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I just looked at your whale for the first time.

I would suggest that anybody who wants to educate

themselves on vaccines and health quickly, hit your key.

I am going to have to refer to it before I quote from my

books from now on to avoid repetition.

P.S. Your copy is in the mail..



From: Katarina <kkatkov@...>


Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2008 4:44:51 PM

Subject: Re: intro


> yes, whale.to is mine


> thanks


> john



> WOW, , you must be a genius!Do you have a personal blog or a

website about yourself? I'd like to know how you came about making such

a fabulous, informative website?


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Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was on CNN

proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

supposed to present an unbiased view??

> > >

> > > I live about 1 hr from severn bridge north/border HR20BZ

> > >

> > > been doing vaccination for 14 years, when last son was born,

> > unvaccinated, as is last child now 12 and very healthy

> > >

> > > its a hoax, this is my site http://whale.to/vaccines.html

> >

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You would think..... this last spring I challenged a local news

reporter to expand on a story he did on vaccinations to cover the

dangers as well as the benefits, which his story touted while stating

that the CDC was worried that the antivax community was talking their

neighbors out of vaxing so disease was going to start rising. He gave

me a canned response that basically said my claims weren't

scientifically backed so he couldn't report on that to the public

(despite the many citations I gave him). One of the points I present

in my argument to him was vaccine ingredients, and I directed him to

the CDC's list of vaccine ingredients -- you would think he'd consider

that a " reputable " enough source... his response was that he doesn't

use any information from the Internet, because it's not reliable.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:48 AM, paoluccm <flatino@...> wrote:

> Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

> parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was on CNN

> proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

> recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

> supposed to present an unbiased view??

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Then what is reliable? Something that someone said?

Of course, when I do research papers I try not to quote the internet

too much, I use a lot more books, just looks better, but not too much

of a difference I think.

So if people want proof and don't want to look at the internet there

are lots of great books on vaccines with tons of citations, many of

them coming from medical journals and the CDC itself, but people just

don't want to see the truth because people hate being wrong in their

beliefs. People have such a strong faith in vaccines that telling

them that they don't work and are dangerous and useless is like

telling someone there is no God. People will fight for and stick up

for their beliefs and even if there is tons of evidence to the

contrary and none on their side, it won't make a difference for


Parents give way more thought when it comes to giving an OTC cold

medicine to their kids (not that those are safe anyways.) I always

see mothers at the stores studying the back of the boxes of all the

children's cough syrups for an hour before they pick one or go to the

pharmacist and ask questions. I can't help but wonder if they spent

even that much time studying and reading the package inserts of

vaccines. People do not realize vaccines are a drug. I never

thought of it that way before this either, drugs have side effects

and can kill you...so if they say vaccines are so safe, then they

can't be a drug. Plus, I used to never call them vaccines, but

shots, which I think makes them sound more innocent. I am very sure

most parents are more worried about the needle pricking their child

than what is going inside of them. They probably do not even think

twice (or once) about it. Doctors should be trusted, they absolutely

should be...but unfortunately they can't be.


> > Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

> > parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was on CNN

> > proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

> > recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

> > supposed to present an unbiased view??


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The media is corporate owned and manipulated. News is by press

release from corporations.

Little investigative journalism left except for small community

radio, small press, alternative magazines, and a few programs such as

Democracy Now.

I know, I used to do radio


>On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:48 AM, paoluccm <flatino@...> wrote:

> > Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

> > parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was on CNN

> > proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

> > recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

> > supposed to present an unbiased view??





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What an idiot. It's the source that matters, not the way it gets to you. Was his

article online??


Re: intro


> Then what is reliable? Something that someone said?

> Of course, when I do research papers I try not to quote the

> internet

> too much, I use a lot more books, just looks better, but not too

> much

> of a difference I think.

> So if people want proof and don't want to look at the internet

> there

> are lots of great books on vaccines with tons of citations, many

> of

> them coming from medical journals and the CDC itself, but people

> just

> don't want to see the truth because people hate being wrong in

> their

> beliefs. People have such a strong faith in vaccines that

> telling

> them that they don't work and are dangerous and useless is like

> telling someone there is no God. People will fight for and

> stick up

> for their beliefs and even if there is tons of evidence to the

> contrary and none on their side, it won't make a difference for

> them.

