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> bee,


> is it possible to be taking these supplements and have

> them depleted because of illness or a bad immune

> system?


> What if our bodies do not absorb these supplements?


> Also does taking high levels of vitamin a deplete

> vitamin c levels?

==>When you follow all of my program you will be absorbing more and

more nutrients from your foods and supplements as you progress. It is

most important to improve your digestion however.

==>Do you have a reference on vitamin A depleting vitamin C?


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I beleive that it came from a Dr Weil's book

either the one on aging or the optimal health in 8

days book. It references that too much a can deplete

vitamin c. He suggests lower amounts of vitamin.

Dr weil is a well know around the world integrative dr

who studies how to live longer. He suggests that our

bodies can make vitamin a from beat-carotene. His

theory is to stay on an anti-inflammatory diet. He

has studied what makes the people on okinawa japan

live such long healthy lives whey live into their

100's! Check outhis books they are uplifting.


> ==>Do you have a reference on vitamin A depleting

> vitamin C?


> Bee






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> I beleive that it came from a Dr Weil's book

> either the one on aging or the optimal health in 8

> days book. It references that too much a can deplete

> vitamin c. He suggests lower amounts of vitamin.


> Dr weil is a well know around the world integrative dr

> who studies how to live longer. He suggests that our

> bodies can make vitamin a from beat-carotene. His

> theory is to stay on an anti-inflammatory diet. He

> has studied what makes the people on okinawa japan

> live such long healthy lives whey live into their

> 100's! Check outhis books they are uplifting.

==>I wouldn't rely on Dr. Weil's information. He is part of the low-

fat group. I couldn't find any references at Dr. Mercola, Weston A.

Price or Orthomolecular medicine sites about vitamin A lowering

vitamin C - if it caused problems I'm sure one of them would have had

warnings or cautions, but they don't. In any case the amount of

vitamin A I recommend wouldn't interfere with vitamin C, particularly

when I also recommend taking 4,000 mg of vitamin C per day.

Luv, Bee

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I wrote this wrong...vitamin a can deplete

calcium...not vitamin c

I just typed it wrong. I also asked my dietician and

she totally agreed and she is very much up on candida

and is into a high fat diet like the on used in this


im concerned...should i be?




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--- Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

> ==>I wouldn't rely on Dr. Weil's information. He is

> part of the low-fat group.

Actually, I saw an interview with him a few years back

where he explained that he simply doesn't beleive in

Candida at all?!! At the time I though he was really

good and reliable and his statement delayed my looking

into treating my candida that I have suspected for

years was one of my problems. So, I'm not too keen on

him anymore either. But it's hard to know sometimes,

he's all over the news networks etc. But his webpage

is all about selling stuff so that's a clue right

there. lol.



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> bee


> I wrote this wrong...vitamin a can deplete

> calcium...not vitamin c


> I just typed it wrong. I also asked my dietician and

> she totally agreed and she is very much up on candida

> and is into a high fat diet like the on used in this

> group. im concerned...should i be?

==>No Sue. You shouldn't be concerned. That is probably another one

of those " urban myths " . lol. Here's a wonderful article that

explains how important vitamin A is for bone building and how it

works with calcium in the body " Vitamin A On Trial:

Does Vitamin A Cause Osteoporosis? " ;


Luv, Bee

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> > ==>I wouldn't rely on Dr. Weil's information. He is

> > part of the low-fat group.


> Actually, I saw an interview with him a few years back

> where he explained that he simply doesn't beleive in

> Candida at all?!! At the time I though he was really

> good and reliable and his statement delayed my looking

> into treating my candida that I have suspected for

> years was one of my problems. So, I'm not too keen on

> him anymore either. But it's hard to know sometimes,

> he's all over the news networks etc. But his webpage

> is all about selling stuff so that's a clue right

> there. lol.

==>, yes he is part of the medical industry and the AMA doesn't

allow doctors to agree that candida exists. One doctor told a member

that his profession isn't allowed to agree that candida exists.

There is way too much false information about health in the media and

on the internet today. We have to almost shut it out. Everytime I

hear something I know is not true it makes me cringe at how many

people actually believe it and are getting sicker because of it.

