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What to do?

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hi kathleen,

with respect to your pb's, perhaps its the rice. anything that can

swell in the pouch is a bad idea.

are you walking or doing any exercise? that might help.

then chart how many calories you're taking in. you may find the

solution is a simple one.

good luck,



> Thanks, Sandy, for the info. I have read the " bandster rules "

> and " perfectly adjusted " docs before and find them of good help.

> More info on me: Was banded by Dr. Kuri/Tijuana, with the Inamed

> 9.75cm band. First fill 0.8 cc, second fill now up to 1.6 cc,

> cumulative. The fluoroscope at both fills showed lots of restriction-

> they had to take some out each time. I feel lots of restriction and


> at least 3 times a week since the last fill, June 6. Can eat most

> things, but I don't eat bread or pasta, and very little rice. I


> at least 60-80 oz. of water each day. Have had no complications.

> Height: 5'11 " . Age: 51. Weight: 260/241/160. Any more thoughts or

> advice on how to accelerate my weight loss? I just can't seem to



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Hi, again- we've communicated more by now, and you're really unable to

get enough in, pb'ong daily, and dehydrated by now. WE agreed that you

really need an unfill, an found a local fdoc who canhelp you, we hope,

so you don't have to get back to TJ on short noyce.

Bt I'd like to take this chance to remind everyone what, if we chosse a

doc far away, we must always arrange, ahead of time, for mor3e local

help in an urgent situation. If we are in trouble, ill, barfing, and

dehydrated, we can't be crawling back onto a olane to get to our docs.

IMO, we need to find and communicate with a local fill person before we

make the decision to choose a doc far away. Kathleen will be fine, but

in other situations, a delay in cae can and has cost a Bandster his.her

Band. It's rare that truly urgent situations arise, but we all must

know where to go locally for care.

Sandy R



> Thanks, Sandy, for the info. I have read the " bandster rules "

> and " perfectly adjusted " docs before and find them of good help.

> More info on me: Was banded by Dr. Kuri/Tijuana, with the Inamed

> 9.75cm band. First fill 0.8 cc, second fill now up to 1.6 cc,

> cumulative. The fluoroscope at both fills showed lots of restriction-

> they had to take some out each time. I feel lots of restriction and


> at least 3 times a week since the last fill, June 6. Can eat most

> things, but I don't eat bread or pasta, and very little rice. I


> at least 60-80 oz. of water each day. Have had no complications.

> Height: 5'11 " . Age: 51. Weight: 260/241/160. Any more thoughts or

> advice on how to accelerate my weight loss? I just can't seem to



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I agree, I had originally planned to go to TJ for my banding, but in

doing my research I found that there is not a single doc in St. Louis

that will do fills on patients banded in Mexico.

And in light of my complication it is a good thing I had it done at





[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Sandy

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 10:09 AM

Subject: Re: What to do?

Hi, again- we've communicated more by now, and you're really unable to

get enough in, pb'ong daily, and dehydrated by now. WE agreed that you

really need an unfill, an found a local fdoc who canhelp you, we hope,

so you don't have to get back to TJ on short noyce.

Bt I'd like to take this chance to remind everyone what, if we chosse a

doc far away, we must always arrange, ahead of time, for mor3e local

help in an urgent situation. If we are in trouble, ill, barfing, and

dehydrated, we can't be crawling back onto a olane to get to our docs.

IMO, we need to find and communicate with a local fill person before we

make the decision to choose a doc far away. Kathleen will be fine, but

in other situations, a delay in cae can and has cost a Bandster his.her

Band. It's rare that truly urgent situations arise, but we all must

know where to go locally for care.

Sandy R



> Thanks, Sandy, for the info. I have read the " bandster rules "

> and " perfectly adjusted " docs before and find them of good help.

> More info on me: Was banded by Dr. Kuri/Tijuana, with the Inamed

> 9.75cm band. First fill 0.8 cc, second fill now up to 1.6 cc,

> cumulative. The fluoroscope at both fills showed lots of restriction-

> they had to take some out each time. I feel lots of restriction and


> at least 3 times a week since the last fill, June 6. Can eat most

> things, but I don't eat bread or pasta, and very little rice. I


> at least 60-80 oz. of water each day. Have had no complications.

