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In a message dated 2/10/2005 6:35:56 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

w.landstra@... writes:

HI.Thanks for the hug.For seven years I did.nt do any serious work,no

good.After TX and SVR I started to work again,my old trade Electro-business,

and believe me working is a terrific medicine,even when you work a couple of

hours a day,voluntary work,helping out etc.Very satisfying.Find work you

like to do.It gets your mind of things.Sitting all day behind the geraniums

mabye good for them but not for you.Our Tat,works fulltime despite her

recent setbacks and illness,where is she?, get on yr soapbox and report for

duty! how is Carol doing?,Sorry to hear that you can.t get disability.You

should,yre ill.Go sit on a oilrig in yr Texas and tell them you not get off

before you get disability.Wish you all the best.Willem.

Dear Willem,

You are so right. Even without the sustained SVR, and knowing that I will

never have the energy or the clearance to go back to what I used to do for a

living, my hobby, stained glass, has saved my sanity.......along with much

help from all of you. I've even gone back to canning and making jams and

chow-chow. How's that for making use of my husband's garden. Wish back and


were in better shape........

Tat, speak up..........how are the cats?

Let us know how the Black Cumin works, Willem. I wrote for a catalog from a

company who sells that here. This stuff does NOT work for asbestos

exposure. Heavy coughing with that chronic illness will rip your lungs into


It probably would have been a blessing for coal miners. Hack it up as you

come up.

Thanks, Doc.


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In a message dated 2/10/2005 3:43:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

shshonee@... writes:

I have this lower back thing that's bothered me for over 20 years and just

gets worse. It doesn't like me when I stand too much, mop the floor, clean

house, etc. so you can imagine when I'm working. I used to be a Quality Control

Manager in an electronics manufacturing plant, on my feet 10 hours a day,

doing a lot of bending over, lifting, etc. I'd come home with my feet so

swollen sometimes I couldn't get my shoes off (who knows I might have gout, my

grandfather did). My lower back and hips would hurt so much I'd just cry and

couldn't even sleep. However, did I get pain meds for it? Heck no. Didn't


the pain meds till I had cancer. Now I don't have cancer anymore but still

have the problems I had before cancer and I get pain meds. Go figure.

OK I'm ranting.... sorry.

Today is my daughter's birthday! She was born in 1978. Do the math, I'm

allergic. She's the youngest of my 2 kids and just absolutely the coolest

person I know (besides my son lol). She works, she is going to college, she


2 beautiful boys ages 6 and 7, has just bought her first house. And, she's

beautiful. Where that came from, I dunno. I wasn't that together when I was

her age LOL. Her name is " Wendi " and I named her after a song that came out

when I was in the 6th grade, , (who's lookin' out from under the

stairway, smilin' at all the people she meets) And she does, she's a smiling

sunshine everywhere she goes. Happy Birthday Wendi!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Happy thursday yall!


Grand Prairie, Texas

Dear Alley:

Okay, step one. Go see the " Cute G.I. " doc. have that done.........then go

see, maybe not so cute Family Practice Physician.......have MRI done. This

is painless........ignore your claustrophobia!. this will bring up back

probs. You do not have to go back to work to get on disability. You simply


to get all of your medical records together. Try not to use the psychs

records for anything but backup. Were you on disability while under treatment


cancer? You should have been.

I vividly remember the song, but I think it came out when I was in the 4th

grade. I'm 49. She sounds wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!Send her blessings and a

Happy Birthday from me....just tell her not to trip down any

stairways..........it's hazardous to your health :-).............

Happy heart Day!


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In a message dated 2/10/2005 3:43:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

shshonee@... writes:

I have this lower back thing that's bothered me for over 20 years and just

gets worse. It doesn't like me when I stand too much, mop the floor, clean

house, etc. so you can imagine when I'm working. I used to be a Quality Control

Manager in an electronics manufacturing plant, on my feet 10 hours a day,

doing a lot of bending over, lifting, etc. I'd come home with my feet so

swollen sometimes I couldn't get my shoes off (who knows I might have gout, my

grandfather did). My lower back and hips would hurt so much I'd just cry and

couldn't even sleep. However, did I get pain meds for it? Heck no. Didn't


the pain meds till I had cancer. Now I don't have cancer anymore but still

have the problems I had before cancer and I get pain meds. Go figure.

OK I'm ranting.... sorry.

Today is my daughter's birthday! She was born in 1978. Do the math, I'm

allergic. She's the youngest of my 2 kids and just absolutely the coolest

person I know (besides my son lol). She works, she is going to college, she


2 beautiful boys ages 6 and 7, has just bought her first house. And, she's

beautiful. Where that came from, I dunno. I wasn't that together when I was

her age LOL. Her name is " Wendi " and I named her after a song that came out

when I was in the 6th grade, , (who's lookin' out from under the

stairway, smilin' at all the people she meets) And she does, she's a smiling

sunshine everywhere she goes. Happy Birthday Wendi!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Happy thursday yall!


