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Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

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I wouldn't expect you to know who is is. I didn't know who nobama was until

last year. The reason I know about Coburn is because he is from my hometown

of muskogee Oklahoma. He was, well still is an OBGYN. However he is known

to cross the isle in DC. He has made great strides in reducing govt's

wasteful spending. You can see him tomorrow evening at Fox new : ) you

maybe surprised by him. I know you won't watch it though. BTW he frequents

all the news channels.


Traveling? Know someone who is? Use my travelocity site www.travelfhtm


-- Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

It did, last week, Thursday I believe it was...

> ...Tell

> me how many thousands of earmarks [not all by democrats] are in the

> current budget bill [i think it passed].

> ...


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Get real. The country's present problems started in the '70's and were

the result of liberal democrat thought and practice.

How come you know so much about Fox news?




> Posted by: " " kennio@...




> Kennio <Kennio>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 3:51 pm (PDT)




> You've had things your way for 8 years. It bankrupted the country.

> Nows the time to pay up or get out. Funny thing is that you're

> probably one of those that is getting a tax break and Fox news has you

> raging with false info anyway. Joe the plumber anyone?

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I can understand circumstantially broke, but I cannot understand chronically

broke. We live in America, land of the free home of the rich. There are so

many ways to make money in this country we just haven't been taught how.

Success leaves clues, we just need to follow them


Traveling? Know someone who is? Use my travelocity site www.travelfhtm


-- Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

, those supporting minimum wage laws don't comprehend that increased

minimum wages cost jobs (employers no longer can afford to keep as many

people at the higher wages), increase prices (companies are going to recoup

the additional costs somehow) and contrary to what the wishful thinks

believe, effectively puts more people into poverty because those who are

making anything over minimum wage, even so much as 25 cents don't get a pay

increase yet have to incorporate all of the additional costs into their

budget...been there, done that! It does nothing except disrupt/destabilize

the economy even further...


> One: The free market system works, in that it provides the most

> benefits for the most people than any system in history.


> Two: Minimum wage is a total perversion of the free market system.


> Three: If it works why don't we just set the minimum wage at $20 or $30

> per hour. That should REALLY help those whose actual output is about $3

> per hour.


> NOTE: If you can follow the logic of why this last suggestion is pretty

> stupid you will then understand why minimum wage laws in general are

> pretty stupid.



> .

> .


> >

> > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...

> > <mailto:matchermaam@..



> > matchermaam <matchermaam>

> >

> >

> > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:36 am (PDT)

> >

> >

> >

> > I agree about illegal aliens. As far as the minimum wage is concerned,

> > how much does it cost you to feed your family per person per week? Why

> > do you think it's all right for you to be able to feed yourself and

> > your family, but you don't support fair treatment of all Americans to

> > get a decent wage (not that minimum wage is decent, but it's a start).

> > With homes being what they cost, food up in price every week, gas

> > going crazy, heat and electric being ridiculous, why do you object to

> > people who are WORKING and not sponging off the government (which I

> > know you don't like) being able to house, clothe and feed their


> >

> > Roni


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They don't believe in anything. No commitment to anything.


Posted by: " TerryW "

The problem is BOTH conservative republicans and liberal democrats. What

ever happened to moderates?

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If the one trillion deficit was bad under Bush how do you feel about the

proposed deficit under Obama, which is several times larger? It's not

just a couple of trillion, you know.

BTW, Bush 1 handed off to Clinton an economy that was already on the

upswing many months before Clinton took office. So naturally democrats

give Clinton the credit for the economy that Bush 1 turned over to him.

Now, what happened when Clinton left office? He turned over an economy

already headed for the toilet. Pretty smart politics [or lucky, I

guess] but it's disingenuous to credit Clinton for an upswing that

started long before he took office and give him no blame for the

downturn he handed off to his successor.




> Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 5:57 pm (PDT)




> What revenues?? We have a record deficit. That deficit that bush racked up

> is so large. There was ZERO deficit at the end of Clinton's

> administration,

> then the idiot got in and during the next 8 years racked up unprecedented

> spending and now we have a trillion dollar deficit.

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The present economic mess pretty much started in 1977 so I doubt Bush

had a whole lot to do with it. But the liberal democrats who passed the

legislation changing the criteria for obtaining a mortgage from the

time tested ability to repay same to some stupid liberal agenda item

certainly did. It's really a bunch of liberal democrat chickens coming

home to roost. As late as 2006 Bush attempted to rein in Fanny and

Freddy but the democrats not only scuttled that effort, the derisively

attacked Bush's idea that there was even a problem. Barney [among

others] utterly ridiculed the idea that any action was needed. He

stated that there was no risk to the public whatsoever, so no action was

needed. Democrats overwhelmingly supported that position. You're going

to blame that on Bush and the republicans too, right?




> Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:06 pm (PDT)




> Of course there is something to debate , Val but what is the point with

> your narrow conservative view of life that has no empathy for needy

> people.

> Bush did nothing to help out the country, he created an unneeded war where

> over 4,000 young men and women have died and over 1 million Iraqi's have

> died. Nice.

> Teenage's can't get work not because the minimum wage has been increased,

> but BECAUSE Bushie's administration created a economic crisis in this

> country where the situation is so bad, that people are losing their

> jobs and

> the employers who are still hiring want people with work experience and

> teenagers usually don't have work experience, val.

> I hope your family never gets jobs that are not living wages. But, I think

> you should be required to work in a job that is not a living wage and see

> how well you fare on a income that has not kept up with inflation. See how

> long you stay afloat....

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That was weird ! I was reading your post and you said Barney the

SAME time Hannity did. You know what that means right?


Traveling? Know someone who is? Use my travelocity site www.travelfhtm


-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


The present economic mess pretty much started in 1977 so I doubt Bush

had a whole lot to do with it. But the liberal democrats who passed the

legislation changing the criteria for obtaining a mortgage from the

time tested ability to repay same to some stupid liberal agenda item

certainly did. It's really a bunch of liberal democrat chickens coming

home to roost. As late as 2006 Bush attempted to rein in Fanny and

Freddy but the democrats not only scuttled that effort, the derisively

attacked Bush's idea that there was even a problem. Barney [among

others] utterly ridiculed the idea that any action was needed. He

stated that there was no risk to the public whatsoever, so no action was

needed. Democrats overwhelmingly supported that position. You're going

to blame that on Bush and the republicans too, right?




> Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...

> <mailto:deifspirit@msn



> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:06 pm (PDT)




> Of course there is something to debate , Val but what is the point with

> your narrow conservative view of life that has no empathy for needy

> people.

> Bush did nothing to help out the country, he created an unneeded war where

> over 4,000 young men and women have died and over 1 million Iraqi's have

> died. Nice.

> Teenage's can't get work not because the minimum wage has been increased,

> but BECAUSE Bushie's administration created a economic crisis in this

> country where the situation is so bad, that people are losing their

> jobs and

> the employers who are still hiring want people with work experience and

> teenagers usually don't have work experience, val.

> I hope your family never gets jobs that are not living wages. But, I think

> you should be required to work in a job that is not a living wage and see

> how well you fare on a income that has not kept up with inflation. See how

> long you stay afloat....

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Well, yes and no. Poor people buying homes they could not afford and

more affluent people doing the same thing were certainly part of the

problem. People who flipped homes and made millions [at least in their

dreams] as the bubble swelled were part of the problem. But the real

culprits were the democrats who in 1977 passed the legislation which

changed the rules so that the ability to repay was no longer allowed to

be the criteria to determine whether a loan would be issued or not.

That, plus the hundreds of millions of dollars of law suits against

those lenders who at least for a time attempted to still apply the old

politically incorrect criteria instead of some politically correct

liberal agenda item. We eventually reached a point where ability to

repay became a none-essential part of the equation. As most liberal

notions do this one had to implode at some point.

And that's the rest of the story...




> Posted by: " " kennio@...




> Kennio <Kennio>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:16 pm (PDT)




> Oh I see. The economic melt down was because of poor people buying

> homes. Thanks for explaining.


> ____________

> ____________________

> From: Valarie <val@... <mailto:val%40wyosip.com>>

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:24:09 AM

> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re:

> Re: Thy


> News flash! There are 20 million illegals in this country taking American

> jobs.


> Fannie and Freddie failed because Congress, under and Clinton,

> mandated banks loan to unworthy borrowers. Five years ago, Geo Bush tried

> to rein them in and Barney screamed " discrimination against poor

> people. " Bush backed down. Republicans didn't fight. McCain also

> tried a couple of years ago but his bill died in a Democrat controlled

> committee.


> There is nothing above with which to argue. Those are all provable facts.


> BTW, more teenagers would be working now if the minimum wage hadn't have

> been jacked up by the liberals.


