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Update on me

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pleased with the replies from group regarding complications.it is easy to become

anxious when listening to certain problems.when hearing your replies feel more

confident about going for my fill again next week and will be taking extra care

to prevent problems.

sheila (england)

Re: Update on me

When you look at the list of what they consider Band " complications " ,

it includes overfills, barfing, reflux - all the little quirks that

are easily fixed and/or prevented. the " complications " with the

bypass include staple failure, major malnutrition, pouch stretching

and other lifelong problems that can require another major surgery.

I'll take occasional barfing or the rare overfill any time, 

but we all have to decide what is right for us.

I'm not sure I agree with sandy j's doc when she said that her

original doc should have used a larger band (none were available when

she was banded, if i recall her date correctly) or not banded her at


It's very common to band people of 300-400-500 # and more, and most

did just fine with the original small band before the larger ones

came out, if the docs correctly shaved off the fat around the stomach

to fit the Band properly.

At any rate, she is doing just great now, and I hope she has no more

trouble at all.

Sandy r


> I opted for the supposed higher " complication " rate with the band 

(I bet it depends on how you define complications, you can adjust

statistics to support whatever point you are trying to make) over the

higher mortality rate of the bypass any day.  N

>  --

> >

> > > >   

> > > I'm not sure I agree with the comment on long term


> >

> > The comments about the long term complications of the band were

> > actually from the surgeons at the ASMBS meeting I attended.  I


> > they are right though.  I have taken many calls from pissed off

> > (excuse my French) patients because they have a slip, erosion,

> > obstruction, infection, and now they have to incur additional

> > expenses of travel and additional surgery.  They need to


> > and plan for possible complications BEFORE surgery.  Some of them

> > think that they got through the surgery and nothing else can


> > to them.

> >

> > The surgeons said that complications and reoperations with the


> > can occur anytime even 5, 10 or more years out from surgery. 

> >

> > They went on to say sleeve and bypass have a higher short term

> > complication rate.






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  • 1 month later...

Oh Faye, I " m so sad for you, what a disappointment. Good luck

repairing and working all over again. I don't know how the multi

surgery people do it either...look at Harold! Takes persistance for

life, that's for sure.



> After my TKR on July 2 I tore my quad muscle and the knee cap

starting going

> out

> of place. On Aug 18 I had more surgery to repair the quad muscle.

I stayed

> 3 days in the hospital and now I am home. This hurts more than the

TKR ..

> It seems I have to start all over again. PT has not come out yet

but it

> should be soon.

> It gets depressing that all the hard work I put in for a month is


> clean and I have to start over.

> I don't know how some of you did it with your second and third

TKR.. and all

> the set backs you had.

> I wish you all a great day

> Hugs

> Faye



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Faye, you poor thing! I hope this 2nd surgery fixes things for good. I'm sure

the PT you did BEFORE you tore your quad DID help you, as it started giving you

strength and flexibility. I know it's discouraging. Just take it, literally, a

step at a time. And know that we're all here for you.

Sending you all the hugs you can handle!

Tammy Klaus


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Gail,

Let me introduce myself, I am new to the group, my name is .

You had asked about vitamin deficiency, I know that with Still's anemia is a big

issue. I have to take B-12 also, I take one shot weekly. Do you know the name of

the medicine that you drink? I also have iron problems, when I had a bone marrow

done, it showed I had no iron storage in my bone marrow.

I have wondered myself about vitamin deficiency in Still's.

Right now I am having major problems with my Potassium, I have had 3 potassium

IV's this month.

(((Lots of Hugs)))



To: stillsdisease

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 7:52:28 AM

Subject: update on me

First of all, welcome to all the new members! I haven't posted much lately, been

too much stress going on in my family. I was sick with a cold for 2 weeks and my

hubby tells me this morning that he's been having night sweats again for quite a

while. Since it took them 8 years to diagnose me with Still's, I can understand

his frustration at the docs not finding out what's wrong with him.

