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Re: Hi from AZ

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Thats great...... Re: [ ] Hi from AZ Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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Jan----- Wishing you the best on Thursday &

a speedy recovery!!!!!


Jannewilms42@... wrote:


I missed the whole race.Don't even know who won..We went to a crawfish

etouffe" cookoff yesterday..It is a free event and it is all outside..It

was a very nice day..Well the countdown has begun..It is Thursday for my

surgery..I'm not nervous yet but it's getting close..

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I guess that is tough, but as you said it is not the most important thing. I guess I can understand him going off the medication, I guess I would be tempted to as well. Our life is just starting to get back to normal after me being off the meds for over 3 months now. Not that we had stopped, but the frequency was way down there. My drive just wasn't there. But life goes on, I'm glad for Bill he has such great support at home. -dz-

WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

My husband Bill suffered a stroke 5 years ago last January and has malignant hypertension. He has more bottles of pills than you can imagine for that and the Rhuematoid Arthritis and all. But he has to have those medications that is all there is to it. Well those are not the most kind medications in many ways nor have they been for the last 5 years. I have to be honest as much as I love him with all of my heart and soul.... I honestly miss that aspect of our lives and more than I ever dreamed possible. But I need him with me heart and soul so very much more as much as I wish it were different and I do... if I had choices to make I'd choose him in a heartbeat. I found out he quite taking his medications Just to try to see what might happen in that department I didn't realize why things were getting better for a few weeks and silly me I never honestly thought to question him... and then all of a sudden he suffered a mini stroke TIA. I could have killed him for that. I can't believe he' d make that kind of choice or take chances like that with our futures. Some things are worth more than superficial sacrifices. I am here to tell you that life is what is important. He is the very beat of my heart. However if wishs were horses we would ride. I just wish there was something like a magic pill or something as this is so important to him. Me too, I can't deny that but for him it is an issue. For me it is just a part of that lbeing totally in love with him that will never die. I don't know if you can take anything that would help that or not. If so and it can be done safely then I'd sure at least check into it. If Bill could I am sure he would....

Re: [ ] Hi from AZ

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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Good luck Terry. I know it's a tough subject to talk about. Some antidepressants have that type of effect, besides the combo the drive. Seems like you have the right attitude. I would still think that this will pass. I don't think any of us enjoyed a normal life during the course of this treatment. -dz-

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

I have an appointment next month to see a Doctor, to see if Vigra will work & what other damage it can do to my body. With already having Hep C with some liver damage I don't need to risk anything else. If there is nothing they can do I will live with it. Even though I know where I'm going when this life is over & looking forward to going. I am not in a hurry to get there. If all I can do with the rest of this life is hold Susy's hand & walk together I'll learn to live with it. Just like I have learned to deal with Hep C. Terry WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

My husband Bill suffered a stroke 5 years ago last January and has malignant hypertension. He has more bottles of pills than you can imagine for that and the Rhuematoid Arthritis and all. But he has to have those medications that is all there is to it. Well those are not the most kind medications in many ways nor have they been for the last 5 years. I have to be honest as much as I love him with all of my heart and soul.... I honestly miss that aspect of our lives and more than I ever dreamed possible. But I need him with me heart and soul so very much more as much as I wish it were different and I do... if I had choices to make I'd choose him in a heartbeat. I found out he quite taking his medications Just to try to see what might happen in that department I didn't realize why things were getting better for a few weeks and silly me I never honestly thought to question him... and then all of a sudden he suffered a mini stroke TIA. I could have killed him for that. I can't believe he' d make that kind of choice or take chances like that with our futures. Some things are worth more than superficial sacrifices. I am here to tell you that life is what is important. He is the very beat of my heart. However if wishs were horses we would ride. I just wish there was something like a magic pill or something as this is so important to him. Me too, I can't deny that but for him it is an issue. For me it is just a part of that lbeing totally in love with him that will never die. I don't know if you can take anything that would help that or not. If so and it can be done safely then I'd sure at least check into it. If Bill could I am sure he would....

Re: [ ] Hi from AZ

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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I think it is in things like this that we bond as a group. It takes great courage and trust to bare your soul to another, yet that is just what is going to help the most. The knowledge that others are going through the same thing and managing, gives us strength. We can tear down some walls and build bridges. -dz-

WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

Terry we are all s here and I will speak honestly to you as a friend... in many ways our intimacy level has grown enormously as we have had to seek ways other ways of expression. I am so grateful for that. As the health care provider assure us that it takes a very strong marriage to come through these issues unscathed. Bill cannot take Viagra or he would. I hope thats available for you. You are so right to know that you don't need to put your body at more risk. I think in someways this is harder on Bill than on me most especially emotionally. I wish they'd come up with something for us. But if not we will find the way to be okay with it. All though at times its just impossible to imagine forever.....