> Height: 5'11 " . Age: 51. Weight: 260/241/160. Any more thoughts or

> advice on how to accelerate my weight loss? I just can't seem to



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The other question is about resins. they are pretty much right off the

plants, myrhh, frankinsence, benzoin, etc. I know they dissolve in

alcohol, however I really wanted to use them as a base notes for

solids perfumes.

Would I be able to heat and melt them without burning? What about

infusing or macerating in jojoba oil, has anyone ever done that?

Would it be worth it to heat them in the oil let them stew awhile,

then filter? What do you think?

TIA for your help.


Kathy H

Resinous viscous material is derived from ducts of the bark of certain trees

and secreted

ie: Myrrh, incense and Galbanum

With Benzoin the tree does not produce this naturally. Only when an incision

is made in bark deep enough for the resin to collect and harden and be collected

as tears.

Heating without burning..... I posted earlier about this..... by placing your

glass tumbler in a cup of hot water you will find that resinous material will

disperse evenly especially in high % alcohol.

Maceration there is information in the messages.... just go to message blank

above here and tap in maceration and there is many threads about this....



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janita morris <heartinmymouth@...> wrote:

however I really wanted to use them as a base notes for

solids perfumes.

Hi Kathy

soz didn't really answer you question there....

yes heating gently for maceration...or again the beaker and cup method I

mentioned in the last post... .. jojoba is the recommened oil for solids ....

very much like our own skin sebum.

Or if you don't want to heat...... put in the oil and let it sit .......this

will take longer....



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  • 2 months later...


I just wanted to offer my support. I haven't started anything beyond

my initial pred (only diagnosed in August, was on pred 60mg for a

month, went down to 40 for sept, he just reduced me to 20mg last

friday and I am completely achy again).

Hopefully your employers are as understanding as my one set has been,

the others I don't see very often and I schedule myself (but it's in

school mostly and a lot of sitting :)) I would hope that they would

not give you a hard time, I would hope they are understanding of what

you are going through.

Anyhow, hopefully what they do for you in Cleveland will help you out.

I've found the worst part about this is that nothing seems definite

or easily defined. Maybe they will be able to give you some answers

and be able to find something that helps at the very least.


-- In Stillsdisease , " Bouldin "



> I've decided my complaints should not be at the tea party, so I

switched tables for a little while...I'll be back at the party as soon

as I get this off my chest. I'm getting very discouraged with my

progress....and lack thereof. I had been maintaining my life on 30MG

of pred, along the MTX and Humira for about 2 months....but then

started slipping again. I'm back up to 40MG of pred. Prednisone is

the only thing that's helping me. And I'm very worried (as is my Dr)

about the long term effects. I've been on these high doses constantly

for a year now. My Dr now says he thinks there may be other stuff

going on with the or instead of the Stills...although I have all the

markers of Stills. Rash, fever, severe joint and muscle pain, heck

you know them all. Anyway, I've got an appointment at the Cleveland

Clinic in 2 two weeks. But before that, my Dr may want to start me on

Immunoglobulin infusions. I " ll find out today the results of my lab

tests and if we're going to do that.


> I've got to keep my job and they've been understanding so far, but

I'll be missing 5 days of work with the infusions (according to my Dr

that's what it takes) then another week in Cleveland. I'm just so

sick and tired of being sick and tired. I don't like having this

illness define who I am.

> OK, it's off my chest. Thanks for letting me vent. See you at the






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and Ellen, Thank you so much for your input. I had a good cry after

reading it and realizing that yes, it probably is my job keeping me ill. Crying

because I also realized how much I don't want to lose this job but don't know

how to keep it either. I do enjoy it when I feel good. ...But it is very

stressful at times. Maybe I can take some short term disability to relax and

catch my breath and heal a little bit. It is so hard to accept that I may not

be able to do this anymore. Maybe I should try to find a job where I can work

in an office all day and not in and out of my car carrying books in the heat.