I went back to my doc yesterday, bloodwork still a little off, but " clinically "

I appear to be okay. I have had some mild fevers and joint pain for the last

several weeks and major stomach problems. Had to go off the Mtx B/C of the

cold,will be taking that again next week.

About a year ago, the doc noticed my Vitamin D level was severely low. He told

me to start taking 3 tablets every day. Then, last month, he gave me a

prescription for 50,000 units of Vitamin D to take once a week. When I first

started seeing him, he said my B12 was non-exisitent, so now I take shots for

that as well. Has anyone else had vitamin deficiency with Still's?

As some of you may remember, I also hav Hemachromatosis (iron loading disease).

My iron saturation is now at 56% (not bad, considering it's been in the 80's

before). Problem is, they have been unable to do a phlebotomy to correct this

b/c my red blood cell counts are below normal. They can't take a pint of blood

without it going lower. So, they are contacting Medicare to see if they will pay

for a new treatment where I would disolve this stuff into a drink and swallow it

every day. It's supposed to " bind " itself to the iron and will flush out with my


AND... I also have a suspicious looking spot that the doc says may be Psoriasis

~sigh~ Going to keep an eye on it, see if it gets worse.

Sorry so long, just wanted to check in. I do read your posts and respond if it's

something I think I can chime in on. Now I think I will unbend my back and limp

out to the den and catch up on the news.

Merry Christmas,

Gail (KY)

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Hi Gail,

Let me introduce myself, I am new to the group, my name is .

You had asked about vitamin deficiency, I know that with Still's anemia is a big

issue. I have to take B-12 also, I take one shot weekly. Do you know the name of

the medicine that you drink? I also have iron problems, when I had a bone marrow

done, it showed I had no iron storage in my bone marrow.

I have wondered myself about vitamin deficiency in Still's.

Right now I am having major problems with my Potassium, I have had 3 potassium

IV's this month.

(((Lots of Hugs)))



To: stillsdisease

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 7:52:28 AM

Subject: update on me

First of all, welcome to all the new members! I haven't posted much lately, been

too much stress going on in my family. I was sick with a cold for 2 weeks and my

hubby tells me this morning that he's been having night sweats again for quite a

while. Since it took them 8 years to diagnose me with Still's, I can understand

his frustration at the docs not finding out what's wrong with him.

I went back to my doc yesterday, bloodwork still a little off, but " clinically "

I appear to be okay. I have had some mild fevers and joint pain for the last

several weeks and major stomach problems. Had to go off the Mtx B/C of the

cold,will be taking that again next week.

About a year ago, the doc noticed my Vitamin D level was severely low. He told

me to start taking 3 tablets every day. Then, last month, he gave me a

prescription for 50,000 units of Vitamin D to take once a week. When I first

started seeing him, he said my B12 was non-exisitent, so now I take shots for

that as well. Has anyone else had vitamin deficiency with Still's?

As some of you may remember, I also hav Hemachromatosis (iron loading disease).

My iron saturation is now at 56% (not bad, considering it's been in the 80's

before). Problem is, they have been unable to do a phlebotomy to correct this

b/c my red blood cell counts are below normal. They can't take a pint of blood

without it going lower. So, they are contacting Medicare to see if they will pay

for a new treatment where I would disolve this stuff into a drink and swallow it

every day. It's supposed to " bind " itself to the iron and will flush out with my


AND... I also have a suspicious looking spot that the doc says may be Psoriasis

~sigh~ Going to keep an eye on it, see if it gets worse.

Sorry so long, just wanted to check in. I do read your posts and respond if it's

something I think I can chime in on. Now I think I will unbend my back and limp

out to the den and catch up on the news.

Merry Christmas,

Gail (KY)

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Hello Gail

I am sorry that you so poorly at the moment and with so many complications

it must be so hard to treat, I hope you feel better soon.

