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No problem. Didn't intend anything about plagarism...just that it

probably wasn't worth purchasing the ' book for only that one

reason because the information was essentially the same. It is a good

book but if one is looking for only the answer to one question then they

could spend their $ better as your info answered the question.

I am sure that Barry is reputable.

I have some fantastic news about CT and the recent vote that I will be

posting soon...I want written confirmation before I put it out.

have a good day.

L Krasner wrote:


> ,


> I am by no means suggesting plagarism in what I'm about to say. Nor am I

> interpreting your comment as such. (I never hid the fact that some of my

> best work was " borrowed " from other researchers!)


> But I just want people to know the following about my friend. Barry Mesh

> began his research on vaccination in the mid 70s. He collected a huge

> amount of source materials, including the complete volume of Shelton's

> Hygienic Review, and rare books on vaccination. He gave lectures on

> vaccination at local Hygienic groups, published a few articles, shared

> information with Dr. Mendelsohn and other authors on vaccination. I

> personally made a 5 hour composite of his speeches on audio tapes and

> sent copies to about 30 people by or before 1983. 70 percent of Barry's

> research, which includes an aborted manuscript which I've had a copy of

> since 1982, contains information on polio which had subsequently been

> published by other people or otherwise passed around ever since. His work

> on Sandler, Greenberg, and a lot that no one has yet seen, had predated

> books by Walene , et.al. In fact, self-improvement infomercial guru

> Tony Robbins had hired Barry as the health editor of his newsletter

> around 1983 and nagged Barry for years to let him publish his manuscript.


> Barry founded the first organic produce store in Queens in the late 70's.

> Before that, it was a book store, with Hygienic and vaccination

> literature. And thanks to him, a few people today are AV activists. Like

> me.




> On Wed, 29 Dec 1999 09:51:57 -0500 Reiss <lisa@...> writes:

> >From: Reiss <lisa@...>

> >

> >I first read about the sugar/polio link in a book by Walene

> >called

> > " Immunizations the Reality Behind the Myth " .

> >

> >The info is very similar to what posted recently. (almost word

> >for

> >word)

> >

> >

> > wrote:

> >>

> >> From: <medbill@...>

> >>

> >> Hello everyone. I thought I should introduce myself. I have been

> >> lurking for about 1-2 weeks now and really enjoy this list. I am a


> >> to my 1 year old (as of 12/15) son and work 3 hours per week at JC

> >> Penney in town. I currently live in Fargo, ND (and no I have never

> >seen

> >> the movie). DH and I have been married for 2 1/2 years. We have

> >> decided to not vaccinate on any account for any and all children the

> >> Lord should bless us with. We have suffered much persecution from

> >> family - especially my SIL who is a nurse ---to whom I think the

> >> schooling did more harm than good :( !! I am really enjoying

> >> everything I am learning.

> >>

> >> I do have one question - someone made mention to the fact that there

> >is

> >> a link between sugar intake and an increase in the onset of Polio -

> >are

> >> there any good links for info on that or good books?

> >>

> >> vicky rose

> >>

> >>

> >--

> >@...

> >***************************************************************

> >We Must Have The Freedom To Choose & Respect Everyone's Choice

> >***************************************************************

> >Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

> >OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

> >implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

> >

> >---------------------------

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  • 1 month later...

HI there Trudy!

I'm in Ottawa! I can definatly relate to what your saying! My husband

had to apply to be a landed immigrant to Canada, what a hassle and large

expense! He ended up staying home with our son when he was at his worst.

Tom, now 16, didnt go to school for most of grade 8. At that time the other

2 kids, now 14 and 10 were also diagnosed with OCD/MDD. By being forced to

be together while 1 or 2 were suicidal, having ocd meltdowns, ..., hubbie

was forced to face the situation.

You are still very new to all of this - it does take time to accept,

learn and be productive in fighting off OCD from taking over the

house/family. May I suggest that Eleena and your husband read " Kissing

Doorknobs " . Its an adolescent novel about a young girl who doesnt know why

she does the things she does, and ends with her accepting OCD and getting

treatment. Its a fast and easy read.

It is almost impossible to avoid violence in this society. That is really

tough. It great to hear that you have a sensible doc that is using meds to

help Eleena get control, and then using ERP as therapy. You are very lucky!

