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Hair Loss

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Yep, thought the same thing!! LOL You are on your way baby!! You are doing excellent!! Look at all those pounds lost!! You are almost to Onederland :) Hang in there and schedule a hair cut - Hugs!! Cyrena Re: hair loss

Thanks. It really makes me feel better to know it isn't just me! Hopefully if I 'up' everything by body will eventually adjust. Cyrena, your hair looks great short. I've been hiding behind mine for years. Like people won't notice my large rear if I have mid back length hair. Well, I guess it is part of the shedding process. Both the hair and the rear must go. :P Again I appreciate everyone. 245/207/145. ..seems like a lot

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  • 2 months later...

Well - if it's any help, I suffer with Hashimoto's disease and I started losing my hair when taking L-thyroxine alone, and it has continued ever since I started Armour about 5 years ago. Not much left now, and still coming out. I have to wear a wig now.

Luv - Sheila

Has anyone experienced hair loss while on block and replace medication? It is because I was loosing hair that I went to see my GP which subsequently led to my Graves disease diagnosis but after a few months of Cabimazole and Levothyroxine I'm loosing my hair again. Many thanks for your commentsNo virus found in this incoming message.

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Oh Sheila, bless ya! my hair started falling out and my homeopath gave me

something when I was diagnosed with hypo, Im still taking a rememdy from my

homepath which I was going to stop taking when my Armour arrives I didnt want to

be taking anything else so I can judge how the armour is working........


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Hi there Sheila and all,

Yes I did suffer with hair loss (lost 50% of mine) but

this was due to a zinc deficiency (not very well known that zinc deficiency can

cause hair loss) – and hormone related – in my case I was down on

oestrogen. Anyway you can get yourself tested on the NHS I believe –

zinc a bit difficult to get into the system but if you have a deficiency the

body responds fantastically well to supplementation. I have Hashimotos as well

by the way.

I also suspect that if you are taking your vits and

minerals at the same time as your thyroid meds it could be knocking down your

dosage – try taking the vits and minerals around 4 hours away from the

thyroid meds – try it – if it doesn’t work then go back to

what you are originally doing – it worked for me although sometimes I get

very tired if I don’t take my B complex early on in the day but if I can

wait then I feel very buzzy the rest of the day because my supplements have

given me a kick.

Kind regards,


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Hi Mandy

The problem with hair loss is that (like hypothyroid symptoms) there could be so many different causes. Another cause can be people who have a low ferritin level, but I sometimes wonder that because I have Hashimoto's disease, the hair loss could be yet another autoimmune disease - with antibodies attacking the hair follicles. This is just not cranial hair, it is whole body hair.

Apparently, to see whether you have a shortage of Zinc, you can do a very simple test. Get a zinc tablet and suck it. If it tastes really nasty (like copper - but very strong) then your zinc level is fine, but if it tastes of only chalk, then your zinc level is low.

However, I DO take all my meds at once with my Armour and will now start taking the supplements in the evening to see what effect that has. It is so stupid that the simplest things we can help ourselves with go flying over our head. Thanks for this Mandy.

Luv - Sheila

Hi there Sheila and all,

Yes I did suffer with hair loss (lost 50% of mine) but this was due to a zinc deficiency (not very well known that zinc deficiency can cause hair loss) – and hormone related – in my case I was down on oestrogen. Anyway you can get yourself tested on the NHS I believe – zinc a bit difficult to get into the system but if you have a deficiency the body responds fantastically well to supplementation. I have Hashimotos as well by the way.


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I did try Lysine - but it doesn't work for me. I think it must depend on the cause of your hair loss - and I sitll don't know the cause of mine - neither does my doctor. However, for those of you who do suffer hair loss, this might be worth trying and if you do and it is successful, let us know.

Luv - Sheila

Hi ,

I continued to suffer hair loss after I started on Armour (even though nearly all my other symptoms cleared up) I started taking Lysine and the hair loss stopped within a week. I decided to do a test on myself to see if it really was the lysine a few weeks ago, and the hair loss started again after five days.Not very scientific, but the hair loss stopped again after I resumed the lysine.If nothing else, it's a very useful and inexpensive supplement.

Hope it may be of some use to you,

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Hmm. I have Hashimoto's too and was below the 'normal' range for zinc

and it took me well over a year of supplementation at 3 times the

normal daily dose to get my zinc levels up to 'normal'. I STILL need

to take 3 times the 'normal' daily dose to keep my levels within

range. My doc looks at zinc in conjunction with my copper levels

because apparently the two need to be looked at together.



