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I hope this is true about the migraines going away once PA is

controlled. I had terrible headaches almost every day in March this

year. April and May were not as bad but now I am getting the same

symptoms again. I have a headache in my right eye and a sinus

pressure feeling. Is PMS worse when you have PA? I have a list of

questions for my next doctor's appointment. As far as dizzy, I get

that when I haven't eaten in awhile.


> Migraine will likely go away when PA controlled.




> May your pressure be low!


> Clarence E. Grim, BS, MS, MD

> Senior Consultant to Shared Care Research and Consulting, Inc.

> (sharedcareinc.com)

> Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology Med. Col.


> Clinical Professor of Nursing, Univ. of WI, Milwaukee


> Specializing in Difficult to Control High Blood Pressure

> and the Physiology and History of Survival During

> Hard Times and Heart Disease today.




> **************************************

> See what's free at http://www.aol.com.




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  • 3 months later...


I often got dizzy and light headed when I haven’t been

able to eat or drink.

in SF


achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of kare4266

Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 12:36 PM


Subject: Dizziness

Does anyone else ever get a little dizzy or

light headed. I have been

having a little problem with this the last couple of days off and on.

I am not sure what is causing it but am sure it is related to this

issue of the esophagus.

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Hi , In times like these, when I don't get enough food down, I get very dizzy and/or light headed often. Last Thursday my trainer prevented me from fainting by pushing my head between my legs when I sat down. I only have these problems in times food goes down badly. Once I had my sugar checked and the level was pretty low, thus explaining my bad feeling. It is a fact that I am not a diabetic, it's also a fact that I am an achalasian. That goes for you too... Love, Isabellakare4266 <guerralkml@...> wrote: Does anyone else ever get a little dizzy or light headed. I have been having a little problem with this the last couple of days off and on. I am not sure what is causing it but am sure it is related to this issue of the esophagus. __________________________________________________

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  • 5 weeks later...

Some of you may disagree with this, but whenever I get the dizzies I get

to the chiropractor immediately!!!! My neck is always out of adjustment

and it helps afterwards, especially if I then go to bed and take a nap

to keep the muscles relaxed. I have usually been overdoing it and my

muscles are tense, loads of stress going on around our house with son

hooked on marijuana and father-in-law's cancer returning and taking care

of him, hubby's work stress ongoing. Try it, it works for me. My chiro

says he has people come in all the time who've been to many docs, on

many meds and just needed one adjustment...need I say more?

in La Selva Beach CA

carmenmontaner wrote:


> I don´t take anything for dizness. I have tried many things, but I´m

> very sensitive for drugs.I have all the side effects. So, I have to

> live with my dizness.


> Hi

> > Do you take anything for the dizziness? I take meclizine every few

> hours which is like bonine. It helps to keep the whirling at a

> minimum.

> >

> > -------------- Original message from " carmenmontaner "

> <carmenmontaner@...>: --------------

> >

> > Hi!!

> > I have FM for about 13 years.Since 1994 I had always problems with

> my

> > eyes.I have been checked and everything is OK with me.

> > My visual dizzness, this is the name I give to my visual

> > disturbances,is constant. I have only 2 or 3 days without dizness.

> I

> > think it could be related to neurological problems, to the nervous

> > system.

> > I hope it serves

> > hughs

> > carmen

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I tried chiro for this...didn't work for " me " . Makes sense how ot would work if

something is not aligned. For " me " it is inner ear crystals floating that they

say might be from a virus or car accident. I was never in a car accident so

probably a virus.

-------------- Original message from & Schmidt

<schmidtmba@...>: --------------

Some of you may disagree with this, but whenever I get the dizzies I get

to the chiropractor immediately!!!! My neck is always out of adjustment

and it helps afterwards, especially if I then go to bed and take a nap

to keep the muscles relaxed. I have usually been overdoing it and my

muscles are tense, loads of stress going on around our house with son

hooked on marijuana and father-in-law's cancer returning and taking care

of him, hubby's work stress ongoing. Try it, it works for me. My chiro

says he has people come in all the time who've been to many docs, on

many meds and just needed one adjustment...need I say more?

in La Selva Beach CA

carmenmontaner wrote:


> I don´t take anything for dizness. I have tried many things, but I´m

> very sensitive for drugs.I have all the side effects. So, I have to

> live with my dizness.