Where do you live??

Now for my regular speach - you must take care of yourself! You have a lot

on your shoulders. Try and find the time to do things just for you - I know

that's hard - but if you collapse, life could be more stressful for


btw, on this list we're allowed to ramble and vent!

take care, wendy in canada, wb4@...


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I have to laugh - not only am I in Nepean, but I'm a social worker in

private practice (youth and family counselling) and work part time for Youth

Services Bureau, an agency supported by the United Way (read free), located

in Bells Corners! How about that for service!

Tom, my 16yo, also has trouble reading with poor concentration, the need to

reread until he can remember the facts, etc. It takes him months to read a

book - and forget about fiction! His latest is " The History of Executions "

before this " The Complete Encyclopedia of Serial Killers " !! I like to think

of these books as 'historical fiction'!

You might want to go to the web site for the ocfoundation and look at

their book list. I suggest the March and Mulle book on " OCD in Adolescents. "

There are also short booklettes available... its a great resource


>I'm just not very comfortable with the psychologist that the >insurance

>company referred us to. He's got Eleena in what I

>call psychotherapy (talking about your problems). Eleena and I both

>don't see how she's benefiting from this, since she understands that >her

>behaviour is irrational.

It is a proven fact that 'talk therapy' will not work for ocd. Perhaps you

can confront him with this information after you have printed off some info

from the web site or purchased some literature. I would suggest to the

psychologist that he get a hold of the Expert Consensus Guide to Treating

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Its in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,

volume 58 1997 suppliment 4. I believe that you can also find it through

the O-C Foundation web site.

Re: ME time. Is there any way that Rob does the doc. appoitments, etc. You

have to find sometime to relax - what about finding a supportive person who

will help you out in a crisis. Rob may be resisting because he has issues

that he hasnt resolved in himself. What do you think?

Please, take care, wendy in canada wb4@...


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Thank you for responding.

It does sound like we're in similar situations. Luckily, Eleena has

never even been remotely suicidal and has not had any problems with

depression. She just gets extremely frustrated and VERY angry. Her

sister Coralee on the other hand doesn't suffer from OCD, but she does

suffer from Major Depression. Unfortunately that also comes with

psychotic features (hallucinations, voices) in her case. She's the one

that's suicidal at times. She's got an almost opposite attitude about

everything. She doesn't keep anything. She doesn't get scared by

anything (except one of the hallucinations that has in the past

threatened her life, but that's a different story). She never remembers

to turn things off, put things away or close things that she opens. I

don't think 2 people could be more different. Fighting a frustrating

and costly immigration battle is another similarity between us, but

don't get me started on that. I get angry and frustrated just thinking

about it. We're still smack in the middle of it, so my frustration

level is high. As if I didn't have enough problems. On top of all of

this, I have something called Idiopathic Hypersomnolence which in

laymen's terms is I am WAY too tired, need too much sleep, and the

doctors are clueless.

Even though Rob is the person at home, since he still is not very

accepting of their problems, I'm the one who has to deal with them. I

actually find that I spend a lot of time trying to diffuse arguments

between the girls and Rob. I'll try to find the book Kissing Doorknobs.

I've already ordered the book Brain Lock as suggested by Eleena's

psychiatrist, but I figure that I'm the only one who will read that.

Eleena will read more than her dad, but she really is not a book fan.

As I had said in my last email, I believe that she has a comprehension

problem, so she doesn't enjoy reading since she has to continuously

reread almost every sentence just to understand.

I live in Kansas City, Missouri. I lived most of my life in Nepean (for

those of you who don't know Ottawa, it's a large suburb). We moved here

over 2 1/2 years ago. I do feel lucky with regards to the psychiatrist

that we've found. I'm just not very comfortable with the psychologist

that the insurance company referred us to. He's got Eleena in what I

call psychotherapy (talking about your problems). Eleena and I both

don't see how she's benefiting from this, since she understands that her

behaviour is irrational. She just can't stop. She's actually in every

other way got her head straighter than any other teen I know. I'm going

to talk to him about his at her next appointment.

