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I just decided to do a search of UW Hospital, and found a GI doctor named Joanne Robbins who specializes in swallowing disorders. Maybe she could offer you more expertise.


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I have heard about the viagra! Quite a while ago I

guess the esophogas has the same.....makings shall we

say, as the penis....my husband is all for it....go

figure! Cathey

--- connfan1@... wrote:

> I just heard a medical report on the radio this

> morning, that Viagra, of all

> things, has been successful in helping us with

> Achalasia. Has anyone else

> heard about the Italian study?

> Thanks,


> Gayle



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At 06:56 AM 8/15/2001 -0400, connfan1@... wrote:

>I just heard a medical report on the radio this morning, that Viagra, of all

>things, has been successful in helping us with Achalasia. Has anyone else

>heard about the Italian study?

I have heard that although it works it is not a practical long term treatment.


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Thanks for the info a!

You know, its funny. I actually created that Physician Finder

(Providers and Services Directory) that you used on the UW Doctors

site. I wrote the programs and did a lot of testing before it was

released, but I never thought to use it myself!

> ,

> I just decided to do a search of UW Hospital, and found a GI doctor


> Joanne Robbins who specializes in swallowing disorders. Maybe she


> offer you more expertise.


> a

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I think my wife would rather I die of starvation.


>From: Jerry Hastings <hastings@...>


>achalasia , achalasia

>Subject: Re: New Member

>Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 21:08:17 -0700


>At 06:56 AM 8/15/2001 -0400, connfan1@... wrote:

> >I just heard a medical report on the radio this morning, that Viagra, of


> >things, has been successful in helping us with Achalasia. Has anyone


> >heard about the Italian study?


>I have heard that although it works it is not a practical long term





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In a message dated 8/24/01 8:44:07 PM GTB Daylight Time, maven35@...


<< ted. I have every other vaccine as a

child and am in great health. It was a choice of having the shot or

leaving my husband - great choice, huh? >>

I thought that too for my dh.To bad they don't let us know even immigrants

can file an exemption.Welcome to the group!!!

Sara in ohio

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I am in Ohio too! Do you know of an exemption I can

(could have) file(d)? I'd really be interested in

hearing about what you have to say.

Thanks so much,

--- nnu29@... wrote:

> In a message dated 8/24/01 8:44:07 PM GTB Daylight

> Time, maven35@...

> writes:


> << ted. I have every other vaccine as a

> child and am in great health. It was a choice of

> having the shot or

> leaving my husband - great choice, huh? >>


> I thought that too for my dh.To bad they don't let

> us know even immigrants

> can file an exemption.Welcome to the group!!!

> Sara in ohio



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At 05:40 PM 08/24/2001 -0000, you wrote:


>Hi all,


>My name is and I just joined up. I'm 35, have no kids yet,

>but am planning on having a baby as soon as I can. I have joined

>this group because I want to further educate myself and learn from

>others about the risks of vaccines, and I hope to convince my husband

>about them, too. He is not totally convinced they are a bad thing

>and we need to be in agreement about this when we have a child!


GREAT! Wish more were like you.

>Being new to the U.S. (I moved here from Canada), I was dismayed to

>learn that I HAD to get a mumps shot (my body showed no antibodies to

>the virus) or face being deported. I have every other vaccine as a

>child and am in great health. It was a choice of having the shot or

>leaving my husband - great choice, huh? It was the equivalent to me

>of getting poison shot into my system and the nurse that administered

>it to me was very patronizing when I discussed my concerns with her.

>She also was very uninformed when I asked her exactly what was in the

>vaccine. I feel my rights were violated by having to take this shot -

> does anyone else have any knowledge of the INS doing this and any

>recourse I might have? The INS officer told me there was no waiver I

>could sign.


Yes, you were violated. I will send you info on the waiver process.

It infuriates me.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.273 / Virus Database: 143 - Release Date: 08/16/2001

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Thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope with us. Surely you

will meet some of us as we trudge the road to happy destiny. May God bless

you and keep you until then.