Re: [ ] Hi from AZ

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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Thanks for the words of support dz. Terry

imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:

Good luck Terry. I know it's a tough subject to talk about. Some antidepressants have that type of effect, besides the combo the drive. Seems like you have the right attitude. I would still think that this will pass. I don't think any of us enjoyed a normal life during the course of this treatment. -dz- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

I have an appointment next month to see a Doctor, to see if Vigra will work & what other damage it can do to my body. With already having Hep C with some liver damage I don't need to risk anything else. If there is nothing they can do I will live with it. Even though I know where I'm going when this life is over & looking forward to going. I am not in a hurry to get there. If all I can do with the rest of this life is hold Susy's hand & walk together I'll learn to live with it. Just like I have learned to deal with Hep C. Terry WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

My husband Bill suffered a stroke 5 years ago last January and has malignant hypertension. He has more bottles of pills than you can imagine for that and the Rhuematoid Arthritis and all. But he has to have those medications that is all there is to it. Well those are not the most kind medications in many ways nor have they been for the last 5 years. I have to be honest as much as I love him with all of my heart and soul.... I honestly miss that aspect of our lives and more than I ever dreamed possible. But I need him with me heart and soul so very much more as much as I wish it were different and I do... if I had choices to make I'd choose him in a heartbeat. I found out he quite taking his medications Just to try to see what might happen in that department I didn't realize why things were getting better for a few weeks and silly me I never honestly thought to question him... and then all of a sudden he suffered a mini stroke TIA. I could have killed him for that. I can't believe he' d make that kind of choice or take chances like that with our futures. Some things are worth more than superficial sacrifices. I am here to tell you that life is what is important. He is the very beat of my heart. However if wishs were horses we would ride. I just wish there was something like a magic pill or something as this is so important to him. Me too, I can't deny that but for him it is an issue. For me it is just a part of that lbeing totally in love with him that will never die. I don't know if you can take anything that would help that or not. If so and it can be done safely then I'd sure at least check into it. If Bill could I am sure he would....

Re: [ ] Hi from AZ

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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I think society has put that onus on us that our virility or machismo has to do with our being men. But as we have seen all to often, any idiot can father a child, it takes more than that to be a man. -dz-

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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I have all ways said "cleaned up verson", any male can father a child, but it take's a MAN to be a dad. WE have way to many fathers out there & not enough DAD'S.


imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:

I think society has put that onus on us that our virility or machismo has to do with our being men. But as we have seen all to often, any idiot can father a child, it takes more than that to be a man. -dz- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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Thanks Everyone for caring,

I wrote to Jan yesterday and wished her luck, prayers and a speedy


She is a tough bird and I know she will make it fine..... Arlene: I have

those non existant pains too.....

Terry: The treatment will do that to you and antidepressants will do it

too. One side effect of Hep C is also what you are experiencing.

-dz- I see you are being a bugger again....But a good bugger.. ;o

Hi Sharon, & Dennis...... Dennis how are you? How did the surgery

turn out on your knee?

I think it was you Sharon that wrote that your husband had some type of

malignent hypertention...... Can you tell me what that is?????? And I

think someone mentioned having pre cancerous cells in the breast....

That is what I just had removed a few months back... Ductal dysplasia is

what they called it....I have to be my own Dr. because there are so

many.... It didn't show up on a mammogram or ultrasound but they could

feel them all over.... If it gets real bad, and it is back as I write

this,they said I would be in and out having them removed..... But they

never said anything about stopping my Premarin.... The SOB'S...... I

will question it now.... Love and payers for all of you.... Our Jan will

be back before we know it.... Lord only knows no on can keep the Cajun

Queen down... ;o

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Absolutely... Re: [ ] Hi from AZ Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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Dave & Terry,

