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Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

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Look this stuff up, don't make it up.

Total government revenues by year in billions:

2001 1991.4 (market crash and beginning of recession)

2002 1853.4

2003 1782.5

2004 1880.3

2005 2153.9

2006 2407.3

2007 2568.2

2008 2524,0



Nancie Barnett wrote:

> What revenues?? We have a record deficit. That deficit that bush racked up

> is so large. There was ZERO deficit at the end of Clinton's administration,

> then the idiot got in and during the next 8 years racked up unprecedented

> spending and now we have a trillion dollar deficit.



> -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?


> Val


> <hypothyroidism/message/46638;_ylc=X3oDMTJxbGY


> 2MzgEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzOTI2MDkxMw-->


> Posted by: " "


> Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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Bush was bad for the country and Obama is bad for the country.


Roni Molin wrote:

> Most of what you said was true. Bush did use up the money Clinton left in the

treasury, but because of the deficit that Bush left, Obama has caused a larger

deficit to try to get the country stable again, to say nothing of the entire

world reacting to this and also becoming unstable.



> Roni

> <>Just because something

> isn't seen doesn't mean it's

> not there<>





> From: Nancie Barnett <deifspirit@...>

> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re: Thy

> hypothyroidism

> Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 5:56 PM



> What revenues?? We have a record deficit. That deficit that bush racked up

> is so large. There was ZERO deficit at the end of Clinton's administration,

> then the idiot got in and during the next 8 years racked up unprecedented

> spending and now we have a trillion dollar deficit.



> -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?


> Val


> <hypothyroidism/message/46638;_ylc=X3oDMTJxbGY


> 2MzgEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzOTI2MDkxMw-->


> Posted by: " "


> Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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If your neighbor is being audited back 10 years, then fraud is reasonably

suspected. Is your neighbor a liberal?


Nancie Barnett wrote:

> a neighbor just got slammed with a tax audit that went back 10 years. It

> seems that he did not pay his entire taxes during those years, so the IRS


> going after him for ALL 10 years.

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Why would anyone here have any reason to call others names?


Posted by: " "

call me what you will.


From: Valarie < <mailto:val%40wyosip.com> val@...>

Is that the best you can argue? I would never dream of calling you a name

just because I disagree with you.

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What the hell are you talking about, I live near Santa and I interact

with the poor on a regular basis. They are still a large percentage of poor

people living in Santa , it just depends on what section of Santa

you are speaking about.

There is traffic congestion everywhere Steve, even in Beverly Hills;

brentwood; Malibu ; bel-air and pacific palisades. All of these communities

are wealthy suburbs. And before you go and say I don't know what I am

talking about, I grew up in Brentwood and I live in the palisades.

Santa doesn't have a monopoly on traffic congestion, in fact the

traffic in certain areas of SM is LESS than in the other communities I


The home prices in Santa are very high, the little boxes that are

called homes in the ocean park area go for 1 million dollars. So,

obliviously even with rent control for the apartments, it is still a

desirable area to live. Homes north of Montana Ave and south of sunset go

for over 1 million and the lots are not that big. Homes near Ocean park Ave

[ near the bluffs], go for 2+ million. Homes on PCH also go for over 2

million each. I have a family friend, an ex- law partner of my dad's that

lives in a beach front home that is worth 5 million.

Santa doesn't prevent you from selling a building, LOL you can sell

your building, but you have to sell it in good condition, otherwise you are

considered a slum lord and then the DA will throw your butt in jail where

all slum lords belong.