Keep coming back to the website,

Bill M

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Hello Pam!

My name is - I also have an ICD for Long QT Syndrome. I'm 22 and just celebrated one year with my ICD. Hopefully you will never have to be shocked! Not a pleasant experience - but well worth it!! (cause your still here )

Email if you would like to talk more :)


New member

Hello to all-- Have been reading the posts & find youall a remarkable group of people! You giveme such hope, & I very much appreciate it. My ICD has been working very well sinceit was implanted 2 weeks ago. It's a combination defibrillator/pacemaker. I'm told I'll know when I'm shocked (!) soguessthat hasn't happened yet. Many, many times,though, I can feel the irregular heartbeatgotten under control -- what a feeling ofrelief that is! Although I realize thisdevice won't make me well, it will helpkeep me alive, and that thought alone hasbeen comforting. Doc said that without thedevice I'd have a 5% chance of survivinganother attack; with it, a 98% chance. Quite a difference there! I have Long Q-T syndrome, genetic,exacerbated by medications that alsoprolong the Q-T. Nearly died a month ago.Thought I was having the worse asthma attackever so went to the hospital. They determined that my heart was alsoinvolved, & the story goes on from there. I am so very grateful to be alive inmy "up" moments, & wonder why in the world this ishappening to poor little ol' me & what purpose could God have forsomeone like mein my "down" times (all too frequent, I'mashamed to admit). When I get too involved in my pity parties, though, I remind myselfof one reason I'm glad it happened. I'm the first in my family to bediagnosed with this syndrome, even though symptoms of it have beenpresent in my med. history & that ofmy brother & one of his children for years.I understand that this is one of the maincauses of SIDS & of young people dropping dead. For me to havesurvived to age 53 is great -- but even greater if we can make therest of the family & their children & grandchildren know they mightbe at risk & take all precautions necessary. For that reason aloneI'm "glad" it happened to me. These children, born & unborn, are soprecious to me, & I'll go through anything possible to help maketheir lives safer. I think part of the depression I'm experiencing is actually grieving. Seemslike I've had to give up sooo much over theyears (because of multiple illnesses), and now this. Won't be able togo back to work because of these health problems -- that's anotherloss. Reading how you all are adjusting tothe dramatic changes in your lives is encouraging. I admire your tenacity. Someof you have been through awful things, yetyou keep on going. Guess I'm in with a goodcrowd, 'cause I'm not a quitter either.I'm still kickin', even though not raisin' much dust! Feel reallyguilty for being such a wimp, but hopefully that will improve as timegoes on. The fear is not so great as it was, thank goodness. I feelmuch safer now, with the ICD, than before it was put in. Since it'sdifficult for me to get around anyway, am considering getting one ofthose gizmos that hangs around your neck so you can call 911 ifyou're not able to get to a phone. I hope the insurance will coverthe cost... Thanks to each of you who welcomed meso promptly & warmly. It's good to knowyou are out there, ready to share yourstrength, experiences & hope, and I hopeto be able to be of support to others theway you have already been to me. ~PamPS -- If the words & paragraphs are run together, my apologies! It looks okay as I write, but when I preview the post it's like I've been into the sauce! Correct it, edit it, fix it -- fooey, just SEND the thing! Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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Hi ,

So good to hear from you! Yikes -- 22 sounds

toooo young to be needing an ICD, doesn't it.

But, as my doc told me, the Long Q-T Syndrome affects more infants,

children & young people than it does us older folks. In fact, the

longer we survive, the better our

chances of survival (!?) I'm glad to hear you've

had a successful year & hope you have many,

many more to come! Do you do anything

special, such as take meds, etc., to keep

the heart behaving? I take Dilantin to help

regulate the heartbeat. Interesting, all the

wonderful medical technology & knowlege

available today.

Take care...... Hope you have a wonderful


Write again if you like!


