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Hello everyone!

I sent an intro a couple days ago but never saw it appear on the list.

If it did and this is a double, then I apologize.

I'm Amy, 23-year-old SAHM to nearly 14-month-old Accalia Grace. Dh is

Cory, a 28-year-old children's therapist. We live in South Dakota with our

2-year-old lab/chow Lucy.

Accalia was fully vaccinated through nine months, but she hasn't had any

since then. Right now we're doing lots of research, and thanks to a great ap

list I'm on discovered how dangerous vaccines can be. Truthfully we haven't

decided whether we're just going to delay or not give any. Right now I'm

reading The Vaccine Guide by Randall Neustaedter, and even though one person

told me he's a medical charlaton (sp.), I think he's very convincing. And

I'm always open to reading suggestions :).

Anyway, just want to let all of you know who I am since I've posted a

few times. Hmm, what else? We believe in childled weaning, Accalia is cloth

diapered and will probably be homeschooled.

Can't wait to chat more!



Mama to Accalia (6/14/99)

" The hardest to learn was the least complicated. " - The Indigo Girls

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----- Original Message -----

From: CA <acnelson@...>

Right now I'm

> reading The Vaccine Guide by Randall Neustaedter, and even though one


> told me he's a medical charlaton (sp.), I think he's very convincing. And

> I'm always open to reading suggestions :).

His book is OK. Anyone who questions vaccines is labeled something. You'll

find some more here--books & charlatans by the dozen


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nice to meet you karyn, my name is shawna, and my oldest is nathan 9yrs with

ds/pdd also. i know what you mean by time, somedays i have over 200 emails

to read, whew! shawna, mom ot nathan 9yrs ds/pdd and nicholas 7yrs.

>From: KVanRyzin@...



>Subject: intro

>Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 10:27:02 EDT


>Hi everyone,

>I'm new to the group and thought I'd introduce myself. This is probably the

>only time you will hear from me for a while since my fellow is at camp for

>the week and when he gets back my time will be very limited.

>Anyway, my name is Karyn and I'm in Wisconsin. We have an 11 year old


>son with ds and diagnosis of PDD. He has been with up for 2 1/2 years. He


>quite a large vocabulary at this point. And his gross motor skills have

>improved greatly but he still doesn't use anything more than one or two


>phrases. We have an in-home ABA program going for almost 2 years now and


>has helped us greatly. He also is hypothyroid, has an artificial heart


>and has gastro intestinal issues that aren't fully resolved. We just had

>tonsils and adenoids removed in June so that is done.

>We've also tried a whole bunch of medications with only two showing any

>positive results. One was clonidine which slows him down a notch so he can

>notice things in his environment and actually sit. The other was Paxil but


>starting eating all kinds of non edible things and quit sleeping so we had


>stop it. Boy, it was nice while it lasted though.

>I'm also 7 months pregnant. Anyone interested in doing some respite while I

>run off to have this baby?

>I'm sorry to hear about the camp difficulties that some of your kids are

>having. They all sound like phone calls I could be getting but I've had


>luck with the camp my fellow goes to and he has the same counselor as last

>year so I'm feeling pretty good about not having to pick him up until


>I'm also cleaning like crazy and have the carpet cleaner coming today. We


>toilet training this winter so the furniture really needs it.

>Anyway, I'm really feeling like I can relate to many of your posts and


>hearing about things.







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I have a 14 month old daughter too. What day was Accalia born on? Mischa was

born on June 9.

CA wrote:

> Hello everyone!

> I sent an intro a couple days ago but never saw it appear on the list.

> If it did and this is a double, then I apologize.

> I'm Amy, 23-year-old SAHM to nearly 14-month-old Accalia Grace. Dh is

> Cory, a 28-year-old children's therapist. We live in South Dakota with our

> 2-year-old lab/chow Lucy.

> Accalia was fully vaccinated through nine months, but she hasn't had any

> since then. Right now we're doing lots of research, and thanks to a great ap

> list I'm on discovered how dangerous vaccines can be. Truthfully we haven't

> decided whether we're just going to delay or not give any. Right now I'm

> reading The Vaccine Guide by Randall Neustaedter, and even though one person

> told me he's a medical charlaton (sp.), I think he's very convincing. And

> I'm always open to reading suggestions :).