> Hi

> > Do you take anything for the dizziness? I take meclizine every few

> hours which is like bonine. It helps to keep the whirling at a

> minimum.

> >

> > -------------- Original message from " carmenmontaner "

> <carmenmontaner@...>: --------------

> >

> > Hi!!

> > I have FM for about 13 years.Since 1994 I had always problems with

> my

> > eyes.I have been checked and everything is OK with me.

> > My visual dizzness, this is the name I give to my visual

> > disturbances,is constant. I have only 2 or 3 days without dizness.

> I

> > think it could be related to neurological problems, to the nervous

> > system.

> > I hope it serves

> > hughs

> > carmen

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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kare4266 wrote:

> ... He told me that the esophagus nerves are

> not connected (not sure what this means)so therefore he does not

> believe the esophagus could be causing the dizziness. ...

Hmmm. Take a look at:

Swallow syncope in association with Schatzki ring and hypertensive

esophageal peristalsis: report of three cases and review of the literature.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?term=16633871 & cmd=search & db=pubmed

Swallow syncope, which results in fainting or dizziness (syncope) after

swallowing, can be a type of vasovagal syncope, which is named for the

interaction of the blood supply and the vagus nerve. Vasovagal syncope

can also be triggered by pain. The vagus nerve is the main nerve

connecting the brain with the esophagus. It also goes to other organs

including the heart.

The dizziness could also be unrelated to any esophageal problem, so you

need to rule out other things and not just assume it is related.

> ... This is the same doctors office that diagnosed me with

> reflux and a spastic esophagus 5 years ago. ...


Has anyone ever said, " nutcracker " or diffuse esophageal spasm (DES)?

Either of these could cause a lot of pain and nutcracker was in that

article above.


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  • 1 month later...



Hi all,

I woke the other night and I felt like the world was spinning, it was

quite freaky. It is has happened again several times over the last

few days. It seems that if I do anything that puts pressure on the

back of my neck, ie if I tilt my head back and look straight up, or

if I lie down on my back, or if I'm lying on my side and stretch

lengthways and arch my back and neck, then the dizziness/crazy

spinning world symptom happens.

Have any of you experienced this? My hyperT is only kinda under

control at the moment, I haven't had a blood test for a couple of

months. But I notice that my heart rate is going high quite easily,

so I'm assuming that I'm still hyperT.

I wonder if a neck problem could cause the dizziness? I have had

neck problems for most of my life, and my neck is quite stiff at the


Any feedback would be most appreciated, thanks heaps,


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OOPs!  Accidentally sent --hit wrong button..sory,

Sooooo....Wow, it must have been a busy weekend for most of us.  LOL!


I would lean to your neck giving you the dizziness problems.  I have not had

neck problems per sey, but I have had my neck adjusted by a chiropractor before

and know it can cause some funky stuff when something is out of alignment.  If

that is your case, maybe you have something pinching a nerve?  I would check

the neck issue out first. 

I haven't had dizziness from my hyperT.  From my adrenal fatigue? Yes.  But

that was when I got up from a sitting position(even slowly) or from doing too

much.  Not specific to onset of dizziness from performing a specific physical


Hope that helps you some,


aka Hyperkim : )


Hi all,

I woke the other night and I felt like the world was spinning, it was

quite freaky. It is has happened again several times over the last

few days. It seems that if I do anything that puts pressure on the

back of my neck, ie if I tilt my head back and look straight up, or

if I lie down on my back, or if I'm lying on my side and stretch

lengthways and arch my back and neck, then the dizziness/crazy

spinning world symptom happens.

Have any of you experienced this? My hyperT is only kinda under

control at the moment, I haven't had a blood test for a couple of

months. But I notice that my heart rate is going high quite easily,

so I'm assuming that I'm still hyperT.

