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I totally agree. I am Rh- and have 5 children. After each child my doctor

tested the babies blood type and only gave me Rhogam if the baby was

positive. He did not give it to me ever during pregnancy because he said

there was not any or enough research on effects on the fetus and the risk of

blood mixing during pregnancy was rare. Also it would only be effective if

the blood mixed within a few days of the shot.

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Just wanted to say, I'm RH neg. also, I ended up getting the Rho-gam, and

wish I didn't because both of my children ended up being rh neg. also. I

wonder if there are a lot of RH pos. babies born to RH neg. women? Most of

the RH neg. women that I know, ended up having RH neg. babies.

Do you know what's in the Rho-gam, or if there are neg. side effects from




> From: Sherri O'Lonergan <sherri@...>



> Just FYI, I am Rh negative too and when I was pregnant my midwife

> talked with me about the Rhogam shot and the pros and cons. She said

> that if I were (God forbid) in an accident or something where there was

> a chance of my blood mixing with the babies that it would become very

> critical. I decided not to get this shot for many reasons and never had


> any problems... and then discovered my baby was also a negative blood

> type making it not necessary after birth either.


> Just my 2 cents...


> Sherri




> ---------------------------

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  • 5 months later...
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In a message dated 6/28/00 11:27:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

alison73@... writes:

<< but, I'll probably get one if the

next one is positive like my firstborn is. I know a man who was born

from a rh- mom... he's the 3rd child and is deaf because of his mom not

having the rhogam shot... My sister who's A- had the shot after her

first 2 kids but not after her 3rd... she probably will have one more and

they say it doesn't affect the kids until the 3rd one... so I guess she

can have 2 more without having problems... >>

You know, you are making the best decisiions you can for yourself and your

family. THey are hard. Sometimes it's harder for " people like us " because we

questions things. Sometimes it's much easier for those who just go with the

flow and do what they are " supposed " to do.I don't know what I would do if I

was -. I probably would have it, seeing what I've read and so forth.

I just went through a hard decision with Brady, deciding whether to give him

the BayTet or not last week. I ended up after many phone calls, much

research, and lots of crying to do it. I felt it wasn't as bad as teh DT or

the DTaP, it was a blood product, which made the decision much, much harder

but I did the best I could for my family and I at the time.You just have to

weigh the situation and see how you would handle it. Everyone asks me about

not vaccinating. They want to know how I would handle it if he came down with

one of the diseases I could have vaccinated for. Well, knowing what I know, I

would feel better about that than having a vaccine and possible losing my

child or ending up with a severe reaction. In the case of the tetanus, the

risk of the Globulin seemed worth it to me as opposed to the risk of not

having it. It was a tough call. So, whatever you decide with the next what

and the RhoGam, be confident in that it was at least a WELL thought out

decision and you did what you felt was the best thing. :)


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I just wanted to say I know a lot of people in there early 30's that


never been vaccinated and they say when everyone else got sick they did not

there immune system was more built because they did not get vaccinated.

I am just trying to give everyone some hope.

When I took my 2 month year old in for checkup doc asks do you know what

the risks are of getting the diseases are?I said I will take that chance

after my first child

being damaged by her vaccines.

a Mom of Brittany

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I'm RH-... I have O- blood and I really would like to have a few more

kids... so, I did get the shot... actually, I got it around 26 weeks for

some reason... I should not have... it's stupid to get one then... but, I

hadn't read up on it and they used that scare tactic with me... next

child I won't have that one midway, but, I'll probably get one if the

next one is positive like my firstborn is. I know a man who was born

from a rh- mom... he's the 3rd child and is deaf because of his mom not

having the rhogam shot... My sister who's A- had the shot after her

first 2 kids but not after her 3rd... she probably will have one more and

they say it doesn't affect the kids until the 3rd one... so I guess she

can have 2 more without having problems...