> Anyway, just want to let all of you know who I am since I've posted a

> few times. Hmm, what else? We believe in childled weaning, Accalia is cloth

> diapered and will probably be homeschooled.

> Can't wait to chat more!


> --

> Amy

> Mama to Accalia (6/14/99)

> " The hardest to learn was the least complicated. " - The Indigo Girls



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 9/2/00 10:06:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

electrons@... writes:

<< ..I was diagnosed with MS a few months after

that...it is unknown what happened, maybe I was getting it and the shot

helped it along?


Welcome to the list .I had a reaction to my hepB shots too.


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Welcome !

You'll find lots of support and tons of info here! I'm sorry about your

bout with MS. Can you enlighten us as to what type of treatment you are

doing? I have a friend who is a nurse and has MS; she recently learned of

the French article linking MS to the Hep. B vaccine. You may email me

privately if you wish. (bunnfam@...)


> Hi All -


> My name is , and I've joined this list to keep up with the latest


> and also have a support group of like-minded concerned parents. My son

> is now 13 months old, unvaccinated and very strong and healthy.


> just weaned him as of last week, so I'm a bit melacholy about that, but he

> gave me lots of signs he was ready and has been very happy with his milk


> a sippy cup :)


> I was a health professional (RN in ICU/CCU) for many years, so I


> my decision to not vaccinate Tommy with a scientific mindset. I'm seeing


> much fear and paranoia about germs and stuff that it's getting pretty

> scarey out there...people want a vaccine for everything, they never want


> be sick, well, who does?! But illness is a natural thing, and with proper

> nutirtion, a strong body and a good mindset, the effects of illness can be

> minimized. I beleive that many of the childhood illnesses are there for a

> reason, to help build the immune system. Some others came from times when

> good fresh food and sanitation was not readily available, and those seem


> be fading fast in the world.


> I see people using that anti-bacterial stuff all over the place and it


> really freaks me out....I have seen the heartbreak of patients in the ICU

> coming down with horrible infections that no antibiotic can touch...what

> are we doing to ourselves?


> Anyhows, I came to the decision not to vaccinate partly because of my own

> experience with the Hep b vaccine....a few months after rec'g it, I


> having strange symptomes...I was diagnosed with MS a few months after

> that...it is unknown what happened, maybe I was getting it and the shot

> helped it along?


> Then I started reading, and the more I read, the more concerned I got....


> Ok, well, thanks to all who post the great info, and to everyone who has


> open mind and who quests for the truth.


> (-<)






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Hi .......Welcome to the group! I am so very sorry to hear about

your MS diagnosis - my mother-in-law has had it for about 30 years now -

but of course she completely refuses to recognize anything wrong with the

modus operendi of M.D.'s. You will love this list. I just got

invaluable help in preventing my 12 1/2 year old son's junior high school

from forcing me to have him vaccinated! Good luck in fighting that

darned MS!!!.........Kim in Seattle



> Anyhows, I came to the decision not to vaccinate partly because of

> my own

> experience with the Hep b vaccine....a few months after rec'g it, I

> started

> having strange symptomes...I was diagnosed with MS a few months

> after

> that...it is unknown what happened, maybe I was getting it and the

> shot

> helped it along?




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Hi Judy-

I just joined this group, too, looking for info on pros/cons of vaccines. My

2 year old has not had any shots and we have the support of our pediatrician.

I can imagine that it would be hard to keep the relationship with your

doctor if you are in disagreement over this issue. I would look under

alternative medicine, chiropractors and midwives to find healthcare providers

in your area more in line with your beliefs. As for homebirth, log onto

homefirst.com. They are the largest homebirth practice in the country and we

have felt so fortunate to live close enough to have Drs. Rosi and Eisenstein

available. In addition to homebirth, they are strong supporters or

LaLecheLeague, breastfeeding, etc. Dr. Eisentein has written a great book on

homebirth (available on website) and there are also links to vaccine sites

(especially Len Horowitz's site). Dr. Rosi used to be a bush pilot and

delivered babies all over Alaska. I would email them and ask if they know

anyone in your area. Also check for midwife sites-they probably have a

directory. Good luck.- Beth

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* -----Original Message-----

* From: Judith Monahan [mailto:silsbyhillers@...]