> Yes I did suffer with hair loss (lost 50% of mine) but this was

due to a zinc deficiency (not very well known that zinc deficiency can

cause hair loss) - and hormone related - in my case I was down on

oestrogen. Anyway you can get yourself tested on the NHS I believe -

zinc a bit difficult to get into the system but if you have a

deficiency the body responds fantastically well to supplementation. I

have Hashimotos as well by the way.

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Hi Sheila et al

I know it is a damn nuisance but do not take any

supplements in the afternoon much better to take around mid-day – if you

take them too late in the day you will be up all night over stimulated and it

isn’t good for the body to be metabolising these products whilst you are

not moving around and asleep. It is 4 hours after thyroid meds apparently that

is needed. Bit difficult though if you are out shopping when you need to take

them so I understand where you are coming from by wanting to take them at


Sorry to give you this news.

Kind regards,


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A month after taking levothyroxine, my hair started to shed. 10 months

later, my hair loss is worse than ever. I have lost about 60% of my

hair. There is re growth but it is not growing fast enough to replace

the overall hair loss.

I firmly believe that the Levo has made me lose hair. Before being

diagnosed as hypo my hair was v thick (When diagnosed my TSH was 150).

My GP and Endo hboth have the Levothyroxine or bust approach

I think that drug companies rule the world. I did not have a problem

being diagnosed with a TSH of 150. My main argument is the after

care. One drug does not fit all.



> Has anyone experienced hair loss while on block and replace medication?


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Hi Mandy

I thought it was mainly iron and calcium that should be taken 4 hours away from thyroid hormone replacement. However, it would suit me to take the supplements at lunch time. The only problem with that - is that I take my split dose Armour around 2.00p.m.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila et al

I know it is a damn nuisance but do not take any supplements in the afternoon much better to take around mid-day – if you take them too late in the day you will be up all night over stimulated and it isn’t good for the body to be metabolising these products whilst you are not moving around and asleep. It is 4 hours after thyroid meds apparently that is needed. Bit difficult though if you are out shopping when you need to take them so I understand where you are coming from by wanting to take them at night.

Sorry to give you this news.

Kind regards,


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Thank you all, unfortunately it seems to be quite a common problem with

not many solutions. I was just wondering whether it was a common side

effect of block and replace therapy.

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Hi Sheila,

Yes it is calcium etc. that should be taken 4 hours

apart from thyroid meds but……………..I read a couple

of weeks ago that my HRT should be as well – so I also tried vits etc.

apart from my medication and I do feel better.

One can only try it and see ……………can’t

guarantee it will work for everyone but worth a try in case the supplements are

dragging down your absorption of your medication – hence continuing hair

loss etc.? Put it this way – when I wasn’t doing this I didn’t

feel I was on enough thyroxine and now I feel like I am slightly too high!!!

Kind regards,


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You wrote:


> A month after taking levothyroxine, my hair started to shed. 10 months

> later, my hair loss is worse than ever. I have lost about 60% of my

> hair. There is re growth but it is not growing fast enough to replace

> the overall hair loss....

How much were you taking during the hair loss, and what were your blood



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You wrote:


> I thought it was mainly iron and calcium that should be taken 4 hours

> away from thyroid hormone replacement....

Magnesium, too. Fiber supplements are not quite as bad, but they also

interfere for more than the usual one hour before and two hours after.


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You wrote:


> I thought it was mainly iron and calcium that should be taken 4 hours

> away from thyroid hormone replacement....

Magnesium, too. Fiber supplements are not quite as bad, but they also

interfere for more than the usual one hour before and two hours after.


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Hi Chuck,

My hair started falling out 6 weeks after starting on 50mcg

Levothyroxine (in October 2007) and has continued to fall out ever

since. I gradually increased from 50mcg to 150mcg. I have gone

from TSH of 150 in October to around 1 now. No matter what my TSH is,

the hair loss has remained the same. There is re-growth, but i am

losing the battle. Strnagely, the hair on the rest of my body is

growing like a weed.

Before diagnosis my hair was a bit of a pain because it was so

thick. Now I would do anything to get it back as it is baby fine,

temples bald etc. I generally feel v

good on levo and I have lost 3/12 stone so am loathed to change it

but the hair loss thing is

breaking my heart.

GP and Endo of no use at all, its the levothyroxine or bust approach

from them blahhhh, blahhhhhhhh.

I firmly believe its the Levo.



> How much were you taking during the hair loss, and what were your


> levels?


> Chuck


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You wrote:


> ... No matter what my TSH is,

> the hair loss has remained the same. ...


> I firmly believe its the Levo.