I appreciate your comment that I have to take care of myself, but that's

hard. Not only do I have all this going on, but I've got a VERY

demanding 2 year old at home. It's odd, but I kind of like Coralee's

weekly counseling sessions. I sit in the waiting room for 50 minutes

doing embroidery. It's odd, but that's become my relaxation time. It's

somewhat therapeutic. At home, I certainly don't get time for me. My

drive to and from work is somewhat relaxing, but because of my major

fatigue problems, I have to make a point of staying tense or I may fall

asleep. I know that I need time for me, especially being pregnant. Any

suggestion would be appreciated.

Quick question. Eleena is going to be up in Ottawa for the summer,

probably beginning of June through end early August. Is there somewhere

or someone in Ottawa that you can suggest for her to talk to while up

there if she finds she's having difficulties?

Thank you!


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Hi Trudy--

Am originally from KC-MO and my sister [who both and Kathy H

know] still lives there. What school system are you a part of? The

district situation is important and I am awaare of many of the

troubles of the one for the City of KC-MO

jim in san diego


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I'm up north in Gladstone in the North Kansas City School District,

which is a phenomenal district. I'm thrilled with the school that my

girls attend. They seem to have a wonderful academic program as well as

a fabulous support system within the school, between the teachers,

guidance counselors and other specialized counselors. I'm fully aware

of which part of town you are talking about. When I first moved here, I

had a LOT of warnings about which parts of town to avoid.


-----Original Message-----

Hi Trudy--

Am originally from KC-MO and my sister [who both and Kathy H

know] still lives there. What school system are you a part of? The

district situation is important and I am awaare of many of the

troubles of the one for the City of KC-MO

jim in san diego


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In addition to good schools, you are also close to MCI so your

'escape' back to Canada will be simplifed if required. After school,

the firm I was with did a lot of work in Westwood at the Corporate

Headquarters of the then UTC.

Hopefully, the resources at both the Med Centers/Schools of the both

the University of Missouri and Kansas University might provide more

current state-of-the-art knowledge about/ research on OCD.

jim in san diego

whose sister lives in the ide area

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Trudy, welcome.

I am fairly new myself. My name is Lori and I have a 16 yr daughter

diagnosed w/ ocd approx 9 months ago. We are on our 3rd med (1st-paxil,

2nd-luvox) which is Zoloft. She has only been on it for a little over 3

weeks. What a major difference and improvement. Krysti has the light

switch checking, bathroom rituals which include washing the shower, sink and

hands. She has to brush and wash her face after everythink she eats. The

problem we really had a hard time with was her agitation. She was so

negative and hard on all the family members. She can't handle noises like

chewing etc. She is an athlete, cheerleader, homecoming nominee and a good

student w/ no behavior problems. I am telling you this not to brag, but

show you that it surprised us as well! My husband has excepted it and does

go to counseling w/ us. The biggest problem is my daughter won't confide in

him or talk to him. They say they usually pick one person in the family to

help them deal w/ ocd. Well it's me. I am glad but so exhausted. I am the

organized one and will live on the internet and in books to help her have a

better life at school and in general. My husband feels alienated and not

included. This makes me feel bad cause I don't want it to hurt our

relationship. We just have to get her to a point where she can trust

herself w/ decisions.

Keep in touch, it sounds so familiar to me. Let me know on the Zoloft. I

am telling you we have seen a big difference already. Maybe it will

continue to help her. She used to have to be the last one out of the house

to touch everything, now she just runs out and yells, come on! I am seeing

rituals diminish!

I hope it continues... Good luck

Let me know if you need to talk!


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I can certainly understand what it's like to have a child who is ALWAYS

the last one out the door. She really doesn't check much when leaving

the house. Her problem is having to go to the bathroom. I'll tell her

that we're leaving in 5 minutes and she'll immediately hit the bathroom.

When I'm ready to go, I'll tell her and she runs back in the bathroom at

that time. She's afraid that she will end up peeing her pants if she

doesn't do this. She's absolutely convinced. It's hard for the rest of

us to understand a 17 year old level headed girl who we can't drag off

the toilet. I have to threaten to leave without her (which she know I

would) or if it's just the 2 of us going somewhere, threaten not to go

if she doesn't get her butt off the can. She also does touch

everything. She doesn't seem to do it as much as she used to, but at

one time I noticed that she had to tap everything that she passed by at

home. She still does it a bit, but not as much. Now, when she does it,

she only seems to tap things once. Previously, she would have to tap

each thing several times. I didn't actually count, but it always seemed

to be around 3 times. She claims to never have counted what she's

doing, but I know for a fact that this is not true. I remember when she

was about 13, any time she crossed over a doorway, she would have to

cross back and forth 3 times, and she had to flip light switches 3 times

in order to turn them off or on.

