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Your beliefs, regardless of what they are, do not bother me in the

least. Please don't leave the list because of a few people who have a

problem with you.

I feel that since we are all very ill, whatever floats your boat and

makes you happy is perfectly acceptable. I am a Native American and

don't have the same beliefs as a lot of people, but that's their

problem, not mine.


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Dear Joan:

Are you on any medication at all? Also, what is HBP? It surprises me that

your doctors would say that you couldn't benefit from prednisone or imuran.

Have they given you a reason why they feel that way?

Kathy (AIH)

Seattle area

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Hi Sweetie..

Sure no problem...thanks for going there..

<A HREF= " " >http://www.foxdianasden.com</A>

If anyone has a site they would like me to ad please tell me...or any

information they would like to see there please feel free to send it to me..

Have a good day, and remember...Laughter is the music of a happy heart, love

is it's sustenance. Sooooo...laugh a lot, it is healing.



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  • 1 year later...

Joan - God Bless You! you have been through it all and have just described

what this list is all about. I said it once before when I found this group I

was so happy and every one here is like family and has helped me with a lot

of questions that I have and

had. I smoked two packs a day, went on the patch for six months and have not


the desire or can stand the smell for the last seven years. To each is own,

can we

get back to what this group is all about? And I hope Jerry that, although I


chatted with you, will reconsider your decesion. There are some darn nice


here. You girls are making me hungry talking about all those delicious

peeps, I

can't have any and it kills me because another liver problem that I have is a

fatty liver

so I have to watch what I eat. I want to go out and buy some. Hugs,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there

Hi...I wrote you such a nice long e-mail this am and when I went to send it I

hit the wrong thing and it is lost in cyber space forever and ever...I was so

aggravated...and had to get ready to leave and go to the doctors with my

mom...Believe it or not I got back about 1 hour ago....did some grocery

shopping on the way home...I hate to shop for food....

I have been doing a long of reading and very little posting....just can't

seem to get caught up...

You story of Shauna sleeping under the table cracked me up....she is too


do the girls like their teachers....I know Shauna is 4...is she in nursery

school and Noel...2nd grade...

I think when we were at " Charlies " it was a couple of days before Ty went for

his Remicade infusion...I so wanted to get back there so we could visit some

more but things with my mom were pretty much a mess...She had had her triple

bypass in June...In August she had bypass in the leg...and then 2 weeks later

again...and then one problem after another...back and forth to the hosp and

rehab....she in finally back in rehab and doing better.....still some leg and

foot trouble but other things are better...

Then in the end of Aug...Ty had his 10th Remicade infusion....was only a

couple of seconds into it when he went into shock...Really very

scarry....couldn't breathe,,,,turned red and then blue all over...his neck

got rock hard and he later said that he thought his head was going to

burst...and heart rate out of control....they put him on oxygen and gave him

the antidote....and then monitored him for hours...So now he can't not get

another infusion....So it was just a matter of time before something reared

its ugly head....Never know where with him....Thats is when the spleen

inflammation ...more than usual....its supposed to be 1 1/2-2lbs...they said

he was 12-13lbs...causing alot of pain...couldn't sleep or eat...They don't

want to remove it because the transplant team want it there....so for a quick

fix he is back on pred...that med is something else...too bad is has so many

BAD side effects....We go to see his RA doc on tues and the GI and she will

come up with a replacemnt for the Remicade....So we will see....Just hope it

happens before somethings else starts....he was home again today with a

migraine...2nd one this week and he has had one every week since the

beginning of Sept....Bummer...I so wanted his senior yr to be easy ....but 18

days of school and he has missed 8 already....Oh but he has been inducted

into the National Honor Society....so that was nice...What a guy...

The last month of summer was pretty awful weather wise....I thought about you

and the girls....the beach can be awful when the weather is bad day after

day....and the kids get antsy....

Well I wanted to get a chance to get to you...its been such a long time since

we talked....I enjoyed our get together...even though there was that corny

music in the back ground....LOL

I think the last I heard your labs were good...keep up the good work....

Tell the girls HI for Tyler and me....


Luanne Ty's mom

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Hey back,

Just when Ty had his reaction to remicade my girlfriends mother was

going to have her first infusion. She has Crohns. Well she had a

relapse and they decided again it and will go with 6mp. I was so

relieved when they changed her treatment. I didn't tell them about Ty

until after he was feeling better. Is his Crohns under control? Senior

year and the Honor Society.... this should be the time of his life. Is

the transplant inevitable? He has the immune system of ten people put

together. You remind him anytime he wants to see a show to let me


Your mom has had a rough summer, you knew she would have problems with

her legs. If they gave degrees for life experiences you would have

multiple in medicine. I'm glad to hear she is in rehab, this way she

can be built up enough before she comes home. How are you and the hubby

handling everything? Did you go out with your friends? I wish everyone

could see what beautiful eyes you have and what a friendly guy your

husband is. Are you taking care of yourself, it's hard not to put

yourself last.