> Parents give way more thought when it comes to giving an OTC

> cold

> medicine to their kids (not that those are safe anyways.) I

> always

> see mothers at the stores studying the back of the boxes of all

> the

> children's cough syrups for an hour before they pick one or go

> to the

> pharmacist and ask questions. I can't help but wonder if they

> spent

> even that much time studying and reading the package inserts of

> vaccines. People do not realize vaccines are a drug. I never

> thought of it that way before this either, drugs have side

> effects

> and can kill you...so if they say vaccines are so safe, then

> they

> can't be a drug. Plus, I used to never call them vaccines, but

> shots, which I think makes them sound more innocent. I am very

> sure

> most parents are more worried about the needle pricking their

> child

> than what is going inside of them. They probably do not even

> think

> twice (or once) about it. Doctors should be trusted, they

> absolutely

> should be...but unfortunately they can't be.

> Vida




> > > Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

> > > parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was

> on CNN

> > > proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

> > > recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

> > > supposed to present an unbiased view??

> >




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I thought I had enough on HIV/AIDS, pretty simple hoax to unravel. I do have a

small page on africa http://whale.to/a/africa_aids_a.html

when you corner someone on aids they usually say 'what about aids in africa'

which is just a ploy to get you to take your eye off the ball, like you say to

small kids when they throw a wobbly--look at that pink elephant in the garden.

They sure don't want to answer questions such as why are all western aids cases

mostly in gay men on drugs like AZT. Pretty clever virus to pick out gay people

here and heterosexuals in Africa.

as a general rule I don't talk about the truth to anyone who doesn't want to

hear it and if they say some load of rubbish I may even agree. I can't think of

anyone I have persuaded to avoid vaccines, personally, apart from my kids

mothers. Even someone who I thought was clued up went for an HIV test.

I think this is true or close to it: " Unless we are asked for help, qualified

to give it, and are receiving some kind of remuneration for this service, it is

spiritually forbidden to try to change people's minds. "

and this is definately spot on: 'You can't wake someone who is pretending to be

asleep'.--Native American Proverb

my partner is anti-vaccine but that is about it, so I know the psychology of not

wanting to know pretty well. You can keep going down the rabbit hole or up the

mountain, whatever your favourite analogy, but don't expect anyone to follow

you. My step daughter came back from work with a red aids ribbon which did

prompt a comment from me but that was it.

The only reason anyone is starving anywhere is because the USA and UK,

essentially, planned it that way. You only have to look at what they call GM

genocide to see that, something like 80-120,000 Indian farmers have committed

suicide purely due to GM seeds. UN is one of the genocide players, like WHO and

UNICEF at the top. The UN just stood back and watched the Rwanda genocide,

don't forget.


Re: intro

if you add on to it, I would love to see more info on HIV/AIDS,

especially in Africa. I see on TV all the time about the AIDS

epidemics in Africa and how wonderful and caring people are wasting

their efforts to fight AIDS when they could be doing something more


The whole AIDS scam makes me so mad, if you tell someone you don't

believe in AIDS, they just think you are crazy and heartless and don't

care about the dying children in Africa. AIDS is so embedded in people

(just like vaccines I guess.)

I hate the whole unaids campaign too, it should be unstarve Africa. I

read in my Geography class that one of the biggest reasons so many are

starving in third world countries is because the U.S. and countries in

Europe pay their farmers subsidies and that government officials of

poor countries are always pleading with these countries to stop the

subsidies and that it would be more beneficial to third world countries

than all the foreign aide put together.


> >

> > yes, whale.to is mine

> >

> > thanks

> >

> > john

> >

> >

> > WOW, , you must be a genius!Do you have a personal blog or a

> website about yourself? I'd like to know how you came about making


> a fabulous, informative website?


> Katarina


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yes, as sheri says, media is part of the problem http://whale.to/m/media.html

especially BBC, just read their Wakefield reports, and their Vivisection

programmes are textbook propaganda, put me off Joan Bakewell for life. Only

Allopathic Inc 'experts' get air time, like Dawkins, Goldacre, Ernst etc.

last proper media investigation was Frezno Bee DPT report in 1984, fitting

date, and that was a provincial paper

Re: Re: intro

The media is corporate owned and manipulated. News is by press

release from corporations.

Little investigative journalism left except for small community

radio, small press, alternative magazines, and a few programs such as

Democracy Now.