I was Mother & Father to my kids.... Their father used to take off and

disappear.... The last time it was 3 years with no word. Then out of the

blue he shows up....He committed suicide 2 weeks later.... That was in

1976...... I had to be strict cause they gave my husband a hard time

(stepfather).... He was from the old school and used to hit them with a

belt... I had to step in and put a stop to it because no one was hitting

my kids with a damn belt or cat of nine tails.... Punishment is one

thing and an ass beating is fine too with knowing when to stop...... To

this day my kids respect me and they damn well better... 35, 34, & 30

and they still won't sass me.... I am proud that you are men and not

cowards..... Oh!!!! My ex Mother in Law out of the blue without my

knowledge sent me my 1st husband ashes about 7 months ago...... Now I

have to get a plot somewhere and bury him..... I told my kids I was

putting him to sea and they said no way..... She sent him in the

original plastic baggie and box from the funeral parlor which broke

inside during shipping. I have had bad luck since I got these ashes and

I want them gone...... I had to buy a marble urn and put him in

it......... Back then they didn't have cremation perfected like they do

today and there were actual vertebrae in there... I couldn't resist

playing catch with one and saying remember all the sh-t you did to

me.... Now I have the last say!!!! I am soooooooooo bad.... Yes I am!!!

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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He is the beat of my heart. He cares for me through it all too. We are a matched set. Re: [ ] Hi from AZ Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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is the one with the husband with malignant hypertension. That is virtually untreatable high blood pressure. Usually genetically predisposed. Bills blood pressure is very high all the time. Through the roof. The day of his stroke its was at terminal levels and they did not for a moment think he would pull through it 307/298. Your brain should by all reason blow at that. He still goes into the 200's all the time and that is on beta blockers ace inhibitors and you name it. The term malignant hypertension is not indicative of cancerous but uncontrollable. Also is the one with precancer. They stopped my premarin on a dime. And there is not one doctor that will put me back on. Re: [ ] Hi from AZ Thanks Everyone for caring,I wrote to Jan yesterday and wished her luck, prayers and a speedyrecovery....She is a tough bird and I know she will make it fine..... Arlene: I havethose non existant pains too..... Terry: The treatment will do that to you and antidepressants will do ittoo. One side effect of Hep C is also what you are experiencing.-dz- I see you are being a bugger again....But a good bugger.. ;oHi Sharon, & Dennis...... Dennis how are you? How did the surgeryturn out on your knee? I think it was you Sharon that wrote that your husband had some type ofmalignent hypertention...... Can you tell me what that is?????? And Ithink someone mentioned having pre cancerous cells in the breast....That is what I just had removed a few months back... Ductal dysplasia iswhat they called it....I have to be my own Dr. because there are somany.... It didn't show up on a mammogram or ultrasound but they couldfeel them all over.... If it gets real bad, and it is back as I writethis,they said I would be in and out having them removed..... But theynever said anything about stopping my Premarin.... The SOB'S...... Iwill question it now.... Love and payers for all of you.... Our Jan willbe back before we know it.... Lord only knows no on can keep the CajunQueen down... ;o Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Well hopefully when you are off treatment ,everything

will be OK. There is so much we have to put up with to

try to slay the dragon.


--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:


> Sharon, I have already had my testostrone level

> checked it was good.

> Terry


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Hi Diane, Your a better person then I am. I don't have an EX. But if I did & my ex-motherinlaw sent me his ashes. I wouldn't spend a dime on taking care of them.

Susy & I are both going to be cremated when our life is over here. I jokenly tell her that if I go first, I wanted her to keep me in a jar over her bed. But we both want our ashes scartered somewhere in the mid-west.

I never used a belt on the kids, but I did spank them. To the point I turned their bottom's red. I don't call that a beating. But I was there for all of their school things & whatever was going on with them.


diane214@... wrote: Dave & Terry,I was Mother & Father to my kids.... Their father used to take off anddisappear.... The last time it was 3 years with no word. Then out of theblue he shows up....He committed suicide 2 weeks later.... That was in1976...... I had to be strict cause they gave my husband a hard time(stepfather).... He was from the old school and used to hit them with abelt... I had to step in and put a stop to it because no one was hittingmy kids with a damn belt or cat of nine tails.... Punishment is onething and an ass beating is fine too with knowing when to stop...... Tothis day my kids respect me and they damn well better... 35, 34, & 30and they still won't sass me.... I am proud that you are men and notcowards..... Oh!!!! My ex Mother in Law out of the blue without myknowledge sent me my 1st husband ashes about 7 months ago...... Now Ihave to get a plot somewhere and bury him..... I told my kids I wasputting him to sea and they said no way..... She sent him in theoriginal plastic baggie and box from the funeral parlor which brokeinside during shipping. I have had bad luck since I got these ashes andI want them gone...... I had to buy a marble urn and put him init......... Back then they didn't have cremation perfected like they dotoday and there were actual vertebrae in there... I couldn't resistplaying catch with one and saying remember all the sh-t you did tome.... Now I have the last say!!!! I am soooooooooo bad.... Yes I am!!! Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Wow ..... That is a really high blood pressure.... You are so

right.... He is a miracle to make it thru that.... And Sharon you also

have your burdens to carry..... We are all here for each other and that

is what counts...... Terry!!!!! You Quiet????? I can't imagine that...