But you're right...my health is more important than my job. I try to say " I

work to live, not live to work " ...but then am I really doing that? It seems

like the opposite when it makes me sick.

Anyway, it's a lot to think about and work on adjusting. Thank you guys


Luv ya!

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If your have disability at work, I would definitely talk to the doc

into reducing your hours if not putting you on short term for a few

months. At my last job, I went on reduced hours - 24 hours per week.

That gave me 3 days of work and 4 days of rest and made a HUGE

difference in where I am today. I wouldn't quit the job if you don't

have to, but take the time to rest and then think through how you

might need to organize your life after you are feeling a bit better.

That might require changing jobs (it did for me when i first got ill 8

years ago). But give yourself the chance to have the break, sleep,

and maybe think straighter. Right now you are in pain and upset and

worried and sick. Having time to just take care of yourself will make

a world of difference.

Let us know if you are able to do that.

houston, Texas

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If your have disability at work, I would definitely talk to the doc

into reducing your hours if not putting you on short term for a few

months. At my last job, I went on reduced hours - 24 hours per week.

That gave me 3 days of work and 4 days of rest and made a HUGE

difference in where I am today. I wouldn't quit the job if you don't

have to, but take the time to rest and then think through how you

might need to organize your life after you are feeling a bit better.

That might require changing jobs (it did for me when i first got ill 8

years ago). But give yourself the chance to have the break, sleep,

and maybe think straighter. Right now you are in pain and upset and

worried and sick. Having time to just take care of yourself will make

a world of difference.

Let us know if you are able to do that.

houston, Texas

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If your have disability at work, I would definitely talk to the doc

into reducing your hours if not putting you on short term for a few

months. At my last job, I went on reduced hours - 24 hours per week.

That gave me 3 days of work and 4 days of rest and made a HUGE

difference in where I am today. I wouldn't quit the job if you don't

have to, but take the time to rest and then think through how you

might need to organize your life after you are feeling a bit better.

That might require changing jobs (it did for me when i first got ill 8

years ago). But give yourself the chance to have the break, sleep,

and maybe think straighter. Right now you are in pain and upset and

worried and sick. Having time to just take care of yourself will make

a world of difference.

Let us know if you are able to do that.

houston, Texas

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I know what you feel I loved my job best job I had ever had and I have been

working from the age of 8 believe it or not. I tried to take some time off and

in the end I to never went back to work at the old job .I did take a job in an

office doing phone sales for a time .I could get up and move around when ever i

wanted to and it was only half days 4 day a week but it got to me in less then

two weeks and the day I was going in to quite they closed down so I got laid off

any way . for me being a man and wanting to help support my family there is

nothing i would like better then to be able to work again. well okay maybe to

have my health back like when i turned 40 and was in the best shape of my life .

right now things are so tight we have about $150 left for the rest of the month

for food and gas . the wife uses about $20 a week going to and from school and

we have 6 adults and 1 baby to feed so here i am wanting to work can not know

the wife has to but

also know if she dose it may harm her with school and I do not want that but

the best thing i can do for her and my family is take the best care of my self

no matter what comes and if it means we are poor as church mice then so be it at

lest we are happy and have each other all of us and that is what i know is the

most imported thing in life but money dose help just will not buy you happiness

or love just things then you have to get a bigger place to put all the new

things and then a bigger place again to put even more new things so not having

money by not working saves us from having to move LOL

Hugs all

the redneck


Calling an illegal alien an " undocumented immigrant " is like calling a drug

dealer an " unlicensed pharmacist. "

" Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not. "

~ Jefferson

Stills ; An illness I know to well!

To learn about Stills http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

To donate http://www.stillsdisease.org/donations



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,, Please, I want to share with you my story about smoking and drinking

with the meds,,, Not that you are doing eather...the meds will cancel out

completly as smoking and even the smallist amount of beer or wine effects me so

bad I regret it even touching my lips, my pain swelling and lack of ability hits

the dirt if I even attempt to ... I am 17 months free of both and am finally

doing well...

What to do?

