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Flu Shot

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Maddie got her flu shot last week because she was so sick last year and

because of another health problem she has also.


mom to Maddie age 5

Brent age 9

League City, TX

On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, at 06:44 PM, Carolyn wrote:


> Hi,


> My Josh got his flu shot today.  's cycles have stretched out

> to every 3 months after using cimetidine.  However, his pediatrician

> feels he should have the flu shot because little is understood about

> and because it may have something to do with the immune

> system, he puts in a high risk category.


> Just another point of view.


> Carolyn (, 5)

> land











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Maddie got her flu shot last week because she was so sick last year and

because of another health problem she has also.


mom to Maddie age 5

Brent age 9

League City, TX

On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, at 06:44 PM, Carolyn wrote:


> Hi,


> My Josh got his flu shot today.  's cycles have stretched out

> to every 3 months after using cimetidine.  However, his pediatrician

> feels he should have the flu shot because little is understood about

> and because it may have something to do with the immune

> system, he puts in a high risk category.


> Just another point of view.


> Carolyn (, 5)

> land











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Hi. I've had RA for 7 years. I'm 36. I'm opting not to get the flu

shot this year. Last year I got one and almost at the same time I

went into a miserable flare that I'm just now coming out of! I don't

know if it was just coincidence, but I'm not willing to risk another


Kirsten in IL



> Hi does anyone know of any bad side effects the flu shot could


> I've been sitting on the fence whether I should get it or not this

> year. I'm Polyarthaliga RA so far no RA factor, Fibromyaligia.

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Everyone is different. I personally have never had a reaction to the

flu shot. But I know people who have had reactions. The reaction I've

known a friend to have involved the arm

It is recommended all people with suppressed autoimmune systems get

the flu shots. Like all things that is a " general rule of thumb " .

There are certainly many auto-immune suppressed people (i.e. with RA

or other autoimmune diseases) who are very healthy otherwise, very

rarely get colds, virus' or other infections and have never had the

flu who feel like there's more risk is taking the flu shot......and I

agree with them. But for me it's a no-brainer. I make sure I'm first

in line! Fortunately this year I got my shot before anyone knew there

was going to be a shortage. I got mine the first day my pulmonary

doc's clinic was giving them, thank goodness.

I'm not much help, but honestly feel like each person has to do what

they think is best for them.





> Hi does anyone know of any bad side effects the flu shot could


> I've been sitting on the fence whether I should get it or not this

> year. I'm Polyarthaliga RA so far no RA factor, Fibromyaligia.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

The flu shot is grown in a chick embryo. My son had an

anaphylactic reaction to egg whites at 10 months old. They told me right then that he would never be able to get a

flu shot for the rest of his life. NO PROBLEM! This is also the

reason my son never had the MMR.

I had a flu shot when I was about three weeks pregnant.

I didn’t know that I was pregnant when I received it. That was his

first bath of poison!


" Courage is doing what you're afraid to do.

There can be no courage unless you're scared. "

Eddie Rickenbacker, top US fighter ace, WWI

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  • 2 months later...

My hep strongly recommends I have the flu shot every year. At the

first visit I had with him I was still on Imuran. I've also had the

pneumonia shot. I've had no trouble with either. I believe the flu

shot is a dead virus now.

He also insisted I have the Hep A and Hep B vaccinations. I have

AIH/PBC overlap.

Sandy C.

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Hi Sandy,

We spoke awhile back before I was dx. Are you still going to EriK Goldberg? I have been seeing him and I too had the Hep A and B vaccines. I had them last week and I haven't had any problems. Hope all is well with everyone-Dianne

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Kels' liver team told us for her to have any and all vaccines that are


This was in June 2003.


> Hi Sandy,

> We spoke awhile back before I was dx. Are you still going to EriK


> I have been seeing him and I too had the Hep A and B vaccines. I

had them

> last week and I haven't had any problems. Hope all is well with

> everyone-Dianne

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Connie, Ready to lay an egg, eh? I got my annual flu shot in early

November, but it took a lot of hunting to find a place with vaccine. I

have never suffered side effects.


> I got my flu shot yesterday. No side effects or

> symptoms yet...although I do feel like clucking.

