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RE: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

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Hi Val,

Nice try.

Deliberating misquoting someone, then asking for an apology is the oldest

trick in the book. Then going on to say " Be a man...etc " just makes it


You can see I DIDN'T say people in your country are idiots...I clearly

phrased it in the form of a question (didn't you see the " ??? " after the

sentence????) to Gracia regarding her longing for universal health care. If

you have been following her posts and other posters replies Gracia regularly

wishes the USA to have a " perfect " system much like what you and the

Canadians have. Gracia thinks our " guvment " (her term) wants each and every

one of us healthy and has our best interests in mind. Gracia has said that

people need to " demand " good care from their universal care systems. I

pointed out that many in England and Canada in desperate situations actually

leave the country and seek treatment here in the states and that I have seen

in articles (I pasted it) that there was more than a 800,000 backlog of

people waiting for surgery and that many die waiting for their operations.

Is that true or is the website wrong???

My question to Gracia " Are they idiots??? Don't they demand " quality health

care " ??? " meant that of course they would demand quality health care, if

their individual voices could or would be heard, but I believe they are

STUCK with the system now that it has been created, stuck with these

" lotteries " , stuck with TSH worshipers like the head of the BTA (I had one

of them in my country too), stuck with going out of the country to get help

when feeling absolutely desperate. To unwind such a monster is pretty much

impossible once it is created...a runaway train so to speak. I don't want

that in the USA, we already have those systems with the motor vehicles dept

and the Internal Revenue Dept.

Poster " Roni " in this group yesterday had this post " My uncle is currently

waiting for a life saving heart operation, and is on a list. They may

call him or they may not. It is actually a lottery they told his wife.

Meanwhile his life is just ebbing away. " Roni I don't believe specified what

country her Uncle lives in, but it sure sounds like a universal health care

country to me. (Roni, I hope your Uncle get his surgery soon and will be


My contention is that universal health care systems sound pretty scary, and

I have a lot of doubt if our " guvment " could run such a HUGE bureaucracy.

Perhaps you could help us understand how wonderful or how horific your

universal health care system actually is???

Anyway, I didn't insult you and I have nothing to apologies for. If that

doesn’t work for you, please delete my posts as soon as you see them. You

will be doing us both a favor.


Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

For your information Neil,

British thyroid sufferers are NOT idiots, and yes we demand, and when we

don't get, we help ourselves. I resent very strongly your throwaway comment

asking if British (and Canadians who you also trashed), are idiots who sit

back and are passive recipients of poor health care. Be careful with your

insults, as you do not know WHO and how many U.K. subscribers post to this

board as well. Nor do you have any appreciation of what many of us have

tried to do in our own small way to help ourselves and tell others how to

avoid the same pitfalls, due to our national health service. I think you

should apologise. You are not freely conducting a bigoted unedited comment

one might make behind closed doors, as if speaking to a hallowed circle of

like minded friends, you are online, and read by many, you would do well to

remember that. Be a man, and apologise.

Val (U.K. Thyroid sufferer.)

Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK





> this is what we have now LOL.

> why does national health care=poor health care? b/c we are all idiots? we

> have to demand quality health care so that we can afford it. Do a search


> Prof Weetman at http://www.thyroid.about.com



> Shocking.

> Gracia


> And note that the " BTA " you cite below is this govt. " universal care " you

> tout.


> This is what you would get.


> Neil


> _____


> Recent Activity

> a.. 6New Members

> Visit Your Group


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Val, you seem to have a completely different take on the meaning of

Neil's post than I do. I believe he meant that even though you ARE NOT

idiots and you PROBABLY DO demand good health care that still the

government run system is lacking.

In the US if we are fools enough to go to a national healthcare system

we will no doubt get an agency with the heart of the IRS and the

efficiency of the military. And lest I mislead you I have an immense

respect for the US military, but NOT for their efficiency.

Before we go to national healthcare system in the US we should restrict

the voting to those who have some vague idea of economics 101. Of

course healthcare is much more than its economic side, but that alone

will sink any plan I've seen deeper than the titanic.


> Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK








> Posted by: " " veetee@...