Rent control is there so that the most vulnerable tenants, like the elderly

[ sm has a huge elderly pop] don't get forced out of their apartments

because some greedy jerk keeps raising the rent over what he actually needs

to pay for maintenance. Santa is a liberal leaning city, Steve. It

always has been. We have a Kennedy, Bobby shriver who is a city councilman

and Max Kennedy also has a home here.

so, you gave 250,000+ in charity, good for you, although i am surprised

since you think that other needy people shouldn't be allowed to cut into

your hard earned wages.

if you don't like big scary government to " steal " your hard earned monies,

then why don't you declare yourself one of those ex-patriots who don't

recognize the USA as their country and stop paying taxes. that way you can

be assured that none of your hard earned monies don't go to any governmental

social service programs that help the needy.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:



And you ignored the fact that Santa 's rental stock is decreasing,

the number of lower income workers living in the city has decreased, the

traffic congestion has increased to astronomical levels as people have

to commute long distances since the available of rentals in the city are

low. Another state voted to make rent controls illegal since it was

lowering the value of the real estate in the three cities that had rent

controls resulting in a higher percentage of taxes being paid by

non-rent controlled buildings in other cities as a portion of the

state's revenue because the rent controlled cities property values were

either decreasing or not going up as fast as the rest of the state. The

law was changed even though the people in the rent controlled cities

voted against changing the state law. The people in the rest of the

state were getting screwed indirectly by rent control.

It's only a matter of time before the US Supreme court rules that rent

controls are the same as taking by eminent domain without just compensation.

And the book I recommend has much better arguments and examples than I

have presented. All lovers of freedom, freedom for all that is, will

appreciate it.


> -------







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Not anymore, I know someone who is getting audited for 10 years back. The

IRS has decided that the federal government needs cash so they are

suspending the 3 year rule and going after as many years as they want.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


Sorry, Nancie. There seems to be a three year statute of limitations. I just

check it out.


<>Just because something

isn't seen doesn't mean it's

not there<>

> Plus,

> there is no statue of limitations for the IRS, they can go after as many

> years as they want.

You have a very creative imagination constantly make claims about

government laws and constitutional issues that are completely wrong:

Under section 6501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code) and

section 301.6501(a)-1(a) of the Income Tax Regulations (Tax

Regulations), the IRS is required to assess tax within 3 years after the

tax return was filed with the IRS. Similarly, under 301.6501(a)-1(B) of

the Tax Regulations no proceeding in court by the IRS without assessment

for the collection of any tax can begin after the expiration of 3 years.

What is clear is that the IRS CANNOT go after as many years as they want.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford


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Of course obama has to spend to get us out of the mess we are in because of

bushie the idiot. Just think we would not be in that much of a hole if Dumbo

didn't create this trillion dollar deficit we inherited.

The entire world has become unstable not because of Obama, [ he has only

been in office for 2.5 months] but because of wall street, Citibank; AIG;

and their own mortgage crisis. I heard all about Europe's mess on the BBC.

That mess was created on Bush's clock, not Obama's.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?





Posted by: " "

Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.

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I am not making up sh#t! this is what i was told by the neighbor and my tax


the government needs money, so IRS has apparently suspended it's rules

temporarily to go after people who didn't pay up when they should have.

you are the most condescending jerk.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Nancie Barnett wrote:

>> Plus,

>> there is no statue of limitations for the IRS, they can go after as many

>> years as they want.


> You have a very creative imagination constantly make claims about

> government laws and constitutional issues that are completely wrong:


> Under section 6501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code) and

> section 301.6501(a)-1(a) of the Income Tax Regulations (Tax

> Regulations), the IRS is required to assess tax within 3 years after the

> tax return was filed with the IRS. Similarly, under 301.6501(a)-1(B) of

> the Tax Regulations no proceeding in court by the IRS without assessment

> for the collection of any tax can begin after the expiration of 3 years.


> What is clear is that the IRS CANNOT go after as many years as they want.



Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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They were " supposed " to be based on your income. I am not a dependent of

anyone, lol especially since I made that much money and my friends certainly

are not dependents either. One is a teacher and the other runs a non-profit.

We all filed as singles.

My point was that those rebates were not dispersed fairly. Why should my

pals who made far less money than I , only get 300.00 a piece. Why not 600

for them.

I accept why I only got 300.

I have another friend who made more than me and she is single and she got

600. Doesn't make sense to me.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re:

> Re: Thy

> > > hypothyroidism

> > > Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 8:56 AM

> > >

> > >

> > > Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?