I know, I used to do radio


>On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:48 AM, paoluccm <flatino@...> wrote:

> > Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

> > parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was on CNN

> > proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

> > recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

> > supposed to present an unbiased view??





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Haha! Well, yes and no. It was a TV news story that aired in April

and I forwarded it to this list then. Several our list members (I

think maybe even you, Winnie) sent him a response. The news station

also posted a text version of his story, which is here:


I'll paste my initial response to him below (which I posted to this

group before). I responded to him one more time with more info,

quoting , Neustaedter, Tenpenny and the CDC as well. I offered

to make him copies of my book information if he didn't want to look

for the books himself. He basically said " Thanks, but no thanks. " I

can't find that response anywhere. :/

Here's my initial letter to him:

From: Roberg

Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 7:34 AM


Subject: RE:Doctors worry more child vaccine exemptions could cause health risks

Dear Mr. :

I watched your news story regarding vaccination exemptions last night.

I would like to urge you to take your story further and investigate

BOTH sides of the vaccine controversy very carefully and THOROUGHLY

with an unbiased mind, then give a fair and balanced report

representing both sides of the issue. After all, isn't that is what

good journalism is all about?

As I sit here, in the early stages of labor with my second child, I

can't help but think about how far my own views on this subject have

come over the last three years. When I was pregnant with my first

child three years ago, I was careful to research all the baby products

I was putting on my baby registry. For instance, what is the safest

infant car seat? What stroller will be most efficient and last, be

easy to maneuver, etc., what fabrics are best against a baby's skin,

what bath products are most gentle and non-irritating to a baby's

skin, what color should I paint the nursery? Vaccines (among the

other drugs that are thrust upon our children on a daily basis) were

the furthest thing from my mind. I never ever thought to question my

doctor, the pharmaceutical companies or our government and their

motives. That is, until my best friend's then seven-year-old daughter

suddenly and violently developed Type I Diabetes. As that little girl

lay in the ICU in a coma fighting for her life, I heard the doctor say

that the vaccines that she was given a mere two days earlier had

attacked her pancreas and killed it, rendering her dependant on

insulin for the rest of her life -- assuming she made a recovery and

didn't die from diabetic coma in her hospital bed. Thankfully, she

did come out of her coma, but her life and the lives of her family

were forever changed, all because of a few jabs in the name of the

" greater good " and " herd immunity " . I also have a friend who has a

child with autism, which he developed after his 18-month shots, and

another friend who lost her two-month-old to death just a few hours

after a round of vaccines. This prompted me to do some research of my

own and I was appalled with my findings on the issue.

I had to almost chuckle (with disgust) when I heard Dr. Brayden state

that the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated are at risk from

children being unvaccinated. I ask you, how does this make sense? If

the vaccines work as well as they are purported to, then how in the

world could a vaccinated child be in danger from being exposed to an

unvaccinated child? Shouldn't that vaccinated child be protected from

the vaccine? And, if " herd immunity " really exists, how could 7% of a

state's population being unvaccinated be threatening said " herd

immunity " ? That means that 93% of the population in Colorado is

vaccinated; sounds like most of the " herd " to me! Honestly, if the

CDC and AAP weren't so paranoid that the truth is finally coming to

light, they wouldn't give a second thought to the notion that I might

actually talk to my neighbor about my non-vaccination stance, or the

fact that 7% of Colorado practices their exemption rights. Their

bottom line is being threatened, and they're using you, the media, as

their pawns to brainwash and manipulate the public into running to the

nearest clinic or pediatrician's office out of pure fear. You're

playing right into their hand, and they're the ones laughing all the

way to the bank.

The true fact of the matter is that every child is affected

differently by vaccines, as well as other drugs, and most are harmed

in one way or another, even if it's not intuitively obvious at the

time of injection. To assume that every child should be vaccinated

according to the same schedule is ludicrous. It's obviously truly not

about children's health at this point, or Gerberding, head of

the CDC, would be jumping through hoops to find out why autism rates

are skyrocketing as we introduce more and more vaccines into the

schedule. She would be jumping to see if there is a possible way to

make our vaccines safer, or if they need to be pulled altogether, in

the name of the health and future of our children. Of course, autism

is just the " disease of the day " ; there are many other childhood

health issues that have skyrocketed out of control that are

overshadowed by autism; i.e. asthma, diabetes, ADHD, ADD, depression,

eczema, and the list goes on and on.