> hypobod <hypobod>



> Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:28 am (PST)


> For your information Neil,


> British thyroid sufferers are NOT idiots, and yes we demand, and when we

> don't get, we help ourselves. I resent very strongly your throwaway

> comment

> asking if British (and Canadians who you also trashed), are idiots who sit

> back and are passive recipients of poor health care. Be careful with your

> insults, as you do not know WHO and how many U.K. subscribers post to this

> board as well. Nor do you have any appreciation of what many of us have

> tried to do in our own small way to help ourselves and tell others how to

> avoid the same pitfalls, due to our national health service. I think you

> should apologise. You are not freely conducting a bigoted unedited comment

> one might make behind closed doors, as if speaking to a hallowed circle of

> like minded friends, you are online, and read by many, you would do

> well to

> remember that. Be a man, and apologise.


> Val (U.K. Thyroid sufferer.)


> RE: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


> > So why aren't the British and Canadian citizens doing anything about

> their

> > mediocre health care systems?

> >

> > That TSH worshiper resents the British Thyroid Assoc!!!

> >

> > Why do many of them come to the states for better doctors?

> >

> > Are they idiots??? Don't they demand " quality health care " ???

> >

> > Neil

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we already have national health care in the US, but it is only for some ppl.

It is called medicare/medicaid.

We have a prob in US with poor standard of care, and this exists in Europe as

well. Skinner trial illustrates this. What I keep saying is that with better

standards of care, better educated docs, we can have an affordable health care



Before we go to national healthcare system in the US we should restrict

the voting to those who have some vague idea of economics 101. Of

course healthcare is much more than its economic side, but that alone

will sink any plan I've seen deeper than the titanic.



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This is exactly what I meant...thanks for saying it even better than I




From: hypothyroidism [mailto:hypothyroidism ]

On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 2:06 PM


Subject: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

Val, you seem to have a completely different take on the meaning of

Neil's post than I do. I believe he meant that even though you ARE NOT

idiots and you PROBABLY DO demand good health care that still the

government run system is lacking.

In the US if we are fools enough to go to a national healthcare system

we will no doubt get an agency with the heart of the IRS and the

efficiency of the military. And lest I mislead you I have an immense

respect for the US military, but NOT for their efficiency.

Before we go to national healthcare system in the US we should restrict

the voting to those who have some vague idea of economics 101. Of

course healthcare is much more than its economic side, but that alone

will sink any plan I've seen deeper than the titanic.


> Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


" hypothyroidism/message/29757;_ylc=X3oDMTJxOGU


3NTcEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTE4NDQ4ODU2Mw-- " http://groups.-.c







> Posted by: " " HYPERLINK

" mailto:veetee%40blueyonder.co.uk " veeteeblueyonder (DOT) -co.uk

> <mailto:HYPERLINK

" mailto:veetee%40blueyonder.co.uk " veeteeblueyonder (DOT) -co.uk?Subject=%20Re%-3A


> hypobod <HYPERLINK

" hypobod " http://profiles.-/-hypobod>



> Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:28 am (PST)


> For your information Neil,


> British thyroid sufferers are NOT idiots, and yes we demand, and when we

> don't get, we help ourselves. I resent very strongly your throwaway

> comment

> asking if British (and Canadians who you also trashed), are idiots who sit

> back and are passive recipients of poor health care. Be careful with your

> insults, as you do not know WHO and how many U.K. subscribers post to this

> board as well. Nor do you have any appreciation of what many of us have

> tried to do in our own small way to help ourselves and tell others how to

> avoid the same pitfalls, due to our national health service. I think you

> should apologise. You are not freely conducting a bigoted unedited comment

> one might make behind closed doors, as if speaking to a hallowed circle of

> like minded friends, you are online, and read by many, you would do

> well to

> remember that. Be a man, and apologise.


> Val (U.K. Thyroid sufferer.)


> RE: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


> > So why aren't the British and Canadian citizens doing anything about

> their

> > mediocre health care systems?

> >

> > That TSH worshiper resents the British Thyroid Assoc!!!

> >

> > Why do many of them come to the states for better doctors?

> >

> > Are they idiots??? Don't they demand " quality health care " ???

> >

> > Neil

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I am having a tough time finding a doctor that takes medicare. The one

doctor said she will consider taking me if medicare pays her the 30,000 they

owe her. It has been 5 months she has waited for payment.

I am even considering canceling it if this is the way they pay. What good

is it?? I heard the government borrows the money to pay medicare bills.

Nice, huh!!

-------Original Message-------

Gracia wrote:

We already have national health care in the US, but it is only for some ppl.

It is called medicare/medicaid.