> Val

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O.K. , you're a kind person and so is Nancie. You both have done what you

could for the amount of people that you could. Do you think this is sufficient?

Could you stand by and watch children starve, because they had not food, adults

die of cancer or other illnesses because they couldn't get healthcare, elderly

people thrown out on the street because there was no place for them to go? Could

you stand staunchly by and not be affected by these atrocities? You all talk of

the terrorists, and yet you'd be willing to let millions of people be hungry and

sick and die because you don't want to pay another dollar out in minimum wage.


It's hard to believe that is how you think. I've come to experience the caring

and helping

parts of your natures. It doesn't mesh with the apathy to which you ascribe.



<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: cindy.seeley <cindy.seeley@...>

Subject: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 9:18 PM

That's where you're wrong Nancie!  I know that raising the minimum wage, which

also raises what is therefore considered 'poverty level' just increases the

number of people who fall within that newly elevated 'poverty level'.  If people

aren't satisfied with the wage they are working for, then this is a free

country, they either work more hours, get an additional job, or find a different

one entirely to compensate...or, at that income level, they get grants and go to

college to learn a skill that has a greater value in the market place than they

currently have to offer.

You make all these accusations, but I wonder, how many of the homeless have you

ever taken into your own home?  I'd venture to say I doubt if you've taken even

one in...but we have, more than once!

> >

> > One: The free market system works, in that it provides the most

> > benefits for the most people than any system in history.

> >

> > Two: Minimum wage is a total perversion of the free market system.

> >

> > Three: If it works why don't we just set the minimum wage at $20 or $30

> > per hour. That should REALLY help those whose actual output is about $3

> > per hour.

> >

> > NOTE: If you can follow the logic of why this last suggestion is pretty

> > stupid you will then understand why minimum wage laws in general are

> > pretty stupid.

> >

> >

> > .

> > .

> >

> > >

> > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@

> > > <mailto:matchermaam@

> ?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Cows%2C%20Geopolitics%2C%20and%20Big%20Business%20Re%3A%2

> %5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy>

> > > matchermaam <matchermaam>

> > >

> > >

> > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:36 am (PDT)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I agree about illegal aliens. As far as the minimum wage is concerned,

> > > how much does it cost you to feed your family per person per week? Why

> > > do you think it's all right for you to be able to feed yourself and

> > > your family, but you don't support fair treatment of all Americans to

> > > get a decent wage (not that minimum wage is decent, but it's a start).

> > > With homes being what they cost, food up in price every week, gas

> > > going crazy, heat and electric being ridiculous, why do you object to

> > > people who are WORKING and not sponging off the government (which I

> > > know you don't like) being able to house, clothe and feed their

> families?

> > >

> > > Roni

> >







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That is totally inaccurate. Back to google.


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: <res075oh@...>

Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 9:19 PM

If the one trillion deficit was bad under Bush how do you feel about the

proposed deficit under Obama, which is several times larger?  It's not

just a couple of trillion, you know.

BTW, Bush 1 handed off to Clinton an economy that was already on the

upswing many months before Clinton took office.  So naturally democrats

give Clinton the credit for the economy that Bush 1 turned over to him. 

Now, what happened when Clinton left office?  He turned over an economy

already headed for the toilet.  Pretty smart politics [or lucky, I

guess] but it's disingenuous to credit Clinton for an upswing that

started long before he took office and give him no blame for the

downturn he handed off to his successor.




>       Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




>         aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



>         Thu Apr 9, 2009 5:57 pm (PDT)




> What revenues?? We have a record deficit. That deficit that bush racked up

> is so large. There was ZERO deficit at the end of Clinton's

> administration,

> then the idiot got in and during the next 8 years racked up unprecedented

> spending and now we have a trillion dollar deficit.


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Barney has acknowledged his mistake in that. What else do you want. Bush

on the other hand acknowledged nothing.


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: <res075oh@...>

Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 9:29 PM

The present economic mess pretty much started in 1977 so I doubt Bush

had a whole lot to do with it.  But the liberal democrats who passed the

legislation changing the criteria  for obtaining a mortgage from the

time tested ability to repay same to some stupid liberal agenda item

certainly did.  It's really a bunch of liberal democrat chickens coming

home to roost.  As late as 2006 Bush attempted to rein in Fanny and

Freddy but the democrats not only scuttled that effort, the derisively

attacked Bush's idea that there was even a problem.  Barney [among

others] utterly ridiculed the idea that any action was needed.  He

stated that there was no risk to the public whatsoever, so no action was

needed.  Democrats overwhelmingly supported that position.  You're going

to blame that on Bush and the republicans too, right?