AP SaHMommie to beautiful, breastfed, non-vax, co-sleeping Calista, born


Homepage: http://alison73.homepage.com

new pics of Calista: http://alison73.homepage.com/calista15mth.html

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 08:01:40 -0700 " Larsen, LM "

<midwife1@...> writes:

> OOOPppsss... I didn't mean to say I don't reccomend Rhogam. I should

> have

> said it's up to the parents but I'm real comfortable with it.




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Yes, I know that, but the effects aren't severe until the 3rd

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 14:37:57 EDT doshiwoo297@... writes:

> Just sharing a bit of news I am A- and it effects you after the first

> child

> not the third.

> a Mom of Brittany



AP SaHMommie to beautiful, breastfed, non-vax, co-sleeping Calista, born


Homepage: http://alison73.homepage.com

new pics of Calista: http://alison73.homepage.com/calista15mth.html



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  • 1 year later...
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Certainly you do not need Rhogam if you are rh- and so is the father of the

child. Your midwife/ob might want " proof " of this, but it's worth the hassle

if this is the case for you (it is for me!)

Also, I would ask your midwife if you are absolutely *certain* that this is

your last child if you really need it or not. I think it is mostly a worry

for future children if the blood mixes.


rh- and Rhogam-free!

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I just dont understand why you cant take the " administrator " of a toxic

substance to court and charge that person with " Common assault " .


>Rhogam contains ~75 ug's of mercury, with the adult shot, along with

>other questionable ingredients.


>How can anyone think that mercury is safe for an unborn child? I

>wouldn't even get my hair permed when I was pregnant, yet I allowed

>injection of organic mercury into my bloodstream! I didn't even ask what

>the ingredients of Rhogam were. I trusted that the shot was appropriate,

>and that I had no choice.


>Bayer company is the only one that offers a mercury free Rhogam shot.

>It's called BayRho. If I ever have another child, I'm using that.

>Another product called RhoPhylac is in the process of being approved by

>the FDA, although it may take another 2 years.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




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did you really pay $10,000 for the birth? is that standard?



----- Original Message -----

From: Ives <mives@...>

I didn't get it, because at the time I had no insurance and there was no

way I could pay $800 for one shot, plus the $10,000 for the birth!


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RE: Rhogam

> Also, I would ask your midwife if you are absolutely *certain* that this


> your last child if you really need it or not. I think it is mostly a worry

> for future children if the blood mixes.


> -

> rh- and Rhogam-free!








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>>did you really pay $10,000 for the birth? is that standard?



Thats what the bill came to, but I got insurance 2 months before the birth, and

they covered it <whew!>

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WOW! I guess $2500 for prenatal and birthing help(midwife) is pretty cheap!


did you really pay $10,000 for the birth? is that standard?



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The reason I suspect something regarding RhoGam is because I started my

cycle very early, ten years, and I've always had trouble with my cycles (not

regular and not ovulating). None of my physicians have been able to tell me

why I seem to be in early menopause (I'm 42). No cysts, no cancer,

nothing....just no periods. More than a few have asked me if I'm a chronic

exerciser. I'm a gym junkie, I'll admit, but I certainly don't over

exercise. I go to the gym about four times a week. But I get asked that

all the time.

I suspect that whatever my Mother was given when she was pregnant with me

MAY have something to do with this. I'm just wondering if there was

anything when I was in utero that affected my hormonal balance. Yet, I was

able to conceive very easily. I've had very few periods since I had my

son; but my periods were never regular or normal, and my doctors haven't

been able to figure out what's going on. Personally, I'm just glad to be

rid of the darn thing, but I still want to know what's going on and why...








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In France, when you are Rh - while the husband is Rh +, you just need

to do a blood test every month ; no mandatory Rhogam !!!! But, if

there is a problem detected by the blood test, then, of course, there

is action.