I haven't been diagnosed with a vitamin deficiency at the moment, but after

Christmas my doctor wants me to have the test for lack of vitamin B12. Have

you noticed an improvement with your shots of vitamin B12?. I take iron

tablets and my blood readings are not too bad, but the hardest thing for me

to tolerate is complete fatigue. Do you think B12 increase would help.

I hope Medicare will pay for the new treatment that might help you. Also

hope your spot doesn't turn out to be Psoriasis.

Best wishes

Joan U.K.

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 long time no read LOL

 well I to am a vitamin D low person and have to take some vitamin d also. this

came up about a year ago for the first time . I also believe it is not only

linked to my stills but also to my less then normal intake of dairy foods then

before ( this has been in the last say 3 to 4 years) and also in the last 2 to 3

years of being out side a lot less because of it being to hot in the summer and

to wet and cold in the winter. I say that as I was DX with stills back in 2000

and never had any trouble then with it . I do run low in one iron and high in

another . low as in anemic and high as in faritian . that is about the only

vitamin ones were i am off at the time but run down and always tied any more

dose not help me with getting out side so I also now am taking a men's one a day

multi vitamin on my own to help out ( dang horse pills )

 any hoot it was good to see ya posting again



the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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 long time no read LOL

 well I to am a vitamin D low person and have to take some vitamin d also. this

came up about a year ago for the first time . I also believe it is not only

linked to my stills but also to my less then normal intake of dairy foods then

before ( this has been in the last say 3 to 4 years) and also in the last 2 to 3

years of being out side a lot less because of it being to hot in the summer and

to wet and cold in the winter. I say that as I was DX with stills back in 2000

and never had any trouble then with it . I do run low in one iron and high in

another . low as in anemic and high as in faritian . that is about the only

vitamin ones were i am off at the time but run down and always tied any more

dose not help me with getting out side so I also now am taking a men's one a day

multi vitamin on my own to help out ( dang horse pills )

 any hoot it was good to see ya posting again



the  rednecks

Marty & G.

the redneck's my space http://www.myspace.com/martyg58

 To learn about Stills Disease  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

For conservitive minded people  http://www.americac2c.org " If  we ever forget

that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone  under. " ~



 In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's a wonder. 

~Author Unknown



A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive

treason from within.~Cicero


" The  most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the

government  and I'm here to help. "    ~  Reagan 

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  • 5 months later...
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From: LMay <mark9_41cupofwater@...>Subject: Update on me Date: Monday, May 25, 2009, 10:52 AM

Hi All I hope this goes thru. My puter and my net is spinning and with everything else I am really spinning. I received messed up court dates for my ssi hearing and now I am waiting for that to be cleared up and waiting for a doctor appointment for my husband. And to top that we are going to CA. for a high school graduation all in the same 3 weeks time frame. I don't do trips well any more and with the new med's it is even worse. Now HAPPY BIRTHDAY To ALL THANK YOU MODERATORS for all that you do. Some times I could send out and sometime not. I have been reading may

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

That's good news Mike. Glad to hear that things are looking up for you. It's

important, even in pain, to get some low to moderate intensity exercise.

Walking, swimming or water exercises are good examples.

Inactivity only makes the body stiffer causing more pain.

Sue C


From: Mike <mike2boys@...>


Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:35:33 PM

Subject: update on me


First i apoligize for the lack in my posting? I went from a boring isolated

dtuck at home vhusband father to a sperated going thru a divorce very active

busy lifestle i walk daily i am dating a wondefurful lady and i lost 22 lbs. i

am eating better looking better feeling better. i hope everyone else is doing ok

mike group owner

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?? mike glad to hear things are going better for you?

update on me

First i apoligize for the lack in my posting? I went from a boring isolated

dtuck at home vhusband father to a sperated going thru a divorce very active

busy lifestle i walk daily i am dating a wondefurful lady and i lost 22 lbs. i

am eating better looking better feeling better. i hope everyone else is doing ok

mike group owner

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Hey, I'm glad your foot is feeling better!!!!!