* Hi, I'm Judy.

Welcome to the list, Judy!

* I like to keep current with info on shots. And I have a few

* questions. Should I obtain a waiver for shots and how and where do

* you obtain one? I am homeschooling my children so I do not need for

* school.

Probably not. Here in land we would only need one if I sent my daughter

to daycare (which I don't) or school (which I won't). I did download the

form to sign off the web site (it's a form specific for land) so I have

it in case I should ever need it. We are claiming religious reasons even

though our reasons are more philosophical and plenty of people in our church

(LDS/Mormon) vaccinate. We only have a choice between religious and medical

exemptions here and there is no way I will be forced into vaccinating my

almost 7 month old daughter further (she had her 2 and 4 month shots minus

Hep B).

* I have brought my baby in for several well baby checkups. At

* the last visit I refused shots and the doctor was too much in shock

* to give me a hard time. Just asked me why. I said my husband and I

* had concerns about the shots and were researching it. Should I look

* to change doctors? Where to look. I live in eastern Maine and I'm

* not sure if any doctors are around that do not encourage shots.

You probably don't need to change doctors. At least he didn't pressure you.

It actually sounds as if he were a bit open since he asked why rather than

going right into why you *have* to get them.

* I am

* breastfeeding and plan to for at least a year maybe longer. Are

* there natural benefits for breastfeeding longer than a year.

Most definitely! The AAP recommends for *at least* one year and then as

long as is mutually desired. The WHO recommends breastfeeding for *at

least* two years. Just because a child turns one definitely does not mean

the breastmilk changes somehow. All that is good about breastmilk before

one year continues right into the second, third, fourth, etc. year. In

addition to health benefits, breastmilk/breastfeeding provides comfort to

the baby. Ani is exclusively breastfed still, no solids at all yet (she's

not ready and has allergies thanks to our genetics and a bit of help from

her immunizations). I'll be letting her self-wean whether than be at 1 year

or 3. She will know when she is ready to stop. The benefits to her and me

will continue as long as she keeps on nursing.

* And one

* more question does anyone know what chicken pox looks like. My 2 yr

* old dd had a rash across her bottom and legs that some think might

* have been chicken pox. There were red spots that formed a blister.

* There was almost cycles of the blisters. New ones and some healed

* ones. I did not take her to the DR as it cleared up with only a

* slight fever. Her older sister had one bliser on her ankle only. No

* on else developed anything. My children are very healthy and do not

* come into contact with too many people as I am a sahm. I know no one

* that has chicken pox that they could have caught it from. I got

* chicken pox when I was younger and only got about 5 blisters. I do

* not remember what they looked liked.

They look like little blisters. Most of the time they scab over at the same

time. What they had could have been extremely mild cases of chicken pox

(I've had two very mild cases myself as has my husband). It's not all that

likely however. Most cases of chicken pox have blisters on the belly, but

not all.


and since 6/5/98

and Ani since 2/15/00


HJ Gifts http://www.hjgifts.com

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---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

From: mikenbethberg@...


Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 10:14:01 EDT

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I just had an experience with childcare..the woman didn't know

what to do and she told all the moms she was going to accept

a child with no vaccinations. Well all the moms, including the

Nurse practitioner had no problems with it except one mom who

said she called her doctor (dork) and he told her to not let

her kids around the " unvaccinated ones " until hers had all her

shots. So she said she would pull her kids out, so I was told

I couldn't go there. Ignorance.

I also went through county " help " and they told her to tell the

other moms and sign a paper saying it was alright to have their

kids go with mine. Well I had a fit and called the county agency

and told them that they handled my PRIVATE information badly and

no on had a right to know my private decisions and I didn't want

to go through their agency any more. They help low income families

by paying for daycare, i.e. CONTROLLING everything, including

immunizations. They called me and apologized and said they put

my " religious exemption " form into another city for approval and

they could still help me. I said FORGET IT, I DIDN'T WANT THEIR


Anyway, I found another place and told the person that it is none

of any of the mothers business if my kids were immunized or not

and she didn't have a problem with it and is keeping her mouth


So you just have to shop around and see who is open to it.