I wonder if a neck problem could cause the dizziness? I have had

neck problems for most of my life, and my neck is quite stiff at the


Any feedback would be most appreciated, thanks heaps,


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Hi anna

I had a similar experience. The doc called it vertigo. I found online that

there was a tentative link between vertigo and thyroid disease. It has come

back a couple of times, but when I was euthroid.



Hi all,

I woke the other night and I felt like the world was spinning, it was

quite freaky. It is has happened again several times over the last

few days. It seems that if I do anything that puts pressure on the

back of my neck, ie if I tilt my head back and look straight up, or

if I lie down on my back, or if I'm lying on my side and stretch

lengthways and arch my back and neck, then the dizziness/crazy

spinning world symptom happens.

Have any of you experienced this? My hyperT is only kinda under

control at the moment, I haven't had a blood test for a couple of

months. But I notice that my heart rate is going high quite easily,

so I'm assuming that I'm still hyperT.

I wonder if a neck problem could cause the dizziness? I have had

neck problems for most of my life, and my neck is quite stiff at the


Any feedback would be most appreciated, thanks heaps,


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Did you check with your doc? There is a med that sometimes helps... I had to

stay off work and couldn't have considered doing exercises. Do be careful that

you don't fall and hit your head...



Thanks for your replies, Kate & Kim. It is so reassuring to know that

others have experienced something similar. I had the

dizziness/vertigo again last night, so much so that I couldn't sleep

so I got up and went on the internet looking for info. I found two

really interesting websites:


This is a website which sells a device which helps with dizziness, and

although I'm not planning on buying the dizzyfix, I found lots of

useful info on this website.


This website has exercises to help deal with dizziness. You would

have laughed if you could have seen me at 1 am doing exercises,

standing on one foot while swinging the other foot backwards and

fowards while holding one hand out in front of me! It seemed to help

though, so I'm planning to keep doing the exercises and hope they are

the answer.

It is also quite possible that my neck is out of alignment, so I'll go

to the chiropractor if the exercises don't fix the problem.

Thanks again,


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- the other interesting thing I meant to tell you - my optometrist knew

that I suffered from vertigo (and motion sickness) from examining my eyes..



Thanks for your replies, Kate & Kim. It is so reassuring to know that

others have experienced something similar. I had the

dizziness/vertigo again last night, so much so that I couldn't sleep

so I got up and went on the internet looking for info. I found two

really interesting websites:


This is a website which sells a device which helps with dizziness, and

although I'm not planning on buying the dizzyfix, I found lots of

useful info on this website.


This website has exercises to help deal with dizziness. You would

have laughed if you could have seen me at 1 am doing exercises,

standing on one foot while swinging the other foot backwards and

fowards while holding one hand out in front of me! It seemed to help

though, so I'm planning to keep doing the exercises and hope they are

the answer.

It is also quite possible that my neck is out of alignment, so I'll go

to the chiropractor if the exercises don't fix the problem.

Thanks again,


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I've never had vertigo, but from what I've read, niacin helps with the

disease. I've also read that B6 can help. Many years ago, my sister had a severe

dizziness from inner ear problems. I got her to take niacin and the dizziness

stopped within a few days.

Because niacin is an important nutrient for correcting hyperT, I would

recommend trying it to see if it helps.

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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  • 11 months later...

It varies from person to person, I still get it fro time to time.

Tom Hansen

From: Captain Definder <captaindefinder@...>Subject: Dizzinesscholesteatoma Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 10:49 AM

Woke up with the world spinning at 3 in the morning - yuk! Last night my family and I went to see Christmas Around the World - it's acres of land with Christmas lights everywhere - you take a hay ride to see them - it's something we look forward to every year. We spent about 3 hours yesterday evening enjoying all the events they offer (all outdoors) - then I wake up spinning at 3 a.m. Since my cholesteatoma has been removed it appears if I get the least bit of drainage in my throat that I seem to get this vertigo. Anyone know something to help control this so I can enjoy the little things in life with out waking up with vertigo just for being outside for a short period? I can do really well for a few weeks - then bam I have a spell of vertigo and don't even have enough drainage in my throat that warrants taking medication. I am open to suggestions to help brake this cycle!