On 8/4/09, from Michigan <volleyjen0416@...> wrote:

>      I had to work (interpret) Monday & Tuesday - 10pm Monday until 7am

> Tuesday.  It was at a very nice hospital but I couldn't sleep very well.  I

> think I got maybe one hours worth of sleep.  After work I had to take care

> of the cats I'm " cat sitting " then I got home and went to bed until 12:45pm

> on Tuesday, ate, and went to bowling.  I've had a very busy couple of days

> and tomorrow will be busy too.


>      My foot is finally feeling a lot better but I want to start exercising

> on a less hectic day, either Thursday or Friday.


> In case you were wondering what was up with me,


>                   Jen


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Guest guest

Hey, I'm glad your foot is feeling better!!!!!

On 8/4/09, from Michigan <volleyjen0416@...> wrote:

>      I had to work (interpret) Monday & Tuesday - 10pm Monday until 7am

> Tuesday.  It was at a very nice hospital but I couldn't sleep very well.  I

> think I got maybe one hours worth of sleep.  After work I had to take care

> of the cats I'm " cat sitting " then I got home and went to bed until 12:45pm

> on Tuesday, ate, and went to bowling.  I've had a very busy couple of days

> and tomorrow will be busy too.


>      My foot is finally feeling a lot better but I want to start exercising

> on a less hectic day, either Thursday or Friday.


> In case you were wondering what was up with me,


>                   Jen


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Yeah, me too! I noticed that it gets irritated when I bowl so it's time to find wider bowling shoes. I'm going shopping for them soon! Jen

> I had to work (interpret) Monday & Tuesday - 10pm Monday until 7am

> Tuesday. It was at a very nice hospital but I couldn't sleep very well. I

> think I got maybe one hours worth of sleep. After work I had to take care

> of the cats I'm "cat sitting" then I got home and went to bed until 12:45pm

> on Tuesday, ate, and went to bowling. I've had a very busy couple of days

> and tomorrow will be busy too.


> My foot is finally feeling a lot better but I want to start exercising

> on a less hectic day, either Thursday or Friday.


> In case you were wondering what was up with me,


> Jen


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Yeah, me too! I noticed that it gets irritated when I bowl so it's time to find wider bowling shoes. I'm going shopping for them soon! Jen

> I had to work (interpret) Monday & Tuesday - 10pm Monday until 7am

> Tuesday. It was at a very nice hospital but I couldn't sleep very well. I

> think I got maybe one hours worth of sleep. After work I had to take care

> of the cats I'm "cat sitting" then I got home and went to bed until 12:45pm

> on Tuesday, ate, and went to bowling. I've had a very busy couple of days

> and tomorrow will be busy too.


> My foot is finally feeling a lot better but I want to start exercising

> on a less hectic day, either Thursday or Friday.


> In case you were wondering what was up with me,


> Jen


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Guest guest

Yeah, me too! I noticed that it gets irritated when I bowl so it's time to find wider bowling shoes. I'm going shopping for them soon! Jen

> I had to work (interpret) Monday & Tuesday - 10pm Monday until 7am

> Tuesday. It was at a very nice hospital but I couldn't sleep very well. I

> think I got maybe one hours worth of sleep. After work I had to take care

> of the cats I'm "cat sitting" then I got home and went to bed until 12:45pm

> on Tuesday, ate, and went to bowling. I've had a very busy couple of days

> and tomorrow will be busy too.


> My foot is finally feeling a lot better but I want to start exercising

> on a less hectic day, either Thursday or Friday.