If it were the levo, wouldn't the problems have increased as the dose



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> Hi Chuck,

I think it did moderately increase with every increase. Over the last

two months the hair loss seems to have increased. What I meant by the

hair loss staying the same is that it was not subsiding. Irs very





> If it were the levo, wouldn't the problems have increased as the dose

> tripled?


> Chuck


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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought I was going bald after surgery too, scary. I went online

and found 1000 mcg of sublingual Biotin and after about a month or so

the hair stopped falling out. Now my mane is back. I also made sure

to use a really good conditioner and was very careful when combing

out wet hair. Have patience, it will stop. Biotin really does help

and the sublingual melts under your tongue so doesn't harm the tummy.

I got mine at Herbal Remedies. http://www.herbalremedies.com/

biot100loz.html Price is right;-)

Kem in Eugene

Dr. Neal 8.6.04


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I can't help with the hair loss issue but have experienced the fullness

at the top and grumbling at the bottom of my stomach. I think I have

identified the source of the problem with me.

I have found that if I have a lot of fiber (such as a Fiber One bar) or

if I chew gum that I feel full in my pouch but my stomach will grumble

down low. I think that I am swallowing air when I chew gum and fiber

seems to make me gassy, so my theory is that air is trapped in my

stoma, expanding it and triggering a full feeling, but since there is

no food in there my stomach will grumble. By any chance are you

chewing gum or eating foods that make you gassy?

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  • 3 weeks later...

>Hi ,

Thanks for the input. I have always worked jobs where gum chewing was

not allowed so broke that habbit long ago. Don't notice a link with

gassy foods....it happens all the time. I my mind I imagine the pouch

filling up as I start to eat but the lower stomach has been prepping to

receive food as well and when it doesn't the juices start the grumbling

(the same idea as chewing gum). Who knows?


> I can't help with the hair loss issue but have experienced the


> at the top and grumbling at the bottom of my stomach. I think I have

> identified the source of the problem with me.


> I have found that if I have a lot of fiber (such as a Fiber One bar)


> if I chew gum that I feel full in my pouch but my stomach will


> down low. I think that I am swallowing air when I chew gum and fiber

> seems to make me gassy, so my theory is that air is trapped in my

> stoma, expanding it and triggering a full feeling, but since there is

> no food in there my stomach will grumble. By any chance are you

> chewing gum or eating foods that make you gassy?


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Thanks !! I do feel a bit better now. I will get some Lysine tomorrow and try that. I am also taking vitamin B and evening primose oil, so hopefully I can mix them all plus the levothyroxine. I do have kelp tablets but stopped taking them once i started the thyroxine in case i couldn't take both. [i always keep my hair plaited or in a pony tail lately because it had started breaking off a lot as well as coming out.] Thanks for the advice!Suz

I used Lysine as a supplement, which you can get from Holland and Barret.It helped me reduce my loss significantly and can be effective for some people.I also kept my hair in plaits which made me less aware of hair dropping out and kept it less 'pulled about'.

Hope that this is of comfort,


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  • 5 weeks later...

It's probably the syncrap. Many people have hair loss with that. I did. I love my Armour. My hair looks so good now.


hair loss

My husband had his thyroid removed three years ago and they found medullary thyroid cancer. He takes 150 mcg synthroid and .25mcg calcitrol daily. Over the years his hair has been thinning but he complains that he is lossing hair every day. His synthroid levels were checked and his doctor up it to 175 mcg. I joined this site for FBD, and just ordered the iodine loading test for myself. I'm wondering what iodine could do for him. I have zero literacy on thyroid issues.

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Wow!!  That's something he could do something about.  Drinking nettle tea everyday was not an option.  Thank you.  RobinOn Nov 5, 2008, at 3:23 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:It's probably the syncrap.  Many people have hair loss with that.  I did.  I love my Armour.   My hair looks so good now. Steph   hair lossMy husband had his thyroid removed three years ago and they found medullary thyroid cancer. He takes 150 mcg synthroid and .25mcg calcitrol daily. Over the years his hair has been thinning but he complains that he is lossing hair every day. His synthroid levels were checked and his doctor up it to 175 mcg. I joined this site for FBD, and just ordered the iodine loading test for myself. I'm wondering what iodine could do for him. I have zero literacy on thyroid issues. 

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My hair has has grown in much fuller since being on Iodoral and

Armour. After 12 years on Synthroid, my hair had gotten very thin and

brittle. Now it is as healthy as when I was a kid -- love it!

Also, very early after starting Iodoral, I noticed new hairs growing in

all over - had never seen this before. It's amazing.


Melbourne, FL

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