I've decided my complaints should not be at the tea party, so I switched

tables for a little while...I'll be back at the party as soon as I get this off

my chest. I'm getting very discouraged with my progress....and lack thereof. I

had been maintaining my life on 30MG of pred, along the MTX and Humira for about

2 months....but then started slipping again. I'm back up to 40MG of pred.

Prednisone is the only thing that's helping me. And I'm very worried (as is my

Dr) about the long term effects. I've been on these high doses constantly for a

year now. My Dr now says he thinks there may be other stuff going on with the or

instead of the Stills...although I have all the markers of Stills. Rash, fever,

severe joint and muscle pain, heck you know them all. Anyway, I've got an

appointment at the Cleveland Clinic in 2 two weeks. But before that, my Dr may

want to start me on Immunoglobulin infusions. I " ll find out today the results of

my lab tests and if we're going to do that.

I've got to keep my job and they've been understanding so far, but I'll be

missing 5 days of work with the infusions (according to my Dr that's what it

takes) then another week in Cleveland. I'm just so sick and tired of being sick

and tired. I don't like having this illness define who I am.

OK, it's off my chest. Thanks for letting me vent. See you at the party.

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,, Please, I want to share with you my story about smoking and drinking

with the meds,,, Not that you are doing eather...the meds will cancel out

completly as smoking and even the smallist amount of beer or wine effects me so

bad I regret it even touching my lips, my pain swelling and lack of ability hits

the dirt if I even attempt to ... I am 17 months free of both and am finally

doing well...

What to do?

I've decided my complaints should not be at the tea party, so I switched

tables for a little while...I'll be back at the party as soon as I get this off

my chest. I'm getting very discouraged with my progress....and lack thereof. I

had been maintaining my life on 30MG of pred, along the MTX and Humira for about

2 months....but then started slipping again. I'm back up to 40MG of pred.

Prednisone is the only thing that's helping me. And I'm very worried (as is my

Dr) about the long term effects. I've been on these high doses constantly for a

year now. My Dr now says he thinks there may be other stuff going on with the or

instead of the Stills...although I have all the markers of Stills. Rash, fever,

severe joint and muscle pain, heck you know them all. Anyway, I've got an

appointment at the Cleveland Clinic in 2 two weeks. But before that, my Dr may

want to start me on Immunoglobulin infusions. I " ll find out today the results of

my lab tests and if we're going to do that.

I've got to keep my job and they've been understanding so far, but I'll be

missing 5 days of work with the infusions (according to my Dr that's what it

takes) then another week in Cleveland. I'm just so sick and tired of being sick

and tired. I don't like having this illness define who I am.

OK, it's off my chest. Thanks for letting me vent. See you at the party.

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,, Please, I want to share with you my story about smoking and drinking

with the meds,,, Not that you are doing eather...the meds will cancel out

completly as smoking and even the smallist amount of beer or wine effects me so

bad I regret it even touching my lips, my pain swelling and lack of ability hits

the dirt if I even attempt to ... I am 17 months free of both and am finally

doing well...

What to do?

I've decided my complaints should not be at the tea party, so I switched

tables for a little while...I'll be back at the party as soon as I get this off

my chest. I'm getting very discouraged with my progress....and lack thereof. I

had been maintaining my life on 30MG of pred, along the MTX and Humira for about

2 months....but then started slipping again. I'm back up to 40MG of pred.

Prednisone is the only thing that's helping me. And I'm very worried (as is my

Dr) about the long term effects. I've been on these high doses constantly for a

year now. My Dr now says he thinks there may be other stuff going on with the or

instead of the Stills...although I have all the markers of Stills. Rash, fever,

severe joint and muscle pain, heck you know them all. Anyway, I've got an

appointment at the Cleveland Clinic in 2 two weeks. But before that, my Dr may

want to start me on Immunoglobulin infusions. I " ll find out today the results of

my lab tests and if we're going to do that.

I've got to keep my job and they've been understanding so far, but I'll be

missing 5 days of work with the infusions (according to my Dr that's what it

takes) then another week in Cleveland. I'm just so sick and tired of being sick

and tired. I don't like having this illness define who I am.

OK, it's off my chest. Thanks for letting me vent. See you at the party.