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, My kids and I use to have a lot of Post Nasal Drip from Feb

until the first freeze. This all stopped when I started spraying a

product in our noses called " Neutralizer " . Our issues were due to

seasonal allergies. Not sure why you are having the drainage, but

this is what faithfully works for us. I buy a bottle of saline nose

spray @ the local pharmacy, dump the ingredients down the sink, rinse

it and fill it with the Neutralizer. Then, depending on the severity

of the PND, I use it either once daily (when I have everything under

control) or several times a day, if a cold sets in. This will open

any clogged noses too. It's not addicting, organic and safe to

guzzle straight from the bottle (thinking as a mom here). Some HF

stores may carry it, but I typically have to order it online from

www.life-enthusiast.com. It's made by " Miracle II " . Get the liquid

version, not the gel. Great for sore throats & indigestion too. IF

you have a sinus infection, sniffing it up while you spray it is NOT

recommended unless you can tolerate a good, short burn. However,

doing that HAS cleared several sinus infections quickly. For a

quicker heal, I have also been known to add a few drops of the " Magic

Oil " to my nasal spray bottle. Serious burn will occur (lasting less

than 1 minute) as it's cleansing the infection. Using this mix only

required 2 sprays in each nostril the last few times I've done it.

When I mix these ingredients, I use a 1.5fl oz spray bottle (empty

and rinsed), I add no more than 1/8 teaspoon of Magic Oil to the

bottle and then fill the rest with the Neutralizer liquid. Shake &

spray. This is just what I personally use. I came up with this mix

on my own, not recommended to me by anyone. I also do not use this

mix on my kids. It's just too strong for them. For my kids, I just

use the neutralizer, tell them NOT to sniff and then address any

infection with garlic supplements. Slower method, but it's

effective. The Magic oil can be obtained from the same website.

It's just concentrated Magnesium.

Daily use of the " Vertigo Support " oil blend from

www.naturedinventory.com may help too. But if you notice this when

you have drainage, I would try the spray first.


> Woke up with the world spinning at 3 in the morning - yuk!  Last

night my family and I  went to see Christmas Around the World - it's

acres of land with Christmas lights everywhere - you take a hay ride

to see them - it's something we look forward to every year.  We spent

about 3 hours yesterday evening enjoying all the events they offer

(all outdoors) - then I wake up spinning at 3 a.m.  Since my

cholesteatoma has been removed it appears if I get the least bit of

drainage in my throat that I seem to get this vertigo.  Anyone know

something to help control this so I can enjoy the little things in

life with out waking up with vertigo just for being outside for a

short period?  I can do really well for a few weeks - then bam I have

a spell of vertigo and don't even have enough drainage in my throat

that warrants taking medication.  I am open to suggestions to help

brake this cycle!




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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


Do you also get mettalic taste in your mouth? I found some things that

have me on my feet doing pretty good as long as I stay on them and watch my

diet, but I take gobs of things. Modifilan, ginger root, broccoli sprout

capsules, and turmeric are my stabilizers, and then I take herbs to kill

things and boost immunity (elderberry, grapefruit seed extract, samento,

resveratrol, licorice root, etc.). I am not on antibiotics, so I would be

concerned about mixing them in that they may make the antibiotic not work as


by treating it as a toxin and removing it. But, if you are on

antibiotics, tell your doctor you need things to help with die-off symptoms,


support, etc.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

I think it is the most bothersome symptom.

The slightest movement of this chair makes me feel as if I am tumbling

thru space. I can lie motionless in bed and feel as if I am free falling

backwards, as if I were lying on my back in an elevator that was plunging


Turning my head can make me feel as if I am going to black out. Because I

live alone, I fear doing that, falling and hitting my head. It could be

days before I was found.

