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Hi Ginger,

That's terrific. Looks like they found just the right medicines and

doses to keep it under control. I hope everything continues going well.

I'm glad the naproxen isn't causing anymore bleeding problems. Was your

son in a lot of pain when he needed to be off the NSAID for so long?

Also, did they say why one kidney was smaller than the other and will

that cause any problems? Do you know if that's something that may have

been caused by the medicines?

Take care,


gbread2808@... wrote:

> Hey Georgina,

> is taking 200 mg of plaquenil and 250 of naproxen. At one time

> they changed the plaquenil to 100 mg and reduced the naproxen but

> he had a flare. This seems to be the right mix of both. There is

> no swelling in his joint. So far I believe we have been very lucky

> with these meds. Hopefully they will continue to do the job.


> Ginger

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Debbie,

I can try to give some answers for you. Normal sed rate is 0- 10 or 15

depending what scale is used. 50 is high. When my son had his recent flare it

was 126, he seems to be doing well now but his recent labs were still about

57 it just shows that there is still some inflammation happening. Elliot also

had blood in his urine and this has happened a few times before. In his case

it was from the NSAIDS and we would stop the naproxen for 1-2 wks and his

urine would clear. If that wouldn't solve the problem they may recommend an

ultrasound of the kidney. Good luck.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Debbie,

I hope you've been feeling at least somewhat better now, since all the

changes in your meds last time. We don't have any personal experience

with Celebrex. Or with doing injections ourselves at home. I sure hope

the Celebrex has started to kick in by now and that you're getting some

relief from it! Hopefully, no more tummy problems, too. I wonder if

you've tried anything like Cytotec, which is supposed to help relieve

the stomache? Josh takes that with his indocine twice a day.

So, you're going to try Enbrel. Have you visited their website yet? They

have alot of info there, including the manufacturer's program for people

whose insurance won't cover the costs. If you need the website address,

I'll get it for you. It may be simple enough as www.enbrel.com or

something to that effect. Just let me know if you need it, though.

Did the doctor mention you trying injectable MTX instead of the oral

form? That might be another reasonable idea, as they say it often has

better efficacy when it's injected. Just a thought, though. Whatever it

takes, I hope you start feeling better and having lots less pain and

inflammation ... SOON!

Much Aloha,


Debbie Schuh wrote:

> Hi All,

> Well after 2 years of active flare, I finally found and went to a new

> doctor on Friday. The visit went okay <except it took 3 sticks to

> get the lab work>. The doc switched around all my meds, took me off

> of indocine and on to celebrex, dropped the methotrexate down to 6

> pills a week and wants to start Embrel shots twice a week. But I

> have some questions to all of you...


> first, I am just about to my limit in pain, I am assuming that the

> celebrex just isn't into my system well enough, about how long after

> you started this med did you notice a differance? And how long did it

> take you to learn to give yourself the shot?


> second, when I went to get the enbrel, I was informed that my

> insurane won't cover it. My pharmisist <Ron> suggested I contact

> them and find out how to GET it covered. Has anyone else had to do

> that?


> and last, I got my lab results back yesterday and there was evidence

> of internal bleeding, as well as blood in my urine, Has anyone here

> had to deal with that? and my sed rate was 51, it has been a number

> of years since I was activly dealing with all the termanology, but I

> don't ever remember being that high before. Does anyone know what

> there latest sed rate was?


> Thanks and God bless you,

> Debbie Schuh

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  • 2 months later...
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Kelsey is on Naprosyn now and her doctor has said Tolectin will be the next

medicine we try if needed. Did Naprosyn cause any stomach problems for

Ashli? So far it hasn't for Kelsey. By the way, I have an 8 year old

daughter named Ashleigh also! I see you spelled it in a unique way, too!

Fortunately, Ashleigh doesn't have jra, just bad allergies. Kelsey was just

diagnosed in April so we are new at this too. Glad you found this group...

its been great for us.

Take care,

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Hi Sandi

I have an eight year old daughter with JRA. was diagnosed

pauciarticular when she was 2 years old, but has since progressed to

poly. She also takes 900mg motrin a day. She is also taking zantac,

methotrexate and leucovorin.

What type of JRA does your daughter have?


mommytme@... wrote:


> I'm new to the list and hoping I'm emailing this correctly. My daughter,

> Ashli, is 8 1/2 years old and was diagnosed with JRA about 1 year ago. She's

> been on naproxen and tolectin (she had allergic reaction to both). The

> naproxen gave her nightmares and the tolectin upset her stomach pretty bad.

