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Wow ,

I really got a lot out of viewing your brothers films. I have LQT but it is not a familial thing with me. We tested all three of my kids and my nieces too. In my case my Potassium dropped out on me and I had a Sudden Death Episode....luckily I was in the hospital already at the time or I would not be here right now. After they shocked me back from my code blue, which felt like I was passing out, I was told I had LQT and needed an AICD implanted. That was 5+ years ago now and I have had some shocks but I am doing so much better now.

Welcome to you and all of the newbies,

See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 10/23/2007 5:57:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

barbmill@... writes:

I just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself.


Welcome, Barb! Hope you love the group. :-)


_www.soapandgarden.com_ (http://www.soapandgarden.com/)


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Hi Barb! Welcome to the group! I am one of the Listmoms along with

Colleen. And I live in Ontario wich is just east of Rochester. I also do

CP and save MP for the fancier decorative soaps, Lotions, cremes, balms

ect.... ect... ect...

We are glad to have you here!




Hello All,

I just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. My dh and I moved

to our farm in Tioga County, PA in 1999 which is practically on the

border with New York. I started soaping a couple of years ago to

supplement my farmers' market vegetable booth and am totally addicted

<sigh>. I enjoy cold process soapmaking - I use m & p for silk petals,

make lotion bars, lip balms, dog and people shampoo bars, herbal rinses

and flea spritzers. I have a soaper friend near Philly that attended the

NJ soaper convention this year and told me how much fun she had so I was

happy to find this group and hope to attend next years conference.




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Hi Barb! (waving from just over the border)

-Mo Barger, Rooster Hill Farm


On Tue, October 23, 2007 05:56, Barb wrote:

> Hello All,

> I just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. My dh and I moved

> to our farm in Tioga County, PA in 1999 which is practically on the

> border with New York. I started soaping a couple of years ago to

> supplement my farmers' market vegetable booth and am totally addicted

> <sigh>. I enjoy cold process soapmaking - I use m & p for silk petals,

> make lotion bars, lip balms, dog and people shampoo bars, herbal rinses

> and flea spritzers. I have a soaper friend near Philly that attended the

> NJ soaper convention this year and told me how much fun she had so I was

> happy to find this group and hope to attend next years conference.


> Barb

> www.millershomemade.com

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Welcome, Barb! Your soaps are beautiful and I love your labels. Very pretty!

Katy - Naples, NY

Barb wrote:

> Hello All,

> I just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. My dh and I moved

> to our farm in Tioga County, PA in 1999 which is practically on the

> border with New York. I started soaping a couple of years ago to

> supplement my farmers' market vegetable booth and am totally addicted

> <sigh>. I enjoy cold process soapmaking - I use m & p for silk petals,

> make lotion bars, lip balms, dog and people shampoo bars, herbal rinses

> and flea spritzers. I have a soaper friend near Philly that attended the

> NJ soaper convention this year and told me how much fun she had so I was

> happy to find this group and hope to attend next years conference.


> Barb

> www.millershomemade.com



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Hello Barb,

Welcome to the group. : )

Barb <barbmill@...> wrote:

Hello All,

I just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. My dh and I moved

to our farm in Tioga County, PA in 1999 which is practically on the

border with New York. I started soaping a couple of years ago to

supplement my farmers' market vegetable booth and am totally addicted

<sigh>. I enjoy cold process soapmaking - I use m & p for silk petals,

make lotion bars, lip balms, dog and people shampoo bars, herbal rinses

and flea spritzers. I have a soaper friend near Philly that attended the

NJ soaper convention this year and told me how much fun she had so I was

happy to find this group and hope to attend next years conference.




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Hi there, Barb! :)

My name is nne. I'm 32 years old and living near Albany, NY. Nice to

" meet " you! I think that you'll really *love* this group. Sounds like you

make a lot of wonderful things! What are your herbal rinses like? What are

they used for? I handle M & P soap mainly but have tried CP soap before. I

don't get much of a chance to make soaps and bath goodies anymore because we

have two small children, but occasionally I'm able to put together a thing

or two. So I guess that I've been pretty quiet on this list here lately. :)

Looking forward to getting to know you!

nne :)

My blog: http://bathtubjunkie.net/

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> I am one of the Listmoms along with Colleen.