LOL..... We bring out the best in you. Don't we????? ;o Next I'm

waiting for -dz- to say he used to be quiet.... ha ha ha ha

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Diane, my Mom said that I was quiet until I was around three. Then she couldn't get me to shut up until I was in my late teens. Then I was quiet until latly.


diane214@... wrote: Wow ..... That is a really high blood pressure.... You are soright.... He is a miracle to make it thru that.... And Sharon you alsohave your burdens to carry..... We are all here for each other and thatis what counts...... Terry!!!!! You Quiet????? I can't imagine that...LOL..... We bring out the best in you. Don't we????? ;o Next I'mwaiting for -dz- to say he used to be quiet.... ha ha ha ha Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I understand if you have his children, it would be a little bit tougher decision, no matter what an ass he may have been he is still their father. I don't see anything wrong with spreading the ashes in a nice spot. My dad was cremated and my brother and I took some of his ashes and spread them over a lake that we did a lot of fishing together. We got a nice urn, though not marble. We have an old family cemetary so we buried the remainder of the ashes and shared a stone with my Grandfather (we had my dad's name etched on the same stone and buried him above my grandfather. Being your children are all grown, if they don't like the idea of spreading his ashes, they should help you bear the cost of whatever else you decide to do. My parents were divorced, so my brother and sisters and I took responsibiltiy for my dad's arrangements (he did leave us enough money to take care of it). My mom did help, she paid up front for the funeral, etc. and we paid her back later. -dz-

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Diane, Your a better person then I am. I don't have an EX. But if I did & my ex-motherinlaw sent me his ashes. I wouldn't spend a dime on taking care of them. Susy & I are both going to be cremated when our life is over here. I jokenly tell her that if I go first, I wanted her to keep me in a jar over her bed. But we both want our ashes scartered somewhere in the mid-west. I never used a belt on the kids, but I did them. To the point I turned their bottom's red. I don't call that a beating. But I was there for all of their school things & whatever was going on with them. Terry diane214@... wrote: Dave & Terry,I was Mother & Father to my kids.... Their father used to take off anddisappear.... The last time it was 3 years with no word. Then out of theblue he shows up....He committed 2 weeks later.... That was in1976...... I had to be strict cause they gave my husband a hard time(stepfather).... He was from the old school and used to hit them with abelt... I had to step in and put a stop to it because no one was hittingmy kids with a damn belt or cat of nine tails.... Punishment is onething and an ass beating is fine too with knowing when to stop...... Tothis day my kids respect me and they damn well better... 35, 34, & 30and they still won't sass me.... I am proud that you are men and notcowards..... Oh!!!! My ex Mother in Law out of the blue without myknowledge sent me my 1st husband ashes about 7 months ago...... Now Ihave to get a plot somewhere and bury him..... I told my kids I wasputting him to sea and they said no way..... She sent him in theoriginal plastic baggie and box from the funeral parlor which brokeinside during shipping. I have had bad luck since I got these ashes andI want them gone...... I had to buy a marble urn and put him init......... Back then they didn't have cremation perfected like they dotoday and there were actual vertebrae in there... I couldn't resistplaying catch with one and saying remember all the sh-t you did tome.... Now I have the last say!!!! I am soooooooooo bad.... Yes I am!!! Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I've always been a shy violet. :) I never was one for speaking in front of people. In school I was always the guy at the back of the room making wisecracks. So I'm right here in the back row with ya'all... -dz-

diane214@... wrote: Wow ..... That is a really high pressure.... You are soright.... He is a miracle to make it thru that.... And Sharon you alsohave your burdens to carry..... We are all here for each other and thatis what counts...... Terry!!!!! You Quiet????? I can't imagine that...LOL..... We bring out the best in you. Don't we????? ;o Next I'mwaiting for -dz- to say he used to be quiet.... ha ha ha ha Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I can think of places I'd like to spread my exes

ashes. He hasn't contacted his daughter in over 5

years, hasn't seen her in 7 years. Luckily my husband

is a great father. She's 14 and hates him so he must

be doing something right. They really get along good




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It is good to express yourself..... God only knows I do... LOL I

used to be bashful until I knew someone..... That was sooooo long ago

that I can not even remember... First impressions are what I find in

meeting new people..... I am a fairly good judge of character and if

someone won't look me in the eyes when speaking I have a problem with

that.... (SNEAKY) ;o You just keep on running your mouth Terry..... We

Love Ya!! hee-hee Does Susy like the new open you?????