Grand Prairie, Texas

Dear Alley:

Okay, step one. Go see the " Cute G.I. " doc. have that done.........then go

see, maybe not so cute Family Practice Physician.......have MRI done. This

is painless........ignore your claustrophobia!. this will bring up back

probs. You do not have to go back to work to get on disability. You simply


to get all of your medical records together. Try not to use the psychs

records for anything but backup. Were you on disability while under treatment


cancer? You should have been.

I vividly remember the song, but I think it came out when I was in the 4th

grade. I'm 49. She sounds wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!Send her blessings and a

Happy Birthday from me....just tell her not to trip down any

stairways..........it's hazardous to your health :-).............

Happy heart Day!


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Hi Anne.This black seed cumin oil really helps me.Since I.am using it I got

a lot more energy,feel general better It.s a very old medicine,used for

thousands of years in the middle-east,El-Baraka..Amongst other things it.s

boost the auto-immune system,boosting the making of naturel

interferon.Anyway you can read all about it on the internet.(TAT SPEAK

UP)It.s also cheap.I paid 5 dollar for a 100ml. bottle.It.s completely

naturel without any side-effects.It.s a naturel cold pressed additive free

product.......Stained glass.In Holland there.s a great demand for it with

all those old churches with glass stained windows,I.am sure you can make a

living in the US as well.Nice at home,warm,coffee,the pets around you and yr

hubby,making beautifull things for people.All the best willem.

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Hi Anne.This black seed cumin oil really helps me.Since I.am using it I got

a lot more energy,feel general better It.s a very old medicine,used for

thousands of years in the middle-east,El-Baraka..Amongst other things it.s

boost the auto-immune system,boosting the making of naturel

interferon.Anyway you can read all about it on the internet.(TAT SPEAK

UP)It.s also cheap.I paid 5 dollar for a 100ml. bottle.It.s completely

naturel without any side-effects.It.s a naturel cold pressed additive free

product.......Stained glass.In Holland there.s a great demand for it with

all those old churches with glass stained windows,I.am sure you can make a

living in the US as well.Nice at home,warm,coffee,the pets around you and yr

hubby,making beautifull things for people.All the best willem.

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<<And why no disability?>>

Because I've passed the time allotted to apply. I have to have worked within 2

years or something like that. By the time I realized I wouldn't be able to

return to work, it was too late. Now I have to return to work and work a while

and then not work and get disability, or something like that.

<< Why don't you consider writing? >>

Gee, why didn't I think of that? LOL :) I've got one book 3/4 done, another 1/3

done. However, one doesn't get paid till one publishes and it can take years to

write and more years to publish. I have published a few articles last year,

making a whopping $200 total.

<<try volunteering and see if the volunteer work doesn't pan in to at least a

part time job>>

That would take away from my writing, and would require I have a second car (esp

the part time work) tho not always. Sometimes it's cheaper not to work than to

work for too little money. It takes money to work and so there's a catch 22


That is always an option, but I'm not keen on spending money to volunteer which

would cost me more pain pills which I hord for the day I do return to work. I

admire volunteers, but volunteering would require a car, gas, etc etc, so I'm

not able to go that route at this time, ie, it's not free for the volunteer.

I don't want this to sound like excuses, just that I have considered these

issues. Writing articles for instance, takes time away from writing my fiction,

but then, it might have to go that way to get money coming in. However,

nonfiction isn't a talent of mine, fiction is.

Just cross your fingers the police don't give me a ticket till I get things

fixed! :)


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<<And why no disability?>>

Because I've passed the time allotted to apply. I have to have worked within 2

years or something like that. By the time I realized I wouldn't be able to

return to work, it was too late. Now I have to return to work and work a while

and then not work and get disability, or something like that.

<< Why don't you consider writing? >>

Gee, why didn't I think of that? LOL :) I've got one book 3/4 done, another 1/3

done. However, one doesn't get paid till one publishes and it can take years to

write and more years to publish. I have published a few articles last year,

making a whopping $200 total.

<<try volunteering and see if the volunteer work doesn't pan in to at least a

part time job>>

That would take away from my writing, and would require I have a second car (esp

the part time work) tho not always. Sometimes it's cheaper not to work than to

work for too little money. It takes money to work and so there's a catch 22


That is always an option, but I'm not keen on spending money to volunteer which

would cost me more pain pills which I hord for the day I do return to work. I

admire volunteers, but volunteering would require a car, gas, etc etc, so I'm

not able to go that route at this time, ie, it's not free for the volunteer.

I don't want this to sound like excuses, just that I have considered these

issues. Writing articles for instance, takes time away from writing my fiction,

but then, it might have to go that way to get money coming in. However,

nonfiction isn't a talent of mine, fiction is.