We have a prob in US with poor standard of care, and this exists in Europe

as well. Skinner trial illustrates this. What I keep saying is that with

better standards of care, better educated docs, we can have an affordable

health care system.


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Hi ,

I have medicare and have had not very much problems with them at all.

If there is a problem I call them and get it straightened out.. Have

you called them to see what the problem is? I think they're pretty

good. I haven't had any problems getting a doctor that wouldn't

take it. All most all of them take it around here in Ohio.



> We already have national health care in the US, but it is only for

some ppl.

> It is called medicare/medicaid.


> We have a prob in US with poor standard of care, and this exists

in Europe

> as well. Skinner trial illustrates this. What I keep saying is

that with

> better standards of care, better educated docs, we can have an


> health care system.




> .







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And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it it got through] the

combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected for 1990 in constant

dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in 1964 was in fact almost

exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So just take any national

healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see if you think we can

afford it.

Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are upon a crash course

with economic reality. At the present rate there is absolutely no hope

that we the taxpayers can support all that has been promised to people

now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at the present rate of

growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100% tax rate in less than

a century.

I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet another federal

boondoggle would read a bit of someone like Sowell.

I believe that some of the countries that have some of the better

systems of national health care have income tax rates greater than 50%.

Sweden, maybe???


> Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK








> Posted by: " Gracia " circe@...




> graciabee <graciabee>



> Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:29 pm (PST)




> we already have national health care in the US, but it is only for

> some ppl. It is called medicare/medicaid.


> We have a prob in US with poor standard of care, and this exists in

> Europe as well. Skinner trial illustrates this. What I keep saying is

> that with better standards of care, better educated docs, we can have

> an affordable health care system.


> Gracia

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Communicating via the internet has tremendous advantages; but also some

major disadvantages. Since we miss all of the facial expressions and

body language much can be lost in translation. So when we see something

that appears goofy it behooves us to read it again, looking for possible

alternate meanings.

I recently saw an exchange of posts on another list where one of the

posters did not do that; and he became livid with anger and posted a lot

of derogatory and name calling posts against the other. And the funny

thing is the first person didn't really say anything near what the

second one was reading.

> Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK








> Posted by: " neil " neilneil@...




> onewaypockets <onewaypockets>



> Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:32 pm (PST)


> ,


> This is exactly what I meant...thanks for saying it even better than I

> could...


> Neil


> _____


> From: hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> [mailto:hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>]

> On Behalf Of

> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 2:06 PM

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Subject: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


> Val, you seem to have a completely different take on the meaning of

> Neil's post than I do. I believe he meant that even though you ARE NOT

> idiots and you PROBABLY DO demand good health care that still the

> government run system is lacking.


> In the US if we are fools enough to go to a national healthcare system

> we will no doubt get an agency with the heart of the IRS and the

> efficiency of the military. And lest I mislead you I have an immense

> respect for the US military, but NOT for their efficiency.


> Before we go to national healthcare system in the US we should restrict

> the voting to those who have some vague idea of economics 101. Of

> course healthcare is much more than its economic side, but that alone

> will sink any plan I've seen deeper than the titanic.



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You know, that could be addressed by everyone paying a " small "

monthly premium into a " national " medicare/medicaid program for all,

instead of the outrageous premiums they are paying to private health

insurers. Say if every adult human in the USA, with the ability to

afford it, paid $20 per month?

According to the population " clock " at http://www.census.gov/ the

population of the USA is approx 302,358,746 (and raising). Say if

only a quarter of the population was able to afford $20 per month,

that's $1,814,152,560 per year if my calculator is right. And if

people paid into it based on their income, that total could



Sam :-o


> And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it it got

through] the

> combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected for 1990 in


> dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in 1964 was in fact


> exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So just take any


> healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see if you think

we can

> afford it.


> Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are upon a crash


> with economic reality. At the present rate there is absolutely no


> that we the taxpayers can support all that has been promised to


> now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at the present rate


> growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100% tax rate in less


> a century.


> I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet another


> boondoggle would read a bit of someone like Sowell.


> I believe that some of the countries that have some of the better

> systems of national health care have income tax rates greater than


> Sweden, maybe???



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I don't know what kind of money you make, but if you

live in the states, it might be an interesting

exercise to add up all the actual money you spend on

taxes. You'd need to include income

(Federal,State,Local), property, school, sales, gas,

actual costs for healthcare including insurance

premiums and copays, any money to medicare, costs for

children's education, amount put into retirement

accounts, social security, etc. After adding them all

up and subtracting from your income I think you might

get a bit of a surprise.