My little angels are doing well. They both have birthdays this month.

Noel's will be at a hotel near by.....a sleepover/pool party with 6

girls. I need to have my head examined. a's will be the following

week at another hotel...just a pool party, could you imagine a sleepover

with 5yr olds. I think not. Then with Holloween the next week, It's

the most wonderful time of the year around here. School is good and

they both dance and take gymnastics. You've seen the energy they need

to burn.

The shore was better than I could have imagined, it was the best summer

of my life. God willing I will have dozens more just like it.

My best to Ty and remember if you need a friend call me let me know if

you don't have my home phone number. Give your hubby and Ty a smooch

from the Claffey Girls.

Joan Claffey

BBNLU@... wrote:


> Hey there

> Hi...I wrote you such a nice long e-mail this am and when I went to send it I

> hit the wrong thing and it is lost in cyber space forever and ever...I was so

> aggravated...and had to get ready to leave and go to the doctors with my

> mom...Believe it or not I got back about 1 hour ago....did some grocery

> shopping on the way home...I hate to shop for food....

> I have been doing a long of reading and very little posting....just can't

> seem to get caught up...

> You story of Shauna sleeping under the table cracked me up....she is too

> much..

> do the girls like their teachers....I know Shauna is 4...is she in nursery

> school and Noel...2nd grade...

> I think when we were at " Charlies " it was a couple of days before Ty went for

> his Remicade infusion...I so wanted to get back there so we could visit some

> more but things with my mom were pretty much a mess...She had had her triple

> bypass in June...In August she had bypass in the leg...and then 2 weeks later

> again...and then one problem after another...back and forth to the hosp and

> rehab....she in finally back in rehab and doing better.....still some leg and

> foot trouble but other things are better...

> Then in the end of Aug...Ty had his 10th Remicade infusion....was only a

> couple of seconds into it when he went into shock...Really very

> scarry....couldn't breathe,,,,turned red and then blue all over...his neck

> got rock hard and he later said that he thought his head was going to

> burst...and heart rate out of control....they put him on oxygen and gave him

> the antidote....and then monitored him for hours...So now he can't not get

> another infusion....So it was just a matter of time before something reared

> its ugly head....Never know where with him....Thats is when the spleen

> inflammation ...more than usual....its supposed to be 1 1/2-2lbs...they said

> he was 12-13lbs...causing alot of pain...couldn't sleep or eat...They don't

> want to remove it because the transplant team want it there....so for a quick

> fix he is back on pred...that med is something else...too bad is has so many

> BAD side effects....We go to see his RA doc on tues and the GI and she will

> come up with a replacemnt for the Remicade....So we will see....Just hope it

> happens before somethings else starts....he was home again today with a

> migraine...2nd one this week and he has had one every week since the

> beginning of Sept....Bummer...I so wanted his senior yr to be easy ....but 18

> days of school and he has missed 8 already....Oh but he has been inducted

> into the National Honor Society....so that was nice...What a guy...

> The last month of summer was pretty awful weather wise....I thought about you

> and the girls....the beach can be awful when the weather is bad day after

> day....and the kids get antsy....

> Well I wanted to get a chance to get to you...its been such a long time since

> we talked....I enjoyed our get together...even though there was that corny

> music in the back ground....LOL

> I think the last I heard your labs were good...keep up the good work....

> Tell the girls HI for Tyler and me....

> Love

> Luanne Ty's mom



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Hi Joan: Yes I live in New York but about 275 miles from the city more in

the agricultural part of New York. Have you ever heard of Oneida Limited


My husband worked there 30 years and took an early retirement. I have always

wanted a trip to the city but can't convience my husband, he is more of a

stay at home type of person. I hope to get their someday as there are places

I would like to

see there. Hugs,

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Thank you for my new name fiesty I kinda like that. It just bugs me to know

end when everyone thinks that anyone that has a liver disease is a drinker.


one of these days I will drive up to New York City and drag you out to see

the sights.

Bunches of Hugs, Fiesty

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When your ready to check out NYC let me know. If you come at Christmas

time I'll take you see A Christmas Carol. I can kill two birds with

one stone....you get to see a show and I can visit my husband where he

lives...I mean works...