LOL! I am absent most of the time though!

Welcome Barb, you will enjoy your stay here! I used to live in

upstate NY, but moved to SC 4 years ago. I make mainly mp & cp. I'm

back in college (after 15 yrs) full-time, so I'm not onlist as much as

I'd like to be.



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Welcome . I am sure you will find out all you need to know here. You

are in the right place. Sorry you have had so many problems with your son.

Hopefully you will get some help from other members of the group. There are

lots of knowledgeable people here. Can be quite overwhelming how much there is

to absorb sometimes. But it is worth it.



Hello all, I just joined this group within the past couple days. I

heard about it through another group when I had posted a

question about vaccinations.

I am , SAHM to a 2, almost 3, year old son. My second baby

is due in December, a girl.

I have just recently started researching vaccinations. With my son I

never even thoguht about it, and now I regret it so much (he has been

completely vaccinated to this point). When he was 10 weeks old, he

was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma (cancer) and had to have 6 rounds of

chemotherapy. His immunizations were delayed until after he

recovered from the chemo, which I am glad that they were at least

delayed. He did have the Hep B at birth though along with the eye

ointment and Vitamin K (which I knew nothing about). I have never

considered that the cancer was related to the Hep B or any of the

other stuff they injected him with, and have not seen any link, but

who knows. My pregnancy with him was somewhat difficult. It was a

heterotopic pregnancy, so I had to have surgery when I was 6 weeks

pregnant because one of tubes had burst from the ectopic, so he was

exposed to all sorts of drugs then too.

Well, at this point I am pretty definite that I will not be allowing

the Hep B vaccination at birth, if ever. I am still on the fence

about the Vitamin K and eye ointment though, still researching. If

there is anyone that lives in Kentucky or Ohio, I would love to hear

about your experience in dealing with the hospital (birth) and the

pediatricians. I am still not sure what I am up against. I live in

Northern Kentucky and will be delivering the baby in Cincinnati,

Ohio. I already sent the paperwork into the hospital, but that was

before I started doing any research, and I'm sure there was probably

a consent form for the Hep B, Vitamin K and eye ointment, so how do I

handle it now that may want to opt out of those?

I look forward to learning a lot from all of you. I could definitely

use the support and knowledge. My husband isn't neccesarily on board

yet, but I told him he needs to do the research too so we can make an

informed decision (not just do what the doctors and nurses tell us to


Sorry that was so long, thank you all,

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When I have specific questions, I often do a search on this group and

see what has been posted before. Lots of info on things like Vitamin

K, that you mentioned.

Wanted to mention that I have a friend whose 2 month old baby got

cancer on his skull, she was told to go home and there was nothing

they could do. She found a doctor who operated on him and he is now

free of cancer. Anyway, after much research, she is confident that

her sons cancer was caused by a drug that she was on when she got

pregnant (or maybe even before). She had to search long and hard to

make this connection. So, you are probably right to think it was one

of the interventions that led to the cancer. I hope he is doing well



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Welcome ! I'm in KY, too. I used to work as an RN at St. E South

in labor and delivery.

I'm sorry to hear about what you've been through with your son.

One summer while I was in college, I worked at Children's Hospital in

Cincinnati. A few times I was pulled to the cancer unit. I couldn't

believe how many children and babies had cancer and at such young ages!

That was 20 years ago, when the number of vaccines infants received were

MUCH fewer. Vaccines disable the immune system, so cancer is one of many

illnesses/diseases that are becoming more and more common among mostly

vaccinated children as the number of vaccines increase every year or so.

I'm not sure what you might be facing when you refuse the Vit K and

erythromycin ointment. I DO know, as a former RN, that you have to sign

consents for those. To me it makes sense that it's an option then. To ask

someone to consent to a drug implies they have the option to say no, right?

You may want to call the hospital's L/D unit, anonymously if you feel more

comfortable doing it that way, and ask them about passing on the Vit K and

eye ointment.

