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Re: (unknown)

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Well, the packers are done for the season, but we took

a good run at it. When it's all said and done we can't

complain about the season. NEXT YEAR! They're going to

beat the Eagles for the NFC championship and go to the

superbowl!! (we packer fans are an optimistic group)


--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

> Good morning everyone, Diane I would trade my 60's

> today for your snow anytime. I hope your packers

> win.

> When my son moved up to WI last month, I teased

> him. Telling him he was going to have to change

> team's

> from his AZ teams to WI Teams.

> You all are talking about the gas prices of your

> youth. I can't remember gas prices as low as some of

> you. I started driving in 1970. My first car was a

> 1962 Dodge Dart, Only paid $200 for it paid cash

> " One

> of two cars I was able to pay cash for " Gas prices

> were around .35. But back in 1974 Just before the

> first so called OIL SHORTAGE we had a gas war in the

> town I lived in in IL. the price dropped down to

> .17.

> Then one month after the gas war ended, they said

> there was an oil shortage

> I have a good Liver Doctor also, He takes the time

> to listen & give me answers to my questions.

> Informed

> me about the posible


> __________________________________________________


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I am the sorry Packer fan. Diane's Eagles are still in

the hunt. -dz-

--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

> Diane sorry about the Packers better luck next

> year

> Terry


> __________________________________________________


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Terry we call it brain fog and we do use it as our excuse when we forget or mess up something...LOL..That was my best excuse...Now that I'm off Tx I have to find another reason to blame it on so I blame it on CRS....You'll get better..I had gotten a certified letter from the clinic telling me to call immediately to make an appt..Hummmm doen't sound too good when the Dr. sends you a certified letter now does it?? Anyway I have an appt for them on the 4th of Feb...Today I have an appt with my family Dr. for this flu I have..I'll let yall know what he says ok?

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I just got back from the Dr. and I have the flu and bronchitis..Beings I have Hep the won't give me antibotics..Just vlaritain..vioxx for aches and pains and some kind of cough medicine with hydrocodone in it..Told me to go to bed and stay there until this is gone because if I get out too soon it will get worse..Just thought I'd let yall know..

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Jan good luck with your Dr appointment will be

praying for you. I'm off to work.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Terry we call it brain fog and we do use it as our

> excuse when we forget or

> mess up something...LOL..That was my best

> excuse...Now that I'm off Tx I have

> to find another reason to blame it on so I blame it

> on CRS....You'll get

> better..I had gotten a certified letter from the

> clinic telling me to call

> immediately to make an appt..Hummmm doen't sound too

> good when the Dr. sends

> you a certified letter now does it?? Anyway I have

> an appt for them on the

> 4th of Feb...Today I have an appt with my family Dr.

> for this flu I

> have..I'll let yall know what he says ok?



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I've talked to others who started out feeling just

fine, then after the 2nd or 3rd shot started getting

sick. For me the 1st shot was the worst. It does get

better after a while, your body adjusts somewhat to

the meds. The last several months of treatment it was

mostly fatigue and the brain fog, the other " flu-like "

symptoms were much less frequent. Good luck, I hope

you start feeling better. Going to work and reading

emails (or books) was all I did throughout the whole

treatment.. -dz-

--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

> Good morning all. At first I didn't thank that I

> was

> having any side affects from my treatment because I

> had a light case of the flu before starting. But

> that

> should have been over with.

> Feeling sick to my stomach, I'm in some kind of

> mind

> fog & hurt all over. I know that I will be able to

> deal with it. I'm still working every day but that's

> all I have been doing besides checking my E-mail &

> sleeping.

> You all take care, you will be in my prayers

> Terry


> __________________________________________________


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I will be praying for you.... Some say the sides aren't as bad as

time goes by.... I think a few of the guys missed a few days of work in

the beginning.... Which treatment are you doing???? The 3 shots or the

once a week? When I was on treatment they didn't have anything but

interferon.... No pills to go with it...... You will be fine and we are

here for you if you need us......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Good luck Jan,

Hope you feel better real soon..... You had this crap not too long

ago..... You probably never got rid of it....

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Hi Diane. I doing the one shot a week plus five pills

a day 2 in the AM 3 at bedtime.


--- diane214@... wrote:

> Terry,

> I will be praying for you.... Some say the sides

> aren't as bad as

> time goes by.... I think a few of the guys missed a

> few days of work in

> the beginning.... Which treatment are you doing????