I don't believe it's coincidence that these chronic childhood

conditions have risen in proportion to the number of vaccines forced

upon our kids. A lot of educated parents agree with me in that

belief. Are you aware that in 1983 the rate of autism in the US was 1

in 10,000? At that time our children (probably you) were required to

receive 10 vaccinations by the age of six. Today the rate of autism

is reported to be 1 in 150 (old data, it's getting worse), and our

children are required to receive 36 vaccinations by the age of six

(see attached USA Today ad for a good comparison chart).

And why is it that the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture these

vaccines are not held accountable for the harm their products do to

our children? Take away liability and you give free reign to let

quality control slide. Merck, who is now making headlines for their

deceit with their VIOXX safety studies, is one of the manufacturers of

the vaccines that are given to our children. Why should we parents

believe they won't lie about their vaccines if they would lie about

their other drugs, all in the name of profit?

I urge you to take a look at the CDC's own list of vaccine ingredients:





Now why would any responsible and INFORMED parent be willing (after

knowing these ingredients are in the shots) to allow them to be given

to their perfect, but fragile newborn, two-month-old or two-year-old?

I don't even want those neurotoxins injected into ME! Do you? (Be

honest!) And why are parents not given a list of ingredients as part

of Informed Consent before they are forced to sign waivers to their

rights to compensation if their child is injured or killed from a


Nowhere in nature are diseases introduced into the human body in

conjunction with neurotoxins and chemicals, and nowhere in nature are

up to nine diseases introduced into the human body all at once on the

same day. Yet, this is exactly what we are doing every time we jab

our children according to the CDC's schedule. How can we possibly

expect our children to remain healthy with their immune systems under

attack to that degree? If these childhood diseases are SO deadly, how

did our race survive? My grandma had the measles, mumps, chicken pox,

etc. She lived to a ripe old age! My mother recovered from polio as a

child, and also had measles, mumps and chicken pox. She's alive and

well today, and fully supports my stance on the vaccine issue, despite

having suffered from polio. I remember having the chicken pox as a

kid, along with a lot of my classmates. We were all overjoyed to get

a week off from school. It was hardly deadly; I watched TV and ate

popsicles all week! What's wrong with letting our children's immune

systems develop and strengthen naturally, by contracting these

diseases and acquiring life-long, true immunity (as opposed to

questionable efficacy of vaccine and the need for booster shots) the

way God intended?

Also consider this: In 30-40 years the big political issue isn't

going to be how we can save Medicare or whether to end the war, it's

going to be how to deal with all the aging people with autism who

can't care for themselves after their loving parents, who are willing

to sacrifice everything to care for these children, are long dead.

Think about how this is going to impact our economy and society as a

whole! All in the name of " the greater good " .

I ask you again, please consider doing some thorough research on this

subject and giving a fair and unbiased report of the true facts. At

the very least, I urge you to do research of your own if you have

children or if you ever have children in the future... for their sake.



[my address]

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:42 AM, <wharrison@...> wrote:

> What an idiot. It's the source that matters, not the way it gets to you. Was

> his article online??

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I just spit coffee all over my monitor when I got to " look at that

pink elephant in the garden " ! Every bit of it is SO true, and the

following quote, while painfully true, is hilarious! We all need a

little humor in our lives, thanks for that! :) You're so awesome.

The AIDS thing is just sickening... even my own mother, who I have

presuaded to our side on the vax issue, doesn't belive AIDS could ever

possibly be a hoax. Of course, she was the " HIV/AIDS and Haunta Virus

Nurse " for the entire state of NM in the late 90's. It was her job to

test for AIDS, counsel the victims and make sure they took their meds

as ordered. She traveled all over the state weekly, visiting these

people in their homes, handing out drugs and condoms.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:04 AM, <scu23@...> wrote:

> when you corner someone on aids they usually say 'what about aids in africa'

> which is just a ploy to get you to take your eye off the ball, like you say

> to small kids when they throw a wobbly--look at that pink elephant in the

> garden. They sure don't want to answer questions such as why are all western

> aids cases mostly in gay men on drugs like AZT. Pretty clever virus to pick

> out gay people here and heterosexuals in Africa.

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I never thought about that before, how when you mention something about vaccines

being bad and people's response to that is usually " What about

polio/smallpox.. " . I find myself answering them. Bad move.