Some days I have to hang on to the walls in order to get around my home.


**************Looking for love this summer? Find it now on AOL Personals.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

I had my last surgery a really major one about 13 years ago and to this

day I cant take things like disco light or flashing lights they make me

so dizzy i feel like i am going to blackout. The other thing that sets

me off is when u scroll down a page fast. I just avoid these situations

as much as humanly possible. I cant turn my head quickly from side to

side either. Oh isn't life just great

Christenson, wrote:


> I can remember the popping noise in my ear a lot for some time after

> surgery. I think if it happens while you are lying down, you must have

> gravity working with some type of fluid in your ear at just the right

> angle. The popping did go away as my ear healed and it got drier. I

> also have very short (1-2 second) bouts of dizziness. I had eight

> surgeries (five in one ear, three in the other for cholesteatoma) in

> my 20s and I am now 42. This dizziness seems to happen more often when

> I’m working at the computer and spending long periods of time reading

> something off to the side of the computer screen and then looking back

> to the computer screen over and over. It was scary at first, but I’m

> getting used to it. I just grab onto my desk for a second because

> sometimes it feels like I am going to fall out of my chair.



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> IDQ Companies

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I had my last surgery a really major one about 13 years ago and to this

day I cant take things like disco light or flashing lights they make me

so dizzy i feel like i am going to blackout. The other thing that sets

me off is when u scroll down a page fast. I just avoid these situations

as much as humanly possible. I cant turn my head quickly from side to

side either. Oh isn't life just great !!! :-)


Christenson, wrote:


> I can remember the popping noise in my ear a lot for some time after

> surgery. I think if it happens while you are lying down, you must have

> gravity working with some type of fluid in your ear at just the right

> angle. The popping did go away as my ear healed and it got drier. I

> also have very short (1-2 second) bouts of dizziness. I had eight

> surgeries (five in one ear, three in the other for cholesteatoma) in

> my 20s and I am now 42. This dizziness seems to happen more often when

> I’m working at the computer and spending long periods of time reading

> something off to the side of the computer screen and then looking back

> to the computer screen over and over. It was scary at first, but I’m

> getting used to it. I just grab onto my desk for a second because

> sometimes it feels like I am going to fall out of my chair.



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> IDQ Companies

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Im only at week 5 post surgery and the dizzines is getting better but evry now and then I forget to take it slow and bam it hits ...can be very scary at times , hoping it improves with the exercises given to me by my surgeon. > cholesteatoma > From: mela.crane@...> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:47:45 +0200> Subject: Re: dizziness> > I had my last surgery a really major one about 13 years ago and to this > day I cant take things like disco light or flashing lights they make me > so dizzy i feel like i am going to blackout. The other thing that sets > me off is when u scroll down a page fast. I just avoid these situations > as much as humanly possible. I cant turn my head quickly from side to > side either. Oh isn't life just great> > > Christenson, wrote:> >> > I can remember the popping noise in my ear a lot for some time after > > surgery. I think if it happens while you are lying down, you must have > > gravity working with some type of fluid in your ear at just the right > > angle. The popping did go away as my ear healed and it got drier. I > > also have very short (1-2 second) bouts of dizziness. I had eight > > surgeries (five in one ear, three in the other for cholesteatoma) in > > my 20s and I am now 42. This dizziness seems to happen more often when > > I’m working at the computer and spending long periods of time reading > > something off to the side of the computer screen and then looking back > > to the computer screen over and over. It was scary at first, but I’m > > getting used to it. I just grab onto my desk for a second because > > sometimes it feels like I am going to fall out of my chair.> >> >> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------> > IDQ Companies

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Guest guest

Even though I had my last surgery around 13 years ago I still have

things that set me off I even feel like I am going to black out. If u

see my story u will see I have been through pretty much all of it. I

cant handle flashing lights, dicco lights, moving my head from side to

side to quickly, scrolling down a page on the computer fast. Often

watching tv when they show these ads with things that move very fast

then I have to close my eyes. Going round a circular part of the

motorway. This is all caused by damage to my vestibula the main balance

organ mine was seriously damaged in one of my major ops. And last but

least i do not go to the fun fair, only went once and learnt the hard

way. I battled with terrible black outs and vertigo for 2 years after my

op I had when I was 18. thankfully it sorted itself out.

deborah aitken wrote:



> Im only at week 5 post surgery and the dizzines is getting better but

> evry now and then I forget to take it slow and bam it hits ...can be

> very scary at times , hoping it improves with the exercises given to

> me by my surgeon.