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So do I sometimes. LOL.Connie <cginca96@...> wrote: I got my flu shot yesterday. No side effects orsymptoms yet...although I do feel like clucking. __________________________________ Start your day with - Make it your home page! http://www./r/hs

Never place a period where God has placed a comma. - Gracie

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  • 10 months later...

Sammy has been getting flu shots since she was 3 with no side effects. She

had hers last Tuesday and hasn't had any reaction whatsoever. The cimetidine

continues to work (knock, knock). Since starting it on 8/26, she has had

only one fever that lasted less than 24 hours. Before cimetidine they were

coming every 2-2.5 weeks and lasting about 3 days.

Sammy's sister, who is 4, also had a flu shot last week. The next day she

had some redness and swelling (a decent sized lump) near the injection site,

but it only lasted about 24 hours. She has had similar reactions to

vaccinations in the past, and her pediatrician isn't worried about it. She

felt fine

and had no other symptoms.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Missy,

I have been getting my flu shot for four years now. Never had the flu. Not

even without the shots, but with all the immune respresents it is better not

try to avoid the flu as much as possible. Because if you do get it you can

get very ill and our bodies are not functioning the way they should to get

rid of it like 'normal' people.

However even with the flu shots you can never be sure you won't get the flu.

Ah well it is a choice and so far it has worked for me.

Good good!


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of specialblueyez

Sent: December 2, 2006 6:01 PM

Subject: [ ] Flu shot

Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called

my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have

never had a flu shot.


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yes, I tried it for the first time a few years ago when it came

up with the doctors that I belong to an " increased risk group "

(here in Finland people who are considered to have an increased

risk of catching the flu or to whom it might be fatal, such as

old age pensioners, chronically ill people, etc., get the shot

for free).

I've had it since, because it works for me. Some people with AIH

have had mild flu-like symptoms after the shot, and I know of one

who ended up in the hospital when it developed into pneumonia or

something (I don't remember exactly but can check it out). Even

so they told her at the hospital that had she not taken the

vaccination, and then caught the actual flu, it might very well

have killed her as her resistance level obviously was rather low.

I've been told by the doctors that the shot is not absolutely

necessary, but most AIH patients here take it.

There are some vaccinations that people who are on

immunosuppressive medication must not have, but the flu shot is

OK in that respect.



jfogl at saunalahti.fi


* I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, *

* and long words Bother me. *

* - Winnie the Pooh *


specialblueyez wrote:



> Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called

> my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have

> never had a flu shot.

> Missy

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I get one every year at the request of my doctor.


[ ] Flu shot

Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called

my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have

never had a flu shot.



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I get the flu shot as well. My Dr. as me get the dead virus(shot) not the live


(enhaler one).The flu shot can keep you from getting certain strains of the flu


their are several different ones but some you can still get. My Dr said that if


do get the flu it won't get as bad as it " could " of, if I didn't get the shot at


I also get the pneumonia shot too. Its good for 5 years.

Take Care,


Live Simply,Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the rest to


Our loved ones never truly leave us...they live on in the kindness they showed,


love they gave, and the memories we have of them.


On Sat Dec 2 16:04 , tdcc2000@... sent:


















> I get one every year at the request of my doctor.




> [ ] Flu shot




>Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called


> my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have


> never had a flu shot.


> Missy








>No virus found in this incoming message.


> Checked by AVG Free Edition.


> Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.4/563 - Release Date: 12/2/2006





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You know curiosity killed the cat..as we say in the U.S.A. LOL

I had to ask..what vaccines she we NOT get?

Thanks in advance...=)

Take Care,


Live Simply,Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the rest to


Our loved ones never truly leave us...they live on in the kindness they showed,


love they gave, and the memories we have of them.


On Sun Dec 3 1:44 , Jaana Fogl <jfogl@...> sent:


















> Hi,




>yes, I tried it for the first time a few years ago when it came


>up with the doctors that I belong to an " increased risk group "


>(here in Finland people who are considered to have an increased


>risk of catching the flu or to whom it might be fatal, such as


>old age pensioners, chronically ill people, etc., get the shot


>for free).


>I've had it since, because it works for me. Some people with AIH


>have had mild flu-like symptoms after the shot, and I know of one


>who ended up in the hospital when it developed into pneumonia or


>something (I don't remember exactly but can check it out). Even


>so they told her at the hospital that had she not taken the


>vaccination, and then caught the actual flu, it might very well


>have killed her as her resistance level obviously was rather low.