Cécile, wife to , mother of Nathalie(12), Sandrine(8.5), Karine(6.5) and

andre(forever 3.5) dx 02/00 NBIV N-MYC amplified. Left us on June 14th, 2001

andre sent us two new babies due next Spring .... e-mail :


andre's story : http://www.caringbridge.com/page/alexandre


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It really doesn't matter at this point - you are seeing the homeopath and

he will sort it out - one will never know for sure.

Rhogam probably had mercury in it then as it does now. They've used mercury

since earlier in the 20th century.

Then followed by all the vaccines you got with mercury.

And who knows what else.

Hahnemann, discover of homeopathy says we can never know the CAUSE of

anything and doctors waste their time trying to do that or think ing they


Paragraph (Aphorism) 1 (footnotes 1)

" The physician's calling is not to concoct so-called systems from empty

conceits and hypotheses concerning the inner wesen (my note-kind of like


or knowing) of the life process and the origins of disease in the invisible

interior of the organism (on which so many physicians mongering for fame have

hitherto wasted their time and energy). The physicians calling is NOT TO MAKE

COUNTLESS ATTEMPTS at explanation regarding disease appearances and their

proximate cause (WHICH MUST EVER REMAIN CONCEALED) holding forth in

unintelligable words or abstract and pompous expressions in order to appear

very learned and astonish the ignorant, while a sick world sighs in vain for

help. Of such learned fanaticism (to which the name 'theoretical medicinal

art' is given, and for which special professorships are instituted) WE HAVE


QUITE ENOUGH. It is high time for all those who call themselves physicians,

once and for all, to STOP DECEIVING SUFFERING HUMANITY with idle talk, and

to 'begin' now to act, that is to really help and to cure. (CAPS my own)

At 05:41 PM 03/07/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>The reason I suspect something regarding RhoGam is because I started my

>cycle very early, ten years, and I've always had trouble with my cycles (not

>regular and not ovulating). None of my physicians have been able to tell me

>why I seem to be in early menopause (I'm 42). No cysts, no cancer,


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




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wow, I'm in shock

who can afford to have babies?? not many, I'd think


> >>did you really pay $10,000 for the birth? is that standard?

> Kathy

> On,Can<<


> Thats what the bill came to, but I got insurance 2 months before the

birth, and they covered it <whew!>

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I started early, too. 7th grade, what is that, 12years old? I was never

irregular, though. Always very regular, predictable cycles, however it took me

4 years of trying to get pg. with my first. And although we weren't trying, it

was 4 years again when I got pg. with my 2nd, but we weren't trying real hard

not to, either, KWIM? I don't know about menopause yet, my son is 6 months and

bf, so no cycles back yet (yeah!). I always had MAJOR PMS though. Really bad,

and awful painful cramps as a kid. I would be debilitated on the couch. My

mother didn't believe me, thought I was being a big baby until my sister had the

same problems. So bad that I would get the shakes, sweats, have diarrhea, awful

back pain. BTW, I also had back labor. blech!

Doesn't sound like I'm much help to your theory. Sorry!

>>The reason I suspect something regarding RhoGam is because I started my

cycle very early, ten years, and I've always had trouble with my cycles (not

regular and not ovulating). None of my physicians have been able to tell me

why I seem to be in early menopause (I'm 42). No cysts, no cancer,

nothing....just no periods. More than a few have asked me if I'm a chronic

exerciser. I'm a gym junkie, I'll admit, but I certainly don't over

exercise. I go to the gym about four times a week. But I get asked that

all the time.

I suspect that whatever my Mother was given when she was pregnant with me

MAY have something to do with this. I'm just wondering if there was

anything when I was in utero that affected my hormonal balance. Yet, I was

able to conceive very easily. I've had very few periods since I had my

son; but my periods were never regular or normal, and my doctors haven't

been able to figure out what's going on. Personally, I'm just glad to be

rid of the darn thing, but I still want to know what's going on and why...