> > >

> > > Val

> > >

> > >

> > > <http://groups. / group/hypothyroi dism/message/ 46638;_ylc=


> > > yMTczBF9TAzk3MzU5Nz E1BGdycElkAzE0NT Y2NARncnBzcElkAz E3MDkyNTEwODIEbX


> > > 2MzgEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2 xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbW UDMTIzOTI2MDkxMw -->

> > >

> > >

> > > Posted by: " "

> > >

> > >

> > > Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Well, I don't know your sister but I doubt it. Most people in that

income bracket are either very adroit at limiting tax liability or taxed

out the ying-yang. In neither case is the person likely to be

enthusiastic about increased taxes. I guess is the notable

exception. See Steve's recent posts.

You're dreaming about Obama's tax plans. His carbon tax alone amounts

to hundreds of billions of dollars and exactly who do you think is going

to pay that??? Everything you consume utilizes energy unless you grow

it [and even then it uses some]. The poor will be the hardest hit,

because they spend a disproportionate percentage of income on

necessities. The price of essentially everything you buy and every

service you consume will go up.

Probably his most insidious tax is the inflation he is building into our

future with the trillions of dollars printed and dumped into

circulation. Is there any possible way to avoid that???

I don't yet know how the carbon tax would effect imports. Unless

there's some way to equalize the costs between production within the US

and elsewhere then what productivity we still have would have an

incentive to disappear. Does anyone know if that is addressed?




> Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Wed Apr 8, 2009 9:53 pm (PDT)




> -

> the administration has the message, it is the republicans that haven't got

> the message and a few libertarians.

> .....

> My sister makes over 4 million a year and she will gladly pay more in

> taxes

> since she knows that it is the right thing to do. Besides Obama's tax plan

> increase on the wealthy is still far less than in Reagan years and in

> other

> administrations. If I made that amount, I would pay the tax increase too.

> Since, I don't why should I pay more taxes than her? She agrees with

> me. Why

> should the middle class pay more taxes than the rich?? The rich can afford

> to pay the 3% increase, the rest of the population can not afford to.


> -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> If you have evaluated the situation and believe that the government

> bureaucracy can more efficiently dispose of your excess funds than you

> can then you're probably right. I suppose it is true for a very small

> percentage of people. The question arises as to how they managed to

> amass the wealth to start with if they didn't inherit it, given such a

> myopic view.


> If you think it's patriotic to pay more taxes perhaps you should send a

> note to most of Obama's appointments [good liberal democrats all] who

> failed to get the message.



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We have a record deficit. You need to stop watching fox news.

All that money went to the war and to bail out wall street, the banks and

the big 3.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?


> Val


> <hypothyroidism/message/46638




> 2MzgEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzOTI2MDkxMw-->


> Posted by: " "


> Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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We started talking about history because I stated that it was our

forefathers intent to form this nation with Biblical Principles. That kind

of history is easily accessible and available 24/7 via the WWW. Their words

are written down. We can read them and know Who and what their beliefs were

We also know what Hitler did. We also know about lot's of other people in

history too. Right????


Traveling? Know someone who is? Use my travelocity site www.travelfhtm


-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


Crystal, history is written by the victors or survivors. There isn't

any one set of " facts " stored away somewhere that you can access to find

out " what really happened " . Even the best we have is based upon

conjecture, incomplete or missing facts, or selective inclusion or

exclusion of same. Suppose Germany or Japan had won WW2: Do you really

think the history books would resemble what we have now??? 's

beloved Nazis would probably be heroes.

Don't get me wrong: We have some GREAT historical records. But it

takes almost a lifetime of research covering many diverse authors to

come to have a pretty good idea as to what were the real stories in any

major historical event or era.




> Posted by: " Crystal " sweetnwright@...

> <mailto:sweetnwright@cox



> sweetenloe1 <sweetenloe1>



> Wed Apr 8, 2009 7:14 pm (PDT)




> History isn't an idea. It either was or it wasn't. As far as learning

> history from a biased website is wrong. You can actually find the HISTORY

> documents I read on any legitimate website. I just happen to read correct

> info because of Barton.