>I've been told by the doctors that the shot is not absolutely


>necessary, but most AIH patients here take it.


>There are some vaccinations that people who are on


>immunosuppressive medication must not have, but the flu shot is


>OK in that respect.










>jfogl at saunalahti.fi




>specialblueyez wrote:






>> Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called


>> my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have


>> never had a flu shot.


>> Missy
















---- Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net

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I have received flu shots for many years. The hospital that I worked that gave

them to any staff members. I've also given them to patients/residents over the

years. You can develop very mild flu-like symptoms. Don't know of anyone who

suffered major problems from receiving it.

I'm behind on a lot og E-mail. We've had an ice-storm in the St.Louis-Kansas

City regions & in Illinois and were among the many who had no power for several

days. It was 72 degrees 1 day & the next there was bitterly cold temps & ice. I

stayed at my sister's for 2 nights after

freezing in our condo. In 2 states, 400,000 homes had no power. Last evening

my sister & brother-in-law went out & we stayed watched her 13yr. old daughter.

Our power came on but we waited hours for them to get home and we weren't back

here 5 minutes & it went off again. Exhausted & defeated we just bundled up &

went to sleep. But woke up to find the power was restored.. The 2 couples went

to the mall for awhile yesterday morning HUGE

MISTAKE....Did get some Christmas gifts but it appeared that many people

without power/

heat had the same idea.

The evening before the storm came, I had shampooed some of our carpeting. I'll

have to finish this chore today while watches football.

specialblueyez <q_bearz@...> wrote:

Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called

my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have

never had a flu shot.


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basically it's the same rules as for transplant patients on

immunosuppressive medication (and applies for AIH and other

patients who are on such medication). I have a long article about

the subject, but it's in Finnish. :-(

Note that the recommendations are for Finland and may vary from

one country to another, for example if some of the vaccinations

on the B-list are necessary in a certain country. Hepatitis B for

example is rare here, but common in some countries and therefore

necessary there. Similarly, hepatitis A is rare here, but common

in the popular tourist destinations, and since the vaccination is

safe, it's on the recommended list. The vaccinations in use in

different countries may also vary, like the inhaled flu shot

someone mentioned, I've never heard of such here.

The " NO " list (A), however, basically applies everywhere.

The trade names are European.


Vaccinations that contain live viruses and should not be given to

transplant patients are:

BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, tuberculosis)

MPR (measles, mumps, German measles) or any vaccination

containing those viruses

Oral polio vaccination (OPV), not to be given to any family

members of a transplant patient, either


Yellow fever

Oral typhoid vaccination (Vivotif)


The following are basically safe, but should be decided on an

individual basis:


Inactivated, injected polio (IPV, SALK)


Inactivated, injected typhoid (Typherix, Typhim)

Tick-borne encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis

Hepatitis B



Pneumococcus (pneumonia)

Meningococcus (meningitis)

Hemophilus influenzae type B (HIB)

Diphtheria & tetanus

Hepatitis A

The flu shot, also for family members

(Chickenpox may be considered for family members who haven't had


Hope that helps. :-)


~*~The Savelio Aiga ~*~ wrote:



> Jana,


> You know curiosity killed the cat..as we say in the U.S.A. LOL


> I had to ask..what vaccines she we NOT get?


> Thanks in advance...=)


> Take Care,

> Kathy



> Live Simply,Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the rest

> to GOD....


> Our loved ones never truly leave us...they live on in the kindness they

> showed, the

> love they gave, and the memories we have of them.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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One cannot get the flu from the flu shot. It is not a live virus. The flu shot

won't prevent the flu either. However if you get the flu shot, and then

contract the flu, you will have a much milder case. Reactions to the flu shot

are only allergic reactions. We need to be extremely careful NOT to have

vaccines with a live virus. I've alos had Hepatitis vaccines since my liver is

compromised and I can't afford to get either of those.

I had a very bad reaction to the pneumonia shot. So, I won't be able to have



El Mirage, AZ

DX 2005 Stage 1 PBC


Just a woman of letters....

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Thanks Jaana!!

There are a few on the recommended list I don't have...so I am going to print


out and ask my Dr. About them..