If your husband is like mine, he doesn't have time or like to read. Would

your husband watch a DVD about vaccine dangers? Many here have ordered one

of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's videos, Vaccines: The Risks, Benefits and Choices

or the other one, Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal


Good luck, and let us know how things go.



> Hello all, I just joined this group within the past couple days. I

> heard about it through another group when I had posted a

> question about vaccinations.

> I am , SAHM to a 2, almost 3, year old son. My second baby

> is due in December, a girl.

> I have just recently started researching vaccinations. With my son I

> never even thoguht about it, and now I regret it so much (he has been

> completely vaccinated to this point). When he was 10 weeks old, he

> was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma (cancer) and had to have 6 rounds of

> chemotherapy. His immunizations were delayed until after he

> recovered from the chemo, which I am glad that they were at least

> delayed. He did have the Hep B at birth though along with the eye

> ointment and Vitamin K (which I knew nothing about). I have never

> considered that the cancer was related to the Hep B or any of the

> other stuff they injected him with, and have not seen any link, but

> who knows. My pregnancy with him was somewhat difficult. It was a

> heterotopic pregnancy, so I had to have surgery when I was 6 weeks

> pregnant because one of tubes had burst from the ectopic, so he was

> exposed to all sorts of drugs then too.

> Well, at this point I am pretty definite that I will not be allowing

> the Hep B vaccination at birth, if ever. I am still on the fence

> about the Vitamin K and eye ointment though, still researching. If

> there is anyone that lives in Kentucky or Ohio, I would love to hear

> about your experience in dealing with the hospital (birth) and the

> pediatricians. I am still not sure what I am up against. I live in

> Northern Kentucky and will be delivering the baby in Cincinnati,

> Ohio. I already sent the paperwork into the hospital, but that was

> before I started doing any research, and I'm sure there was probably

> a consent form for the Hep B, Vitamin K and eye ointment, so how do I

> handle it now that may want to opt out of those?

> I look forward to learning a lot from all of you. I could definitely

> use the support and knowledge. My husband isn't neccesarily on board

> yet, but I told him he needs to do the research too so we can make an

> informed decision (not just do what the doctors and nurses tell us to

> do).


> Sorry that was so long, thank you all,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tish......where do you live?


Hi my name is Tish and I have 4 children. My youngest son, Chase, 22 months has

spastic cerebral palsy. They consider him to be mild to moderate. He was oxygen

deprived at birth.

Chase receives ot, pt 4x a week. ST 2x a week. We have been going to hippo for 3

months 2x a week.

Chase is walking around more and more. He can walk about 40 feet or so. He just

started crawling and is now standing in his crib and trying to climb out!

He is very bright and communicates beautifully. He has around 40 words more or

less. He has been signing around 5 words which really helps!

I can't believe how far we have come since his diagnosis at 6 months old. He

does not take any meds besides zantac for acid reflux.

He loves food, can't chew meat and that completely yet but he does munch on it.

He is the light of my life and feel so blessed to have him.

I don't have anyone to talk to that has a child with cp and that's why I joined.

We were told he wouldn't walk, talk etc. People don't even know he has it unless

I tell them. It's a little more obvious now that there is a delay because he

wasn't walking independently but pretty soon he will be completely. I'm just

taken back by the docs saying mild to moderate because he does sooo much. His

therapists all comment about the great skills he has and they are so impressed

by him? Anyone out there have similar story?


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Hi Pamela,

We live in Redwood City, CA

Where are you from?


Hi my name is Tish and I have 4 children. My youngest son, Chase, 22 months

has spastic cerebral palsy. They consider him to be mild to moderate. He was

oxygen deprived at birth.

Chase receives ot, pt 4x a week. ST 2x a week. We have been going to hippo for

3 months 2x a week.

Chase is walking around more and more. He can walk about 40 feet or so. He

just started crawling and is now standing in his crib and trying to climb out!

He is very bright and communicates beautifully. He has around 40 words more or

less. He has been signing around 5 words which really helps!

I can't believe how far we have come since his diagnosis at 6 months old. He

does not take any meds besides zantac for acid reflux.