Maybe we need to learn to deflect right back and say " What about what I just

said? What about the current dangers, ingredients, autism...? "


> when you corner someone on aids they usually say 'what about

> aids in africa' which is just a ploy to get you to take your

> eye off the ball, like you say to small kids when they throw a

> wobbly--look at that pink elephant in the garden.

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sheri.. you are so right . the only station i listen to is 99.5 WBAI (free

speech radio owned and supported by listeners not corporations)... its the only

source of truth.

Arianna Mojica- (UCC 1-207/1-103)

~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston

~~~ " The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used " -- Dr. A.

, National Institutes of Health

~~~A truth¢s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie

was believed...When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the

masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its

speaker, a raving lunatic. " Dresden








From: Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...>


Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2008 11:26:05 AM

Subject: Re: Re: intro

The media is corporate owned and manipulated. News is by press

release from corporations.

Little investigative journalism left except for small community

radio, small press, alternative magazines, and a few programs such as

Democracy Now.

I know, I used to do radio


>On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:48 AM, paoluccm <flatinooptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

> > Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

> > parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was on CNN

> > proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

> > recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

> > supposed to present an unbiased view??


>----------- --------- --------- -------



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I was a DJ/Investigative reporter with KVMR-FM in Nevada City California



At 10:01 PM 12/4/2008, you wrote:

>sheri.. you are so right . the only station i

>listen to is 99.5 WBAI (free speech radio owned

>and supported by listeners not corporations)... its the only source of truth.



>Arianna Mojica- (UCC 1-207/1-103)

>~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston

>~~~ " The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is

>never used " -- Dr. A. , National Institutes of Health

>~~~A truth¢s initial commotion is directly

>proportional to how deeply the lie was

>believed...When a well-packaged web of lies has

>been sold gradually to the masses over

>generations, the truth will seem utterly

>preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic. " Dresden



> http://www.vacinfo.org/










>From: Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...>


>Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2008 11:26:05 AM

>Subject: Re: Re: intro



>The media is corporate owned and manipulated. News is by press

>release from corporations.


>Little investigative journalism left except for small community

>radio, small press, alternative magazines, and a few programs such as

>Democracy Now.


>I know, I used to do radio



> >On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:48 AM, paoluccm <flatinooptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

> > > Great website! Should be required reading for ever expectant

> > > parent. Just on Sunday of this week the head of the CDC was on CNN

> > > proclaiming how vaccines are safe and important to prevent the

> > > recurrence of disease. They never mention the dangers. Isn't media

> > > supposed to present an unbiased view??

> >

> >----------- --------- --------- -------

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, --welcome! I also became aware through a homeopathic vet. It's good that

you knew about vaccine dangers before your son was born, and so nice that you

found someone like-minded in Denver.




> Hi Sheri and everyone,


> I am pretty new to the group and have been reading as many of

> the posts as I can in the

> last few weeks. I do not have a child injured by vaccines. My

> son will be 4 in June and he

> hasn't had any vaccines. My first introduction to the fact that

> vaccines are bad actually

> came from a veterinary homeopath in northern CA that I consulted

> in 1998 when I found

> out that my two adopted cats had Feline Leukemia... so it was in

> the back of my mind still

> when I had my son.


> I am here as a way to keep up with the issues surrounding

> vaccines (legal issues and

> resources to find the TRUTH about stuff we all see reported in

> the mainstream media) and

> I have been learning so much from all of your posts about health

> in general.


> We live in Denver now and I just found out that a new, good

> friend of mine does not vax

> her kids either! She is my mothering soul-mate!


> I have other friends here and a sister back east who vax their

> kids.. a week ago I told a

> friend that I didn't feel comfortable getting my son together

> with her 15-month old son

> who had just had his MMR 12 days previous and had a full-body

> rash and a runny nose. (I

> encouraged her to tell her Dr and have it reported, at least).

> But it was because I had

> joined this group that I even remembered to worry about virus

> shedding.

> I am amazed at the wealth of information you all take the time

> to share and feel lucky that

> I have a good place to ask questions when I have them...








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Hi ,

Welcome aboard! I'm in the Denver area, too - south, in Highlands

Ranch, and I have a three-year-old and a nine-month-old, both

completely unvaxed.

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 3:13 PM, maryeferg <maryeferg@...> wrote:

> Hi Sheri and everyone,


> I am pretty new to the group and have been reading as many of the posts as I

> can in the

> last few weeks. I do not have a child injured by vaccines. My son will be 4

> in June and he

> hasn't had any vaccines.

