just wrote

> > a long e-mail saying we couldnt come rest of way

> to Gainesville. I

> > feel so frustrated that I cant do all I want to

> do.


> Giant {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Dawn!!!

> It IS so difficult. We

> do travel with Maddie, but it takes a REAL lot to

> gear myself up for it.

> The last family vacation we took was this time last

> year. We flew to

> Disneyworld. The plane was loaded with families

> and babies and little

> kids. Believe it or not, Maddie was the best

> one!!!! We had a horrific

> flight home (total fl was over 5 hours, was supposed

> to be 2...we flew into a

> N'easter) and kids were screaming, parents

> frazzled....even adults were

> throwing up in their bags. But Maddie sat between

> me and Duff and did

> fine!! Now, I know why that is!!! Because I blew

> bubbles for FIVE

> HOURS!!!!!!!! My lips hurt when we landed!!!! LOL

> Also, a plane is

> different.....she can't really see other people from

> her position. Er, she

> did lop a saliva soaked sock at the lady in front of

> us a couple times....;-)

> (Oh gosh, a few years before that, she sucked on a

> lady's beautiful blazer on

> a plane from Philly all the way to Arizona!!!! I

> couldn't PRY her off...the

> lady was so sweet and refused my offers to buy her a

> new jacket, or at least

> let me try and have it cleaned)

> Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that maybe

> will surprise you!!! I

> sure hope he does. But your right, we have to make

> so many adaptations for

> kids with DS/autism. Maddie actually ate in all

> the restaurants with us

> in DW. Many on the list remember my story of her

> hurling a large buttered

> piece of bread clear across the room in Morocco (we

> ate at a restaurant in

> Epcot) and smacking an unsuspecting woman right in

> the cheek!!!! And we

> always have to request a table in the FARTHEST

> corner, and we have a lot to

> clean up when we leave. (the year before we went

> to Chicago and restaurants

> were an impossiblity---so my oldest son Joe (20)

> would stay with her while

> the rest of us went out to dinner....he says he

> never minded since he likes

> to order up room service, but WE minded not having

> them at dinner with us).

> So when we try and gear ourselves up for another

> vacation or even an event, I

> try to remind myself that she had indeed made

> progress from the year before.

> Dawn, I am so sorry about your disappointment at not

> seeing your son!!

> Maybe something can be arranged?!?!? Like your

> sister stay with

> while you meet halfway with your son for a couple

> hours??? I'm trying to

> think of some way!! It's a shame you'd be in the

> same state and not be able

> to see him!!! I KNOW how it is!!! Sheesh, my

> (newly 19) goes to AU

> in DC, a mere three hours away, and is transferring

> to a university here

> since she's so painfully homesick!!!

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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In a message dated 3/22/02 11:28:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

charlyne1121@... writes:

> The furniture has been puked,peed and

> jumped on, nothing else to destroyLOL.


LOL Yes, well, so has our tv room furniture (I try to keep the living room

stuff nice) I have taken off the covers of the sofa and chairs and put them

in the washer SO MANY TIMES.....they're threadbare...LOL


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In a message dated 3/22/02 11:28:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

charlyne1121@... writes:

> The furniture has been puked,peed and

> jumped on, nothing else to destroyLOL.


LOL Yes, well, so has our tv room furniture (I try to keep the living room

stuff nice) I have taken off the covers of the sofa and chairs and put them

in the washer SO MANY TIMES.....they're threadbare...LOL


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If I may add a couple more. . .bled on, pooped on, spit on. . . well, you get

the idea!!LOLOLOL

I make no apologies for our furniture- I call it " Autism proofed "

Don't mind the christmas lights in the family room- loves them and we will

not take them down.

Don't mind the big, ugly, dirty couch - to us. . . it is a sturdy, loveable, and

well-worn sofa!

Don't mind the TV tray on the floor - THAT - is where dines each night

(Macaroni & Cheese)

Don't mind the labels & words on the wall - loves to read the words and

know what they refer to.

Don't mind the icons (20+) in each room - uses them to communicate with. .

.. YOU!

Don't mind the front room because it has no furniture - likes it that way!

My favorite is. . .trying to watch people leave my house and figure out how to

work all the locks on the doors.

I always wait. . . watch. . .then tell them to " LOOK UP " there's more locks on

the TOP of the door.

I'm sure that everyone here can add to this. . .bare walls, shelves bolted to

the walls, excessive wear, stains,

etc. etc. (The lived-in look!!!)LOLOLOL


(OOps. . . did I mention the funny smells??)

Re: Donna

In a message dated 3/22/02 11:28:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

charlyne1121@... writes:

> The furniture has been puked,peed and

> jumped on, nothing else to destroyLOL.


LOL Yes, well, so has our tv room furniture (I try to keep the living room

stuff nice) I have taken off the covers of the sofa and chairs and put them

in the washer SO MANY TIMES.....they're threadbare...LOL


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