He loves food, can't chew meat and that completely yet but he does munch on


He is the light of my life and feel so blessed to have him.

I don't have anyone to talk to that has a child with cp and that's why I

joined. We were told he wouldn't walk, talk etc. People don't even know he has

it unless I tell them. It's a little more obvious now that there is a delay

because he wasn't walking independently but pretty soon he will be completely.

I'm just taken back by the docs saying mild to moderate because he does sooo

much. His therapists all comment about the great skills he has and they are so

impressed by him? Anyone out there have similar story?


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There is a group in the bay area called Bay area special needs group.

It consists of a large number of parents in Northern California who have

children with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities. I have a 9 year old

son with CP who was also deprived of oxygen at birth. Unfortunately his

prognosis is not quite as good as your son's, but he's doing well. If you

need someone to chat with, feel free to call. I live in San . I can

pretty much tell you all you need to know about services and what to do, not

to do, and so forth.


(mom to )




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of tish roza

Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 6:35 PM

Subject: Re: intro

Hi Pamela,

We live in Redwood City, CA

Where are you from?


Hi my name is Tish and I have 4 children. My youngest son, Chase, 22 months

has spastic cerebral palsy. They consider him to be mild to moderate. He was

oxygen deprived at birth.

Chase receives ot, pt 4x a week. ST 2x a week. We have been going to hippo

for 3 months 2x a week.

Chase is walking around more and more. He can walk about 40 feet or so. He

just started crawling and is now standing in his crib and trying to climb


He is very bright and communicates beautifully. He has around 40 words more

or less. He has been signing around 5 words which really helps!

I can't believe how far we have come since his diagnosis at 6 months old. He

does not take any meds besides zantac for acid reflux.

He loves food, can't chew meat and that completely yet but he does munch on


He is the light of my life and feel so blessed to have him.

I don't have anyone to talk to that has a child with cp and that's why I

joined. We were told he wouldn't walk, talk etc. People don't even know he

has it unless I tell them. It's a little more obvious now that there is a

delay because he wasn't walking independently but pretty soon he will be

completely. I'm just taken back by the docs saying mild to moderate because

he does sooo much. His therapists all comment about the great skills he has

and they are so impressed by him? Anyone out there have similar story?


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Hi Melody, Welcome to the group. I am so glad to see a new member who

is not a spammer. I started this group to discuss public health, not

to ban spammers! This group used to be growing fast, but not since

the news media abandoned the topic of Avian Flu.

If you check our site Files or even recent posts, you will see that

flu is still very much a danger, and is but one of many diseases that

threaten our society. But the media give this relatively little

attention because there is a war on now. Hence, improvements in

public health must wait for the wars to end.

In the mean time, I have noticed with interest the appearance of

disease among the troops in the form of a boot camp flu and wonder if

we will see other diseases mutating as a result of these wars.

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Yes I believe there are many illnesses out there we need to keep our eye out. We, my family...hubby and 2 kids...5 and 8 have been sick for over 3 weeks now. First my boy threw up and had fever for about 2 days...then he got better...my daughter got the fever, threw up and was sick about 4 days...then when she got better my boy started coughing a lung up...then she got it...then I got it...we are starting to get better with that horrible cough only for my husband to throw up yesterday...my boy threw up today and now I'm nauseated. We homeschool, I don't take my kids to the grocery store any more because soooo many folks are sick there and we all wash our hands all the time...even the kids are good at that but we keep getting sick. I think THANK GOD it's not something deadly...I'm afraid one day whenever avian flu or something else hits there just will be no way to stop it. It will be spread wide before we even know what hits us because I have a feeling we won't hear it on the news until it is too late. They won't want to cause panic so we just won't know. We have prepped to be able to stay at home but we still owe on our house and car so hubby will have to work. I suppose he could sleep out in the polebarn or in the cabin out back which has a wood stove and be comfortable but I wonder what would happen to folks who get sick, can't work, what happens...are the banks going to take all the houses back? Look at what is going on now with foreclosures and there isn't even a pandemic going on yet? Just bad economy...I think I heard something about 43 or 4.3 million houses going into foreclosures..that doesn't count the ones that already are foreclosed in the last 2 years. I'm in Ohio...one of the worst hit states. I think California and Florida are the other 2 worst on the list. So I am concerned what will happen. Have you all seen those commercial about "preparing" it sounded like it was more for a terrorist attack...it was put on by ready.gov and another one by homeland security. I find it very interesting. I don't want to sound nuts but sounds like they are planning for "something"