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Re: RhoGam




I had very severe cramps before my cycle started; bloatiness, headaches, I

just felt awful. And this was starting with my very first cycle. I missed

school because of it, and during my twenties, a lot of work. What can I

say; I just always had " female " problems...I've been seeing physicians

because of this for as long as I can remember...nothing's ever been

pinpointed as the reason behind it all. I'm thankful I was able to conceive

as easily as I did and am really grateful for my little boy. I just want to

know why I stopped so early. Could just be " normal " for me; it's not

unheard of...



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most likely your hormones are out of wack

definitely bears looking into

have you tried a raw food diet? carrot juice?


> I had very severe cramps before my cycle started; bloatiness,

headaches, I

> just felt awful. And this was starting with my very first cycle. I


> school because of it, and during my twenties, a lot of work. What can


> say; I just always had " female " problems...I've been seeing physicians

> because of this for as long as I can remember...nothing's ever been

> pinpointed as the reason behind it all. I'm thankful I was able to


> as easily as I did and am really grateful for my little boy. I just

want to

> know why I stopped so early. Could just be " normal " for me; it's not

> unheard of...


> Kim

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In a message dated 3/7/02 5:37:29 PM Pacific Standard Time,

mlandes2@... writes:

> WOW! I guess $2500 for prenatal and birthing help(midwife) is pretty cheap!

> Laurie



> did you really pay $10,000 for the birth? is that standard?

> Kathy

> On,Can


I was all set to have my boy in a birthing pool - with a midwife - would have

cost $3500. Had to have a c-section, as the little guy was footling breech -

cost over $10,000.00 - thank heavens for insurance. (I don't remember the

entire bill - but it was over $7000 for the hosiptal stay alone - I stayed in

a private room for three nights)


San Diego, CA

Mommy to Trenton 8/19/99 - No Shots!

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yeah, i'm positive my hormones are out of whack, but my allopathic docs

never knew how to correct the imbalance, or, maybe they didn't realize my

hormonal level was out of whack, i don't know. fortunately, they never

suggested synthetic hormones. a change in diet had never been mentioned. i

eat a sensible diet...i eat a lot of fresh veggies and fruits, very little

red meat, mostly white meat. i know from prior blood work that i need to

stay away from white sugar, use honey when possible. i drink plenty of

water, bottled only. but i've just been told today to try drinking only

distilled water, as i can get my minerals in other ways.

i'll be seeing our homeopath soon. i know he's considered one of the best;

i'll just have to wait and see what he says...


Re: Re: RhoGam

> most likely your hormones are out of wack

> definitely bears looking into

> have you tried a raw food diet? carrot juice?

> Kathy






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  • 1 month later...
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At 01:08 AM 04/28/2002 EDT, you wrote:



>what do you know regarding the topic of rhogam and rh negative blood with

>regards to pregnant women? i have O- and rcvd rhogam, 2 doses total, one

>during last trimester and one after birth. i was not informed of any

>associated risks nor was i given any insert to read. i would like to find


>if the injections are necessary or just harmful and what alternatives i can

>take should i have another child with positive blood in the future!






I have sent info to the list before and we had a good discussion

Go to the archives


sign in

and search in messages section for RhoGam

I will send you what I have too

it is debatable what is necessary

Much of hte rhogam has mercury in it and that is a problem

there are mercury-free brands



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


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Education, Homeopathic Education

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Here is another site: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/2924/rh.html

My dd Accalia's birth took place in a hospital under the care of an OB, and

I had a shot during pregnancy but honestly can't recall having one

afterwards. I'd have to look at my hospital records.

This time around I'm having a homebirth with a midwife, and the baby's cord

blood will be tested after his/her birth and if necessary I'll get a

mecury-free RhoGam shot soon after. And actually, my back-up OB told me that

it's not necessary to have it within 72 hours. You can wait up to a week.

Amy in South Dakota

Mama to Accalia (6/14/99) and lovey due 8/25/02

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