In the late 1980s I saw a regular doctor, instead of my holistic

M.D., in the hospital, and he and 3 others stood there with arms

crossed and said " you couldn't possibly have gotten well on a candida

program because candida doesn't exist! " I told him I don't care what

you call my health problems - you can call it nuts or the kitchen

sink for all I care - the fact IS my health problems went away by

doing the candida program! So it's the result that counts, not the

diagnosis anyway. That's why this program helps anyone improve their


Luv, Bee

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  • 3 months later...


> Hi Bee. I am new to the group and 4 weeks into the diet. I've

posted a couple of things but nothing major. I have had some serious

die off symptoms but I think I am starting to feel a shift. At least

the cravings have really decreased.

==>Hi . Welcome to our group. Well done on being on the diet 4

weeks, and having your cravings decrease! Keep up the good work.

> Anyway, my husband is a D.C. but practices natural medicine. He is

an avid supporter of Standard Process whole food supplements. I've

seen one post that I know of on here where someone really discouraged

this brand. Of course, that is all I've taken for 10 years and that is

what I've taken on so far for the past 4 weeks. I guess I'd like to

try and better understand what is supposedly wrong with Standard

Process? Thanks!

==>There is nothing wrong with Standard Process, however most people

throughout the world (who are part of this group) will have difficulty

getting it because it must be obtained through a practitioner like your

husband, and it isn't available in every country. Also many people

cannot afford it.

Also many people believe you should only take " totally natural

supplements " like Standard Process, which isn't true. Orthomolecular

Physicians have been using certain kinds of synthetic supplements for

over 60 years with great success, for example ascorbic acid for curing

cancer. We know ascorbic acid is not a complete vitamin C, but it is

still very effective. However, some supplements should not be

synthetic, i.e. vitamins A, D, and E, and omega-3.

The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 months later...


> Hi,


> Would any of the supplements be causing die-off and particularly


> backaches, and calf pain?

> Thanks,


> a

==>If you are on the diet it will create die-off symptoms all by

itself. There is no getting around it. I had to be on the diet for 6

months before I could tolerate any antifungal.


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> Hi,


> Would any of the supplements be causing die-off and particularly


> backaches, and calf pain?

> Thanks,


> a

==>If you are on the diet it will create die-off symptoms all by

>itself. There is no getting around it. I had to be on the diet for 6

>months before I could tolerate any antifungal.


So you did not even have coconut oil? What did you eat?


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

It's very easy to find the info you need by going to Bee's website

www.healingnaturallybybee.com and using the search engine there.

For instance, I was just there and put the word " supplements " into the

search engine. Here is what I found.




> Hi. I spent all last weekend reading the articles and I'm still not

> through all of them. It's a bit overwhelming. Can I get a list of

> the supplements we need that you said all work together? When I can

> afford it, I will go to a HFS and get them. Thank you for your time.



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can anyone tell me when to start supplements? we're very sensitive to lots of

foods so

when we take supplements we always have reactions to them.



> hi again! i completely forgot to ask my supplement questions in my last post!

LOL i've


> brain fog these days. anyways i'm here trying to help myself and my 2 boys get



> yeast problems. my story is very similar to Bee's and others, having suffered

most my


> with strep throat, endometriosis, kidney problems, IBS with constipation,



> food allergies, yeast infections, many viruses and bacterial infections and

the list goes

on. my

> sons whom i breastfed now have bad food sensitivities and i have not been able

to give


> take supplements because they always cause night waking, colic, constipation

and so


> now my understanding is that this could be healing reactions and not allergic


so do

> i push through? i know i should start on low doses and work up but when should



> taking the supplements? we have been on a very restricted diet with nothing

made from

> corn, dairy, soy or gluten. i also breastfed my sons while not being able to



> for what was missing either so we are all severely deficient in many important

> vitamins/minerals. should i cut the dose down by a 1/3 for a 2.5yr old? if

i'm 25 and


> suffered with this most my life how long should i be on this diet?

> i just want to thank Bee and others for all this wonderful info. and the

success of others


> proves to me it can be done.