> In case you were wondering what was up with me,


> Jen


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Good! Gotta have shoes that fit right!On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 9:36 PM, from Michigan <volleyjen0416@...> wrote:

   Yeah, me too!  I noticed that it gets irritated when I bowl so it's time to find wider bowling shoes.  I'm going shopping for them soon!               Jen

>      I had to work (interpret) Monday & Tuesday - 10pm Monday until 7am

> Tuesday.  It was at a very nice hospital but I couldn't sleep very well.  I

> think I got maybe one hours worth of sleep.  After work I had to take care

> of the cats I'm " cat sitting " then I got home and went to bed until 12:45pm

> on Tuesday, ate, and went to bowling.  I've had a very busy couple of days

> and tomorrow will be busy too.


>      My foot is finally feeling a lot better but I want to start exercising

> on a less hectic day, either Thursday or Friday.


> In case you were wondering what was up with me,


>                   Jen


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Guest guest

Good! Gotta have shoes that fit right!On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 9:36 PM, from Michigan <volleyjen0416@...> wrote:

   Yeah, me too!  I noticed that it gets irritated when I bowl so it's time to find wider bowling shoes.  I'm going shopping for them soon!               Jen

>      I had to work (interpret) Monday & Tuesday - 10pm Monday until 7am

> Tuesday.  It was at a very nice hospital but I couldn't sleep very well.  I

> think I got maybe one hours worth of sleep.  After work I had to take care

> of the cats I'm " cat sitting " then I got home and went to bed until 12:45pm

> on Tuesday, ate, and went to bowling.  I've had a very busy couple of days

> and tomorrow will be busy too.


>      My foot is finally feeling a lot better but I want to start exercising

> on a less hectic day, either Thursday or Friday.


> In case you were wondering what was up with me,


>                   Jen


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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

I remeber we wrote a year ago or so, your last name did the job. I aked you if

you had a Dutch background because Maas is a dutch name. You told me you had

dutch and german family!

Great to hear that you are so positive eventhough you have so many probleems

that make your life not as easy as it should be.

Great to hear that you are able to drive yourself. Makes life a lot different I

know. I got my car adjusted 12 years ago, four years ago I thought after the

operation that I did not need it anymore but I never liked getting in the car

anymore and driving it because I had lack of controle of my legs. I had it

adjusted again two years ago and am real happy driving again. The last half year

I could not drive a car or cycle on my recumbent bike and that was me indoors

for a long time because of another surgery. I accepted it but am so happy know

thay I can go someware on my own if I am up to it. I too have two kids one 6 and

one 8 years old and also agree that it is great to be able to take them someware

and do things together.

Well I wish you all the best and have a good time at the Bears/packers (who ever

they might be)and who lovely it is that you will be going on a trip with your


Groetjes (greetings)

from the Netherlands



> Hi everyone!


> I haven't been posting as much lately, because I've been so busy - yay! So I

thought I'd give an update here.


> For the newbies, here is a bit of my history. I am 33 years old and live in

northern Illinois. I started having some issues in 1999, and had my spine

checked. All of the orthos I saw at that time commented on how great my fusion

looked. I was diagnosed with MS in 2002, and gave up looking at spinal

problems. I became pregnant shortly after with our first daughter, and started

using a quad cane. We wanted to try for another child soon after. My neuro at

that time told me that people with MS shouldn't get pregnant " because what if

they end up in a wheelchair? " I wanted to slug him, because physical ability

has nothing to do with being a good parent. When my daughter was about 9 months

old, I got pregnant again with my second daughter. My MS went into full gear

and I had 4 relapses during that pregnancy, never fully recovering from any of

them. After my daughter was born, I thought that things would settle down, but

they didn't.


> I went from using a quad cane to using a walker in the house, and a wheelchair

when going out. I started chemo treatments to slow the progression of the

disease, and they worked very well for me.


> I still felt like things weren't quite right with my back, and that MS wasn't

explaining everything. I found these groups and decided to see a flatback

specialist to check my spine, instead of just a regular ortho. Thanks to these

lists, I found Dr Ondra in Chicago. I ended up having his partner, Dr Koski,

and I was very happy with him. In 2007, I underwent revision surgery, which

when combined with my MS, has me in a powerchair now. My bladder pretty much

was out of control too. I started self-cathing in 2006, and that kept the

accidents down for a while. But then it wasn't enough, so I got a suprapubic

catheter (tube inserted directly into my bladder thru a hole in my abdomen, and

I wear a bag on my leg) placed in Feb of 2008. It has been wonderful, tho now I

deal with recurring, antibiotic-resistant UTIs.