Eleena also doesn't trust any of her decisions. I don't know how many

times I've heard " Are you sure that's ok? " or " Did I do the right

thing? " . She's also always afraid that her actions will cause harm to

others. If she scolds her 2 year old sister, she's afraid that

's going to be emotionally scarred for life (of course

is the best 2 year old actress that I've ever met).

Something that I don't understand is that considering she has OCD, how

can she be such a pig? I can't get her to chew her food with her mouth

closed or to not talk with food in her mouth. In so many areas, she

seems to be a perfectionist, but when it comes to manners, she has

absolutely none. She burps and farts then laughs (which I try to tell

her will certainly turn off guys, but she doesn't seem concerned). I

shouldn't complain, she really is a pretty model teen for the most part.

I'm hoping we see the kind of results from Zoloft that you do. I guess

we'll wait and see.

By the way, why not brag if she's a terrific teen? I brag about Eleena.


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Trudy, Funny about the eating, burping and farting. It is as if they are

being that defiant teen. Maybe because everything has to be such a routine

w/ their ocd, that they think they are being wild teens. Krysti does things

in " 6 " . Six ice cubes in her water! Blue bowls, but clear drinking

glasses. Can you imagine their day @ school w/o all their needed things.

School is our biggest problem. She can't read a book or paragraph or take a

test because she has to read, and re-read. She doesn't usually remember

what she reads. She always had about 3.2 to 3.4 grades. We have seen a

change since this year (10th). We have another meeting tomorrow w/ all her

lovely understanding teachers (NOT)

We have her on the " 504 " plan through the Americans with Disabilities Act.

They have to accomodate her in regular class. She can take tests in the

library and have longer to to her work. She doesn't have to read out loud.

The work just seems to mount up for her. I help as much as I can. With my

full time job as a Secretary at another school and spending so much time

researching this ocd. I try to be a good mother to my other daughter and

help her prepare for college. My husband and I are not as close romantingly

wise. He seems to feel so left out. I love him (19 yrs) but we just don't

have time for our own selves.

Hey your not alone! Each day brings another conquer and another destroyer!

Keep in touch


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Dear Trudy,

How well I can relate to the bathroom issue. Molly is the same way. I have

come to realize that part of the reason she goes so much before we go out is

that she thinks it will help her avoid having to use " unknown " bathrooms.

She also has to always go right before she hits her bed. Even if she just

went a minute ago. That part I havent figured out but we are working on it.

I spend a lot of time waiting at the front door hoping the bathroom door

will open soon. :)

You asked how your daughter can be such a pig with OCD. Are you sure my

Molly is not living with you. LOL

One of the things about OCD is it has no logic. Sometimes when Molly's room

is a true sty I find myself wondering why she couldnt have the neat aspects

of OCD (just kidding). There are a lot of reasons for the mess. I really

feel that part of it is just normal adolescent/teen styles. My room was a

pig sty when I was her age and I keep a neat house now. I try to figure out

if her behavior is OCD or just normal kids stuff. Our kids might have a lot

of OCD behaviors but they also still have the normal behaviors of

development. It is hard to discern sometimes.

I leave Molly's room alone. I have trained myself to not look and just

close her door. About every couple of weeks I require her to clean it up.

Mostly to make sure nothing is growing in there. Yet she is very neat

about herself.

I have wondered how molly can be so afraid of germs and yet have a mess in

her world. I have come to realize that her germs are okay to her. Now if

I left a pair of my dirty underwear on her floor she would freak out.

Molly also burps and farts. So did her brothers at her age and they dont

have OCD. I guess I am a culprit in this because I can burp louder then

almost anyone. :) So sometimes I just compete. I am not going to share

about my farting!!

Be well

patti r in nh

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Welcome to this great list of people....good to have you here!