--- <res075oh@...> wrote:

> And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it

> it got through] the

> combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected

> for 1990 in constant

> dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in

> 1964 was in fact almost

> exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So

> just take any national

> healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see

> if you think we can

> afford it.


> Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are

> upon a crash course

> with economic reality. At the present rate there is

> absolutely no hope

> that we the taxpayers can support all that has been

> promised to people

> now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at

> the present rate of

> growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100%

> tax rate in less than

> a century.


> I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet

> another federal

> boondoggle would read a bit of someone like

> Sowell.


> I believe that some of the countries that have some

> of the better

> systems of national health care have income tax

> rates greater than 50%.

> Sweden, maybe???




> >

> > Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

> >





> >

> >

> >

> > Posted by: " Gracia " circe@...

> >




> > graciabee

> <graciabee>

> >

> >

> > Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:29 pm (PST)

> >

> >

> >

> > we already have national health care in the US,

> but it is only for

> > some ppl. It is called medicare/medicaid.

> >

> > We have a prob in US with poor standard of care,

> and this exists in

> > Europe as well. Skinner trial illustrates this.

> What I keep saying is

> > that with better standards of care, better

> educated docs, we can have

> > an affordable health care system.

> >

> > Gracia





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My Uncle is waiting for a " new " operation, and he

lives in Los Angeles, and the operation has been

around and performed in Germany for years.


--- neil <neilneil@...> wrote:

> Hi Val,


> Nice try.


> Deliberating misquoting someone, then asking for an

> apology is the oldest

> trick in the book. Then going on to say " Be a

> man...etc " just makes it

> laughable.


> You can see I DIDN'T say people in your country are

> idiots...I clearly

> phrased it in the form of a question (didn't you see

> the " ??? " after the

> sentence????) to Gracia regarding her longing for

> universal health care. If

> you have been following her posts and other posters

> replies Gracia regularly

> wishes the USA to have a " perfect " system much like

> what you and the

> Canadians have. Gracia thinks our " guvment " (her

> term) wants each and every

> one of us healthy and has our best interests in

> mind. Gracia has said that

> people need to " demand " good care from their

> universal care systems. I

> pointed out that many in England and Canada in

> desperate situations actually

> leave the country and seek treatment here in the

> states and that I have seen

> in articles (I pasted it) that there was more than a

> 800,000 backlog of

> people waiting for surgery and that many die waiting

> for their operations.

> Is that true or is the website wrong???


> My question to Gracia " Are they idiots??? Don't they

> demand " quality health

> care " ??? " meant that of course they would demand

> quality health care, if

> their individual voices could or would be heard, but

> I believe they are

> STUCK with the system now that it has been created,

> stuck with these

> " lotteries " , stuck with TSH worshipers like the head

> of the BTA (I had one

> of them in my country too), stuck with going out of

> the country to get help

> when feeling absolutely desperate. To unwind such a

> monster is pretty much

> impossible once it is created...a runaway train so

> to speak. I don't want

> that in the USA, we already have those systems with

> the motor vehicles dept

> and the Internal Revenue Dept.


> Poster " Roni " in this group yesterday had this post

> " My uncle is currently

> waiting for a life saving heart operation, and is on

> a list. They may

> call him or they may not. It is actually a lottery

> they told his wife.

> Meanwhile his life is just ebbing away. " Roni I

> don't believe specified what

> country her Uncle lives in, but it sure sounds like

> a universal health care

> country to me. (Roni, I hope your Uncle get his

> surgery soon and will be

> well).


> My contention is that universal health care systems

> sound pretty scary, and

> I have a lot of doubt if our " guvment " could run

> such a HUGE bureaucracy.

> Perhaps you could help us understand how wonderful

> or how horific your

> universal health care system actually is???


> Anyway, I didn't insult you and I have nothing to

> apologies for. If that

> doesn’t work for you, please delete my posts as soon

> as you see them. You

> will be doing us both a favor.


> Neil


> Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr

> Skinners Trial - UK


> For your information Neil,


> British thyroid sufferers are NOT idiots, and yes we

> demand, and when we

> don't get, we help ourselves. I resent very strongly

> your throwaway comment

> asking if British (and Canadians who you also

> trashed), are idiots who sit

> back and are passive recipients of poor health care.