> The 3 shots or the

> once a week? When I was on treatment they didn't

> have anything but

> interferon.... No pills to go with it...... You will

> be fine and we are

> here for you if you need us......


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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Hi Terry

Hang in there. For most of us the side effects that you are having become a

bit more tolerable with time.

[ ] (unknown)

> Good morning all. At first I didn't thank that I was

> having any side affects from my treatment because I

> had a light case of the flu before starting. But that

> should have been over with.

> Feeling sick to my stomach, I'm in some kind of mind

> fog & hurt all over. I know that I will be able to

> deal with it. I'm still working every day but that's

> all I have been doing besides checking my E-mail &

> sleeping.

> You all take care, you will be in my prayers

> Terry


> __________________________________________________


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Thanks Dave..I know it is a pain in the (i) to have them both at the same time..I don't have the fever anymore but still have a bad cough..My cough med. has hydrocodone in it..All you take is 1 tsp. every 6 hours//Now that's strong cough med. I am very weak though..Real dizzy when I get up and walk around..This damp weather we are having doesn't help me either..Oh well it'll just take a little time to get back to normal..But you know with having Hep C it is harder on us to get well than someone who doesn't have it...Get in touch when you can......

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I took a " family medical leave " for 2 months. There is

a federal law that requires them to allow the leave

with proper documentation from your dr. Whether or how

much you get paid depends on your company short-term

disability policy. As I am salaried, I just got my

regular check. I was ready to go back to work after 4

weeks, but had to get a dr's release to go back, so I

ended up with 5 weeks off. It was very helpful to me.

By then things had settled down with the meds. -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> Terry,

> I will be praying for you.... Some say the sides

> aren't as bad as

> time goes by.... I think a few of the guys missed a

> few days of work in

> the beginning.... Which treatment are you doing????

> The 3 shots or the

> once a week? When I was on treatment they didn't

> have anything but

> interferon.... No pills to go with it...... You will

> be fine and we are

> here for you if you need us......


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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Hang in there, my wife also is just getting over

bronchitis, she also had the codeine cough syrup, but

I don't think she had the flu. Anyway she has been

suffering with this for several weeks, it seems to be

getting better now. Take it easy. Better days are

coming, although we don't yet know when.. :) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I just got back from the Dr. and I have the flu and

> bronchitis..Beings I have

> Hep the won't give me antibotics..Just

> vlaritain..vioxx for aches and pains

> and some kind of cough medicine with hydrocodone in

> it..Told me to go to bed

> and stay there until this is gone because if I get

> out too soon it will get

> worse..Just thought I'd let yall know..



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You're doing great. Just remember it gets better! You

seem to be managing ok. I will remember you in my

prayers as well. I recall too well the first couple of

weeks of treatment. -dz-

--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

> Good morning all. Jan I hope your better soon. I

> hope

> the rest of you are doing well. It's 12:00 here &

> I'm

> getting ready for work. All I have to do is get

> through tonight & tomorrow night & I'll have the

> weekend to recoup for next week.

> Praying for you all

> Terry


> __________________________________________________


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My grandson is now 3 1/2 years old and gets the IVIG treatments, we have been

very lucky since he has started them he is much better, he has not needed to

be on antibiotics, or had to go to the hospital for infections (for a year

now), your son's igg level is not good, it wasn't even as good as my

grandson's when we increased his amount of igg in the IVIG. I know that some

people (religions) do not believe in this kind of treatment, but the

difference in my grandson is like night and day. I can't believe God would

allow us this knowledge to try to help these little ones, and then not expect

us to use it. But i also understand we all must chose for ourselves. i hope

this was helpful, i do not mean to be negative in any way.

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My grandson is now 3 1/2 years old and gets the IVIG treatments, we have been

very lucky since he has started them he is much better, he has not needed to

be on antibiotics, or had to go to the hospital for infections (for a year

now), your son's igg level is not good, it wasn't even as good as my

grandson's when we increased his amount of igg in the IVIG. I know that some

people (religions) do not believe in this kind of treatment, but the

difference in my grandson is like night and day. I can't believe God would

allow us this knowledge to try to help these little ones, and then not expect

us to use it. But i also understand we all must chose for ourselves. i hope

this was helpful, i do not mean to be negative in any way.