Your girls are so lucky to have you for a step (hate that word)

mother. It sounds like your husband may be in denial..... get

him some good OCD books to read and maybe have the girls

Dr. talk to him, because not only do the girls need his understanding

and support, you do too!

Again, welcome and Take care!

mary from La.

trudy p mcculloch wrote:

> From: trudy p mcculloch <trudy.p.mcculloch@...>


> When I joined, I was asked to tell about myself and my family, so her I

> go. I'm a long winded person, so I hope you can bear with me.


> I am a displaced Canadian (Ottawa) living in the US (KC, MO) with my

> husband Rob, his 2 teenage girls Eleena (17-a senior in HS) and Coralee

> (15-a sophomore in HS), our daughter (2-brilliant-already knows

> her alphabet) with one more on the way. I'm a software engineer for

> Sprint and Rob is currently a stay at home dad because immigration will

> not let him work despite over 30 years experience as a historical stone

> mason (a skill highly in demand in our area). Eleena was recently (1

> month ago) diagnosed with OCD and Coralee (4 months ago) with Major

> Depression with Psychotic Features. Boy do we have a fun house between

> the 2 of them.


> Eleena's OCD manifests itself in checking rituals and paranoia, which I

> guess is really what causes the checking. It takes her at least 2 hours

> from when she starts getting ready for bed at night until she can

> actually go to bed. When I try to stop even one of the rituals, like I

> don't let her check a light switch, she falls to the ground in tears.

> She knows that she will want to move out of our house in the next few

> years (what high school senior doesn't feel that way), but she knows

> that with her compulsive fears and behaviours that there's no way she

> will be able to. That's what prompted us to seek professional help even

> though I guess we've known about the problem for several years and have

> I guess been in denial of the fact that this is a real, medical problem.

> Her paranoia has actually prevented her from getting together with

> friends for fear of being kidnapped, raped or murdered. She doesn't

> have her driver's license because she's too afraid to drive on anything

> other than the slowest of side streets. I can't get her to go above 20

> miles/hour. She's sure that she'll cause an accident. Eleena even had

> to drop a sociology class that she was really enjoying and doing well in

> because she found out that the second semester was going to focus a lot

> on violent crime. She knew that there was no way she could handle it.

> If America's Most Wanted comes on TV, she'll run from the room as fast

> as she can. Eleena is a perfectionist when it comes to some things and

> too laisez-faire with others. Even teachers have noticed what a

> perfectionist she is when it comes to school work. This isn't all bad

> since she has straight A's. For the longest time, she was struggling

> through school. She would never finish tests because after she answered

> a question, she would have to go over the answer repeatedly to the point

> where time would run out. She was a D student in those days. I finally

> convinced her to go back after she finished the entire test, and that

> works for her. She still has a lot of trouble with standardized tests,

> but I personally believe that she has an undiagnosed learning

> disability, such as a comprehension problem. Another fear is that she

> is going to get sick (usually cancer fears) and die. It doesn't help

> that approximately a year ago a 21 year old cousin of hers died of

> cancer. I guess I should also mention that Rob's mother always has

> disease du jour, so I guess this one runs in the family. She actually

> told Eleena that if you get hit really hard in the chest that you'll get

> breast cancer. No wonder this kid's so messed up with people saying

> stuff like that to her. I know, that can't cause OCD, but it can sure

> aggravate it.


> Eleena was just prescribed Zoloft about 1 1/2 weeks ago, but as you all

> I'm sure know, it could be even 6 months before we know if this is the

> right drug because the doctor has to try adjusting her dose monthly

> until he feels he's got her on the right level. He said that we will

> start the ERP therapy once the meds are leveled correctly.


> My husband doesn't seem to understand that Eleena has an actual medical

> problem causing her to check everything compulsively and to be afraid of

> her own shadow. He thinks that she doesn't trust him to check things

> (locks, windows, etc.) and gets hurt and insulted. He thinks that she's

> acting like a big baby because of her fears. He won't read any

> literature or books that I offer. He actually claims to just be

> humouring me by allowing me to take his daughters to counseling. He has

> seen a difference in Coralee, so maybe he'll realize that psychiatric

> therapy does have it's merits and become more supportive. Until about 1

> week ago, he hadn't even realized that Eleena checks the stove every

> night. I don't know how he missed it, but he didn't know. Hopefully

> he's starting to understand the depth of the problem. I know, I'm

> venting. If anybody has any suggestions as to how to help him to

> understand what Eleena's going through, I would appreciate it.