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I apologize for taking so long to write you back. I had a computer

free day yesterday (the thing went wonky so I turned it off). My son

is much more adept with this machine and he fixed it for me. Thank

G-d for teenagers (did I actually just write that?).

I have to be honest with you, I've been in your shoes. I've had jobs

that I thought were my whole life, things I thought I enjoyed that

would eventually turn my stomach in knots and that's when I knew it

wasn't for me. The last one that it happened with was the teller

position at a bank. Great job, great group of people, fantastic

manager but something about it wasn't quite right. It took a few

months and then I'd start to get sick somehow every morning and the

drugs weren't " working " .

The point? Take your leave of adsence and get some rest. Start from

the beginning and fix you first. You may not be the office type of

person, not everyone is. I love what I do now, I'm a cashier at a

grocery store. Yes, it's brainless for the most part and yes I'm on

my feet but it combines my two favorite things, involvement with the

public and mindless banter (I'm a yenta). I'm also working part

time, no more than 20 hours a week.

I realize you may not be in the same position as I am and part time

may not be an option for you but it's a very good way to get your

foot in the door of some place new to see if you like it. Also, if

you want to keep working (NOT recommended) go to part time, no more

than say, 10 to 15 hours a week. It's your decision, I just make


Take care and be well and let me know how you're doing.


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I apologize for taking so long to write you back. I had a computer

free day yesterday (the thing went wonky so I turned it off). My son

is much more adept with this machine and he fixed it for me. Thank

G-d for teenagers (did I actually just write that?).

I have to be honest with you, I've been in your shoes. I've had jobs

that I thought were my whole life, things I thought I enjoyed that

would eventually turn my stomach in knots and that's when I knew it

wasn't for me. The last one that it happened with was the teller

position at a bank. Great job, great group of people, fantastic

manager but something about it wasn't quite right. It took a few

months and then I'd start to get sick somehow every morning and the

drugs weren't " working " .

The point? Take your leave of adsence and get some rest. Start from

the beginning and fix you first. You may not be the office type of

person, not everyone is. I love what I do now, I'm a cashier at a

grocery store. Yes, it's brainless for the most part and yes I'm on

my feet but it combines my two favorite things, involvement with the

public and mindless banter (I'm a yenta). I'm also working part

time, no more than 20 hours a week.

I realize you may not be in the same position as I am and part time

may not be an option for you but it's a very good way to get your

foot in the door of some place new to see if you like it. Also, if

you want to keep working (NOT recommended) go to part time, no more

than say, 10 to 15 hours a week. It's your decision, I just make


Take care and be well and let me know how you're doing.


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I apologize for taking so long to write you back. I had a computer

free day yesterday (the thing went wonky so I turned it off). My son

is much more adept with this machine and he fixed it for me. Thank

G-d for teenagers (did I actually just write that?).

I have to be honest with you, I've been in your shoes. I've had jobs

that I thought were my whole life, things I thought I enjoyed that

would eventually turn my stomach in knots and that's when I knew it

wasn't for me. The last one that it happened with was the teller

position at a bank. Great job, great group of people, fantastic

manager but something about it wasn't quite right. It took a few

months and then I'd start to get sick somehow every morning and the

drugs weren't " working " .

The point? Take your leave of adsence and get some rest. Start from

the beginning and fix you first. You may not be the office type of

person, not everyone is. I love what I do now, I'm a cashier at a

grocery store. Yes, it's brainless for the most part and yes I'm on

my feet but it combines my two favorite things, involvement with the

public and mindless banter (I'm a yenta). I'm also working part

time, no more than 20 hours a week.

I realize you may not be in the same position as I am and part time

may not be an option for you but it's a very good way to get your

foot in the door of some place new to see if you like it. Also, if

you want to keep working (NOT recommended) go to part time, no more

than say, 10 to 15 hours a week. It's your decision, I just make


Take care and be well and let me know how you're doing.