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So, desperately poor people are the " wrong people " . Nice.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re:

Re: Thy

> > > hypothyroidism

> > > Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 8:56 AM

> > >

> > >

> > > Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?

> > >

> > > Val

> > >

> > >

> > > <hypothyroidism/message/46638


> > >


> > > 2MzgEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzOTI2MDkxMw-->

> > >

> > >

> > > Posted by: " "

> > >

> > >

> > > Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Once again: Tell me what happened and who stopped the effort when Bush

tried to rein in Fanny and Freddie in 2006? Once again: Tell me about

the legislation in 1977 that changed the requirements for obtaining a

mortgage from being the ability to repay same to some other politically

correct requirement? Tell me what Barney said about Bush's

attempts to prevent the collapse of Fannie and Freddie in 2006 and what

he says now... Tell me about Obama's promise that it won't be business

as usual and that there would be no pork in the trillions of stimulus

dollars. Tell me what percentage of the trillions ARE NOT pork. Tell

me how many thousands of earmarks [not all by democrats] are in the

current budget bill [i think it passed].

And yet once again: I'm NOT talking about NEED. I'm talking about the

fundamental difference between a free society and a totalitarian

society, which is the RIGHT to own what you produce/earn. Anybody can

define that they have a NEED for your possessions under your philosophy;

but in a free society they cannot define such a RIGHT.




> Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:00 pm (PDT)




> And once again, why do the wealthy Need any tax cuts??? They don't

> need any

> tax cuts. That is a conservative attitude that wants to protect their

> kind,

> just like the last 8 years with a greedy ruthless administration.


> -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Once again: It's not a matter of need. It is a matter of owning what

> you earn, whether it's a lot or not.



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Don't make up sh*t. I got $1200 in stimulus tax rebates so it clearly

went to other excellent causes as well.

You need to check out the government accounting web site and see the

breakdown of government expenditures. The government is printing money

making each and every dollar worth a little less on the international

markets because there are more dollars backed by the very same

government faith and credit, which is waning. This is effectively

BORROWED MONEY and it will drive inflation up. Inflation does not help

the poor one single bit.

You made up sh*t by claiming there was no revenue and I posted actual

revenue numbers in the billions that were collected from US taxpayers.

I am convinced you have no clue how the government works and how their

finances work and no clue on basic economics.

Start here:

Budget of the United States Government: Main Page



Nancie Barnett wrote:

> steve-

> We have a record deficit. You need to stop watching fox news.

> All that money went to the war and to bail out wall street, the banks and

> the big 3.


> -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

>> Thy





>> Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?


>> Val


>> <hypothyroidism/message/46638

> _ylc=X3oDMTJxbGY


>> 2MzgEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzOTI2MDkxMw-->


>> Posted by: " "


>> Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.



Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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Don't make up sh*t.


Nancie Barnett wrote:

> Not anymore, I know someone who is getting audited for 10 years back. The

> IRS has decided that the federal government needs cash so they are

> suspending the 3 year rule and going after as many years as they want.


> -- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> Sorry, Nancie. There seems to be a three year statute of limitations. I just

> check it out.


> Roni

> <>Just because something

> isn't seen doesn't mean it's

> not there<>



>> Plus,

>> there is no statue of limitations for the IRS, they can go after as many

>> years as they want.


> You have a very creative imagination constantly make claims about

> government laws and constitutional issues that are completely wrong:


> Under section 6501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code) and

> section 301.6501(a)-1(a) of the Income Tax Regulations (Tax

> Regulations), the IRS is required to assess tax within 3 years after the

> tax return was filed with the IRS. Similarly, under 301.6501(a)-1(B) of

> the Tax Regulations no proceeding in court by the IRS without assessment

> for the collection of any tax can begin after the expiration of 3 years.


> What is clear is that the IRS CANNOT go after as many years as they want.



Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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cindy.seeley wrote:

> I suppose we could call AIG and GM 'desperately poor people'...