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Hi --

Welcome to the group. Congrats on learning about the dangers of vaccines

before your son came along -- I wish I had. Both my kids are partially

vaxed and thankfully very healthy.

I have found this group to be a great resource and I think you will too.

Sheri has great info in the files as well in past posts, so look around.

Best of health,

*Isn't it better to be safe, than sorry...*

http://www.EcoCleanInfo.com <http://www.ecocleaninfo.com/>

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 5:13 PM, maryeferg <maryeferg@...> wrote:

> Hi Sheri and everyone,


> I am pretty new to the group and have been reading as many of the posts as

> I can in the

> last few weeks. I do not have a child injured by vaccines. My son will be 4

> in June and he

> hasn't had any vaccines. My first introduction to the fact that vaccines

> are bad actually

> came from a veterinary homeopath in northern CA that I consulted in 1998

> when I found

> out that my two adopted cats had Feline Leukemia... so it was in the back

> of my mind still

> when I had my son.


> I am here as a way to keep up with the issues surrounding vaccines (legal

> issues and

> resources to find the TRUTH about stuff we all see reported in the

> mainstream media) and

> I have been learning so much from all of your posts about health in

> general.


> We live in Denver now and I just found out that a new, good friend of mine

> does not vax

> her kids either! She is my mothering soul-mate!


> I have other friends here and a sister back east who vax their kids.. a

> week ago I told a

> friend that I didn't feel comfortable getting my son together with her

> 15-month old son

> who had just had his MMR 12 days previous and had a full-body rash and a

> runny nose. (I

> encouraged her to tell her Dr and have it reported, at least). But it was

> because I had

> joined this group that I even remembered to worry about virus shedding.


> I am amazed at the wealth of information you all take the time to share and

> feel lucky that

> I have a good place to ask questions when I have them...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I & #39;m pretty sure mine came from rats, not birds. Please avoid spraying

alcohol, bleach, ammonia etc. All are hard on the body. Peroxide is great for

disinfecting but for am environmental or body spray witch hazel or grain alcohol

are safer. Here is my sanity spray recipie that I use on bed feet and shoes:

20 oz Trader Joe & #39;s Multi Purpose Cedar Sage cleaner +0.5 oz clove, tea tree,

geranium, cedarwood, neem, peppermint, menthol oils + 2 oz epson salt.

tashawoods93 wrote:

> Hello,

> I joined this group because I believe I have some kind of mite or

> invisible bug.

> It started when a raccoon got into the walls. My girlfriend started

> complaining that she was getting bit by something then she was over. I

> didn't believe her at first because no one else seemed to be effected.

> Then within a day I started feeling things crawl and bit on me at

> night. Then the feeling starting staying with me during the day while

> at work.

> I didn't know what it was and used every Flea powder and shampoo I

> could find with no luck. Then I googled inviable bug and found others

> with this type off issue.

> Besides Windex, I've also made my own spray that I've found effective.

> Its made out of the following:

> Neem Oil

> rubbing alcohol

> vintager

> tea tree oil (tho i'm thinking about adding some other oils as well)

> Since getting ride of the raccoon, I thought I had solved the problem

> but after a few day of not spraying and removing all the moth balls,

> the crawling feeling has come back.

> I talked to my doctor and showed her my bites but was told there was

> nothing special about the marks I showed her and told me without a

> sample of this bug there wasn't anything she could tell me.

> I talked to my exterminator who came to get ride of the raccoon. He

> checked for bed bugs and found none. All he could say about the bit

> marks was to ask my doctor.

> So far the room mate doesn't seem effected. The cats seem fine tho I

> can't tell for sure. I called the vet and asked about bird mite and

> was told they don't bother cats so not to worry.

> I'm wondering if I really have bird mites since I believe it came from

> a raccoon. Maybe this is a rat or rodent mite of some kind.

> Tasha

> ------------------------------------


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Thank you, I will have to give that a try. Where do you get your Trader Joe's Multi Purpose Cedar Sage cleaner, menthol oils, and grain alcohol from?I'm pretty sure mine came from rats, not birds. Please avoid spraying alcohol, bleach, ammonia etc. All are hard on the body. Peroxide is great for disinfecting but for am environmental or body spray witch hazel or grain alcohol are safer. Here is my sanity spray recipie that I use on bed feet and shoes: 20 oz Trader Joe's Multi Purpose Cedar Sage cleaner +0.5 oz clove, tea tree, geranium,

cedarwood, neem, peppermint, menthol oils + 2 oz epson salt.