> Thank you for listening to me ramble. I'm glad to have found a group of

> people who can understand.


> Trudy


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My husband also has been in denial. I am sad to say it has pretty much

wrecked our marriage. HOWEVER, after a year of prodding he is involved with

Molly's therapy. I would read books and while we were laying in bed I would

read something out loud that sounded just like Molly. Molly's therapist

also asked to come to some visits. Now she has bringing

Molly to all the visits. Martha, Molly's therapist gave homework

and reading also. It is interesting, what he wouldn't do for me he will do

when Martha asks him. I think it is easier to listen to an outsider rather

then your wife sometimes.

Even though we are separating he still plans to be the one to bring Molly to

see Martha every week.

So keep on trying. Denial is a hard place to overcome but it can be done.


patti r in NH

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi, Maggie,

You are always just so wonderful. How happy I am that you love Life Lift so much. It just makes me smile every single day. Thanks for inspiring others the way you do.


You are welcome to visit us at http://www.angelmagic.com or http://www.lifelift.com These are Rashelle's personal web sites, any others belong to distributors.join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribeonelist

Re: New To List

From: magzz1@... Hello Helen and a huge welcome to you!! Congrats on ordering LifeLift...you truly won't regret it! You will be amazed at how great you feel even after the first time! Rashelle is amazing and you will continue to see how devoted she is to this list. Good luck and please keep in touch with us. Sincerely, maggieIn a message dated Mon, 13 Mar 2000 1:47:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Dan & Helen Carlisle" <flier1@...> writes:> Hi My name is Helen, I just ordered the Life Lift, I think it is what I need, I have tried bodyflex, but I cannot do some of the moves and I am afraid that I am not getting the real benefits of the program. I should receive my video buy next week and will be ready for it to come. I am 33 and have a wonderful husband and 3 children. I am an Office supervisor for H and R Block and this is my busiest time of the year, I am 50 pounds overweight and feel tired all the time, so I hope for at least the engery build up. l I think it is very neat that you are part of the discussion group that is what made me buy your program, that you actually are one of us and not one just to say" try it" you are here encouraging it. May god bless all of you that are trying, you get so much praise from me, so I need all your encouragment for when I start this I want to be able to say "hey how do I do this or that" and I know you all will be able to tell me. Well I guess that is it for n!ow, but the way I live in Ohio. Thanks again> > Helen> From: Helen Carlisleflier1@... I should receive my video buy next week and will be ready for it to come. I am an Office supervisor for H and R Block and this is my busiest time of the year, I am 50 pounds overweight and feel tired all the time, so I hope for at least the engery build up. May god bless all of you that are trying, you get so much praise from me, so I need all your encouragment for when I start this I want to be able to say "hey how do I do this or that" Well I guess that is it for now, but the way I live in Ohio. Helen Enter: To unsubscribe you need to sign in to You can unsubscribe from there.> ------------------------------------> The owners of the MoreOxygen list are not responsible for inaccuracies of statements made by list members.

To unsubscribe you need to sign in to You can unsubscribe from there.------------------------------------The owners of the MoreOxygen list are not responsible for inaccuracies of statements made by list members. Owners of the MoreOxygen list encourage all list members to consult with their physicians regarding their health concerns, over-the-counter remedies, and/or before beginning any exercise program.

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Hi Helen,

Thanks so much for the wonderful message. I feel being thought of as good person is the best of all compliments. It takes so little effort really, to reach out to offer what you have to others. The gift is always to the giver.

I hope your video gets there tomorrow. Let me know. I always try to ship out same day or no later than next day when anyone orders from my web sites. I know how it is to be excited to get something I have ordered.

Keep me posted on how you are doing. I will be looking forward to hearing great stories of your success.

