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Where is this gluten free site you all are referring to?


> >

> >

> > Yep, seen you over on the gfcf site. How are you liking gluten free?

> > We love it. It is hard to get started. I remember standing in the

> > kitchen night after night wondering how do I make dinner that is

> > gluten free and eatable? Many nights we just had potatos.

> >

> >

> >


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It's a group called GFCFRecipes.


Re: Intro

Where is this gluten free site you all are referring to?Thanks!> >> >> > Yep, seen you over on the gfcf site. How are you liking gluten free? > > We love it. It is hard to get started. I remember standing in the > > kitchen night after night wondering how do I make dinner that is > > gluten free and eatable? Many nights we just had potatos.> > > >> >>

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Well, that is just amazing. It explains why I can't stop eating stuff

like cookies and rhubarb cake and donuts and the list goes on and on. I

certainly don't LOOK malnourished but I understand how a person can be

overweight and malnourished.

I'm going to find this book.

I wonder if after we are on gluten free long enough we won't need as

much iodine any more.

ladybugsandbees wrote:


> If you read dangerous grains it talks about how gluten is an opium

> like substance. It works the same way in our brain. That is probably

> why they are called " comfort foods " . Knowing all this maybe our low

> iodine status is not really due to dropping levels in our food and

> soil but to the fact that our guts are all messed up and aren't

> absorbing the nutrients. I think many of us are malnourished.


> Steph



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I was wondering the same thing. I was gluten free for a year and my ferritin rose to a nice level. I started eating it again and it dropped like a rocket. It makes me wonder and now I think they are related.


Re: Intro

Well, that is just amazing. It explains why I can't stop eating stuff like cookies and rhubarb cake and donuts and the list goes on and on. I certainly don't LOOK malnourished but I understand how a person can be overweight and malnourished.I'm going to find this book.I wonder if after we are on gluten free long enough we won't need as much iodine any more.Messages in this topic (42) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic


From kitchen basics to easy recipes - join the Group from Kraft Foods


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Yep it's like a drug you just need more and more and more. I think I need to get the book as well. I have good luck on ebay?

With my iron, my iron counts have been low for years, doctors could never figure out why and really stopped looking. Now 14 months on the diet the ND says I am testing within range and I do fine with no iron pills here and there.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: Piwowarski <lpiwowarski@...>Subject: Re: Introiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 1:05 PM

Well, that is just amazing. It explains why I can't stop eating stuff like cookies and rhubarb cake and donuts and the list goes on and on. I certainly don't LOOK malnourished but I understand how a person can be overweight and malnourished.I'm going to find this book.

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I found it on Amazon and ordered it.

I wonder if my chronic anemia wasn't from an acute hysterectomy

deficiency, after all?

Come to think if it, my husband's got chronic borderline anemia. I

wonder if he's got a gluten problem. It's starting to look like all of

us do. If he does, he is going to be one sad guy. He loves his

sourdough bread!

Marcie Dingerson wrote:


> Yep it's like a drug you just need more and more and more. I think I

> need to get the book as well. I have good luck on ebay?


> With my iron, my iron counts have been low for years, doctors could

> never figure out why and really stopped looking. Now 14 months on the

> diet the ND says I am testing within range and I do fine with no iron

> pills here and there.


> Marcie



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I believe ? I working on a gf sour dough? I believe bette hagman has a recipe. You should order her bread book? Bette's books are good to have plus Carol Fenster. 's site is www.gingerlemongirl.com

My son that is all he lived on was bread and milk. But since taking that away he really does not eat much bread. My husband gave it up after having his tonsils out this year. Now that was hard.

Well after my husband goes gluten free next month I will keep you posted on his iron levels. We do labs Monday and should be gf about Wednesday or so for him. So it will be something to watch his numbers, he's last test he was near zero.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's>> Yep it's like a drug you just need more and more and more. I think I > need to get the book as well. I have good luck on ebay?> > With my iron, my iron counts have been low for years, doctors could > never figure out why and really stopped looking. Now 14 months on the > diet the ND says I am testing within range and I do fine with no iron > pills here and there.> > Marcie>>

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I got the book for my birthday. :) People who want to give me things - give me books.


Re: Introiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 1:05 PM

Well, that is just amazing. It explains why I can't stop eating stuff like cookies and rhubarb cake and donuts and the list goes on and on. I certainly don't LOOK malnourished but I understand how a person can be overweight and malnourished.I'm going to find this book.