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- On Tue, 2/24/09, Tasha Woods <tashawoods93@...> wrote:

Thank you, I will have to give that a try. Where do you get your Trader Joe's Multi Purpose Cedar Sage cleaner


menthol oils?

I get all my oils from



Quite a lot cheaper than the healthfood store.

Grain alcohol - any liquor store. The Cedar sage cleaner has grain alcohol in it.

This is just my experience and there's probably better suggestions out there. I strongly suggest you search the archives of this group. In most cases, your questions have been answered hundreds of times over already. But don't let that stop you from asking!

If I knew half of what I knew now, I could have nipped this thing in the bud in a month or two and saved myself a lost year of my life, mental and physical traumas of all kinds, and $50k in expenses and losses. Not to mention wondering every day if there IS a way out. Throw everything you have at it now, whatever the heck it takes. Don't experiement, research what's fixed it and make it your religion.

Just my opinion...


, and grain alcohol from?

I'm pretty sure mine came from rats, not birds. Please avoid spraying alcohol, bleach, ammonia etc. All are hard on the body. Peroxide is great for disinfecting but for am environmental or body spray witch hazel or grain alcohol are safer. Here is my sanity spray recipie that I use on bed feet and shoes: 20 oz Trader Joe's Multi Purpose Cedar Sage cleaner +0.5 oz clove, tea tree, geranium, cedarwood, neem, peppermint, menthol oils + 2 oz epson salt.

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Denatured alcohol is grain alcohol as is ethanol as is Everclear 198

proof at the liquer store. Avoid the expensive markup at the liquer

store and buy a tin of denatured alcohol at your local hardware store

or Wallyworld. The state gets enough tax from you as it is.











> Thank you, I will have to give that a try. Where do you get your 

Trader Joe's Multi Purpose Cedar Sage cleaner


> http://traderjoes.com/


> menthol oils?


> I get all my oils from

> http://www.essentialwholesale.com/

> http://stores.shop.ebay.com/WHOLESALE-ESSENTIAL-OIL__W0QQ_armrsZ1

> Quite a lot cheaper than the healthfood store. 


> Grain alcohol - any liquor store.  The Cedar sage cleaner has grain

alcohol in it. 


> This is just my experience and there's probably better suggestions

out there.  I strongly suggest you search the archives of this group. 

In most cases, your questions have been answered hundreds of times

over already.  But don't let that stop you from asking! 


> If I knew half of what I knew now, I could have nipped this thing in

the bud in a month or two and saved myself a lost year of my life,

mental and physical traumas of all kinds, and $50k in expenses and

losses.  Not to mention wondering every day if there IS a way out. 

Throw everything you have at it now, whatever the heck it takes. 

Don't experiement, research what's fixed it and make it your religion. 


> Just my opinion...

> Ian




> , and grain alcohol from?







> I'm pretty sure mine came from rats, not birds.  Please avoid

spraying alcohol, bleach, ammonia etc.  All are hard on the body. 

Peroxide is great for disinfecting but for am environmental or body

spray witch hazel or grain alcohol are safer.  Here is my sanity spray

recipie that I use on bed feet and shoes:  20 oz Trader Joe's Multi

Purpose Cedar Sage cleaner +0.5 oz clove, tea tree, geranium,

cedarwood, neem, peppermint, menthol oils + 2 oz epson salt.





> Now with a new friend-happy design! Try the new Canada Messenger


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


     Congratulations on Henry!  Yes, it will completely change your role in now

being a parent instead of just the teacher.  I know you have joy in working with

our children, but how amazing it is that you are now being brought your own joy

at home!  From the medical end of things, I speak with 9+ years experience. 

I want you to make sure that every test in the land is done on Henry.  Start

from head and go to toe.  If you aren't familiar with medical issues associated

with DS her are a few things to consider:

1.  Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)-you want one that considers all pitches,

not the standard one given in the hospital.  If that one comes up questionable,

I would ask for an OAE and an ASSR.  Don't ask me what they stand for.  They did

the same tests on our daughter to confirm her sensory/neural hearing loss.