Just cross your fingers the police don't give me a ticket till I get things

fixed! :)


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In a message dated 2/12/2005 6:21:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

w.landstra@... writes:

Hi Anne.This black seed cumin oil really helps me.Since I.am using it I got

a lot more energy,feel general better It.s a very old medicine,used for

thousands of years in the middle-east,El-Baraka..Amongst other things it.s

boost the auto-immune system,boosting the making of naturel

interferon.Anyway you can read all about it on the internet.(TAT SPEAK

UP)It.s also cheap.I paid 5 dollar for a 100ml. bottle.It.s completely

naturel without any side-effects.It.s a naturel cold pressed additive free

product.......Stained glass.In Holland there.s a great demand for it with

all those old churches with glass stained windows,I.am sure you can make a

living in the US as well.Nice at home,warm,coffee,the pets around you and yr

hubby,making beautifull things for people.All the best willem.

Dear Willem,

I have asked for a catalog that sells black seed cumin oil, so I'll try it.

Docs can't seem to figure out why my viral load is lessening and labs are

high but within normal range. So, rather than leave me with the G.I. doc, whom

I've been with these last few years......as of this morning it's back to the

NAVY, AGAIN! OF course, I will be treated by no less a personage than the

head of the department......

It's a nice thought, but there is no way that I can make a living making

stained glass pieces. The only way to do that in the states is to own a shop,

teach, sell glass, and do commissions on the side. We have four of those in

the area.........enough already. I've made a few pieces for friends and

people who have paid me for repairs, but in terms of hourly wage...I make about

..25. It's fun, it's theraputic, and since it uses lead and acid..........you

can't smoke while you're working............:-).

Thanks for the hint and if your stained glass workers need help, give 'em my

e-mail address.

Got my Valentine's Day present today...........a Rutgers 357 with holster.

Happy Valentine's Day to all!


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In a message dated 2/12/2005 6:21:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

w.landstra@... writes:

Hi Anne.This black seed cumin oil really helps me.Since I.am using it I got

a lot more energy,feel general better It.s a very old medicine,used for

thousands of years in the middle-east,El-Baraka..Amongst other things it.s

boost the auto-immune system,boosting the making of naturel

interferon.Anyway you can read all about it on the internet.(TAT SPEAK

UP)It.s also cheap.I paid 5 dollar for a 100ml. bottle.It.s completely

naturel without any side-effects.It.s a naturel cold pressed additive free

product.......Stained glass.In Holland there.s a great demand for it with

all those old churches with glass stained windows,I.am sure you can make a

living in the US as well.Nice at home,warm,coffee,the pets around you and yr

hubby,making beautifull things for people.All the best willem.

Dear Willem,

I have asked for a catalog that sells black seed cumin oil, so I'll try it.

Docs can't seem to figure out why my viral load is lessening and labs are

high but within normal range. So, rather than leave me with the G.I. doc, whom

I've been with these last few years......as of this morning it's back to the

NAVY, AGAIN! OF course, I will be treated by no less a personage than the

head of the department......

It's a nice thought, but there is no way that I can make a living making

stained glass pieces. The only way to do that in the states is to own a shop,

teach, sell glass, and do commissions on the side. We have four of those in

the area.........enough already. I've made a few pieces for friends and

people who have paid me for repairs, but in terms of hourly wage...I make about

..25. It's fun, it's theraputic, and since it uses lead and acid..........you

can't smoke while you're working............:-).

Thanks for the hint and if your stained glass workers need help, give 'em my

e-mail address.

Got my Valentine's Day present today...........a Rutgers 357 with holster.

Happy Valentine's Day to all!


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In a message dated 2/13/2005 11:54:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

shshonee@... writes:

Because I've passed the time allotted to apply. I have to have worked within

2 years or something like that. By the time I realized I wouldn't be able to

return to work, it was too late. Now I have to return to work and work a

while and then not work and get disability, or something like that.

Who told you that crock? Social Security? Once diagnosed and on treatment

with no resolution to illness, you may apply for disability. I didn't apply

until we realized that I would probably fail treatment. It was my hope to

continue or restart my business.........no way. Ten and twelve hour days are a

thing of the past........way past. But, in short, if you aren't well and

are not working because you aren't well, get medical records together and

reapply. I have a friend who is about to get a very NICE (like down payment on

house-nice) back pay check because the powers that be finally realized after

THREE bypass surgeries, diabetes, and a minor stroke-a shunt delivery system

for insulin. This battle has been going on for over five years. So do not


You're right about volunteering, but I have seen that happen, which is why I

suggested it.

Don't give up on the writing.......no matter what.