> Be careful with your

> insults, as you do not know WHO and how many U.K.

> subscribers post to this

> board as well. Nor do you have any appreciation of

> what many of us have

> tried to do in our own small way to help ourselves

> and tell others how to

> avoid the same pitfalls, due to our national health

> service. I think you

> should apologise. You are not freely conducting a

> bigoted unedited comment

> one might make behind closed doors, as if speaking

> to a hallowed circle of

> like minded friends, you are online, and read by

> many, you would do well to

> remember that. Be a man, and apologise.


> Val (U.K. Thyroid sufferer.)


> Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr

> Skinners Trial - UK

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > this is what we have now LOL.

> > why does national health care=poor health care?

> b/c we are all idiots? we

> > have to demand quality health care so that we can

> afford it. Do a search

> for

> > Prof Weetman at http://www.thyroid.about.com

> <http://www.thyroid.about.com>

> >

> > Shocking.

> > Gracia

> >

> > And note that the " BTA " you cite below is this

> govt. " universal care " you

> > tout.

> >

> > This is what you would get.

> >

> > Neil

> >

> > _____

> >

> > Recent Activity

> > a.. 6New Members

> > Visit Your Group

> >

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Thoughtful statement, .

And - we have to ask ourselves why these folks with government funded

medical care for all people come to the United States to be treated when

they are in trouble. On another list I belong to, some Canadian women have

to wait up to two years to see a " specialist " . So, rather than wait, they

cross the border into the U.S. any pay for a doc to see them.


Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it it got through] the

combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected for 1990 in constant

dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in 1964 was in fact almost

exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So just take any national

healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see if you think we can

afford it.

Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are upon a crash course

with economic reality. At the present rate there is absolutely no hope

that we the taxpayers can support all that has been promised to people

now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at the present rate of

growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100% tax rate in less than

a century.

I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet another federal

boondoggle would read a bit of someone like Sowell.

I believe that some of the countries that have some of the better

systems of national health care have income tax rates greater than 50%.

Sweden, maybe???


> Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

> <http://groups.










> Posted by: " Gracia " circe@... <mailto:circe%40gwi.net>

> <mailto:circe@... <mailto:circe%40gwi.net>


> graciabee <http://profiles. <graciabee>




> Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:29 pm (PST)




> we already have national health care in the US, but it is only for

> some ppl. It is called medicare/medicaid.


> We have a prob in US with poor standard of care, and this exists in

> Europe as well. Skinner trial illustrates this. What I keep saying is

> that with better standards of care, better educated docs, we can have

> an affordable health care system.


> Gracia

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Thank you Bev. I haven't been to a doctor for close to 30 yrs....so...maybe

not having one before getting medicare is the problem.

They are not paying the doctors tho and that is not right. I live poorly in

a ritzy town in Oregon....maybe they just don't need medicare.

-- Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

Hi ,

I have medicare and have had not very much problems with them at all.

If there is a problem I call them and get it straightened out.. Have

you called them to see what the problem is? I think they're pretty

good. I haven't had any problems getting a doctor that wouldn't

take it. All most all of them take it around here in Ohio.


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Your idea just can't work. It is too logical. It makes too much sense.

I can hear the wailing already. Bleeding hearts will never make illegal's

pay. They will never make children pay (or the children of illegals). They

will never make the sick....the old....the feeble.....the stupid....the

people who do not financially plan ahead.

So basically once they are done with their " special interests " it comes back

to US. The few who work, who earn, who pay for everyone.

Problem is, as points out, this little cash cow segment (the US) is

running out. The boomers are getting old and they want to retire. Problem is

there is no one left to pay for US.

So it ain't gonna happen. Even though it should. Even though it must.

Pass the pie,



From: hypothyroidism [mailto:hypothyroidism ]

On Behalf Of Sam

Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 12:15 PM


Subject: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

You know, that could be addressed by everyone paying a " small "

monthly premium into a " national " medicare/medicaid program for all,

instead of the outrageous premiums they are paying to private health

insurers. Say if every adult human in the USA, with the ability to

afford it, paid $20 per month?

According to the population " clock " at HYPERLINK

" http://www.census.gov/ " http://www.census.-gov/ the

population of the USA is approx 302,358,746 (and raising). Say if

only a quarter of the population was able to afford $20 per month,

that's $1,814,152,560 per year if my calculator is right. And if

people paid into it based on their income, that total could



Sam :-o


> And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it it got

through] the

> combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected for 1990 in


> dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in 1964 was in fact


> exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So just take any


> healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see if you think

we can

> afford it.


> Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are upon a crash


> with economic reality. At the present rate there is absolutely no


> that we the taxpayers can support all that has been promised to


> now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at the present rate


> growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100% tax rate in less


> a century.


> I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet another


> boondoggle would read a bit of someone like Sowell.


> I believe that some of the countries that have some of the better

> systems of national health care have income tax rates greater than


> Sweden, maybe???



No virus found in this incoming message.

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5:22 PM

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.

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Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.2/893 - Release Date: 7/9/2007

5:22 PM

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I wonder how much there would be for us if this war

were not taking millions of dollars out of our country

every day. I see by the news reports today he is

wanting to give $190 million to the Palestinians to

get a peace treaty, but has indicated that the

children's health initiave to continue to give poor

American children health insurance has been denegrated

by his advisors. Our money is not being used up by our

citizens, it is being sent overseas for all kinds of

reasons on top of whatever else was going out of the

country in the first place


--- neil <neilneil@...> wrote:



oneSearch: Finally, mobile search

that gives answers, not web links.


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Do you know why they are not paying the doc.? Does the doc.

normally except Medicare? I have changed docs. quite a lot the last

couple years and I still haven't had any problems getting them to

pay. I make sure the doc. excepts medicare before I go to that doc.

hope it starts working for you soon.



> Thank you Bev. I haven't been to a doctor for close to 30


> not having one before getting medicare is the problem.


> They are not paying the doctors tho and that is not right. I live

poorly in

> a ritzy town in Oregon....maybe they just don't need medicare.




> -- Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


> Hi ,

> I have medicare and have had not very much problems with them at


> If there is a problem I call them and get it straightened out..


> you called them to see what the problem is? I think they're pretty

> good. I haven't had any problems getting a doctor that wouldn't

> take it. All most all of them take it around here in Ohio.

> Bev

> Recent Activity

> 4New Members

> Visit Your Group


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How much of this are we going to take before we march on Washington.....we

are all mumbling to ourselves but Sheehan is the only one sticking her

neck out. We are all chickens.

-- RE: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

I wonder how much there would be for us if this war

were not taking millions of dollars out of our country

every day. I see by the news reports today he is

wanting to give $190 million to the Palestinians to

get a peace treaty, but has indicated that the

children's health initiave to continue to give poor

American children health insurance has been denegrated

by his advisors. Our money is not being used up by our

citizens, it is being sent overseas for all kinds of

reasons on top of whatever else was going out of the

country in the first place


--- neil <neilneil@...> wrote:


oneSearch: Finally, mobile search

that gives answers, not web links.


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Is there a path thru the woods where I can become an illegal alien in


-- Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

You know, that could be addressed by everyone paying a " small "

monthly premium into a " national " medicare/medicaid program for all,

instead of the outrageous premiums they are paying to private health

insurers. Say if every adult human in the USA, with the ability to

afford it, paid $20 per month?

According to the population " clock " at HYPERLINK

" http://www.census.gov/ " http://www.census.-gov/ the

population of the USA is approx 302,358,746 (and raising). Say if

only a quarter of the population was able to afford $20 per month,

that's $1,814,152,560 per year if my calculator is right. And if

people paid into it based on their income, that total could



Sam :-o


> And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it it got

through] the

> combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected for 1990 in


> dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in 1964 was in fact


> exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So just take any


> healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see if you think

we can

> afford it.


> Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are upon a crash


> with economic reality. At the present rate there is absolutely no


> that we the taxpayers can support all that has been promised to


> now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at the present rate


> growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100% tax rate in less


> a century.


> I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet another


> boondoggle would read a bit of someone like Sowell.


> I believe that some of the countries that have some of the better

> systems of national health care have income tax rates greater than


> Sweden, maybe???



No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG Free Edition.

Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.2/893 - Release Date: 7/9/2007

5:22 PM

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.

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Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.2/893 - Release Date: 7/9/2007

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No Bev,

I got a little ticked because she said she wasn't taking new medicare

patients and decided to look elsewhere.

It's pretty hoity toity here....people with money. But I will ask both.

Thanks for suggesting.

-- Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

Do you know why they are not paying the doc.? Does the doc.

normally except Medicare? I have changed docs. quite a lot the last

couple years and I still haven't had any problems getting them to

pay. I make sure the doc. excepts medicare before I go to that doc.

hope it starts working for you soon.


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--- <ronicamelian@...> wrote:

> No Bev,


> I got a little ticked because she said she wasn't

> taking new medicare

> patients and decided to look elsewhere.


> It's pretty hoity toity here....people with money.

> But I will ask both.

> Thanks for suggesting.




> -- Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr

> Skinners Trial - UK


> Do you know why they are not paying the doc.? Does

> the doc.

> normally except Medicare? I have changed docs. quite

> a lot the last

> couple years and I still haven't had any problems

> getting them to

> pay. I make sure the doc. excepts medicare before I

> go to that doc.

> hope it starts working for you soon.

> Bev






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Oh yea, that's right, common sense doesn't exist in government...what

was I thinking? ACH!!!

Bad Sammy :-\


> Sam,


> Your idea just can't work. It is too logical. It makes too much



> I can hear the wailing already. Bleeding hearts will never make


> pay. They will never make children pay (or the children of

illegals). They

> will never make the sick....the old....the feeble.....the


> people who do not financially plan ahead.


> So basically once they are done with their " special interests " it

comes back

> to US. The few who work, who earn, who pay for everyone.


> Problem is, as points out, this little cash cow segment (the

US) is

> running out. The boomers are getting old and they want to retire.

Problem is

> there is no one left to pay for US.


> So it ain't gonna happen. Even though it should. Even though it



> Pass the pie,


> Neil


> _____


> From: hypothyroidism

[mailto:hypothyroidism ]

> On Behalf Of Sam

> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 12:15 PM

> hypothyroidism

> Subject: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK




> You know, that could be addressed by everyone paying a " small "

> monthly premium into a " national " medicare/medicaid program for


> instead of the outrageous premiums they are paying to private


> insurers. Say if every adult human in the USA, with the ability to

> afford it, paid $20 per month?


> According to the population " clock " at HYPERLINK

> " http://www.census.gov/ " http://www.census.-gov/ the

> population of the USA is approx 302,358,746 (and raising). Say if

> only a quarter of the population was able to afford $20 per month,

> that's $1,814,152,560 per year if my calculator is right. And if

> people paid into it based on their income, that total could

> skyrocket.


> ???


> Sam :-o

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See the movie Sicko, we are all afraid of our government, instead of

the other way around.

As far as someone mentioning being a bleeding heart, what an odd

image to conjure up.

My family and I have always worked and paid taxes, but we still care

about the children, the old, the stupid.... all of them, regardless

of who their parents are, how old they are or whether they are

educated. We are all interconnected. All but for the grace of God go

we, who are lucky enough to have had good parents, good children, and

good teachers which led us to be able to make choices.

Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes. Be

humble before you are brought to your knees.

Love to all,


On Jul 16, 2007, at 8:59 PM, wrote:

> How much of this are we going to take before we march on

> Washington.....we

> are all mumbling to ourselves but Sheehan is the only one

> sticking her

> neck out. We are all chickens.




> -- RE: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


> I wonder how much there would be for us if this war

> were not taking millions of dollars out of our country

> every day. I see by the news reports today he is

> wanting to give $190 million to the Palestinians to

> get a peace treaty, but has indicated that the

> children's health initiave to continue to give poor

> American children health insurance has been denegrated

> by his advisors. Our money is not being used up by our

> citizens, it is being sent overseas for all kinds of

> reasons on top of whatever else was going out of the

> country in the first place


> Roni


> --- neil <neilneil@...> wrote:


> __________________________________________________________

> oneSearch: Finally, mobile search

> that gives answers, not web links.

> http://mobile./mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC






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If you start another " fund " the politicians would steal it away to

fund other interests, like they are currently doing with the Social

Security money which is given away to those who never paid into it -

ie: SSI recipients (many of whom enjoy supplementing this income

with " under the table " income and you can't tell me they don't

because I know of at least two who did by babysitting full time for

friends and working and getting paid by " family " in what I would

consider hard labor jobs.

> From: hypothyroidism

[mailto:hypothyroidism ]

> On Behalf Of Sam

> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 12:15 PM

> hypothyroidism

> Subject: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


> You know, that could be addressed by everyone paying a " small "

> monthly premium into a " national " medicare/medicaid program for


> instead of the outrageous premiums they are paying to private


> insurers. Say if every adult human in the USA, with the ability to

> afford it, paid $20 per month?