Good luck.



>My husband and I have a 2 year old daughter. Our homebirth pediatrician

>advised educating ourselves before deciding on vaccinations. We take a lot

>of criticism from parents and we don't even tell other people because of the

>strong reactions received from family. I have been a stay-at-home Mom since

>her birth but now may need to return to work part time. Has anyone else

>faced similar situation when enrolling in daycare or homecare - are

>exemptions available as they are in schools? Also, we have done a lot of

>research on this, but I would be interested in hearing others' opinions on

>picking and choosing (ie. have you decided on giving certain vaccines while

>continuing to refuse others?) Thanks. I look forward to learning more.






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In a message dated 09/11/2000 8:23:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

GrnEye6879@... writes:

<< I did vaccinate at first,

I think her last shots were at 6 months (?) but then I started researching

them and decided to stop. Right now I'm having a problem with 's

WIC. They keep insisting that I bring her vax records in and last month

would only give me one month's worth of WIC because I didn't have the

records. They even made her an appointment to have the shots that they

didn't have a record of. I haven't been back yet, but we could really use

the food we do get for her from WIC. >>

Hi Robin,

that is interesting! I didn't realize that we had to have shot records. My

oldest and youngest have been vaxed, but we are not going to finish our 3 yr.

olds. We are also not going to vax the baby when she decides to join us. I

guess I just don't remember having to show the shot record. Can't that be

seen as a form of discrimination? I am sorry that this happened to you, but

I am glad that you mentioned it. Now I know that I may have to deal with

this as well.


Homeschooling Mommy to




Due with #3 Oct. 14, 2000

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In a message dated 9/13/00 8:25:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

thagerty@... writes:

<< Please make sure the doc reports the reaction to NAERS

(I think that I got that right) >>

I made a report throurgh the AVN... Does the doctor need to make a report as


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Hi Dena, first don't feel bad that Shera had a reaction (((((((hugs)))))))).

You weren't stupid for getting her her shots, you thought you were a

responsible mommy and doing what everybody said was best for your child.

The good thing is you recognized her reaction and you are now doing

something about it. Please make sure the doc reports the reaction to NAERS

(I think that I got that right) and don't beat yourself up for what happened

in the past. My 14 mth-old dd got her 2, 4 and 6 mth. shots b/f I became

more educated about vaccines and luckily didn't have a severe reaction like

your dd, but now I am make an informed decision and that's all I can do now.

>>My name is Dena.. I have a daughter Shera who is four months old.. I


had her first set of shots at eight weeks of age.. It did not go well. She

ran a fever for two days, vomited twice a day after having her shots and

broke out into a rash that lasted for a couple of weeks.. During the two


she also cried her little heart out.. Nothing could calm her down.. Her


never reached a danger zone but it was constant if she was not taking the


As a parent I really felt like I let her down.. I wont put sun screen on her

till her skin is developed but I let someone give a shot of poison.. How

stupid am I..?<<

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Are you in Australia? If you are in the US it is VAERS that needs to be

reported if your dr. did not report it.

student216@... wrote:



> In a message dated 9/13/00 8:25:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> thagerty@... writes:


> << Please make sure the doc reports the reaction to NAERS

> (I think that I got that right) >>


> I made a report throurgh the AVN... Does the doctor need to make a report as

> well...?




Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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Nope I'm not in Australia, I'm in Canada and I just mixed up the first

letter - I meant to say VAERS! LOL! BTW, does anybody know who Canadians

report adverse reactions too b/c I'm just curious??

>>Are you in Australia? If you are in the US it is VAERS that needs to be

reported if your dr. did not report it.


> In a message dated 9/13/00 8:25:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> thagerty@... writes:


> << Please make sure the doc reports the reaction to NAERS

> (I think that I got that right) >>

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Rose (the red head:) s up in Canada would know.

Terry and Hagerty wrote:



> Nope I'm not in Australia, I'm in Canada and I just mixed up the first

> letter - I meant to say VAERS! LOL! BTW, does anybody know who Canadians

> report adverse reactions too b/c I'm just curious??




> >>Are you in Australia? If you are in the US it is VAERS that needs to be

> reported if your dr. did not report it.