Melody Schafer Ind. Fuller Brush Distributor, DirectorBUY OR SELL www.melodyathome.com Shop & Earn While Helping Kids In Needhttp://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/63083

Hi Melody, Welcome to the group. I am so glad to see a new member whois not a spammer. I started this group to discuss public health, notto ban spammers! This group used to be growing fast, but not sincethe news media abandoned the topic of Avian Flu.If you check our site Files or even recent posts, you will see thatflu is still very much a danger, and is but one of many diseases thatthreaten our society. But the media give this relatively littleattention because there is a war on now. Hence, improvements inpublic health must wait for the wars to end.In the mean time, I have noticed with interest the appearance ofdisease among the troops in the form of a boot camp flu and wonder ifwe will see other diseases mutating as a result of these wars.

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Hi Melody,

I hope that you all recover quickly. Sounds very uncomfortable. Yes,

studies have shown that grocery carts are a great means of passing

infections. See our Site Files under Disinfection for articles on this.

In the 1918 flu pandemic, retired nurses were drafted into service,

and I expect that that would happen in the next one.

Regarding the usual terrorism, you do not want to forget things like this


I am getting off topic for this group and would recommend that it this

sort of thing interests you then you also join another group that I run


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Welcome, Melody. There's lots and lots of useful info in our Files and Links sections, as well as in the Messages of course. Glad to have you with us. Melody Schafer <melored@...> wrote: Hi everyone, I'm new to this group but not to the topic of bird flu and prep. I'm 40, married with 2 kids, 5 and 8 whome we homeschool. I'm in northeast Ohio and we live in the country on 10 acres(40 if you count my families next door and across the

street:O) I go to the avian flu talk site and keep up over there then I found this group at groups. Thanks for having me here:O) Melody Schafer Ind. Fuller Brush Distributor, DirectorBUY OR SELL www.melodyathome.com Shop & Earn While Helping Kids In Needhttp://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/63083 . Do one thing every day that scares you. Eleanor Roosevelt

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Thank you . is the name of my other brother and husband and another cousin. Another good name:O)

Yes it was 1987 when my brother died. He had a partner who died from "unknown causes" he was a steward for some airline and they lived in Atlanta. This was right before they or just the first few cases of AIDS were being reported. So his partner never was diagnosed with AIDS when he died. He just died. It was sooo sad and he was a young man too. My brother was 32. I'm glad now there are at least medicines where folks can live a very long time. There was nothing back then.

, did you become a nurse? My brother, , is an RN.

I would love to see San Francisco one day. Maybe we will:O) I hear it is ABSOLUTELY beautiful.

Melody Schafer Ind. Fuller Brush Distributor, DirectorBUY OR SELL www.melodyathome.com Shop & Earn While Helping Kids In Needhttp://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/63083

Re: [Flu] intro

Welcome, Melody. There's lots and lots of useful info in our Files and Links sections, as well as in the Messages of course. Glad to have you with us. Melody Schafer <meloredwindstream (DOT) net> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this group but not to the topic of bird flu and prep. I'm 40, married with 2 kids, 5 and 8 whome we homeschool. I'm in northeast Ohio and we live in the country on 10 acres(40 if you count my families next door and across the street:O) I go to the avian flu talk site and keep up over there then I found this group at groups. Thanks for having me here:O)

Melody Schafer Ind. Fuller Brush Distributor, DirectorBUY OR SELL www.melodyathome.com Shop & Earn While Helping Kids In Needhttp://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/63083

.. Do one thing every day that scares you. Eleanor Roosevelt

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  • 4 weeks later...