I would love to call them " BANKRUPT " and not prop them up at the

taxpayers expense.

> Do you even read what you're responding to...just a little bit ago you accused

Steve of watching nothing but FOX news when right in front of us all was plainly

listed the link he sourced as his reference...and it sure wasn't FOX news! It's

no wonder FOX news ratings are soaring so rapidly...for those of us who actually

do desire truth, fairness, opportunity for all, etc. the totally biased assaults

of FOX news (I've seen this repeatedly from both you and ) when FOX news had

absolutely nothing to do with the discussions involved...people like you drive

people like me to go check them out and see for ourselves...and apparently,

people are liking what they find 'cause all of the other networks are being left

in the dust...






>>>>> From: Valarie <val@>

>>>>> Subject: Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re:

>> Re: Thy

>>>>> hypothyroidism

>>>>> Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 8:56 AM



>>>>> Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?


>>>>> Val



>>>>> <hypothyroidism/message/46638

>> _ylc=X3oDMTJxbGY



>>>>> 2MzgEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTIzOTI2MDkxMw-->



>>>>> Posted by: " "



>>>>> Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.




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Yeah, I even took a graduate level economics course as part of a public

health minor I got from UCLA, when I got my MSN, there.

My professor worked at RAND in Santa , heard of that? He believed in

the living wage and he still believes in the living wage.

As far as Saddam and WMD and our going in to invade a country when there was

no proof of the so-called WMD. That is the issue!

Even if Saddam really had WMD and not some fantasy idea, the correct

procedure would have been to present Real factual proof to the UN and then

let them investigate it, so that we could get UN support to invade a

allegedly dangerous country that had allegedly WMD's. That would have been

the adult thing to do before we put 1000's of our soldiers in harms way.

We are hated because we are seen as this imperialistic invader that does

what it wants without getting the truth. The truth is there was NEVER any

WMD's. Saddam did not have the money nor the science nor the infrastructure

to have WMD's.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


Nancie, did Bush spend all that money all by himself? Did Pelosi say,

before Bush was ever in office, that we had to get Saddam and his weapons of

mass destruction? Was she lying?

Could you please explain exactly how the " Bushie's administration created a

(sic) economic crisis in this country " ? That is nice liberal rhetoric, but

what does it mean?

How much is a living wage? What happens if that living wage causes the cost

of production to be greater than what the item will sell for? Should that

living wage still be mandated? Who will pay for the deficit of cost over

price? How much production will there be?

Are you aware of supply and demand, mandated minimum wage effect on demand,

cost, etc.? Have you ever taken Economics 101 or Economics 102?





Posted by: " Nancie Barnett "

Of course there is something to debate , Val but what is the point with

your narrow conservative view of life that has no empathy for needy people.

Bush did nothing to help out the country, he created an unneeded war where

over 4,000 young men and women have died and over 1 million Iraqi's have

died. Nice.

Teenage's can't get work not because the minimum wage has been increased,

but BECAUSE Bushie's administration created a economic crisis in this

country where the situation is so bad, that people are losing their jobs and

the employers who are still hiring want people with work experience and

teenagers usually don't have work experience, val.

I hope your family never gets jobs that are not living wages. But, I think

you should be required to work in a job that is not a living wage and see

how well you fare on a income that has not kept up with inflation. See how

long you stay afloat....

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No he is a republican.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


If your neighbor is being audited back 10 years, then fraud is reasonably

suspected. Is your neighbor a liberal?


Nancie Barnett wrote:

> a neighbor just got slammed with a tax audit that went back 10 years. It

> seems that he did not pay his entire taxes during those years, so the IRS


> going after him for ALL 10 years.

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Nancie Barnett wrote:


> My point is that NO ONE should ever have to live in a roach infested

> dwelling. It is amoral and unethical for the owner of such dwelling to allow

> it to exist.

You obviously have not seen the size of the roaches in Florida. A

single roach could almost feed a family of 5! Hey, and they real loud

when you hear the flyings ones travel across your room in the dark of

the night.