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Welcome Maati. What a thrill to have such a knowledgeable and enlightened

person join our group. Remember now that you have made the decision to not

vaccinate, you can now concentrate on learning how to naturally treat any

diseases that your child might get. And remember even the vaccinated get the

diseases they are vaxxed against so EVERYONE needs to learn natural treatment

of the diseases.


In a message dated 9/5/2001 12:48:16 PM Central Daylight Time,

maatian_ethic@... writes:

> Hello. My name is Maati and I am a new member to this

> list, and am glad to be in the midst of such open

> minds. I thought I'd take this time to make my

> presence known. I am a new wife and mother (both

> coming up on a year, but that's another story! tee

> hee!). My precious little one is soon to be nine

> months old, and it has been such an..enlightening and

> touching experience nurturing and protecting her. She

> is the world.


> My husband and I are vegans, although I fight the

> cheese demon every so often and lose! LOL I breastfeed

> and have decided to do so until the age of three or

> the birth of the second child, whichever comes first!

> I love being a mother so much!


> I also study herbs and aromatherapy on my own, and am

> an avid reader and researcher. I am a martial artist

> and also have an interest in various dance styles. I

> am also a college graduate with a BA degree, and have

> opted to be a stay at home/work at home mom for the

> time being. I'm soon returning to school though, in

> the very near future for my masters/law degree. it

> sounds impressive, but trust me i'm wondering how i'm

> going to juggle books and poopy diapers! LOL


> We don't put anything poisonous or toxic on or into

> our bodies, and so, that is why I'm here in this

> group. We've decided against vaccinating, and let me

> tell you, it was the hardest decision we ever had to

> make! well, let me correct that: we knew we were not

> going to vaccinate, there were just too many

> questions, and we were not going to put our child's

> life in the hands of someone who did not know or care

> about us except in terms of dollar signs. Fine, but

> let me tell you, at the mere thought of germs and

> diseases, I'd freak out! I'd go through these bouts of

> " am i doing the right thing? am i doing the right

> thing?! " , but knew when the day was done, and when it

> was all said and done, i'd made an informed choice

> which has been the right choice for our family. we

> have a supportive community, but our respective

> families were like :o shocked! but even they respect

> our decision and join in the task of keeping a healthy

> and safe environment for the baby.


> It has not been an easy journey, but it's not been as

> bad as it can be. while in the hospital, i had to have

> a c-section (34 hours of labor, no epidural, and that

> damned cervix wouldn't dilate!) and then the dr's.

> took it upon themselves to give the baby the vitamin k

> shot and the drops in her eyes without asking my

> husband or i or even telling us what they were doing.

> we did go in with a birth plan, but we were new

> parents and did not know some things. we just knew

> that my husband wouldn't let the baby out of his sight

> so they couldn't stick her without us knowing. they

> must have known he was watching them because they

> administered the drops and shots so quickly, before he

> could stop them. but he made it clear that there would

> be no hepatitis shot.


> also, before we'd picked a regular pediatrician, we

> went to his old, arrogant, know it all guy for her

> well child check up. when he mentioned vaccinations,

> we said " no, not at this time " (which was our way of

> keeping them off our backs while we were still doing

> research). he looked up with a shocked look on his

> face and said " can i ask why? would you care to

> discuss it? it's no fun watching them die. " i was

> mortified, but we stood our ground, and a couple of

> months later, we found an absolutely wonderful

> pediatrician who is openminded and supportive.


> Wow, this email is longer than I intended, but i am so

> glad to be a part of an online community such as this.

> if i haven't bored anyone to tears yet, i look forward

> to hearing from you!


> thank you,

> Maati




> __________________________________________________


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It seems that you and I may be living somewhat parallel lives - from the age of

our little ones (mine is almost 10 months... and I'm also relatively new to the

marriage thing :) to our aspirations (I'm planning on law school next year).



New member

Hello. My name is Maati and I am a new member to this

list, and am glad to be in the midst of such open

minds. I thought I'd take this time to make my

presence known. I am a new wife and mother (both

coming up on a year, but that's another story! tee

hee!). My precious little one is soon to be nine

months old, and it has been such an..enlightening and

touching experience nurturing and protecting her. She

is the world.