> She now take 900 mg of motrin a day along with plaquenil. Anyone else who

> has a child around this age, I would love to hear from you.


> God Bless,

> Sandi


> For links to websites with JRA info visit:

> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8414/Links.html

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Hi Sandi,

Your email came through perfectly :) Welcome. My 11 year old son Josh

has the systemic type of JRA. He was diagnosed 5 years and one month

ago. The NSAID he uses is called indomethacin and he takes 25mgs twice a

day. He's never had a problem with nightmares. To help prevent any

stomache problems, he also takes cytotec. And he takes prednisone,

plaquinel, methotrexate and miacalcin. Right now, his arthritis seems to

be pretty well controlled by these meds. His joints are in good shape

and he hasn't had any systemic symptoms in a while, a few months. So

things are good right now :) How is your daughter's arthritis? Is she

having any difficulty with any particular joints right now?

Take Care,


mommytme@... wrote:


> I'm new to the list and hoping I'm emailing this correctly. My daughter,

> Ashli, is 8 1/2 years old and was diagnosed with JRA about 1 year ago. She's

> been on naproxen and tolectin (she had allergic reaction to both). The

> naproxen gave her nightmares and the tolectin upset her stomach pretty bad.

> She now take 900 mg of motrin a day along with plaquenil. Anyone else who

> has a child around this age, I would love to hear from you.


> God Bless,

> Sandi

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I have a 9 1/2 year old daughter with poly. jra and she takes Lortab, vioxx,

singulair, methotrexate and junior strength motrin as needed for the pain. Oh

yeah she takes lactulose for constipation too.She was diagnosed about a year

ago with jra and it has really progressed sinced then.

God Bless,


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Macey takes Miralax powder (she did take Lactulose for over a year but it

stopped working). Miralax is a laxative made by the same people who make

Go-Lytly. She also is on Reglan and Pepcid. She has GERD and constipation.

Ursula Holleman

Macey and 's mom


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  • 8 months later...
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Hi Mona, Dawn, and all,

The way I get my results is to write my fax number on the lab request form

and ask the lab to fax the results to me. Then, the day following the

bloodwork, I call the lab and ask them to fax me the results. As someone

mentioned earlier, labs are notoriously slow at getting the info out to the

MDs. By doing it this way I get rapid feedback -which helps me to better

assess the effects of the supplements or meds that I am taking at the time

and make some changes if necessary. Usually, I get the results long before

my Docs do and so they xerox my copy for their records. I should

mention,that certain tests that are not done in the lab need to be sent out.

These tests could take 5 to 7 days for completion. On Monday I had several

tests including a serum estrone and total estriol. As of yesterday (Tuesday)

I had all of the other results except for the above 2 tests which take 5 to

7 days. This may not work for everyone but it has worked for me. They are

*our* results and we are entitled to have them if we want them. With all my

best, Zoey

PS: Getting the results directly from the lab means one less reason for

calling the MDs office. The less I have to bother them, the better I feel.


>Hi Dawn, sorry I got cut off and had to send an incomplete message.

>Regarding getting lab results....I always call the receptionist and tell


>I want my results. She tells me I have to talk to a nurse but last time I

>told her I don't need a nurse to interpret the results to just provide the

>numbers. She was friendly and provided my thyroid results. She is not

>supposed to do that but I don't care, I don't like to wait until I see the



>Remember there is no rush to get off the meds, take care, Mona





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I " m amazed at all the different types of tests you all seem to get....I've

only had Total T3, Free T4 and TSH. During my physical exam last year I

marked off the liver panel...bilirubin was top edge of high

side...apparently this flucuates or so I was told. Mona


>Hi Dawn, sorry I got cut off and had to send an incomplete message.

>Regarding getting lab results....I always call the receptionist and tell


>I want my results. She tells me I have to talk to a nurse but last time I

>told her I don't need a nurse to interpret the results to just provide the

>numbers. She was friendly and provided my thyroid results. She is not

>supposed to do that but I don't care, I don't like to wait until I see the



>Remember there is no rush to get off the meds, take care, Mona





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  • 7 months later...

Hi Connie,

I am glad to hear that you will continue to get

the meds for that long. I know it doesn't sound like

much fun to take them, but continuing may help your

liver to heal some.