> > cholesteatoma

> > From: mela.crane@...

> > Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:47:45 +0200

> > Subject: Re: dizziness

> >

> > I had my last surgery a really major one about 13 years ago and to this

> > day I cant take things like disco light or flashing lights they make me

> > so dizzy i feel like i am going to blackout. The other thing that sets

> > me off is when u scroll down a page fast. I just avoid these situations

> > as much as humanly possible. I cant turn my head quickly from side to

> > side either. Oh isn't life just great

> >

> >

> > Christenson, wrote:

> > >

> > > I can remember the popping noise in my ear a lot for some time after

> > > surgery. I think if it happens while you are lying down, you must

> have

> > > gravity working with some type of fluid in your ear at just the right

> > > angle. The popping did go away as my ear healed and it got drier. I

> > > also have very short (1-2 second) bouts of dizziness. I had eight

> > > surgeries (five in one ear, three in the other for cholesteatoma) in

> > > my 20s and I am now 42. This dizziness seems to happen more often

> when

> > > I’m working at the computer and spending long periods of time reading

> > > something off to the side of the computer screen and then looking

> back

> > > to the computer screen over and over. It was scary at first, but I’m

> > > getting used to it. I just grab onto my desk for a second because

> > > sometimes it feels like I am going to fall out of my chair.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > > IDQ Companies

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Guest guest

I had my surgery 7 months ago, but i only experience dizziness now plus the

strange water dripping sound / air bubble come out from water sound at night.

Is it a sympton of recovery or infection?


> Even though I had my last surgery around 13 years ago I still have

> things that set me off I even feel like I am going to black out. If u

> see my story u will see I have been through pretty much all of it. I

> cant handle flashing lights, dicco lights, moving my head from side to

> side to quickly, scrolling down a page on the computer fast. Often

> watching tv when they show these ads with things that move very fast

> then I have to close my eyes. Going round a circular part of the

> motorway. This is all caused by damage to my vestibula the main balance

> organ mine was seriously damaged in one of my major ops. And last but

> least i do not go to the fun fair, only went once and learnt the hard

> way. I battled with terrible black outs and vertigo for 2 years after my

> op I had when I was 18. thankfully it sorted itself out.





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Guest guest

This is sound of air gonig through the E.Tube to middle ear?or a kind of Tinnitus, as one can hear it clearly when there is less outside noise.


On 7/24/09, ww_chew <ww_chew@...> wrote:


I had my surgery 7 months ago, but i only experience dizziness now plus the strange water dripping sound / air bubble come out from water sound at night.Is it a sympton of recovery or infection?

>> Even though I had my last surgery around 13 years ago I still have > things that set me off I even feel like I am going to black out. If u > see my story u will see I have been through pretty much all of it. I

> cant handle flashing lights, dicco lights, moving my head from side to > side to quickly, scrolling down a page on the computer fast. Often > watching tv when they show these ads with things that move very fast

> then I have to close my eyes. Going round a circular part of the > motorway. This is all caused by damage to my vestibula the main balance > organ mine was seriously damaged in one of my major ops. And last but

> least i do not go to the fun fair, only went once and learnt the hard > way. I battled with terrible black outs and vertigo for 2 years after my > op I had when I was 18. thankfully it sorted itself out.

> > > >

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Im sure it is not tinnitus. I hav tinnitus for many years too and it is a high

frequency sound.

This new sound is like conduction sound, sometime i feel it accompany with some

movement/vibration near my ear drum ...