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Alan, I'm so glad you're doing well. I wish I had had a drink or

two...Sometimes it looks so good...but I haven't had a sip since I got this

disease. My Dr said I could have a " Birthday drink " . In other words one per

year because of the effects with the meds and the damage it could do to the

organs. I haven't found the occasion I want to spend that on yet though, lol.

As for smoking....don't do that either. However, my husband does. do you think

second hand smoke affects it too? He tries to be careful and not smoke a lot

around me...but it's his house too and I just can't change all the rules on hims

suddenly can I?

I'm afraid I think everyone's right about work. I'm going to probably take a

medical leave as soon as I get back from the Cleveland Clinic....or if they'll

let me work part time I'll do that.

Thank you so much for your input and caring!

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Alan, I'm so glad you're doing well. I wish I had had a drink or

two...Sometimes it looks so good...but I haven't had a sip since I got this

disease. My Dr said I could have a " Birthday drink " . In other words one per

year because of the effects with the meds and the damage it could do to the

organs. I haven't found the occasion I want to spend that on yet though, lol.

As for smoking....don't do that either. However, my husband does. do you think

second hand smoke affects it too? He tries to be careful and not smoke a lot

around me...but it's his house too and I just can't change all the rules on hims

suddenly can I?

I'm afraid I think everyone's right about work. I'm going to probably take a

medical leave as soon as I get back from the Cleveland Clinic....or if they'll

let me work part time I'll do that.

Thank you so much for your input and caring!

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Alan, I'm so glad you're doing well. I wish I had had a drink or

two...Sometimes it looks so good...but I haven't had a sip since I got this

disease. My Dr said I could have a " Birthday drink " . In other words one per

year because of the effects with the meds and the damage it could do to the

organs. I haven't found the occasion I want to spend that on yet though, lol.

As for smoking....don't do that either. However, my husband does. do you think

second hand smoke affects it too? He tries to be careful and not smoke a lot

around me...but it's his house too and I just can't change all the rules on hims

suddenly can I?

I'm afraid I think everyone's right about work. I'm going to probably take a

medical leave as soon as I get back from the Cleveland Clinic....or if they'll

let me work part time I'll do that.

Thank you so much for your input and caring!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi not sure of your name but I am Pippa and I live in Northamptonshire

so although we are quiet away from each other still in the UK

How have you managed for the past 20 years on just having one


There is a lot of infomration in this group if you take a look in the

files you will see lots of information and also links to medical

website explaining treatments and so on for Achalasia.

I was diagnosed in August 2006 and had an open Heller Myotomy (it can

be done by Keyhole) which is probably the surgery that you have been


Have to say that I have never looked back since yes it took a while to

get back on my feet again but I have gained all the weight that I lost

and more lol

If you have any question just ask away that's what we are all here for.

There are a few of us in the Uk that are members here Ann is another

member from North Yorkshire and there are a few others that pop in now

and again.

Hope to hear from you soon



> hello all i have had achalasia for twenty odd years now (i am 34).I

> have had dilation but that only worked for two weeks or so and now I

> have been offered the choice of another dilation or key hole surgery

> have never really researched achalasia before and after finding this

> site and few others I am a bit concerned as to what to do for the

> best.can anyone advise please? I live in Newport south wales and I am

> seeing Dr .


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> >

> > hello all i have had achalasia for twenty odd years now (i am


> > have had dilation but that only worked for two weeks or so and

now I

> > have been offered the choice of another dilation or key hole


> > have never really researched achalasia before and after finding


> > site and few others I am a bit concerned as to what to do for the

> > best.can anyone advise please? I live in Newport south wales and

I am

> > seeing Dr .

> >


Hi Pippa thanks for the reply,my name is Mike and like I said I have

had this conditon since I was about 11 years old. When it first

started I could not eat anything without drinking about two pints of

water and forcing it down as hard as I could.After about six months

of this I had an endoscope done but they found nothing wrong so I

just learned to live with it.Over the years I got used the discomfort

and pain and could just about manage to go out for meals however I

was still underweight. About two years ago I stared to cough at night

and get fluid on my lungs I had a chest scan and they picked up on

the achalasia,I would never had gussed the coughing was done to

that.Any way like I said I had a dilation done and it was like a

revelation I forget what it was like to eat without pain!!! well that

has worn off now I opted for another dilation but now reading up on

the subject I am not sure if I made the right choice, what do you


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  • 4 months later...
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well, I would call both and let them know what's happening so they can both try and work with me... lol. Maybe radiology can take yuou in earlier ?? Maybe Immunology can move your appt back some?... Congrats re. graduation!!