My husband and I are vegans, although I fight the

cheese demon every so often and lose! LOL I breastfeed

and have decided to do so until the age of three or

the birth of the second child, whichever comes first!

I love being a mother so much!

I also study herbs and aromatherapy on my own, and am

an avid reader and researcher. I am a martial artist

and also have an interest in various dance styles. I

am also a college graduate with a BA degree, and have

opted to be a stay at home/work at home mom for the

time being. I'm soon returning to school though, in

the very near future for my masters/law degree. it

sounds impressive, but trust me i'm wondering how i'm

going to juggle books and poopy diapers! LOL

We don't put anything poisonous or toxic on or into

our bodies, and so, that is why I'm here in this

group. We've decided against vaccinating, and let me

tell you, it was the hardest decision we ever had to

make! well, let me correct that: we knew we were not

going to vaccinate, there were just too many

questions, and we were not going to put our child's

life in the hands of someone who did not know or care

about us except in terms of dollar signs. Fine, but

let me tell you, at the mere thought of germs and

diseases, I'd freak out! I'd go through these bouts of

" am i doing the right thing? am i doing the right

thing?! " , but knew when the day was done, and when it

was all said and done, i'd made an informed choice

which has been the right choice for our family. we

have a supportive community, but our respective

families were like :o shocked! but even they respect

our decision and join in the task of keeping a healthy

and safe environment for the baby.

It has not been an easy journey, but it's not been as

bad as it can be. while in the hospital, i had to have

a c-section (34 hours of labor, no epidural, and that

damned cervix wouldn't dilate!) and then the dr's.

took it upon themselves to give the baby the vitamin k

shot and the drops in her eyes without asking my

husband or i or even telling us what they were doing.

we did go in with a birth plan, but we were new

parents and did not know some things. we just knew

that my husband wouldn't let the baby out of his sight

so they couldn't stick her without us knowing. they

must have known he was watching them because they

administered the drops and shots so quickly, before he

could stop them. but he made it clear that there would

be no hepatitis shot.

also, before we'd picked a regular pediatrician, we

went to his old, arrogant, know it all guy for her

well child check up. when he mentioned vaccinations,

we said " no, not at this time " (which was our way of

keeping them off our backs while we were still doing

research). he looked up with a shocked look on his

face and said " can i ask why? would you care to

discuss it? it's no fun watching them die. " i was

mortified, but we stood our ground, and a couple of

months later, we found an absolutely wonderful

pediatrician who is openminded and supportive.

Wow, this email is longer than I intended, but i am so

glad to be a part of an online community such as this.

if i haven't bored anyone to tears yet, i look forward

to hearing from you!

thank you,



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In a message dated 9/5/01 8:48:19 PM GTB Daylight Time,

maatian_ethic@... writes:

<< " can i ask why? would you care to

discuss it? it's no fun watching them die. >>

Welcome Maati!

Boy what a comment.Should have said: neither do we hence the postponement of

vaccines for our little one :)

sara in ohio

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jutta

Pleased to " meet " you!!!

I am another new member, joined today.

I love all things natural like aromatherapy etc

I am also into crafting...I have my own craft business


Mairi in Scotland



Art is the only way to run away without leaving home!

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Hi Jutta!

Nice to have ya here. I went to your website and you have some interesting

info there!

I wish I could say " I just had a three month holiday in Europe!! <g>


Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Living Healthy! Living Well!


> It is not finished yet, but I will get there. I just had a 3 month holiday

> in Europe, so I am a little bit back with all of my things.

> Jutta





> is brought to you by the folks at Glenbrook Farms Herbs and


> Over 700 herbs & spices, soapmaking supplies, recipes,books,citric acid

and more!



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Welcome, Jutta

Your site is very interesting. I will be going back to

watch it grow. :) Glad to have you join our group.