Joan Claffey


p.s....you'll have to behave.....

mhe3053904@... wrote:


> Thank you for my new name fiesty I kinda like that. It just bugs me to know

> end when everyone thinks that anyone that has a liver disease is a drinker.

> Maybe

> one of these days I will drive up to New York City and drag you out to see

> the sights.

> Bunches of Hugs, Fiesty



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Hi there...

How did Noels party go...it was this weekend right....When are the girls

actual birthdays....Tys is Oct 12....he will be 18...OUCH...that hurts....

Talk soon...

Luanne Ty's mom

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Joan - you must be fiesty too. we are both italians, what is you weather

doing? It is

Sunday about 5:15PM and it is hailing out just like snow, no rain, no snow,

just lots of hail. Hugs,

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Next Sat. is Noel's sleepover.....We are able to keep the room until 12

on Sunday...but....Sunday is a Giants games at home. So the party will

end earlier. Hey I have my priorities....I have been shopping for

goodie bag stuff for weeks...the most fun will be applying crystal

tattoos to the girls. Then the following Sunday is Miss a's, along

with the school, dance and gym. cupcake parties. They wipe me out....I

love to be wiped out..it means I'm still alive...All kidding aside I

feel good.

How's our guy doing? Anything new with his spleen? He is always a part

of my prayers.

Now say a prayer for me the Giants are on...and they have been having

their own tough time of it lately..

Go Giants!!!!

Joan Claffey


BBNLU@... wrote:


> Hi there...

> How did Noels party go...it was this weekend right....When are the girls

> actual birthdays....Tys is Oct 12....he will be 18...OUCH...that hurts....

> Talk soon...

> Luanne Ty's mom



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Say it aint so...hail...it's chilly here, and getting colder. My

husband went to the Jet game this afternoon and he said he was cold.

Then he gets home and takes the kids immediately out to play....What a

time I had getting my little one out of her shorts and flip flops. But

I'll wear a jacket....She went as far as capris. I think a big pot of

soup is in order for tomorrow it's going to be a cold week. Enjoy the

weekend... yes I am Italian..you should hear my family talk...they sound

like a cheesy Italian movie. I heard my mother teaching my daughter to

talk it sounded like...come on say pepa..instead of pepper. They crack

me up.

Joan Claffey


mhe3053904@... wrote:


> Joan - you must be fiesty too. we are both italians, what is you weather

> doing? It is

> Sunday about 5:15PM and it is hailing out just like snow, no rain, no snow,

> just lots of hail. Hugs,



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Where are you? It is beautiful and sunny here in NJ.


>From: mhe3053904@...

>Reply- egroups

> egroups

>Subject: Re: [ ] Joan

>Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 17:31:14 EDT

>MIME-Version: 1.0

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>Joan - you must be fiesty too. we are both italians, what is you weather

>doing? It is

>Sunday about 5:15PM and it is hailing out just like snow, no rain, no snow,

>just lots of hail. Hugs,


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Hi...taking a few minutes to read some mail before I go see my mom....Just

saw that Mike and Noel are going to the game today.....TYLER will be there

with the band....They will be playing PreGame.....He has a solo....tell them

to look for him....

I will get back to you later....

Love Luanne Ty's mom

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My mail did not come today until just now (9:50pm) so I didn't know

about the band. They got home about an hour ago but missed the pregame

show. They didn't get to Yankee stad. until 4:00. So close.......They

are very excited. We didn't tell Noel she was going to the game until

her teacher told her she was leaving school early. When she came to the

principles office and saw us and her principle she was white. " Am I in

trouble " a small voice said. Her principle, who is a nun, said yes.

Her chin started to quiver. She said it should be her that Daddy was

taking to the Yankee game.....After a huge sigh of relief she got really


The janitor of her school for many years was Darrel Jeters grandfather,

so the whole school roots for them to win. She said it was the luckiest

day of her life, he also bought her a new Yankee jacket.

My favorite part was that Mike had an extra ticket and instead of

calling a friend he wanted to take his daughter. Well friend hope your

son had as good a time tonight as my crew did.

Joan Claffey


BBNLU@... wrote:


> Hi...taking a few minutes to read some mail before I go see my mom....Just

> saw that Mike and Noel are going to the game today.....TYLER will be there

> with the band....They will be playing PreGame.....He has a solo....tell them

> to look for him....

> I will get back to you later....