> thank you again

> sam


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> hi again! i completely forgot to ask my supplement questions in my

last post! LOL i've got

> brain fog these days. anyways i'm here trying to help myself and my

2 boys get over chronic

> yeast problems. my story is very similar to Bee's and others,

having suffered most my life

> with strep throat, endometriosis, kidney problems, IBS with

constipation, chronic fatigue,

> food allergies, yeast infections, many viruses and bacterial

infections and the list goes on. my

> sons whom i breastfed now have bad food sensitivities and i have

not been able to give or

> take supplements because they always cause night waking, colic,

constipation and so on.

> now my understanding is that this could be healing reactions and

not allergic reactions so do

> i push through? i know i should start on low doses and work up but

when should we start

> taking the supplements? we have been on a very restricted diet with

nothing made from

> corn, dairy, soy or gluten. i also breastfed my sons while not

being able to take supplements

> for what was missing either so we are all severely deficient in

many important

> vitamins/minerals. should i cut the dose down by a 1/3 for a

2.5yr old? if i'm 25 and have

> suffered with this most my life how long should i be on this diet?

> i just want to thank Bee and others for all this wonderful info.

and the success of others only

> proves to me it can be done.

==>Hi Sam. Ensure you are doing what is recommended to improve your

digestion, which will also improve absorption of your supplements,

i.e. take betaine hydrochloric acid supplements, the Electrolyte

Drink, no raw vegetables, etc. - see the Section on Improving

Digestion in my article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " .

Yes, push through. You need to start on supplements when you start

on the diet. The diet plus the supplements work together to provide

all of the nutrients your body requires. Supplements will not cause

problems with breastfeeding and if your baby has reactions you are

correct to believe they are healing reactions. So start with smaller

doses and gradually increase them and/or spread your daily dose more

throughout the day rather than taking them all at once; take them

with complete meals that contain protein and good fats which also

helps absorption.

If you are 25 years old you will need to be on this program a minimum

of 25 months. But after that you need to keep your immune system

normal by giving your body what it needs to do that. The basic

principles of this program should be followed lifelong in order to

maintain your health.

The best, Bee

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thank you so much bee- we're going out today to pick up our supplements and i


off your directions to improve digestion and will start those too.

thanks again



> ==>Hi Sam. Ensure you are doing what is recommended to improve your

> digestion, which will also improve absorption of your supplements,

> i.e. take betaine hydrochloric acid supplements, the Electrolyte

> Drink, no raw vegetables, etc. - see the Section on Improving

> Digestion in my article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " .


> Yes, push through. You need to start on supplements when you start

> on the diet. The diet plus the supplements work together to provide

> all of the nutrients your body requires. Supplements will not cause

> problems with breastfeeding and if your baby has reactions you are

> correct to believe they are healing reactions. So start with smaller

> doses and gradually increase them and/or spread your daily dose more

> throughout the day rather than taking them all at once; take them

> with complete meals that contain protein and good fats which also

> helps absorption.


> If you are 25 years old you will need to be on this program a minimum

> of 25 months. But after that you need to keep your immune system

> normal by giving your body what it needs to do that. The basic

> principles of this program should be followed lifelong in order to

> maintain your health.


> The best, Bee


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  • 3 weeks later...
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what is CLA?

From: babe61ca

Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:43 PM


Subject: Supplements

I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid in the

am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I drink coffee around this time.

I was also wondering.. I take CLA to help with belly fat and it has worked off

and on for me, will this interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be



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Yeah you should wait on everything for at least an hour. ESP the nexium.

There have been some new studies on seaweed as a fat burner. It is a pretty

amazing fat burner. It ESP helps with belly fat. No I don't sell it!

http://www.fucothin.com/ it has no nasty side effects. It doesn't

stimulate the CNS.


-- Supplements

I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid in

the am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I drink coffee around

this time. I was also wondering.. I take CLA to help with belly fat and it

has worked off and on for me, will this interfere with the synthroid?.. Any

help would be appreciated..


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Conjugated Linoleic Acid


I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid in

the am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I drink coffee around this

time. I was also wondering.. I take CLA to help with belly fat and it has worked

off and on for me, will this interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be



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if you are properly treated for hypo than you shouldn't need nexium :((

probly you need more thyroid hormone.

why not just try CLA away from $inthroid to see if it interferes?