> <<


> > In a message dated 9/13/00 8:25:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> > thagerty@... writes:

> >

> > << Please make sure the doc reports the reaction to NAERS

> > (I think that I got that right) >>




Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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She looked blonde to me!


>Rose (the red head:) s up in Canada would know.




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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I know...it's a joke because when ever she posts she says there is a

picture of her with red hair, atleast that was what I thought the

messages said. After awhile blond, red, brown it all looks the

same....as long as the 'serotypes', 'antibodies', etc. are perfectly

clear when talking with someone. You get the picture. My mind only tries

to remember the important stuff. Maybe I was asleep when I read her hair


Sheri Nakken wrote:



> She looked blonde to me!

> Sheri


> >Rose (the red head:) s up in Canada would know.

> >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------------

> Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

> Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA

> http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm



> Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours

> http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin

> International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

> Education, Homeopathic Education

> KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

> CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters




Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Cheryl,

Welcome to LL. I think that you'll really love LL and our list. We look

forward to hearing how you like your tapes, the workout and Sweet

Rashelle. Hopefully you'll get your tapes in the next day or two.

Love, Liz



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hi kelly,

sorry i do not have any suggestions on a ped in your area...i'm glad you are

here--it's difficult to try to determine what may or may not be wrong with

your children, and who would ever suspect vaccines as a possible culprit????

i hope you can find a more accepting ped for your children and i wish you

luck in determining jonathan's " problems " . personally, i haven't found a ped

i am comfortable with, so we have just skipped all of my 11 mo. olds well

care visits and so far (other than this yucky sounding cough he has tight

now--not croup, but yucky sounding), so good. it'd be nice to have someone

we could feel comfortable with though.

again, good luck--hopefully someone on the list will be able to direct you to

a ped. and welcome to the list!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Penny, and welcome to wonderful New York and our GREAT weather. You'll get

to love it here. You'd better like snow because you'll be right smack in the

middle of it where you are. I'm going to be coming out to Buffalo next weekend

for my girlfriend's son's wedding. It'd better not snow then but you NEVER


As far as an info guide on craft shows, we have a woman in the town I live in

(I'm about 4 hours away between Syracuse & Albany) called Ilion and she started

publishing a guide

last year. I just received mine for the first time. It's $15 a year and is

issued quarterly.

She tries to get all the ones in there around us, but I see she has them in

there from all over the state. You can email her at Alphabyt@... and her

name is Barbara Freeman. I'll bet she'll send you a complimentary copy from the

last quarterly so you can see it. She's very nice. In fact if anyone else is

interested, please tell her I directed you to her. I think I get a free month's

extension on my subscription. That would be great for me. Then if you join,

you can pass the word on and get the same benefit. :>) I never thought about

posting that info on this list. Thanks for reminding me.

Hope this helps.


Ilion, NY

Re: Intro

Good morning ladies. My name is Penny Scofield. I live in Orchard Park,

which is near Buffalo. We arrived in New York on August 25th, 2000 from

Michigan. I am married with a DH, a daughter that is 22 and 3

grandbabies, 2 sons ages 13 and 11. Now I am not old enough to have a 22 yr

or grandbabies, but I started early! I have been soaping for almost 4 years

now. I run a co-op list as well, mostly for essential oils and specialty


If anyone knows how I can go about finding craft shows in this area, it

would be greatly appreciated. In Michigan they had a book that crafters

could purchase that listed all the craft shows in the state, it was

wonderful. Supplier information would be great as well.

Thanks a bunch ladies, have a great day!


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, where do you live if you dont mind me asking?



I am stepping up and taking my turn...

I started my soap business 2 years ago, tho I have been making soap for 5

years. Just love goat milk soaps!

I am married with 3 kids (2 legged)ages 10, 7, 2. I live on a farm where we

raise dairy goats nubian & saanen)as of today 32 (4 legged kids), a TB

horse, a hinny, 3 dogs, 8 barncats, chickens & ducks and a few goldfish.

Hoping I didn't leave out anything...lol.

Wondering if anyone knows where to purchase a roll on style deoderant

containers? I make an liquid herbal deoderant that really works for me.

Happy to hear any ideas.



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