>       Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




>         aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



>         Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:06 pm (PDT)




> Of course there is something to debate , Val but what is the point with

> your narrow conservative view of life that has no empathy for needy

> people.

> Bush did nothing to help out the country, he created an unneeded war where

> over 4,000 young men and women have died and over 1 million Iraqi's have

> died. Nice.

> Teenage's can't get work not because the minimum wage has been increased,

> but BECAUSE Bushie's administration created a economic crisis in this

> country where the situation is so bad, that people are losing their

> jobs and

> the employers who are still hiring want people with work experience and

> teenagers usually don't have work experience, val.

> I hope your family never gets jobs that are not living wages. But, I think

> you should be required to work in a job that is not a living wage and see

> how well you fare on a income that has not kept up with inflation. See how

> long you stay afloat....


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So you're saying the teenagers refused to take a job at a minimum wage and were


to find jobs that paid less, so they couldn't find any job.?


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: <res075oh@...>

Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy


Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 9:41 PM

Well, yes and no.  Poor people buying homes they could not afford and

more affluent people doing the same thing were certainly part of the

problem.  People who flipped homes and made millions [at least in their

dreams] as the bubble swelled were part of the problem.  But the real

culprits were the democrats who in 1977 passed the legislation which

changed the rules so that the ability to repay was no longer allowed to

be the criteria to determine whether a loan would be issued or not. 

That, plus the hundreds of millions of dollars of law suits against

those lenders who at least for a time attempted to still apply the old

politically incorrect criteria instead of some politically correct

liberal agenda item.  We eventually reached a point where ability to

repay became a none-essential part of the equation.  As most liberal

notions do this one had to implode at some point.

And that's the rest of the story...




>       Posted by: " " kennio@...




>         Kennio <Kennio>



>         Thu Apr 9, 2009 6:16 pm (PDT)




> Oh I see. The economic melt down was because of poor people buying

> homes. Thanks for explaining.


> ____________

> ____________________

> From: Valarie <val@... <mailto:val%40wyosip.com>>

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:24:09 AM

> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re:

> Re: Thy


> News flash! There are 20 million illegals in this country taking American

> jobs.


> Fannie and Freddie failed because Congress, under and Clinton,

> mandated banks loan to unworthy borrowers. Five years ago, Geo Bush tried

> to rein them in and Barney screamed " discrimination against poor

> people. " Bush backed down. Republicans didn't fight. McCain also

> tried a couple of years ago but his bill died in a Democrat controlled

> committee.


> There is nothing above with which to argue. Those are all provable facts.


> BTW, more teenagers would be working now if the minimum wage hadn't have

> been jacked up by the liberals.


> Val


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I just had a scary thought. Can you imagine a history written by ?




> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...




> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 7:34 pm (PDT)




> you are perfectly correct. History, and the bible too were

> written by people. Both have been changed inumerable times according

> to the whim of the era and who was writing it.

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That can't possibly be. We already have the Gospel According To ! [ggg]




> Posted by: " Steve " dudescholar4@...




> dudescholar <dudescholar>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 7:59 pm (PDT)




> I'd like to add that the houses I'm dealing with are all out of state

> for me. I never visit them but just get pictures. I never meet the

> buyers, I don't know their race and I don't care. I don't care if they

> are gay, single, or married, or living together, or have one child or a

> dozen.

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Unless I'm mistaken the budget bill [containing over 8500 earmark and

pork projects] recently passed without a single republican vote. It's a

really twisted logic that could blame it on republicans.



> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...




> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 9:01 pm (PDT)




> TARP and the budget were left over from Bush.


> Roni

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There are a number of areas in which the function of the federal

government supported by our taxes is necessary. No social welfare

programs fall in that group.



> Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...




> matchermaam <matchermaam>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 9:08 pm (PDT)




> The only thing I would like to point out is that without taxes there

> is no government, and without government there is anarchy like in

> Somalia. I don't think I'd enjoy that, no matter how good I am with money.


> Roni

> <>Just because something

> isn't seen doesn't mean it's

> not there<>




> From: <res075oh@... <mailto:res075oh%40verizon.net>>

> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re:

> Re: Thy

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 9:01 PM


> I'm proud to be a Republican [usually], and I'm aware I will never be

> rich. I resist taxes, period; not because I expect to be wealthy [i'm

> 68, retired] but because I simply see no evidence that the government

> can spend anyone's money to better effect than can the owner of that

> money. You really should give up amateur psychology or learn a bit

> about it. Every attitude you attempt to plaster on me misses the mark

> by a mile.