I am confused on this 'cold' business. Are you

sure you have a cold? I mean, are we talking about the

common cold here? Antibiotics wouldn't help with a

cold at all! So it must be something else - yes?

Allegies, sinus infection..... the only thing I've

read about that I can remember that actually helped

the common cold was zinc lozenges. But the common cold

usually goes away on it's own within a week, maybe 2

in a child. How long have you had this problem? What

sort of symptoms? A cough is a fairly common side

effect, but very rarely treatment can cause some

problems with the lungs. This is from the prescribing

info on Rebetron under warnings:


Pulmonary symptoms, including dyspnea, pulmonary

infiltrates, pneumonitis and pneumonia, including

fatality, have been reported during therapy with

REBETOL/INTRON A. If there is evidence of pulmonary

infiltrates or pulmonary function impairment, the

patient should be closely monitored, and if

appropriate, combination REBETOL/INTRON A treatment

should be discontinued.

Now, this is very rare, and in any case, most of

the time when there is a problem it is NOT

life-threatening, but it is still something to be

aware of, especially since you are seeing a PCP who

might not be aware of this potential. If nothing else,

this continuing 'cold' needs to be monitored, and if

you are having breathing problems an X-ray might be in

order. I remember when I was on treatment I complained

once to my doctor about difficulty breathing, feeling

out of breath all the time, which I really felt was

due to my mild anemia, but he immediately sent me for

a chest x-ray, and then to a Pulmonologist (think

that's right - a lung specialist!). Nothing was wrong,

luckily. There is probably nothing seriously wrong

with you either, but I still would watch this, and

make sure your doctor is monitoring this. Ok, I will

stop acting like a mother-hen now!

Take care,


--- Constance Dickson

> I can not get rid of this cold, went thru 5 times

> of

> meds. Long as I was taking them it was kind of

> better. Only thing left is Zithromax it use to work

> on me. It is out of my priceline about a11-12 $ a

> pill

> the Zithromax is 6 pills and over a $10.00 dollars

> each maybe it just go away eventually. Dr A's wife

> gave me some new antibiotic, it didn't work 5 tries

> ($12 a pill) with it, first one(Can't remember)

> first

> was, It was Keflex I thinnnnnk

> Take Care, Connie


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Hi Connie,

I am glad to hear that you will continue to get

the meds for that long. I know it doesn't sound like

much fun to take them, but continuing may help your

liver to heal some.

I am confused on this 'cold' business. Are you

sure you have a cold? I mean, are we talking about the

common cold here? Antibiotics wouldn't help with a

cold at all! So it must be something else - yes?

Allegies, sinus infection..... the only thing I've

read about that I can remember that actually helped

the common cold was zinc lozenges. But the common cold

usually goes away on it's own within a week, maybe 2

in a child. How long have you had this problem? What

sort of symptoms? A cough is a fairly common side

effect, but very rarely treatment can cause some

problems with the lungs. This is from the prescribing

info on Rebetron under warnings:


Pulmonary symptoms, including dyspnea, pulmonary

infiltrates, pneumonitis and pneumonia, including

fatality, have been reported during therapy with

REBETOL/INTRON A. If there is evidence of pulmonary

infiltrates or pulmonary function impairment, the

patient should be closely monitored, and if

appropriate, combination REBETOL/INTRON A treatment

should be discontinued.

Now, this is very rare, and in any case, most of

the time when there is a problem it is NOT

life-threatening, but it is still something to be

aware of, especially since you are seeing a PCP who

might not be aware of this potential. If nothing else,

this continuing 'cold' needs to be monitored, and if

you are having breathing problems an X-ray might be in

order. I remember when I was on treatment I complained

once to my doctor about difficulty breathing, feeling

out of breath all the time, which I really felt was

due to my mild anemia, but he immediately sent me for

a chest x-ray, and then to a Pulmonologist (think

that's right - a lung specialist!). Nothing was wrong,

luckily. There is probably nothing seriously wrong

with you either, but I still would watch this, and

make sure your doctor is monitoring this. Ok, I will

stop acting like a mother-hen now!