> > >

> > > Even though I had my last surgery around 13 years ago I still have

> > > things that set me off I even feel like I am going to black out. If u

> > > see my story u will see I have been through pretty much all of it. I

> > > cant handle flashing lights, dicco lights, moving my head from side to

> > > side to quickly, scrolling down a page on the computer fast. Often

> > > watching tv when they show these ads with things that move very fast

> > > then I have to close my eyes. Going round a circular part of the

> > > motorway. This is all caused by damage to my vestibula the main balance

> > > organ mine was seriously damaged in one of my major ops. And last but

> > > least i do not go to the fun fair, only went once and learnt the hard

> > > way. I battled with terrible black outs and vertigo for 2 years after my

> > > op I had when I was 18. thankfully it sorted itself out.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Even though I had my last surgery around 13 years ago I still have

things that set me off I even feel like I am going to black out. If u

see my story u will see I have been through pretty much all of it. I

cant handle flashing lights, dicco lights, moving my head from side to

side to quickly, scrolling down a page on the computer fast. Often

watching tv when they show these ads with things that move very fast

then I have to close my eyes. Going round a circular part of the

motorway. This is all caused by damage to my vestibula the main balance

organ mine was seriously damaged in one of my major ops. And last but

least i do not go to the fun fair, only went once and learnt the hard

way. I battled with terrible black outs and vertigo for 2 years after my

op I had when I was 18. thankfully it sorted itself out.

deborah aitken wrote:



> Im only at week 5 post surgery and the dizzines is getting better but

> evry now and then I forget to take it slow and bam it hits ...can be

> very scary at times , hoping it improves with the exercises given to

> me by my surgeon.


> > cholesteatoma

> > From: mela.crane@...

> > Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:47:45 +0200

> > Subject: Re: dizziness

> >

> > I had my last surgery a really major one about 13 years ago and to this

> > day I cant take things like disco light or flashing lights they make me

> > so dizzy i feel like i am going to blackout. The other thing that sets

> > me off is when u scroll down a page fast. I just avoid these situations

> > as much as humanly possible. I cant turn my head quickly from side to

> > side either. Oh isn't life just great

> >

> >

> > Christenson, wrote:

> > >

> > > I can remember the popping noise in my ear a lot for some time after

> > > surgery. I think if it happens while you are lying down, you must

> have

> > > gravity working with some type of fluid in your ear at just the right

> > > angle. The popping did go away as my ear healed and it got drier. I

> > > also have very short (1-2 second) bouts of dizziness. I had eight

> > > surgeries (five in one ear, three in the other for cholesteatoma) in

> > > my 20s and I am now 42. This dizziness seems to happen more often

> when

> > > I’m working at the computer and spending long periods of time reading

> > > something off to the side of the computer screen and then looking

> back

> > > to the computer screen over and over. It was scary at first, but I’m

> > > getting used to it. I just grab onto my desk for a second because

> > > sometimes it feels like I am going to fall out of my chair.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > > IDQ Companies

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> > > >

> > > > Even though I had my last surgery around 13 years ago I still have

> > > > things that set me off I even feel like I am going to black out. If u

> > > > see my story u will see I have been through pretty much all of it. I

> > > > cant handle flashing lights, dicco lights, moving my head from side to

> > > > side to quickly, scrolling down a page on the computer fast. Often

> > > > watching tv when they show these ads with things that move very fast

> > > > then I have to close my eyes. Going round a circular part of the

> > > > motorway. This is all caused by damage to my vestibula the main balance

> > > > organ mine was seriously damaged in one of my major ops. And last but

> > > > least i do not go to the fun fair, only went once and learnt the hard

> > > > way. I battled with terrible black outs and vertigo for 2 years after my

> > > > op I had when I was 18. thankfully it sorted itself out.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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  • 4 months later...

I would very very strongly advise you to see another ENT Doctor - ideally a

neurologist or otolaryngologist for a second opinion.

People always say ring ahead and see how many surgeries the doctor has done on


Good luck, sorry I cannot help further.

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