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Who knows who wrote it in the first place. I wonder what they would have been

like on an email list? Scarier and scarier!


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

From: <res075oh@...>

Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy


Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 1:24 PM

I just had a scary thought.  Can you imagine a history written by ?




>       Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@...




>         matchermaam <matchermaam>



>         Thu Apr 9, 2009 7:34 pm (PDT)




> you are perfectly correct. History, and the bible too were

> written by people. Both have been changed inumerable times according

> to the whim of the era and who was writing it.


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Try reading a biography of any well know historical figure who had some

major controversial impact on history by first an author sympathetic to

that person [or his controversial views] and then by an author

unsympathetic to that person or his views.

It will be much harder to find support for some person like Hitler, who

can not be denied to have murdered millions [except by the most fringe

of the nut cases] but it is there. I've seen references to his

enthusiasm, energetic presentation, speaking eloquence and skill,

bright, comitment to change ... He easily won election. Damn, it

almost seems like I'm talking about someone else...





> Posted by: " Crystal " sweetnwright@...




> sweetenloe1 <sweetenloe1>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:59 pm (PDT)




> We started talking about history because I stated that it was our

> forefathers intent to form this nation with Biblical Principles. That kind

> of history is easily accessible and available 24/7 via the WWW. Their

> words

> are written down. We can read them and know Who and what their beliefs

> were

> We also know what Hitler did. We also know about lot's of other people in

> history too. Right????

> CW


> Traveling? Know someone who is? Use my travelocity site www.travelfhtm

> com/crystalwright

> -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Crystal, history is written by the victors or survivors. There isn't

> any one set of " facts " stored away somewhere that you can access to find

> out " what really happened " . Even the best we have is based upon

> conjecture, incomplete or missing facts, or selective inclusion or

> exclusion of same. Suppose Germany or Japan had won WW2: Do you really

> think the history books would resemble what we have now??? 's

> beloved Nazis would probably be heroes.


> Don't get me wrong: We have some GREAT historical records. But it

> takes almost a lifetime of research covering many diverse authors to

> come to have a pretty good idea as to what were the real stories in any

> major historical event or era.



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I agree completely, as long as the owner gets to determine what is a

reasonable monthly rent.


PS: This time you quoted 52 pages of garbage back to the list. Please





> Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Thu Apr 9, 2009 11:13 pm (PDT)




> Good for you, glad it worked out. Owning is always better than renting.

> However, not everyone can afford to own their own home, so they have

> to rent

> They deserve to live in an apartment that has a reasonable monthly

> rent and

> not to live in an apartment that the owner only does " minimal " amount of

> repairs. Don't you agree?

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THAT is what I told steve. I already know that, james

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> The IRS cannot change the law. Don't make up sh*t.


> Steve

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THAT is what I told steve. I already know that, james. he was the ONE who

said i was lying.

looks like he is the liar.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> The IRS cannot change the law. Don't make up sh*t.


> Steve

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Jesus, he has only been in office a little less than 3 months.

Give him a break. Bush had 8 frigging years to do the right thing and he

failed miserably, unless you are rich and have stock in big oil.

You sound like you are one of those....

-- Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

Has Obama?


> I guess you haven't heard of presidential veto powers....

> bushier made it impossible to do anything good for the country unless it

> benefited the rich.

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I feed them and provide clothes for them and my Buddhist temple provides

hotel vouchers for them to get out of the rain and freezing weather. I can

t have them in my home because I have my 88 year old mum living with me.

-- Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

That's where you're wrong Nancie! I know that raising the minimum wage,

which also raises what is therefore considered 'poverty level' just

increases the number of people who fall within that newly elevated 'poverty

level'. If people aren't satisfied with the wage they are working for, then

this is a free country, they either work more hours, get an additional job,

or find a different one entirely to compensate...or, at that income level,

they get grants and go to college to learn a skill that has a greater value

in the market place than they currently have to offer.

You make all these accusations, but I wonder, how many of the homeless have

you ever taken into your own home? I'd venture to say I doubt if you've

taken even one in...but we have, more than once!

> >

> > One: The free market system works, in that it provides the most

> > benefits for the most people than any system in history.

> >

> > Two: Minimum wage is a total perversion of the free market system.