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My husband has hashi's and won't give up the gluten. I do the best I can with him. I give him 50 mgs Iodoral, Vit C, Mg, Selenium, ATP CoFactors, DMG, MSM - all to patch him up - oh and he loves Mt Dew. EWWWW


Re: Intro

I found it on Amazon and ordered it.I wonder if my chronic anemia wasn't from an acute hysterectomy deficiency, after all? Come to think if it, my husband's got chronic borderline anemia. I wonder if he's got a gluten problem. It's starting to look like all of us do. If he does, he is going to be one sad guy. He loves his sourdough bread! Marcie Dingerson wrote:>> Yep it's like a drug you just need more and more and more. I think I > need to get the book as well. I have good luck on ebay?> > With my iron, my iron counts have been low for years, doctors could > never figure out why and really stopped looking. Now 14 months on the > diet the ND says I am testing within range and I do fine with no iron > pills here and there.> > Marcie>>

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I just ordered Bette's bread book. I got a 40% off coupon from & Noble and got that book. :) Now can I sneak iodine into the dough. LOL! They used to use potassium iodate but I cannot find it anywhere.


Re: Intro

I believe ? I working on a gf sour dough? I believe bette hagman has a recipe. You should order her bread book? Bette's books are good to have plus Carol Fenster. 's site is www.gingerlemongirl.com

My son that is all he lived on was bread and milk. But since taking that away he really does not eat much bread. My husband gave it up after having his tonsils out this year. Now that was hard.

Well after my husband goes gluten free next month I will keep you posted on his iron levels. We do labs Monday and should be gf about Wednesday or so for him. So it will be something to watch his numbers, he's last test he was near zero.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's>> Yep it's like a drug you just need more and more and more. I think I > need to get the book as well. I have good luck on ebay?> > With my iron, my iron counts have been low for years, doctors could > never figure out why and really stopped looking. Now 14 months on the > diet the ND says I am testing within range and I do fine with no iron > pills here and there.> > Marcie>>

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Oh Marcie...tell your son there's nothin better than cornbread and milk!! And cornbread is so easy to make gluten free. (If it had flour in it we called it something else.) We used to eat cornbread and milk for dessert. Just crumble up cold (some liked it warm) leftover cornbread in a bowl and pour over the milk. Of course that is providing you can tolerate corn and milk.

-- Warmest Regards,Robin LittleMy son that is all he lived on was bread and milk. But since taking that away he really does not eat much bread.

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I make bread, I have yet to do a good corn bread. But I work on it here and there. And no it's rice milk around here. Since I took bread away things have been great. I don't think he even misses it. Not to worry.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: Robin Little <robinlittle@...>Subject: Re: Introiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 8:07 PM

Oh Marcie...tell your son there's nothin better than cornbread and milk!! And cornbread is so easy to make gluten free. (If it had flour in it we called it something else.) We used to eat cornbread and milk for dessert. Just crumble up cold (some liked it warm) leftover cornbread in a bowl and pour over the milk. Of course that is providing you can tolerate corn and milk.-- Warmest Regards,Robin LittleMy son that is all he lived on was bread and milk. But since taking that away he really does not eat much bread.

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Most cornbread is made with cornmeal AND flour, the gluten in the flour keeps it together, so be careful, unless you have made it yourself, chances are it contains gluten. does anyone have a recipe for cornbread without wheat flour?

Re: Intro

Oh Marcie...tell your son there's nothin better than cornbread and milk!! And cornbread is so easy to make gluten free. (If it had flour in it we called it something else.) We used to eat cornbread and milk for dessert. Just crumble up cold (some liked it warm) leftover cornbread in a bowl and pour over the milk. Of course that is providing you can tolerate corn and milk.-- Warmest Regards,Robin LittleMy son that is all he lived on was bread and milk. But since taking that away he really does not eat much bread.

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I won't be posting recipes here. It is an Iodine group after all. I will tell you all to either join gfcfrecipes a group they have over 1700 gluten free recipes. Or email me off line and I will send you a long list of links I send to every newbie on the other group. Or really just google gluten free cornbread recipe?


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: Kathleen Blake <kathleenblake@...>Subject: Re: Re: Introiodine Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 8:15 PM

Most cornbread is made with cornmeal AND flour, the gluten in the flour keeps it together, so be careful, unless you have made it yourself, chances are it contains gluten. does anyone have a recipe for cornbread without wheat flour?

Re: Intro

Oh Marcie...tell your son there's nothin better than cornbread and milk!! And cornbread is so easy to make gluten free. (If it had flour in it we called it something else.) We used to eat cornbread and milk for dessert. Just crumble up cold (some liked it warm) leftover cornbread in a bowl and pour over the milk. Of course that is providing you can tolerate corn and milk.-- Warmest Regards,Robin LittleMy son that is all he lived on was bread and milk. But since taking that away he really does not eat much bread.