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In a message dated 2/13/2005 11:54:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

shshonee@... writes:

Because I've passed the time allotted to apply. I have to have worked within

2 years or something like that. By the time I realized I wouldn't be able to

return to work, it was too late. Now I have to return to work and work a

while and then not work and get disability, or something like that.

Who told you that crock? Social Security? Once diagnosed and on treatment

with no resolution to illness, you may apply for disability. I didn't apply

until we realized that I would probably fail treatment. It was my hope to

continue or restart my business.........no way. Ten and twelve hour days are a

thing of the past........way past. But, in short, if you aren't well and

are not working because you aren't well, get medical records together and

reapply. I have a friend who is about to get a very NICE (like down payment on

house-nice) back pay check because the powers that be finally realized after

THREE bypass surgeries, diabetes, and a minor stroke-a shunt delivery system

for insulin. This battle has been going on for over five years. So do not


You're right about volunteering, but I have seen that happen, which is why I

suggested it.

Don't give up on the writing.......no matter what.


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Hi Dave,

Thanks I hope your Valentine was nice and I agree with you this does help .


-------------- Original message -------------- > > > But wanted to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day and thank you all > for being here. You have made this process much more tolerable. > Many thanks, > dave, 49 > THR 01/31/05 > > > > > >

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<<get medical records together and

reapply. >>

That's my problem. I have nothing in my medical that says I'm too sick to work.

My labs are all perfect (except for the hcv antibody test). Even my liver bio

is good.

Which, of course, means nothing about how I feel daily.


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  • 7 months later...


Great news for you! Tell him thank you for all he has done to help out our fellow Americans.

I will assume we won't hear too much from you this weekend then.... Take care and Enjoy each other.


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Great news I'm glad for you

Give him a great big hug from

us and say thank you.

bsmyers3999@... wrote:

Just wanted to let everyone know my husband is finally coming home this weekend.

Find your next car at Canada Autos

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I am so glad to hear that your husband is coming home. Hope all is

well for you.


> Just wanted to let everyone know my husband is finally coming home


> weekend.


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...totally awesome! I am so happy for both of you that he is coming home...he iwll need some tender loving care after seeing so much devastation.


[ ] Off topic

Just wanted to let everyone know my husband is finally coming home this weekend.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.9/116 - Release Date: 9/30/2005

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  • 4 weeks later...


Some dog guides are retired and remain with their master or mistress. Others

are given to relatives or friends to be cared for. Some are sent back to the

school where they are given to people who put their name on a waiting list

to take care of retired dog guides.

When I retired my first dog, Sugar, I asked my PCP if he had any elderly or

disabled patients who were in need of a companion animal. He referred me to

a local elderly gentleman in my area who lost his wife of 50 years and his

16 year old golden retriever only a few months apart. When he met Sugar,

both of them hit it off instantly. He started to cry and told me, " , you

don't how much this means to me. These past few months have been very

difficult and lonely for me. Thank you so much for putting a smile back on

my face again. "

All of these dogs go to loving homes whether it be with family, friends or

4H families who are waiting to adopt them. None of them are put to sleep

unless their health is so poor that their overall quality of life is

severely diminished due to conditions that cannot be corrected by

surgery or other medical treatment.

Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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I dreaded the time when it would come to retiring my first dog guide, Darby,

a Golden Retriever. Would I be able to keep him? Would I have to send him

back to the dog guide school? Most days Darby and I walked 2 miles to work

and back, and all around the community too. He was very loyal and always

wanted to come with me. At 15 years, Darby still wanted to work and the vet

said he was healthy and capable. Then he started to cough. He was placed on

3 different rounds of antibiotics to combat respiratory related illnesses,

and Darby still wanted to work. Then the worst was confirmed. Aggressive

lung cancer. Within a few hours of the vet stopping the antibiotics, he

deteriorated so quickly that he had to be put to sleep the next day. Within

a month, I was matched with Telly, a Yellow Lab. Now Telly is 8 1/2 years

with severe dust mite allergies, and thus a vegetarian, and still working.

Now I dread the thought of the future again...


What became of Sugar after you matched her with an elderly man?

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  • 1 month later...

I had cortisone injections in my heels for heel spurrs, as well as in my

knee. Initially, it hurts like hell as they aim the needle right for the

joint space but they also inject a local anesthetic so that at some point,

when that kicks in, I felt no pain. I had no generalized (all over) side

effects from the injection. I've taken oral Prednisone before and have had

systemic reactions to that.

Sue C

-- Re: Off Topic

I know this is a Lexapro group but was wondering if anyone has ever had

cortisone shots and if there were any side effects. Im getting one for

tendonitis. Thank you

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I have. But I didn't have any side-affects.

Re: Off Topic

>I know this is a Lexapro group but was wondering if anyone has ever had

>cortisone shots and if there were any side effects. Im getting one for

>tendonitis. Thank you



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