> Love Luanne Ty's mom




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Joan - Hi! On November 3rd I will be going from America On Line to cable can


please tell me what I will have to do to get back into the group, I am not

familiar with

how the cable thing works. Any help would be appreciated. Hugs,

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In a message dated 10/12/2000 11:18:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mhe3053904@... writes:

<< Joan - Hi! On November 3rd I will be going from America On Line to cable



please tell me what I will have to do to get back into the group, I am not

familiar with

how the cable thing works. Any help would be appreciated. Hugs,


Good Morning ,

Whew, I hope I can explain this OK...

1. IF Your are keeping AOL, you can TCP/IP AOL thru your cable service and

things will stay as they are now.

2. IF your are closing your AOL account, you will have to unsubscribe at the

e-groups website and susbscribe again under your new e-mail

address. This can be done in one visit and only will take a few.

Good Luck with your cable broadband, I have heard it is wonderful and very

easy to use. I am waiting, rather impatiently. for the service to be

available here. My cable company and the county are battling in court about

the service. So the consumer pays as usual...LOL..

Love ya'll, have a great day, remember to laugh all day. Laughter is music to

the heart and very healing. Soooooo, laugh a lot, love a lot, and be healthy,

especially love a lot, the more love you give the more you get in return.....

Joan, List Moderator


AIH, 1 Gall Stone, HBP


<A HREF= " aol://1722:http://www.foxdianasden.com " >Fox 's Den</A>

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Foxy's Health

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/health.com " >Foxy's Health</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/health.com " >


Liver Support

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/liver support.htm " >Liver Support</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/liver support.htm " >

http://www.foxdianasden.com/liver support.htm</A>

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In a message dated 10/13/2000 9:21:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

mclaffey@... writes:

<< Good morning ,

Your asking me about computer stuff??????? Ohhhhhh big mistake. I sent

two e-mails into space yesterday, where they are, I don't know.

I do think it will be easy to get back. On your start up page, type in

egroups in the search space. When egroups pops up press that and then

when that comes up search for liver and LiverSupport should come up.

See I stink at computer stuff. If you have any problem let me know at

mclaffey@... and I will go thru it with you. I am sorry if I have

confused you, I've confused myself. I sent you a reply yesterday did

you get it?

How are you feeling today? I hope better.

Joan Claffey

NJ >>

He he, I guess we need to go back to Joan - NJ, Joan - Florida....and the

same with other duplicate names...

I have had several request to change the Subject Line.....people are getting

confused and the subject is very outdated...I know it is easy just to answer

and not change it, but please give it the ole college try...LOL....

Love ya'll, have a great day, remember to laugh all day. Laughter is music to

the heart and very healing. Soooooo, laugh a lot, love a lot, and be healthy,

especially love a lot, the more love you give the more you get in return.....

Joan, List Moderator


AIH, 1 Gall Stone, HBP


<A HREF= " aol://1722:http://www.foxdianasden.com " >Fox 's Den</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com " >http://www.foxdianasden.com</A>

Foxy's Health

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/health.com " >Foxy's Health</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/health.com " >


Liver Support

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/liver support.htm " >Liver Support</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.foxdianasden.com/liver support.htm " >

http://www.foxdianasden.com/liver support.htm</A>

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Good morning ,

Your asking me about computer stuff??????? Ohhhhhh big mistake. I sent

two e-mails into space yesterday, where they are, I don't know.

I do think it will be easy to get back. On your start up page, type in

egroups in the search space. When egroups pops up press that and then

when that comes up search for liver and LiverSupport should come up.

See I stink at computer stuff. If you have any problem let me know at

mclaffey@... and I will go thru it with you. I am sorry if I have

confused you, I've confused myself. I sent you a reply yesterday did

you get it?

How are you feeling today? I hope better.

Joan Claffey


mhe3053904@... wrote:


> Joan - Hi! On November 3rd I will be going from America On Line to cable can

> you

> please tell me what I will have to do to get back into the group, I am not

> familiar with

> how the cable thing works. Any help would be appreciated. Hugs,




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I was hoping you would get it but when I didn't see you on much I figured you

were busy...

The band played but they don't get to stay for the game ....what a

bummer....the board of Ed won't let them stay...back when my daughter was

still in school...she graduated in 93....they used to get to stay...but then

there were some problems with trying to keep over 100 kids together during a

game....so then they used to stay for only an inning or so...now they must

leave right away....Oh well....If the Yankees win then the band will play in

the ticker tape parade....All my kids have done that...Ty did last year...He

said it was pretty crazy ....

Glad you all had a good time...Great game....at the end anyways....

Luanne Ty's mom

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