--- Brillo Pad <brillo@...> wrote:

> I am a new member and I like to introduce myself

> My name is Jutta and I live in beautiful Melbourne,

> Australia. My interests

> are wide-ranging, from Aromatherapy to Craft, Gardening,

> Herbs, Painting,

> Sewing and above all I like to make up my own cremes bath

> oils, shampoos

> etc.

> I hope I will hear a lot from you and in turn I have a

> lot to give as well

> My website is:

> http://herblady.q9z.com

> It is not finished yet, but I will get there. I just had

> a 3 month holiday

> in Europe, so I am a little bit back with all of my

> things.

> Jutta





PROBLEM SKIN? SOAP HARSH! Try my Glycerin soap. What is unique about my soaps

and entire product line? I custom-design them just for YOU! You

pick-design,color, fragrance! Pay ONLY for what you want in your soap. Full line

of Lotions,Glitter Gels,Lip Gloss,Bubble Bath,Candles. ONLINE STORE:


Thank you, (Owner, SimplySatisfyingSoaps)


Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?

Donate cash, emergency relief information


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Has anybody a good recipe for a Spa Bath. Something that does not foam. I

made up something pretty good, but I love to have different recipes

Re: New Member

> Hi Jutta!

> Nice to have ya here. I went to your website and you have some interesting

> info there!



> I wish I could say " I just had a three month holiday in Europe!! <g>

> Lucinda

> Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

> Living Healthy! Living Well!

> http://www.glenbrookfarm.com/herbs



> > It is not finished yet, but I will get there. I just had a 3 month


> > in Europe, so I am a little bit back with all of my things.

> > Jutta

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > is brought to you by the folks at Glenbrook Farms Herbs


> Such!

> > Over 700 herbs & spices, soapmaking supplies, recipes,books,citric acid

> and more!

> >

> >

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I am sure I have a lot of good things to give, I love to make body creams,

shampoos etc.

Re: New Member

> Welcome, Jutta


> Your site is very interesting. I will be going back to

> watch it grow. :) Glad to have you join our group.



> SimplySatisfyingSoaps

> http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/bunnypage



> --- Brillo Pad <brillo@...> wrote:

> > I am a new member and I like to introduce myself

> > My name is Jutta and I live in beautiful Melbourne,

> > Australia. My interests

> > are wide-ranging, from Aromatherapy to Craft, Gardening,

> > Herbs, Painting,

> > Sewing and above all I like to make up my own cremes bath

> > oils, shampoos

> > etc.

> > I hope I will hear a lot from you and in turn I have a

> > lot to give as well

> > My website is:

> > http://herblady.q9z.com

> > It is not finished yet, but I will get there. I just had

> > a 3 month holiday

> > in Europe, so I am a little bit back with all of my

> > things.

> > Jutta

> >

> >

> >



> =====

> PROBLEM SKIN? SOAP HARSH! Try my Glycerin soap. What is unique about my

soaps and entire product line? I custom-design them just for YOU! You

pick-design,color, fragrance! Pay ONLY for what you want in your soap. Full

line of Lotions,Glitter Gels,Lip Gloss,Bubble Bath,Candles. ONLINE STORE:


> Thank you, (Owner, SimplySatisfyingSoaps)


> __________________________________________________

> Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?

> Donate cash, emergency relief information

> http://dailynews./fc/US/Emergency_Information/



> is brought to you by the folks at Glenbrook Farms Herbs and


> Over 700 herbs & spices, soapmaking supplies, recipes,books,citric acid

and more!



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Very interesting, I like crafts of all sorts as well, what kind of crafts

have you in your business?

Re: New Member

> Hi Jutta

> Pleased to " meet " you!!!

> I am another new member, joined today.

> I love all things natural like aromatherapy etc

> I am also into crafting...I have my own craft business

> Hugs

> Mairi in Scotland


> http://classycrafts.homestead.com/index.html

> http://mairisplace.homestead.com/home.html

> Art is the only way to run away without leaving home!




> is brought to you by the folks at Glenbrook Farms Herbs and


> Over 700 herbs & spices, soapmaking supplies, recipes,books,citric acid

and more!