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Hi Terry,

I will be shooting up lots of prayers for you..... Hang in there

buddy!!!!!! You will have mood swings too.....Tell Susy to get the

frying pan ready..LOL.... Just trying to make you laugh a little to take

your mind off of it... ;o.....

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Chicken soup and keep warm (wear your nee muffs).

Got another egg today :-)

Be happy - it will make you well.


Re: [ ] (unknown)

Thanks Dave..I know it is a pain in the (i) to have them both at the same time..I don't have the fever anymore but still have a bad cough..My cough med. has hydrocodone in it..All you take is 1 tsp. every 6 hours//Now that's strong cough med. I am very weak though..Real dizzy when I get up and walk around..This damp weather we are having doesn't help me either..Oh well it'll just take a little time to get back to normal..But you know with having Hep C it is harder on us to get well than someone who doesn't have it...Get in touch when you can......

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Hi ,

Glad to hear re Consultant at last!! Will write more soon. I have a sore swollen eye ( and yes I know its nothing to do with "A" but I'm just explaining!!) and so don;t want to be looking at the screen for any longer today .

speak soon


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, Where do you live In the U.K?I live in south wales.


> hi all just went back to my doctor today she has finally referred me

> to see a gastroenterologist at the hospital, i have been on

> dompridone for a week and she told me it would encourage the oesohgus

> to work the way it should........ i was really excited .......but

> needless to say it didnt stop the regurgitating so i am so pleased to

> be going to see a specailist at last, i hope i dont have t wait too

> long for that appointment. i am really enjoying reading all the posts

> and am learning more about this horrible affliction that has been

> affecting us all. also could someone tell me what a wrap is ?

> regards

> teresa in the uk







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Hey I'm Welch. My last name is Davies, but I live in Oregon! --just thought I

would throw that in.

>>> jo@... 01/25/02 11:52AM >>>

, Where do you live In the U.K?I live in south wales.


> hi all just went back to my doctor today she has finally referred me

> to see a gastroenterologist at the hospital, i have been on

> dompridone for a week and she told me it would encourage the oesohgus

> to work the way it should........ i was really excited .......but

> needless to say it didnt stop the regurgitating so i am so pleased to

> be going to see a specailist at last, i hope i dont have t wait too

> long for that appointment. i am really enjoying reading all the posts

> and am learning more about this horrible affliction that has been

> affecting us all. also could someone tell me what a wrap is ?

> regards

> teresa in the uk







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> , Where do you live In the U.K?I live in south wales.

> (unknown)

> , A wrap is when the surgeon takes a flap of the stomach

tissue to wrap around the lower esophageal sphincter after he makes a

myotomy through it in order to help prevent reflux. There are pros

and cons to it. If it is too tight, you may not get the desired

results from the myotomy. If you don't have a flap, you can have more

problems with reflux. Hope that helps. Connie

> > hi all just went back to my doctor today she has finally referred


> > to see a gastroenterologist at the hospital, i have been on

> > dompridone for a week and she told me it would encourage the


> > to work the way it should........ i was really excited .......but

> > needless to say it didnt stop the regurgitating so i am so

pleased to

> > be going to see a specailist at last, i hope i dont have t wait


> > long for that appointment. i am really enjoying reading all the


> > and am learning more about this horrible affliction that has been

> > affecting us all. also could someone tell me what a wrap is ?

> > regards

> > teresa in the uk

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Terry, Hang in there..... I will say a special prayer for you...... I

hope you are forcing lots of water into yourself.... You must drink,

drink, drink!!!!! (Plain Water)

It helps a lot with the side effects.... I know I wanted nothing to do

with drinking or eating when I did the shots..... But you have to do

it......... Just rest and don't push yourself..... I used to take a

Tylenol a half hour before the shot, and I did it about 8 pm so I slept

some of the sides away...... For a while anyway..... Don't forget!!!!!!

We are here for you..... If you need to vent then put it out here.....

We are your support..... Don't forget it either.... OK Buddy?

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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How are things going for you and your son?????? I am still holding

you both in my prayers as I do everyone here.... Don't forget that we

are here at any time you need us...... Sending Love Across the Bridge

;o..... Get ready for the Game tomorrow....... gonna be a tough one....

Our Eagles should pull it off..... ;o Have a good day sweetie!!!!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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