Take care, Rashelle

You are welcome to visit us at http://www.angelmagic.com or http://www.lifelift.com These are Rashelle's personal web sites, any others belong to distributors.join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribeonelist

Re: New To List

From: magzz1@... Hello Helen and a huge welcome to you!! Congrats on ordering LifeLift...you truly won't regret it! You will be amazed at how great you feel even after the first time! Rashelle is amazing and you will continue to see how devoted she is to this list. Good luck and please keep in touch with us. Sincerely, maggieIn a message dated Mon, 13 Mar 2000 1:47:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Dan & Helen Carlisle" <flier1@...> writes:> Hi My name is Helen, I just ordered the Life Lift, I think it is what I need, I have tried bodyflex, but I cannot do some of the moves and I am afraid that I am not getting the real benefits of the program. I should receive my video buy next week and will be ready for it to come. I am 33 and have a wonderful husband and 3 children. I am an Office supervisor for H and R Block and this is my busiest time of the year, I am 50 pounds overweight and feel tired all the time, so I hope for at least the engery build up. l I think it is very neat that you are part of the discussion group that is what made me buy your program, that you actually are one of us and not one just to say" try it" you are here encouraging it. May god bless all of you that are trying, you get so much praise from me, so I need all your encouragment for when I start this I want to be able to say "hey how do I do this or that" and I know you all will be able to tell me. Well I guess that is it for n!ow, but the way I live in Ohio. Thanks again> > Helen> From: Helen Carlisleflier1@... I should receive my video buy next week and will be ready for it to come. I am an Office supervisor for H and R Block and this is my busiest time of the year, I am 50 pounds overweight and feel tired all the time, so I hope for at least the engery build up. May god bless all of you that are trying, you get so much praise from me, so I need all your encouragment for when I start this I want to be able to say "hey how do I do this or that" Well I guess that is it for now, but the way I live in Ohio. Helen Enter: To unsubscribe you need to sign in to You can unsubscribe from there.> ------------------------------------> The owners of the MoreOxygen list are not responsible for inaccuracies of statements made by list members.

To unsubscribe you need to sign in to You can unsubscribe from there.------------------------------------The owners of the MoreOxygen list are not responsible for inaccuracies of statements made by list members. Owners of the MoreOxygen list encourage all list members to consult with their physicians regarding their health concerns, over-the-counter remedies, and/or before beginning any exercise program.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Darian and Kathleen

Am a vegetarian struggling with cronic fatigue and doing much better since

following the plan even when not eating meat at all.

Do find that I struggle with my colon - please help - what can I use to keep the

colon clear and to ease the constipation.

Thanks with best wishes from South Africa


>>> ladydarian@... 03/29/00 09:32AM >>>

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Hi Elize,

If you're constipated why not try the old remedy of eating prunes or drinking prune juice? If that doesn't work you may need a colon cleanse to get things right. Good luck!


Re: New to list

From: "Elize Combrink" <Elize.Combrink@...> Darian and KathleenAm a vegetarian struggling with cronic fatigue and doing much better since following the plan even when not eating meat at all. Do find that I struggle with my colon - please help - what can I use to keep the colon clear and to ease the constipation.Thanks with best wishes from South AfricaElize>>> ladydarian@... 03/29/00 09:32AM >>>

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Greetings from the USA!!! I'm glad you're getting good results on the Type O

diet, even without eating meat. As regards constipation, Dr. D'Adamo

recommends butyrate. I have seen it in some health food stores in the US.

At this point, I can't speak for South Africa.

One treatment I have used, which I got from ayurvedic medicine is an almond

oil enema. I had a consultation with Dr. Vasant Lad, an ayurvedic doctor

from India. He recommended almond oil for my particular constitutional type.

I am what he referred to as having a Vatta-Pita predominance. I don't know

how well this would work for you, as I don't know what your " predominance "

is. I used this once to get rid of flu-type body aches. You heat up a cup

of oil until it is comfortably warm before using it.

You can also do enemas with plain water, but don't do them often. You want

your intestines to do their own thing.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi a,

Welcome to our family!! Can you tell us where you live? We have found that

many people live in the same area and sharing resources can really help. Do

you have other children? How do they react to your sons behaviours? siblings

have been a topic of discussion lately.