> My MS started in again, so I restarted chemo last year. I've ended up getting

7 doses total now. This year has been great for me. We got a van that I can

drive from my wheelchair - so for the first time in almost 4 years, I am able to

drive again. I had spent the last 3-4 years sitting at home, dependent on

asking others to drive me to dr appointments, drive my kids places, help with

grocery shopping, etc. Now I am busy trying to do everything myself. I LOVE

it!!! I love being able to drive the kids to the library, I love being able to

go pick up something from the store when >I< want to get it, I love being able

to drive my younger daughter to preschool. Anyways - you get the idea. It's

amazing to have that independence back when it's been taken away for so long!

My kids are now 4 and 5 years old, and they love that I can now take them



> I also changed my physical therapy around. I have amazing insurance, which

covers unlimited PT at 100% once I have reached my out-of-pocket minimum. And

in IL, they passed a law that insurance companies must allow PT for people with

MS. Usually PT is only approved for short-term for people who will likely have

an improvement. People with MS who need it to maintain their current level of

health are denied. But now they must cover maintenance PT. So I have been

getting in-home physical therapy 3 times per week for about 3 years. Last

month, I decided to try outpatient therapy instead. I was told by my local

urologists to not swim with my suprapubic catheter, but after talking to several

people online, I decided to ignore that advice. It seems that MANY people with

those caths swim just fine, so these local uros don't know what they're talking

about. The water feels wonderful. So I do aquatherapy twice a week, and

regular therapy (stretching, weight training) the 3rd day. I have seen some

improvements over the last month.


> So that's the main reason I haven't been posting as much lately. I'm much

more busy living my life than I have been in the recent past :) We took our

first family vacation this year, and it was great. Two weekends ago, my husband

surprised me with tickets to the opening game of the Bears/Packers up at Lambeau

Field. It was awesome :) And next spring, we're planning on taking a trip to

Central America (me, hubby & the kids) for a family wedding.


> Anyways, sorry for the long post, but I wanted to welcome to the new members

we've had lately. This is a great place for info and support about flatback!




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  • 3 months later...

Yes it is and the best part - and I would LOVE to shove this in my old endo(s) face - NO RADIATION!!!!

He told me I would die w/o it. Guess he was wrong.


Re: Update on me

Congratulations ! A testimony to the power of Iodine! YAY!Cheryl

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this is a remarkable achievement stephanie and i hope i can make a health recovery too. keep up good work. x

if anyone is interested read below i read about this little boy and they have a web site of products a lot of you talk about inluding lugols, magnesium oil and some other brill supplements on ebay the boy used to get totally free of cancer. i cried when i read it and ordered book and spoke to his father today who runs a small business now selling things that helped his son from dying.

Subject: please read i spoke to his father today amazing man and child am buying book. look on site they sell items on ebay.

Bobby is a 7 year old Devon boy who in early 2005 was diagnosed with Stage 4, High Risk Neuroblastoma which had spread into his head, bones and marrow from an abdominal primary tumor. He was N-MYC amplified which put him in the poor prognosis group. A fully integrated treatment strategy was implemented immediately upon his diagnosis. Today Bobby is cancer free and filled with energy and vitality, suffering from none of the "unavoidable" side effects predicted such as deafness, stunted growth, serious bowel disturbances, heart damage and more. Throughout his very aggresive chemotherapy he lost no weight, had no mucositis and no infection whatsoever. Although his speedy and complete recovery is labelled miraculous by many in the medical establishment it is in fact the result of a huge amount of research, focus, dedication and the refusal of his family to be beaten. The strategy we follow is not alternative or quack but a very carefully researched and implemented, fully integrated programme that uses all available approaches to cancer. This approach has been used to varying degrees by many other families since with similar effects. All our products were used in Bobbys treatment plan. We will keep adding products until we have all of the many products we used available. They are free from any additives, organic where possible and in their most natural form. We know them and trust them. All profits from sale proceeds are donated to Kids Intergrated Cancer Treatment (www.kict.info). Thank you for supporting us.