HI Mike,,, Im new to the group,,, thank you for starting this,, I think its

important for people to have a place to go to talk with others thats going thru

the same thing

I was injured 5,2002.. now I have RSD ,,, hopeing to have the stem implanted

very soon,,, thanks again...

mike2boys <mike2boys@...> wrote:

Hello everyone my name is Mike Maxey Im 35 yrs old Married we have 2

boys 13 yr and 10 I was injured on sept 9 1999 While working for a

state of Delaware program where I took Adults with Autism out of the

state hospital to try to bring them into a resident program. I was

attack by a patient who ran his head into my back causing bulging

disc at l-5 s1 Ihave had 4 surgeries and 8 steriod injections.

before going with a medtronics scs implant. whwn it was put in i

knew it was helping i was at one time up to 175 mcg fentaynl

duragesic patches and 4 oxy ir 5 daily. i am now down to 1 50 mcg

patch and 2 oxy ir 5 for breakthru and lyrica. my biggest hurdle

after getting some pain control was being dx with sezuires epilespy

and diebeties excuse my spellibg it is bad. I have been on

workers comp since 9/9/99 i was awarded Total disability by works

comp and also was accepted for SSDI I still have my bad spells

but over all im as stable as I am going to get. Judt being off so

many strong pain meds was a great step foward. now if i can find a

sezuire drug that stops these sezuires ill be great. anyway. I

decided to start this group to help others going through pain. by the

way within a week I will have a medtronics rep joining group who can

also assit me. His name is Mike stimulator moderator



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy ! and welcome. You're not alone. I find it hard to believe people

don't give credence to food allergies or the very least seneitivites. It is a

well-documented fact and even most allopathic docs, I am guessing, even give

that substantial weight. Why else would ther be medically trained docs

specializing in allerigies? I guess if you told them allergic to peanuts that

would be easier than allergic to casen...more likelt coz you are not utilizing

conventional treatment.

If you check the mothering.com website there might be a " tribe " near you. Also

there is a holistic moms site (someone who knows better please halp with

website) where there might possibly be actual groups in your area that meet.

Otherwise, you can be like me for the past 10 yrs (I believe that's how long I

have been a memebr altho I have not vaxxed any of my 6 children and the oldest

is 20 1/2) who's only suuport in real life, except for the DC's and HP's has

been this site. Well, and my hubby.

HTH, Laurie

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Thanks for the info! My hubby comes from a family who has denied

food allergies all along- he was one of the first diagnosed with ADD,

but Ritalin didn't work for him- so his mom kept him home for the

first 6 years... she never thought to remove artificial sweetners or

gluten or anything from his diet. So we are dealing with that- she

really doesn't believe the problem exists, just would rather deal

with the hyperactive behavior.

Interestingly enough, my hubby's dad found out he was diabetic about

two years ago and has since stuck to a strict no carb diet, and

removed wheat from his diet. As someone who had terrible sinus

allergies for his whole life, it is interesting that since he has

been on the diet, his hayfever is gone!!! So it might very well be


Thanks for the tip- I'll check out the dot commune! My hubby is

still living in the land of denial- hasn't figured out that the

family has gone cow's milk and gluten free without him! Hopefully

he'll come around soon.

I look forward to " hanging out " with you guys!!!


> Howdy ! and welcome. You're not alone. I find it hard to

believe people don't give credence to food allergies or the very

least seneitivites. It is a well-documented fact and even most

allopathic docs, I am guessing, even give that substantial weight.

Why else would ther be medically trained docs specializing in

allerigies? I guess if you told them allergic to peanuts that would

be easier than allergic to casen...more likelt coz you are not

utilizing conventional treatment.

> If you check the mothering.com website there might be a " tribe "

near you. Also there is a holistic moms site (someone who knows

better please halp with website) where there might possibly be actual

groups in your area that meet. Otherwise, you can be like me for the

past 10 yrs (I believe that's how long I have been a memebr altho I

have not vaxxed any of my 6 children and the oldest is 20 1/2) who's

only suuport in real life, except for the DC's and HP's has been this

site. Well, and my hubby.

> HTH, Laurie




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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome . What about exercising at that time once the kids are down? Journaling. Anything that will keep your hands off of food.

N.H.Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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