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It was so funny, last Thanksgiving my mother was really trying. And almost everything she made was gluten free. Along with everything I bought which was gluten free. So my sister who say's do not feed her gluten free stuff actually ate gluten free food. We spilled the beans this last summer after she caught onto our trick of using rice milk in the potatoes. Boy was she ticked. We nearly died laughing.


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson.com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysandglutenfree.blogspot.com/ Check out my monkey's

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@ sbcglobal. net>Subject: Re: Introiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 8:19 AM

I am living in the same world with relatives. My SIL has chronic fatigue / Fibro and I know that iodine would help her based on the testimonies here. But she won't do it because her doctor says she is fine. Yet she cannot work and sleeps all day and is up all night and pops pain pills like crazy.


Re: Intro

I agree, as I'm sitting here typing my middle son is sitting in front of the heater freezing. His also covered in bruises so I know he's low on iron again. My youngest when we go in, in Jan for another auto immune issue that is when we will do all his blood work. It's just amazing how much we are going through. I also believe my youngest has Celiac, but knowing what I know at 10 months changed his diet and he's been great. Why do any testing?

On top of things my husbands cousin has graves and her mother's thyroid is really bad. She has been seeing a specialist down in CA for it. Although her last email she is not doing too well, so my next email to her will be asking if she has looked into Celiac Disease. As she has dropped about 50 pounds in a very short time.

I also have a mother and father in law so much in denial I think it's killing my father in law. But because the doctor didn't bring it up he must be fine? Sure WHATEVER!!!


Marcie Dingerson REALTOR Doug Burger Realty Group Your Home Buying Specialist www.MarcieDingerson .com 360-292-2569

http://threeboysand glutenfree. blogspot. com/ Check out my monkey's

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I live about 1 hr from severn bridge north/border HR20BZ

been doing vaccination for 14 years, when last son was born, unvaccinated, as is

last child now 12 and very healthy

its a hoax, this is my site http://whale.to/vaccines.html

and the main cause of autism, asthma, etc

good on the breastfeading, my wife was into extended (natural in reality)

http://whale.to/m/bottle.html last one was breastfed for 3 1/2 years (solids

first at 2 years)



Hello. I've just joined today. Here is a bit about me:

I'm 38 and was born and raised in the USA but am now living north of

Bristol in the UK. I was vaccinated normally as one would be post

1970. I don't think I had any childhood illnesses except for chicken

pox. As an adult, I've had ME/CFS, although before I got pregnant I

was getting much better and now I'm waiting for everything to settle

to see if I'm still much better. (Think so.)

On October 21st I gave birth to my first child: Elsie. She is

scheduled for a newborn check on December 24th (at 9 weeks). 100%

sure I will not give her vaccinations then (although she is scheduled

for them). But whether I postpone them or what, I'm not sure. There's

so much information! I have so many questions! But I'm starting to

read things and hope to become well-informed soon-ish.

(Additional info: My partner is English. Is 32 and had all his

vaccinations here in the UK. He had mumps and chicken pox as a child.

We eat very healthily, nearly 100% of it organic, and much of it home

grown in our allotment. I am breastfeeding and plan to do extended

breastfeeding [at least two years]. Elsie won't have solids until

she's six months old. We don't know much about alternative health.)

Looking forward to learning from you all!


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Did you create the whale.to site ? It is one of the best sites.

Tons of info.



> I live about 1 hr from severn bridge north/border HR20BZ


> been doing vaccination for 14 years, when last son was born,

unvaccinated, as is last child now 12 and very healthy


> its a hoax, this is my site http://whale.to/vaccines.html



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yes, whale.to is mine



Re: intro

Did you create the whale.to site ? It is one of the best sites.

Tons of info.



> I live about 1 hr from severn bridge north/border HR20BZ


> been doing vaccination for 14 years, when last son was born,

unvaccinated, as is last child now 12 and very healthy


> its a hoax, this is my site http://whale.to/vaccines.html



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> yes, whale.to is mine


> thanks


> john



> WOW, , you must be a genius!Do you have a personal blog or a

website about yourself? I'd like to know how you came about making such

a fabulous, informative website?


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if you add on to it, I would love to see more info on HIV/AIDS,

especially in Africa. I see on TV all the time about the AIDS

epidemics in Africa and how wonderful and caring people are wasting

their efforts to fight AIDS when they could be doing something more


The whole AIDS scam makes me so mad, if you tell someone you don't

believe in AIDS, they just think you are crazy and heartless and don't

care about the dying children in Africa. AIDS is so embedded in people

(just like vaccines I guess.)

I hate the whole unaids campaign too, it should be unstarve Africa. I

read in my Geography class that one of the biggest reasons so many are

starving in third world countries is because the U.S. and countries in

Europe pay their farmers subsidies and that government officials of

poor countries are always pleading with these countries to stop the

subsidies and that it would be more beneficial to third world countries

than all the foreign aide put together.