Take care,


--- Constance Dickson

> I can not get rid of this cold, went thru 5 times

> of

> meds. Long as I was taking them it was kind of

> better. Only thing left is Zithromax it use to work

> on me. It is out of my priceline about a11-12 $ a

> pill

> the Zithromax is 6 pills and over a $10.00 dollars

> each maybe it just go away eventually. Dr A's wife

> gave me some new antibiotic, it didn't work 5 tries

> ($12 a pill) with it, first one(Can't remember)

> first

> was, It was Keflex I thinnnnnk

> Take Care, Connie


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Hi Mother Hen..LOL

I had acute Bronchitis at first (6-7weeks)ago. It

has settled in my lungs. I seem to be more prone to

asthma attacks, only had one worth mentioming. I was

cleaning the neighbors place and was cat hair every

where. I am allergic to cats, my daughter was told

whenever she brought a cat near me to wash it first

and then rinse it with downey clothes softener. I

have had a problem with my Lungs ever since, the fire.

I was told to watch for repercussions. Also it is a

Pulmonologist, saw him a lot....didn't mind too much

he was cute...lol.

I promise to go to the ER if I feel, it is needed. It

is lot of congestion in lungs. But I am coughing it

up. Auctually I cough more when I am laying down

(which is normal) so I stold and stacked pillows, but

during the night I toss them on the floor, but then i

cough up mucus, it is not like it feeling blocked up

inside, which is good. I originally had blood in the

in the mucus. I don't anymore. I suffered smoke

inhalation, from the fire while trying to put it out.

I know that was stupid why didn't I call Fire

Department? I dunno myself why, idiot I guess. I got

it out though:-)....Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.

Take Care, Connie


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Hi Mother Hen..LOL

I had acute Bronchitis at first (6-7weeks)ago. It

has settled in my lungs. I seem to be more prone to

asthma attacks, only had one worth mentioming. I was

cleaning the neighbors place and was cat hair every

where. I am allergic to cats, my daughter was told

whenever she brought a cat near me to wash it first

and then rinse it with downey clothes softener. I

have had a problem with my Lungs ever since, the fire.

I was told to watch for repercussions. Also it is a

Pulmonologist, saw him a lot....didn't mind too much

he was cute...lol.

I promise to go to the ER if I feel, it is needed. It

is lot of congestion in lungs. But I am coughing it

up. Auctually I cough more when I am laying down

(which is normal) so I stold and stacked pillows, but

during the night I toss them on the floor, but then i

cough up mucus, it is not like it feeling blocked up

inside, which is good. I originally had blood in the

in the mucus. I don't anymore. I suffered smoke

inhalation, from the fire while trying to put it out.

I know that was stupid why didn't I call Fire

Department? I dunno myself why, idiot I guess. I got

it out though:-)....Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.

Take Care, Connie


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--- Constance Dickson

<constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.

Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away. But

no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your WBC

just come up some? Maybe that will help.



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--- Constance Dickson

<constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.

Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away. But

no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your WBC

just come up some? Maybe that will help.



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yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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if your letter meant getting the new medication I can give you a 800 phone

number and you can get it for free, I have insurance but it didn't cover,so i

applied fir this and got it, By getting for free, i am saving 23.400 for 18 mo.

If anybody wants any information about this , you can email me at


good luck


Re: Meds


yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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if your letter meant getting the new medication I can give you a 800 phone

number and you can get it for free, I have insurance but it didn't cover,so i

applied fir this and got it, By getting for free, i am saving 23.400 for 18 mo.

If anybody wants any information about this , you can email me at


good luck


Re: Meds


yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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Re: Meds


yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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Re: Meds


yep I think was 2.5 or somewhere around there up to

3.4. I do not want to go in because I don't want to

have to see Ms Bottle Blonde/Permanted, Frizzy, curly

haired ugly person by the way, she called the

Hospital. Just because I do not get food stamps I do

not qualify for any help, and it sucks. Not Qualify

for food stamps too. Where do they think, I can come

up with any money. By the time the Bankruptcy is paid

and Rent. that is $825, What about Elec,

Eood,Scripts. Diabetic stuff, that I am doing without

now. I have lowered myself even to ask, and then they

think they are better than us don't they know that

they aren't? I get $158.32, too much, a month, how in

the hell am I suppose to cram in all that, to

$1058.32. Sorry, I am, I don't know what feeling

would describe what I am.

Take Care, Connie

--- claudine intexas <claudineintexas@...>



> --- Constance Dickson

> <constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Zinc is NASTY, I rather cough.


> Yea, I ended up throwing the bottle I bought away.

> But

> no, it doesn't sound like you have the common cold.

> Ok, I am reassured that you are on top of it! Good

> luck, hopefully it will improve SOON. Didn't your


> just come up some? Maybe that will help.

> C




> __________________________________________________


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