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Hi Antonia,

I'm sure your 14 year old will keep you busy once you make her some facials,

bath salts and soaps.

My daughter was always my " tester " for products.

She enjoyed her job!


Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Living Healthy! Living Well!


New Member


> Hi group,


> This looks like a fun group to be a part of.

> My name is Antonia and I'm new here.


> The reason I joined...basically...is because my

> 14 year old daughter is starting to really get

> into beautifying herself. And I had told her

> that there are home remedy facials and other

> natural beauty tips that would help bring out her

> lively glow. Other than that, I look forward

> to enduring friendships among fellow humankind.


> I live in Spokane, Washington. I was born in

> Southern California. I am a female, BTW. lol I'm

> 38 years of age (like my careful wording?) and

> am a Christian (not last or least) and I am a

> crafter and own my own custom craft business.


> I haven't had a chance to read much of what's

> going on in your group...but will make it a

> priority. :)


> Best Dreams and Wishes,

> Antonia :)




> __________________________________________________


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Welcome! Antonia,

Welcome to the group. :) This is a very nice group and very

informative. I am single Mom of 3 and live in FL. and own

my own bath & beauty products business. I hope you will

make many new friends on here. :)



--- Antonia Barrose <harvestsun2001@...> wrote:


> Hi group,


> This looks like a fun group to be a part of.

> My name is Antonia and I'm new here.


> The reason I joined...basically...is because my

> 14 year old daughter is starting to really get

> into beautifying herself. And I had told her

> that there are home remedy facials and other

> natural beauty tips that would help bring out her

> lively glow. Other than that, I look forward

> to enduring friendships among fellow humankind.


> I live in Spokane, Washington. I was born in

> Southern California. I am a female, BTW. lol I'm

> 38 years of age (like my careful wording?) and

> am a Christian (not last or least) and I am a

> crafter and own my own custom craft business.


> I haven't had a chance to read much of what's

> going on in your group...but will make it a

> priority. :)


> Best Dreams and Wishes,

> Antonia :)




> __________________________________________________


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I certainly will send a few recipes for home-made creams, I use them all the

time and for 61 I don't look to bad, look at my website. In about a month I

will also bring another page with herbs for beauty. But I have to do such a

lot of other things at the moment, I was on a 3 month holiday in Europe


New Member


> Hi group,


> This looks like a fun group to be a part of.

> My name is Antonia and I'm new here.


> The reason I joined...basically...is because my

> 14 year old daughter is starting to really get

> into beautifying herself. And I had told her

> that there are home remedy facials and other

> natural beauty tips that would help bring out her

> lively glow. Other than that, I look forward

> to enduring friendships among fellow humankind.


> I live in Spokane, Washington. I was born in

> Southern California. I am a female, BTW. lol I'm

> 38 years of age (like my careful wording?) and

> am a Christian (not last or least) and I am a

> crafter and own my own custom craft business.


> I haven't had a chance to read much of what's

> going on in your group...but will make it a

> priority. :)


> Best Dreams and Wishes,

> Antonia :)




> __________________________________________________


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Hi Antonia, I joined the group about a week ago. I live in Melbourne

Australia, I am retired from work for 5 years now and enjoy retirement very

much. I have 3 children, all grown up of course and one very precious



New Member


> Hi group,


> This looks like a fun group to be a part of.

> My name is Antonia and I'm new here.


> The reason I joined...basically...is because my

> 14 year old daughter is starting to really get

> into beautifying herself. And I had told her

> that there are home remedy facials and other

> natural beauty tips that would help bring out her

> lively glow. Other than that, I look forward

> to enduring friendships among fellow humankind.


> I live in Spokane, Washington. I was born in

> Southern California. I am a female, BTW. lol I'm

> 38 years of age (like my careful wording?) and

> am a Christian (not last or least) and I am a

> crafter and own my own custom craft business.


> I haven't had a chance to read much of what's

> going on in your group...but will make it a

> priority. :)


> Best Dreams and Wishes,

> Antonia :)




> __________________________________________________


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