It is common to have to try several medications and doses until one or two

work. Each person is such an individual when it comes to dose and


Our #1 rule is that you must take care of yourself. We are so involved in

our children that we neglect ourselves. Do you find some ME time to refresh

your energy!

take care, wendy, in canada

(husband and 3 kids with OCD/MDD)


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Hi a:

Welcome to the list. I have a 13-year old son, Steve, with OCD and he

takes Paxil, mostly for his major depressive disorder dx. The cognitive

behavior therapy (CBT) has done a very good job of making his OCD

manageable so he can function at school, in the community and generally

with the family. He was a very sick boy for quite a while.

Many of us have kids with other diagnoses as well as OCD. Steve also has

PTSD with his OCD and MDD. THe combination of OCD and AD(H)D is not at all

unusual, particularly in boys.

If you have any more questions about living with a kid with OCD please fire

away. There are many of us in very similar situations here and if you want

to share what state you live in you might find another parent who can

recommend a good CBT therapist nearby. Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 10:15 PM 04/12/2000 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi, I am a. I have a 12 year old son with OCD, now undercontrol with

>Paxil. Has anyone else used this med.?

>He tried zoloft, it did nothing. Then Luvox which made him hyperactive and

>he had trouble swallowing the pills. Now we are getting him tested for


>Has anyone else been down this road? a

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Hi a I have a 9 yr old son with ADD/OCD/learning disabilities. Hes been

on luvox, paxil, and now anafranil.He had bad side effects on the luvox and

paxil, in particular the paxil made him really depressed and was running

away and going on our roof.So, he came off of that real fast, the dr said

that sometimes it works the opposite for kids, where it should of helped

w/depression-it was making him more depressed. Welcome Nellie

>From: prfaro@...



>Subject: New to list

>Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 22:15:29 EDT


>Hi, I am a. I have a 12 year old son with OCD, now undercontrol with

>Paxil. Has anyone else used this med.?

>He tried zoloft, it did nothing. Then Luvox which made him hyperactive and

>he had trouble swallowing the pills. Now we are getting him tested for


>Has anyone else been down this road? a


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Hello and welcome to the list!

My daughter takes Paxil and it has helped her moodiness, anxiety and most of the


(to her) OCD symptoms. What is left is behavior problems. I suspect ADHD as


Luvox also made her over active. Zoloft was great for about 2 months and then

it made

her over emotional and weepy.

Dana in NC

prfaro@... wrote:

> Hi, I am a. I have a 12 year old son with OCD, now undercontrol with

> Paxil. Has anyone else used this med.?

> He tried zoloft, it did nothing. Then Luvox which made him hyperactive and

> he had trouble swallowing the pills. Now we are getting him tested for ADD.

> Has anyone else been down this road? a


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In a message dated 4/13/00 2:18:16 AM !!!First Boot!!!, prfaro@... writes:

<< Hi, I am a. I have a 12 year old son with OCD, now undercontrol with

Paxil. Has anyone else used this med.?

He tried zoloft, it did nothing. Then Luvox which made him hyperactive and

he had trouble swallowing the pills. Now we are getting him tested for ADD.

Has anyone else been down this road? a


I am 15, but I like this list for a " parental " perspective. I am currently on

Paxil, and it has been helping somewhat, from what I can tell. I didn't have

a good experience with Luvox either. It made me feel really depressed and

irrational, and miserable. I kind of flipped out and had a few nervous

breakdowns on it. Talk to you later. If you ever have any questions, don't

hesitate to e-mail me.


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Dear , Thanks for your email. I live in southern New Jersey about a

half an hour's drive from Philadelphia. Anyone else nearby? We are

thankfully in a good period with OCD and I think we just found someone who

can start my son with CBT. I am wondering what MDD means and PTSD which are

two terms that I haven't seen before. I am a potter which really helps my

frustration and helpless feelings around my son's OCD. Thanks for your

support. One question I have, is should your child tell his friends about

his OCD? He has told several friends but I wonder if there would be a better

way for him to explain it to others so they won't use the information to put

him down in the future. He is also looking for boys his age (12) to talk to


OCD. If anyone is interested let me know. He likes drums, violin and piano,

skateboarding, basketball, computer, magic, and being a ham. a F.

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Thanks Dana in NC. for your reply. I am anxious to have the ADD

testing done so I can plan for the next school year. Did you have an IEP

done for the OCD diagnosis? a

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