Good fortune with the appointments and getting them ironed out


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Salvucci <lsalvucci42@...> wrote:

I have a gi small bowel follow through at 10:00am and an immunology appointment at 10:30.. what do I do? Which do I choose. Or do I let the radiology department know that I have an appointment at 10:30. Immunology is usually good at getting me through quickly but they both seem important. The small bowel follow through is basically me drinking barium and them x-raying it as it goes through my stomach and small bowel, they want to check for.. i dunno I guess the cause of my low iron and low albumin. I doubt that they will stop in the middle so I can go to my immunology appointment so ahh I dunno what to do. They already had to reschedule me once in immunology and I'd hate to miss seeing my rheumatologist, so what do you think.. someone give me advice? Ha I should be able to make this choice I'm a college graduate.. but I don't know..both are important right? On a side note it's funny the reality of my life cannot even escape me even on my graduation I got the reminder call from Stanford for the appointment..

Love always (JAS, 23) Salvucci Behavioral Therapist Pacific Child and Family Associates San Mateo, CA 94402 c: 650-302-3703

-- " Life- Like the flutter of wings... feel your hollow wings rushing... " (AFI- Silver and Cold).

my Flight in life is a metamorphosis of growth and this flutter of wings is within me awaiting to find a space to find it's flow...

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about the reality of graduation and not being able to escape.. I have to comment that I can relate to the irony of it all. Because I get alot of my care at UCSD and went to the Uni, it's really funny getting mail, cards, appt reminders etc since it all looks the same... same cards, same email extentions to the point that I can ussualy guess someone's email in association with the Uni. I also would meet RA's in the medical center doing research and would question them on what classes they are taking, what school they belong to within UCSD yet Im a 'patient'... it's just cool but also kinda weird....

We pay everything to the UC Regents and I rememeber going to my therapy place and seeing a sign that said Make checks payable to the UC Regents and thought Oh Nooo, I just CAN " T get away from these people!!! :)

Anyways, it's weird but fun too...


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Issadora <flyfreeizzie@...> wrote:

well, I would call both and let them know what's happening so they can both try and work with me... lol. Maybe radiology can take yuou in earlier ?? Maybe Immunology can move your appt back some?... Congrats re. graduation!!

Good fortune with the appointments and getting them ironed out


On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Salvucci <lsalvucci42@...> wrote:

I have a gi small bowel follow through at 10:00am and an immunology appointment at 10:30.. what do I do? Which do I choose. Or do I let the radiology department know that I have an appointment at 10:30. Immunology is usually good at getting me through quickly but they both seem important. The small bowel follow through is basically me drinking barium and them x-raying it as it goes through my stomach and small bowel, they want to check for.. i dunno I guess the cause of my low iron and low albumin. I doubt that they will stop in the middle so I can go to my immunology appointment so ahh I dunno what to do. They already had to reschedule me once in immunology and I'd hate to miss seeing my rheumatologist, so what do you think.. someone give me advice? Ha I should be able to make this choice I'm a college graduate.. but I don't know..both are important right? On a side note it's funny the reality of my life cannot even escape me even on my graduation I got the reminder call from Stanford for the appointment..

Love always (JAS, 23) Salvucci Behavioral Therapist Pacific Child and Family Associates San Mateo, CA 94402 c: 650-302-3703


" Life- Like the flutter of wings... feel your hollow wings rushing... " (AFI- Silver and Cold).my Flight in life is a metamorphosis of growth and this flutter of wings is within me awaiting to find a space to find it's flow...

-- " Life- Like the flutter of wings... feel your hollow wings rushing... " (AFI- Silver and Cold).my Flight in life is a metamorphosis of growth and this flutter of wings is within me awaiting to find a space to find it's flow...

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