Thanks again, Dear...

Take Care,


Live Simply,Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the rest to


Our loved ones never truly leave us...they live on in the kindness they showed,


love they gave, and the memories we have of them.


On Sun Dec 3 16:40 , Jaana Fogl <jfogl@...> sent:


















> Hi,




>basically it's the same rules as for transplant patients on


>immunosuppressive medication (and applies for AIH and other


>patients who are on such medication). I have a long article about


>the subject, but it's in Finnish. :-(


>Note that the recommendations are for Finland and may vary from


>one country to another, for example if some of the vaccinations


>on the B-list are necessary in a certain country. Hepatitis B for


>example is rare here, but common in some countries and therefore


>necessary there. Similarly, hepatitis A is rare here, but common


>in the popular tourist destinations, and since the vaccination is


>safe, it's on the recommended list. The vaccinations in use in


>different countries may also vary, like the inhaled flu shot


>someone mentioned, I've never heard of such here.


>The " NO " list (A), however, basically applies everywhere.


>The trade names are European.






>Vaccinations that contain live viruses and should not be given to


>transplant patients are:


>BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, tuberculosis)


>MPR (measles, mumps, German measles) or any vaccination


>containing those viruses


>Oral polio vaccination (OPV), not to be given to any family


>members of a transplant patient, either




>Yellow fever


>Oral typhoid vaccination (Vivotif)






>The following are basically safe, but should be decided on an


>individual basis:




>Inactivated, injected polio (IPV, SALK)




>Inactivated, injected typhoid (Typherix, Typhim)


>Tick-borne encephalitis


>Japanese encephalitis


>Hepatitis B








>Pneumococcus (pneumonia)


>Meningococcus (meningitis)


>Hemophilus influenzae type B (HIB)


>Diphtheria & tetanus


>Hepatitis A


>The flu shot, also for family members


>(Chickenpox may be considered for family members who haven't had






>Hope that helps. :-)






>~*~The Savelio Aiga ~*~ wrote:






>> Jana,




>> You know curiosity killed the cat..as we say in the U.S.A. LOL




>> I had to ask..what vaccines she we NOT get?




>> Thanks in advance...=)




>> Take Care,


>> Kathy






>> Live Simply,Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the rest


>> to GOD....




>> Our loved ones never truly leave us...they live on in the kindness they


>> showed, the


>> love they gave, and the memories we have of them.


>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


















---- Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net

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My doctor insists. One year when she had only four left, she told me I had to

use one of them.


In a message dated 12/3/06 8:48:49 PM, tdcc2000@... writes:




> I get one every year at the request of my doctor.

> Debby




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I believe live virus vaccines are inadvisable for us. I haven't researched

it recently.


In a message dated 12/2/06 7:15:11 PM, KMSavelio@... writes:




> Jana,


> You know curiosity killed the cat..as we say in the U.S.A. LOL


> I had to ask..what vaccines she we NOT get?


> Thanks in advance...=)


> Take Care,

> Kathy




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The warnings on the live vaccine says that if you have immune compromised

system, OR over 55, you should not take the live vaccine.


Re: [ ] Flu shot

I believe live virus vaccines are inadvisable for us. I haven't researched

it recently.


In a message dated 12/2/06 7:15:11 PM, KMSavelio@... writes:




> Jana,


> You know curiosity killed the cat..as we say in the U.S.A. LOL


> I had to ask..what vaccines she we NOT get?


> Thanks in advance...=)


> Take Care,

> Kathy




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I got the flu shot per my dr's request. This was my 2nd year ever getting one. I

never got sick in the winter time until last year after my first shot. And then

again this year. I got my shot 4 weeks ago and have spent the past week and a

half sick as a dog. Dr. says it's b/c the pred has lowered my immune system and

the shot probably didn't cover the strain I got. The shot only covers certain

strains of the virus. If you get one of the other strains you're tough out of


[ ] Flu shot

Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called

my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have

never had a flu shot.



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> Do any of you get the flu shot? My work is doing flu shots. I called

> my dr and he said that it was ok for me to have the flu shot. I have

> never had a flu shot.

> Missy


Yes, I had a flu shot. I just started treatment for AIH a month ago

(Azathioprine) and got a flu shot a few weeks before I started


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