2.  Complete Cardiac workup!

3.  Have Gastroenterologist (GI) doc confirm that there are no plumbing issues.

4.  Get baseline hip and neck x-rays.

5.  Start therapies early.  We started OT and SLP at 6 weeks.

6.  Spinal tap for meningitis-not sure is this is standard on our kids but I

would say if your son is born early, make sure it is done.  This is also useful

to confirm blood in spinal column.  (injury to brain)

I know this is not a comprehensive list.  This is just what our experiences have

been.  The American Pediatric Association (APA) should have a link on the

webpage to the growth charts for DS children.  They are separate charts from the

general population.  I wish you many blessings in your new journey with Henry. 

You can ask any of us anything you like.  We've all been there, done that and

proudly earned the T-shirt!

Many Blessings, 


Colorado Springs



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Wow- I never had any of that done :) Well had the heart scan,

but I think that was it when he was a newborn

We did start therapies early...


Aussie Leis- mum to 11, Natasha 7, 5 and Liliana 9 months

" Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its

colors appear. "

The Fishes wrote:

> Kara-


> Congratulations on Henry! Yes, it will completely change your role in

now being a parent instead of just the teacher. I know you have joy in working

with our children, but how amazing it is that you are now being brought your own

joy at home! From the medical end of things, I speak with 9+ years experience.

I want you to make sure that every test in the land is done on Henry. Start

from head and go to toe. If you aren't familiar with medical issues associated

with DS her are a few things to consider:


> 1. Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)-you want one that considers all pitches,

not the standard one given in the hospital. If that one comes up questionable,

I would ask for an OAE and an ASSR. Don't ask me what they stand for. They did

the same tests on our daughter to confirm her sensory/neural hearing loss.


> 2. Complete Cardiac workup!


> 3. Have Gastroenterologist (GI) doc confirm that there are no plumbing



> 4. Get baseline hip and neck x-rays.


> 5. Start therapies early. We started OT and SLP at 6 weeks.


> 6. Spinal tap for meningitis-not sure is this is standard on our kids but I

would say if your son is born early, make sure it is done. This is also useful

to confirm blood in spinal column. (injury to brain)


> I know this is not a comprehensive list. This is just what our experiences

have been. The American Pediatric Association (APA) should have a link on the

webpage to the growth charts for DS children. They are separate charts from the

general population. I wish you many blessings in your new journey with Henry.

You can ask any of us anything you like. We've all been there, done that and

proudly earned the T-shirt!


> Many Blessings,

> Rebekah

> Colorado Springs

> www.caringbridge.org/visit/laurafish

> www.pamperedchef.biz/rebekahfish







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  • 2 months later...
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Welcome Kim. There is a group called Fibrorecovery on that discusses the use of iodine in treatment. Many have been helped. You may want to look them up. The owner was at the Iodine conference with me.

Don't set your hopes too high on your Dr giving you an encouragement for iodine. I recommend reading Dr. Brownstein's book on Iodine www.drbrownstein.com That will answer a lot of your questions. Also go to www.optimox.com for research. I have info on my site www.naturalthyroidchoices.com .

Also, your doctor telling you that your thyroid levels are normal is not always correct. You will need to know TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 to properly assess the health of your thyroid. With your hypo to hyper swing I suspect you have an autoimmune thyroid disease like hashimotos. Has anyone tested your Thyroglobulin Antibodies or your Thyroperoxidase Antibodies?

It will take you some time to get up to speed. Keep asking questions and we will help. My story is on my website.



Hi Everyone,I found your group and glad I did. I have had issues with my thyroid most of my life. As a teen, I was hypo thyroid. After my first child, blood reading were better and was taken off meds. Around late 30's was back on them. Off again in my 40's and now in my 50's I was hyper for about 6 months and then normal again. Now I have normal blood results, sorry, I don't have them in front of me at the moment. My thyroid is enlarged, more on the right side than the left and I have trouble swollowing. I just had an ultrasound and haven't gotten the test back.I'm exhausted, have put on weight, periods are heavy and irregular, gerd, heart palpitations anxious and a list of other problems. I also have Fibromyalgia. Makes me wonder what pains are from Fibro and what ones are from thyroid problems. I'm just starting to read about Iodine and the benifits it has. I go next week to see my doctor and want to talk to her about trying an Iodine supplement first. I hope to learn alot here so I can understand how the thyroid works and what I can do to help myself.ThanksKim

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