> According to the population " clock " at HYPERLINK

> " http://www.census.gov/ " http://www.census.-gov/ the

> population of the USA is approx 302,358,746 (and raising). Say if

> only a quarter of the population was able to afford $20 per month,

> that's $1,814,152,560 per year if my calculator is right. And if

> people paid into it based on their income, that total could

> skyrocket.


> ???


> Sam :-o



> >

> > And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it it got

> through] the

> > combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected for 1990 in

> constant

> > dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in 1964 was in fact

> almost

> > exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So just take any

> national

> > healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see if you think

> we can

> > afford it.

> >

> > Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are upon a crash

> course

> > with economic reality. At the present rate there is absolutely no

> hope

> > that we the taxpayers can support all that has been promised to

> people

> > now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at the present rate

> of

> > growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100% tax rate in


> than

> > a century.

> >

> > I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet another

> federal

> > boondoggle would read a bit of someone like Sowell.

> >

> > I believe that some of the countries that have some of the better

> > systems of national health care have income tax rates greater


> 50%.

> > Sweden, maybe???

> >

> >


> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.2/893 - Release Date:


> 5:22 PM


> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.2/893 - Release Date:


> 5:22 PM




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Hi Jackie,

What you say makes sense, unless you also consider what posted

yesterday, I paste it here....

" And as I tried to point out elsewhere [don't know it it got through] the

combined costs of medicare and medicaid projected for 1990 in constant

dollars when the liberal crowd was pushing it in 1964 was in fact almost

exactly 2000% percent of the projected cost. So just take any national

healthcare proposal and multiply it times 20 and see if you think we can

afford it. "

" Medicare/medicade, along with social security, are upon a crash course

with economic reality. At the present rate there is absolutely no hope

that we the taxpayers can support all that has been promised to people

now living. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that at the present rate of

growth of just these 3 items we would have a 100% tax rate in less than

a century. "

" I wish that at least a few more people espousing yet another federal

boondoggle would read a bit of someone like Sowell. "

" I believe that some of the countries that have some of the better

systems of national health care have income tax rates greater than 50%.

Sweden, maybe??? "

" "

You can see it is an impossibility that the " few " (the few people actually

working and paying taxes) will be able to pay for these Medicare and

Medicade programs, let alone universal care that wants. How is

this to be done? There are too many of " them " and too few of us.



From: hypothyroidism [mailto:hypothyroidism ]

On Behalf Of Ken & Jackie Reimer

Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1:26 AM


Subject: Re: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK

See the movie Sicko, we are all afraid of our government, instead of

the other way around.

As far as someone mentioning being a bleeding heart, what an odd

image to conjure up.

My family and I have always worked and paid taxes, but we still care

about the children, the old, the stupid.... all of them, regardless

of who their parents are, how old they are or whether they are

educated. We are all interconnected. All but for the grace of God go

we, who are lucky enough to have had good parents, good children, and

good teachers which led us to be able to make choices.

Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes. Be

humble before you are brought to your knees.

Love to all,


On Jul 16, 2007, at 8:59 PM, wrote:

> How much of this are we going to take before we march on

> Washington..-...we

> are all mumbling to ourselves but Sheehan is the only one

> sticking her

> neck out. We are all chickens.




> -- RE: Re: Fw: [thyroid] Dr Skinners Trial - UK


> I wonder how much there would be for us if this war

> were not taking millions of dollars out of our country

> every day. I see by the news reports today he is

> wanting to give $190 million to the Palestinians to

> get a peace treaty, but has indicated that the

> children's health initiave to continue to give poor

> American children health insurance has been denegrated

> by his advisors. Our money is not being used up by our

> citizens, it is being sent overseas for all kinds of

> reasons on top of whatever else was going out of the

> country in the first place


> Roni


> --- neil <HYPERLINK

" mailto:neilneil%40roadrunner.com " neilneilroadrunner-> wrote:


> ____________-_________-_________-_________-_________-_________-_

> oneSearch: Finally, mobile search

> that gives answers, not web links.


" http://mobile./mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC " http://mobile.-yah







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Wow...sounds like Corvallis.



>They are not paying the doctors tho and that is not right. I live poorly in

>a ritzy town in Oregon....maybe they just don't need medicare.




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