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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When my Mother passed away in 1996, her desires were for her asshes to be buried on top of my brothers grave in Jasksonville Il. Her & my Father had said that. Mom & Dad divorced six weeks before Mom passed away. Bt the time Dad passed away one year later, he decidded he didn't want to be cermated & bought a plot & prepaid for the service.


imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:

I understand if you have his children, it would be a little bit tougher decision, no matter what an ass he may have been he is still their father. I don't see anything wrong with spreading the ashes in a nice spot. My dad was cremated and my brother and I took some of his ashes and spread them over a lake that we did a lot of fishing together. We got a nice urn, though not marble. We have an old family cemetary so we buried the remainder of the ashes and shared a stone with my Grandfather (we had my dad's name etched on the same stone and buried him above my grandfather. Being your children are all grown, if they don't like the idea of spreading his ashes, they should help you bear the cost of whatever else you decide to do. My parents were divorced, so my brother and sisters and I took responsibiltiy for my dad's arrangements (he did leave us enough money to take care of it). My mom did help, she paid up front for the funeral, etc. and we paid her back later. -dz- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Hi Diane, Your a better person then I am. I don't have an EX. But if I did & my ex-motherinlaw sent me his ashes. I wouldn't spend a dime on taking care of them. Susy & I are both going to be cremated when our life is over here. I jokenly tell her that if I go first, I wanted her to keep me in a jar over her bed. But we both want our ashes scartered somewhere in the mid-west. I never used a belt on the kids, but I did them. To the point I turned their bottom's red. I don't call that a beating. But I was there for all of their school things & whatever was going on with them. Terry diane214@... wrote: Dave & Terry,I was Mother & Father to my kids.... Their father used to take off anddisappear.... The last time it was 3 years with no word. Then out of theblue he shows up....He committed 2 weeks later.... That was in1976...... I had to be strict cause they gave my husband a hard time(stepfather).... He was from the old school and used to hit them with abelt... I had to step in and put a stop to it because no one was hittingmy kids with a damn belt or cat of nine tails.... Punishment is onething and an ass beating is fine too with knowing when to stop...... Tothis day my kids respect me and they damn well better... 35, 34, & 30and they still won't sass me.... I am proud that you are men and notcowards..... Oh!!!! My ex Mother in Law out of the blue without myknowledge sent me my 1st husband ashes about 7 months ago...... Now Ihave to get a plot somewhere and bury him..... I told my kids I wasputting him to sea and they said no way..... She sent him in theoriginal plastic baggie and box from the funeral parlor which brokeinside during shipping. I have had bad luck since I got these ashes andI want them gone...... I had to buy a marble urn and put him init......... Back then they didn't have cremation perfected like they dotoday and there were actual vertebrae in there... I couldn't resistplaying catch with one and saying remember all the sh-t you did tome.... Now I have the last say!!!! I am soooooooooo bad.... Yes I am!!! Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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For the most part. Before sometimes I would even keep some of my thoughts & feeling to myself when I was upset & she would have to pick a fight to get me to open up now I'm more open.


diane214@... wrote:

Terry, It is good to express yourself..... God only knows I do... LOL Iused to be bashful until I

fairly good judge of character and ifsomeone won't look me in the eyes when speaking I have a problem withthat.... (SNEAKY) ;o You just keep on running your mouth Terry..... WeLove Ya!! hee-hee Does Susy like the new open you????? Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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He he he I got more people in the back row with me. Fluffy..... Re: [ ] Hi from AZ I've always been a shy violet. :) I never was one for speaking in front of people. In school I was always the guy at the back of the room making wisecracks. So I'm right here in the back row with ya'all... -dz- diane214@... wrote: Wow ..... That is a really high pressure.... You are soright.... He is a miracle to make it thru that.... And Sharon you alsohave your burdens to carry..... We are all here for each other and thatis what counts...... Terry!!!!! You Quiet????? I can't imagine that...LOL..... We bring out the best in you. Don't we????? ;o Next I'mwaiting for -dz- to say he used to be quiet.... ha ha ha ha Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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