Roaches get into all houses in Florida.

Having lived in Africa, I don't think you have a clue about real poverty.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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Excuse me? My sister works for NBC as an anchor and she does make over 4 mil

a year.

She is a liberal democrat and she believes she should pay her fair share in


There are people in that tax bracket that want to do the right thing and pay

more taxes. I know a lot of them. They believe that they can afford to pay

an extra 3% in taxes if it means that the middle class gets a tax break. 3%

is not that much more compared to the Reagan years.

As far the environment goes, we have to do something because we are screwing

ourselves out of a planet. The polar ice and the Greenland ice shelf is

melting at an unprecedented rate and retreating. This is already causing

huge havoc in the ecosystems of those environments.

At the rate of the ice retreat, the low lying costal areas will be submerged

and millions of people will be drowned or displaced.

Obama has always stated, that if someone can come up with a better plan than

his, he is open to hearing it. So, why don't you fly to Washington and tell

him all about it... Lol

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> If you have evaluated the situation and believe that the government

> bureaucracy can more efficiently dispose of your excess funds than you

> can then you're probably right. I suppose it is true for a very small

> percentage of people. The question arises as to how they managed to

> amass the wealth to start with if they didn't inherit it, given such a

> myopic view.


> If you think it's patriotic to pay more taxes perhaps you should send a

> note to most of Obama's appointments [good liberal democrats all] who

> failed to get the message.



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-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


Really? Revenues increased considerably. What didn't work?





Posted by: " "

Yeah, right. We just tried the tax cuts for 8 years. IT DIDN'T WORK.

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If he can get us out of the frigging mess that the republican administration

of dumb got us into, then I say give him a chance.

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> It's a matter of personal philosophy. Liberals will say yes while

> conservatives will say no. Liberals will approve of high taxes

> [especially on " the wealthy " ] but when they fall into the wealthy class

> they tend to avoid them by legal or illegal means. Look at the number

> of tax cheats in Obama's appointments.



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Insurgents, dear. I don't think we should go blindly into N. Korea like we

did in IRAQ without UN support. have you been listening to those right

wingers again....

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:


News flash! There are 20 million illegals in this country taking American


Fannie and Freddie failed because Congress, under and Clinton,

mandated banks loan to unworthy borrowers. Five years ago, Geo Bush tried

to rein them in and Barney screamed " discrimination against poor

people. " Bush backed down. Republicans didn't fight. McCain also

tried a couple of years ago but his bill died in a Democrat controlled


There is nothing above with which to argue. Those are all provable facts.

BTW, more teenagers would be working now if the minimum wage hadn't have

been jacked up by the liberals.


Posted by: " Nancie Barnett "

Thu Apr 9, 2009 12:45 am (PDT)

News flash there is not

enough jobs and more people are going to be losing their jobs before it

evens out and not everyone can afford to go to higher education! E

Fannie Mae failed remember?

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I am speaking about apartments which are rent controlled Steve, not homes.

You need to stop speaking crap again

-- Re: Cows, Geopolitics, and Big Business Re: Re:

> Thy





> .


> And you ignored the fact that Santa 's rental stock is decreasing,

> the number of lower income workers living in the city has decreased, the

> traffic congestion has increased to astronomical levels as people have

> to commute long distances since the available of rentals in the city are

> low. Another state voted to make rent controls illegal since it was

> lowering the value of the real estate in the three cities that had rent

> controls resulting in a higher percentage of taxes being paid by

> non-rent controlled buildings in other cities as a portion of the

> state's revenue because the rent controlled cities property values were

> either decreasing or not going up as fast as the rest of the state. The

> law was changed even though the people in the rent controlled cities

> voted against changing the state law. The people in the rest of the

> state were getting screwed indirectly by rent control.


> It's only a matter of time before the US Supreme court rules that rent

> controls are the same as taking by eminent domain without just



> And the book I recommend has much better arguments and examples than I

> have presented. All lovers of freedom, freedom for all that is, will

> appreciate it.


> Steve


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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