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Re: Hi from AZ

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Jan, I had a Uncle that didn't thank so. He dyed his hair up till his mid-late 70's. He looked funny with his brown hair at that point.


Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry men always look disquinished..Women look horrible with grays...LOL..I look like a damn skunk righ tnow..Needs some hair dye ASAP

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Jan, my dear old grandfather once told me "when I was in my teens" that just because there was snow on the roof, didn't mean there wasn't a fire in the stove. I hope to be that way in my 70-80's, "if I'm lucky in my 90's" chasing Susy around the house.


Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry that's funny...I had an old uncle that said most old women didn't think he could have sex anymore but he said all they had to do was rub his leg just a little and he could....hahahahahahahahaha.......ROFLMAO

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Well that might be it could also be your having a little anxiety regarding the surgery or any number of things. Menopause feels like you should call the fire department. Honest. Re: [ ] Hi from AZ I woke up last night drenched in sweat..That is the first time that has ever happened to me..Is that a sign of menopause starting???

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Well that might be it could also be your having a little anxiety regarding the surgery or any number of things. Menopause feels like you should call the fire department. Honest. Re: [ ] Hi from AZ I woke up last night drenched in sweat..That is the first time that has ever happened to me..Is that a sign of menopause starting???

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HA! You wait she will get one of those fake moustaches send in a pic. LOL Re: [ ] Hi from AZ That would be a sight to see, if that happens, you will have to take a picture & pst it. LOL Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: That's hormones right?? I'll take em if I really have to..I sure don't want a moustache bigger than my huby's...LOL

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HA! You wait she will get one of those fake moustaches send in a pic. LOL Re: [ ] Hi from AZ That would be a sight to see, if that happens, you will have to take a picture & pst it. LOL Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: That's hormones right?? I'll take em if I really have to..I sure don't want a moustache bigger than my huby's...LOL

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No I am not on HRT I was precancer cell so they said the risk for malignancy was to great. I was Menopause at 23-24 yrs old and am now over 50. I won't go into all the risks of that heart wise etc. You would only send me a 6 month calender if I did. LOL karen Re: [ ] Hi from AZ I know at night only I feel like my back is burning up..Only my back..If I could put an air conditioner just in that spot I'd be cool..It is so aggrevating but last night was horrible..I never sweat so much in my life ..Thanks for all the support and info..You aren't on hormones??

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Jan, as they said back in the 60 & 70's dirty ol men need love too. Terry

Jannewilms42@... wrote: My hubby is 48 and it sure hasn't slowed him down one bit..My second hubby was 13 yrs. younger than me and this hubby wants it more often...Dirty old man I got...LOL

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I always said I was a dirty old man in training, but I suppose I am a journeyman by now. -dz-

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, as they said back in the 60 & 70's dirty ol men need love too. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: My hubby is 48 and it sure hasn't slowed him down one bit..My second hubby was 13 yrs. younger than me and this hubby wants it more often...Dirty old man I got...LOL

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My wife had a total hysterectomy before I met her, she has been on premarin. It doesn't seem to bother her, If she's growing a moustache, she's kept it well hidden from me.. :) -dz-

Jannewilms42@... wrote: That's hormones right?? I'll take em if I really have to..I sure don't want a moustache bigger than my huby's...LOL

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We'll chip in and buy you some wax, you can grow a nice handlebar. Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

That would be a sight to see, if that happens, you will have to take a picture & pst it. LOL Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: That's hormones right?? I'll take em if I really have to..I sure don't want a moustache bigger than my huby's...LOL

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My uncle told me that grass doesn't grow on a busy street. -dz-

Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

Jan, my dear old grandfather once told me "when I was in my teens" that just because there was snow on the roof, didn't mean there wasn't a fire in the stove. I hope to be that way in my 70-80's, "if I'm lucky in my 90's" chasing Susy around the house. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry that's funny...I had an old uncle that said most old women didn't think he could anymore but he said all they had to do was rub his leg just a little and he could....hahahahahahahahaha.......ROFLMAO

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Jan, he will live through it. ce starting on Tx, I haven't been able to play on the playground. The desire is there but the equipment has not been working. Susy tells me that it is OK but I'm so frustrated.


Jannewilms42@... wrote: LOL.Terry he's gonna be in a bind come tomorrow for it...It's gonna be a while before ANY action on this old playground...LOL

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Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't.


Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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At least 6 weeks minimum. Re: [ ] Hi from AZ LOL.Terry he's gonna be in a bind come tomorrow for it...It's gonna be a while before ANY action on this old playground...LOL

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My husband Bill suffered a stroke 5 years ago last January and has malignant hypertension. He has more bottles of pills than you can imagine for that and the Rhuematoid Arthritis and all. But he has to have those medications that is all there is to it. Well those are not the most kind medications in many ways nor have they been for the last 5 years. I have to be honest as much as I love him with all of my heart and soul.... I honestly miss that aspect of our lives and more than I ever dreamed possible. But I need him with me heart and soul so very much more as much as I wish it were different and I do... if I had choices to make I'd choose him in a heartbeat. I found out he quite taking his medications Just to try to see what might happen in that department I didn't realize why things were getting better for a few weeks and silly me I never honestly thought to question him... and then all of a sudden he suffered a mini stroke TIA. I could have killed him for that. I can't believe he' d make that kind of choice or take chances like that with our futures. Some things are worth more than superficial sacrifices. I am here to tell you that life is what is important. He is the very beat of my heart. However if wishs were horses we would ride. I just wish there was something like a magic pill or something as this is so important to him. Me too, I can't deny that but for him it is an issue. For me it is just a part of that lbeing totally in love with him that will never die. I don't know if you can take anything that would help that or not. If so and it can be done safely then I'd sure at least check into it. If Bill could I am sure he would.... Re: [ ] Hi from AZ Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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I have an appointment next month to see a Doctor, to see if Vigra will work & what other damage it can do to my body. With already having Hep C with some liver damage I don't need to risk anything else. If there is nothing they can do I will live with it. Even though I know where I'm going when this life is over & looking forward to going. I am not in a hurry to get there. If all I can do with the rest of this life is hold Susy's hand & walk together I'll learn to live with it. Just like I have learned to deal with Hep C.


WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

My husband Bill suffered a stroke 5 years ago last January and has malignant hypertension. He has more bottles of pills than you can imagine for that and the Rhuematoid Arthritis and all. But he has to have those medications that is all there is to it. Well those are not the most kind medications in many ways nor have they been for the last 5 years. I have to be honest as much as I love him with all of my heart and soul.... I honestly miss that aspect of our lives and more than I ever dreamed possible. But I need him with me heart and soul so very much more as much as I wish it were different and I do... if I had choices to make I'd choose him in a heartbeat. I found out he quite taking his medications Just to try to see what might happen in that department I didn't realize why things were getting better for a few weeks and silly me I never honestly thought to question him... and then all of a sudden he suffered a mini stroke TIA. I could have killed him for that. I can't believe he' d make that kind of choice or take chances like that with our futures. Some things are worth more than superficial sacrifices. I am here to tell you that life is what is important. He is the very beat of my heart. However if wishs were horses we would ride. I just wish there was something like a magic pill or something as this is so important to him. Me too, I can't deny that but for him it is an issue. For me it is just a part of that lbeing totally in love with him that will never die. I don't know if you can take anything that would help that or not. If so and it can be done safely then I'd sure at least check into it. If Bill could I am sure he would....

Re: [ ] Hi from AZ

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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Men go through menopause too. You may ask them to

check your testosterone levels, They now have hormone

rplacement for men and it works pretty well if that's

the problem



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Terry we are all adults here and I will speak honestly to you as a friend... in many ways our intimacy level has grown enormously as we have had to seek ways other ways of expression. I am so grateful for that. As the health care provider assure us that it takes a very strong marriage to come through these issues unscathed. Bill cannot take Viagra or he would. I hope thats available for you. You are so right to know that you don't need to put your body at more risk. I think in someways this is harder on Bill than on me most especially emotionally. I wish they'd come up with something for us. But if not we will find the way to be okay with it. All though at times its just impossible to imagine forever..... Re: [ ] Hi from AZ Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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Sharon, I have already had my testostrone level checked it was good.


Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: Men go through menopause too. You may ask them tocheck your testosterone levels, They now have hormonerplacement for men and it works pretty well if that'sthe problemSharon__________________________________________________

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, I'm comfortable with myself that if there is nothing that can be done, I will get through it. I am also comfortable enough in our realationship that Susy & I will get through this. WE have been through a lot in our 24 years already. This won't pull us down.


WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:

Terry we are all adults here and I will speak honestly to you as a friend... in many ways our intimacy level has grown enormously as we have had to seek ways other ways of expression. I am so grateful for that. As the health care provider assure us that it takes a very strong marriage to come through these issues unscathed. Bill cannot take Viagra or he would. I hope thats available for you. You are so right to know that you don't need to put your body at more risk. I think in someways this is harder on Bill than on me most especially emotionally. I wish they'd come up with something for us. But if not we will find the way to be okay with it. All though at times its just impossible to imagine forever.....

Re: [ ] Hi from AZ

Your most likly right. We men in our sub-contions might put being able to preform with our manhood. I don't know. I do know that I enjoy playing around with Susy & miss it when we can't. Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Terry when Floyd is on Celexa for his anxiety he has the same problems..Don't bother me either..I guess it's a man thing huh?

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