Even though I own this group what brought me here initially was my own health struggles with thyroid cancer. As time went on and my health improved I became more passionate about the benefits of its usage. Then I began to research more and more and became friends with Dr. Brownstein and the rest is history. I became the owner of this group in 2007.

So, yesterday was my 6 mos checkup with Dr. Brownstein. We always run a full panel of thyroid numbers including my thyroglobulin which is the cancer "marker" for those of us who have had our thyroid removed and then were ablated with radioactive iodine.

In May 2005 I had my last round of 250 mCi's of RAI. My Tg went to 8 but then by January 2006 it had risen to 24 again and my endo began to discuss the possibility of External Beam Radiation. I didn't want this and ran. I sought Dr. Brownstein's help. That was Feb 2006 and now almost 4 years later my Tg has finally fallen to 5. The goal with many doctors is 5 or below to be considered cancer free. In June of last year I was at 10.5 so I went down 5.5 pts in 6 mos to arrive at the target number. I am so excited and relieved to see that *marker* make one more decent.

I continue to struggle with some other issues related to the damage the RAI did but overall I am doing well and feel blessed to have found Dr. B and the Iodine therapy - it saved my life. March of this year marks my 10 year anniversary since my diagnosis. Wow.

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That is wonderful news ! I am so happy for you and so proud that you did research and found the best way to keep your body healthy. I am so grateful for this group and what I have learned , thank you for owning it and allowing all of us to grow and learn. Kathleen

Update on me

Even though I own this group what brought me here initially was my own health struggles with thyroid cancer. As time went on and my health improved I became more passionate about the benefits of its usage. Then I began to research more and more and became friends with Dr. Brownstein and the rest is history. I became the owner of this group in 2007.

So, yesterday was my 6 mos checkup with Dr. Brownstein. We always run a full panel of thyroid numbers including my thyroglobulin which is the cancer "marker" for those of us who have had our thyroid removed and then were ablated with radioactive iodine.

In May 2005 I had my last round of 250 mCi's of RAI. My Tg went to 8 but then by January 2006 it had risen to 24 again and my endo began to discuss the possibility of External Beam Radiation. I didn't want this and ran. I sought Dr. Brownstein's help. That was Feb 2006 and now almost 4 years later my Tg has finally fallen to 5. The goal with many doctors is 5 or below to be considered cancer free. In June of last year I was at 10.5 so I went down 5.5 pts in 6 mos to arrive at the target number. I am so excited and relieved to see that *marker* make one more decent.

I continue to struggle with some other issues related to the damage the RAI did but overall I am doing well and feel blessed to have found Dr. B and the Iodine therapy - it saved my life. March of this year marks my 10 year anniversary since my diagnosis. Wow.

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Great to hear and thanks for all your efforts here.

God bless,


> Even though I own this group what brought me here initially was my own health

struggles with thyroid cancer. .... found Dr. B and the Iodine therapy - it

saved my life. March of this year marks my 10 year anniversary since my

diagnosis. Wow.

> >


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You totally rock Steph! I am so glad to hear your markers are moving in

the right direction.

This group is helping me more than any other to find my way back to

health. Thank you for all you do. ...and maybe we can set a time for a

group raspberry aimed at your former endo. So glad you're proving him



ladybugsandbees wrote:

>Yes it is and the best part - and I would LOVE to shove this in my old endo(s)

face - NO RADIATION!!!!


>He told me I would die w/o it. Guess he was wrong.







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