> >

> > yes, whale.to is mine

> >

> > thanks

> >

> > john

> >

> >

> > WOW, , you must be a genius!Do you have a personal blog or a

> website about yourself? I'd like to know how you came about making


> a fabulous, informative website?


> Katarina


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Thanks for creating the website, . It is marked as one of my

favorites on my toolbar. Lots of very good info!



> >

> > I live about 1 hr from severn bridge north/border HR20BZ

> >

> > been doing vaccination for 14 years, when last son was born,

> unvaccinated, as is last child now 12 and very healthy

> >

> > its a hoax, this is my site http://whale.to/vaccines.html

> >

> >







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I think means he's been doing vaccination RESEARCH for 14 years.

I also live 1.5 Nw of Bristol in Brecon area of Wales.




At 03:12 PM 12/3/2008, you wrote:

>I live about 1 hr from severn bridge north/border HR20BZ


>been doing vaccination for 14 years, when last son was born,

>unvaccinated, as is last child now 12 and very healthy


>its a hoax, this is my site http://whale.to/vaccines.html


>and the main cause of autism, asthma, etc


>good on the breastfeading, my wife was into extended (natural in

>reality) http://whale.to/m/bottle.html last one was breastfed for 3

>1/2 years (solids first at 2 years)





> intro



> Hello. I've just joined today. Here is a bit about me:


> I'm 38 and was born and raised in the USA but am now living north of

> Bristol in the UK. I was vaccinated normally as one would be post

> 1970. I don't think I had any childhood illnesses except for chicken

> pox. As an adult, I've had ME/CFS, although before I got pregnant I

> was getting much better and now I'm waiting for everything to settle

> to see if I'm still much better. (Think so.)


> On October 21st I gave birth to my first child: Elsie. She is

> scheduled for a newborn check on December 24th (at 9 weeks). 100%

> sure I will not give her vaccinations then (although she is scheduled

> for them). But whether I postpone them or what, I'm not sure. There's

> so much information! I have so many questions! But I'm starting to

> read things and hope to become well-informed soon-ish.


> (Additional info: My partner is English. Is 32 and had all his

> vaccinations here in the UK. He had mumps and chicken pox as a child.

> We eat very healthily, nearly 100% of it organic, and much of it home

> grown in our allotment. I am breastfeeding and plan to do extended

> breastfeeding [at least two years]. Elsie won't have solids until

> she's six months old. We don't know much about alternative health.)


> Looking forward to learning from you all!


> heather






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Yes - that's my dear friend !


At 03:24 PM 12/3/2008, you wrote:

>Did you create the whale.to site ? It is one of the best sites.

>Tons of info.



> >

> > I live about 1 hr from severn bridge north/border HR20BZ

> >

> > been doing vaccination for 14 years, when last son was born,

>unvaccinated, as is last child now 12 and very healthy

> >

> > its a hoax, this is my site http://whale.to/vaccines.html

> >

> >

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Welcome, , and congrats on your daughter!

A word of caution about the newborn checks: expect to be pressured about

vaccines. Even if you are totally confident about never vaccinating, the docs

have a way to turn you to mush, usually by scaring you about meningitis or

whooping cough.

It's tough as a new parent to remember that YOU hired the doctor. You get to

pick and choose what advice to accept. If you're not sure about whether to

postpone vaccines, there's still plenty of time for you to read up on this.

Anyway, it's sounds as if you're on the right path of taking charge of your

child's health. Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you!




> Hello. I've just joined today. Here is a bit about me:


> I'm 38 and was born and raised in the USA but am now living

> north of

> Bristol in the UK. I was vaccinated normally as one would be

> post

> 1970. I don't think I had any childhood illnesses except for

> chicken

> pox. As an adult, I've had ME/CFS, although before I got

> pregnant I

> was getting much better and now I'm waiting for everything to

> settle

> to see if I'm still much better. (Think so.)


> On October 21st I gave birth to my first child: Elsie. She is

> scheduled for a newborn check on December 24th (at 9 weeks).

> 100%

> sure I will not give her vaccinations then (although she is

> scheduled

> for them). But whether I postpone them or what, I'm not sure.

> There's

> so much information! I have so many questions! But I'm starting

> to

> read things and hope to become well-informed soon-ish.


> (Additional info: My partner is English. Is 32 and had all his

> vaccinations here in the UK. He had mumps and chicken pox as a

> child.

> We eat very healthily, nearly 100% of it organic, and much of it

> home

> grown in our allotment. I am breastfeeding and plan to do

> extended

> breastfeeding [at least two years]. Elsie won't have solids

> until

> she's six months old. We don't know much about alternative health.)


> Looking forward to learning from you all!


> heather


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