> >

> > Three: If it works why don't we just set the minimum wage at $20 or $30

> > per hour. That should REALLY help those whose actual output is about $3

> > per hour.

> >

> > NOTE: If you can follow the logic of why this last suggestion is pretty

> > stupid you will then understand why minimum wage laws in general are

> > pretty stupid.

> >

> >

> > .

> > .

> >

> > >

> > > Posted by: " Roni Molin " matchermaam@

> > > <mailto:matchermaam@



> %5Bhypothyroidism%5D%20Re%3A%20Thy>

> > > matchermaam <matchermaam>

> > >

> > >

> > > Thu Apr 9, 2009 10:36 am (PDT)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I agree about illegal aliens. As far as the minimum wage is concerned,

> > > how much does it cost you to feed your family per person per week? Why

> > > do you think it's all right for you to be able to feed yourself and

> > > your family, but you don't support fair treatment of all Americans to

> > > get a decent wage (not that minimum wage is decent, but it's a start).

> > > With homes being what they cost, food up in price every week, gas

> > > going crazy, heat and electric being ridiculous, why do you object to

> > > people who are WORKING and not sponging off the government (which I

> > > know you don't like) being able to house, clothe and feed their

> families?

> > >

> > > Roni

> >







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She doesn't see it that way, . She thinks people who are rich and

stingy are dumb, immoral and unethical. Like I said she believes that rich

people can afford to pay 3% more on their taxes and that people who don't

make 250,000 a year should get a tax break. Why should I or people making

less than me pay more in taxes than a wealthy person who can frigging afford

to pay more and have less tax breaks.

She is not the only rich democrat that thinks so, tom hanks who lives where

I live, thinks the same; so does geffen; speilberg; keenedy; smith; shriver;

and Arnold just to name a few.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Well, I don't know your sister but I doubt it. Most people in that

> income bracket are either very adroit at limiting tax liability or taxed

> out the ying-yang. In neither case is the person likely to be

> enthusiastic about increased taxes. I guess is the notable

> exception. See Steve's recent posts.


> You're dreaming about Obama's tax plans. His carbon tax alone amounts

> to hundreds of billions of dollars and exactly who do you think is going

> to pay that??? Everything you consume utilizes energy unless you grow

> it [and even then it uses some]. The poor will be the hardest hit,

> because they spend a disproportionate percentage of income on

> necessities. The price of essentially everything you buy and every

> service you consume will go up.


> Probably his most insidious tax is the inflation he is building into our

> future with the trillions of dollars printed and dumped into

> circulation. Is there any possible way to avoid that???


> I don't yet know how the carbon tax would effect imports. Unless

> there's some way to equalize the costs between production within the US

> and elsewhere then what productivity we still have would have an

> incentive to disappear. Does anyone know if that is addressed?



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the last time I checked it still COST MONEY to go to any college,

including community college. So, unless the schools provide child care and

educational grants most poor people are not going to be able to go there.

They have to be able to still work, pay bills, pay for child care; and also

pay for school. Hmm I wonder how that can be accomplished on say 12.00/hr at

walmart when one only makes AGAIN 23,040 BEFORE taxes.

Plus, ALL higher education institutions are having drastic budget problems

and they are limiting the number of classes offered and actually firing

teachers and professors.

You never did answer my question about your daughter working at walmart and

making that " huge " salary ;} and being able to pay for all living related

expenses... Maybe because you realized that 12.00/hr is not a living wage

for most people in this country who live in cities.

-- Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

Last I knew it was unemployment 'insurance', paid for by the employer,

managed by the government (much like SS)...after a certain period of time,

if the employee doesn't use those benefits (the employer doesn't lay the

employee off), the benefits are returned to the employer (incentive to

retain the employee)...when the government steps in and extends those

benefits, then it does become a form of 'welfare', something I do support

under circumstances like this...also happened back in the early 80s.

Regarding 'less fortunate' who 'don't have the education to get into

university level in the first place', that's what community colleges are for

...they offer courses that allow one to get a GED or even a high school

diploma if they wish...they offer courses to raise the language, math and

reading skills to a level where they can be successful in college...they

offer specialized training in any number of fields as well as 2 year

associate degrees, many of which will transfer to a university (usually in

the same state, however)...and all of it can be at the government's expense

(our tax payer dollars)...and this I also support...why? Because it teaches

them to fish rather than just throwing them a fish...


> What about unemployment benefits?? They are governmental assistance. Want



many other people are less fortunate and don't have the education

> to get into univeresity level in the first place.

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