I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid in

the am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I drink coffee around this

time. I was also wondering.. I take CLA to help with belly fat and it has worked

off and on for me, will this interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be



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I believe that we are to wait at least an hour to eat or drink

anything after taking our meds. Also, I would think the Nexium would

definitely be a problem. There are some supplements like calcium and

iron that we should wait four hours after taking our meds. Hope this




> I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg

synthroid in the am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I

drink coffee around this time. I was also wondering.. I take CLA to

help with belly fat and it has worked off and on for me, will this

interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be appreciated..

> Deb



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I have tried to go off the nexium and have suffered terrible.. I am hoping that

once I get my levels right and you alll have suggested, that i can go off them..

I will definately try taking the CLA later.. usually only take at lunch and

dinner anyways..thank you for your help..


Re: Supplements

if you are properly treated for hypo than you shouldn't need nexium :(( probly

you need more thyroid hormone.

why not just try CLA away from $inthroid to see if it interferes?


I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid in

the am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I drink coffee around this

time. I was also wondering.. I take CLA to help with belly fat and it has worked

off and on for me, will this interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be



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Thank you , it helps alot.


Re: Supplements


I believe that we are to wait at least an hour to eat or drink

anything after taking our meds. Also, I would think the Nexium would

definitely be a problem. There are some supplements like calcium and

iron that we should wait four hours after taking our meds. Hope this




> I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg

synthroid in the am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I

drink coffee around this time. I was also wondering.. I take CLA to

help with belly fat and it has worked off and on for me, will this

interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be appreciated..

> Deb



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I take a multi enzyme pill an hour after my thyroid, just before eating. I also

take acidopholus capsule with it. I do this just before lunch and dinner too. I

was getting terrible cramping and IBS without them. This works. Sometimes I

don't drink enough water, and it can cause some heartburn too. So I drink when I

get a twinge of that.


Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

if you are properly treated for hypo than you shouldn't need nexium :(( probly

you need more thyroid hormone.

why not just try CLA away from $inthroid to see if it interferes?


I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid in the

am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I drink coffee around this time.

I was also wondering.. I take CLA to help with belly fat and it has worked off

and on for me, will this interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be



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You wrote:



> I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid

> in the am with Nexium.

CLA will not interfere with thyroxine absorption anymore than any other

food, nor any less. You should NOT take them together.

Secondly, 75 mcg (75 mg would be lethal) is a pretty minimal dose, less

than any full replacement dose, unless you are about 10 years old or

just starting titration.


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Hi Chuck..

Thank you for the info.. I appreciate it..

I am on 75 because i failed to follow thru on blood work and biopsy and follow

up appt..

I called today and get blood work tommorrow and biopsy May 21st and then the

endo will see me again..

I am going to my gp to get further blood work done for the other test that you

all talked about and to ask him a few more questions..


Re: Supplements


You wrote:



> I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid

> in the am with Nexium.

CLA will not interfere with thyroxine absorption anymore than any other

food, nor any less. You should NOT take them together.

Secondly, 75 mcg (75 mg would be lethal) is a pretty minimal dose, less

than any full replacement dose, unless you are about 10 years old or

just starting titration.


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I did try the acidopholus and didn't really notice a difference.. I will look

into the enzymes tho.. thank you for the info..


Re: Supplements

I take a multi enzyme pill an hour after my thyroid, just before eating. I

also take acidopholus capsule with it. I do this just before lunch and dinner

too. I was getting terrible cramping and IBS without them. This works. Sometimes

I don't drink enough water, and it can cause some heartburn too. So I drink when

I get a twinge of that.


Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

if you are properly treated for hypo than you shouldn't need nexium :(( probly

you need more thyroid hormone.

why not just try CLA away from $inthroid to see if it interferes?


I was wondering if anyone can help me out.. First, I take 75mg synthroid in

the am with Nexium. Could there be a conflict? Also I drink coffee around this

time. I was also wondering.. I take CLA to help with belly fat and it has worked

off and on for me, will this interfere with the synthroid?.. Any help would be



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